`AD-769 309
`Richard L. Bucknell
`Pratt and Whitney Airc:.aft
`Prepared for:
`Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory
`June 1973
`National Technical Information Service
`5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield Va. 22151

`Security classificatjosA-
`(Security classification of title, body of abstract andtindexing annotatlion trust he entered when rthe overall report Is classified)
`I CFRIýGIN AT ING A CT IV ITY (Cor~pora to author)
`Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
`Division of United Aircraft Corporation
`P.O. Box 2691.GOU
`West Palm Beach, Florida 33402
`Influence of Fuels and Lubricants on Turbine Engine Design and Performance,
`Fuel and Lubricant Anallyses
`4 DESCRIPTIVE NOTES(7',;p of report and Inclusi,e dates)
`Final Technical Report, 30 March 1971 through 30 March 1973
`5 AU THORISI (First name, middle Initial, leart name)
`Richard L. Bucknell
`June 197327
`b, PRO.JECT NO. 3048
`Task No. 304806
`Air Force Aero Propulsion Laboratory
`Air Force Systems Command
`__________________________________I Wright- Patterson AFB, OHIO 45433
`FR-5673, Volume If
`9b. OTHER InEPORT NOISt (Any otheirrnumbers that may be aassigned
`this report)
`AFAPL-TR-73-52, Volume II
`Approved for public release;
`distribJution unlimited
`U S Department of Commerce
`~Springli..d VA 221 ~it-
`to dtlotrMint' the requ~i renments for
`\n 0
`study was conduted'tI
`futu re iut'l 5 and lubricatnts r.-,ea rch haserf on desugn studies of a high Maich
`numbter aftcrhorning turbojet anti a hig~her Mach number adlvancedl multicycle
`turboram jet. Fuel and lUbricattion systems w.ere ('efjoed, and] computer inodels
`were dleve'loped for their thermal analyses. Fuel and lubrivant streamn temipera-
`ture Profiles were computed. and the' effects of d-'sgn modlifications on these
`temperatures a crc' evailuatedI.
`Fuel and I ubricanz temperature's were calcul atedl
`i ssior5, fot' stcadlv-stat(' flight enivelope points, for' Aiterfl:ite
`for kitat'liftc
`I lyd ro-
`aircraft 'engin'' interface fuel temip' ra tutres, and for transient ma~neuvers.
`I reatet JII'-5 fuel anud MlI.-L-1-275(12 lubricant would hlave iinimumn hulk temipera-
`ture, capab~il ity to satisfy Al these operating condlitions for a Mach .3' afterhurning
`.11P-7 fuel and hypothetical 5OOT ester would have mninimumi
`turtlojet. SimiflarlY',
`eapallil it jes required for the Mach If tum'horamrjet.
`lPolyphe'nyl ether lubricant
`anid J11-7 fuel Ire existing fluids that could he used in both aipplications but do lnot
`TIhe overall system design At vih \l tch numbe'r
`have optimium characteristics.
`ntust he basedl on aI compre-hensive thermial analysis of the fuel and lubrication
`to tvoitl constraints that couldi the imposedi t)y prope'rtie's of these fluids.
`Rtecirtculation Of fuel I roin the enginle back to airc raft tanks %, as rettuired to linmit
`Thia engine design muIst usc' adv~anced'
`temperatu res for low (teil flow transients.
`influencedftl h vily in the direction of m~inimum hteat add~itionl 10 the
`('ontin~jedt- ffort to imiprove the high tenipiraturt'
`fuel aInti lo.hrication systemn.
`c apabhilitiles o1 fuel 'Is ntl(oh rticants , in eon junction with ti vt lopm ct Iof
`controls andI actuation systemis, econtinuetd witlvarncent~s in the state,-of-th-irt-
`of fluid sYstemn components, anti p)roper thermal matnagc'ntent of !he atircraft antl
`entgine should providetltit', basis for future high Mach num6't-w aircraft lt'signs that
`hay'c minirnunt impact on focI, aint
`lubricant logistics s;ystemis.
`D D F 04V.1473
`Security Classification

