`IEPRA6 17(1) 1-92 (1978)
`ISSN 0019-7890
`MARCH 1978
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`Ind. Eng. Chern. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 17. No.1, 1978
`Deposit Formation from Deoxygenated Hydrocarbons. 3.
`Effects of Trace Nitrogen and Oxygen Compounds
`William F. Taylor " and John W. Frankenfeld
`Exxon Research and Engineering Company , Government Research Laboratories. Linden . New Jersey 07036
`The effect on deposit formation rate of the presence of trac e amo unts of nitrogen and oxygen containing impuri(cid:173)
`ties in deoxygenated JP-5 was investigated. The change in deposit format ion rate , following the addition of repre(cid:173)
`sentative nitrogen and oxygen com pounds, was dete rmined over a temperature range of 150-450 DC in fuels
`with molecular oxygen contents reduced to less than 1 ppm. The addition of nitroge n com pounds as pure materi(cid:173)
`als did not increase deposit formation over the temperature range studied. However, certain nitrogen compounds
`led to sludge formation at temperatures in the range of 20-25 DC. Of the oxygen compounds studied, peroxides
`as a class were found to be highlydeleterious to fuel stability. Some acids, esters, and ketones were moderately
`deleterious while othe rs had no significant effect on de posit formation. In general. cyc loalkyl compounds were
`less harmful than their aliphatic or aromatic counterparts. Several interacti ons betwee n trace impurities were
`discovered which affect deposit formation rates.
`The deposit formation tendencies of jet fuel range hydro(cid:173)
`carbons have been the subject of considerable research (Nixon ,
`1962). Initial work was carried out with air -saturated hydro(cid:173)
`carbons in a narrow, near ambient temperature range in order
`to investigate storage stability characteristics. Subsequent
`studies were extended to higher temperatures in order to in(cid:173)
`vestigate the stability of such fuels when used in high-speed
`supersonic aircraft (Nixon, 1962; Churchill, 1966). Such
`studies were carried out mainly with fuels saturated with
`molecular oxygen via exposure to air although some limited
`work has been reported with reduced oxygen containing fuels
`(Nixon and Henderson, 1966;Taylor and Wallace, 1967). This
`laboratory studied the variables which control the kinetics of
`the deposit formation process in air-saturated jet fuels at
`temperatures up to 250°C at reduced pressures (Taylor,
`1968a,b, 1969a,b; Taylor and Wallace, 1967, 1968). Also,
`studies were carried out using tetralin as a model jet fuel range
`hydrocarbon (Taylor, 1970a,b, 1972). We are now extending
`our study of the kinetics of deposit formation to deoxygenated
`jet fuels (i.e., fuels in which the molecular oxygen content has
`been drastically reduced). The range of conditions investi(cid:173)
`gated was extended to include temperatures up to 649°C and
`pressures up to 69 atm.
`Previously (Taylor, 1974), the effects of deoxygenation on
`deposit formation in jet fuels were described. With most fuels,
`removal of molecular oxygen ma rkedly lowered the rate of
`deposit formation. However, certai n poor quality fuels showed
`less improvement. This surprising result led to a study of the
`influence of trace impurities on deposit formation in deoxy (cid:173)
`genated fuels, in order to determine whether such impurities,
`likely present in poor quality fuels , were negating the bene(cid:173)
`ficial effects of.deoxygenation. The effect of sulfur compounds
`was reported in part 2 of this series (Taylor, 1976). This paper
`describes the effects of trace impurities which contain one or
`more atoms of nitrogen or oxygen. Subsequent work will dis(cid:173)
`cuss the effects of hydrocarbon types on deposit formation in
`deoxygenated pure compound systems.
`Experimental Section
`Ap paratus. A schematic of the Advanced Kinetic Unit used
`to measure the rate of deposit formation was shown previously
`(Taylor, 1974). The molecular oxygen content of the fuel to
`be tested was adjusted in a fuel treatment vessel by sparging
`the fuel at atmospheric pressure using helium. The treated
`fuel was passed through an oxygen sensor cell and delivered
`to a double piston fuel delivery cylinder. The oxygen sens or
`cell contained a polarographic sensor and the oxygen content
`of the total fuel was monitored. Oxygen analyses were also
`made on selected samples using a thermal conductivity gas
`chromatographic analyzer. The fuel was delivered to the unit
`by means of high-pressure nitrogen. The treated fuel was
`separated from the nitrogen drive gas by use of two individual
`pistons, separated by a small water layer. The fuel then passed
`through a heated tubular reactor section consisting of a 1/4-in.
