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`thir'iz) v. ~rized. ~riz-
`the-o-rize (the'a-tiz',
`— inrr. To formulate theories or a theory; Specular .
`n. —the'o-riz’er n.
`propose a theory about. —thelo-ri-za’ti0n (.515
`the‘osry (dials-re, thir’ e) n., pl. -ries. 1.3. Sysmmat
`ganized knowledge'applicable in a wide van'c
`stances, esp. a system of assumptions, principles)
`procedure devised to analyze, predict, or other“,
`the nature or behavior of specified phenomena
`knowledge or such ‘a system. 2. Abstracr reasoning
`lion. 3. A belief that guides action or assists cmnpreh’e.s
`the theory that less is more. 4. An asst!
`based on limited information or 'knowledge‘
`[LLaL (beam; <'Gk. < theéros, spectato‘r ;
`viewing + -oros, seeing]
`theory of g mes It. See game theory.
`the-os-o-p _y’(t_he “sIa-fé) n., pl. -phies. 1. Religious'
`ophy or speculation about the soul based on tuysfical. -\
`into the nature of God. 2. Often Theosophy. The be“.
`religious sect, the Theosophical Society, founded in Nc
`City in 1875, incorporating aspects of Buddhism and 3
`manism. [Med.Lat. theosophia < LGk.
`: Gk. theo- Lh '
`Gk. prbia, wisdom] —the'o-soph’lc (-o-séflik’)
`soph'l-cal (-i—kal) adj.
`the-os'o-phlst n.
`’ ,
`k) also ther-a-peu.ti
`'kal) adj. 1. Having or cxh 'ting healing powers: a the, \
`tic agent. 2. Of or relating to therapeutics. lNLar. they?
`ticus < Gk.
`therapeutikos < therapeutés; onc?
`administers < therapeuein < theraps, therap-, attendant
`' men/in] —ther’a-peultl'cal'ly adv.
`therapeutic abonlon n. An abortion induced for medic
`sons, as when a woman’s health is in danger.
`therapeutic Index 71. The-ratio between the toxic dose am}
`therapeutic dose of a drug, used as a measure of the rel
`safety of the drug for a particular treatment.
`ther-a-peu-tics (thér'apyofi’flks) :1. (used with a sing
`Medical treatment-of disease; the art or science of he’a
`-—ther'a-peultlst n.
`theroa-p ' t (HIEIIEFPTSI) n. One who specializes in the?
`sion of: particular therapy. ’
`the~rap-siq;(tha:r§plsid) n. Any of various reptiles of t 1
`er Theraps
`a of the‘Perrnian and Triassic periods, in I
`hich arc-c
`dered direct ancestors of mammals. [< I”
`, _ rder name : Gk. the‘r, wild animal; see Trim
`+ Gk. hapsis, hapsid-, arch, vault. (< their enlarge
`temporal .opiEning); see mm] "the’THPISidrfldi.
`ther-aipy (thérIa-pe) 93., pl. —pies.'1. Treatment-of'illn
`disability. 2.-Psych’otherapy. 3. Healing power-or quali
`~therapy'of fresh air'and sun. [‘NLat. therapia < Gk. th ‘ ,
`< therapeuein, to treat medically. Sec nttimr'clch '
`Ther~a-va-da (thér'o—va’da) n. Buddhism. A-form of-H
`yana- prevalent in Sri‘Lanka' and Indochina. [Pali‘th‘eravd'
`them, an elder (< Skt. slhavira-, old, venerable; see 5 ‘ ‘
`u‘fida, doctrine (< Skt. udduh, statement, doctrio
`there (thir) izdvf 1. At or in that place: sit over there. Z.‘
`into, or toward that place: wouldn’t go::here. 3. At thatsta‘g
`moment, or point: Stop there! 4. ln'that’ matter: I can’t nng
`with” him' there. ~pron. "1. Used to introduce a clause”
`sentence: There must be another exit. Z.-Used to indicatct
`unspecified person in direct addreSs: Hello there. — lulj. U
`as‘ an intensive: As): that person there. —n. That place
`point: went on from there. 4-inte17‘. Used to express fee‘li
`such-as~relief,AsatisfactiOn,v-sympathy, or anger: 'There, no
`can have some peace! [ME-< OE rhz'er,
`the‘r. Scc to-".]