`Security Classification
`Influence of Fuels aid Lubricants
`Higi, Mach Turbine Engine
`Flxuid Temperatures
`Interceptor Aircraft
`Security Classification

`R. L. Bucknell

`This final Technical Report was prepared by Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
`Division of United Aircraft Corporation, P.O. Box 2691, West Palm Beach,
`Florida. It was submitted in accordance with item A004 of Exhibit A, Contract
`Data Requirements List, DD Form 1423, dated 11 June 1970, Contract
`F33615-71-C-1470, "Influence of Fuels and Lubricants on Turbine Engine Design
`and Performance, " The technical work was reported for the total contract period
`30 March 1971 through 30 March 1973. This report was published in two volumes
`to permit wider dissemination of the bulk of the work by publishing classified
`mission details and proprietary aircraft details separately in Volume I. These
`details were the bases for selections and size of engines. Volume II contains the
`unclassified results of thermal analyses and conclusions which are generally ap-
`plicable and understandable without the Volume I details. The Contractor assigned
`the number FR-5673 to this report.
`Contract F33615-71-C-1470 was sponsored by the Air Force Aero Propul-
`sion Laboratory, Air Force Systems Command, United States Air Force, Wright-
`Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, under Project 3048, Task No. 304806. The
`Air Force Project Engineer is Mr. Kerry L. Berkey (AFAPL/SFL).
`Personnel from the following departments of the Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
`Florida Research and Development Center contributed to the technical effort
`described in this report: Development Engineering, Systems and Performance
`Analy.3is, Mechanical Design, and Analytical Design.
`This Volume II of the report is unclassified. Volume I is classified Secret
`in accordance with the applicable DD Form 254, Dated 8 January 1973.
`This report was submitted by the author 30 April 1973.
`This technical report has been reviewed and is approved
`Howard F. J(es, Chief
`Lubrication Branch
`Fuels and Lubrication Division

`An amalytical study was conducted to determine the requirements for
`future fuels and lubricants research based on design.studies of a high Mach
`number afterburning turbojet and a higher Mach number advanced multicycle
`turboramjet. Fuel and lubrication sysLCms were defined, and computer models
`were developed for their thermal analyses. Fuel and lubricant stream tempera-
`ture profiles were computed, and the effects of design modifications on these
`temperatures were evaluated. Fuel and lubricant temperatures were calculated
`for baseline missions, for steady-state flight envelope points, for alternate
`aircraft/engine interface fuel temperatures, and for transient maneuvers. Hlydro-
`treated JP-5 fuel and MIL-L-27502 lubricant would have minimum bulk tempera-
`ture capability to satisfy all these operating conditions for a Mach 3+ afterburning
`turbojet. Similarly, JP-7 fuel and hypothetical 500'F ester would have minimum
`capabilities required for the Mach 4+ turboramjet. Polyphenyl ether lubricant
`and JP-7 fuel are existing fluids that could be used in both applications but do not
`have optimum characteristics, The overall system design at each Mach number
`must be based on a comprehensiwv
`thermal analysis of the fuel and lubrication
`system to avoid constraints that could be imposed by properties of these fluids.
`Recirculation of fuel from' the engine back to aircraft tanks was required to limit
`temperatures for low fuel flow transients. The engine design must use adva:,ced
`influenced heavily in the direction of minimum heat addition ýo the
`fue, and lubrication system. Continued effort to improve the high temperature
`capabilities of fuels and lubricants,
`in conjunction with development of advanced
`control and actuation systems, continued advancements in the state-of-the-art
`of fluid system cc mponents, and proper thermal management of the aircraft and
`engine should provide the basis for future high Mach number aircraft designs that
`have minimum impact on fuel and lubricant logistics systems.