`o.d., 0.083-in. wall S.S. 304 tube which was contained inside
`of four individually controlled heaters. Each heater zone was
`approximately 12 in. long and was controlled by a proportional
`temperature controller. Unit pressure was controlled by means
`of a MITY-MITE controller.
`The rate of deposit formation was measured after a 4-h run .
`The reactor tube was cut into 16 sections, each 3 in. long, (4
`sections per reaction zone) and the tube sections were ana(cid:173)
`lyzed for carbonaceous deposits using a modified LECO low
`carbon analyzer system (Taylor, 1974). The analytical system
`was calibrated against known standards. The deposit forma (cid:173)
`tion rate was obtained by dividing the net carbon production
`per section by the corresponding inner surface area and ex(cid:173)
`pressed as micrograms of carbon per square centimeter per
`four -hour reaction time.
`Reagents. The jet fuel employed was JP-5 (MIL-T-5624H)
`whose properties were previously reported (Fuel A in Table
`I; Taylor, 1974).This fuel was a highly refined, stable material.
`It contained 234 ppm of total sulfur and less than 1 ppm of
`thiol sulfur. The nitrogen content was less than 1 ppm and
`only traces of peroxides were present. This fuel was obtained
`additive free from the Baton Rouge Refinery of Exxon Com(cid:173)
`pany, U.S.A.
`The tubing employed in the reactor section of the Advanced
`Kinetic Unit was If4-in. o.d. X 0.083-in. wall stainless steel type
`304. P rior to use, the tubing was cleaned inside and out with
`reagent grade acetone and chloroform and blown dry with
`Pure organic compounds containing nitrogen and oxygen
`of the highest quality available were obtained commercially
`and employed as received. The nitrogen and oxygen com(cid:173)
`pounds were added to the base fuel at the 100 ppm of Nand
`o level. This level was chosen as representat ive of probable
`maximums for jet fuels derived from petroleum.
`© 1978 American Chemical Society
`Table I. The Effect of Individual Nitrogen Compounds on Total Deposit Formation in a Deoxygenated Jet Fuel
`Ind. Eng. Chern. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 17, No.1, 1978 87
`Primary amine
`Class of added
`nitrogen compound a
`Added compound
`of carbon
`Total deposits"
`As ppm
`based on fuel
`ppm of O2
`Benzo(b)pyrrole (indole)
`Dibenzopyrrole (carbazole)
`Benzo(b)pyridine (quinoline)
`N -Methylcyclohexylamine
`Base fuel
`a All compounds added to the 100 ppm N level. b Cumulative deposits produced in 4 h in the Advanced Kinetic Unit. Conditions:
`69 atm, zone 1,371 °C; zone 2, 427°C; zone 3, 482°C, zone 4, 538°C.
`1 0 0 0 r - - - , - , - - r . - - - - - . . - - - r - - , - - , - - ,
`1000 r - --,--,--
`r.-- - , . - - - r - - , - - - . - - - ,
`~ ~ ~'
`E5 100
`~ ~'
`E5 100
`.~'..' .
`.......... ~. ...,
`, .-. ~ .
`~ W~.
`~ Z0e~ ~!
`1.1 0
`I' 000"
`1 . 20
`19 00"
`1 .30
`I 600"
`•l OOO/ · K
`1." 0
`Figure 2. Deoxygenated fuelat 69atm (0.2 ppm of O2): e, withadded
`2,6-dimethylaniline; _ , with added N -methylcyclohexyl amine. All
`compounds added at 100ppm of N.
`1 .50
`1 .60
`1. 70
`! ...-~
`. ;:. ~..----.,-- ~. .
`- ...~,,~ --
`~ _#~. _.--.! •..!.-' •...I.--.
`~ Z0;
`~ ~V
`looor K
`Figure 1.Deoxygenated fuelat 69atm (0.2 ppm of O2): e,with added
`indole; A, with added 2,5-dimethylpyrrole; _ , with added carbazole.
`All compoundsadded at 100ppm of N.
