`~o e 1ate®
`Eleventh Edition
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`Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. - Eleventh ed.
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`I. English language-Dictionaries. I. Title: Collegiate dictionary. II. Mcrriam(cid:173)
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`atilt • atrloventrlcular
`atilt \:i-'n1t\ adv or a4i (1562) 1 : In" tilled POShion 2: "'1th lance in
`hand (run - nt death -Shak.)
`otln•glo \>1tlo·_1101\ adj (IS.SS) : tingling esp. with excllement
`·lltlon n suffix lL -otion·, .;11{0, fr. -o· .iem vowel of !st con). + ·tkm·.
`·I/oh n. suffix] : action or process (Olnor/on) : something connected
`wit an action or proocss (discoloration)
`·OtlVO adj sWJ'ix [L -otlvus, fr. ·nl11• ·nle + ·il~u ·Ive] : of, relating to. or
`connected with (nu1horl111tlvl!) : tcndlns 10 (talko1i1't!)
`At ·kO mackoro l \ 'at·k:l·, ·~t·\ 11 £Atka Island, Alaska) (1888) : n sreen·
`Una (Pleurogrammus mo11op1erygi1u) that Is a food fl$h found in Al3Ska
`and 4djacent rca!ons
`All abbr Atlantic
`1 Alolan·te·an \,at·,lan·'l.e·on, ot·'lan-1a-\ ndj (1667) : of, relating 10, or
`resembling Atlas : STRONO
`2Atlontoan aqj (en. 1828) : or or rcla1ln1110 Atlantis
`At·lan·tlc \ot·'lan·tik. at·\ adj (1594) 1 o : of, relating to. or found In.
`on. or near the Atlantic Ocean b : or. rclatlns 10, or found on or near
`the C&SI coast or the U.S. 2 : or or rcl&1lna 10 the nalions that border
`the Atlantic Ocean (the -
`Atlantic croakor n (ca. 1949): a small croaker (Joflcropogcmla..• 11nd11/a·
`11u) or the Gulf coast and the Atlantic coast
`At•lftn•tl-<:lsm \-'lan·t>1Sl·zom\ n (1950): n policy of military coopera·
`lion between Eur~an po"'crs and the U.S. - Alolan·tl·clst \·slst\ n
`Atlantic puffin n 1931) : a small black-and-white puffin (Frotl':rCU/a
`cm coastnl pans or the No. Atlantic Ocean thnl hll.'I
`arcrlca) of the no
`n triangular blll with a broad red or yellow tip
`Atlnntlc salmon n (1884): SALMON In
`Atlnntlc limo n (1880): the time or the fourth time zone west or Green·
`wlch that includes the Canadian f\lnrltlmc Provinces, Pucno Rico, and
`the Virgin Islands
`Atla n tic whlto cedar /1 (1 948) : WlllTB CllDAR I
`At· lan •tlS \~t·'lnn·t~s. at·\ /1 [L, fr. Ok. fr. Arla.•] (1602): a fabled bland
`In the Atlantic that accordlna to le1end sank benenth the sea
`at-large \ 'at·'l!lrJ\ atQ (1969) : rcfa1lna to or being n polltie<>I rcprcscn·
`tath-e who lseJccted to scr.e an entire area rather than one or hs subdl·
`city councilor> (11n -
`visions (an -
`al·las \'at·l;n\ n [LAt/ant·. Atlar, fr. 01..] (1513) 1 cap : a Titnn who for
`his pan in the Titans' revolt aaalnsl tile gods Is forced by Zeus to sup(cid:173)
`port the bea\'Ctu on his sboulcfcrs 2 cap : one who bears a heavy bur·
`den 3 a : a bound collcclion or maps often including illwtralions. In·
`fonnall'-e tables, or teiuual mancr b : " bound collection or tables.