`IL, 1.STRATIONS...................................
`TABLES .................................
`INTRODUCTION ............................
`SUMMARY. ...............................
`LOW MACHI NUMBER ENGINE STUDY ....................
`Engine Selection
`STJ346A Afterburning Turbojet Description .....
`STJ346A Fuel and Lubrication System
`Descriptior ...........................
`Fuel System Operation and Arrangement .
`Fuel System Components ..................
`Lubrication System Operation and
`Arrangement ......................
`Lubrication System Component
`Descriptions ......................
`STJ346A Fuel and Lubricant Temperatures ......
`Baseline Mission Temperature Profiles ....
`STJ346A Component Temperature
`Profiles .........................
`Lubricant Hot Spots .................
`Recirculation to Reduce Transient
`Temperatures .....................
`Baseline STJ346A Temperature
`Effects ......................
`Parametric Recirculation Data ......
`Flight Envelope Conditions ..................
`STJ346A System Design Influences ..............
`Lubrication Distribution .....................
`Operating Mode Alternative ..................
`Fuel Distribution System ..................
`Influence of Advanced Component
`Technology .......................
`Supplemental Fuel Cooling ..................
`Precooling Turbine Cooling Air .....
`Direct Fuel-Cooled Turbine ........
`Airframe Heat Sink Utilization ......
`Alternate Fuel and Lubrication Concepts ..

`CONTENTS (Continued)
`Fuel and Lubricant Influences
`STJ346A Fuel Selection.......................5
`STJ346A Lubricant Selection.................
`Engine Selection...............................
`STRJ334B Turboramjet Description................
`STRJ334B Fuel and Lubrication System
`Fuel System Operation and Arrangement
`STRJ334B Fuel System Components............104
`STRj334B Lubrication System Operation
`and Arrangement. ..
`STRJ334B Lubrication Syst~em*
`STRJ334B Fuel and Lubricant Temperatures.
`STRJ334B Mission Temperature Profiles..
`STRJ334 B Component Temperature
`STRJ334B Lubr~icant'Hot Sp'ots...........118
`STRJ334B Front Bearing Compart-
`ment Analysis........................120
`STRJ334B Rear Bearing Compart-
`ment Analysis
`STRJ334B Fuel Recirculation to Reduce
`Transient Temperatures..... ..............
`General .............................
`Recirculation Influence on Interface
`and Recirculated Fuel Temperatures.
`Airframe Heat Load Effects.............
`STRJ334B Flight Envelope Temperatures. .
`STRJ334B System Design Influnces
`... ...
`Optimum SuRJ334o Lubrication
`b. RecrculaionIfuneo
`Operating Mode AhTFernative
`... .L
`STRJ334B Fuel Distribution System. .....
`STRJ334B Actuation Systems .
`an ecrultd
`Introduction ..........................
`Hydraulic System Configuration ....
`Hydraulic System Heat Load
`Effects . .......
`Alternate Pneumatic Actuation

`CONTENTS (Continued)
`STRJ334B Supplemental Fuel Cooling.
`Alternate Fuel and Lubrication Concepts
`for STRJ334B ........
`Fuel/Oil Cooler .....................
`Lubricant Pump Drive ...............
`Oil-Mist Lubrication
`Simplified Fuel Control System ......
`Fucl and Lubricant Influences ...................
`STRJ334B Engine Fuel Selection .........
`STRJ334B Engine Lubricant Selection
`Fuel and Lubricant Influence on STRJ334B
`Operation and Missions ...................
`CONCLUSIONS .............................
`General .............................
`Fuel and Lubricant Research Recommendations...
`Fuel and Lubrication System Component
`Technology .........
`APPENDIX I - STJ346A and STRJ334B Fuel and
`Lubrication System Thermal Analysis
`Computer Program Output Nomen-
`clature, Engine Component Sche-
`matics, and Calculation Printout
`APPENDIX II - STJ346A Fuel and Lubricant Com-
`ponent Performance and 'Thermal
`Characteristics .................
`APPENDIX III - STRJ33413 Fuel and Lubricant
`Component Performanr.e and
`Thermal Characteristics ............
`APPENDIX IV - Fucl and Lubricant Properties .......
`_-. Fuel Properties ...................
`1B. Lubricant Properties ..............