`The source of petroleum is believed to be the remains of
`marine animal and vegetable life deposited with sediment in
`coastal waters (Hodgson, 1971). Bacterial action evolved
`sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen as volatile compounds which were
`never completely eliminated despite the ever
`pressure of sediment. Hence, crude oil is a mixture of hydro(cid:173)
`carbons containing varying quantities of sulfur, nitrogen, and
`oxygen compounds. The nitrogen content of crude oil ranges
`from practically zero to a few percent (Ball, 1962). Nitrogen
`compounds identified in jet fuel range petroleum cuts include
`pyrroles, indoles, carbazoles, pyridines, quinolines, tetrahy(cid:173)
`droquinolines, anilines, and amides (Sauer et al., 1952; Hen(cid:173)
`drickson, 1959; Nixon and Thorpe, 1962). The most prevalent
`compound types are pyrroles, indoles, carbazoles, and quin(cid:173)
`olines. Few reliable analyses of the oxygen content of petro(cid:173)
`leum products are available. However, oxygenated compounds
`are more abundant than nitrogenous species and somewhat
`less abundant than sulfur compounds. Oxygen compounds
`identified in jet fuel ra nge petroleum fraction are carboxylic
`acids, phenols, furans, ketones, alcohols, esters, amides, hy(cid:173)
`droperoxides, and pe roxides (Hendrickson, 1959; Nixon and
`Thorpe, 1962). Representatives of the above classes of nitro-
`gen and oxygen compounds were tested in this study at levels
`of 100 ppm of N or lOa ppm ofO. In addition, interactive ef(cid:173)
`fects, that is, the combined influences of different types of
`trace impurities, were examined to see if such influences were
`merely additive or were in some way synergistic.
`The rates of deposit formation were measured in the Ad(cid:173)
`vanced Kinetic Unit at 69 atm with the temperature zones at
`371-540 °e. The molecular oxygen content of fuel mixture was
`reduced to 1 ppm of O2 or lower. The JP-5 fuel alone, without
`added compounds, was tested similarly and for purposes of
`comparison. The results of the effects of various added ni(cid:173)
`trogen compounds on deposit formation in JP-5 are summa(cid:173)
`rized in Table I. Some representative Arrhenius plots are
`shown in Figures 1 and 2. None of these compounds studied
`promoted deposit formation to any appreciable extent in the
`deoxygenated systems. The total deposits observed were of
`the same order of those obtained from the base fuel (Table 1).
`This effect is in contrast to their deleterious nature in oxy(cid:173)
`gen-saturated fuels (Nixon, 1962; Taylor, 1968b). The Ar(cid:173)
`rhenius plots for fuels with pyrrolic compounds added have
`different slopes than that for t he base fue l (Figure 1). All
`showed slightly higher deposits in the lower temperature re(cid:173)
`gime when compared to the base fuel. Other heterocyclic
`Ind. Eng. Chern. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 17, No.1, 1978
`Table II. The Effect of Individual Oxygen Compounds on Total Deposit Formation in a Deoxygenated Jet Fuel
`Class of added
`oxygen compound a
`Carboxylic acid
`Added compound
`ppm of O2
`Di-tert- butylperoxide
`Cumene hydroperoxide
`tert- Butylhydroperoxide
`Cyclohexanecarboxylic acid
`n-Decanoic acid
`Cyclohexanebutyric acid
`2-Ethylbutyric acid
`2,4-Dimethylbenzoic acid
`Benzo(b )furan
`n -Dodecyl alcohol
`Cyclohexyl formate
`Methyl benzoate
`Pentyl formate
`Base fuel
`a All compounds added to the 100 ppm 0 level. b See Table I for run conditions.
`Total deposits b
`As ppm
`based on fuel
`of carbon
`1 , 0 00
`, ,
`~ ;
`~ ~orN
`l OOO/'"K
`Figure 3. Deoxygenated fuelat 69 atm (0.2ppm of O2) : e, with added
`cyclohexanecarboxylic acid; _ , with added mixed naphthenic acids;
`., with added n-decanoicacid. Allcompounds added at 100ppm of
`amines such as pyridines and quinolines showed similar ef(cid:173)
`fects. Primary amines, on the other hand, appeared to have
`no influence either in total deposits formed (Table 1) or on the
`shape of the Arrhenius plots (Figure 2).
