Pffit", ffiffiffiffi ffii
`*EiE*/Nrr ,^7^tv)
`la=) AffinFft
`TJHHH/\egJtffi&Dt C uEttfi"f
`&-f 5/ \u ?H0)fd#[E El; l*' fififin'f bE#Lw4
`,rCttE*bg, gEtg CuEP'fbFfrb EMilfiftt'
`mn'Hrs dF€ffi lt*ffiUt',ZL \5" HHf,em*0)
`Uffi[HA;EEttt6t0) l; T a N, W NzSEV bna
`i\, /\U?fdilshCI:F RlJ9,'ffiAiYVc <A"
`gl+t*+ t 0 r'p > >7 pt x tH r,1 /:CuEC,ffilt' 6f
`nfltrEh' t'ffiX€ffiFk[H': L* 3 ( #J 3tf, b( r' 6' f
`ttFlrrCuEdffit ffiaffinoE*.li, 12-134Biin'6 t t"
`L6h" CMP, Cu4&b[atrH&fffiL L {) l:, &b 4 (
`affin*hhs,ffftl6 fL< \,l 7ac)hsts U tft#l?b 6. Cu
`irAlJ r) {,ffi{Efr? ft> 0, Ev ? | ap,l /V-? a 7
`'E (EMffit it) c6fu( v' 6 I L t*f ( t' h Eafl"ct> c
`/it:UEqb bf , nE*?lFHEit/r#r/eolt' Alli
`jL,^i(ffi&tr > \ e v7 at x E,g,^'f EWaWWd'X
`3i'-: /:taf ?t>4. <o>47 $&^of6#i,fill, Cuir
`Sii:ffHl L /e Wo>RA"'aF^Wry? t, 6 a L t+ ZILll,
`/{ u ttr)Hoffif;l3E,#rrEh'fuaoltE*&L t"i 6?
`i { r) tftf+L v' j LCufiffAffirti aalef>otslrr./
`r pt *f4 Lbh*,ftf*l:F:F3lL6ffi'fgttiiltilh *
`b f , lJr l,D)rl', Cu & ff, H f 6 te 8> a trt t' A' E o>#Wht' <
`U 'rrf{F{'L B€4{ L(v' 6 Lv">a. {"&E?liajr'y's:ffi?
`itCuEtffizs U,rttf+A E#/)ffiffi? L 6 i (S,^ 6 "
`Cuz)t< r,1 .reff,{el-n*f4* VlsllttlJts 6 /3t,rffiffif Xti
`frf. * /c, ffifttrtEl 1 Efrf .
`ocut*Siozs tffiiflcrfffi L, IF'EF+E i:ifffif lL
`tf, t*A \ -? , r- f&|Yffi4.ffi&' L * v'1-6€
`E.a4fitts E*+o'*i;Lt ff ) " * /:EE'ffi fflo*tf*
`\ -2 arF'
`Hl:*fiffffuld, #€SoE^+Eeffiffr
`@CuH|JSiO "tA$4 < a*Et Mttl+LaEE'Wh:19'
`( , 6ht:fr*a#!wh'&* 6. H4*|JW/d, 7 s 4
`g t y= >>cum,ffi{:fj(l a't'1 tMlF'lor*ffi
`EfllSemiconductor World 1998 2
`Page 1 of 6
`IP Bridge Exhibit 2034
`TSMC v. IP Bridge


`* t
`ttt) ?.tt ? )vAeuft^ffiffi,W.
`.*-r; . ffi'f f "afl iEtr qq.f :"+
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`ri: ;,.1,1, "4ffi*. r'l,i;r,:'. -i::'.;-;--' .: :;. .: .::";
`riri:r,-i. xx 450[1ti]'r;i::: n idtli,;;3n*,i-:,'' :;;' i; :r
`-;.i;;..1.'fr:. XffiEIffi , :::.,,,':lrrrll'
`.-' rx; ii
`;t,'n l"i: t#m g"t'i' ; ":ir:,
`:,Fir'.fi7.0q;h* {.','+l::***tiiio ii1
`;,;,',rt :l';(o -' -*- " *'
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`;1, :i ';":'"-.,,,.r,, ;'.: ;".,-' i ;;, :.- : ;:,i..
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`*.2 t*t) I /t/roBTil5f;ffR
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`E+vHr'. t8) Atr:fF4
`t 6 ? e 73 >, : +- 2 a >o)iilI'.t 6
`@CvI)W4V.H IJ tTLif t t> D, WlLf,**E l3th * 6
`tr: FJffi *?&:tlt 6
`irtfffit-, Cut#.4lf.tb
`@CuEdffiltHv.EMffift$tfi'-f 6h', #H, rFE, ijJ
`a yo)#ffit
`UffiFnrzifffst*$, z4 /v-!
