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`07 August 1996
`Superseding FEDERAL STANDARD 10378,03 June 1991
`Prepared By
`National Communications System
`Technology and Standards Division
`Pu!!!is!!e!! By
`General Services Administration
`Information Technology Service
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`This standard is issued by the General Services Administration pursuant to the Federal Property and
`Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended.
`This document provides Federal departments and agencies a comprehensive source of definitions
`of terms used in telecommunications and directly related fields by international and U.S.
`Government telecommunications specialists.
`The Paperwork Reduction Reauthorization Act of 1986, Public Law 99-500 [44 U.S.C. 3502(13)],
`expanded the definition of "automatic data processing equipment (ADPE)" to include ... any
`equipment or interconnected systems or subsystems or equipment that is used in the automatic
`acquisition, storage, manipulation, management, movement, control, display, switching, interchange,
`transmission or reception of data or information." This expansion in the scope of ADPE is
`implemented in the Federal Information Resources Management Regulation (FIRMR), 41 CFR. To
`minimize confusion between the statutory definition of ADP and the popular meaning of that term,
`GSA has established the term "Federal information processing (FIP) resources" to replace the term
`ADPE, as defined in Public Law 99-500.
`The existence of multiple definitions for the same term in this standard reflects, in most instances,
`differences in meaning commonly assigned to these terms by practitioners in telecommunications
`and other, related disciplines. In some instances, however, the differences are not the result of
`interdisciplinary distinctions, but rather reflect variances in American and international usage or a
`need for further work in the various Government, national, and international standards-development
`groups to reach agreement on a common definition, or as a result of legislation. Source citations for
`some definitions (see the Legend pages) reflect the tracking of specialized glossaries for consistency.
`The use of this standard by all Federal departments and agencies is mandatory.
`Neither this nor any other glossary covering terms in an advanced-technology field such as
`telecommunications can be considered as complete and ageless. Periodic revisions will be made as
`required. The recommendations of Federal departments and agencies on improving the content or
`relevance of this document should be forwarded to the Office of the Manager, National
`Communications System, whose address is given in Section 5 of this standard.
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`1.1 Applicability
`1.2 Purpose
`A-I to Z-2
`Appendix A
`Appendix B
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`This glossary provides standard definitions for the fields subsumed by the umbrella
`discipline of telecommunications. Fields defined herein include: antenna types and measurements,
`codes/coding schemes, computer and data communications (computer graphics vocabulary, file
`transfer techniques, hardware, software), fiber optics communication, facsimile types and techniques,
`frequency topics (frequency modulation, interference, spectrum sharing), Internet, ISDN, LANs
`(MANs, W ANs), modems, modulation schemes, multiplexing techniques, networking (network
`management, architecture/topology), NIT, NS/EP, power issues, PCS!UPT/cellular mobile, radio
`communications, routing schemes, satellite communications, security issues, switching techniques,
`synchronization/timing techniques, telegraphy, telephony, TV (UHF, VHF, cable TV, HDTV), traffic
`issues, transmission/propagation concerns (signal loss/attenuation, transmission lines), video
`technology, and wave propagation/measurement terminology.
`The terms and accompanying definitions contained in this standard are drawn from
`authoritative non-Government sources such as the International Telecommunication Union, the
`International Organization for Standardization, the Telecommunications Industry Association, and
`the American National Standards Institute, as well as from numerous authoritative U.S. Government
`publications. The FTSC Subcommittee to Revise FED-STD-1037B has rewritten many definitions
`as deemed necessary either to reflect technology advances or to make those definitions that were
`phrased in specialized terminology more understandable to a broader audience.
`Applicability. This standard incorporates and supersedes FED-STD-1037B, June 1991.
`Accordingly, all Federal departments and agencies shall use it as the authoritative source of
`definitions for terms used in the preparation of all telecommunications documentation. The use of
`this standard by all Federal departments and agencies is mandatory.
`Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to improve the Federal acquisition process by
`providing Federal departments and agencies a comprehensive, authoritative source of definitions of
`terms used in telecommunications and directly related disciplines by national, international, and U.S.
`Government telecommunications ~pecialists.
