`Georgia Institute of Technology
`Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering
`Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0150
`Tel: (404) 894-3002 Fax: (404) 894-2760
`E-mail: vigor.yang@aerospace.gatech.edu
`Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering and Jet Propulsion, 1980-1984
`California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California
`M.S., Mechanical Engineering, 1978-1980
`The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
`B.S., Power Mechanical Engineering, 1972-1976
`National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
` William R. T. Oakes Professor and Chair (2009-present)
`Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
`U.S. National Academy of Engineering (2016-2018)
`Secretary, Section of Aerospace Engineering
`John L. and Genevieve H. McCain Chair in Engineering (2006-2008)
`Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
`Distinguished Professor (2003-2006)
`Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
`Professor (1994-2002), Associate Professor (1990-1994), Assistant Professor (1985-1990)
`Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
`Visiting Associate Professor (Fall 1992)
`Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University
`Research Fellow in Jet Propulsion (1984-1985)
`California Institute of Technology
`Process Engineer (1978)
`Texas Instruments, Inc.
`1. Research, Technical, and Service
` Academician, Academia Sinica (2016)
` Member, U.S. National Academy of Engineering (2015)
`Fellow, ASME (2001), AIAA (2002), Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS, 2011)
`Von Kármán Lectureship in Astronautics Award (2016)
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`Worcester Reed Warner Medal (2014)
`American Society of Mechanical Engineers
`Lifetime Achievement Award (2014)
`Joint Army, Navy, NASA, and Air Force (JANNAF) Interagency Propulsion Committee
`GE v. UTC
`Trial IPR2016-01301
`Propellants and Combustion Award (2009)
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`Pendray Aerospace Literature Award (2008)
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`Air-Breathing Propulsion Award (2005)
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`Distinguished Alumni Award, 2016
`National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
`Knox Millsaps Memorial Lectureship, 2006
`University of Florida
`Premier Research Award, 2005
`The Pennsylvania State University Engineering Society
`Chang Jiang Scholar, 2005
`Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China
`Outstanding Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 1994
`The Pennsylvania State University
`Outstanding Research Award, 1992
`The Pennsylvania State University Engineering Society
`Outstanding Teaching Award, 1989
`The Pennsylvania State University Engineering Society
`2. Publications
`William R. Marshall Award, 2013
`Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems
`“Breakup and Dynamics of Liquid Droplets.”
`AIAA Survey Paper Citation, 2010
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`“Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engine Throttling: A Comprehensive Review,” Journal of Propulsion
`and Power, Vol. 26, 2010, pp. 897-923.
`Best Paper Award in Airbreathing Propulsion, 2007
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`“Internal Flow Dynamics in a Valveless Airbreathing Pulse Detonation Combustion Facility.”
`Martin Summerfield Best Paper Award, 2005
`Sixth International Symposium on Special Topics in Chemical Propulsion
`“Combustion Issues and Approaches for Chemical Microthrusters.”
`Best Paper Award in Airbreathing Propulsion, 2004
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`“Thrust Chamber Dynamics and Propulsive Performance of Single-Tube Pulse Detonation
`Invited Topical Review, 2000
`International Symposium on Combustion, The Combustion Institute
`“Modeling of Supercritcal Vaporization, Mixing, and Combustion Processes in Liquid-Fueled
`Propulsion Systems.”
`Best Paper Award in Propellants and Combustion, 1996
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`“Supercritical Vaporization and Dynamics of Liquid Oxygen (LOX) Droplet in Hydrogen
`AIAA Survey Paper Citation, 1993
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`“Comprehensive Review of Liquid-Propellant Combustion Instabilities in F-1 Engines,” Journal
`of Propulsion and Power, Vol. 9, 1993, pp. 657-677.