`chans, or plOICS 4 : the Orst \'Cnebrn of the neck 5 p/ USll Olollln·t08
`\~l·'lan{,ltez. at·\ : a male naure used like n cnryntld as " supponlna
`column or pilaster -
`cnllcd nlso 1elnmo11
`alolatl \'at·,UH•l\ n [Nahuatl o/11· D
`~r/J o~~! ~~~~~ ~~~~~-;;~n: clli!t:i:0=::~,.;1::--------
`r~ board with a projection (as
`n hook) at the rear end 10 hold 1 he
`weapon in place until released
`Al·ll \'at-le\ n CONJ (1876) : a kina
`of the Huns Oauring in Germanic
`lc&cnd and corrcspondina to the historical ,\nila
`otm abbr 3Lmosphere: atmospheric
`1 ATM \,A{,)l~·'Cm\ n (1916) : 11 computerized electronic machine that
`pcrfonns basic banking functions (iu handllna check dcPOsitS or lssu·
`Ina cash withdrawals) -
`c:alled also auromarl!d 11!/ln- mm:hinl!, Oil/Oma/·
`le 11!/lu, 0111omaril: ldlu machine
`2ATM abbr asynchronous transfer mode
`a t.man \'lll·m~n. ·,min\ n, oflm cap [Sk t 1Jtma11, lit .. brca1J1, soul; llkln
`to OE iiJthm breath] (1785) 1 lli11d11i<m : the innermost essence or
`each Individual 2 H indul.vn : the supreme universal self: BRAllMA 2
`at•mO•SPhoni \ 'at·m>,sOr\ n [NL atmasphol!ro, fr. Ok armas \-apor + L
`rphan-a sphere] (1677) 1 o : the ~ous cmelopc or a celestial body
`(U a planet) b : the whole mass or air surrounding the earth 2 : the
`air o f a localhy 3 : a s urroundln11 lnnucncc or envlronrnen1 (nn - or
`hostllhy) 4 : a unit of pressure equnl 10 the pressure or the nlr al sen
`level or approximately 14.7 paunds per square Inch (101,325 pascnb)
`5 a : 1he ovemll acsthcllc effect or n work of art b : an intrl11uioa or
`slnaular tone. effect. or nppcnl (an Inn with -> - at•mO•SPhored
`\·,sflrd\ adj
`nt•mO•sph er•IC \,al·m>·'sflr·lk, ·'sfcr-\ at(} (en. 173S) 1 a : or, relating
`to, or occurrlna In the atmosphere<- dust) b : rescmblina the atmo(cid:173)
`sphere : AIRY 2 : bavlna. marked by, or contributing aesthetic or
`emotional atmosphere (an -
`Inn); o/.w : marked by an emphasis on
`Impression or tone - ol·mo-sphor·l·cal·IY \·i·k(>)le\ adv
`nl•mO•BPher·lcs \·iks\ n pl (1905) 1 : audible disturbances produced
`In rndlo rcceMna apparatus by ntmos11hcric clcctricnl phenomena (as
`llalllnina): also : the elCC1rlcal phenomena causing these disturbances
`2 : actions (as official stalementS) intended 10 create or suaacst a par·
`tlcular atmosphere or mood In politics and esp. International relations:
`also : the mood so created or ruaacsted 3 : realistic detail added (as to
`a llleraiy work) to create n mood
`at no abbr atomic number
`otoll \ 'a-1161, -1tlll, -,101. 'll·\ 11 [Dlvehl Ondo-Aryan languaae or the
`Maldl\'e lslanas) 010/u] (1625) : a coral Wand consisting of a reef sur·
`rounding a lagoon
`Ol•om \'a·l>m\ n [ME. fr. L atom11S. fr. Ok aramos, fr. atomos lndlvlsl·
`blc. rr. n· + 1emnei1110 cut] (I Sc) 1 : one of the minu te indivisible par·
`tlcles or which according to ancient mn1crlallsm the universe Is com(cid:173)
`PoSCd 2 : a tiny particle : err 3 : the smallest particle of an clement
`that can exist either nlone or In comblnalion 4 : the atom considered
`as a source of vast potential ener11y
