`UIlltBd States Patent [19]
`Tung et a1.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jul. 18, 1995
`[75] Inventors: Peter Tung, Beaverton; Ben Vrvilo,
`Portland, both of Greg.
`[73] Assignee: Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, Calif.
`[21] A 1 N 158 246
`pp .
`Computer Conferencing: IBM scientists demo proto
`type of affordable computer conferencing system, Nov.
`2’ 1992_ EDGE’ on & about AT&T’ V7, 11223’ p, 22_
`Primary Examiner—.larnes L. Dwyer
`Assistant Examiner-Scott Wolinsky
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—-Steve Mendelsohn; William
`H. Murray
`[22] Filed:
`Nov. 24, 1993
`An audi° task ,residing °n 3,11 audio/communicating
`[51] Int. 01.6 ............................................ .. HD4M 3/56
`[52] us. (:1. .................................. .. 379/202; 395/800; Pwd °f a“ “(11° ‘Subsystem “1 a COmPuF“ °°Y%fe“?“°'
`ing system. An audio manager and an audio applications
`[58] Field of Search ______________ u 395/800’ 162; 379/202,
`programming interface reside on a host processor of: the
`379/205 203 204
`computer conferencing system. The audio task receives
`local analog audio signals, generates local compressed
`audio signals corresponding to the local analog audio
`signals, and passes the local compressed audio signals to
`' a communications subsystem of the computer confer
`encing system for transmission over a communications
`link to a remote computer conferencing system. The
`audio task receives remote compressed audio signals
`from the communications subsystem and generates re
`mote decompress“ audio Signals correspmding to the
`remote compressed audio signal for local playback.
`References Cited
`4,475,l93 10/1984 Brown ....................... ..
`4,333,795 12/1989 AndO e} 31
`-- 379/53
`""""" " 370/62
`5,014,267 5/1991 Tompi‘ms ct a1‘ "
`snuzuktllet a1‘ """"""""
`5Z231Z492 7/1993 Dangig:al:":::............12: 358/143
`5,315,633 5/1994
`5,319,793 6/1994
`5,335,321 8/1994
`16 Claims, 32 Drawing Sheets
`1 1 0
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`U.S. Pafent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 1 of 32
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`US. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 2 of 32
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`July 18, 1995
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`July 18, 1995
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`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 7 of 32
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`U.S. Patent
`July 13, 1995
`Sheet 8 of 32
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`US. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 9 of 32
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`July 18, 1995
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`July 18, 1995
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`July 18, 1995
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`US. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 17 of 32
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`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 18

`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 18 of 32
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`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 19

`US. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 19 0f 32
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`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 20

`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 20 of 32
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`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 21

`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 21 of 32
`Receive heartbeat
`(connection in CONN_ESTAB state)
`FIG. 21
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 22
`(Cbnnection in CONWLAL/ME state)
`DLM qpen channel 0
`Channel open notification
`Send heartbeat
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 22

`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 22 of 32
`Chan Request CTL Msg.
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`APP calls 7I I OpenChannel
`A/lac TI] and DUI chan
`DLM Channel Opened
`Open RDLM Channel
`Send Chan Req to APP
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`Send Open CTL Msg.
`APP Accepts
`Send accept 671 4459-
`Receive accept CTL Alsg.
`Open RD/.M Channel
`Send Chan Accepted to APP
`FIG. 22
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 23
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`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 23 of 32
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`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 24 of 32
`FIG. 24.
`Data ...
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`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 25 of 32
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`Sti I lThresh(|ow)/
`Fi lterThresh(high)
`8 8 8
`8 8 8 8 8
`clsco SYSTEMS, Inc. Ex. 1031 Page 26
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`July 18, 1995
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`FIG. 26.
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`FIG. 27.
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`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 28 of 32
`T A


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`FIG. 28.

