g E
`Ch/ca CA 95927
` wwmww P. 0. Box 3505
`10.20.2015 12:27 pm
`ASAP Order
`Source :journal of the Naticmai Cancer institute. Monographs
`Volume :
`11%: 117-23
`Author : Lee M,DraoL:E EvI,.Zia F,GazcEar A,OEe Hfiepler C3,.Beiiot F,Tarr C,i~{ris R,Mo0£iy TW
`_"_[i_t__l_g;__: Epidermal growth factor receptor mcmoclonafi antibodies inhibit the growth of Eung cancer cell lines.
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`APOTEX EX. 1020-001

`APOTEX EX. 1020-002

`Number 33
`Eizmmei E«rodm°
`.33?i3‘6C&§3$f. _;“v"atz':3mz3.' Czm.2:er Ineeiitufe
`Susan Mrssiiazzey Hubbard
`Illirezstarj. I;z.£e:‘na.tiarm3 C.-Emczer .§Gz»fl9:~n2.a§ia.n ~('.T'em‘.szr
`Julismnsae (fihagpeiii
`Chzief; Scientific Pzab2z".e*m§£an..§.? Brcsxzciz.
`Baniei C. Ihda
`Wiiiiam J. Biut.
`Jean 17}. Boice
`Bruce A. Chabner
`Richard. L. Cyfiyk
`Charles H. Evms
`Thcsmazs A Fieisher
`Ebiicihaei. A- §="ri£>a:in:<an
`Eli J. Giatezteizi
`Michmai M. Gattefimaxx
`P»<.=.tar €}ra%enwa.Ed
`Rebert N. Hmayvez‘
`Susan M. fifxxbbard
`3.a.:°r3~£ett';. S. Kmmm
`Steven. M, Larsmx
`Lamzsé A. Lic:st*§.a
`.Dr.>ug3a:§ R. Lawy
`Kmneth {}ld»:~m
`Jana: J, Qpganhaim
`Jcshn R. {}rt.aiti<:s
`.E~§m*ve*.y Z. Pam;
`flavid G. Fapmck.
`Alan S. Ramon
`Jeaffrefx? Snz:h.l<:zm
`R3-ckard M. Siman
`Sm::.rr'§ S. Thtyrgarssrm
`Eviaxgaret A. Tucker
`3. Faui Van Ne<.~.vei
`Eric J. Seifier
`Rm}: Iieviezzs Ediiféf
`Marc: E. Lippmzm
`Ban L. Imnga
`:.32szm‘-as E3. fiarmitaga
`fitness «C3. fiaguiay
`Jurm L. Biszditar
`{flizarza D. fiiwmfield
`}°3s'w2§s*3. (3. Rczrsien
`{§€2£)t*gx: J. Bus}
`Eciwarzi firesnick
`Barry ilmwn
`T1iz:g~{3h.<2rx (firms;
`Harvzzy J. {khan
`N(3§'m§’n‘.t fiiniemxmrs
`0. Michwai Cmwivin
`’i"hmm3.S H. Cfirbatt
`Rik. Ikerynck.
`Johanna T. Ifiwyar
`Jairm 23. Katie
`.E5{§‘%l!"$’fi§. J. £igo:3ri.n
`Virginia ‘L. Emxter
`:‘«’m§ae>:-:0 Fangs
`Isaiah J. 2“iciE:'¢r
`Ilmvid §’it:.t:G=z2‘rs9.1(i
`?}3Ci!I1»“:béi R, Z*‘Rem.£ng
`§i!;.rst..~3i;ca i5‘ud:r;ta&
`Emii Fmi Iii
`Richard. I}. Gelbssr
`Bavid W. (laczixie
`Haervey M. iksiunxb
`E1. Eimhwa» Grwzzbsrg
`?"hiii;J I}. {}r‘e‘.eénh4erg
`3-ixesantsth R. Hasrrap
`3.ngs3g9‘tti E~is2i§.;<é:réSm
`maria 5%}. Eieppner
`E3. {741rmm;k Hoimmlx
`‘Wazzn Ki I-"irmg
`Wiiiiam J. Fiaslizixwa;
`Rehert C3. Jacksmn
`Ra:nr3.~;E1K,. Jefimaxzen
`Wzifiisam W Jchnsmn
`‘Cha.rEz?s M. Kmg
`éitaniey J, Korsmnyar
`M/zargaret 2.. .i?5Zripke
`Slmnaid ‘W, Kufe
`Jabs: S. 1.3%
`firiggiri G, I.ewsnt.§xa.i
`Bernemi L2avi.:a
`£’k3‘m)¥wi J. £x.wi.tve
`.8rias.ra R. Lae3*‘i:sr:<r§~€.¥s3In«z.<s
`Mlan ES. Lichmr
`§Jax*id M. Livingamn
`Kfirginiaz A, Li‘§.z‘<.wisE
`J<«:.=m—Pie2r2'<a Mach
`Lmais Psfaispiéis
`{Say Ms::C7iung
`‘ilazmiszi B. Eufiszifermicix
`ffigxhard S, Ivletacgar
`Bwarge K. Mi-zzivzaingxmzixza
`émthany B. Mi.Ei£°r
`Me1Eca}.m S. Eriitckell
`Man 3, Mm'ri.acm
`L88 M, Na-dier
`(3. Kent. Osbcsrm
`Dzwid M. 02;:
`flavifi E’. Fauisms
`;e' Peseflgza
`Lxzzcter Petans
`Thmdxzrss L. ¥"hi1Ei§:»s
`Hésxry C‘. Pita)’:
`Janet S. fiasszky
`'I%2a.ig3}3 .31.. Rtfififéiii
`Igor B. fiominsan
`Rusth Sagas‘
`Shigeaki Siam
`.1}av:Eci. 5‘s¢:?h:>%.§2snf<sk§
`Wiflimn R. Eéhapim
`Kendail A. Snamts
`Pam-1 M. Sazxéei
`Us-‘sias ‘.5ia1t.n13.t3
`E-‘iarmmz. D. Suit
`Rsa.ym<mri. "i“ae.t.ia
`hm ‘l‘a.:3.m:w:}-1;
`{fox T=z2r9m)z§e?:
`J. Tfims Thigpan
`Giargin ’I‘r"i‘:2»:%2i(s‘ri
`Peter R. T‘wesa1§.y:m.&m
`E, Bernard Weinzsizaiax
`Bhamz: W. Weiss
`E-Za3.:mam:i M. Weigh
`iiarald N. Wggan
`. 1020-003

`Scientific Elditar: Jaxrmz L. Muizmime, Ml),
`Muntmgraph Cianrdinatort Edwin 3%.. Haugh
`Manuscript Cmzerdizzawrsx I-ieien B. B§ac};.wcmd., Julia $‘3%i"1¥;€}.I1 Redmmd.
