`United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 6,683,870 B1
`Jan. 27, 2004
`(75) Inventor: Michael Archer, Dallas, TX (US)
`(73) Assignee: MCI 'Communications Corporation, Washmgton, DC (Us)
`0583135 A
`0740480 A 10/1996
`2 09168033 A
`09168051 A
`09168063 A
`09168064 A
`09168065 A
`09172459 A
`09172462 A
`9501691 A
`9522221 A
`(Ust Continued on next page‘)
`“Follow Me 800 Service” Newton’s Telecom Dictionary p_
`304 Mar 1998
`“Telephony Over the Internet HoW to Make This Into a
`Public Service”, Rinde, et al., pp. 1—18.
`PC Week, Stephanie Lapolla, “Net Call Centers, Voice to
`Merge”, Mar. 31, 1997, p. 10.
`Reuters, Nick Louth, “MCI Communications Corporation
`vaults phone—data divide”, Jan. 29, 1997, Web page
`(List continued on neXt page.)
`Primary Ex“mi”e’—KWang Bin Yao
`A method for communication over a netWork, Which can be
`both analog and digital includes simultaneously transmitting
`a call noti?cation to a plurality of communication devices
`d .
`1 d d .
`h '
`656 Commumcanon evlces me u, e @1665 Sue as
`telephones, pagers, computers, and voice mail systems. The
`addresses (e.g., telephone numbers) are stored in a database
`Which is queried based on the call noti?cation. For example,
`this method can be used in a ?nd-me/folloW-me system or to
`initiate a Conference Call,
`) Notice:
`SubJect to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl' No‘: 09/104,570
`(22) Filed:
`Jun. 25, 1998
`Related US. Application Data
`(62) DlVlSlOIl of application No. 08/751,023, ?led on Nov. 18,
`1996, now abandoned, which is a division of application No.
`08/798,350, ?led on Feb. 10, 1997, now abandoned.
`(51) Int. Cl.7 .............................................. .. H04L 12/66
`(52) US. Cl. ............... ..
`370/356; 370/390; 370/432
`(58) Field of Search ............................... .. 370/259, 260,
`370/261, 270, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355,
`356, 390, 432; 379/201, 202, 205, 209,
`211, 212, 219, 220
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`24 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
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`* cited by examiner
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1103, Page 2

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 27, 2004
`Sheet 1 6f 6
`US 6,683,870 B1
`6%; »
`55:00 +
`=02 85>
`...< 8E
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1103, Page 3

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 27, 2004
`Sheet 2 6f 6
`US 6,683,870 B1
`\gllllv 3283
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1103, Page 4

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 27, 2004
`Sheet 3 6f 6
`US 6,683,870 B1
`0 m £56 on Q50“; zlllilz... 350”. ‘Ill Emcee All...
`§.\ on \
`.2500 A
`0 .07.
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1103, Page 5

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 27, 2004
`Sheet 4 6f 6
`US 6,683,870 B1
`Receive packet with
`indication of subscriber
`Query database 138
`for associated destinations
`Encode in a digital /
`packet and address
`to a converter
`a telephone
`FIG. 4
`Muiti-cast the packets
`Receive con?rmation
`Terminate other connections /
`Establish communication
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1103, Page 6

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 27, 2004
`Sheet 5 6f 6
`US 6,683,870 B1
`Initiate a call
`Route to
`computer system
`Query database

`Multicast noti?cations
`Commence communication
`FIG. 5
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1103, Page 7

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 27, 2004
`Sheet 6 0f 6
`US 6,683,870 B1
`@ dz 3: H H
`QM“ %
`AliY “2502.60 I v:
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1103, Page 8