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`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 29 of 32
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`FIG. 29
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 30
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`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 30 of 32
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`July 18, 1995
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`U.S. Patent
`July 18, 1995
`Sheet 32 of 32
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`FIG. 4 is a block diagram of the hardware configura-
`tion of the audio/comm board of the conferencing sys-
`tem of FIG. 2;
`FIG. 5 is a block diagram of the software configura-
`tion of the conferencing system of each PC system of
`FIG. 1;
`FIG. 6 is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment
`of the hardware configuration of the audio/comm
`board of FIG. 4;
`FIG. 7 is a block diagram of the conferencing inter-
`face layer between the conferencing applications of
`FIG. 5, on one side, and the com, video, and audio
`managers of FIG. 5, on the other side;
`FIG. 8 is a representation of the conferencing call
`finite state machine (FSM) for a conferencing session
`between a local conferencing system (i.e., caller) and a
`remote conferencing system (i.e., callee);
`FIG. 9 is a representation of the conferencing stream
`FSM for each conferencing system participating in a
`conferencing session;
`FIG. 10 is a representation of the video FSM for the
`local video stream and the remote video stream of a
`conferencing system during a conferencing session;
`FIG. 11 is a block diagram of the software compo-
`nents of the video manager of the conferencing system
`of FIG. 5;
`FIG. 12 is a representation of a sequence of N walk-
`ing key flames;
`FIG. 13 is a representation of the audio FSM for the
`local audio stream and the remote audio stream of a
`conferencing system during a conferencing session;
`FIG. 14 is a block diagram of the architecture of the
`audio subsystem of the conferencing system of FIG. 5;
`FIG. 15 is a block diagram of the interface between
`the audio task of FIG. 5 and the audio hardware of
`audio/comm board of FIG. 2;
`FIG. 16 is a block diagram of the interface between
`the audio task and the com task of FIG. 5;
`FIG. 17 is a block diagram of the com subsystem of
`the conferencing system of FIG. 5;
`FIG. 18 is a block diagram of the comm subsystem
`architecture for two conferencing systems of FIG. 5
`participating in a conferencing session;
`FIG. 19 is a representation of the comm subsystem
`application FSM for a conferencing session between a
`local site and a remote site;
`FIG. 20 is a representation of the comm subsystem
`connection FSM for a conferencing session between a
`local site and a remote site;
`FIG. 21 is a representation of the comm subsystem
`control channel handshake FSM for a conferencing
`session between a local site and a remote site;
`FIG. 22 is a representation of the com subsystem
`channel establishment FSM for a conferencing session
`between a local site and a remote site;
`FIG. 23 is a representation of the comm subsystem
`processing for a typical conferencing session between a
`caller and a callee;
`FIG. 24 is a representation of the structure of a video
`packet as sent to or received from the com subsystem
`of the conferencing system of FIG. 5;
`FIG. 25 is a representation of the compressed video
`bitstream for the conferencing system of FIG. 5;
`FIG. 26 is a representation of a compressed audio
`packet for the conferencing system of FIG. 5;
`FIG. 27 is a representation of the reliable transport
`comm packet structure;
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to audio/video confer-
`encing, and, in particular, to systems for real-time audio,
`video, and data conferencing in windowed environ-
`ments on personal computer systems.
`2. Description of the Related An
`It is desirable to provide real-time audio, video, and
`data conferencing between personal computer (PC)
`systems operating in windowed environments such as
`those provided by versions of Microsoft® Windows
`operating system. There are difficulties, however, with
`providing real-time conferencing in non-real-time win-
`dowed environments.
`It is accordingly an object of this invention to over-
`come the disadvantages and drawbacks of the known
`art and to provide real-time audio, video, and data con-
`ferencing between PC systems operating in non-real-
`time windowed environments.
`It is a particular object of the present invention to
`provide real-time audio, video, and data conferencing
`between PC systems operating under a Microsoft®
`Windows operating system.
`Further objects and advantages of this invention will
`become apparent from the detailed description of a
`preferred embodiment which follows.
`The present invention is an audio subsystem for a
`computer conferencing system. An audio task resides
`on an audio/communications board of the computer
`conferencing system. An audio manager and an audio
`applications programming interface reside on a host
`processor of the computer conferencing system. The
`audio task receives local analog audio signals, generates
`local compressed audio signals corresponding to the
`local analog audio signals, and passes the local com-
`pressed audio signals to a communications subsystem of
`the computer conferencing system for transmission
`over a communications link to a remote computer con-
`ferencing system. The audio task receives remote com-
`pressed audio signals from the communications subsys-
`tem and generates remote decompressed audio signals
`corresponding to the remote compressed audio signal
`for local playback.
`Other objects, features, and advantages of the present
`invention will become more fully apparent from the
`following detailed description of the preferred embodi-
`the appended claims, and the accompanying
`drawings in which:
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram representing real-time
`point-to-point audio, video, and data conferencing be-
`tween two PC systems, according to a preferred em-
`bodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram of the hardware configura-
`tion of the conferencing system of each PC system of
`FIG. 1;
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the hardware configura-
`tion of the video board of the conferencing system of
`FIG. 2;
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 34
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 34