`M’axms~;::riy£ Edfitnrsz Meiisga Anarimwsg Bunnie fiavis, M.a3*§.Ey'n K. fNc'.i.3s:)r‘2
`Praciucfi-¢:m Staff: Eizzine: Ftica Beck, Wayne: Bixiingér, Camh: J. Radrzr
`Marketing Ifiirecmrt Vlean C%L:riffiz1 Baum
`Promoiinn Serxsicezsz Jarza 3. .I0hn.s.'-wn
`EBITORI.A.L P(}1,;ICY: Manuscriprts from ‘Easy (';GIif§3F€tII‘{3-13%; deaiimg wiih €.‘~Ei{)Cf:‘iT and cimczly
`related ressaearazh fiezkia, or a :*eI.a:e:»2§ group of papers cm specific suhjezzts; af imporaanse ta cancer rescarch,
`are mnzaidarsd for ;::1.:i:w§i~::.aEi::-:3, with the mxcisarsmntiing was they have not hem puitxéished Vpmviouflgv and
`are: subinitieé axciusi0139.31}? in fmzmaf .«:>f‘:iv:e Nmficmaf Ca?2<:e.r §n,3‘I£u£fr? ME::snc:g:'a;3}s..s. Ali méateriai ssxisnaimad
`‘far censidxzratiorz W331 be s1s0bj=ac:.::::mv&ew, wlfzen '21§.¥pI‘<:rp'I‘i;3t.¢i‘., by 0:3 Ems: {Wm auisiaie: reviewm; and one:
`membtzr sf aha: Editori3% Board of the .i«;:::rm3.? qfriae Naffomf C‘xs:2s:er Ir2.s:i:xm>. flpéiraions expresma by {he
`auiimrs art‘: I1§)E.I‘ai‘)CB.§S?L?§3}’ {base of aha p1xb.l0ishcr E)!‘ the editors.
`Fropcmia fear mazarwgmphs shouké be suhmitmci in Trim E§dét(3r~in»C';°.:§} Jwrmzi cf she Na:‘imm.§ Cancer
`Irzxfizuie, R. A B§0:.:¥3Inmrz12:t.i{ma3 Caxaceér 1t:fm'1m1im1 Cranmr, Bmifiing $2, Rmm 32?, Eéatinnal Cancm
`Instiiuzxs, Bammdag MI} 20% M.
`Jmxrnal ofthe Natianafl (‘lancer institute Iwianugrapha are: far 24332:. by the Sfiupmmemient of}3‘«z>c::2::m2nts,
`{.13. Govemmmi ‘Printing {f3i§’£"me., Washixigmn, DC ,?.{'}«W2. Fagmxéeni is requirexd in advance rm .33} (mars,
`and chxscks or mrmey wrders stmuki be: m£i{§€ payabkt. in the Sup»mtin.tsndam£ 03’ I3ix:>c12:m.ents.
`APOTEX EX. 1020-004

`Bialagjy 0farza' Navei T7'zerape0;ezic Apprmzches far
`Epirizeliai Cancers {If the Aaradigesrive Tract
`Numiver 1.3
`Jack A. Ruth, Watm Ki Eiong, Iamas L. Muishirze
`Rule ofBiniog and Prevention in Aerodigestijve True: Cancesrs
`Pam: Greenwaid, Haxfiei R. Stem
`Freveniiozx and Themgestive T Cancers
`Melaaxzzxiar Apgaraacheg
`lfack 15;. R9111, Tapas Mukhmpadhyay, Michaei A. Tainsky, Kang Fang, Man G. Cassnn, Fan} M. Schneider
`e {as Gem Famiiy in Human No11--Small~CéIl Lung czanm
`Rabazn 30 C. Siseboss, Sjoerd Rudenhuiés
`Isiarfiy Even 0 the Nmpiastic magi’VVVVVVVVVVVVVV0tion at Respira EgithefiVVVVM
`Micémwi 31 Eixmr; Rlmda Aiani, Frank Cutting. Lisa
`Fmis, Anita L. Sabich, Ifzmnis A. Eiandem,
`Iili M. Siegfritd. Eva Ezabiz, Paws}
`myvc F5 mus. fixmgz-mi ‘rumors and Tr fie}! L-in
`Patients with Smailwfleil "Lung Cancer
`Bruce 3 iahnmn, Lfohn R‘ Hremxam Daniei (3. 113136, Adi
`M05213 far Cempmventian of piraztnry Cam:vvvvvvvH
`C. Mnszm, Kamiaia V. N. Rm. (fatal 3. Ifmaisac, Gary I. Ktsiioff
`Chemnprewxntisre Stufiies in Barr°ett’s Esugahagusz .9. Made! Praxnalimaut
`Lgsmn far Esophageal Aéenncarcinnma
`Sampiimr. M. Erian Fennerify
`Eiarindzr S. ifrarewal, Rigzhard
`An Animai Mada! for {lira} Cancer
`Timmas I. Skxga, Erma B. Kfiimtmewflunti
`Expan ad‘SurfacA.a9ocxa0' ted
`A Bbiseriminani fietwem Bieiagir: Subsets
`in P~E{m~=Sm ‘Lung (Ia:
`R‘ Iimiia Limmiia, iames EL. Mulshine, Seth M. Sminberg, Add F. Gazdar
`'£‘umm°.1igeu Phermtygra, Bfiulaficé Stagng, and Prnwask in Rem! and Knack fiquammzs Caminnms
`Grezgnry TX waif, fhamas E, Carey
`at‘ Expressian :1 phaspheryza9;a% Iain NormvvvvH
`3.11% fiigagiastic Keratinacyim
`Tlmmas E. Carey, mam Laurikainen, Tfémnkam S, Nair, ’I‘imo:hy S. Reinke, banaid E. Caazsling,
`Cimgery Wolf, Caster Van Wags, Monica Lisbm, Qganthia Marceie
`APOTEX EX. 1020-005

`Kemtinacyte Bifferentiatim Markers: Involncrin, Transgiufmminase, and Toxicity‘
`Rmbart H. Rice, Qin Qin. Arm-:2 P§_§at0,.,e4.mc1mw L Fiiwita
`Csnntral nfSquamvzmsnifiemnfi;fi ai Ceiisz
`Rule nf Retintzifis