`US 6,683,870 B1
`The following commonly owned US. patent application
`Ser. No. 08/751,023, ?led Nov. 18, 1996, noW abandoned,
`and commonly oWned US. patent application Ser. No.
`08/798,350, ?led Feb. 10, 1997, noW abandoned, are herein
`incorporated by reference in their entirety.
`This invention relates generally to telecommunications
`and speci?cally to a method and system for multicasting call
`Since the use of the public Internet has become increas
`ingly popular as one of the World’s premier sources of
`communications, neW and innovative technologies have
`been developed to tap into the Internet’s vast resources. This
`neW form of communication has sprouted numerous tech
`nological innovations and services that bene?t both con
`sumers and industry. One of these innovations is the trans
`mission of voice over the Internet.
`In the mid to late 1970s, experiments in the transmission
`of voice over the Internet Were conducted as part of an
`ongoing research program sponsored by the US. Defense
`Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In the mid
`1980s, UNIX-based Workstations Were used to conduct
`regular audio/video conferencing sessions in modest quan
`tities over the Internet. These experimental applications
`Were extended in the late 1980s With larger scale, one-Way
`multicasting of voice and video. In 1995 a small company,
`VocalTec Communications Ltd., commercially introduced a
`softWare package that Was capable of providing tWo Way
`voice communications betWeen multi-media PCs connected
`to the Internet.
`Telephony over the Internet offers users a loW cost service
`that is distance and border insensitive. For the current cost
`of Internet access (at loW hourly rates or unlimited use ?at
`fees) the caller can hold a voice conversation With another
`PC user connected to the Internet. In the case Where one or
`both ends have ?at fee connections to the Internet, the call
`is free of additional charges. This makes Internet telephony
`an attractive alternative to cost conscious consumers.
`Unfortunately, Internet telephony or Voice over Internet
`Protocol (VOIP) suffers from a number of problems. The
`voice quality across the Internet is not as good as typical
`telephone toll quality and there are signi?cant delays expe
`rienced during the conversation. In addition, Internet tele
`phones do not have the bene?t of the plethora of added
`services that are available through standard sWitched tele
`The present invention relates to the groWing need for a
`smooth integration of evolving telephony features With
`evolving computer functionality. The lines betWeen the
`technologies are becoming increasingly blurred as compa
`nies from both disciplines strive to increase their market
`share, and maximiZe on the global mobility. This trend to
`further integrate telephones and PCs should continue as the
`global market for both technologies expands. Although the
`trend is clear, the trick is to integrate features Without adding
`expensive equipment, aWkWard interfaces, or lesser quality.
`One speci?c problem addressed by the present invention
`is to ensure that call forWarding or “folloW me” services can
`reach customers When not available by phone. Current
`technology from the telephony standpoint, e.g., existing
`MCI One service, is restricted to standard telephone devices.
`The present invention therefore provides a solution that Will
`alloW existing technologies to become more ?exible and
`Another speci?c example Where the present invention can
`be used is in “?nd-me” systems. In a ?nd-me system, a caller
`calls a subscriber by dialing a single telephone number. The
`service provider takes this telephone number and consults a
`database Where the subscriber has provided a number of
`telephone numbers (a call list) Where he can be reached.
`Each of these numbers is then sequentially called until one
`of the phones is ansWered. With the present invention,
`computers and internet telephones can be included in a
`subscriber’s call list.
`Yet another speci?c application of the present invention
`relates to conferencing, Whether it be voice, data, and/or
`video. The present invention provides the advantage of
`alloWing a party Who is initiating a conference to contact one
`telephone number that Will automatically cause all other
`participants to be simultaneously noti?ed.
`In one aspect, the present invention provides a method for
`communication over a netWork Which can be both circuit
`sWitched and packet-sWitched. In this method, a call noti
`?cation is simultaneously broadcast (multicast) to a plurality
`of communication devices. These communication devices
`include devices such as telephones, pagers, computers, and
`voice mail systems. The addresses (e.g., telephone numbers)
`are stored in a database that is queried based on the call
`noti?cation. For example, this method can be used in a
`?nd-me system or to initiate a conference call.
`In another aspect, the present invention provides a com
`munication system in Which a plurality of converters are
`each operable to sample voice signals and create digital
`packets that contain a digital representation of the voice
`signals. Each converter might also create voice signals from
`a digital packet. A storage device contains a database of
`records each of Which includes a call list of telephone
`numbers associated With each of a plurality of subscribers.
`The system also includes a computer system that operates
`under control of softWare. Upon receipt of a call noti?cation,
`the softWare causes the computer system to query the
`database to retrieve a record associated With the call noti
`?cation and to multicast digital call noti?cation packets to a
`plurality of the converters. The digital noti?cation packets
`include information relating to the call list of telephone
`numbers in the received record.
`The present invention has a number of advantages over
`present systems. For example, the present invention can
`utiliZe the commonly implemented Internet Protocol (IP),
`e.g., through an internet service provider (ISP), in place of
`standard sWitching. In folloW-me systems, a multi-media
`personal computer can be used as the called party’s for
`Warding number. In other Words, by dialing the same tele
`phone number you can communicate With the called party
`through her computer.
`This system reduces the Waiting time of the caller by
`simultaneously ringing all numbers in a primary group of
`telephone numbers. This system also reduces sWitch traf?c
`for telephone companies by letting the internet service
`providers (ISPs) do the routing, in effect turning the internet
`service providers into mini-telephone companies. This sys
`tem has all of the functionality of standard “?nd me” type
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1103, Page 9