`The terms and definitions that constitute this standard, and that are to be applied to
`the uses cited in paragraph 3 below, are contained on page A-1 through Z-1 of this document. There
`are no other documents applicable to implementation of this standard. A list of acronyms and
`abbreviations is presented as Appendix A. The list of abbreviations and acronyms uses bold font to
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`identify those term names that are defined in this glossary. An abbreviated index of selected
`principal families of related term names is presented in Appendix B.
`Within this document, symbols for units of measurement (and the font type for these
`symbols) are in accord with ANSI/IEEE Std. 260.1-1993, American National Standard Letter
`Symbols for Units of Measurement (Sl Units, Customary Inch-Pound Units, and Certain Other
`All Federal departments and agencies shall use the terms and definitions contained
`herein. Only after determining that a term or definition is not included in this document may other
`sources be used. The Legend beginning on page xii is provided to assist users in determining the
`documentary source of the definitions.
`Nearly all terms are listed alphabetically; a few exceptions to this rule include (I) the
`family of network topologies, which are grouped under the definition of "network topology," and (2)
`the family of dispersion terms, which are grouped under the definition of "dispersion." In all cases,
`ample cross references guide the reader to the location of the definition. Term names containing
`numerals are alphabetized as though the numbers were spelled out; thus, "/44-line weighting" will
`appear in the "0" portion of the alphabet between the terms "on-board communication station" and
`"one-way communication," since it is pronounced as if it were spelled "one-forty-four line .... " For
`user convenience, exceptions to the rule are taken for entries comprising numerically consecutive
`terms, e.g., "digital signal 0," ... "digital signal4," which are grouped numerically following the
`"digital signal" entry.
`An abbreviation for the term name often appears in parentheses following the term
`name. When both the abbreviation and the spelled-out version of a term name are commonly used
`to name an entity defined in this glossary, the definition resides with the more commonly used
`version of the term name. If the more commonly used designation is the fully spelled-out term name,
`If, however, the more common term name is the
`then the definition resides under that name.
`abbreviation, then the definition rests with the abbreviated spelling of that term name. For example,
`the definition of "decibel" resides under "dB."
`When more than one definition is supplied for a given term name, the definitions are
`numbered, and the general definition is given first. Succeeding definitions are often specific to a
`specialized discipline, and are usually so identified.
`Notes on definitions are not a mandatory part of this document; these notes are
`expository or tutorial in nature. When a note follows a source citation (such as "[JPl]"), that note
`is not part of the source document cited. Notes and cross references apply only to the immediately
`preceding definition, unless stated otherwise.
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`Three types of cross references are used: "Contrast with," "Synonym," and "See":
`(I) "Contrast with" is used for terms that are nearly antonyms, or when
`understanding one concept is aided by examining the definition of its counterpart.
`(2) When term names are synonymous, the definition is piaced under oniy one of the
`term names, i.e., the preferred term name, which is generally the most common
`name. Synonyms are listed for cross-reference purposes only. The other term name
`entries contain only a "Synonym" listing; i.e., the definition for synonymous term
`names is not repeated. Terms labeled "Colloquial synonym" are in occasional
`informal use, but may be semantically inexact or may border on slang.
`(3) "See" is used where an undefined term name is entered as a cross reference only
`to direct the reader to a related term name (or term names) that is (are) defined in the
`Term names that are ·semantically incorrect, that have been replaced by recent
`advances in technology, or that have definitions that are no longer applicable, are designated as
`"deprecated." In such case, the reader is referred to current term names, where applicable.
`The telecommunications terms included in this glossary either are not sufficiently
`defined in a standard desk dictionary or are restated for clarity and convenience. Likewise,
`combinations of such words are included in this glossary only where the usual desk-dictionary
`definitions, when used in combination, are either insufficient or vague.
`Definitions that carry the source citation "[47CFR]" (which refers to Title 47 U.S.
`Code of Federal Regulations), or "[NTIA]" (which refers to the NTJA Manual), or the source citation
`"[RR]" (which refers to the ITU Radio Regulations) may have a format or syntax that differs from
`the definitions in the remainder of FED-STD-1037C because the FTSC Subcommittee to Revise
`FED-STD-1 037B was not authorized to make any changes whatever to the definitions in these three
`documents. One minor formatting change was made to definitions from NSTISSI No. 4009,
`National information Systems Security (JNFOSEC) Glossary, cited [NIS]: Often the introductory
`indefinite article or definite article was added at the beginning of the cited definition, and that article
`was added in square brackets "[ ]" to indicate that its addition was the only change made in the
`quoted definition.