`Arman M. Jamn, Cliara N¢rv§., Thmnias M. Voliberg
`Suppmssitm by Retixmic Acixi ofEpidermal VGmw'tt’: Facwrwfieceptor Aumphasphoryfiatian “
`and fiilyeosytafinn in Caiturezi Human Heat?! anti Ntsck Squamnus Carcinoma {lens
`Inn 8. Kim, Peter A. Eiteck, Gary E. Gallick, Iain S. ma, Mari»: Biicik, Wmm K‘ Hang. Rm:i:«zm {man
`13»cis~Reiinoic Aerie! arsfi Cancer {Zhemapmventiem
`Scott M. L§.ppmai3. Wmm. Ki Hang
`Epidermal {§‘»mwi1z Factor Receptur Mnnacianal Antibodies Inhibit the Growth of hung
`Cancer Cell! Lines
`M. LEE1, M. Dragui, F. Zia, A0. Gazdar, ii. 036, G. Bepler, F. B61101, C. Tm‘, R. Kris, T. W. Mtxaiy ‘
`Egnidermal Grswtfih Factnr Reaeptszxr as a Target for Thvemgry with
`afintireaeptnr Manmsimlafi Aniihodiw
`..'f:)}m Mmdgiscahn
`Systatic Bewiem BomGastrin~a3£asing €12 Ants
`David H, C33’, Rabat! T. Jensen, N§.ng«Yi Jiang, 3awmTr.:«wn0 Lin, Anthur E. Bogden, Jacques»Pim’e Mcreau
`Mala: Genetienai atTlliistimitaceprieé Mammaan¥;ike zptiii
`James Barbs:-y. Etsukn ‘Nada, Martha Curjay, Jamas Way, Zalzra Fathi. Hagit Shapira, Richard Barkins,
`iames Wu, Timothy Siaitazy, Eiaina Mann, Richard Fclclman
`iiflrects atfiemwpepfi onn g mama-.9: am‘0
`P311! A. Bum}, J12? Bavié G. Bienharz, mxziefi Chan, Manrean Tagawa, Wxiilip Jewetft
`Differential fitimtllation at‘ the Grawth air‘ Lungemetasmaizing Tumor Cells by Lang (Faméfina)
`Gmwth Factors: Idaniificatiun of Traxxsfert'in~iike Mitogens in Lung Tissueaflanditimaed Medium.
`Garth L. Nicoiwng Philip (3, ~Cav.anaug}n,. 'l”a.katoshi Emu:
`Expert: 92‘Puma Efimwssinnzymin Mfimzéine and fiearaendoce Cells
`Eamjy A. Elippcr, Ciziazina 'B«R, Green, Rizzhard E. Mains
` “
`{3m2!m§ ofTamar Ceii Biology Thmugh Reguiation at Peptide Hnrrnane Processing
`Tresmn, hangs L. Mulshing, Frank Cuttizta
`Biemarieter Intemmiiate Emzipaims ami Saucer firavenfimz
`Frank: L, Meys.iv:.ens., Jr.
` <<< < « ‘wm
`.Rmi«ma£ Targets for the Early Betacfinn of Lung Canoe:
`Jmneas L1 1‘:/Iu.¥.shine., R. Hana Limwila, Sandra
`Jensen, fishy: L, Magnani, Melviti S.
`Gupta. Frank 5. Scott, Ingaiiii Avis, Kathryn Quiml, Michzwi J. Bimitn Aniémny M. Trcstmz,
`Prahofih K,
`APOTEX EX. 1020-006

`axssmiaticm Retwesan .Hisml::agjcai Type am Neumendnerine Bifferzniiatiun am Iirug Sensitivfity :11’
`Lung €3a:ncer Cell L-ir;a3
`Adi F, Ciazdax, C. éiadoyaméa, Dzzvs.-‘id ‘e’e:1z0:1, ,§;=::e~Gzzh§3 Fark, Chun—Ming Tvsai, R, Rama Linmziia,
`James L. Maishirne. Bazaiei Ci. Ewe, Céiustzppe €3iacx:.gmc
`fiamfiinatian Inznnunmhemgzy for A.£i1?a.z§ced ¥.samg {ifzmtm
`‘femg, Eiimbctah A. Cérizrun, Jack A. R0211
`Aimmuxmlagic E§f§’s:ctu~r Cells in Head and Neck Cancer
`¥3r:§m£:nim~ Vim.§o, am: Mdivatassieré. Xmas T. Ioimaorx, "1?22eres.a L. W.§“1ii£3i::§:=:
`‘List 9%‘Speakem
`Acknawlewrlgement :9 Manuscript Reviewers;
`0£~‘zma.n 3ar:§cs«3£?h£i€ge!. Pix.£}._ iflaaienai Heart, Lung, and Bicmd Instituzs, Bathesafia, '£s«"1a.ry§ami
`James F. Barzeay, MEI). , Qzberatory4:3f'8i01ogi2a.1 Chasxmistry, Nzazietmai Cancer Inszi£1132, Bethes»
`iia, Maryianci
`fi»1iam‘;.aeI Eirrgr, M.3.'I1., BiV0m0a:‘i<e2s and Prsvesnaisan Ressearczh Bramsh, Naticanai Cancer I£1.5{§i£li€‘.‘-,
`Eaihesda, Mazjylaxxazl
`{'33:}: Erzzwley. M’.D., 0?;m.aI Caracas: institute, Bt:‘th\£sda, ?*/‘{é1:aE'}"I,2£§}d
`Pz:n»;-«>3! Iimwrz, M1), Pix. I1, '8iumm‘i.»:m and Frmexzniaza Reaearch Branch, Natianal {fzmcer
`Institute, Bet%1as;iz:,.Marykand
`Pcmi Baum, Mfl, Uaxiveprsity {sf Csaioratjo Health S~::iencc,: Cimtetr, Denver, Ceiorado
`ffarey, }’§z...€.3., Uniwmrxity of Mi«:::higare., Ann Arlzm”, "Michigan
`Fmmfi: Casrirza, }’*iz.£3. , Biumarkers and Prevéentism Resaarch B‘:‘21nc.§;, Nazimiai C.ésn:;:§:r '§'n.stimtr:,
`Batizesda‘ Mmryiand
`R’<2§m"z B, £)‘ic‘.§ms"()fl, Fi2.£)._. Lambardi Cancer Rasazmzh Cgnmr, W'a5hingmn, DC‘.