`The effects of various oxygen compounds studied are
`summarized in Table II and representative Arrhenius plots
`are shown in Figures 3 and 4. These compounds varied con(cid:173)
`siderably in their influence on fuel instability. The furans,
`most carboxylic acids, and alcohols were generally not harmful
`to fuel stability. An exception was n-decanoic acid. It pro(cid:173)
`moted significantly higher deposit formation rates than either
`the aromatic or naphthenic acids studied (Table II, Figure 3).
`Carboxylic esters were only mildly harmful and their influence
`also varied with structure. The aromatic ester, methyl ben(cid:173)
`zoate, was mildly deleterious. The naphthenic ester, cyclo(cid:173)
`hexyl formate, exerted no apparent influence on deposit for-
`Figure 4. Deoxygenated fuelat 69 atm (0.1 ppm of O2) : e , with added
`tert- butylhydroperoxide; _ , with added cumene hydroperoxide; .,
`with added di-tert-butylperoxide. Allcompoundsadded at 100ppm
`mation. The purely aliphatic ester, pentyl formate, was in(cid:173)
`termediate in its effect. Of the two ketones studied, 5-nona(cid:173)
`none was mildly harmful while 4-methylcyclohexanone had
`no observable effect (Table II). Peroxidic compounds, re(cid:173)
`gardless of structure, cause significantly higher deposit for(cid:173)
`mation rates and may be classed as highly deleterious (Table
`II, Figure 4). The most active peroxide studied, tert- but(cid:173)
`ylhydroperoxide, afforded a 600% increase in total deposits
`over the base fuel even though it was added only at the 100
`ppm 0 level. This increase in deposit is of the same order of
`magnitude as that observed with the most harmful sulfur
`compounds wh ich were present at the 3000 ppm S level
`(Taylor, 1976) .
`An interesting result, obtained in all classes studied, is the
`consistently lower deposits observed with naphthenic (cy-
`Table III. Interaction Study of the Presence of Pyrrole
`and an Acid in Deoxygenated JP-5
`of an
`Total JLg of carbon
`Presence of a pyrrole a
`a 100 ppm of N as 2,5-dimethylpyrrole added to base JP-5.
`b 100ppm of 0 as n-decanoic acid added to base JP-5; see Table
`I for run conditions.
`cloalkane) compounds. This result is especially noteworthy
`for the esters and ketones where the naphthenic compounds,
`cyclohexyl formate, and 4-methylcyclohexanone, afforded
`only half the deposits of their aromatic or open chain analo(cid:173)
`gues. However, the effect is also significant among the alco(cid:173)
`hols, phenols, and carboxylic acids (Table II).
`In order to test for interactive effects of synergisms, a 2 X
`2 factorial experiment was designed (Bennett and Franklin,
`1954) using the presence of the two added compounds as
`variables. An example is given in Table III. In the example
`shown, a strong interaction between 2,5-dimethylpyrrole and
`n-decanoic acid was uncovered. The total deposits for the
`interaction run, in excess of 5000 JLg of carbon, are consider(cid:173)
`ably greater than expected from the sum of the additive con(cid:173)
`tributions (2822 JL g from a contribution of 1485 J.Lg from the
`base fuel plus 1512 J.Lg for the effect ofthe addition of the acid,
`minus 175 J.Lg for the effect of the addition of the pyrrole).
`Several interesting interactions were observed when two
`different compounds were added simultaneously to the base
`fuel. For some, the total deposits formed were significantly
`higher than could be accounted for by additive effects alone.
`For others, stabilizing interactions were encountered. That
`is, lower deposit formation rates were observed than would
`be expected from either of the added compounds alone.
`A summary of the more important interactions is given in
`Table IV. The two compounds showing the greatest tendency
`to interact were 2,5-dimethylpyrrole and n-decanoic acid.
`These compounds also exhibited strong interactions with
`sulfur-containing impurities and olefins (Taylor and Frank(cid:173)
`enfeld, unpublished observations). Significantly, all of the
`interactions among purely oxygenated species were stabilizing;
`that is, they tended to reduce deposit formation. Other com(cid:173)
`binations of compounds from Tables I and II were studied but
`gave no significant interactive effects.