`Co-Editor, Aerospace Book Series (2010-present)
`Cambridge University Press
`Editor-in-Chief, JANNAF Journal of Propulsion and Energetics (2009-2012)
`Chemical Propulsion Information Analysis Center, U.S. Department of Defense
`Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Propulsion and Power (2000-2009)
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
`Associate Editor, Combustion Science and Technology (2007-present)
`Associate Editor, Journal of Propulsion and Power (1991-2000)
`Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics, and Aviation (2006-present)
`Member of International Editorial Board, International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems
`Member of Editorial Board, Propellants, Explosives, and Pyrotechnics (2010-present)
`Consultant of Editorial Committee, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (2013-present)
`Member of Advisory Board, Acta Mechanica Sinica (2015-present)
`Member of Editorial Board, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science (2004-2015)
`Member of International Editorial Board, Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva (Combustion, Explosion, and
`Shock Waves) (1994-2015)
`Member of Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Propulsion and Power (2010-2012)
`Member of Editorial Board, Combustion and Flame (2005-2011)
`Member of International Editorial Board, Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers, The Chinese
`Institute of Engineers, Taiwan (2003-2009)
`Member of Editorial Board, JANNAF Journal of Propulsion and Energetics (2007-2009)
`Member of Editorial Board, Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, AIAA (1996-2001)
`Member, External Review Committee, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Department
` University of Florida (2017)
`Member, Visiting Committee, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
` University of Washington (2015-present)
`Member, Advisory Board, Strategic Energy Institute
`Georgia Institute of Technology (2009-present)
`Member, External Review Board, Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
` National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan (2006-present)
`Member, External Review Committee, School of Engineering
` University of California at Irvine (2016)
`Member, External Review Committee, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering,
`Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (2015)
`Chair, Technology Assessment Team, Pressure-Fed Space Propulsion Systems and Launch
`Vehicles, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (2013)
`Chair, Search Committee, Industrial and Systems Engineering School Chair,
` Georgia Institute of Technology (2011)
`Member, External Review Committee, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
` University of Maryland (2011)
`Chair, Technology Assessment Team, Liquid Oxygen/Kerosene Staged-Combustion
`Rocket Engines, Air Force Space and Missile Systems Center (2011)
`Member, Search Committee, Executive Vice President for Research,
`Georgia Institute of Technology (2010)
`Member, Furlough Planning Committee,
`Georgia Institute of Technology (2010)
`Member, Technology Assessment Group, Nano Energetic Propulsion Project
`NASA Headquarters and Air Force Office of Scientific Research (2010-2012)
`Member, Global Advisory Board, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
`Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (2009)
`Member, Steering Committee, Institute for Computational Science,
`Pennsylvania State University (2007-2008)
`Member, National Advisory Board,
`University of Tennessee Space Institute (2006-2009)
`Member, Industrial Advisory Council, Department of Aerospace Engineering,
`Iowa State University (2006-2009)
`Member, Department Head Review Panel, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
`Pennsylvania State University (2006)
`Member, Army Mechanics Research and Development Strategy Planning Panel,
` U.S. Army Research Office (1998, 2004)
`Member, Value Stream Technology Planning and Risk Assessment Panel,
`Advanced Space Transportation Program (ASTP) - Hypersonics, NASA (2002)
`Member, External Review Board, School of Aerospace Engineering,
` Georgia Institute of Technology (2001)
`Member, External Review Board, Department of Power Mechanical Engineering,
`National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2000, 2007)
`U.S. National Academy of Engineering (NAE), Member
`• Secretary, Section of Aerospace Engineering (2016-2018)
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), Fellow
`• Vice President for Publications and Member of Executive Committee (2012-2015)
`• Chair, Publication Subcommittee, Hybrid Rocket Technical Committee (1991-1992)
`• Organizer, Propellants and Combustion Sessions, 31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting
`• Chair, Technical Programs Subcommittee, Propellants and Combustion Technical
`Committee (1992-1995)
`• Chair, General Awards Subcommittee, Propellants and Combustion Technical Committee
`• Member, Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee (2000-2004)