`US 6,683,870 B1
`phone systems, but With the added capability of catching the
`called party online anywhere in the World as long as they are
`connected to the ISP in some fashion.
`An added functionality is the ability of the ISP to notify
`the user’s computer if they are online and alert them of an
`incoming phone call. The user could then (using a standard
`multimedia computer) use a microphone and his computer’s
`soundcard/speakers to complete the call using his PC. The
`user could also route the call back to his primary group if he
`so desired in case he missed the call initially.
`For conference calling, only a single telephone number
`needs to be dialed in order to initiate the call. In commer
`cially available systems, each participant must be contacted
`individually causing the ?rst person to Wait While each of the
`other people is called. Since all of the participants can be
`contacted simultaneously by use of the invention, much time
`can be saved.
`The ?exibility and convenience of the present invention
`makes it an attractive alternative or enhancement to pres
`ently used systems.
`The above features of the present invention Will be more
`clearly understood from consideration of the folloWing
`descriptions in connection With accompanying draWings in
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a prior art communication
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment
`communication system;
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of a portion of the system of
`FIG. 2;
`FIG. 4 is a How chart of exemplary softWare Which can
`operate on a computer system in the communication system
`of FIG. 2 or FIG. 6;
`FIG. 5 is a How chart of a preferred embodiment method
`of the present invention; and
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of an alternate embodiment
`communication system.
`The making and use of the various embodiments are
`discussed beloW in detail. HoWever, it should be appreciated
`that the present invention provides many applicable inven
`tive concepts that can be embodied in a Wide variety of
`speci?c contexts. The speci?c embodiments discussed are
`merely illustrative of speci?c Ways to make and use the
`invention, and do not limit the scope of the invention.
`The present invention Will be ?rst be described With
`reference to one speci?c application, namely “folloW-me”
`and “?nd-me” services. The concepts Will then be applied to
`other applications including conferencing. A “folloW-me”
`service alloWs a subscriber to provide the service provider
`With a telephone number Where the subscriber can be
`reached. The subscriber has the opportunity to change this
`number as often as he Would like so that his calls Will
`“folloW” him as he moves to different locations. The service
`is often referred to as call forWarding.
`For example, in 1991 MCI Telecommunications Co.
`(MCI) began offering a FolloW Me 800 Service. This service
`encompassed call forWarding of a personal 800 line. The
`service differed from local call forWarding in that a caller
`could contact MCI from anyWhere in the World and change
`the number the 800 line Will send its calls to. The 800
`number alWays stayed the same.
`A similar service is a “?nd-me” service Which is illus
`trated in FIG. 1. In this system 10, a caller dials a single
`telephone number 12 of a called party from an initiating
`telephone 14. This call is routed over the public sWitched
`telephone netWork (PSTN) 18 to a sWitch 16. The call is then
`routed across the PSTN 18 to a telephone associated With a
`?rst number 20 in the called party’s list, Where it is either
`ansWered or not ansWered. If unansWered, then the numbers
`in the list are automatically dialed in sequence by the sWitch
`16 until one is ansWered or forWarded to the called party’s
`voice mail or pager 24. Because number dialing is
`sequential, it can take several minutes to complete. An
`example of a commercially available ?nd-me service is the
`MCI One Service.
`A?rst embodiment system 110 of the present invention is
`illustrated in FIG. 2. Before turning to functional blocks of
`FIG. 2, hoWever, it may be useful to provide a quick
`overvieW of the concept behind this embodiment. This
`embodiment of the present invention is based on Internet
`Protocol (IP) based voice traf?c, Where calls are: (1) con
`verted from analog signal to digital signals, (2) split up into
`IP packets, (3) routed to their destination, and (4) reas
`sembled. In the ?rst embodiment, When an end user dials a
`single ?nd-me number, the IP packets that make up the call
`are routed to a packet-sWitched netWork. Components
`Within the netWork receive the header (call originate) and
`begin to search for a telephone number at Which the person
`being called Will ansWer.
`As a speci?c example, assume a caller places a phone call.
`This call is routed through the ordinary phone system to a
`special converter Where the receiving phone number is
`assembled into digital packet(s). These packets are routed to
`a computer system Where the receiving phone number is
`extracted. The computer system queries a database With the
`phone number and the database returns all of the numbers in
`the called party’s record. Each of these phone numbers are
`assembled into digital packet(s) and routed to converters
`Which return the call noti?cations to the ordinary phone
`This embodiment system, unlike current ?nd-me systems,
`can simultaneously multicast out IP packets designed to ring
`all of the telephone numbers at destinations in the called
`party’s list at once. Telephone numbers at several locations
`can be grouped together to ring at once. If any one of these
`locations pick up, a response IP packet is sent to the
`packet-sWitched netWork. Upon receipt of the response
`packet, the packet-sWitched netWork begins routing the
`packets from the caller to the called party’s destination.
`In the preferred embodiment, the called party’s list of
`telephone numbers is divided in a number of groups. If no
`numbers in the primary group ansWer, the packet-sWitched
`netWork can then forWard the call to the secondary group,
`Which typically consists of a voice mail, or pager number.
`More groups could also be included.
`Referring noW to FIG. 2, a call noti?cation can be initiated
`at an initiating communication device 114. The initiating
`communication device 114 is typically a telephone. While
`referring to the initiating device 114 as a telephone 114, it is
`understood that other devices such as electronic communi
`cation devices or computers can be used. A telephone 114
`can be either a land-line or cellular (analog or digital)
`Without deviating from the spirit of the invention.
`Telephone 114 is connected to circuit-sWitched commu
`nication netWork 118 in the typical manner. A circuit
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1103, Page 10