`FIG. 28 is a representation of the unreliable transport
`comm packet structure;
`FIG. 29 are diagrams indicating typical connection
`setup and teardown sequences;
`FIGS. 30 and 31 are diagrams of the architecture of
`the audio/comm board; and
`FIG. 32 is a diagram of the audio/comm board envi-
`Point-To-Point Conferencing Network
`Referring now to FIG. 1, there is shown a block
`diagram representing real-time point-to-point audio,
`video, and data conferencing between two PC systems,
`according to a preferred embodiment of the present
`invention. Each PC system has a conferencing system
`100, a camera 102, a microphone 104, a monitor 106,
`and a speaker 108. The conferencing systems communi-
`cate via an integrated services digital network (ISDN)
`110. Each conferencing system 100 receives, digitizes,
`and compresses the analog video signals generated by
`camera 102 and the analog audio signals generated by
`microphone 104. The compressed digital video and
`audio signals are transmitted to the other conferencing
`system via ISDN 110, where they are decompressed
`and converted for play on monitor 106 and speaker 108,
`respectively. In addition, each conferencing system 100
`may generate and transmit data signals to the other
`conferencing system 100 for play on monitor 106. In a
`preferred embodiment, the video and data signals are
`displayed in different windows on monitor 106. Each
`conferencing system 100 may also display the locally
`generated video signals in a separate window.
`Camera 102 may be any suitable camera for generat-
`ing NSTC or PAL analog video signals. Microphone
`104 may be any suitable microphone for generating
`analog audio signals. Monitor 106 may be any suitable
`monitor for displaying video and graphics images and is
`preferably a VGA monitor. Speaker 108 may be any
`suitable device for playing analog audio signals and is
`preferably a headset.
`Conferencing System Hardware Configuration
`Referring now to FIG. 2, there is shown a block
`diagram of the hardware configuration of each confer-
`encing system 100 of FIG. 1, according to a preferred
`embodiment of the present invention. Each conferenc-
`ing system 100 comprises host processor 202, video
`board 204, audio/comm board 206, and industry stan-
`dard architecture (ISA) bus 208.
`Referring now to FIG. 3, there is shown a block
`diagram of the hardware configuration of video board
`204 of FIG. 2, according to a preferred embodiment of
`the present invention. Video board 204 comprises ISA
`bus interface 310, video bus 312, pixel processor 302,
`video random access memory (VRAM) device 304,
`video capture module 306, and video analog-to-digital
`(A/D) converter 308.
`Referring now to FIG. 4, there is shown a block
`diagram of the hardware configuration of audio/comm
`board 206 of FIG. 2, according to a preferred embodi-
`ment of the present invention. Audio/comm board 206
`comprises ISDN interface 402, memory 404, digital
`signal processor (DSP) 406, ISA bus interface 408, and
`audio input/output (I/O) hardware 410.
`Conferencing System Software Configuration
`Referring now to FIG. 5, there is shown a block
`diagram of the software configuration each conferenc-
`ing system 100 of FIG. 1, according to a preferred
`embodiment of the present invention. Video microcode
