YM axCorporation
`FocalIP ,L L C
`Cases:IP R 2016-01256,-01258,and-01260
`U .S .P atentN os.8,155,298;7,764,777;and8,457,113
`P etitionerYM ax Corporation’sDem onstratives
`Hearing: S eptem ber19,2017


`O verview ofthe‘113,‘777,and‘298P atents
`(‘1256P et.at6-10;‘1258P et.at7-12;‘1260 P et.at7-11;‘1256P O
`R esp.at9-10;‘1258P O
`R esp.at9-10;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at9-10)
`Generally,allofthepatentsrelate“ totheprovision
`ofcallcontrolfeaturesintheP S T N .” ‘1260 P O
`R esp.at9.
`“ T AC 10 isaccessibleoverthew orld w idew eb 22,
`allow ingasubscriber12 toselectorm odify ‘call
`controlfeatures’ (suchas‘callforw arding’)
`tobeusedw henthesubscriber12 iscalled.” ‘1258
`P et.at6;‘777 patentat5:13-44.


`IP R 2016-01260:InstitutedGroundsfor‘113 P atent
`(‘1260 Inst.Dec.at32)
`• Anticipationofclaim s1,2,8,15,18,and19 by
`S htivelm an
`• Anticipationofclaim s1,2,8,18,and19 by O ’N eal
`• O bviousnessofclaim s1,11,and15– 17 overO ’N eal
`• O bviousnessofclaim s1,2,8,11,and15– 19 over
`S htivelm anandO ’N eal


`‘113 P atent:IndependentClaim 1
`(‘113 patentatclaim 1)
`Claim 1
`A m ethodperform edby aw ebenabledprocessingsystem includingoneorm orew ebservers
`coupledtoacallprocessingsystem servingasanintelligentinterconnectionbetw eenatleastone
`packetnetw orkandasecondnetw orkcoupledtoasw itchingfacility ofatelecom m unications
`netw ork,thetelecom m unicationsnetw orkcom prisingedgesw itchesforroutingcallsfrom andto
`subscribersw ithinalocalgeographicareaandsw itchingfacilitiesforroutingcallstootheredge
`sw itchesorothersw itchingfacilitieslocalorinothergeographicareas,them ethodforenabling
`voicecom m unicationfrom acallingparty toacalledparty acrossboththepacketnetw orkandthe
`secondnetw ork,them ethodcom prisingthestepsof:
`receivingcalldataw hichisassociatedw ithacalloriginatedby thecallingparty viaeitherthe
`packetnetw orkorthesecondnetw ork,atthecallprocessingsystem ,thecallingparty usinga
`com m unicationsdevicetooriginatethecallforthepurposeofinitiatingvoicecom m unication,the
`callprocessingsystem coupledtoatleastonesw itchingfacility ofthetelecom m unications
`netw orkviathesecondnetw ork,thecallprocessingsystem processingthecallacrossboththe
`packetnetw orkandthesecondnetw orktocom pletethecalltothecalledparty;and
`establishingthevoicecom m unicationbetw eenthecallingparty andthecalledparty afterthe
`calliscom pleted,acrossboththepacketnetw orkandthesecondnetw ork.


`IP R 2016-01256:InstitutedGroundsfor‘298P atent
`• O bviousnessofclaim 1 overO ’N eal,M cM ullin,and
`theAdm ittedP riorArt
`• O bviousnessofclaim 20 overO ’N eal,Chang,andthe
`Adm ittedP riorArt


`‘298P atent:IndependentClaim 1
`Claim 1
`(‘298patentatclaim 1)
`A m ethodforprovidingusercontrolselectionsforroutingofoneorm orecom m unicationsbetw een
`usersofoneorm orecom m unicationsnetw orks,w hereintheuserseither1)initiateacom m unication,
`2)receiveacom m unication,or3)controlacom m unication,theusercontrolselectionsprovidedby a
`userviaaccesstoaw ebserverofaw eb-enabledprocessingsystem connectedtooperateatleastin
`partw iththeoneorm orecom m unicationnetw orks,w hereinatleastoneofthecom m unication
`netw orksisanetw orkcom prisingedgesw itchesforroutingcallsfrom andtousersw ithinalocal
`geographicareaandsw itchingfacilitiesforroutingcallstootheredgesw itchesorothersw itching
`facilitieslocalorinothergeographicareas,thew ebserverofw eb-enabledprocessingsystem
`facilitatingdirectaccessby auserforprovidingusercontrolselectionstotheatleastoneofthe
`sw itchingfacilities,theuserhavingacom m unicationsdevicew ithw hichtocom m unicatew iththew eb
`serverofthew eb-enabledprocessingsystem ,them ethodcom prisingthestepsof:
`facilitatingaccessby authorizeduserstothew eb-enabledprocessingsystem ,viathew ebserver,the
`w eb-enabledprocessingsystem coupledtoatleastoneofthesw itchingfacilitiesofthenetw ork,the
`w eb-enabledprocessingsystem configuredtorouteacom m unicationfrom aspecificoneoftheusers
`toanintended recipientoftheusers;
`executingcontrolcriteria,viathew eb-enabledprocessingsystem ,tocontroltheroutingoftheone
`orm orecom m unicationsviathew eb-enabledprocessingsystem ,thecontrolcriteriapredeterm ined by
`theuserscontrolselectionsviathew ebserverbeforethecontrolcriteriaareexecuted viathew eb-
`enabledprocessingsystem ,