`Figures have been added to many definitions throughout the glossary to illustrate
`complex concepts or systems that are defined herein. With the exception of the figure called
`"electromagnetic spectrum," these figures are not a mandatory part of this document.
`This standard contains two appendixes, neither of which is mandatory.
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`Appendix A consists of a list of abbreviations used in this glossary. In that list, the
`bold font graces the term names that are defined in this glossary.
`Appendix B consists of an abbreviated index of families of defined terms whose
`technologies are related. This index is provided as a tool to identify all related terms
`within a specific discipline so that the reader's understanding of a definition may be
`amplified by reading related definitions within a specific discipline. The index also
`provides the reader with information on the breadth and scope of disciplines
`addressed in the glossary.
`EFFECTIVE DATE. The use of this approved standard by U.S. Government departments
`and agencies is mandatory, effective 180 days following the date of this standard.
`CHANGES. When a Federal department or agency considers that this standard does not
`provide for its essential needs, a statement citing inadequacies shall be sent in duplicate to the
`General Services Administration (K), Washington, DC 20405, in accordance with the provisions of
`the Federal Information Resources Management Regulation Part 201-39.1002. The General Services
`Administration will determine the appropriate action to be taken and will notify the applicable
`Federal departments and agencies are encouraged to submit updates to this standard; those updates
`will be considered for the next revision of this standard. The General Services Administration has
`delegated the compilation of suggested changes to the National Communications System, whose
`address is given below.
`Preparing Activity:
`Office of the Manager, National Communications System
`Technology and Standards Division
`701 South Court House Road,
`Arlington, VA 22204-2198
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`FED-STD-1037C was developed by a subcommittee of the Federal Telecommunication
`Standards Committee, the Subcommittee to Revise FED-STD-1037B. The U.S. Department of
`Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Institute for
`Telecommunication Sciences (NTWITS), 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80303-3328, supplied the
`chair, secretariat, and technical editorial services for the subcommittee. The work of the
`subcommittee was reviewed by the National Communications System Member Organizations, by
`the Federal Telecommunication Standards Committee members, and by representatives from other
`Federal agencies as well as representatives from industry and from the general public. The foiiowing
`Federal Agencies and Departments participated in the subcommittee:
`Federal Aviation Administration Technical Center/Information Technology and Systems
`Section, ACT-142, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ
`General Services Administration, Washington, DC
`Joint Tactical Command, Control, and Communications Agency/ADW-S
`National Security Agency, Fort Meade, MD
`U.S. Department of the Army, ISEC, Ft. Huachuca, AZ
`U.S. Air Force, 1842 EEG/EEMST, Scott Air Force Base, IL
`U.S. Department ofCommerce/NTIA/Washington, DC
`U.S. Department of Commerce/NTIA/Annapolis, MD
`U.S. Department ofCommerce/NTIA/ITS, Boulder, CO
`U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Information Systems Agency, Joint Interoperability
`and Engineering Organization, Center for Standards, Fort Monmouth, NJ
`U.S. Department of Interior/OIRM, Washington, DC
`U.S. Department of Justice/JMDIIRM/TSS, Washington, DC
`U.S. Department of the Navy, NAVSEA, Arlington, VA
`U.S. Marine Corps, Quantico, VA
`This document is available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,
`Springfield, VA 22161. Telephone (703) 487-4650.
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`[After ... ]
`LEGEND (for labels appended to definitions)
`Definitions cited "After. .. " (as in "[After 2196]") are the responsibility of the
`FTSC Subcommittee to Revise FED-STD-1037B, and not the source-cited
`document, because of rewriting by the Subcorru11ittee.
`Terms and definitions in direct support of the MIL-STD-188 series of standards
`and their associated military handbooks. This is not a source citation.
`Terms and definitions extracted verbatim from MIL-STD-2196 (SH), Glossary,
`Fiber Optics (1989).
`[ 47CFR]
`I erms and definitions extracted verbatim from lllle 47 Code of Federal
`Regulations, Telecommunications, Parts 0-199 (rev. Oct. 1, 1987, Oct. I, 1988).