`530 resides and runs on pixel processor 302 of video
`board 204 of FIG. 3. Com task 540 and audio task 538
`reside and run on DSP 406 of audio/comm board 206 of
`FIG. 4. All of the other software modules depicted in
`FIG. 5 reside and run on host processor 202 of FIG. 2.
`Video, Audio, and Data Processing
`Referring now to FIGS. 3, 4, and 5, audio/video
`conferencing application 502 running on host processor
`202 provides the top-level local control of audio and
`video conferencing between a local conferencing sys-
`tem (i.e., local site or endpoint) and a remote conferenc-
`ing system (i.e., remote site or endpoint). Audio/video
`conferencing application 502 controls local audio and
`video processing and establishes links with the remote
`site for transmitting and receiving audio and video over
`the ISDN. Similarly, data conferencing application 504,
`also running on host processor 202, provides the top-
`level local control of data conferencing between the
`local and remote sites. Conferencing applications 502
`and 504 communicate with the audio, video, and comm
`subsystems using conferencing application program-
`ming interface (API) 506, video API 508, com API
`510, and audio API 512. The functions of conferencing
`applications 502 and 504 and the APIs they use are
`described in further detail later in this specification.
`During conferencing, audio I/O hardware 410 of
`audio/comm board 206 digitizes analog audio signals
`received from microphone 104 and stores the resulting
`uncompressed digital audio to memory 404 via ISA bus
`interface 408. Audio task 538, running on DSP 406,
`controls the compression of the uncompressed audio
`and stores the resulting compressed audio back to mem-
`ory 404. Comm task 540, also running on DSP 406, then
`formats the compressed audio format for ISDN trans-
`mission and transmits the compressed ISDN-formatted
`audio to ISDN interface 402 for transmission to the
`remote site over ISDN 110.
`ISDN interface 402 also receives from ISDN 110
`compressed ISDN-formatted audio generated by the
`remote site and stores the compressed ISDN-formatted
`audio to memory 404. Comm task 540 then reconstructs
`the compressed audio format and stores the compressed
`audio back to memory 404. Audio task 538 controls the
`decompression of the compressed audio and stores the
`resulting decompressed audio back to memory 404. ISA
`bus interface then transmits the decompressed audio to
`audio I/O hardware 410, which digital-to-analog
`(D/A) converts the decompressed audio and transmits
`the resulting analog audio signals to speaker 108 for
`Thus, audio capture/compression and decompres-
`sion/playback are preferably performed entirely within
`audio/comm board 206 without going through the host
`processor. As a result, audio is preferably continuously
`played during a conferencing session regardless of what
`other applications are nmning on host processor 202.
`Concurrent with the audio processing, video A/D
`converter 308 of video board 204 digitizes analog video
`signals received from camera 102 and transmits the
`resulting digitized video to video capture module 306.
`Video capture module 306 decodes the digitized video
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 35
`CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. Ex. 1031 Page 35