`Usage Note.- The standard rule states-that when~the p
`noun there precedes ‘a verb such as be, seem, or-appeaf.
`verb agreesi'n number with the following" grammatical s
`ject:"1‘here s_a great Italian deli across'lhe-stretét. Therein
`fabulous t’riildflowersin the hills. 0 The demonstrative fofm
`that there and this here are nonstandard.
`there-a'bouts’ (tl;ar'a:bouts') also thete-a-bput -{-b0ut’;
`adv. 1. Near that place; about there: somewhere iii New Yo?
`or thereabouts. 2. About 'that'fiumber, amount, or time.
`there-af'ter (thar-af'tar) adv. Erom a specified'time onward ’1
` from’thcn on:
`therel-la-gains -(thar’a-génst') adv. Against or in opposm
`tot at.
`there-at (thfir-dt’) add. 1. A: that place;
`there. 2. Ac thn
`event; on account of that.
`i " <'
`there-by (rhinbifi) adv. 1. By that means; because of that.
`2. in connection with that.
`there'for (that-for!) adv. For that.
`there-fore (that/{(5H, -for') adv. For that reason or cause;
`cons: uently or- hence. [ME :' there, there; see THERE + fl”:
`fore, or; see Fort.)
`theresfrom (thir—frfim’, -fr6rn’) adv. From that placc,‘timcy
`or thing.
`there-in (thfir-in’) adv. '1. in that place, time, or'thin‘g.-Z. In
`that circumstance or respect.
`there'insaf-ter (thar’i‘n—fif’tar) adv. in a later part, as of 3 3 l
`speech or book.
`i lE
`the-nar (thé'nir’) u. The fleshy mass on the palm of the hand
`at the base of the thumb. — adj. Of or relating to the thenar.
`[Gk., palm of the hand.)
`thence (Ihéns, théns) adv. 1. From that place; from there: flew
`to Helsinki and thence to Moscow. 2. From that circumstance
`or source; therefrom. 3. Aichaic. From that time; thenceforth.
`Sec Usage Note at whence. [ME thermes': thenne, from there
`(< OE thanon; see to—’) + ~25, genitive sing. suffi; see ‘53.]
`thence~forth (théns‘férth’, ~f6rth’,
`théus-) adv. From that
`time forward; thereafter.
`thence‘for-ward (thEus-fér’ward,
`thins—l also thence~for°
`wards (-wardz) adv. 1. Thenceforth. 2. From that time or
`place onward.
`theo— or the— prefi God: theomorphism. [Gk. < theos. Sec
`theoovbro-mlne (the’o-bro’mén’) n. A bitter alkaloid,
`C7H9Naoz, derived from the cacao bean and used as a diu-
`retic, vasodilator, and myocardial stimulant. [NIAL Theohro-
`ma, Zgenus of trees (Gk.
`theo-, thco: + broma, food) +
`~1NE -l
`the-o-cen-tric (thé’é-sén’tr‘ik) adj. Centering on God as the
`prime concern: a theocenzric cosmology.
`the-oc‘ra-cy (thé-ék’ra-sé) n.', pl.
`jcies. l. A government
`erne .
`ruled] by or subject to religious authority. 2. A state so gov-
`the'oscrat (rhé’a-krét’) n.
`‘l. A ruler of a theocracy. 2. A
`believer in theocracy. — the' oocrat' 1c. the’mcratll'cal adi.
`The-oc-rl-tus (thé-éklr‘i-tos). 3rd cent. B.C.‘Gtcck poet who
`cemp'oscd the earliest known pastoral poems.
`the-od-l‘cy (the-6d "i-sé) n., ply-cies. A vindication of God’s
`goodness and iustice in the face of the existence of evil. {After
`The’odice’e, a work by Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz,
`: Gk. theo-, tth- + Gk. diké, order, right; see deik-‘J
`the-od-o-lite (thé-Bd'l-it') n. An optical instrument consist-
`ing‘ of a small mounted telescope rotatable-in horizontal and
`vertical planes, used in surveying. and meteorology. [NLaL
`theodolitus, theodelitusJ --.the-od’o-lit’icl-lit’i’lt) adj.