`• Chair, Technical Committee, Central Pennsylvania Section (2002-2003)
`• Member, Fellow Grade Selection Committee (2002)
`• Chair (2004) and Member (2002-2003), Pendray Literature Award Selection Committee
`• Member, Ethical Standards Subcommittee, Publication Committee (2003-2010)
`• Chair (2008) and Member (2006-2007), Ethical Conduct Panel (2006-2009)
`• Member, Nominating Committee (2010)
`• Member, Journals Subcommittee, Publication Committee (2010-present)
`• Member, Publication Awards Subcommittee, Publication Committee (2010-present)
`• Chair, Journal of Aircraft Review Subcommittee, Publication Committee (2011)
`• Academic Chair, 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and
`Exhibit (2012)
`• Chair, Publications Committee (2012-2015)
`• Chair, Steering Committee, Aerospace America, (2012-1013)
`• Member, Executive Committee (2012-2015)
`• Member, Ethics Committee (2017-2019)
`American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Fellow
`• Member, Controls and Diagnostics Committee, International Gas Turbine Institute (1995-
`• Organizer, Combustion and Active Control Session, 35th National Heat Transfer
`Conference (2001)
`• Member, Daniel Guggenheim Board of Award (2011-2014)
`Combustion Institute, Member
`• Member, Program Review Subcommittee of International Symposium (1994-present)
`• Co-Chair, Colloquium on Propulsion & Engines Combustion, 30th International
`Symposium (2004)
`American Physics Society, Member
`Institute for Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS)
`• Member, Technical Committee on Diesel Sprays (1992-1995)
`Air and Space Smithsonian Institute, Member (1987-1998)
`International Symposium on Liquid Space Propulsion
`• Meeting Organizer and Editor of Symposium Proceedings, 1st Symposium on Liquid
`Rocket Combustion Instability (1993)
`• Meeting Organizer and Editor of Symposium Proceeding, 2nd Symposium on
`Combustion Devices: Aspects of Modeling, Analysis, and Design (1995)
`• Meeting Organizer and Editor of Symposium Proceedings, 3rd Symposium on Primary,
`Upper-Stage, and On-Board Propulsion for Space Transportation (1997)
`• Meeting Organizer and Editor of Symposium Proceedings, 4th Symposium on Scientific
`Progress in the Service of Space Access at the Beginning of the Third Millennium (2000)
`• Member of Organizing Committee, 5th Symposium on Long Life Combustion Devices
`Technology (2003)
`International Seminar on Flame Structure, Novosibirsk, Russia.
`• Member, International Advisory Board (4th Seminar, 1992)
`• Member, International Advisory Board (5th Seminar, 2005)
`• Member, International Advisory Board (6th Seminar, 2008)
`International Conference on Combustion, Moscow and St. Petersburg, Russia (1993)
`• Member, Technical Program Committee
`International Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Combustion
`• Member, Program Review Subcommittee, 8th Symposium (1995)
`International Symposium on Solid-Propellant Chemistry, Combustion, and Motor Interior
`• Meeting Organizer and Editor of Symposium Proceedings (1999)
`Pacific International Conference on Aerospace Science and Technology
`• Member, International Program Committee, 4th Conference (2001)
`• Member, International Program Committee, 5th Conference (2003)
`Fourth International Conference on Intrachamber Processes and Combustion in Solid Propellant
`Devices and in Gun Tube Systems, Moscow, Russia
`• Member, International Scientific Committee (2002)
`Internal Colloquium on Hypersonic Propulsion, Beijing, China (2003)
`• Co-Chair, Organizing Committee
`International Symposium on Energy Conversion Fundamentals, Istanbul, Turkey (2004)
`• Co-Chair, Technical Program Committee
`International Workshop on High Energy Materials: Demilitarization and Civil Applications,
`Biysk Belokurikha, Russia (2004)
`• Member, International Advisory Committee
`International Symposium on Jet Propulsion and Power Engineering
`• Member, Scientific Committee (1st Symposium, Kunming, China, 2006)
`• Member, Scientific Committee (2nd Symposium, Guilin, China, 2008)
`• Member, Scientific Committee (3rd Symposium, Nanjing, China, 2010)
`International Symposium on Space Propulsion, Beijing, China (2007)
`• Co-Chair, Organizing Committee
`Aviation Week and Space Technology
`• Member, Young Professionals/ University Student Study Advisory Board (2012-)
`Vigor Yang received his Ph.D. degree from the California Institute of Technology in 1984. Following
`one year as Research Fellow in Jet Propulsion at Caltech, he joined the Pennsylvania State University
`(PSU) in August 1985, becoming the John L. and Genevieve H. Chair in Engineering in 2006. In January
`2009 he began his tenure as the William R.T. Oakes Professor and Chair of the Daniel Guggenheim
`School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
`Teaching. Yang has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics,
`heat transfer, propulsion, combustion, and mathematics. He has delivered numerous professional short
`courses and lectures on nonsteady combustion and flow dynamics in propulsion and power-generation
`systems. Yang received the PSU Engineering Society Outstanding Teaching Award in 1989.