`[CCITT/CCIR] Recommendations and other documents from the ITU-T (the former CCITT and
`CCIR). The "CCITT" and "CCIR" citations are retained in this glossary because
`many of the cited documents have not been reissued by the ITU-T and given a
`new prefix.
`FAA (1991), Glossary of Optical Communication Terms, DOTtFANCT-TN9ii9
`(FAA Technical Center, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ 08405).
`Federal Information Resources Management Regulation, Title 41 CFR Chapter
`Federal Standard 1045A, Telecommunications: Automatic Link Establishment
`Recommendations and papers from the International Telecommunication
`Union-Telecommunication Standardization Bureau.
`Telecommunications terms and definitions extracted from Joint Pub 1-02 (DOD
`Joint Staff Publication No. 1-02), 1994, Department of Defense Dictionary of
`Military and Associated Terms, and established for use by all DOD Components,
`which will use the terms and definitions so designated without alteration unless
`a distinctly different context or application is intended.
`Final draft of proposed revision of Joint Pub 1-02; memo from Chief, Joint
`Doctrine Division, the Joint Staff, 20 October 1994.
`NATO ADatP-2(f) Automatic Data Processing (ADP) NATO Glossary, June
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`National lnfonnation Systems Security ( INFOSEC) Glossary, NSTISSI No. 4009,
`June 5, 1992, (National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems
`Security Cornrnittee, NSA, Ft_. t-... 1eade, l\·1D 20755-6000). lVote: The FfSC
`Subcommittee used the most recent version of the NSTISSI 4009 document that
`was available at the time the Subcommittee meetings were held (November 1993
`through September 1994). However, the NSTISSI document may have changed
`asynchronously with the 1037C standm-d, and those NSTISSI definitions may
`have been amended. The NSTISSI source document is scheduled to be updated
`on Internet. For the latest version of the NSTISSI No. 4009 Glossary, the reader
`must access the document on Internet. For hard copy of the 4009 Glossary, write
`t~SA at Ft. tv1eade, tv1D. The user may wish to enhance his/her researches into
`definitions by reviewing the newer version of the 4009 glossary. The changes on
`4009 on Internet do not, per se revise FED-STD-1037C. Therefore, the user
`should be aware that if he/she wishes to cite official NSTISSI No. 4009
`definitions in a procurement docutuent or other official paper, the official standard
`glossary is FED-STD-1037C.
`Term names and definitions extracted verbatim from the NT/A Manual of
`Regulations and Procedures for Federal Radio Frequency Management. [U.S.
`Government agencies may obtain the NTIA Manual from the NTIA Office of
`Spectrum Management, Room 1605, Herbert C. Hoover Bldg., 14th and
`Constitution, N.W., Washington, DC 20230. The NTIA Manual may be
`purchased by non-Government interests at the U.S. Government Printing Office,
`Stock No. 903-008-00000-8.]
`OMB Circular A-130, Management of Federal/nfonnation.
`extracted verbatim
`and definitions
`Telecommunication Union Radio Regulations, Malaga-Torremolinos (Oct. 1984,
`rev. 1985).
`[From Weik '89] Use of this source citation acknowledges that the cited information is from
`Communications Standard Dictionary, 2nd ed., Dr. M. Weik, 1989 [Van Nostrand
`Reinhold Co., New York, NY], with the written permission of the holders of the
`copyright. These definitions are usuaiiy verbatim, but in some cases have been
`abbreviated or edited.
`Note 1: Appreciation is extended to ASC TIAI.5 for generously providing their draft glossary of terms and definitions
`relating to video-quality degradation. Note 2: Appreciation is extended to ANSI-accredited technical committee X3K5 for
`use of their draft definitions. which were used as a launching point for many of the computer-related definitions herein. No
`source citation is given the committee's work because their definitions were edited for format consistency and for broad
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`a: Abbreviation for alto (10-")(cid:173)
`See metric system.
`abandoned call: A call in which
`the call originator disconnects or
`cancels the call after a connection
`has been made, but before the call is established.
