PTO/SB/30 (07-09)
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`/Alan A. Limbach/
`Alan A. Limbach
`Setember 13, 2013
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`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Title of Invention:
`Tandem Access Controller Within The Public Switched Telephone Network
`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
`Samuel F. Wood
`Filed as Small Entity
`Utility under 35 USC111(a) Filing Fees
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`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Title of Invention:
`Tandem Access Controller Within The Public Switched Telephone Network
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`Application No.
`Conf. No.
`Docket No.
`Customer No.
`Samuel F. Wood et al.
`January 25, 2012
`265 1
`Sonia L. Gay
`Comrnlssloner for Patents
`PO, Box 1450
`I hereby certify that this correspondence is being transmitted Via electronic
`submission, attention Mail Stop Amendment, Commissioner for Patents,
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450, on Se tember 13 2013.
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`/Alan A. Limbacm
`Alan A. Limbach
`In response to the Office Action of July 3, 2013, and in conjunction with the RCE filed
`herewith, please amend the above identified application as follows:
`Amendments to the Claims are reflected in the listing of claims which begins on page 2 of this
`Remarks/Arguments begin on page 5 of this paper.
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`Appl. No.: 13/358,353
`Docket No.: 357323-990127
`Response to Office Action of July 3, 2013
`Amendments to the Claims:
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims in the application:
`Listing of Claims:
`(Currently Amended) A method of using control criteria to route a
`communication between a user with access to a voice over IP (VOIP) communication network,
`and a called party with access to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) comprising:
`receiving at a controller a signaling message indicating a communication from the user
`via the VOIP network;
`using information in the signaling message to retrieve control criteria from a database,
`where the control criteria has been authenticated and derived from selections previously made by
`said user via a web server; and
`using data associated with the communication combined with the control criteria to route
`the communication from the controller to the called party via a PSTN tandem switch without
`traversing any intervening switches between the controller and the PSTN tandem switch.
`(Original) The method of claim l where the communication comprises a call.
`(Original) The method of claim l where the communication comprises a short
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim l where the signaling message
`indicating a communication is for a first call, and the routing of the communication constitutes a
`second call from the controller.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 4 where the control criteria includes
`a phone number of the user.
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`Appl. No.: 13/358,353
`Docket No.: 357323-990127
`Response to Office Action of July 3, 2013
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 4 where the selections made by the
`user via a web server include a selection of a phone number.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 4 where the selections made by the
`user via a web server include an entering of a credit card number.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 4 where the selections made by the
`user via a web server include an entering of personal information.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 4 where the selections made by the
`user via a web server include a selection of features.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 9 where the selection of features
`includes a selection of selective call forwarding.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 9 where the selection of features
`includes a selection of caller ID blocking.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 4 where the control criteria include
`security measures.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 12 where the security measures
`include the prevention of denial of service attacks.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 12 where the security measures
`include no direct access to a gateway.
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`Appl. No.: 13/358,353
`Docket No.: 357323-990127
`Response to Office Action of July 3, 2013
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 12 where the security measures
`include an additional security layer to prevent hacking.
`(Original) The method of claim 12, wherein the security measures include VOIP
`link degradation detection.
`(Original) The method of claim 12, wherein the security measures include
`automatic cutover to the PSTN.
`(Original) The method of claim 12, wherein the security measures include
`conditional call blocking.
`(Original) The method of claim l2, wherein the security measures include call
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 12, wherein the security measures
`include authentication of a calling party.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim l where the controller is of a
`distributed nature supporting multiple subsystems.
`(Previously Presented) The method of claim 21, where one of the multiple
`subsystems is a digital signal processing (DSP) subsystem.
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`Appl. No.: 13/358,353
`Docket No.: 357323-990127
`Response to Office Action of July 3, 2013
`Claims 1-22 are pending. Claim 1 has been amended. Reconsideration is respectfully
`1. Rejection of Claims 1-2, 4-6, 8-10, 12, and 18-21 Under §103ga[
`Claims 1-2, 4-6, 8-10, 12, and 18-21 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being
`unpatentable over U.S. Patent 6,747,970 (Lamb) in view of U.S. Patent 8,380,783 (Jones) and
`U.S. Patent 5,598,464 (Hess). The Applicants respectfully traverse this rejection.