`Research. Yang’s research encompasses a wide spectrum of topics, including (1) combustion
`instabilities in propulsion and power-generation systems, (2) chemically reacting flows in air-breathing
`and rocket engines, (3) combustion of energetic materials, (4) high-pressure transport phenomena and
`combustion, (5) active control of gas-turbine combustion dynamics, and (6) nano technologies for
`propulsion and energetic applications. He has established, as the principal or co-principal investigator,
`more than 69 research projects, including nine (9) DoD-MURI projects. He has been awarded more
`than $32.5M to date in research funding.
`Yang has supervised 49 Ph.D. and 20 M.S. theses, and worked with 32 post-doctoral scholars, research
`associates, and visiting professors. At the present time, ten Ph.D. students and four research staff are
`working under his direction. Yang’s research findings are described in 180 archival journal papers
`(including 10 comprehensive reviews) and over 200 conference papers. He has published 11 books and 6
`dedicated journal issues in the areas of propulsion, combustion and energetics. His papers have been
`cited more than 10,000 times (Google Scholar Citations), especially significant considering the relatively
`small number of open publications in his fields of interest. His books have sold more than 6000 copies.
`Yang’s work on swirl-stabilized combustion, published in 2009 (PECS, Vol. 35, pp. 293-364), was one of
`the top 3 most downloaded papers in combustion from ScienceDirect during 2005-2015, with 13,955
`downloads as of August 1, 2015. His paper on combustion of nano aluminum (C&F, Vol. 156, pp. 5-13)
`was in the top 10 most cited papers in combustion and flame in 2012-2014.
`Yang has received awards and medals from the AIAA, ASME, and other national and international
`professional societies.
`Service. A Fellow of the ASME, AIAA, and Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), Yang was the Vice
`President for Publications of the AIAA (2012-2015). He was the editor-in-chief of the AIAA Journal of
`Propulsion and Power (2000-2009), and the Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force (JANNAF) Journal of
`Propulsion and Energetics (2009-2012). He is currently one of the two editors of the Aerospace Book
`Series of the Cambridge University Press (2010-). Yang has served on the editorial advisory boards of
`virtually all the major journals in the fields of combustion, propulsion, and energetic, including AIAA
`Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics; Progress in Energy and Combustion Science; Combustion and
`Flame; JANNAF Journal of Propulsion and Energetics; Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics, and
`Aviation; Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineers; International Journal of Fluid Machinery and
`Systems; Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves; Chinese Journal of Aeronautics; and Acta
`Mechanica Sinica.
`Yang is the founder of the International Symposium on Liquid Space Propulsion, a professional
`organization established in 1993 with membership by invitation. He has consulted with many
`government and industrial organizations, including NASA, DoD, ESA, JAXA, GE, Pratt & Whitney,
`Rolls Royce, Siemens, Aerojet-Rocketdyne, and ATK-Thiokol. In addition, he serves on or has served
`on a large number of steering committees and review/advisory boards for government agencies and
`universities in the U.S. and abroad.
`Yang is the Secretary of Section of Aerospace Engineering of the National Academy of Engineering
`ME 30
`Fluid Flows
`ME 33
`Fluid Flows (for honors students)
`ME 33H
`Rocket Propulsion
`ME 403
`Gas Turbines
`ME 409
`Heat Transfer
`ME 412
`Topics in Combustion
`ME 416
`Heat Transfer - Conduction
`ME 512
`Compressible Flow
`ME 519
`Physics of Gases
`ME 535
`Perturbation Methods in Engineering
`ME 597A
`Advanced Chemical Rocket Propulsion
`ME 597B
`Time Iterative Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics
`ME/AERO 527
`National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, Summer 1989
`“Combustion Instabilities in Propulsion Systems” (with Fred E. C. Culick)
`Princeton University, Fall 1992
`“Selected Topics in Power and Propulsion” (with I. Glassman)
`National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan, Spring 1993
`“Nonsteady Combustion”
`NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Summer 1996
`“Combined Rocket and Air-Breathing Propulsion Systems” (with C. L. Merkle and W. E.