`Low Mn Aircraft/Engine Sizing Procedure ..........
`Engine Comparison for the Low Mn Mission
`STJ346A Afterburning Turbojet Cross Section,........
`STJ346A Operating Parameters During the
`Low Mn Mission...
`STJ346A Operating Parameters During the
`.. *a.. 0.......
`Low Mn Mission. .
`STJ346A Fuel and Lubrication System,
`Left-Hand Side .......
`0.. ..
`STJ346A Fuol and Lubrication System,
`Right-Hand Side.......
`STJ346A Fuel and Lubrication System Schematic... ...
`STJ346A Variable Displacement Main Fuel Pump ..
`STJ346A Afterburner Fuel Pump .................
`STJ346A Fuel/Oil Heat Exchanger...... .......
`STJ346A Auxiliary Fuel/Oil Cooler. .
`STJ346A Front Bearing Compartment ...
`STJ346A Rear Bearing Compartment
`STJ346A Gearbox .........................
`STJ346A Oil Tank
`STJ346A Oil Pumps and Filter................
`STJ346A Engine Thermal \nalysis Flow Chart .......
`STJ346A Computer Program Mission Altitude
`, ....... &0 0............
`. ....
`STJ346A Computer Program Mission Mn Coverage ....
`STJ346A Mission Fuel Temperatures
`STJ346A Mission Lubricant Temperatures .
`STJ346A Mission Lubricant Temperatures ........
`STJ346A Mission L,abrlcak.t Total Flow ............
`STJ346A Mission Lnbricant Total Heat
`STJ346A Utilization of Potential F'uel Heat Sink.....
`STJ346A Fuel Stream Temperature Profile for
`Cruise Thrust Requirements .
`STJ346A Lubricant Stream Temperature Profile
`for Cruise Thrust Reqrirements

`Original STJ346A Front Bearing Compartment
`Temperature Analysis Points .....................
`Revisions of STJ34(iA Front Bearing and Seal
`Supports ..........
`Original STJ346A Rear Bearing Compartment
`Ternperature Analysis Points .........................
`Revisions of ST.J346A Rear Bearing and Seal
`Supports .......................................
`STJ346A B-earing Compartment and Gearbox
`Lubricant Temperatures During the Mission .........
`STJ346A Lubricant Stream Temperature Profiles
`for Sea Level Takeoff and the E'nd of Cruise .............
`STJ346A Front Bearing and Seal Support Revisions
`and Temperature Analysis Points .......................
`STJ346A Rear Bearing anti Sea! Revisions and
`Temperature Analysis Points .........................
`STJ34(;A Gearbox Temperature Amnlysis Points
`STJ346A Fuel Stream Temperature Profiles .........
`Recirculation Effect on Maximum STJ346A Fuel
`Temperature .......................................
`S'I'J346A Fuel and Lubrication System Flowrates
`and Temperature When Power Is Reduced to
`Minimum at Cruise Altitude and Mn ....................
`STJ:346A Lubricant Stream Temperature Profile
`\W'hen Power Is Reduced to Minimum at Cruise
`Altitude and Mn.. ...............................
`Maximum Allowable Airframe/Engine Interface
`Fuel Temperatures ..................................
`R(ecireulation Rates and Interface Temperatures
`for Airframe fleat Input to 100'F Fuel ...................
`Recirculation Ratcs and Interface Temperatures
`for Airframe Heat Input to 2000F Fuel ..................
`Recirculation Rates and Interface Temperatures
`for Airframe [feat Input to 300'F Fuel ..................
`Interface Temperature and Recirculation Flowrate
`Influenee on the Return Temperature ....................
`Fuel Tank and Intrfacte Temperature Influence
`on the Rate of Airframe Ifeat Disposed in the
`'uel Flow ................................