`The-o-do-ra (thé'3-d6r’a, ~d6r'—). 508.34548. Byzantine em-
`press (525—548) as the wife and adviser of Justinian I.
`The-od-o-ric (the-odlar-ik). Inn. 4541—526. King of the Os-
`trogoths (474—526) who founded a kingdom in Italy (493).
`The-o-do-slus l (the'o-do’shas, whiz—as). M). 346?—395. Em-
`peror of Reme who ruled jointly (379—392lwith Gratian and
`Valentinian II and independently (392—395).
`the'ogso-ny (mécha-né) it, pl. —nles. An account of the
`gods‘ origin and genealogy. 4the’é-gon'lc (-a-géu'l‘k) adj.
`theol. abbr. Theologian; theological; theology.
`thB'O'lQ'gl'an (thé’a—lo’ion) n. One learned in theology.
`the-o'log-l'cai (thE’a-léj’i-kal) also the-o-log-ic (-lojli’k)
`adj. Of or relating to theolo or to specialized religious
`study. —the’o~log'i-calzly
`theool-ovgize (thé—élIa-iiz') v. -glzed. —glzolng. -giz-es. —- tr.
`To make theological in form or significance. — intr. To-spcc~
`ulate about theolo
`~the-olIo-giz'er n.
`the-ol-o-gy (the—o
`1c)-n., pL -gies.
`‘l. The study of the
`nature of God and religious truth. 2. A system or school of
`opinions concerning God and religious questions. 3. A course
`of specialized religious study usu. at a college or seminary.
`the‘vom-a-chy (thé-émla-ké) 71., pl. vchles; Strife or battle
`among gods, as in the Homeric poems. [Gk. theomakhia :
`theo-, theo- + makhia, fighting (< makhe', battle).]
`the-o-mor-phlsm (thé’o-mérlt‘iz'am) 1:. De iction or con-
`ception of human beings as having the form ofPa god. - the'-
`o-mor’ phic adi.
`the-oph-a-ny (thé-éf’a—né) n., pl. -nles. An appearance of 'a
`god to'a human being; a divine manifestation. [Med.L‘at.
`theophrmia < LGk. theop'haneia : Gk. they, theo- + Gk.
`phainein, phan—, to show; sec obi-“.1
`Thevo'phras-tus (thé’a-fras/ms). 371?~287? a.c. Grcckphi-
`losopher who succeeded Aristotle as leader of the Peripatetics.
`the-oph~yl-llne (thé-fifla-lin, the'od‘i’llen’) n. A crystalline
`alkaloid, C7H8N4OZH20, derived from tca leavesor made
`synthetically and used as' a cardiac stimulant and diuretic.
`[molanom) + PHYLL(O)—‘+ —INE2.]
`the-o-rem (thé’ar-am, thir’am) n. 1. An idea that is demon-
`strably true or is assumed to be so. 2. Math. A‘ proposition
`that has been or is to be proved on the basis of explicit as-
`sumptions. [LLat. theoréma < Gk. <- theorem, to look at <
`theéras, spectator. See mom.)
`the-o—ret-l-cal (thé'a~rét’i-kal) also the'o'ret-ic (-rEtLik)
`adj. 1. Of, relating to, or based on theory. 2. Restricted to
`theory; not practical: theoretical physics. 3. Given to theo—
`rizing; speculative. [Lian theoréticus < Gk.
`theore‘tikos' <
`zheérétos, observable < theorzin, to look at. See THEOREM.)
`—the' adv.
`theooo‘resti-clan (thé’or—i-fish/on, thir’i-) n. One whofor-
`mulatcs, studies; or is expert in the theory of a science or an

`the -o-ret- ics (thé’a—rEt’iks) 1:. (used with a sing. v.) The the-
`orctical part of a science or an art.
`the-o- rist (thé’ar—ist, thir’i‘st) n. One who theorizes; a theo-
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