`‘298P atent:IndependentClaim 1
`(‘298patentatclaim 1)
`Claim 1 (cont.)
`w hereinthew eb-enabledprocessingsystem isconfiguredtoperform thefollow ing
`first,receiveam essageindicatingacom m unicationrequestfrom auserinitiatinga
`com m unicationforanintendedrecipientuser,w hereinthem essagerequestistransm itted
`usingasignallingprotocoloftheatleastonecom m unicationnetw ork;
`second,validateandacknow ledgesaidcom m unicationsrequestw ithoutfirstforw ardingsaid
`requesttoaterm inatingedgesw itchw ithinthegeographicareaoftheintended recipientofthe
`third,determ inethecontrolcriteriaforaccesstotheintended recipientoftheusers;
`fourth,facilitateselectionofaroutingpathovertheatleastonecom m unicationnetw orkin
`accordancew iththecontrolcriteriafortheintended recipientuser;
`fifth,routethecom m unicationinaccordancew iththecontrolcriteria,and
`sixth,com pleteacom m unicationslinkbetw eentheuserinitiatingthecom m unicationand
`theintended recipientoftheusers,w hentheintended recipientoftheusersacceptsthe
`com m unicationfrom theuserinitiatingthecom m unication.


`IP R 2016-01258:InstitutedGroundsfor‘777P atent
`• Anticipationofclaim s18,23,25,26,29– 31,37,38,
`41,and45 by O ’N eal
`• O bviousnessofclaim s21 and28overO ’N eal


`‘777P atent:IndependentClaim 18
`(‘777patentatclaim 18)
`Claim 18
`A m ethodforprocessinganincom ingcallfrom asw itchingfacility onacom m unicationnetw ork
`thatcom prisesedgesw itchesforroutingcallstosubscribersw ithinalocalgeographicareaand
`sw itchingfacilitiesforroutingcallstoedgesw itches,orothersw itchingfacilitieslocalorin
`othergeographicareasthem ethodcom prisingthestepsof:
`receivingafirstcall,w hichisintended foraspecifiedrecipient,atacontrollingdevicein
`com m unicationw iththesw itchingfacility;
`identifyingoneorm orecontrolcriteriapreviously associatedw iththespecifiedrecipient,
`w hereintheoneorm orecontrolcriteriaw asenteredviaaw eb-basedinterface;
`initiatingasecondcallatthecontrollingdeviceinaccordancew iththecontrolcriteria
`associatedw iththespecifiedrecipient;and
`by acom m unicationdeviceassociatedw iththespecifiedrecipient.


`Claim Constructions
`T hreeclaim term satissue:
`(’1260 P et.at18-29;‘1260 P O
`‘1258P et.at19-30;‘1258P O
`‘1256P 17-31;‘1256P O
`R esp.at30-39;‘1260 R ep.at13-18;
`R esp.at36-45;‘1258R ep.at13-17;
`R esp.at29-38;‘1256R ep.at13-18)
`• “ sw itchingfacilit[y/ies]” ’1260 P et.at20-23;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at31-36;‘1260 R ep.at14-16.
`• “ coupledto” /“ incom m unicationw ith” ‘1258 P et.at25-27;‘1258 P O
`R esp.at36-39;‘1258 R ep.at16-17;‘1260 P et.at19-20;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at36-39;‘1260 R ep.at16-17.
`• “ controller” /“ controllingdevice” /“ tandem access
`controller” ‘1256 P et.at19;‘1256 P O
`R esp.at38;‘1256 R ep.at17;‘1258 P et.at27-28;‘1258 P O
`‘1258 R ep.at16;‘1260 P et.at27-28;‘1260 R ep.at17-18;‘113 patentatclaim s18-19.
`R esp.at42-43;


`“ sw itchingfacility”
`R esp.at31-36;‘1260 R ep.at14-16;‘1260 Inst.Dec.at13-16;
`(’1260 P et.at20-23;‘1260 P O
`‘1258P et.at20-24;‘1258P O
`R esp.at37-41;‘1258R ep.at14-16;‘1258Inst.Dec.at6-8;
`‘1256P 20-24;‘1256P O
`R esp.at30-35;‘1256R ep.at13-16;‘1256Inst.Dec.at7-9)
`P etitioner:
`“ any sw itchinthecom m unication
`netw ork” ’1260 P et.at20-23.
`“ any sw itchinthetelecom m unication
`netw ork” ‘1260 Inst.Dec.at13-16.
`P atentO w ner:
`N O T anedgesw itch-“ itm ay bepropertofindthat‘sw itchingfacilities’ encom passes
`som egreaterclaim scopethan‘tandem sw itches’ underaBR Ianalysis,itw ouldlikew ise
`beim propertofindthat‘sw itchingfacilities’ encom passedgesw itches” ‘1260 P O
`R esp.at33.


`“ coupledto” /“ incom m unicationw ith”
`(’1260 P et.at19-20;‘1260 P O
`‘1258P et.at25-27;‘1258P O
`‘1256P 27-28;‘1256P O
`R esp.at36-39;‘1260 R ep.at16-17;‘1260 Inst.Dec.at8-13;
`R esp.at43-45;‘1258R ep.at16-17;‘1258Inst.Dec.at8-10;
`R esp.at35-37;‘1256R ep.at16-17;‘1256Inst.Dec.at9-10)
`P etitioner:
`“ connecteddirectly orindirectly” /“ in
`directorindirectcom m unication” ’1258
`P et.at25-27.
`“ includesdirectorindirectcouplingand
`com m unication” ‘1258 Inst.Dec.at8-10.
`P atentO w ner:
`“ ‘coupledto’ and‘incom m unicationw ith’ [areprecluded]from encom passingcallcontrol
`featuresbeingim plem entedthroughandedgedeviceoredgesw itch” ‘1258 P O
`R esp.at43-45.