`ntom·lc \:>-1111-mlk\ adj (1678) 1 a: of, rclatlna to. or concerned with
`atoms<- physics) b : NUCLBAR 2 <- encray) 2 a : marked by ac·
`cep1ance of the theory of ntombm b : ATOMIS'TIC 2 3: MINUTE 4 of
`a chm1ical dcmnir : exlstlna In the suue of separate atoms - otom.r(cid:173)
`caloly \ ·mi·k(>}i!\adv
`atomic bomb n (1911) 1 : a bomb whose •iolcnt explosh'e po\!oer b
`due 10 the sudden release of eneray rcsuhlna from the splitting of nu·
`clcl or a heavy chemical clement (as plutonium or U!'anlum) by neu·
`irons In a \'Cry rapid chain reacllon -
`called also atom bomb 2 : a nu·
`clear weapon (as a h>'droacn bomb)
`atomic clock n (1938) : a precision clock that depends for its operation
`A allatl
`on an clcctricnl osclllator regulated by the naturnl vibration frequen·
`clc.s or nn a tomic system (as n beam or cesium atoms)
`ntomlc force microscope 11 (1986): an lm1rument used for mapplna
`the a1omlc:-scale topography o f n surface by means or the rcpulsl\'e
`electronic forces bet\!o·een the surface and the tip of a microscopic
`probe moving above the surface -
`abbr. AFM
`n tomlc mass n (1874) : the mnss or nn atom usu. expressed in a tomic
`mass u nits: also : ATOMIC WBIO llT
`atomic mnas unit n (en. 1942): n unit or mu, for expressing ml15$C& o r
`atoms. molecules, or nuclear panlclcs cqunj to Yu the mass of a slnalc
`Mom or the most abundant carbon Isotope 1C -
`called also dalton
`otomlc number n (1821): an experimentally determined number char(cid:173)
`ncterlsllc or" chemical element that represents the number or protom
`In the nucleus which In a ncuirnl ntom equals the number of e lectrons
`ouulde the nucleus and that determines 1he place or the clement In the
`sec l!LHME.'>'T table
`pcrlodlc table -
`etomlc roactor or atomic pile n (1945): RBACTOR 3b
`atomic theory n (1814) 1 : "theory of the nature or matter: all mate·
`rial substances arc composed or minute panlclcs or atoms of a compar·
`atlvcly small number or kinds and a ll the n1oms of the same kind arc
`unlfonn In size. weight. and other properties 2 : any or SC\'Cral theo(cid:173)
`ries or the structure or the atom: esp : one b:i.scd on experimentation
`and theoretical considerations holdln11 thot the atom Is composed es(cid:173)
`sentially or a small positively charged compnratively heavy nucleus
`surrounded by a co11.1pnrnrively lnr1Je nrranaemcnt or electrons
`otomlc wolght 11 ( 1810) : the mnss or one ntom or an element; spec{/
`: the average mass or an atom or nn c lement M It occurs in nature 1hn1
`Is expressed In atomic mass units -
`sec BLBMllNT table
`llt•Om•lllO, at•Om•IS•Or Brit \'QT of ATOMtZB, ATOMIZBR
`ot·Om•l&m \ ' n·t>,ml·z"m\ n (1618) 1 : a doctrine thnt the physical or
`physical nnd mental universe Is composed or simple Indivisible minute
`particles 2 : INDrvtOUALISM I - Ol•Om•l&I \·mist\ n
`llt •Om·l&•tlC \,a·t~'mls·tlk\ adj (1809) 1 : of or rclatlna to atoms or at·
`omiun 2: composed of many shnple clcmcntS; al.so: characterized by
`or rcsuhlna from dl.,.lsion Into unconnected or antaaonistic fragments
`(an -
`society) -