`Au,m':2 Davie, M.iL2., University 0f fviazyiand Céamter {Z‘.’enz.e:r,
`'8a1ti;m::2r::, Pviaryimid
`Wiifixzm 1'3. ffammamfi M £30., Ejzmiversity sf Caiifumia « Davis, .i3m'i;~2, Caiifmmm
`Hitaiemrmx, 832.13,, University mf ’i"
`1). Andersen Ci-ltitfifli." ET::nter, H'r;z:.1:;:;::m,
`W&~2z;n Ki Hang, M.,2"}., Un:ivarsii‘y zrf ’I‘t::c.;1s M. 1).. fixndmrson Czmcer {'3_e.r:0:.e:r, E-Im:st{):1, Texax
`1Z)ar:ier.Z’ C. Ihde, M, £1, .{}e:pmy Birecmr, 'Na:i.m1ai Camzer Enmtmta, Baahesxia‘ tsiargeiand
`Jnfzrzsorz, M.£)., 5N{Z'I~1“$av'y E‘v’Imiica§ {)0z1a::e:3in«gy Eranch, Nr.»1§:ior.::s3 .Nav:-ii "mkadicai
`Csmtezr, .Bezhesda, Maryiand
`faizn £9’. J'm.s:s, M3,, Biujmarkszrs and Fmwmicm Research Branch. .Naiim1a§ Cza:m:s:r itsstimte,
`Eeflmsda., Ma2*y1aud
`Phiiiip £3. Kezxgrzyk, P:‘:,1}.0, Maiecuiar {)r2.m§w:%g}/. 11142.. (}aiE§1::r3burg, Maryianci
`.B:2rr:3z"z 3. Ifrarrzer, ,-Mil)‘ . .D:§‘,r.§ (sfCancer §‘r¢‘£»'°€ti£i(?I’.t
`;m—s;i Cmxtroh Nagietmal Cam:er '§'nssaim:e,
`Béihfifidék Maryiaxad
`£3. And=::rsa}n (‘fan-szm‘ Center, Hm1sI:;>n, Texas
`Km 5. L88, M. 13., University of Tr:-xzss
`Mcz.r.¥c zezeizr. M.éf3._. 952.233., Pittsbu.rgh Czznmr Emszizute, fitwisburgh, Pzmnsyh:ar;.ia
`APOTEX EX. 1020-007

`Epidermal Grmvtlz Factcar Receptnr M0noeh3na.l A0nt:i‘£mdi&s inhibit
`the Gmwth af Lung Cancer Cell Lines‘
`M. Lee,’ M. maauif 32. 253;‘ A. t:;m1ar,3 H. t’.‘Ziive,7“ <3. nepsmfi F, Bezzmf C. Tarrf R. i_~:.;~is,*‘ TIXW. n.iaad;*W
`.A.1iSTRA(.Z".{"-~The ability of nmmtacfionzsi antibody (MA!)
`238}, an i1¥lmIifl£)git}hifl§fl {S2 {Ig¥I}}2a ag.:3in.s! the vapidermal
`gmwéh facimr receptor {EGER},
`ta interam with tang
`mzracer ceii
`firm:-rs was éxiveémigaieri. mimfiitéiii‘ haunt} with
`high affinity in E‘£‘1’lK1~SB§‘l§§s§§*€E.H hang cancer £3”-¥S{1.I;C} mils,
`and MA}; ‘£93 inhihiteti s;wx::i¥‘i¢: tfixtaiing air‘ aims NSCLC
`wilt iimzesz in £2 :i«0se~d<mendm:£ mamter (E15,, == 00.36 gxg per
`ml). ‘”I«‘MAb 1:293 bmmd with high atrium G26 m 2 am}
`:9 a single class of sites {Bmam
`‘I6 {W} per 4:911} using
`NSCLC uenzraendmrrine celi line E‘*éCi~’H468. Speeifix: ml»
`MA}: 2188 finding was izmihited with high affiniiy by MM}
`‘:33 km rm: by R mnirsnfi antibody Igti} casing ¥arge~ee£!
`carcinamg 2:213 fine 3‘a‘-Ci-H3299. “"53?-.MAb 1203 hinxiirig was
`iniernaliré<:¢:i 31 37 “C using NSCLC neura:vencl¢:r~rcrine:
`can firm NCLH460 and adenmrarcismma cell
`fine MCI-0
`E-123. Also, 1 fig per m! M‘ MM) 103 but am :33’ 2: wntmi
`inhibited the: china! gmwih mi‘
`zaqmmmus set! carcinoma cell
`line f'*¢Wf;?I~H1§§?
`in vim).
`Aim), MA!) 3.03 iuixiizi-mi ‘xenargraft fztrmation at‘ caaif tings
`f*~f{§.I~Iis¢6f¥, E"4(3i«-Ivi15‘?,, and MCI?!»-.H‘?2«7 in nude mice in
`viva. After 2 gmiipahke tumar ham} §‘e:r:mz:§ using N=CI~i-iévfisfl
`injfifltiofi of mi} ;;g :3? MAB» E93 {intraperifitmeaiiy
`three times w0ee£.«;.iy} inhibited xeawgrafi. miume in mnie
`mice by approxim0ate§}~' §{3*5~"::» . Theme. data suggest that MAI;
`ma rxzay interact war: EGF revcepiors on hing can-tar ateii
`fines and ini.zihi§ NSC”-LC prsziiferafima. [3 Nat} (Janet: Inst
`Mung: §3:}1"3'm§.’Z.3, 199%
`Thu: szgjiécicrmzzl g.r<:<wih fE£C!.£Jf recepéor {‘E.i1‘rF~iI?i} is .21 I236
`a.mim;s acid protein cmnpriaed of 3 621
`axnirm acid
`miraceiluiar daznain that < £31»: epiderzzml gmwih
`factor (HG?) bimiimg site,
`fc:i§{2wc=d by 3 23 axnimr; acid
`t:s‘ans;':1mni:m21na domain and 31 54?. aznimz: a::.i:;§ c);tcss0§i.a:
`1‘ Suppimevd in part by Public Htzaith Ser'vi0c.~e g;:-araéi ‘CAwé$£%”.?i
`from the Natirzsnéal Carzcer
`Imsm‘tuie:, N.2m79na.i
`izastitamss of
`€ s:>f Eieafith and Human Serw‘r.:e.s.