`Before discussing the rejection it would be useful to discuss the conventional operation of
`public switched telephone networks (PSTNs) and the Applicant’s invention as recited in the
`amended claims herein.
`It is well known that a conventional PSTN includes edge switches (commonly referred to
`as central office switches or C.O. switches) that originate and terminate calls for connected
`subscribers, and tandem switches which route those calls internally within the PSTN (i.e. tandem
`switches are not capable of originating or terminating PSTN calls, but rather directs calls to/from
`an edge switch or another tandem switch). See paragraphs [0005], [0006], [0009] and [0037] of
`the present application. Therefore, it is the edge switches that place and receive calls for
`connected subscribers (i.e. telephones), and those calls are directed between the edge switches
`via one or more tandem switches.
`Edge switches have well known disadvantages. Edge devices add cost, degrade voice
`and transmission quality, can be difficult to program, are not easily programmed remotely, can
`require the user to pay for two lines, provide lower quality of service, and cannot provide the
`same level of functionality as a system that controls the PSTN directly. See paragraph [00l3].
`In contrast, the present invention is a method of using a controller at the border between a
`voice over IP (VOIP) communication network and a circuit-switched network such as the PSTN.
`The controller can be used to add features and security measures to each call that crosses the
`border. The controller can be separate and independent from the VOIP network and the circuit
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`Appl. No.: 13/358,353
`Docket No.: 357323-990127
`Response to Office Action of July 3, 2013
`switched network to which it is connected. The controller is connected to (and routes
`communications to) the PSTN tandem switch, bypassing (and eliminating the need for) a PSTN
`edge switch.
`Claim l
`To better clarify the present invention, claim l has been amended to recite, among other
`things, that the communication (using data associated with the communication combined with
`the control criteria) is routed from the controller to the called party Via a PSTN tandem switch
`without trayersin an intervenin switches between the controller and the PSTN tandem switch.
`No new matter has been added, as this feature is shown in Figs l-2 and 7-8 of the present
`application, with communications routed from controller l0 to PSTN tandem switch(es) l6
`without any intervening switches (i.e. no edge switches). Figure l of the present application is
`reproduced below:
`FIG. 1
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`Appl. No.: 13/358,353
`Docket No.: 357323-990127
`Response to Office Action of July 3, 2013
`This configuration and method is distinguishable from systems such as Lamb which rely
`on PSTN edge switches to route communications from VOIP networks to PSTNs. With the
`present invention, edge switches not only are bypassed, but they could be rendered obsolete in
`the routing of communications between IP (VOIP) communication networks and public switched
`telephone networks (PSTNs). There is no suggestion in Lamb of routing calls from a VOIP
`communications network using a controller connected to a PSTN tandem switch with no
`intervening switches, as recited in claim l. Instead, calls from server 203 of Lamb are routed
`into the PSTN l0l via edge switch 202-2. See Figure 3 of Lamb below:
`There is no suggestion in Lamb of routing communications from a controller into a PSTN
`tandem switch with no intervening switches, as recited in claim l. The addition of Jones and
`Hess fails to cure these deficiencies of Lamb. Therefore, it is submitted that claim 1 as amended
`is not rendered obvious by Lamb, Jones and Hess.
`Claims 2 4-6 8-10 l2 and l8-2l
`Claims 2, 4-6, 8-10, 12 and 18-21 depend from claim 1, and are therefore considered
`allowable for the reasons set forth above with respect to claim 1.
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`Appl. No.: 13/358,353
`Docket No.: 357323-990127
`Response to Office Action of July 3, 2013
`2. Rejection of Claim 3 Under §103jaj
`Claim 3 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being unpatentable over Lamb in view
`of Jones and Hess, and in further view of U.S. Patent 5,943,399 (Bannister). The Applicants
`respectfully traverse this rejection. Claim 3 depends upon claim 1, and is therefore considered
`allowable for the reasons set forth above in Part l with respect to claim l. The addition of
`Bannister fails to cure the stated deficiencies of Lamb, Jones and Hess.