` Anderson)
`Defence Science and Technology Organisation, Australia, Summer 2000
`“Rocket and Ramjet Internal Flow Modeling”
`Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium, May 2001
`“Active Control of Gas-Turbine Engine Dynamics” (with S. Candel, F. Culick, J. Hermann,
`R. Murray, J. Paduano, K. Schadow, and K. Yu)
`Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, Belgium, May 2002
`“Internal Aerodynamics in Solid Rocket Propulsion,” (with J. Anthoine, M. Beckstead, G.
`Casalis, F. Culick, J.-F. Guery, P. Kuentzmann, G. Lengelle, J. Murdock, M. Salita, and F.
`University of Tennessee Space Institute, March 2003
`“Combustion Instability: Analysis, Diagnosis and Corrective Procedures,” (with G. Flandro,
`F. Blomshield, J. French, and J. Majdalani)
`Seoul National University, Korea, April 2003
`“Combustion Instabilities in Propulsion Systems”
`American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Huntsville, July 2003
`“Dynamics of Combustion Systems: Fundamental, Acoustics, and Control”
`Rocketsan A.S., Ankara, Turkey, April 2010
`“Fundamentals of Solid Propellant Combustion and Motor Interior Dynamics”
`Sapienza University in Rome, Italy, May 2013
`“Combustion Dynamics in Propulsion Systems”
`1. Doctoral Degrees (49 completed and 10 ongoing)
`2. Masters Degrees (20 completed)
`A total of 69 externally funded research projects, including nine (9) large-scale DoD-MURI
`(Multi University Research Initiatives) projects. The overall research expenditure to date has
`exceeded $24.3M as principal investigator and $8.3M as co-principal investigator. Specifics of
`the awards are listed separately.
`1. Large Structure and Acoustic Radiation in a Turbulent Shear Layer
`The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
`$30,000 (8/1985-8/1987)
`Principal Investigator
`2. Solid-Propellant Ducted Rocket Studies
`Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Taiwan
`$492,767 (8/1985-1/1989)
`Co-Principal Investigator (25%; with K. K. Kuo, PI)
`3. Supersonic Air Intake Problems of Ducted Rockets
`Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Taiwan
`$50,000 (7/1986-8/1988)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`4. Fundamental Combustion Processes of Particle-Laden Shear Flows in Solid-Fuel Ramjets
`Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
`$1,200,456 (8/1986-5/1991)
`Co-Principal Investigator (25%; with K. K. Kuo, PI)
`5. Direct Numerical Simulation of Velocity-Coupled Combustion Response of Solid Rocket
`Air Force Astronautics Laboratory, Edwards AFB, CA
`$217,770 (9/1986-11/1990)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`6. Structural/Ballistic Risk Assessment Methodology
`Air Force Astronautics Laboratory/Thiokol Inc., Edwards AFB, CA
`$475,948 (8/1988-7/1992)
`Co-Principal Investigator (25 %; with K. K. Kuo, PI)
`7. NASA Center for Space Propulsion Engineering
`NASA Office of Aeronautics and Space Technology, Washington, D.C.
`$5,502,494 (9/1988-8/1993)
`Contributing Author
`8. Theoretical Study of Combustion Instabilities in Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines
`PSU-NASA Center for Space Propulsion Engineering, University Park, PA
`$213,761 (9/1988-8/1991)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`9. Combustion Instability and Performance Analyses of Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engines
`NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL
`$62,000 (8/1989-8/1992)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`10. Integrated Numerical Analysis of Supersonic Inlet Aerodynamics for Missiles
`Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Taiwan
`$342,929 (6/1990-5/1993)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`11. Monograph on Combustion Instabilities in Propulsion Systems
`Air Force Astronautics and Aeronautics Laboratories/Naval Weapons Center/NASA Jet
`Propulsion Laboratory
`$143,000 (6/1990-9/1993)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`12. Liquid-Propellant Rocket Nozzle Flow Analysis
`Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm, GmbH, Germany
`$50,000 (10/1990-9/1991)
`Principal Investigator (50%; with C. L. Merkle)
`13. Acoustic Waves in Complicated Geometries and Their Interactions with Liquid-Propellant
`Droplet Combustion
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Bolling AFB, D.C.
