`I~ 10111111111~ llllll~llllllllllllllllllll~lllllllllllll
`o2> United States Patent
`Wood et al.
`{10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`us 8,457,113 82
`*Jun. 4, 2013
`Inventors: Samuel F. Wood, Los Altos, CA (US);
`Jerry A. Klein, Los Altos, CA (US);
`Margaret Susan Asprey, Los Altos, CA
`(73) Assignee: Telemaze LLC, Los Altos, CA (US}
`( • ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the tenn of this
`patent is extended or adjust1.-d under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 85 days.
`This patent is subji!Ct In a terminal dis(cid:173)
`Appl. No.: 12/821,119
`Jun. 22, 2010
`Prior Publication Datu
`US 2010/0254376 AI
`Oct. 7, 2010
`Related U.S. Application l>uta
`Continuation of application No. 11/948,965. filed on
`Nov. 30, 2007, now Pat. No. 7,764,717, which is a
`division of application No. 10/426,279. lik-d on Apr.
`30, 2003, now Pat. No. 7,324.635. which is a
`continuation-in-part of application No. 09/565,565.
`fik-d on May 4, 2000. now Pat. No. 6,574,328.
`USPC ...................................... 370/352; 379/220.01
`Field of Classification Search
`USI'C ...................................... 370/352; 379/220.01
`See application tile tor complete search history.
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`Primary Examint'r Creit.iliton Smith
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`1)1 .. <\ Piper 1.1.1• (liS)
`A caller ID ba~~'d call ruulilll!. feature is describt.'d lilr blocked
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`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 1 of 11
`US 8,457,113 B2
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`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 6
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 8 of 29 PageID 64
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 2 of 11
`us 8,457,113 82
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`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 7
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 9 of 29 PageID 65
`Subscriber Registration and Login
`User views
`information on
`becoming a
`ubscrlber lncludln
`features and
`User provides personal
`data including login name
`and password and credit
`card Information.
`with features
`User accesses web
`site UIS (User
`lnteracllon System)
`FIG. 3A
`User logs in (apply
`standard forgotten
`password procedures}.
`System displays
`Subscriber's private
`Information page.
`User views messages,
`changes configuration,
`modifies mail lists, etc.
`User enters a tentative
`PPN, system checks local
`database for availability
`User selects •vanity•
`PPN (Extra Cost Option).
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 8
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 10 of 29 PageID 66
`System selects
`System selects PPN
`from local database.
`PPN - Public Phone Number allocated by oneCloud (known to public,
`on business cards, etc., rings oneCioud).
`LPN - Local Phone Number from local telco (rings l!Ser's phone but
`is only known to oneCioud and local telco).
`UIS - User Interaction System - web site user Interfaces with In
`order to control phone features.
`TAC- Tandem Acces Controller· System that directly accesses
`the PSTN.
`FIG. 38
`FIG. 3
`System sends provisioning
`packet to PSTN Controller.
`Controller acknowledges
`provisioning packet.
`User's new PPN and login name
`are acknowledged and User Is
`welcomed as a new Subscriber
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 9
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 11 of 29 PageID 67
`Incoming Message Processing for
`PSTN Tandem Access Controller
`Send to
`PPN - Public Phone Number allocated by oneCioud
`(known to public, on business cards, etc., rings oneCioud).
`LPN- Local Phone Number from local talco (rings user's
`phone but Is only known to oneCioud and local telco).
`UIS- User Interaction System- web site user Interfaces
`with in order to control phone fealures.
`TAC- Tandem Access Controller- System that directly
`Control Packet accesses the PSTN.
`Assemble Signaling and Control
`Message (from Packets)
`Process VoiP
`control messages.
`Control Message
`Call Control
`Invalid call
`UlS Provisioning Message
`Send acknowledgement
`message to UIS
`Perform invalid
`message analysis
`and security check
`FIG. 4
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 10
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 12 of 29 PageID 68
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 6 of 11
`US 8,457,113 B2
`Inbound Call {to Subscriber)
`Receive Incoming Call
`Request {SS7) from
`PSTN Tandem Office.
`Format Message: Incoming Call
`Request (including called PPN,
`caller ID, channel#, etc.)
`Look up Calling and Called
`Parties in Database.
`~.....;N~o;;.__---1 Refuse call.
`Look up Subscriber specified parameters
`in database. Determine if additional
`information Is required from caller.
`IVA Subsystem
`obtains information
`'>-----~{e.g. collect password
`from caller, etc.).
`Determine outbound calling number: Look
`up Subscriber Conditional Call Forward
`information (e.g. time·of-day, day-of·week,
`caller ID, caller password, etc.).
`Send Call Request (SS7)
`to PSTN Tandem.