`As pointed out previously (Taylor, 1974), not all fuels ex(cid:173)
`hibit enhanced thermal stability when rigorously deoxygen(cid:173)
`ated. Since those fuels which fail to show the expected im(cid:173)
`proved stability are of generally poor quality, the presence of
`trace impurities is a likely cause. Taylor (1976) has shown that
`Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 17, No.1, 1978
`the presence of certain sulfur compounds can markedly in(cid:173)
`crease deposit formation in deoxygenated jet fuels. The
`present study indicates that certain other trace impurities,
`especially oxygen containing, can also contribute significantly
`to high-temperature instability.
`The formation of deposits in jet fuels is known to involve
`both chemical and physical changes (Taylor, 1974; Boss and
`Hazlett, 1969). In oxygen-saturated systems below the py(cid:173)
`rolysis temperatures, deposits form as a result of free radical
`chain reactions (autoxidation). However, in deoxygenated
`fuels, the process appears different and even more complex
`(Taylor, 1976).
`Previous studies have shown that nitrogen compounds can
`be highly deleterious to air-saturated fuels both under storage
`(Nixon, 1962) and "empty" wing tank conditions (Taylor,
`1968b). However, in deoxygenated fuel, nitrogen compounds
`have little effect on deposit formation under high-temperature
`conditions. This is apparent from data in Table I and the
`Arrhenius plots given in Figures 1 and 2. None of the nitrogen
`compounds caused a significant increase in total deposits over
`the entire temperature range. In the low-temperature regimes,
`however, the heterocyclic amines 2,5-dimethylpyrrole, indole,
`and carbazole promoted deposit formation to a small extent
`when compared to the base fuel (Figure 1). The primary
`amines studied had no observable influence on deposit for(cid:173)
`mation throughout the temperature range (Figure 2).
`The foregoing observations pertain to an effect on deposit
`formation on the tube surface at high temperatures (700-1000
`OF). It should be noted that during storage at ambient tem(cid:173)
`peratures, some heterocyclic amines, in particular 2,5-di(cid:173)
`methylpyrrole, promoted the formation of considerable
`flocculent sediment in both air-saturated and deoxygenated
`fuels. The appearance of dark colored sediment was evident
`within a few hours after the pyrrole had been added to the fuel.
`This was observed previously in air-saturated fuels and has
`been attributed to autoxidation of the pyrrole (Oswald and
`Noel, 1961; Dinneen and Bickel, 1951; Angeli, 1916). It is
`somewhat surprising, however, to find such sediment in rig(cid:173)
`orously deoxygenated systems where autoxidation would be
`very slow. A preliminary analysis of the sediment from
`deoxygenated JP-5 suggests that it is quite different from that
`reported by others in air-saturated fuel. At any rate, the
`sediment formed at low temperatures, suggesting that it was
`either broken down to fuel -soluble fragments at high tem(cid:173)
`peratures or that it did not adhere to the surface walls and
`form a deposit.
`The compounds containing oxygen were considerably more
`deleterious than those containing nitrogen (Table 11). Par(cid:173)
`ticularly noteworthy were peroxides although n-decanoic acid,
`methylbenzoate, and 5-nonanone also increased deposit for(cid:173)
`mation by at least 50% over the base fuel. Several aliphatic
`alcohols and phenols produced a moderate increase in deposit
`formation. This effect with phenols is in contrast to air-sat-
`Table IV. Interactions between Oxygen and Nitrogen Containing Impur-ities"
`Total deposits,
`JLg of carbon b
`2,5-Dimethylpyrrole + n -decanoic acid
`2,5-Dimethylpyrrole + 2,4,6-trimethylphenol
`2,5-Dimethylpyridine + n -decanoic acid
`2,4,6-Trimethylphenol + n -decanoic acid
`5-Nonanone + n-decanoic acid
`Dibenzofuran + n-decanoic acid
`2,4,6-Trimethylphenol + Methylbenzoate
`Interaction effect
`i.e., increase or
`reduce deposits
`a Compounds present at levelsof 100ppm of Nor 0 in deoxygenated JP-5; run conditions in Table I. b Predicted from data in Tables
`I and II assuming each component acting independently. c See Table I for run conditions.