`$146,220 (3/1991-2/1993)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`14. Supercritical Droplet Combustion with Applications to Liquid Rocket Performance and Stability
`NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL
`$374,062 (3/1991-8/1994)
`Principle Investigator (100%)
`15. Supercritical Spray Combustion in Transverse Oscillatory Flow Environments
`NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL
`$88,000 (8/1992-7/1996)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`16. Ignition, Combustion, and Kinetics of Energetic Materials
`Army Research Office, DoD-URI, Research Triangle, NC
`$2,259,646 (6/1992-5/1997)
`Co-Principal Investigator (20%; with K. K. Kuo, PI, T. A. Litzinger, S. T. Thynell, P. Brown, and
`T. B. Brill)
`17. Liquid Rocket Engine Combustion Instability Using Co-axial Injectors and Supercritical Droplet
`Combustion and Dynamics
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Bolling AFB, D.C.
`$142,500 (2/1993-1/1995)
`Principle Investigator (100%)
`18. Liquid Propellant Combustion Instability with Pintle Injectors
`TRW Space and Electronics Group, Redondo Beach, CA
`$10,000 (9/1993-12/1994)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`19. Nonsteady Combustion Mechanisms of Advanced Solid Propellants
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, DoD-URI, Bolling AFB, D.C.
`$527,234 (9/1993-8/1997)
`Principal Investigator (60%; with T. A. Litzinger)
`20. Liquid-Propellant Droplet Dynamics and Combustion in Supercritical Forced-Convective
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Bolling AFB, D.C.
`$183,506 (2/1995-1/1998)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`21. Combustion Instability Studies for Application to Low Emissions, High Performance Land-Based
`Gas Turbine Combustors
`DoE South Carolina Energy Research Development Center, Clemson, SC
`$640,353 (5/1995-4/1998)
`Co-Principal Investigator (33%; with D. A. Santavicca and R. J. Santoro)
`22. Novel Energetic Materials to Stabilize Rocket Motors
`Office of Naval Research, DoD-MURI, Arlington, VA
`$1,776,000 (10/1995-6/2001)
`Principal Investigator (65%; with T. A. Litzinger)
`23. Modeling of Unsteady Reacting Flows in Solid-Propellant Rocket Motors
`Defense Research Establishment Valcartier, Quebec, Canada
`$75,000 (11/1995-10/1996)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`24. Intelligent Control of Gas Turbine Combustion Dynamics for Performance and Emission
`Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
`$454,569 (1/1996-9/2000)
`Principal Investigator (50%; with A. Ray and D. A. Santavicca)
`25. Modeling of Unsteady Heat Release for Acoustically Coupled Combustion Dynamics Model
`GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH
`$29,280 (11/1996-1/1997)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`26. Modeling of Actively Controlled Compact Waste Incinerator
`Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
`$90,000 (1/1997-12/1998)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`27. Advanced Combustion Technology for High Temperature Fuels
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Bolling AFB, D.C.
`$1,865,562 (10/1997-9/2000)
`Co-Principal Investigator (20%; with R. J. Santoro, PI)
`28. Liquid-Propellant Droplet Combustion and Cluster Behavior at Supercritical Conditions
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Bolling AFB, D.C.