`into YUV color components and delivers uncom-
`pressed digital video bitmaps to VRAM 304 via video
`bus 312. Video microcode 530, running on pixel proces-
`sor 302, compresses the uncompressed video bitmaps
`and stores the resulting compressed video back to
`VRAM 304. ISA bus interface 310 then transmits via
`ISA bus 208 the compressed video to host interface 526
`nmning on host processor 202.
`Host interface 526 passes the compressed video to
`video manager 516 via video capture driver 522. Video
`manager 516 calls audio manager 520 using audio API
`512 for synchronization information. Video manager
`516 then time-stamps the video for synchronization
`with the audio. Video manager 516 passes the time-
`stamped compressed video to communications (comm)
`manager 518 using comm application programming
`interface (API) 510. Comm manager 518 passes the
`compressed video through digital signal processing
`(DSP) interface 528 to ISA bus interface 408 of audio/—
`comm board 206, which stores the compressed video to
`memory 404. Comm task 540 then formats the com-
`pressed video for ISDN transmission and transmits the
`ISDN-formatted compressed video to ISDN interface
`402 for transmission to the remote site over ISDN 110.
`ISDN interface 402 also receives from ISDN 110
`ISDN-formatted compressed video generated by the
`remote site system and stores the ISDN-formatted com-
`pressed video to memory 404. Comm task 540 recon-
`structs the compressed video format and stores the
`resulting compressed video back to memory 404. ISA
`bus interface then transmits the compressed video to
`com manager 518 via ISA bus 208 and DSP interface
`528. Comm manager 518 passes the compressed video
`to video manager 516 using comm API 510. Video
`manager 516 decompresses the compressed video and
`transmits the decompressed video to the graphics de-
`vice interface (GDI) (not shown) of Microsoft ® Win-
`dows for eventual display in a video window on moni-
`tor 106.
`For data conferencing, concurrent with audio and
`video conferencing, data conferencing application 504
`generates and passes data to com manager 518 using
`conferencing API 506 and com API 5 10. Comm
`manager 518 passes the data through board DSP inter-
`face 532 to ISA bus interface 408, which stores the data
`to memory 404. Comm task 540 formats the data for
`ISDN transmission and stores the ISDN-formatted data
`back to memory 404. ISDN interface 402 then transmits
`the ISDN-formatted data to the remote site over ISDN
`ISDN interface 402 also receives from ISDN 110
`ISDN-formatted data generated by the remote site and
`stores the ISDN-formatted data to memory 404. Comm
`task 540 reconstructs the data format and stores the
`resulting data back to memory 404. ISA bus interface
`408 then transmits the data to com manager 518, via
`ISA bus 208 and DSP interface 528. Comm manager
`518 passes the data to data conferencing application 504
`using comm API 510 and conferencing API 506. Data
`conferencing application 504 processes the data and
`transmits the processed data to Microsoft ® Windows
`GDI (not shown) for display in a data window on moni-
`tor 106.
`Preferred Hardware Configuration for Conferencing
`Referring again to FIG. 2, host processor 202 may be
`any suitable general-purpose processor and is preferably
`an Intel ® processor such as an Intel ® 486 micro-
`processor. Host processor 202 preferably has at least 8
`megabytes of host memory. Bus 208 may be any suitable
`digital communications bus and is preferably an Indus-
`try Standard Architecture (ISA) PC bus.
`Referring again to FIG. 3, video A/D converter 308
`of video board 204 may be any standard hardware for
`digitizing and decoding analog video signals that are
`preferably NTSC or PAL standard video signals. Video
`capture module 306 may be any suitable device for
`capturing digital video color component bitmaps and is
`preferably an Intel ® ActionMedia ® II Capture Mod-
`ule. Video capture module 306 preferably captures
`video as subsampled 4:1:l YUV bitmaps (i.e., YUV9 or
`YVU9). Memory 304 may be any suitable computer
`memory device for storing data during video processing
`such as a random access memory (RAM) device and is
`preferably a video RAM (VRAM) device with at least
`1 megabyte of data storage capacity. Pixel processor
`302 may be any suitable processor for compressing
`video data and is preferably an Intel ® pixel processor
`such as an Intel ® i750® Pixel Processor. Video bus
`312 may be any suitable digital communications bus and
`is preferably an Intel ® DVI ® bus. ISA bus interface
`310 may be any suitable interface between ISA bus 208
`and video bus 312, and preferably comprises three In-
`tel ® ActionMedia ® Gate Arrays and ISA configura-
`tion jumpers.
`Referring now to FIG. 6, there is shown a block
`diagram of a preferred embodiment of the hardware
`configuration of audio/comm board 206 of FIG. 4. This
`preferred embodiment comprises:
`Two 4—wire S-bus RJ-45 ISDN interface connectors,
`one for output to ISDN 110 and one for input from
`ISDN 110. Part of ISDN interface 402 of FIG. 4.
`Standard bypass relay allowing incoming

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