`US 6,683,870 B1
`switched network is a network Which uses an entire tele
`phone channel for every phone call, fax or data connection
`and routes the call from sender to receiver as if establishing
`a single end-to-end circuit. A circuit-sWitched netWork is
`sometimes referred to as a traditional netWork. In the pre
`ferred embodiment, netWork 118 is a POTS (plain old
`telephone service) netWork. This netWork can be either a
`public system (PSTN) or a private system. Alternatively,
`proprietary netWorks can be used.
`Circuit-sWitched netWork 118 can be either an analog
`netWork, a digital netWork, or a combination of both. An
`analog communication netWork is a netWork Which trans
`mits analog signals Without regard to their content. The
`signals may represent analog data (e.g., voice) or digital data
`(e.g., binary data, maybe from a modem). The analog
`netWork may include ampli?ers (not shoWn) to boost the
`energy in the system. Unlike analog transmission, digital
`transmission is concerned With the content of the signal. A
`typical digital transmission system includes repeaters (not
`shoWn) Which recover the content of the signal and then
`regenerate and retransmit a neW signal With the same
`The public sWitched telephone netWork (PSTN) is the
`preferred circuit-sWitched communication netWork 118. In
`this context, the PSTN refers to the WorldWide voice tele
`phone system. Once only an analog system, the heart of most
`telephone netWorks today is digital. In the United States,
`most of the remaining analog lines are the ones from homes
`and offices to the telephone company’s central office. It is
`not dif?cult to imagine that some day these lines Will also be
`The circuit-sWitched communication netWork 118 is
`coupled to converter 126 Which serves to convert the tele
`phone signals into digitiZed packets. Converter 126 can also
`be referred to as a gateWay, a digitiZer or an encoder. For
`voice communications, the conversion function Would
`include sampling the voice signals and generating digitiZed
`representations. This digital sample data can then be com
`bined With packet headers and footers in a manner consistent
`With the protocol used on packet-sWitched netWork 130.
`While Internet Protocol (IP) is preferred, the precise proto
`col used is not critical to the claimed invention. In general,
`converter 126 may convert signals from a ?rst netWork (e.g.,
`circuit-sWitched netWork 118) into a digital protocol Which
`can be routed through packet-sWitched netWork 130.
`FIG. 3 illustrates a simpli?ed block diagram of a con
`verter 126. The converter receives telephone signals from
`circuit-sWitched netWork 118. These signals are provided to
`a modem 70 and control circuitry 72. The modem translates
`the signals into digital signals Which can be handled by
`router 74. The control circuitry 72 utiliZes the signaling
`information to generate the packet addressing information
`for router 74. In the preferred embodiment, control circuitry
`72 comprises a processor based system such as a computer
`or specialiZed hardWare. The control circuitry 72 can be
`embedded Within router 74. The router then provides pack
`etiZed information to the packet-sWitched netWork 130.
`In general the PSTN to IP-netWork gateWay (i.e., con
`verter 126) should be able to support the translation of PCM
`to multiple encoding schemes to interWork With softWare
`from various vendors. Alternatively, a common compression
`scheme could be used. Commercially available products
`such as the WebPhone GateWay Exchange server by
`Netspeak can be used to act as the bridge betWeen conven
`tional circuit-sWitched telephone systems and IP-based data
`Returning to FIG. 2, packet-sWitched netWork 130 com
`prises a plurality of digital links capable of handling digital
`signals. Packet-sWitched netWork 130, sometimes referred
`to as a converged netWork, combines various types of media
`such as voice calls, data and streams of video onto a single
`line. All these different media are chopped into chunks of
`data or packets. In the preferred embodiment, packet
`sWitched netWork 130 is an Internet Protocol-based (IP