`“ controllingdevice” /“ [tandem access]controller”
`P etitioner:
`R esp.at57;‘1260 R ep.at17-18;‘1260 Inst.Dec.at16-18;
`(’1260 P et.at27;‘1260 P O
`‘1258P et.at27-29;‘1258P O
`R esp.at42-43;‘1258R ep.at16;
`‘1256P 18-19;‘1256P O
`R esp.at38;‘1256R ep.at17;‘1256Inst.Dec.at10-11)
`“ acontrollingdevice” -“ adevicethat
`providesdatacausingthesw itchingfacility
`toactinadesired w ay” ’1258 P et.at25-27.
`“ tandem accesscontroller” -“ processor(or
`adevicew ithaprocessor).” ‘1258 P et.at28-29.
`“ adevicethatcausesanother
`“ controller” –
`devicetoactinadesiredw ay”
`‘1256 P et.at19.
`P atentO w ner:
`“ ‘controller’ doesnotexcludean
`edgedeviceorasystem that
`throughanedgesw itch” (em phasis
`added).‘1256 Inst.Dec.at10-11.
`“ a[controllingdevice/controller] cannotapply callcontrolfeaturesthroughanedge
`sw itch,orbeanedgedevice” ‘1258 P O
`R esp.at42-43;‘1256 P O
`R esp.at38.
`“ ‘tandem accesscontroller’… suchacontrollercouldnotbecoupledtoanedgesw itch(as
`opposed toatandem sw itch)” ‘1260 P O
`R esp.at57.


`Claim Constructions
`(‘1256R ep.at1-9;‘1258R 1-9;‘1260 R ep.at1-9;‘1256P O
`R esp.at14-20;‘1258P O
`R esp.at21-27;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at14-20)
`• Generally,claim term sreceivetheirplainandordinary m eaning ‘1260 R ep.at2.
`T heonly tw oexceptionsarew henthepatenteedem onstratesanintent
`todeviatefrom theordinary andaccustom edm eaning.T eleflex,Inc.v.
`FicosaN .Am .Corp.,299 F.3d1313,1325– 26(Fed.Cir.2002). ‘1260 R ep.at2.
`1. P atenteeactsasalexicographer‘1260 R ep.at2.
`N oassertionherethatthepatenteedefinedany oftheseclaim term s‘1260 R ep.at3.
`2. P atenteedisavow sclaim scope ‘1260 R ep.at2-3.
`P atenteem ustcharacterizetheinventionintheintrinsicrecord “ usingw ordsor
`expressionsofm anifestexclusionorrestriction,representingacleardisavow al
`ofclaim scope.” T eleflex,299 F.3dat1325– 26 ‘1260 R ep.at2.
`• Disavow alrequiresalevelofclarity anddeliberatenessthat“ issounam biguous
`astobeunm istakableevidenceofdisclaim er.” O penw aveS ys.,Inc.v.AppleInc.,
`808F.3d509,513 (Fed.Cir.2015)‘1260 R ep.at3.


`P atentO w ner’s“ GeneralDisclaim er” T heory
`R esp.at14-20;
`(‘1256R ep.at1-17;‘1258R 1-17;‘1260 R ep.at1-18;‘1256 P O
`‘1258P O
`R esp.at21-27;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at14-20;‘1260 R hrg.R eq.at10-11)
`P O ’sconstructionsarebasedona“ generaldisclaim er” theory thatexcludes
`theuseofedgesw itches/devices‘1260 R ep.at14,16-17.
`P O
`R equestforR ehearing:
`“Additionally,theBoard m isapprehendedoroverlooked theApplicants’ argum ents
`presentedintheprosecutionhistory ofthe‘777P atent… .T hisrecord dem onstratesaclear
`andunam biguousdisclaim erofusingcontrollersconnectedtoedgesw itches,orthatare
`edgedevices,toapply callcontrolfeatures.” ‘1260 R hrg.R eq.at10-11;‘1260 R ep.at9.
`P O
`R esponse:
`“ W hereadisclaim erofclaim scopeisapparentonthefaceofthepatent,itis
`inappropriatetorely onafter-the-factstatem entsm adeduring
`prosecutionasabasisforignoringthedisclaim er” ‘1260 P O
`R esp.at13-14,21;‘1260 R ep.at1.


`T hereisN oClearDisavow alintheS pecification
`(‘1256R ep.at1-9;‘1258R 1-9;‘1260 R ep.at1-9;‘1256P O
`R esp.at14-20;‘1258P O
`R esp.at21-27;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at14-20)
`[T ]hetandem configuration(i.e.,aT AC directly connected toatandem sw itch)is
`only describedasa“ preferredem bodim ent” or“ oneem bodim ent” inthe
`specification– neverasarequirem entof“ theinvention” ‘1260 R ep.at5,3;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at17.
`‘113 patentat2:1-3;‘1260 R ep.at5;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at17.
`‘113 patentat3:65-4:3;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at17.
`• Itisw ellsettledthatlim itationsdescribedinconnectionw ithanem bodim ent
`(evenifitisthepreferredoronly em bodim ent)donot establishacleardisavow al
`andcannotbereadintotheclaim s‘1260 R ep.at6.
`T hornerv.S ony Com puterEnt.Am .L L C,669 F.3d1362,1366(Fed.Cir.2012)
`T eleflex,Inc.v.FicosaN .Am .Corp.,299 F.3d1313,1326 (Fed.Cir.2002)
`L G Electronics,Inc.v.CoreW irelessL icensingS .A.R .L .,IP R 2015-01986,P aper34 at10