`Airframe Fuel Tank Temperature Influence -)n
`STJ346A Recirculation Parameters .....................
`STJ346A Interface Fuel Tcmperature for 100'F
`Fuel Tank .........................................
`STJ346A Interface Fuel Temperature for 2000 F
`Fuel Tank......................................
`STJ346A Interface Fucl Temperature for 300' F
`Fuel Tank ............
`STJ346A Lubricant Stream Temperature Profiles
`With Equal Bearing Oil Flows .........
`Required STJ346A Bearing Compartment Oil Flow
`Distribution to Balance Oil Discharge Temperatures
`Required STJ346A Bearing Compartment Oil Flow
`Distribution to Balance Oil Discharge Temperatures
`(Operating Envelope at Thrust, Required for Steady-
`State Aircraft Operation) ........
`STJ346A Lubricant Stream Temperature Profiles
`With Revised Oil Flow ........
`Reduced STJ346A Bearing Compartments and Gearbox
`Lubricant Discharge Temperatuzre ......................
`Engine Operating Mode Change During the Mission
`Turn Analysis .....................................
`Influence of Mission i'urn Operating Mode on ýne
`STJ346A Fuel Flowrate ..........................
`Influence of Mission Turn Operating Mode on the
`Maximum STJ346A Nozzle Inlet Fuel Temperature .....
`STJ,346A Individual Main Burner Fuel Nozzle
`Supports ...........................................
`STJ346A Afterburner Spraybars integratfe With
`the Turbine Exhaust Vanes......................
`STJ346A Maximum Nozzle Fuel Temperature
`Changes Resulting From Modifications ...................
`J58 Puel System Schematic ............................
`J58 Lubrication System Schematic ......................
`STJ346A and J58 Fuel Stream Temperature
`Profile Comparison ..................................
`Comparison of STJ346A and J58 Engine Iheat By
`Major Subsystems ...................................
`Comparison of STJ346A and J58 Engine lleat By
`Co-nponents .........................................

`STJ346A and J58 Fuel/Oil Heat Exchanger
`Potential Heat Sink Available for STJ346A
`Utilization During the Mission .........................
`STJ346A Schematic for Precooling Turbine Air With
`a Fuel/Air Heat Exchanger ............................
`Incorporation of the Turbine Cooling Air Precooler
`in the STJ346A Engine Fuel and Lubrication
`Baseline System ...................................
`Turbine Cooling Airflow Required for the STJ346A
`Mission ..........
`Heat Sink Rate Required for Precooling the STJ346A
`Turbine Cooling Air ..................................
`Precooling Reduces the Required STJ346A Turbine
`Cooling Air ................................
`Concept for Direct Fuel Cooling STJ346A
`Turbine Vanes .............................
`Concept for Direct Fuel Cooling STJ346A Turbine
`Rub Strip Segments ..........................
`Turbine Vane Cooling Requirements for the
`STJ346A ...........................................
`STJ346A Alternate Cold Tank Lubrication System .....
`STJ346A Alternate Auxiliary Pump Fuel System ......
`AMI Aircraft/Engine Sizing Procedure ..................
`Gross Takeoff Weight Required for High Mn
`Candidate Engines ...................................
`Selected STRJ334B Engine ............................
`STRJ33413 Operating Envelope .....................
`STRJ334B Operating Parameters During the High
`Mn Mission .....................................
`STR.J334B Fuel and Lubrication System,
`Right-Hand Side .....................................
`STRJ334B Fuel and Lubrication System,
`Left-Hand Side .................................
`STRJ334B Fuel and Lubrication Baseline Schematic.
`STRJ33413 High Range Fuel Pump ......................
`STR.13341B Low Range Fuel Pump .......................
`Fuel-Powered Hydraulic Motor .........................

`STRJ334B Fuel/Oil Heat Exchanger ..................
`STRJ334B Front Bearing Compartment ....
`STRJ334B Rear Bearing Compartment ..............
`STRJ334B 011 Tank .........................
`STRJ334B Oil Pumps and Filter .................
`STRJ334B Centrifugal Breather Deoiler ................
`STRJ334B Engine Thermal Analysis Computer
`Program Flow Chart
`STRJ334B Thermal Analysis Computer Program
`Mission Mach Number Coverage .....................
`STRJ334B Thermal Analysis Computer Program
`Mission Altitude Coverage .....................
`STRJ334B Fuel System Temperatures During
`the Mission
`STRJ334B Bearing Compartment Lubricant
`Temperatures During the Mission ................
`STRJ334B Mission Lubricant Flowrates ................
`STRJ334B Lubricant Total Heat .................
`STRJ334B Fuel Stream Temperature Profile
`for Cruise Thrust Requirements .....................
`STRJ334B Lubricant Stream Temperature Profile
`for Cruise Thrust Requirements .....................
`STRJ334B Lubricant Stream Temperature Profiles
`for Selected Hot Spot Analysis Points ..............
`Original STtJ334B Front Bearing Compartment
`Tempe rature Analysis Points ...................
`STRJ334B Front Bearing Compartment Revisions
`and Temperature Analysis Points ....................
`Original STRJ334B Rear Bearing Compartment
`Temperature Analysis Points....................
`STRJ334B Rear Bearing Compartmenm Revisions
`and Temperature Analysis Points ................
`STRJ334B Fuel Stream Temperature Profiles ...........
`Recirculation Effect on Maximum STRJ334B Fuel
`Temperature ..............................
`Heat Returned to Aircraft Tank for STRJ334B .