`Ind. Eng. Chern. Prod. Res. Dev., Vol. 17, No.1, 1978
`urated fuels where they often act as antioxidants and, there(cid:173)
`fore, stabilizing agents. On the other hand, the cyclic ethers,
`benzofuran and dibenzofuran, showed no tendency to promote
`deposit formation. It appears that oxygenated impurities
`behave similarly to their sulfur analogues in deoxygenated
`JP-5. Taylor (1976) reported that di- and polysulfides, an (cid:173)
`alogues of peroxides, were highly deleterious to fuel stability
`while thiophenes, analogous to furans, were inert.
`The stabilizing effects of napthenic rings is illustrated by
`data in Table II and Arrhenius plots in Figure 3. As shown in
`Figure 3, the aliphatic acid, n-decanoic, afforded significantly
`greater deposits than either of the two napthenic acids shown.
`The napthenic alcohol, 4-methylcyclohexanol, gave lower
`deposits than any of the phenols or aliphatic alcohols (Table
`II). The same trend is noted for both ketones and esters.
`This difference cannot be due to increased stability to py(cid:173)
`rolysis since methyl benzoate is much more resistant to
`thermal decomposition than esters of formic acid (Hurd,
`1929). Similarly, alicyclic alcohols appear at least as heat
`sensitive as their aliphatic counterparts and phenols are much
`more stable than either (Hurd, 1929). It would appear that the
`lower deposit formation rates observed with the napthenic
`compounds are due to the enhanced solubility of their pyrol(cid:173)
`ysis products rather than to any enhanced stability to heat.
`One of the salient features of deposit formation with air(cid:173)
`saturated fuels is the complex Arrhenius plot which results
`from the sharp drop in rates in the 350-430 °C (650-806 OF)
`range. This was pointed out by Taylor (1974) and is illustrated
`by the typical curve for the air-saturated fuel given in Figure
`4. Deposit formation rates show a sharp drop in this temper(cid:173)
`ature range before continuing upward again at even higher
`temperatures. Previous studies at sub -atmospheric pressures
`have shown that as a hydrocarbon jet fuel is heated, the rate
`of autoxidative deposit formation increases until the liquid
`phase is lost, at which point the rate of deposit formation
`drops sharply (Taylor and Wallace, 1967). It would appear
`that much of this drop can be attributed to a reduction in the
`autoxidative reaction rate revealing the concentration of re(cid:173)
`active species as the system passes from the liquid phase to
`the vapor phase (Mayo, 1968). With increasing temperature,
`the autoxidative rate constants continue to increase, so that
`ultimately this concentration effect is overcome and the
`overall rate of reaction again increases. The very similar shape
`of the curves obtained when deoxygenated fuels are doped
`with various peroxides (Figure 4) suggests that peroxides
`formed by autoxidation of air-saturated fuels are, indeed, the
`reactive species, whose drop in concentration with the phase
`change causes this discontinuity. The curve for the rigorously
`deoxygenated fuel, with no added peroxides, does not exhibit
`this effect.
`Furthermore, the deoxygenated fuels doped with various
`peroxides show an immediate increase in deposit formation
`(low-temperature regimes in Figure 4) while the air -saturated
`base fuel, with no added peroxides, exhibits a gradual increase
`in deposits. This suggests a steady generation of per oxidic
`compounds due to autoxidation of the base fuel by dissolved
`oxygen . These results strongly suggest that peroxides are a
`major cause of deposit formation in air-saturated fuel sys(cid:173)
`A number of interactions between trace impurities were
`observed in the present study. In some instances, these led to
`significantly increased deposits over those expected from
`additive effects alone while at other times the interactions
`actually tended to inhibit the formation of deposits. The most
`important interactions between 0- and N-containing im(cid:173)
`purities are summarized in Table IV. The most active material
`tested was 2,5-dimethylpyrrole, which interacted in a dele(cid:173)
`terious manner with both acids and phenols. A deleterious
`interaction with olefins was also observed which will be re(cid:173)
`ported later. Significantly, the interactions between oxygen
`compounds were nondeleterious. That is, they tended to re(cid:173)
`duce deposit formation rates below that expected from ad(cid:173)
`ditive effects.
`These findings suggest that trace impurities must be taken
`into account when assessing the thermal stability of fuel for
`high-speed aircraft. Deoxygenation procedures will be of op(cid:173)
`timal effectiveness only when trace impurity effects are con(cid:173)
`sidered and eliminated or controlled.
`Helpful discussions with C. J. Nowack, L. Maggitti, Jr., and
`J. R. Pichtelberger are gratefully acknowledged.
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