`:3? Bia>ch::m.ism;* ami
`e‘«v€§c;§c::'uiar Biaiagy, “ffze
`Gexrwge Wash.i:1gm::
`f..Em’vs:,r;\:ity s‘v§miis:aIi Cazzmer. W.a:s§1.iz1gt~cm,
`3 NC.ImN:>wy‘ Me€!0icaI§ Qnmmgy Bmmzh, himiaanafi
`siiiaatzz anti
`E-£»Jsp§ta.3, 8r;th»*::=,tia, Mei.
`4’ §}ap§mme:1t of Medicim, D113-zit ifiraiwrmiiy Meciical Cemcr,
`‘£)urhz1m, INC.
`"_ Kara: 3it3£&€h1‘1£3§0gi£$ Elm, }-img M‘ Prussia,
`“’ We: Emmi»: Dr, 5. 8:31:33‘ and Dr.
`03‘, E$a:h§es:;img»;:0r far ?1£3.§;'3f‘£1l
`’§’.W, Pvimmy, .D,, G‘Wi.§ Bi0:;:hc3n':.,is«
`? €;i‘arre:;pande:zc"¢>. m:
`try {)epartn1:mi.
`Eggs 3:. N,W,, Washingmxr, BC 2{)€}3‘.K
`tZZ2m:.:er in»
`dxiémain that £251.50 tyrm.'ine kinaae activity {I}. "Wham "RC3?
`bimis to the E{;‘:F—R_. ¢:3;:*0osir1:: msicmes am phasphoryiaaeé
`on substmms such as; the C?~terznina£ of the .E';CiF~R and
`p§1c3s;1ha£idy3 i:1osits:s£ is mrrxed saver, cyaosméic Cfa“ is
`sisvaieé, the c;m:=opIasm.ic pH is im:rea.s::zi*, the i~EiG'F~.R is
`internaiized, Vand target ceiis Vizmxcama cmnmémzd ta S3-*I}f§1t‘:m
`size {LENA and éivide {2~5‘}.
`'I.”h.s;: ECERR has strucmmi
`simiiarities ts} the v~c':rb;B cnmgene (:5).
`The E€.’3F»R has been de:.e:cu:d. in mamy na;1«sm.aii«ceEI
`lung cancer {Z‘~3SC.LC) but rm: in srnalkceit ‘mag cancer
`{SCLC} cefis (?T,S3‘ N$f3£.,C CEHS stwnthesize mmsforming
`growth facim ex {'¥‘{}F:.y}, wh.§»;:h binds U3 the Ef.%.:F’«R {fl}.
`Be::m130e m€}'i1{}{3l0ii€i}
`amibazdiea {MAbs} agairsst TGFCX in~~
`hibit time gruwth of 50838 NSCLC 2:513:-3;.
`’§‘{}Fo.= snag? hr: an
`autmzrinée grawtb facutszr fear game 'NSCL§;‘: ceiis (103.0
`it may aisxzs be ;303si.hle m imhifiit the growth inf EGF-R0
`p+:_::ai£.im :;:e§1s using MA%3 against
`the EC3<F«R, Préeviazxsiy,
`.i*«/:£Abe; such as 51138 and 225 inhibited ihe gmwth of A43}
`srigammous-: carcimma {A433 am} mics‘: azfienacar»
`cinorna {SW943} xemgrafis fin axhyrnic mice (1'.{,I3}.
`partisrular, MAR:
`inhibited EGRR bimjiing and was
`in mine and t.h:'c:(mine, but not
`tyrusina p§1{:s_;1h:f1r3;'Eaii(3n,
`the ECEER {‘:*3,!4). A.l$m
`M‘A'i:s $08 inhihitsd me grcwath mi‘ ma! epiiiermaisfi {KB}
`Mcarcingméa mnagrafts in 1:u0<£a rnicraa (J!-53v 'M.=‘&.i3 £08 inhiho
`.ited high~afi‘in.éi.y‘ EGFJE iainding,
`.¥:1GF»R tyrsysirle grams»
`p§wry'£a£&ox1,keievaslion 0? cytaépmsmic pH, and cievatimz 0%‘
`cyz:r:sso§i:: Cfa“ {I5}, Here (he abiiiiy cf Mab 308 m inhibit
`E{3F0~R binding am} NSCIJ13 gmwth was .§Iwest:igaic{i.
`MA'i‘ERl'ALS AND ME’? H6138
`Ceii ifiuiture
`Humara ‘iung cancer eel} iim:-rs were e:,:ult1ur:::i in sersum~
`sazppiavmensed medium {RPM1~364€3'} comaining i€§"J*‘a h:2ai«
`im<:t.iv:»m:d fetal ¥::s::n.:im: serum: as; 37 “C as d<:s«(:m'§::r“:(i pfiiv
`visously (II 7). "me NSCI_,C £231.? iines wmr a»:§.heerr:n: and wen:
`51:21:’: wevekiy in 61
`.§:2{1 ratiia using 1:},-*psin.fE;I§:)’I‘.»& {IF}.
`the a:s:%Is hm} greater than 90% viabiiiay and
`were m1»’C0p.¥asn1a frag. The cells were. zlsed when they wmrszr
`in am e.=<p~(me:1:ia.¥ gmwih phase. "fen hing cancer ceii iimssa
`mat bmami ‘E€Z}-F with high affinity W€:}“Ef euimred.