`T hereisN oClearDisavow alintheS pecification
`(‘1256R ep.at1-9;‘1258R 1-9;‘1260 R ep.at1-9;‘1256P O
`R esp.at14-20;‘1258P O
`R esp.at21-27;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at14-20)
`T he backgroundpassagesinthespecificationsreferringtoalleged
`disadvantagesw ithcertainpriorsystem sthatutilized“ edgedevices” or
`devicesconnectedthroughan“ edgesw itch” doesnotam ounttoan
`unm istakabledisavow alofsuchedgedeviceorsw itches.‘1260 R ep.at4-5.
`• Itisw ellsettledthatm erely criticizingordisparagingpriorartis
`insufficient toestablishadisavow al.‘1260 R ep.at4-5.
`VentanaM ed.S ys.,Inc.v.Biogenex L abs,Inc.,473 F.3d1173,1180-81 (Fed.Cir.
`2006)‘1260 R ep.at4.
`T hornerv.S ony Com puterEnt.Am .L L C,669 F.3d1362,1366 (Fed.Cir.2012)‘1260 R ep.


`T heP rosecutionHistory ContradictsP atentO w ner’s
`AllegedGeneralDisavow al
`(‘1256R ep.at8-12;‘1258R 9-13;‘1260 R ep.at9-13;‘1256 P O
`R esp.at20-27;‘1258P O
`R esp.at27-35;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at21-29)
`• Exam inationoftheprosecutionhistory isarequiredandcritical
`aspectofconstruingclaim s,includingdeterm iningw hetherthe
`patenteedisavow edclaim scope.‘1260 R ep.at9-11.
`Akam aiT echs.,Inc.v.L im elightN etw orks,Inc.,629 F.3d1311,1328 (Fed.Cir.
`T elcordiaT echs.,Inc.v.CiscoS ys.,Inc.,612 F.3d1365,1375 (Fed.Cir.2010)
`Biogen,Inc.v.BerlexL abs.,Inc.,318F.3d1132,1137-40 (Fed.Cir.2003)
`T heterm “ sw itchingfacility” doesnotappearanyw hereinthe
`specificationsandw asaddedtotheclaim sduringprosecution ‘1260 R ep.at8.
`P hillipsv.AW H Corp.,415 F.3d1303,1313 (Fed.Cir.2005)
`R exnordCorp.v.L aitram Corp.,274 F.3d1336,1343 (Fed.Cir.2001)


`T heP rosecutionHistory S how sthattheApplicants
`Deliberately S oughtBroaderClaim S cope
`(‘1256P et.at20-24;‘1258P et.at20-24;‘1260 P et.at20-23;‘1256R ep.at8-12;‘1258R 9-13;‘1260 R ep.at9-13)
`AstheBoardcorrectly recognized,theApplicantsprovidedabroad
`definitionof“ sw itchingfacility” duringprosecution:
`“ sw itchingfacility” is“ any pointinthesw itchingfabricofconverging
`netw orks...,” including,forexam ple,a“ w irecenter,” “ P S T N sw itching
`center,” or“ hybridsw itch.” (em phasisadded)‘777P ros.at82 (‘1260 Ex.2005);‘1260 R ep.at12;
`‘1260 Inst.Dec.at13-17;‘1260 R hrg.Dec.at5-6.
`T hisisconsistentw ithhow aP O S IT A w ouldhaveunderstoodthisterm :
`– P O ’sexpertacknow ledged that“ w irecenters” w ereusedin“ acentraloffice” ina
`“ class5” (i.e.,edge)sw itch.‘1260 R ep.at12;Bates1stT r.at62:15-63:2.
`– U ndisputedthata“ hybridsw itch” includesthefunctionsofanedgesw itch ‘1260 M
`– “ [A]facilityinw hichsw itchesareusedtointerconnectcom m unicationscircuitsona
`circuit-,m essage-,orpacket-sw itchingbasis.S ynonym s,intelephony,centraloffice,
`sw itchingexchange,sw itchingfacility.” FederalS tandard1037C (Glossary of
`T elecom m unicationsT erm s)(Aug.7,1996)‘1260 P et.at21;T elecom Glossary at7,391.


`IP R 2016-01260:P etitionerClearly Dem onstratedthat
`theChallengedClaim sareU npatentable
`(‘1260 P et.at35-69;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at49-66;‘1260 R ep.at18-25)
`Anticipationofclaim s1,2,8,15,18,and19 by S htivelm an ‘1260 P O
`P O arguesthatS htivelm andoesnotdisclose:
`– a“ callprocessingsystem ...coupledtoasw itchingfacility” (claim 1)‘1260 P O
`R esp.at50-57.
`R esp.at54-
`the“ controlcriteria” features(claim 8)‘1260 P O
`R esp.at50-54.
`– a“ tandem accesscontroller” (claim s18and19)‘1260 P O
`R esp.at57.
`Anticipationofclaim s1,2,8,18,and19 by O ’N eal‘1260 P O
`P O arguesthatO ’N ealdoesnotdisclose:
`– a“ callprocessingsystem ...coupledtoasw itchingfacility” (claim 1)‘1260 P O
`R esp.at58-65.
`R esp.at62-
`“ establishingthevoicecom m unicationbetw eenthecallingparty andthecalled
`party afterthecalliscom pleted” (claim 1)‘1260 P O
`R esp.at57-62.
`– a“ tandem accesscontroller” (claim s18and19)‘1260 P O
`R esp.at64-65.