`aD, EMm{,Enr#V<',*|Lt6
`Ut-o } i t:,,t Ulrf'tt[i3:Fet b 7L6'WH.Elt, Cu L
`*gj\*M,)1xfr frh' b ofrw.t $t z b . t alft,t", 6€.8
`o)fr1L, CuaW4Y,Ffi:L, *E', FEi, lffFop4 y'v-
`! = >a\fihtEt 4Wt=tE6" */:CuofrHf,i*l:3
`g, 7t*.y 2 t) 2y'Tltr) Zp _4Foi#fL'wo)frt,
`CVDt &b r *
`IJnXXffifr € a {,gi€t' 7a ree>aff,tHr*t*.
`ts t o)Ttbtthl L t ( o,HqirF:F 3 fL6
`Gu*fiilFfttHeUcO/\Ut tfH
`*f&#o,* D +ttwoE kl?b 6cu4,ltffiFfit|tz'>
`SiOrSOCulttr 4 t:z t ls 1<trffif I
`v',( j6,,\6
`t n* *fl 6 tL< r,. 6 0 I o> te 8> E# t FF aI L /e#tiE'e lt*t
`fitrtj-L.Efiftnf.fiEiEa rLTd:- t t:itH t-ttJttltts b
`13\,rr)o Cuo)ff^ffi.tffirlf 6ffif+L L(lJ, &RLffiffi+rJ
`alxfrh' b 6. s.Fr,='>vr ( lJ, ffiFf,ffi l3Eil F,a&R
`?culEtrbtf , *ln-affffiffi8&ailpi a; L.nrfJ'Fl-i8
`fi,ofFff ltsl(\t$"
`*.2gmft.t?llffi*8lt(v', Tats\ t./ ? tvtfrt"
`Hi atrL L(zsrJf'ftrlt, w, cr/r8ifi"1i,ir-(v.
`6i:, Tahr&it,(v. 6 J i f fr) A2'. AA L L( lJ
`Cu L oEl"u.i$irt t,1A
`TiW'), IrTan)ir€*
`l'u< v'' 5
`Efll Semiconductor World 1998.2
`Page 2 of 6


`300 600 900 1200
`tr 3 SIMSI:J 6450'C, 3off-7 =-)VLL.o:ffiBffiffi
`a I vv F EFtI['f 6 /:D t: lJ, 10nml"lTolga "fit'
`/3zrrl f,f$f at 7d'y'F-hti>6" arLaiffiE at6l:lt
`Dtc ( t UTaNtWNh:'Y,ELls7a.
`*t , zo) Ii tHr..H?lJ, Hfrffa+rJ'lf..0)/-^<lt
`/r (, Y>if'-PaMffi,tWZ6: L L#HtlS&t ( a
`6..a/eet},Zp,mD)Tr|l$tffi -C|rffi fft H{!.!li:cuilf ff ffi t
`ffif,t t # /:rl 7a a L httflF*h+J t E' b *LE . ? a l:'8> 4'(fu s
`t) + t, )vT)&s[ tJ, fiff,r t) + L V< /XySUDJII:' s
`ffio n-ffiftnffiio tty|, o tl&E t v < olx-el fi I LF H*Tts
`CVD, &) r 3 CufrHa>fif[Ei6'l$rr E L Cu&HTtu t' V<
`oibfllhtFlf.8116 LtLla.
`caoffiffi.t FtuLf 6 f6t*HlJ 2 El3afi t t a, ffi-
`f tsiNra) J i i:Hff tr/r'i''v l' v - ? Tcuatr'ffi't7 u
`'y 2 f 6 t a? i> 6 " 7 r{vCVD-SiN xlty'?, >7
`a E.^a#ffite7t6 : L E'iF,H a iL6 " H 2 IiPSG
`* /:ttBpSGf b;ie),ro)o El 3 fc, &ffiat&ffiM.affiE L
`tEfiftf l:ff Ht L teCaa, hffi a fi f . ifr ECVD?trfF L
`tBpSGi{, Iti,l UtRH?tEffi L /:SiOz L }L& L ( H t'u * t)
`,r,EAA' L ( I,. 6 i L iTbi' 6. PSGSBPSGO6EIJSiO'
`L**ljrr (, fift7p 'v ? t La'?lJ/r ( , Na l'7'v
`atFlffitscu4t>al I'y7 L L(Er!.(r".4 Lfl4fi
`3 fu(v. 6. PSG+BPSG{i, {E*n' 6polv-Si7- l' E
`iAf:fEHan(fi r), u trJ +t , PaV>t,-tvfsY?