`at•Om•IS•tl•Clll·IY \·ll·k(>)I!\ adv
`Bt•Om·lzo \ 'n·t>,mlz\ VI · lzed; ·IZ•lng (184$) 1 : to treat as made up
`of man)' discrete unlLS 2 : 10 reduce to minute panlcles or to a One
`spray 3 : DIVIDE. FRAOM£?>.T ( an otoml:cd society); also : 10 <kpri\'C
`of mcanlnaful tics to others (Olomi:l!d indhiduals) 4 : 10 subject to
`attack by nuclear weapons - Ol•Om•l•ZO•tlOn \,a·t>m>'tA~h;in\ n
`at•Om•IZ•Or \ 'a·t:i-,mi·z:>r\ n (186S): nn Instrument for atomizing usu. a
`perfume, dlslnrec1nn1, or medicament
`atom smoaher n (1937): ACCBLllRATOR d
`llt•O•mY \ 111-l>mCI n, pl ·mioa (lrrca. rr. L ntoml, pl. or otomus atom)
`(IS91) : I\ tiny panlclc : ATOM, MITB
`aton·nl \(,)d-116-n'I. (,)a·\ adj ['a·+ ro11al] (1922) : marked by avoidance
`or trodltlonnl muslcnl tonnlily; es11 : orannlzcd without reference to key
`or tonal center and using the 1onc~ or the chromatic scale Impartially
`aton•Ol·lsm \·n:i-,ll·z:>m\ 11 -
`oton.al·lat \·list\ 11 -
`a t o ·nal·l-ty
`\,d·t6-' na·l>te. a·\ n -
`oton·ol·IY \(,)li-116-n>I!, (,)a·\ atJ1
`otone \>'liln\ vb atonod; aton·lng CME. 10 become reconciled. rr. ar
`on In harmony, rr. nr +on onel "1 ( 1574) 1 obs : RBCONCJLE 2 : to
`supply satisfaction for: BXPIATB -
`vi: 10 make amcncls <- for sins)
`ntono•mont \:i-'tOn·mont\ n ( IS13) 1 obs: RllCONCIUATIO:-t 2: the
`reconciliation or Ood and humankind 1hrouah the sa.c:riRcial death or
`Jesw Christ 3 : reparation for an offense or ln)ury: SATISFACTIOS 4
`Chrisllnn Sclnrc" : the cxempllfyln11 of human oneness with God
`lllOn·lc \(,)3·'ta·nlk. (,)a·\ 04/ (1792) 1 : charact.cri2.Cd by atony 2
`: uttered without accent or sire's
`Dl•O•OY \ 'a·t>n!\ n [LL atonia. fr. Ok. rr. O/Onos without tone, rr. O· +
`tonos tone) (1693) : lack of physloloslcal tone esp. of a contractile or·
`~oro';, \>'ti p\ adv or atQ (16S0) : on. 10, or at the top
`otop Pl'l'P (16S5) : on 1op or
`Ot•O•PY \ 'a-ta-pa\ n [Ok atop/a uncommonness. fr. lllOPOJ Oul of the
`way, uncommon, fr. a·+ ropas pince] ( 1923): a prob. hereditary allergy
`characlcrltcd by symptoms (as ll.'lthma, hay fever, or hives) produced
`upon exposure esp. by inhalation to the excltlna environmental antigen
`otop·IC \( )A·'tii-plk, · 'IQ.\ at(/
`·Otor II :nif}'lx rL -a/or, fr. ·a·. stem vowel or Isl con).+ ·tor, agent surnxJ
`: one thM docs (totallza1or)
`otor-vO•ltOt-ln \:i-116r-v:i-1s1a-1•n. ·'t6r·v:>-1tta·\ n [01or· (pcrh. alter. of
`llpid control)+ ·•'aJ/otln (as in /oVO.Jlarin) ) 11994): a statln administered
`ornlly In the fonn or hs hydrated calcium $alt (C"Hw=N:i<lsh'Ca3H ,O
`to lo\\ er lipid lc\'cls In the blood
`ATP \,d·,t!·'~\ rr [adenosine 1riphospha1c] ( 1939) : a phosphorylatcd
`nucleotide C10H16NsOnP1 composed of ndcnoslne and three phos(cid:173)
`phate aroups that supplies eneray for many biochemical cellular pro(cid:173)
`cesses by undcraoina enzymatic hydrolysh esp. to ADP -
`called also
`ncknOStn" rriphospJo.are
`ATPeao \,l·,t!-'J>l!·,ds, •1112\ n (1946): an enY)'lnc that hydrolyzes ATP;
`ew : one 1lrnt hydrolyzes ATP 10 AbP and lnor11anlc phosphate