`IP R 2016-01260:P etitionerClearly Dem onstratedthat
`theChallengedClaim sareU npatentable
`(‘1260 P et.at35-69;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at49-66;‘1260 R ep.at18-25)
`O bviousnessofclaim s1,11,and15-17overO ’N eal‘1260 P O
`P O reliesonthesam eargum entsraisedintheO ’N ealanticipationground ‘1260
`P O
`R esp.at65.
`R esp.at65.
`O bviousnessofclaim s1,2,8,11,and15-19 overS htivelm aninview
`ofO ’N eal‘1260 P O
`R esp.at66.
`P O reliesonthesam eargum entsconcerningthe“ callprocessingsystem ...
`coupledtoasw itchingfacility” raisedintheS htivelm anandO ’N eal
`anticipationgrounds‘1260 P O
`R esp.at66.
`P O alsoarguedthatclaim 17w asnotanticipated by either
`S htivelm anorO ’N eal‘1260 P O
`R esp.at56-57,64.
`Claim 17w asonly institutedunderthetw oobviousnessgrounds‘1260
`32;‘1260 R ep.at23.


`IP R 2016-01256:P etitionerClearly Dem onstratedthat
`theChallengedClaim sareU npatentable
`(‘1256P et.at36-69;‘1256 P O
`R esp.at47-53;‘1256R ep.at17-20)
`O bviousnessofclaim 1 overO ’N ealinview ofM cM ullinandtheAP A
`P O arguesthatO ’N ealdoesnotteach:
`– a“ w eb-enabledprocessingsystem coupledtoatleastoneofthesw itching
`facilities” ‘1256 P O
`R esp.at51-52.
`“ com plet[ing]acom m unicationslinkbetw eentheuserinitiatingthe
`com m unicationandtheintendedrecipientoftheusers,w hentheintended
`recipientoftheusersacceptsthecom m unicationfrom theuserinitiatingthe
`com m unication.” ‘1256 P O
`R esp.at47-51.
`O bviousnessofclaim 20 overO ’N ealinview ofChangandtheAP A
`P O arguesthatO ’N ealdoesnotteach:
`– a“ controller...coupledtoasw itchingfacility” ‘1256 P O
`R esp.at51-52.


`IP R 2016-01258:P etitionerClearly Dem onstratedthat
`theChallengedClaim sareU npatentable
`(‘1258P et.at35-73;‘1258P O
`R esp.at55-62;‘1258R ep.at17-22)
`Anticipationofclaim s18,23,25,26,29– 31,37,38,41,and45by
`O ’N eal‘1258 P O
`R esp.at56-61.
`P O arguesthatO ’N ealdoesnotdisclose:
`– a“ controllingdeviceincom m unicationw iththesw itchingfacility” (claim s18
`and37)‘1258 P O
`R esp.at60-61.
`“ connectingthefirstandsecondcallsatthecontrollingdeviceafterthesecond
`callisreceived by acom m unicationdeviceassociatedw iththespecified
`recipient” (claim s18and37)‘1258 P O
`R esp.at56-60.
`O bviousnessofclaim s21 and28overO ’N eal‘1258 P O
`P O arguesthatP etitionerdidnot“ m eet[its]burdentoshow thatDependent
`claim s18[sic]and21 areobviousoverO ’N eal‘1258 P O
`R esp.at62.
`R esp.at62.


`S htivelm anandO ’N ealBothDisclosethe“ sw itching
`facility” Claim Features
`(‘1256P et.at39-43;‘1258P et.at35-38;‘1260 P 39-43,49-53;‘1256R ep.at17-18;‘1258R ep.at18;‘1260 R 18-19)
`S htivelm an:
`O ’N eal:
`‘1260 P 29-32;S htivelm anatFIG.1.
`‘1260 P 32-35;O ’N ealatFIG.1.
`** PO does not dispute that Shtivelman and O’Neal teach these limitations under the Board’s constructions
`‘1260 P O
`R esp.at2.


`O ’N eal– IndependentClaim s
`‘1258 P O
`R esp.at47-51;‘1256 R ep.at18-20;‘1258 P et.at64-65;
`(‘1256 P 52;‘1256 P O
`R esp.at56-60;‘1258 R ep.at19-21;’1260 P et.at53-54;‘1260 P O
`R esp.at58-62;‘1260 R ep.at19-23)
`P O arguesthatO ’N ealdoesnotteachthefinallim itationintheindependentclaim s,
`w hichissubstantially sim ilaracrossallthreepatents:
`‘298patent:“ com pleteacom m unicationslinkbetw eentheuserinitiatingthecom m unicationand
`theintended recipientoftheusers,w hentheintended recipientoftheusersacceptsthe
`com m unicationfrom theuserinitiatingthecom m unication” ‘298patentatclaim 1.
`‘777patent:“ connectingthefirstandsecondcallsatthecontrollingdeviceafterthesecondcallis
`receivedby acom m unicationdeviceassociatedw iththespecifiedrecipient” ‘777 patentatclaim s18and37.
`‘113 patent:“ establishingthevoicecom m unicationbetw eenthecallingparty andthecalledparty
`afterthecalliscom pleted,acrossboththepacketnetw orkandthesecondnetw ork” ‘113 patentatclaim 1.
`P atentO w ner:
`InO ’N eal“ thefirstandsecondcallsareconnectedbefore and independently of… ” :
`“ … theintendedrecipientacceptingthecom m unication”
`’1256 P O
`R esp.at48.
`“ … therecipient’scom m unicationdevicereceivesthesecondcall” ‘1258 P O
`“ … com pletingthecall” ‘1260 P O
`R esp.at59.
`R esp.at56.