`$228,000 (11/1997-10/2000)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`29. Acquisition of Advanced Parallel Computational and Graphical Facilities
` National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
`$963,608 (2/1998-9/1999)
`Co-Principal Investigator (25%; with L. N. Long, PI)
`30. Modeling of Combustion Response of Gas-Turbine Spray Swirl-Stabilized Injectors to Acoustic
`NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
`$150,000 (5/1998-9/2001)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`31. A Multidisciplinary Study of Pulse Detonation Engine Propulsion
`Office of Naval Research, DoD-MURI, Arlington, VA
`$1,620,000 (4/1999-4/2002)
`Co-Principal Investigator (18%; with R. J. Santoro, C. K. Law, and J. E., Shepherd)
`32. Acquisition of Virtual Reality and Visualization Facilities for Advanced Scientific and
`Engineering Computation
`National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
`$1,595,422 (10/1999-9/2002)
`Co-Principal Investigator (25%; with L. N. Long, PI)
`33. Advanced Parallel Computation and Graphical Facilities for Combustion Dynamics Research
`Office of Naval Research, DoD-DURIP, Arlington, VA
`$150,600 (3/2000-12/2000)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`34. Advanced Combustion Technology for High Temperature Fuels
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, VA
`$378,000 (7/2000-6/2005)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`35. Acoustic Analysis of Gas Turbine Combustion Dynamics
`Rolls-Royce Corporation, Indianapolis, IN
`$79,737 (11/2000-9/2001)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`36. Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engine Injector Dynamics and Combustion Processes at Supercritical
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, VA
`$242,054 (11/2000-10/2003)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`37. Modeling of Solid Propellant Combustion
`Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
`$115,000 (5/2001-3/2003)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`38. Meso and Micro Scale Propulsion Concepts for Small Spacecraft
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, VA
`$496,050 (6/2001-11/2003)
`Co-Principal Investigator (25%; with R. A. Yetter, F. L. Dryer, and I. A. Aksay)
`39. Optimization of Active Control of Turbine Combustion Dynamics Using Main Flow Modulation
`in Low Emissions Injectors
`NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
`$300,000 (10/2001-9/2004)
`Co-Principal Investigator (50%; with D. A. Santavicca)
`40. Advanced Parallel computational and Graphical Facilities for Chemical Rocket Combustion
`Dynamics Research
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, DoD-DURIP, Arlington, VA
`$150,000 (4/2002-12/2002)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`41. System Performance Analysis of Pulse Detonation Engines
`Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
`$197,000 (4/2002-4/2004)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`42. Modeling of Detonation Initiation and Propagation in Combustion Wave Ignition System Using
`Hydrocarbon Fuels and Oxygen
` NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL
`$225,000 (7/2002-8/2004)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`43. U.S.-Korea Cooperative Research: Combustion Dynamics in Gas Turbine Engines for Propulsion
`and Power Generation Applications
`National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
`$25,000 (9/2002-8/2004)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`44. Nano Metal Particle Combustion with Water for Underwater Propulsion
`Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
`$462,000 (3/2003-2/2006)
`Co-Principal Investigator (50%; with R.A. Yetter)
`45. Meso and Micro Scale Propulsion Concepts for Small Spacecraft
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, VA
`$380,000 (12/2003-11/2005)
`Co-Principal Investigator (30%; with R.A. Yetter, F.L. Dryer and I.A. Aksay)
`46. Swirl-Stabilized Injector Flow and Combustion Dynamics for Liquid Propellants at Supercritical
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, VA
`$300,000 (12/2003-11/2006)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`47. Technical Support for Validation of Swirl-Cup Flowfields Using Large-Eddy-Simulation
`General Electric Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH
`$118,000 (2/2004-11/2005)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`48. Versatile Fuel Injection System for Hydrocarbon-Fueled, Hypersonic Propulsion Engine
`Air Force Research Laboratories, Dayton, OH
`$450,000 (2/2004-1/2007)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`49. Fundamental Understanding of Propellant/Nozzle Interaction to Mitigate Erosion for Very High-
`Pressure Missile Propellant Applications
`Office of Naval Research, DoD-MURI, Arlington, VA
`$5,000,000 (5/2004-4/2009)
`Co-Principal Investigator (13%; with K.K. Kuo, K. Brezinsky, S. Irle, M.C. Lin, J.E. Morral, and
`D.G. Musaev)
`50. Nano-Engineered Energetic Materials
`Army Research Office, DoD-MURI, Research Triangle, NC
`$5,000,000 (5/2004-4/2009)
`Co-Principal Investigator (10%; with R.A. Yetter, D.D. Dlott, K.K. Kuo, A. Nakano, R. Nuzzo,
`and P. Vashishta)
`51. Thrust Chamber Dynamics and System Optimization of Air-Breathing Pulse Detonation Engines
`Office of Naval Research, Arlington, VA
`$150,000 (11/2004-11/2006)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`52. An Integrated Ignition and Combustion System for Liquid-Propellant Micro Propulsion
`Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, VA
`$507,000 (12/2005-11/2008)
`Co-Principal Investigator (50%; with R.A. Yetter)
`53. Large Eddy Simulations of Liquid-Rocket Injector Flow and Flame Dynamics
`NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
`$425,000 (10/2006-9/2009)
`Principal Investigator
`54. Combustion Stability Innovations for Liquid Rockets
` Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Arlington, VA (STTR through MetaComp Tech.)
`$200,000 (9/2006-5/2009)
`Principal Investigator (100%)
`55. Fundamental Study of S