`s Rm
`Effi$E (rm)
`H z t\ r) | t t )v%ar-?, 2cuEiffi*Stt^-affr$
`L L(lJ, ft*i' bffimen<r,'6TiNJ D 6TaN,WNs)
`ir,Elr.(v'' 6 L v.1 WEh".t'v." EE&,f;AJR€|UWOM
`{iE)ft*nF tvffit 6 : Lhf * <, zat*a, ffiif i:ta
`ffin t 7
`o lc#,&#ffinrfdE L lr b. Znffirynt& ^V'
`+, )v7 7 X l3,jftvrzJr 3 v.f,i.&l:f 6 : L'ettffffissa E
`(f6, U L( lf8(:L?, 368,sU'r'EaH(t
`6 : Lij?3 6. ifL6 i3lt, E4LWt=Si, Bt#n L/:
`TaSiN6), WSiN, WBNDIj J (IffiRfi'!l:&*tfrXnj€
`it6MOCVD-TiNi*#) 6.
`-ffiFli3ftf+affiffi,s U'trLtEtil#tj l'l'- Ft7 t'
`ts7a" t/Lt3if L, lLSiF!6v''iEtilStz*t) f&f *lS
`3 ri 6 /: &), *, i:it^i /:irTatTa icCeOr') t lffi lu L /:H
`t E&Effia&FrffrffiEeA* <"€F
`t) b 6 'r' #*Err
`f,+ffi f f * t:,ft b fL< er /4 v r o
`/=!>7u{xtc'12'lJb/s\ +./ , )va#triL tt
`Etffi,+Effia 7, - \ Y /ht b a " f? i Y7 a i' ATM
`rt 3 itt:cuEebR?t*, Ed,ffi/)Eg[, fiu&r*/{ t) r / y' tv
`EAbfub " J-o)/::f,t*/ ->a:ffiffi4LiriEtr L' El 2
`l3frf J ) l:, 'flrlEf,* r) tHolEA ir*tF? 3 tr ( /r D ,
`ffi.fracuo>;6 r,1 a -"Airg L ( tfr't L,cuEtffia)EfEtil
`'l!a t \,v h nr**rltb "
`TiNtTatl*fiftfs ts UJr$a
`ift ? i L- a T * 6 fr*tr-o F&nl J 30nmHii{*.t *> 6 h*,', < t )
`* ) t )vah?Cuaff^ffi.tffi ( Lf 7a L' +1hoWfrts|L
`Efll Semiconductor World 1998.2
`Page 3 of 6


`t3 ttr) | /, )va&H'l{k, 1E*F'lt, n4r*,E'lg}b#
`'r"ll:t -.,,:.;.1.
`,i.:::.::i.1,. 1i ,:
`CuiJfiffi L /:ffi, *tn1g11 6 a t ilt Zb&ffi,* y .re
`t U<drrt?b b. Vh'L, 7 7XvCVD-SiN bPSG,
`BPSG 6 / = V > ET*&O'fFJJ& XJ J TAEffi Offiffi ffi T E IIi6
`N /g!:o
`/= 2 7 EtffiE trl*t#,*s*a'lfl t:,t,;rit A#t't 6 +
`i* L L (NECa, bSiOzo)*Eg,fL,ns€# 3 ?L( t,. 61')o
`;irfj, y'?>ztttrltjt,r(, '&tvffi,L/:sioz tr L (
`Xvfig4,l: J t, rfft
`f JsioF/)&*ffit7 > r,z77
`/{ U rlSaAt 6A|LE i:AHAr* 6fr1*?, ffiffiffi7)
`'Hnsto'Jl'3 tLA a L nr+E€ 3 /u( v'6.
`C urIHT r&,eUz A I\UI? tg )V
`cuEdffi 5F Ei fr \lfi1 0) +F. F, h, 6 E t u s r) tHoffi tf r: : v.