`3. Rejection of Claim 7 Under §103jaj
`Claim 7 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being unpatentable over Lamb in view
`of Jones and Hess, and in further view of U.S. Patent 5,958,016 (Chang). The Applicants
`respectfully traverse this rejection. Claim 7 depends upon claim 1, and is therefore considered
`allowable for the reasons set forth above in Part l with respect to claim l. The addition of Chang
`fails to cure the stated deficiencies of Lamb, Jones and Hess.
`4. Rejection of Claim 11 Under §103jaj
`Claim ll stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being unpatentable over Lamb in
`view of Jones and Hess, and in further view of U.S. Patent 6,185,285 (Relyea). The Applicants
`respectfully traverse this rejection. Claim ll depends upon claim 1, and is therefore considered
`allowable for the reasons set forth above in Part l with respect to claim l. The addition of
`Relyea fails to cure the stated deficiencies of Lamb, Jones and Hess.
`5. Rejection of Claims 13 and 15 Under §103jaj
`Claims 13 and 15 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being unpatentable over Lamb
`in view of Jones and Hess, and in further view of U.S. Patent 7,272,115 (Maher). The
`Applicants respectfully traverse this rejection. Claims l3 and l5 depend upon claim l, and are
`therefore considered allowable for the reasons set forth above in Part 1 with respect to claim 1.
`The addition of Maher fails to cure the stated deficiencies of Lamb, Jones and Hess.
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`Appl. No.: 13/358,353
`Docket No.: 357323-990127
`Response to Office Action of July 3, 2013
`6. Rejection of Claim 14 Under §103gaj
`Claim 14 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being unpatentable over Lamb in
`view of Jones and Hess, and in further view of U.S. Patent 5,596,579 (Yasrebi). The Applicants
`respectfully traverse this rejection. Claim 14 depends upon claim 1, and is therefore considered
`allowable for the reasons set forth above in Part 1 with respect to claim 1. The addition of
`Yasrebi fails to cure the stated deficiencies of Lamb, Jones and Hess.
`7. Rejection of Claims 16 and 17 Under §103gaj
`Claims 16 and 17 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being unpatentable over Lamb
`in view of Jones and Hess, and in further view of U.S. Patent 6,785,229 (McNiff). The
`Applicants respectfully traverse this rejection. Claims 16 and 17 depend upon claim 1, and are
`therefore considered allowable for the reasons set forth above in Part 1 with respect to claim 1.
`The addition of McNiff fails to cure the stated deficiencies of Lamb, Jones and Hess.
`8. Rejection of Claim 21 Under §103jaj
`Claim 21 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being unpatentable over Lamb in
`view of Jones and Hess, and in further view of Examiner’s Official Notice that it was well
`known and obvious in the computer arts that computer subsystems disclosed in Lamb, Jones and
`Hess comprise processers that perform digital signal processing. It is assumed that the Examiner
`intended to reject claim 22 on official notice, not claim 21, as claim 22 recites that one of the
`multiple subsystems is a digital signal processing (DSP) subsystem. The Applicants respectfully
`traverse this rejection with respect to claim 22. Claim 22 depends upon claim 1, and is therefore
`considered allowable for the reasons set forth above in Part 1 with respect to claim 1. The
`addition of Examiner’s Official Notice fails to cure the stated deficiencies of Lamb, Jones and
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`Appl. No.: 13/358,353
`Docket No.: 357323-990127
`Response to Office Action of July 3, 2013
`For the foregoing reasons, it is respectfully submitted that the claims are in an allowable
`form, and action to that end is respectfully requested.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Alan A. Limbach/
`Alan A. Limbach
`Reg. No. 39,749
`Attorneys for Applicant(s)
`September 13, 2013
`Alan A. Limbach
`DLA Piper LLP (US)
`2000 University Avenue
`East Palo Alto, CA 94303-2248
`650-833-2433 (Direct)
`650-833-2000 (Main)
`650-687-l l82 (Facsimile)
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`PTO/SB/06 (09-11)
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