`O ’N eal– IndependentClaim s
`(‘1256 P 52;‘1256 R ep.at18-20;‘1258 P et.at64-65;‘1258 R ep.at19-21;’1260 P et.at53-54;‘1260 R ep.at19-23)
`O ’N eal:
`“ [i]ftheoutgoing[i.e.,second]callissuccessfully connectedtothetelephony
`server,[it]thenconnectstheportoftheincom ing[i.e.,first]callw iththeportof
`theoutgoingcall[]tocom pletetheend-to-endconnection.” (em phasisadded)
`‘1258 R ep.at19;O ’N ealat17:30-49.
`P O ’sExpert:
`‘1258 R ep.at21;Bates1stT r.at82:14-84:11.


`M otionstoAm end(IP R 2016-01258 and-01260)
`(‘1258M ot.at1;‘1260 M ot.at1)
`• IP R 2016-01258
`O riginalClaim
`Claim 18
`Claim 37
`• IP R 2016-01260
`O riginalClaim
`Claim 1
`P roposedS ubstituteClaim
`Claim 47
`Claim 48
`‘1258 M ot.at1
`P roposedS ubstituteClaim
`Claim 183
`‘1260 M ot.at1


`M otionstoAm end(IP R 2016-01258 and-01260)
`(‘1258M ot.at14-25;‘1258M ot.O pp.at1,21;‘1260 M ot.at13-25;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at1,21,25)
`M ostofthenew claim languageisdirectedtoconventional
`elem ents/featuresoftheP S T N architecture ‘1258 Ex.2062 at1,3;‘1260 Ex.2062 at1;‘1258
`M ot.O pp.at21;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at25.
`P O ’sassertsthatthesubstituteclaim sarepatentableoverthe
`priorartbasedontw ofeatures:
`1. T heT AC feature
`“ T heT AC com m unicatesw iththetandem sw itchw ithoutpassingthroughan
`edgesw itch” ‘1258 M ot.at12-13;‘1258 M ot.O pp.at1;‘1260 M ot.at12;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at1.
`Foundinallthreesubstituteclaim s‘1258 Ex.2062 at2,4;‘1260 Ex.2062 at2.
`2. T hecallsequencingfeature
`“ thefirstcallnotbeansw ered []untilthesecondcallisansw ered.” ’1258 M ot.at4;
`‘1258 M ot.O pp.at1.
`O nly foundinsubstituteclaim s47and48ofthe‘777patent ‘1258 Ex.2062 at2,4;
`‘1260 M ot.O pp.at1,21.


`’777P atent:S ubstituteClaim 47
`(’1258Ex.2062 at2)
`Claim 47
`A m ethodforprocessingafirstincom ingcallfrom aparticularP S T N tandem sw itchonaP S T N com m unicationnetw ork
`usingatandem accesscontroller,w hereintheP S T N com m unicationnetw orkcom prisesedgesw itchesconnectedto
`telephonesononesideandtoP S T N tandem sw itchesontheotherside,w hereintheparticularP S T N tandem sw itchis
`oneoftheP S T N tandem sw itches,w hereintheedgesw itchesroutecallstosubscribersw ithinalocalgeographicarea,
`andw hereintheP S T N tandem sw itchesroutecallstotheedgesw itchesortotheP S T N tandem sw itcheslocalorinother
`geographicareas,w hereintheP S T N tandem sw itchesarenottheedgesw itches,andw hereintheP S T N tandem sw itches
`arenotdirectlyconnectedtothetelephones,them ethodcom prisingthestepsof:
`receivingafirstrequesttoestablishthefirstincom ingcall,w hichisintendedforaspecifiedrecipient,atatandem
`accesscontrollerincom m unicationw iththeparticularP S T N tandem sw itch,w hereincom m unications,includingthe
`firstrequesttoestablishthefirstincom ingcall,betw eenthetandem accesscontrollerandtheparticularP S T N tandem
`sw itch,occurw ithoutpassingthroughany oftheedgesw itches,
`identifyingoneorm orecontrolcriteriapreviouslyassociated w iththespecifiedrecipientatthetandem access
`controller,w hereintheoneorm orecontrolcriteriaw asenteredviaaw ebbasedinterface;
`initiatingthesendingofarequesttoestablishasecondcall,w ithoutyetansw eringthefirstincom ingcall,atthe
`tandem accesscontrollerinaccordancew iththecontrolcriteriaassociatedw iththespecifiedrecipient;
`answ eringthefirstincom ingcallatthetandem accesscontrollerw henthesecondcallisansw eredby a
`com m unicationdeviceassociatedw iththespecifiedrecipient;and
`connectingthefirstincom ingcallandthesecondcallatthetandem accesscontrollerafterthesecondcallisreceived
`andansw eredbythecom m unicationdeviceassociated w iththespecifiedrecipient.