`abbreviated dialing: A telephone service feature that
`(a) permits the user to dial fewer digits to access a
`network than are required under the nominal
`numbering plan, and (b) is limited to a subscriber(cid:173)
`selected set of frequently dialed numbers. Synonym
`speed dialing.
`abort: 1. In a computer or data transmission system,
`to terminate, usually in a controlled manner, a
`processing activity because it is impossible or
`undesirable for the activity to proceed. 2. In data
`transmission, a function invoked by a sending station
`to cause the recipient to discard or ignore aU bit
`sequences transmitted by the sender since the
`preceding flag sequence.
`abrasive: Any of a number of hard materials, such as
`aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, and diamond, that
`are powdered and carefully graded according to
`particle size, and Used to shape and/or finish optical
`elements, including the endfaces of optical fibers
`and connectors. Note: For finishing the endfaces of
`optical fiber connectors, abrasive particles are
`adhered to a substrate of plastic film, in a fashion
`after that of sandpaper. The film is in tum supported
`by a hard, flat plate. The connector is supported by
`a fixture Lhat holds it securely in the proper position
`for finishing.
`The grinding motion may be
`performed manually or by a machine. [After FAA]
`absolute delay: The time interval or phase difference
`between transmission and reception of a signal.
`absolute gain: 1. Of an antenna, for a given direction
`and polarization, the ratio of (a) the power that
`would be required at the input of an ideal isotropic
`radiator to (b) the power actually supplied to the
`given antenna, to produce the same radiation
`If no
`intensity in the far-field region. Note 1:
`direction is given, the absolute gain of an antenna
`corresponds to the direction of maximum effective
`FED-STD-1 037C
`radiated power. Note 2: Absolute gain is usually
`expressed in dB. ( 188) Synonym isotropic gain. 2.
`Of a device, the ratio of (a) the signal level at the
`output of the device to (b) that of its input under a
`specified set of operating conditions. Note 1:
`Examples of absolute gain are no-load gain, full-load
`gain, and small-signal gain. Note 2: Absolute gain
`is usually expressed in dB. (188)
`transmtsswn of electrical,
`electromagnetic, or acoustic signals, the conversion
`of the transmitted energy into another form, usually
`thermal. (188) [After21%] Note 1: Absorption is
`one cause of signal attenuation. Note 2: The
`conversion takes place as a result of interaction
`between the incident energy and
`the material
`medium, at the molecular or atomic level.
`absorption band: A spectral region in which the
`absorption coefficient reaches a relative maximum,
`by virtue of the physical properties of the matter in
`which the absorption process takes place. [FAA]
`absorption coefficient: A measure of the attenuation
`caused by absorption of energy that results from its
`passage through a medium. [After 2196] Note 1:
`Absorption coefficients are usually expressed in
`units of reciprocal distance. Note 2: The sum of the
`absorption coefficient and the scattering coefficient
`is the attenuation coefficient.
`absorption index: 1. A measure of the attenuation
`caused by absorption of energy per unit of distance
`that occurs in an electromagnetic wave of given
`wavelength propagating in a material medium of
`given refractive index. Note: The value of the
`absorption index K' is given by the relation
`K' = KJ..
`where K is the absorption coefficient, ).. is the
`wavelenglh in vacuum, and n is the refractive index
`of the absorptive material medium.
`( 188) [After
`2196] 2. The functional relationship between the
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`Sun angle-at any latitude and local time-and the
`ionospheric absorption. (188)
`absorption loss: That part of the transmission loss
`caused by the dissipation or conversion of electrical,
`eJectromagnetic, or acoustic energy into other forms
`of energy as a result of its interaction with a material
`absorption modulation: Amplitude modulation of
`the output of a radio transmitter by means of a
`variable-impedance circuit that is caused to absorb
`carrier power in accordance with the modulating
`abstract syntax: In open systems architecture, the
`specification of application-layer data or application(cid:173)
`protocol control information by using notation rules
`that are independent of the encoding technique used
`to represent the information. ( 188)
`abstract syntax notation one (ASN.l): A standard,
`flexible method that (a) describes data structures for
`representing, encoding, transmitting, and decoding
`data, (b) provides a set of formal rules for describing
`the structure of objects independent of machine(cid:173)
`specific encoding techniques, (c) is a formal
`Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) language that
`uses human-readable notation and a compact,
`encoded representation of the same jnfonnation used
`in communications protocols, and (d) is a precise,
`formal notation that removes ambiguities. ( 188)
`ac: Abbreviation for alternating current.