`Recirculation and Interface Temperature Effects
`on Fuel Nozzle Temperature for STRJ334B
`STRJ334B Lubricant Stream Temperature Profile
`for Throttle-Chop at Cruise Conditions ......
`STRJ334B Recirculation and Interface Temperature
`Effects on Recirculated Fuel Temperature ..........
`STRJ334B Heat Loads, Recirculation, and Interface
`Temperatures for 100OF Fuel Tank ................
`STRJ334B Heat Loads, Recirculation, and Interface
`Temperatures for 200OF Fuel Tank ...............
`STRJ33413 Heat Loads, Recirculation, and Interface
`Temperatures for 3000°F Fuel Tank ...................
`STRJ334B Allowable Aircraft Heat Loads for
`Alternate Fuels and Recirculation Rates
`STRJ334B Influence of Tank Temperature and
`Recirculation Rate on Recirculated Fuel
`STRJ334B Interface Fuel Temperature for
`100°F Fuel Tank
`STRJ334B Interface Fuel Tempecature for
`200OF Fuel Tank ............................
`STRJ334B Interface Fuel Temperature for
`300OF Fuel Tank
`STRJ334B Maximum Fuel Temperature Envelope
`Limit for 1500F Interface
`STRJ334B Maximum Fuel Temperature Envelope
`Limit for 250 0 F Interface .......................
`STRJ334B Maximum. Fuel Temperature Envelope
`Limit fov 3500 F Interface........................
`STRJ334B Recirculated Fuel Temperature for
`Interfae .............................
`STRJ334B Recirculated Fuel Temperature for
`150 0F Interface ...
`Required STRJ334B Bearing Compartment Oil Flow
`Distribution to Balance Oil Discharge Temperatures . ..
`Required STRJ334B Bearing Cornpartment Oil Flow
`Distribution to Balance Oil Discharge Temperatures
`(Operating Envelope at Thruut Required for Steady-
`State Aircraft Operation) ..............................

`Reduced Lubricant Discharge Temperature Spread
`of the STRJ334B Bearing Compartments ..............
`Influence of Missiou Turn Operating Mode on the
`STRJ334B Fuel Flowrate ......................
`Influence of Mission Turn Operating Made on the
`STRJ3034B Ramjet Nozzle Fuel Temperature.........
`Alternate STRJ334B Turbojet Nozzle Supports
`Incorporate Dual Systems .....................
`STRJ334B Wraparound Ramburner Fuel Distribution ...
`STRJ334B Maximum Nozzle Fuel Temperature
`Changes Resulting From Improved System
`Definitions ...............................
`Fuel Hydraulic System for Alternative STRJ334B
`Design ..................................
`STRJ334B Engine Fuel and Lubrication System
`Hydraulic Alternates
`STRJ334B With Hydraulic Actuation System .........
`STRJ334B Mission Fuel Temperatures Assuming
`Hydraulic Loop at Main Fuel Pump Inlet ...........
`STRJ334B Fuel Temperature Profile at Initial Descent..
`STRJ334B Mission Ramjet Nozzle Fuel Temperatures ..
`STRJ334B Lubricant Maximum Temperatures During
`Mission for Alternate Designs ..................
`Noncooled Synchronizing Mechanism for Pneumatic-
`Actuated Exhaust Nozzle ......................
`Nozzle Flap Concept Eliminating Need for Hydraulic
`or Pneumatic Actuators..........................
`Potential Heat Sink Available for STRJ334B
`Utilization During the Mission ......................
`Percentage of the Potential Heat Sink Remaining in
`the Consumed Fuel for STRJ334B Utilization During
`the Mission ...............................
`STRJ334B Turbine and Ram Combustor
`Supplementary Cooling Systems ..................
`High Pressure Tube-Shell Oil Cooler Performance
`Exceeds Integral Oil Tank Fin-Tube Cooler .........
`Turbojet Bearing Compartment Heat Loads Remain
`High During Ramjet Operation ..................