`)v7)ffi'WtLV$4L/: tooT*>6. ? =-2 421:(t'r$ $
`att, tte*o>+rlJt+f ?E##slt(r,', b7-, a7t
`u 2 - rt, 6SArrTUtJ L/i U of, ##4tr? to oTi)
`b a t t ts*|ffi r,: /s r... Ta {cF€ L ( | J, Cu L d),f'}€l&tr
`irt$ ( , l.11469 L/eCu[Sli (111) trrful:t$ ( RH L,
`EMMfJEO,*? U TiN, TiW L .tT$4 L(5SI,r L O+R€ U b
`9, Eatcfrffihsfrtffi,a ir.(u. 6 LT&{ e fL6. TiN L
`CuoFEt:Ef, L ( ltTiNofrHi*, CuofrHi*l:t * (
`ffiigE L /:xzs'v ? TiNlisrEffi Lte 7't*'y, C,rF&, 7
`,.''z y'CuHt ,- F E L/eCVD-CuH|J (111) frItl=l&
`r) tHErv.,
`( Eerfu L, Hv,ffi€,Hnt'&rrrLarztoffu0),t*
`( fJ * /i7- y' hrfrttl->( vr Ivrtrs, TaSiN tzs U rr,r
`x (f*fi*{stfi^)
`y' tv r,:- L /:CuEdffiirTiN t, * \ r ./ , )v l!ffit,. tcuE-cffi
`l3!b^i(Hv.EM#6OX|J 4l$l=fs 7a LaW#hrt) 6")o
`Cuau {.2 ,ffilt,lHEF!l:-l'-^lTAts t) rrHl3ftH(i
`B 6 rr, t) 7 E -aWhrFt*CuL /r U fHrD #ffit=p,ry
`SfLA j )Ct>6. t-h,L, /{r,lrrf/'fjf Lt)7a-Wh
`Er)W4*,ltW#l: I r < fi.offiXtf.t I; o> b b t, #
`H.P,\ tt tt7 u
`t f i6,f L,f i'L l f Ttlg.f& E wtt < tL ttt E
`9A ( /rv',1f (vrl.:/J4 ) "
`cvD L Dr * i: J 6CuftHijTjtgtst& ( fif+f 6
`oTIUL L(1i4,&o)st)r./ / tvlt'bf L UEi't-/:T
`lilL lJv' i /rv." ?filsfiJl: I 0 +nWt,ffi,€tBfiEf 6 :
`L ", e&Atr€.4VMtc.lEfH? * 6h*, EE'Wrs E a F.
`t7t*'y /ffitc'*6" * /:, Cud>c * frEE *"i:+E€
`3 ir.( v. 7d)s t) + )t 2 pl:6tr416ffit 6 : L lJ, [3f3r
`y''"r,7E-u^t o)#A,'Wt6 Z6D)t-, CMPl: I
`7p,, * t'] A 7, )v a1fiI:'l$;5s;[S i: /r 6 I' L (J v. i * ? U
`/svro i OffiCuOCMP 7, \ ?tElE+EffiEt b h',,s t)
`f t t )vtCMPx l' 'vz{L L(, E\aIE?':t) +./ t
`tv t w*t 6 h'?+'&,fitfth' tL 6 " TiN i3 Bq L ( lJffinE
`oCu-CMPx i \ ajffiE?3 A i L h*fr b{L< $ 9 ffi*
`o+i* L lc b "IMa&E #|LVt 6 AE 3 ?t/e 7-, ll/r v \
`TailH L t i*€fi'fL,+fi!03ffir)(f
`ir, lFlffi L.E 12fL6
`Etslrtlf4?b r), Cux 7 t) ?qffiffi P- l. lli./r D {8v."
`? . 9v r>Wh?*tr@/ \Yld-)= )
`Ffll Semiconductor World 1998.2
`Page 4 of 6


`,::. ffi HtttJ,Ht-/:fi E : ...
`(t) cur.t vi> /L., rt I t, )'v
`cprp?ftlH Ltlil:
`tr 4 *Eizf v >,\-i a>&Ea*)*.
`t 7a" to>teDEtfiRtleHt*77 X.rSiOzttEffit b t
`cu#6ns&4?e fub "rRElJi$v.77 XwCVD-SiN AAt
`6t efii*,hsffi v.. I iL( u' 6 rr, !) ('> h'7>fflEfii t> 6,
`Effi*Bf,*FHa)ffi€SrrH ( A 6 . L i:mi, CuLSiNa)
`m#,H, *ffi7>=4 y'v-i a / ttI6tir,1Edffi<'optvt
`,it'wa'*ILo,u'R?6 6 " El 4 l3r,' * *
`iL( v.