`’777P atent:S ubstituteClaim 48
`(’1258Ex.2062 at4)
`Claim 48
`A m ethodforprocessinganincom ingcallfrom aparticularP S T N tandem sw itchonaP S T N com m unicationnetw orkusing
`atandem accesscontroller,w hereintheP S T N com m unicationnetw orkcom prisesedgesw itchesconnectedtotelephones
`ononesideandP S T N tandem sw itchesontheotherside,w hereintheP S T N tandem sw itchesincludetheparticularP S T N
`tandem sw itch,w hereintheedgesw itchesroutecallsw ithinalocalgeographicarea,w hereintheP S T N tandem sw itches
`routecallstotheedgesw itchesortotheP S T N tandem sw itchesinothergeographicareas,w hereintheP S T N tandem
`sw itchesarenottheedgesw itches,andw hereintheP S T N tandem sw itchesarenotdirectlyconnectedtoany ofthe
`telephones,them ethodcom prisingthestepsof:
`receivingafirstrequesttoestablishthefirstincom ingcall,atatandem accesscontrollerincom m unicationw iththe
`particularP S T N tandem sw itch,w hichisintendedforaspecifiedrecipient,w hereincom m unications,includingthefirst
`requesttoestablishthefirstincom ingcall,betw eenthetandem accesscontrollerandtheparticularP S T N tandem
`sw itch,occurw ithoutpassingthroughany oftheedgesw itches;
`identifyingoneorm orecontrolcriteriapreviouslyassociated w iththespecifiedrecipientatthetandem access
`controller,w hereintheoneorm orecontrolcriteriaw asenteredviaaw ebbasedinterface;
`initiatingthesendingofarequesttoestablishasecondcall,w ithoutyetansw eringthefirstincom ingcall,atthetandem
`accesscontrollerviaapacket-basedconnectioninaccordancew iththecontrolcriteriaassociatedw iththespecified
`answ eringthefirstincom ingcallatthetandem accesscontrollerw henthesecondcallisansw eredby a
`com m unicationdeviceassociatedw iththespecifiedrecipient;and
`connectingthefirstandsecondcallsatthetandem accesscontrollerafterthesecondcallisreceivedbya
`com m unicationdeviceassociatedw iththespecifiedrecipient,w hereinthesecondcallisreceivedbythecom m unication
`deviceassociatedw iththespecifiedrecipientw henitisansw ered.


`‘113 P atent:S ubstituteClaim 183
`(‘1260 Ex.2062 at2)
`Claim 183
`A m ethodperform edbyaw ebenabledprocessingsystem includingoneorm orew ebserverscoupledtoatandem
`accesscontrollerservingasanintelligentinterconnectionbetw eenatleastonepacketnetw orkandasecondnetw ork
`coupledtoaparticularP S T N tandem sw itchofaP S T N telecom m unicationsnetw ork,w hereinthesecondnetw orkisa
`netw orkofP S T N tandem sw itches,theP S T N telecom m unicationsnetw orkcom prisingapluralityofedgesw itches
`connectedtotelephonesononesideandP S T N tandem sw itchesontheotherside,w hereintheP S T N tandem sw itches
`includestheparticularP S T N tandem sw itch,w hereintheedgesw itchesroutecallsfrom andtosubscribersw ithinalocal
`geographicareaandtheP S T N tandem sw itchesroutecallstotheedgesw itchesortheP S T N tandem sw itcheslocalorin
`othergeographicareas,w hereintheP S T N tandem sw itchesarenottheedgesw itches,w hereintheP S T N tandem
`sw itchesarenotdirectlyconnectedtoany ofthetelephones,them ethodforenablingvoicecom m unicationofacall
`from acallingpartytoacalledpartyacrossboththepacketnetw orkandthesecondnetw ork,w hereinthecalledpartyis
`asubscriber,them ethodcom prisingthestepsof:
`receiving,atthetandem accesscontroller,afirstcallrequestandcalldataw hichisassociatedw ithafirstcall
`originatedbythecallingpartyviaeitherthepacketnetw orkorthesecondnetw ork,thecallingpartyusinga
`com m unicationsdevicetooriginatethefirstcallrequestforthepurposeofinitiatingvoicecom m unicationtothe
`subscriber,thetandem accesscontrollercoupledtotheparticularP S T N tandem sw itchoftheP S T N telecom m unications
`netw orkviathesecondnetw ork,w hereincom m unicationsbetw eenthetandem accesscontrollerandtheparticular
`P S T N tandem sw itchoccurw ithoutpassingthroughany edgesw itches,thetandem accesscontrollerprocessinga
`secondcallrequestassociatedw ithasecondcallacrossthepacketnetw orktocom pletethecalltothesubscriber;and
`establishingthevoicecom m unicationbetw eenthecallingpartyandthesubscriber,bythetandem accesscontroller,
`afterthesecondcalliscom pletedandansw ered,acrossboththepacketnetw orkandthesecondnetw ork.


`O ppositiontotheM otiontoAm end
`(‘1258M ot.O pp.at1-24;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at1-5,11-25)
`Deficienciesacrossallsubstituteclaim s:
`P O failedtodisclosepriorartthatw asknow nby P O tobem aterialtothe
`new claim features‘1258 M ot.O pp.at1-4;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at1-3.
`T heT AC,callsequencing,andcallestablishingfeaturesw erew ell-know n
`inthepriorart‘1258 M ot.O pp.at8;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at11.
`P O didnotsufficiently dem onstratesupportforthenew featuresorthe
`substituteclaim sasaw hole ‘1258 M ot.O pp.at4-6;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at3-5.
`Additionaldefectsw ithsubstituteclaim s47and48:
`T he“ answ ering” stepinthecallsequencingfeatureisnew subjectm atter
`‘1258 M ot.O pp.at6.
`T hefeatureoftheT AC sendingcallrequestsviaapacketbasedconnection
`isnew subjectm atter‘1258 M ot.O pp.at7-8.