`at.ra·bll·lous \,a·tr:i-'bil-y:is\ ad/ [L arra bills black bile] (1651) 1
`: alven 10 or marked by melancholy : OLOOMY 2 : tLL·NATURl!D,
`at·ra·bll·IOUS•ness II
`Ol•rO•Zlne \ 'n-tr:i-12fn\ n [pcrh. fr. amino + n1mlnl!] (1962) : a
`photosynthesis-inhibiting persis tent herbicide C•H1 •CINs used es p. to
`kill nnnunl weeds nnd quack 11mss
`o lrom·blo \:>-'trcm-bol\ adj (1862): s haklnlJ Involuntarily: TREMaLINO
`(he was white as death and all -
`-Robert Coover)
`otre·aln \>'trl-?h:>\ n [NL. fr. 'a· + Gk rll.rls perforation, fr. tetrainrln
`to pierce - more at THROW) (ca. 1807) 1 : absence or closure or a
`natural po.u.~ge or the body 2 : absence or dlsllppcomnce or an nnn·
`tomlcal r.art (as an ovarian follicle) by degeneration
`Atroua \ a-,cna. -trt-..s\ n [Gk] ( ISc): "klna of Mycenae and father or
`Ap.mcmnon and Menelaus
`atrial nalrlureUc peptide n (1984) : " peptide hormone ~tcd by
`the cardiac atria that In pharmacological doses promotes salt and water
`cxcrcllon and 10 .... -c11 blood pressure - called also arrlal natrluretlcfac·
`atrh:~·von•trlc·u·lar \,ll·tre-O-,·en·'lri·ky:i-lor. ·von-\ ntQ [NLOlrium + E
`l'tnrrlculor] (ca. 1860) : or, relating lo, or localed bet"'ccn an atrium
`and \entricle of the heart
`from the slno
`strip \>'trip\,
`atrl·um \'a·ut
`central room
`open pnlionrc
`building (as a
`cnvhy or pass
`hc:>rt that rco
`or \cntriclcs.
`atro-clous \>
`atl!r black t
`: extremely wi
`Rll'Yll< O (the
`alroC·l·tY \>'U
`Ina atrocious
`lnp and arroo
`at•ro•Phy \'a·t
`fed, fr. O• + /Tt
`away or a bod
`pan or Oll!llll i
`or plnni 2: a
`or....., or nciat
`phlc \C,)d·'trO-
`a t·ro·Plno \ 'a·t
`ladonna, fr. Ol
`turc or hyoscy
`(n.s belladonna
`llncralc clfccl!
`at algn n (1982)
`er's e·mall add!
`att \'Or Of AT
`2att abbr
`t atta.
`aMa·boy \ 'a·t:>
`10 ooxprcu enco
`aMach \>'UICh
`tacht italce, Of I
`by Jcanl authon
`(oneself) Into ai
`(an Individual c
`sonal tics (as or
`ly) 4: 10 mak
`5 : 10 nssocla1e
`Importance to r
`llllRB syn~c
`Ol·la•Ch6 \,a-t>
`lechnlcal cxpen
`military-) 2
`aMa·ch6 case
`thin sullcn5<: US<
`a Mac hod \>11.u
`aMach·ment \:>
`: the \\rit or pre.
`personally auac:.
`(a deep -10 n
`mcnt 4: the p
`another 5 : the
`1at·tack \>'lak\ 1
`Stake, or Gmc 0
`work ognlns1 for
`: 10 bcaln 10 am
`: to sci 10 work
`with Immediate 1
`syn A'ITACX, "
`onslauaht upor
`( plnn 10 attack 1
`down resistllllC•
`artUlcry fire). A
`denncu and vie
`Ina from all sic
`shells (bomborc
`2 bruk Into a def
`ottack n (16SS)
`friendly words: ,
`: I\ flt or slckncso
`case b : a perio.
`or mood) 4 a : ,
`8· hlt -> b: or
`: the setting to '
`problem> 6 : ti
`~ aacnt) ? : the ac
`a ttack at(/ (1899)
`tary nttnck (an -
`nttock dog n (19'
`slaht 2 : a pcrso1
`IACks aa:Unn Oth•
`aMack·man \-,m:
`offensl•e zone or
`OMaln \>'IAn\ ··b
`reach, accomplhl
`ad· .. lart6rrt 10 to
`end : OAIS, ACHIJ
`TAJ.N (he - , i Prt
`or a progression 0
`<- n ripe old aae
`fon - UJu. US<:d •
`taln·obla \·'tA·n>
`oMaln·dor \>'W>·
`In On. of otrlndtt) 1
`Fontem Ex. 2002
`R.J. Reynolds Vapor Co. v. Fontem Holdings 1 B.V. IPR2016-01270
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