`R.2mpi<:r Binding
`"file z1b§2it3.>' 0f MAE70 108 to §.flhib5’E .E’.-GER iiziziding was
`investigated as describezi
`fvmb £08
`APOTEX EX. 1020-008

`3 is
`LEE 8’? AL
`tigfiaa) was jproatiuced after ingestion atf rnice with {;‘_i~eI.{3
`melts transft:<;te=:f: with a piastrlitfi hearing :3. :.:};)NA construct
`at’ the. mxmtan E.CiF~R (MW recaptort that 681%}. Spitmn ceils
`t:xfimn1:_mi:«~:ed mice were fugeti with I*£St{3~i zttyafionta €e§£S‘I
`‘Tm: hybritiomas secmtiztg Mains against the BCERR were
`saiecttati, cianeé, and injected imt: mitlft {I6}. Ascites fluid
`was ammenium ‘S1£1§7Ei.t€ 3prt::t;ipit.atea:§ anfi I*»*§.A'h 188 gxurifietzi
`on a pmtezizt £%.—St:pi1:3:<t;~s:: aoiumn {tSi.gma Chemicai (Zen;
`St. "Louis, M0,}. The NSCLC a:::l.§,s were }1am:st.t:z:E aftar
`treatment with tryjp:3in,»’IiiD’I"A anti 5
`130* salts were
`added to Efiyweli piatm, which Wm: j§T)I‘»f¢tf{’~9Itk'S.tvt?»§§ ve:ith 20 tag
`of human fibrotteciin {Sigma Cite-.tz1i.c3E 130;). After 21
`nmmsiaym’ sf’ czeiis had ftxrrriaad {3 t‘i:,>tys»)t, the Ce}! nuxxxbtsr
`was dté:ti.t:rm.§.ned anti reuepmr binding smciitrs ware con»
`tiucted. This salts, were washed zfcmr itiméa with $017!‘ media
`{RMfPI»164{} zttmtajning 3 x 1t'锑* M Nagsetg, :2
`tag per
`mh itntamiin. 38 mg get mi. i.mnsferr'§:n, Sigtna Cihemicai
`£2.53.) antti
`incubtated with ‘25;i—¥i={‘i-F in mcaptar h§.m:,ii1tg
`buffer {SIT containing 9.13.70 bovitm gertxm atibttmin; C3a.§%:Ji0~
`charm }_,a}t:vIia., Ca§:'.£‘.}t. EQBF ffazsjycba, téexv York,
`and 3‘w’MtI:3 108 wt:rt.+ itivdiiiiiiiiil aging the chtoratttitw T
`prone-zzittra and ”5t~'tzt;t«“- (30 poC§ my pig} and ;:'3i~}v’§Ab ms
`(28 #6:? par pg} };’m3fifi%‘fi£i using get? t”ii1:.r:2tt.i0n techniques.
`After 30 nzinums at 3"? “C, frzze ra.dit3§abvaIcd 'pmtt°.in was
`rtzmovcd and tha cciés that ctxniraimzszi bound growth facmr
`dissoiwzd in 6.2
`Na.Qi~i and counttzd in a gtunma
`saunter. Ciotttroi MAE: Igfi} (igtfiiza) was purchaseti fmtti
`Sigma Cimrnistai C0.
`fllanageuic Assay
`flcli lineg E“~«’CI~H23, 2°~l¥CZ~H.1S?, N(Zi1—H?2’?, NCKHSE8,
`and Ni?!-I0-¥I3.9§ wesrs ttarwsted anti testsad in the agarwsc
`chming fiystem dascrihed garevimssly (393. The base layer
`consisteni 0f 3 mi, of {¥,5% agarose in Si"? meciium cont
`taining 59%: feta} bovéne serttm in si>t»we1l mates {Fai<:on,
`{)3tna.rd, (3aEif.), TM {.033 Bayer sttmsisitzti sf 3 ml. of S31“
`mzrdium in (3.3% ttgawscx, the §ae;:rtide{s} doubly‘ cr3m:<en~
`treated and 3
`ill?‘ sirlgie viabie 2:2:-zlisa. Far each ceii tine
`33:3 p€p$i~t§t3
`tripiicatt: watts were §3ia£.es:£.
`Aifmr 2 waeks. 3 mi, of (3. W1: P-ie:2ti::>nit1“o:.eimzaiium via»
`iet was atidted, and tzfmr it? lwurs
`3’? “C the pEa2'.t:s wars
`screened far cofiomy farmation; the rmmber bf {:0}(m_§.~;33
`target’ than 206 mm.
`in diamt°.te.r was cotttated using an
`Om.r;i.::so2t image anaiysis system {Bat1:«:ch and Lamb, 'R.t3t;h~
`eater, .N.‘r‘,§.
`{?»mwm Sstufiits in ‘iivzx
`‘Ylxe abiiity 0:!" 2‘=«:‘i.Ab 108 to inétilait zttxnografé forz11atit3n
`In nntir: mice was ittvtasrtigated using the tecfzzniqtzes d¢:~
`s;ribet.*:’previ§m2s'£y (20). Femait: ath;:rnw:§c Bath/‘r: nmie mice,
`4 to 3
`».>ve~.e1>:.s 016:, were haustnti
`isaizttitm wont, and the diet cm»
`sisttati of auiofiawad z*0-dmxt chow and 8u{.O-Ciavfifi water
`givtzn mi
`iibfiium. NCi~H}5?, NC£~H~=‘ttEIO, or tNx22§—E~§727
`cans {E
`35%‘; was injected mm the right {tank of each
`mot:sa=:_ by sub<:t::tarmtms injection {2}}. Palpatfltz tumors
`were obsarwszd in approxim.3.te1y 9{}% af the mim after 24%
`to 28 zziays. Phospttam buffered saitine {PBS} (2630 ;£L},
`IvI.A'b 01.0% in PBS, :30: the igi} mntrol in F138 was itnjecéad
`émraperimn-::.aiiy, The tumor ‘vchzme {height
`Width X
`éezpth} wax; deterxnitted W'<3<.“5§t§y by caiipers and rrxzmrdteti.
`‘~.«§~"he:} {Em ttntmr Emcattaza nezsmtict the grt:3W{§'i stiutciitzx were
`Wht<:n that growth S¥.t£di§S wen: term.inatz<:ci, game mics:
`were injzacitzd with ‘wwviab ms or £25.}-».ig{3 {'it’3" am).
`.After it W?.‘,‘»i’:3s1, the tumor and sevemi orgtms were dis:sem2c§,
`‘weighed, and ctmnteci. ‘Rte counts per minutt=. csf ’25§—?~.»‘;{Ab
`108 at ’25i~.£g{f’: bauttti pm mg ‘wt tisaue xveight was s;3a§C2’it«
`Wffkh 103 Bimiijng Studies
`Previrzsttslsg, we fauna that m'i'~EiZ"i¥r7 btstanti with high
`affinity its six NSCLCI 2233.3 lines and tr) a mug camgtintztid
`{IS}. Hare specific: mi—§3(l‘t¥ bindiztg was tinhihiied in at
`d0St3»I3£&f[3&§1(i£’I3{ mariner by EGF amsi MAE: N138 taut. not by
`a ~t':0mlml a.nti0b0«ti:e igfi lifiiflg Iung.
`tcarcimzavid NCZ§~H?27.