`b r. tv7 7 r 4 >&tr't:.v ?^i- 2 a z a$\t -}lf
`: yl*lJffif&{L,tr,,fF*F
`b t4',-L?') o J- tL b A t *,y y ^i - "
`'w.o -Ltrhxnr[€-ar. 3 iL( r,' 6 nf:[E&li H z 6. &E
`o) t :- 4 /= 2 2/ a i zo)+?'y,Efi'E ) #offiFfrlj
`fr ( r,r /g V:o
`7,,s.y t'&fr> 6 r,' lttrffi{t 2.,*,y y' tHv,nIf},flEA
`/{ U rrr. t )vttt.s< fiHnsnIHE? *> 6. HT 7-'<, I
`LL.,aR? {: u v / 7 E -Zl\"y y' *t:trt4 7 7ll7t*'t
`ETll Semiconductor World 1998.2
`? tHv,6 a t T0 .25pm)v-)v?av7 if'-tva"t r) t
`Mffi,*?f iEIfiACf) 0, &$ttffiEi: fi 6 CuAdffi?ljx
`t*,y ) ts \ r t, )vh*taH 3 h6AH7)sffi !rr8)" Li. L+
`',&a'Mfrfr4U,1, v> F4 Z6 L, r..f ?tCVDt3E**1"6
`6E,s t) + ), )vaCVDt: J 6frHt*A# + l:61.
`TiN icF€ L( IJMOCVD L TiCL a,H#f t3 L/3*fSC\rD*
`MOCVD-TiN (JCufiffiz * U
`Ertrf ? t3 ffi IE. 3 fu( v. 6
`t t L<o'WHfj jLrCVD-CuHofrHffi'lEh*zt*'v ,
`TiN I ry $&fL< 1r t I vr i #€116 5 ts). /:/J L, zr r.)
`r'W.o)@,tL bH tt+EfiilnrH <, E#7 7 /<f&&ts E T
`Mffitfr|V,L/eHltu *U'r'lSrrFB 6 t v..i I v- Ft7
`ofA&E b6 " TiCL a lHfl L f 6 CVDIF ljcli*CuEf,ffi
`E + Z 6 Y/.Wh* * t:Znln? b 7a .W *,4ffilJW-CVDr'fF
`H* Fo> t>6WFu iffFH ? 3 6 o ?CVD 4LItkw$J* a
`r)'rHltTaBrutF#f L LTCVDL
`ct>4't "Tafla,s
`MOCVDTT€* A ro( l,. 6 is, lFb+af t) ts t) i /f t4
`Page 5 of 6


`Gt rE!(
`t a *EejEffid)cvDi*
`/)ffi+nrRffi?t>62e,.MOCVDFF+6 7 .t zV.r) 7.t z
`/ f 't aWWTfr> &"\o
`j z.'t l7u+- 7?tst) f ./ , )vhtfrH?*f,ulJ, Cu
`ad> "z *7 u i z L o$elt*.o,f; ?lig* Lurir,' ; /)
`hwqffinv, xEl@: -i.l,t#h't> 2 - 36rl1>x&.
`h:haah?tr 6. TiNi:Fq La'd/pf )v*t:-I6fi
`p1*91f icta#3 *t(v. Art*, <0)1*.0)ffifr1J/4ur22t" *
`/:, *€f,4&b: 3 EJ SCoWPnfl€*3fL(v', Aht, y'
`-? i 7 EtffR_tH3 r:196 L, ffif&,f kH A rEFfl. LA v, 6 61 7,
`?, CuOi(fr2{r,f -rs t V<o#fiffilt*/Ct <, ffiffiWt
`lc v: z)' 03, $ A rt, L #FE? t) 6 ")"
`l\La j i l:, CuEBffio,* U rrf"JF+F J (IfiHltlJt,',
`* /J&#&F!rrffit'4+b 13lt$- (Lr/st,ro CuEdffitHH
`lLt 6lep)i:, {fr.2 6 lr 0)h' b[fr..(v: i i Lv\ ) CIht
`rE tii ? b 4 ) . &E ltiF' ro'r,[4 x,,.' .r t t ffiH L /: TaN,
`wNb 6 v.tJtturcsialfifi Lrefi'Fltf€ffit 60)h**ffi
`o>tflF.ffJnaffi? &> 4 i " * t, MocvD-TiNisus u t'lf
`L Efi,tfifno) lXfr ? ifr D A r, . tr"2 1 1 ( Jffi tr F{ lt CVD,f L,rr
`nl'6a?b 6ht, I&,0rfrt+0)cvDrt''y,FLts 6 L, e 6t:
`6 L, ts U rPfgdlErfr*6ffifFi:rF&b blLbfrfrI=#h,
`)v[Alratt6€'Hrr J (IrFEi*€4v,atei>0)h&E L
`L< /)'Iyal[, 7 | L< v, ( tb 4 ) " i,)ttr)t3l*,
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