`accept: In data transmission, the condition assumed
`by a primary or secondary station upon correct
`receipt of a frame for processing.
`acceptance: The condition that exists when a system
`or functional unit meets the specified performance
`and security requirements.
`acceptance angle:
`In fiber optics, half the vertex
`angle of that cone within which optical power may
`be coupled into bound modes of an optical fiber.
`Note 1: The axis of the cone is collinear with the
`fiber axis, the vertex of the cone is on the fiber end(cid:173)
`face, and the base of the cone faces the optical
`power source. Note 2: The acceptance angle is
`measured with respect to the fiber axis. Note 3:
`Rays entering an optical fiber at angles greater than
`the acceptance angle are coupled into unbound
`modes. (188) [After 2196]
`acceptance cone:
`In fiber optics, the cone within
`which optical power may be coupled into the bound
`modes of an optical fiber. Note: The acceptance
`cone is derived by rotating the acceptance angle
`about the fiber axis. (188) [After 2196]
`9 = Acceptance
`Fiber Axis
`acceptance cone
`acceptance pattern: 1. Of an antenna, for a given
`plane, a distribution plot of the off-axis power
`relative to the on-axis power as a function of angle
`or position. (188) [After 2196]
`Note: The
`acceptance pattern is the equivalent of a horizontal
`or vertical antenna pattern. 2. Of an optical fiber or
`fiber bundle, a curve of total transmitted power
`plotted against the launch angle.
`acceptance test: A test of a system or functional unit
`to ensure that contractual requirements are met.
`Note: An acceptance test may be performed at the
`factory or user premises by the user, vendor, or a
`third party.
`acceptance testing: Operating and testing of a
`communication system, subsystem, or component, to
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`ensure that the specified performance characteristics
`have been met. ( !88)
`acceptance trial: A trial carried out by nominated
`representatives of the eventual military users of the
`weapon or equipment to determine if the specified
`performance and characterisiics have been met.
`accepted interference: Interference at a higher level
`than that defined as permissible interference and
`which has been agreed upon between two or more
`administrations without
`administrations. [NTIA1 [RR1
`access: 1. The ability and means necessary to store
`data in, to retrieve data from, to communicate with,
`or to make use of any resource of a system. ( 188) 2.
`To obtain the use of a resource. 3. (COMSEC)
`[The 1 capability and opportunity to gain detailed
`knowledge of or to alter information or material.
`4. (AIS) [The 1 ability and means
`communicate with (i.e., input to or receive output
`from), or otherwise make use of any information,
`resource, or component in an A IS. Note {for 3 and
`4]: An individual does not have "access" if the
`proper authority or a physical,
`technical, or
`procedural measure prevents him/her from obtaining
`knowledge or having an opportunity to alter
`information, materia], resources, or components.
`[NIS1 5. An assigned portion of system resources
`ior one data stream of user communications or
`signaling. (188)
`access attempt: The process by which one or more
`users interact with a telecommunications system to
`enable initiation of user information transfer. Note:
`An access attempt begins with an issuance of an
`access request by an access originator. An access
`attempt ends either in successful access or in access
`access category: A class to which a user, such as a
`person, program, process, or equipment, of a system
`may be assigned, based on the resources each user is
`authorized to use.
`access charge: A charge made by a local exchange
`carrier for use of its local exchange facilities for a
`purpose such as the origination or termination of
`traffic that is carried to or from a distant exchange
`by an interexchange carrier. Note: Although some
`access charges are billed directly to local end users;
`a very large part of all access charges is paid by
`interexchange carriers.
`access code: The preliminary digits that a user must
`dial to be connected to a particulai outgoing tmnk
`group or line. (188)
`access contention:
`synonymous with "contention." See contention
`(der. #2).
`access control: 1. A service feature or technique used
`to permit or deny use of the components of a
`communication system. 2. A technique used to
`define or restrict the rights of individuals or
`application programs to obtain data from, or place
`data onto, a storage device. 3. The definition or
`restriction of the rights of individuals or application
`programs to obtain data from, or place data into, a

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