`STRJ334D Once-Through Oil Mist Alternate
`Lubrication System...............................
`STRJ334B Alternate Fuel System.....................
`STRJ334B Fuel System Temperatures During
`the Mission.....................................
`Fuel/Lubrication System Synthesis....................
`STJ346A. Thermal Analysis Flow Chart ...........
`STRJ334B Engine Thermal Analysis Computer
`Program Flow Chart..........................
`STJ346A Engine Fuel and Lubrication Baseline
`Systems and Computer Program Designations ........
`STRJ334B Engine Fuel and Lubrication Baseline
`Systems and Computer Program Designations.............206
`STJ346A High Flow Airframe Boost Pump Flow Map
`STJ346A High Flow Airframe Boost Pump Torque
`STJ346A High Flow Airframe Boost Pump
`STJ346A Low Flow Airframe Boost Pump
`F low Map..................................
`STJ346A Low Flow Airframe Boost Pump
`Torque Requirements................218
`STJ346A Low Flow Airframe Boost Pump
`Efficiency Characteristics.......................
`STJ346A Afterburner Turbopump Flow Map .....
`STJ346A Augmentor Pump Efficiency Requirements
`Nonaugmented Conditions............
`s~rJ346A Variable Displacement Gas Generator
`Vane Pump Full Displacement Flow Map ........
`STJ346A Variable Displacemont Gas Generator
`Vane Pump Full Displacement Torque Requirements ...
`STJ346A Variable Displacement Gas Generator
`Vane Pump Full Displacement Efficiency
`Overall Efficiency Correction for Partial Displace-
`mient Vane PumapOperation.....................
`STJ346A OiiPump Flow Map ...................
`STJ346A Oil Filter Pressure Drop............222

`Unit Heat Rejection of STJ346A Auxiliary
`Fuel/Oil Cooler ............................
`STJ346A Auxiliary Fuel/Oil Cooler - Fuel Side .......
`STJ346A Auxiliary Fuel/Oil Cooler - Oil Side ........
`Unit Heat Rejection of STJ346A Airframe Heat
`Exchanger and Main Fuel/Oil Cooler ..............
`Fuel Side Pressure Drop for STJ34bA Airframe
`Heat Exchanger and Main Fuel/Oil Cooler ..........
`Oil Side Pressure Drop of STJ346A Fuel/Oil Cooler ....
`Unit Heat Rejection of STJ346A Remote Gearbox
`Fuel/Oil Cooler.
`STRJ334B High Flow Airframe Boost Pump Flow Map
`STRJ334B High Flow Airframe Boost Pump Torque
`Characteristics ............................
`STRJ334B High Flow Airframe Boost Pump Efficiency
`Characteristics ............................
`STRJ334B Low Flow Airframe Boost Pump Flow Map...
`STRJ334B Low Flow Airframe Boost Pump Torque
`Requirements .............................
`STRJ334B Low Flow Airframe Boost Pump Efficiency
`Characteristics ............................
`STRJ334L; Hydraulic Motor Flow Map .............
`STRJ334B Low Flow Airframe Fuel Boost Pump Map...
`STRJ334B High Flow Airframe Fuel Boost Pump Map.
`STRJ334B High Flow Vane Pump Performance .......
`STRJ334B Low Flow Vane Pump Performance
`STHJ334B Oil Pump Flow Map ..................
`STRJ334B Oil Filter Pressure Drop ..................
`Unit Heat Rejection of STRJI;34B Fuel/Oll Cooler ......
`Fuel Side Pressure Drop for STRJ334B Fuel/Oil
`Cooler ...................

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