`based) netWork.
`One example of an IP-based netWork is the public Inter
`net. In this context, the “Internet” (uppercase “I”) is used to
`connote the WorldWide collection of interconnected net
`Works that uses Internet Protocol (IP) to link a large number
`of physical netWorks into a single logical netWork.
`Physically, the Internet is a huge, global netWork spanning
`nearly 100 countries and comprising a great number of
`academic, commercial, government, and military netWorks.
`Packet-sWitched netWork 130 could also comprise other
`IP-based netWorks as Well as other communication net
`Works. For example, packet-sWitched netWork 130 could
`comprise an internet Which is not connected to the public
`Internet. In this context, an “internet” (loWercase “i”) is any
`collection of separate physical netWorks, interconnected by
`a common protocol, to form a single logical netWork. An
`internet Would preferably, but not necessarily use Internet
`Protocol. An internet Which is oWned by a single entity is
`sometimes referred to as an intranet. NetWork 130 can
`comprise an intranet, Which is or is not connected to the
`Server processor 128 is a computer system coupled to
`packet-sWitched netWork 130 and executes server softWare
`to perform the tasks required by the present invention. In a
`?nd-me/folloW-me system, for example, server processor
`128 performs the function of taking the incoming phone
`number generated at telephone 114 and querying database
`138 looking up the forWarding phone numbers assigned to
`the user. In FIG. 2, server processor 128 is represented by a
`single computer. It is noted, hoWever, that the softWare
`executed on server processor 128 can just as easily operate
`over a number of computers Which may be physically close
`together or found at remote locations many miles apart.
`Accordingly, server processor 128 can comprise a number of
`interlinked computers. For the purposes of this invention,
`the hardWare is not critical. The emphasis, rather, is on the
`functionality of that hardWare. This functionality is dis
`cussed in greater detail With respect to FIG. 4.
`FIG. 4 is a ?oWchart of the softWare Which Will execute
`on server processor 128. In Step 52, server processor 128
`receives one or more packets Which include an indication of
`the called party. As a component on packet-sWitched net
`Work 130, server processor 128 has been assigned an
`address, e.g., an IP address. In the case Where the process is
`initiated by a telephone call, the called party’s telephone
`number or subscriber number has been encoded by a con
`verter 126 Which sent the packet to the assigned address.
`Server processor 128 extracts the subscriber identi?cation
`information from the packet and queries database 138
`(discussed in more detail beloW). This task is illustrated by
`step 54. Database 138 stores a series of destinations asso
`ciated With each subscriber. These destinations are returned
`to server processor 128.
`Server processor 128 next goes through each destination
`and creates IP packets. For telephone number destinations,
`the number is encoded Within the body of the packet and the
`packet is addressed for a converter 132 (discussed in more
`detail beloW). In the preferred embodiment, a number of
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1103, Page 11

`US 6,683,870 B1
`converters 132 can have the same IP address. These tasks are
`illustrated by steps 56, 58 and 60.
`Server processor 128 Will then multicast the packets to
`each of the destinations 132, 134. Multicasting in data
`communication networks refers to transmitting a message to
`multiple recipients at the same time. Multicast is a one-to
`many transmission similar to broadcasting, except that mul
`ticasting implies sending to a list of speci?c users, Whereas
`broadcasting implies sending to everybody. IP multicasting
`refers to transmitting data to a group of selected users at the
`same time on a TCP/IP netWork (internal, intranet or
`Internet). The information is transmitted once, and all
`intended users receive it at the same time.

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