`O ppositiontotheM otiontoAm end
`(‘1260 M ot.O pp.at5-11)
`Additionaldefectsw ithsubstituteclaim 183:
`T hefeatureoftheT AC placingasecondcallovera“ packetnetw ork” is
`new subjectm atter‘1260 M ot.O pp.at5-7.
`T hefeatureoftheT AC receivingbotha“ firstcallrequest” and“ call
`data” isnew subjectm atter‘1260 M ot.O pp.at7-8.
`T hestepofestablishing“ voicecom m unication” afterthesecondcallis
`“ com pletedandansw ered” isnew subjectm atter‘1260 M ot.O pp.at8.
`T heclaim isindefiniteand/orinoperable ‘1260 M ot.O pp.at8-9.
`T heclaim includesbroadeningam endm ents.‘1260 M ot.O pp.at10-11.


`P atentO w nerFailedtoDiscussKnow nM aterialArt
`(‘1258M ot.O pp.at2-3;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at1-3)
`L am bw ascitedduringprosecutionoftherelated‘894 P atentandapplied
`againstavery sim ilarT AC featureintheclaim s:
`Exam iner:
`‘1258 M ot.O pp.at2.
`‘894 P ros.at54 (‘1258 Ex.1037);‘1258 M ot.O pp.at2-3.


`P atentO w nerFailedtoDiscussKnow nM aterialArt
`(‘1258M ot.O pp.at3-4,18-19)
`T hebackgroundsectionofthepatentspecificationsacknow ledgethatthe
`callsequencingfeaturew asw ell-know nin“ 800” callforw ardingservices:
`‘777 patentat2:27-34;‘1258 M ot.O pp.at3-4,18-19.


`T heT AC FeatureW asW ellKnow nintheArt
`(‘1258M ot.O pp.at8-11,17-18;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at11-13,19-21)
`Itw asw ellknow ntodirectly connectP BX devices,suchasO ’N eal’sP BX
`device(i.e.,T AC),totandem sw itches‘1258 M ot.O pp.at8-11,17-18;Blazeat4:7-11,FIG.1;seealsoBurkeat7:38-


`T heT AC FeatureW asW ellKnow nintheArt
`(‘1258 M ot.at22,24;‘1258 M ot.O pp.at8-11,17-18;‘1258 M ot.R ep.at10;‘1260 M ot.at22,24;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at11-13,19-21;‘1260 M ot.R ep.at9)
`P O ’sM otions:
`‘1258 M ot.at24.
`‘1258 M ot.at22.
`P O ’sR eplies:
`“ P etitionerdiddiscoversom eartthatshow saP BX connected toatandem sw itch”
`‘1258 M ot.R ep.at10.


`L am bT eachestheT AC Feature
`L am bteachesaT HS /T N S (T AC)directly connected toaP ublicP honeS w itch202-
`2 (tandem sw itch).‘1258 M ot.O pp.at11-17;L am bat27:40-46,21:58-67,26:47-55.
`(‘1258M ot.O pp.at11-17;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at13-19)
`L am bteachesthatcom m unicationsbetw eentheT HS /T N S andpublicphone
`sw itchoccurviaEthernet,serialportorotherw iredinterfaces– notthroughany
`edgesw itches. L am bat27:17-26,FIG.3;‘1258 M ot.O pp.at16.
`L am batFIG.3;‘1258 M ot.O pp.at12.


`L am bT eachestheT AC feature
`(‘1258 M ot.forO bvs.at6;‘1258 M ot.O pp.at12-13;‘1258 M ot.at5-6;‘1258 M ot.R ep.at3-4;
`‘1260 M ot.forO bvs.at6;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at15-17;‘1260 M ot.at5-7;‘1260 M ot.R ep.at3-4)
`L am bteachesthatitssw itch202-2 isa“ publictelephonesw itch” (e.g.,
`P S T N sw itch)L am bat27:17-18;‘1258 M ot.forO bvs.at6;‘1258 M ot.O pp.at12-13;¶ 68.
`L am bteachesthatpublicphonesw itch202-2 isusedfor“ creating,
`m aintaining,bridging,anddisconnectingcallconnectionsw ithintheP S T N
`101.” (em phasisadded)L am bat31:58-62;‘1258 M ot.O pp.at12.
`– A P O S IT A w ouldhavereadily understoodthataP S T N tandem sw itchw ould
`haveprovidedsuchfunctionality ‘1258 M ot.O pp.at12-13 ;¶ 68,63,55;L am bat1:44-48.


`L am bT eachestheT AC feature
`(‘1258M ot.O pp.at13-15;‘1258M ot.at5;‘1260 M ot.O pp.at16-17;‘1260 M ot.at5)
`L am balsoteachesthatpublicphonesw itch202-2 canactasan“ S T P .” L am bat
`28:10-14;‘1258 M ot.O pp.at13.
`“ S ignaltransferpoints(S T P s)aretandem sw itchesw hichrouteS S 7signaling
`m essages.” Elliotat85:20-26;‘1258 O pp.at13-15.
`AllenatFIG.1;‘1258 O pp.at13-15.


`“ P S T N tandem sw itch”
`P O :
`(‘1258M ot.at5-7)
`‘1258 M ot.at5.


`IP R 2016-01258:O bservation#3
`(‘1258M ot.forO bsv.at2;‘1260 M ot.forO 2)
`P O ’

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