`1 ShQWS that spztcific ””5I»{i{§§*‘ bintiing was n:im.i.:na.1iy
`inhibited by E 113 "per ml.
`but was ma,Ki£'F¥,2111}? inhib-»
`ited by 3 tag per m1, EGF. The itfjm for BC}? was 38 mg per
`mm. Aism MA}: 168, mi not tzommi 3I}€i‘§)(){§}’
`3.g{3-, inhib-
`ited Sgpecifit: m§~EGF bizidirtg in a dcs3e~d4ep::n.deni mam
`net. The 11135;} fax‘ MA%*::: N38 to inhibit téprscific mi»;EEiF
`0‘: C3
`, Log gimt
`Fig. ‘i. lmsihitietm csf ‘2‘.ivf;£3F Evirtdmg. Ttze ahiiity of i-":32-‘ {U}, Evmb 188
`{ and am: Igfjz tctmzrni (A3 to int’ smscifis: ‘*25iwI."Z{3F bimtiing, m mag
`caraézmid cell Eim: NCI«»H‘:!2? was ig’{€£‘5n$fi€dl
`‘Hue ztaean vattmv.
`:1: star»
`tiara arm: of am. mam: {SE} of mm cieiermimttitms is tirmiicaaeci,
`NA“TI£f}NAL CANKTER i!‘€f:§"i‘iT’U"i"E M()%\3£¥GRAPH.‘5 NO. 13, 3993
`APOTEX EX. 1020-009

`1201* s‘<:3.e;'.éz;m*cm .:m':‘1‘Bc;ntt:ia mu N5.iC¥_.C
`bi£}di!1g was 0.5 Mug pm‘ mL, mt even high duses sutztt
`tag per ml, did not K(3§'.E‘§‘§§j'je' intzitrit :‘ztdic;labe}t:z;i EC}-F bind»
`ingt ’I‘h<~;*s::~. «data indicate that “5i~E€3'F ‘minctittg is inhibimti
`with high tam} madssrrtte affitaity, ‘£‘t‘.'$p€3Ci§V£tt}*‘, by EEG? amt
`MAE: £08.
`Wtuzwtfxb £03 bound with high af§’init.y_ ta lung carcintaéd
`um um NC!-1-{"521 Figv 2. mwg that ”'*’Z«b.*t.Ab ms b§.ru;i~
`mg was inhitzsitezci in a d.z::te~de;)entttm manner by MAt:s 308
`and E{‘x'§."~‘. Litatie sgtecifitc bimiing was inhibitrrd 233* 1 mg par’
`mt, MAt:s ms or EC}? wtmrea.s Sp&<'.'-ifit.‘ "25i~§«iAb ‘aintting
`wtzs :.otafly inftibitttt by 3 pg per mi. MA}; 303;
`tag pm“
`ml. 556? §t“£f':ibitI~I5.‘(i must of ttttt ”'5E»?s/ifitb I03 biztdittg. ‘Etta
`Zfim wtiuea far MA}; 1080 tam} RG1? Wtifti 30 and «#00 tag gm:
`mL, f¢3S{38€tiVfi§'y.
`”‘5.§—;V.§.Ab £03 binctimg was rm: inhibited
`by cozttmt Ett1t.i¥30(i§f {gift-t ’I‘t:er»::t'0r»:: ”5't.«fv.tAh 102% ttsimiing
`is inhibittd with high and .m()di3r€t.€.s‘it
`at‘i‘inity by MAb £08
`and EGF, rttspttcziwsty.
`at-':i§ lfinas {’¥‘:tbi:::
`Simiias‘ dam were mbtairmd far NE§_€ZTL£'J
`3»»1’.A;.ta ms ix1hi§;'§
`‘23.IwEGF binding 10
`a.den0« {:‘3tflL{:7~5‘§W3., N{Z.‘i%t~tS3€§, E\ECI»H.23, and
`iarge wit carcinmna {‘¥7~i‘iZTi~Ti-'«f1?;‘99f}, amt
`squamtms Ce?! ararcirmma {Nf;?E'—'Ir'£'§5?, E‘P.L.{.",f«32M 1, anrit
`E§Pf..C»6$}{} with .tC§(, vaiues rtmgittg frrzxm 300 to 300i} mg
`glflt“ mL. in cantrast, Mfxtm E08 wa:~; mam pmtzm at i11}1it3—
`fitting specijfisz m-A5f«i‘s*E.!?U:> 3208 bisiciing wit}; {Cw vaitaefs rang»
`ing from at) it} 400 ng par mt“ These data intiittate that far
`213% Celt Zirm; »:::<ttmin—e:t, E‘viAt> 308 was nmres:
`inhibiting ”5§«§viA.b 1.03 than ""‘§*Et3F ttimiiztg.
`“Q . W“?
`{Factor}, L09 gfmt
`163$: ‘binding. The attiiity «:3? EC}? {£3},
`{131’3.i§:3i?ii:i§ at ’3'"‘.i'vZt+t.Atv
`l»"§.g. 3.
`zvmh me my}, am we Igeft mm:-cs: (A-.f) t(3!in3’1.‘i?,'1i‘i tpcc-'.:it‘it:
`i2r‘I"§*>'i$"§.b was
`fzsindixtg to ’NCM»i‘_?::3’ was :E»awrmi.nesi. The mean vzatuzz it
`:3? four
`tkterminatisms. is ‘5i’}ifi%'.fK§%.‘.~Ei.
`P3.1i"'§THI€£};lAZ., C.-*.N{'_T‘ERS (W THE A.ER€3IDi{}7t'i3WVE "{‘.§'tA%i'3‘E”
`Tame: 2.. Bimiing its N$:;'Ii..€f
`cat: Him:
`Large: tteil »;:a.rc‘ir2-mna
`f~«‘£2E.«§={ 2299
`Squamous ccit carttimma
`?~ESC‘L£3 neumendtsgrine
`Ltvrtg ttarstinoici
`‘3§t~'t3(}i'+‘t{iCm} m'§w?viAb i{}€{{-‘i(:S0-3‘
`:3 ti
`‘Cans were piatebni in 2s$~we§t gzsiattes and the ainiiity Bf MM? E03
`1:‘; irmihit stssewazifétt
`”5t~ii’-{E-3?-‘ and ”’5i»MAb MS ttittcting detttrn
`mineti. T116 rzxettnt vatma EC“, ingfimh} of three ttetm‘:'nintat'§:3«r§s is
`"n.:;i. m mt" at:-:.t¢r';n‘met1,
`'I‘t2.e bimziing Qt‘ ‘33‘t~z‘v‘i/kt: £03 ai)p1”.‘-.i;ii‘é3(§ sttturalbit (Fig.
`3, teft}. A Scatcharci pizza! mi‘ ttte specific binding (3a.t.%1 (Fig.
`3, right.} was §§:'1t:a.r and §I1.£Z§C£ti.€3d. that mi»?\&.Ab £08 bxrsmtd
`with high aft'in.i:y {tad xx 1.2 mm) in it singie ciass of sites;
`(ttrnax rs
`'}"{'§ {ma par Cffili} aging C11‘-H line NSCLCZ neutcw
`{b.3160-(t'3’i.Im Catt line Ntitofiéfifi. Previatststy, wt: fomtct that
`mi-EC}? iaoursé with high affinttj; to £10 000 sites per ctsii
`Lisiszgt wait time N(?t~}§?37 {£8}.
`“’*5Z—.t££}.F’ W35 zrapittiy intematizeeit at 37 “C at’t<-:2" binding
`211:: cat} iitw NC§«H?2? (28). Fig. 4 siwws that ”‘§Z»§\’tAh 103
`sinwty tmuntzi to wait
`limas NCLH23 and N(‘.‘:I.»<Ir*iA't«£§{} at
`‘*"{Z?. After 2 §‘3.€I}£}}'$, atppzroxiztiatzfiy 36% arid 90% at‘ {hit
`rattiotatzeied ;’vtAb 108 cauitt be t‘§§S$0it'§3.i€d
`from the M31»
`anti NCtI.wH<%6t‘a3 tf€Spz*.<:£iveI)‘, by tiihm: taa:ittfsr3diu.m
`athloricia and was memtxtanrz hmtnd. in wntrast, M“_k’o and
`i£i'2% at‘ the ”-‘t“—:t;t»th was mm: snrfid dissaciatzte using t~J{fiI«
`H23 and NC)i»}:I.zit3{},
`and was Evtkkthitiziéd
`whm time Catt W213 diswived in ditum base,
`’t‘?2err:f0re at
`4 “C I¥‘}£3Si,' of the bound m¥.«?v?A¥3 was not inttzrnalizazd and
`bsund to the gait stztfavzs. Smtilariy,
`if NC§~H'23 and NC!»
`H436 were first inmbatett with ml—MA.b 1:33 at «t “C: far 2
`ttwzz ineubauzti at 3? “if:
`€331‘ S inmates. oniy M’-'€»’u3
`and 15% estf’ the ‘353[»{\»f§.a"&b H38 was iattamaitzett using NEI-
`H23 amt .N‘Ct«£~t»t£§{},
`resps:t:t.ive1;.e, T‘.?t‘f:.5€ dam i.mii:;atc that
`at either 4 “C 03*‘ 3? “C tints: it»-Mb 108 was intarrmized,
`MA?! 1.0% mid 1.-tumg Canes: Gmmiz
`fiat: ézffeécts t:1:f.MAb .108 on NSCLC grmvth ‘WM .inves»
`‘tigated in vitm. "{‘ab§e 2?: stmwta "that, using a cinxwgenitc
`tts:;ay, cezstttrznies t’¢:2.rtttt::;t using act} tines .?;‘~tCI»‘¥~‘~!23 tmd MCI»
`I~£i5’?. E36? (100 tags gar ant...) slightty ixmreavseci ‘NCI«§~‘§23
`grmvth and sigiztificantlgs im:rt:21.ss2ti Nf.'3§.«»Ht5'?
`Mzkb I08 siightiy ctczcreaseti the ttumbrzr ef coitmiea at a
`{M pg per mt contxznimtian and Sig'I1ifi£Z‘.’<’m£§j;’ decreased
`the11urI1h£§f‘0§"Cfl}Ol1iBSformfid at t tag per mt... At 1 tag par
`mL, M../-Kb £033’it:a.n7riy dte:vcr:,'~:asec3 N'Ci-.H33 and NCE»
`APOTEX EX. 1020-010

`i':",§' A1.
`Tabb: 2.
`:3?‘ agents an NSCLC’ g.n;:swt}1 in v2‘m>*
`Cblmzieg aging ~::s=:¥E 11219:?
`mg g 34(23;s%;‘
`49:; €S{'?<Ws:e}
`32 5; 154%}?-
`1 ‘CH 1-'~
`30¢ 5{§£}£}‘¥f::»}
`23 x cm 35%}
`m : zgfimmgi
`'i(}§} ngs’mL
`MAB ms, in
`MAB 293, hug!-"rni,
`igii, 1;,eg,»’rr1i¢
`""3322: mean m1<3n:.»' mam: :2: st.z2s‘:w:iard arm: :91‘ t17z€13.N2.£1I1 {$81205
`ihrea démcrininaxtizxras for can ‘iixze :\¥C.’.§—2~%?..3 and '?«£CiAHI:3~“.»‘
`"“I‘}1:e again adeicii is indicaam on the mi"1.
`‘P at .615.
`«;.:, the efi‘=‘{:«z:is~; of mm; HES an 1‘°»FSCL£Z7 gmwih were
`'mv::stégm‘ea3 in vivo, Fig.
`shows that tumors (8 mm’?
`farmed 3 weeks 31%.: in':;3§anzai:ém of N{ZI»Z~i’?2'? cgfis 3.21:9
`rsmzie szxice.
`’I”'h::: u1rna;1,r31 gnaw eaxponanziaily, and afixrr §
`xxreeks £118 mesm tumm volurmz in the ;:«;amm1 was apprcm
`imataly §{}{}£} 2221133 fiimil:-1r msults mare etalitaizmi M1632: haw
`<:<m::sn1r;it:ions 0:“ rmb 10$ {'10 ,;;g, fintraperimnéeal} were
`1 day aim" tumor 2211 impianiatian. when
`mmimzmz {£06 pg} :3: high (1 mg) quarztiiies :21’ Mm» 108
`were injected inxzraperiiuzmaily mg day 2, the tumor x-'+:31«
`mm: was mciuészed by a;:nm10:<im.a£e1y 6{3‘*}*a at wmises 4
`throlxgh E3. Them: data indicate thazé me tzffezzts of ?viAb £63
`in viva‘; are cio:~;e d¢T:p8I3£i€i‘1£.
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