`FIG. 5
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 11
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 13 of 29 PageID 69
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 7 of II
`us 8,457,113 82
`Outbound Call (from Subscriber)
`Subscriber enters or clicks on
`Outbound Called Number at UIS
`and indicates which Subscriber
`number call is to be placed from
`(e.g. cell or home number)
`UIS Formats and Sends a
`CaiiAndConnect Message to TAC.
`Send messages to
`UIS- Subscriber
`Phone Not
`TAC places call to
`outbound number and
`connects the two.
`FIG. 6
`via phone
`User goes
`off "hook"
`on phone
`CO processes
`dialing and
`look up
`PSTN places call
`in conventional
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 12
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 14 of 29 PageID 70
`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 8 of 11
`us 8,457,113 82
`0 ,...
`J: g
`0 z
`" ~
`0 z
`" ~
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 13
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 15 of 29 PageID 71
`'\,.FAX & Modem/
`"-. Calls
`[}-1 40 I
`f-/ ___ _,/
`L - - - - -J I
`FAX & Client
`ISP Dial~ up
`.* .
`· .. CO Trunks
`. .
`14~0 8
`FIG. 8
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 14
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 16 of 29 PageID 72
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 4, 2013
`Sheet 10 of 11
`us 8,457,113 82
`FIG. 9
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 15
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 17 of 29 PageID 73
`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 4, 2013
`Sheet 11 of 11
`US 8,457,113 B2
`FIG. 10
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1007, Page 16
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-3 Filed 06/19/15 Page 18 of 29 PageID 74
`us 8,457,113 82
`A preferred embodiment of the inventive system describc..>d
`herein connects at the tandem, thereby eliminating these
`In the edge devices residing in the PSTN central ollices, the
`I st party (the calling pany) has numerous features av;Jilable
`(dialing options). The 2nd pany (called party) also has
`options available such as call forwarding, but these features
`typically r~.-quire acc1.'SS from the first or second party's device
`and arc extremely awkward to program. 'llte user interuction
`10 is not only awkward. it is limited and r~.-quircs interaction with
`the tck-phone company to provision them. In other words,
`past systems for pnwisioning, meaning addition, mndilica·
`tion, or control of telephone features. r1.-quircd a subscriber to
`make the feature selection through the tdephone business
`IS office. Central office workers would then implement the pro(cid:173)
`visioning Wlder requc..'St of the business ollice.
`Call Forwarding is one popular provision. "lberc is signi·
`fication transmission dc..ogradation for Call Forwarding to take
`place. The calling party pays for <1 call to the edge device. and
`20 the 1.-dge subscriber, the called party, pays for the call to the
`forw~~rding number. For enl1anced inbound call control tu
`occur, a direct 3rd-pany call control means is needed.
`A variety of services have arisen to addrt..'Ss the pmblems
`'Ibis invention relates to telephone services and. in panicu-
`mentioned above. Many of these systems allow the called
`Jar. to a :.-ystem for allowing a subscriber to select fcaturc..'S of
`the subscriber's telephone service and to various novel fea· ~s party to make chantJ.eS to his/her call forwardintJ. allributes
`turc..'S that can be seh .. 'Ctc..>d.
`which do not allow dirc..'CI 3rd-party call cnntrol. These scr·
`vices provide good user interaction. some viltthe internet. but
`they rely upon the toll network through the use tlf "KOO"
`'lltis rc..-quires the subscriber to pay by the minute ami dues
`not allow the subscriber to take advantuge of nwnbcr pun(cid:173)
`ability in order to ubtain 3rd-party call cuntrol. There <Jrc
`other toll network m1.'Chanisms for remote call Jorwarding.
`For example, MCI oilers a service where the customer can
`35 remotely change the forwarding target number 1\lC "1!00"
`numbers. Contacting the ultimate end-user before terminal·
`ing the first incoming call is similar to the manner in which
`"800" credit calls and collect calls are processed. butth1.-sc arc
`not done ut the local subscriber level.
`In addition to these toll services, there are 1.-dge devices that
`perfonn some of the same services. Edge devices such as
`phon1.'S and PBXs that include voice mail, inter-active voice
`response, call forwarding. speed calling, etc., have been used
`to provide additional call control. "lbese devices allow the
`45 phone user direct control over incoming tmd outgoing calls.
`The disadvantage of edge devices is that they add cost,
`degrade voice and tro~ru;mission quality, can be dilficuh to
`progr-o~m. are not ~:asily prugr-dnuned remotely. can tc.."quirc the
`user to pay for two lin1.'S, provide lower quality of st:rvice, and
`so cannot provide the same level of functionality as a system that
`controls the PSTN directly. There <~rc Voicl.' Over lntemet
`Protocol (\oiP) products emerging that provide better user
`interlucc..'S and control but tlu:y do not t;lkc advantage and
`voice quality of the J>STN.
`This application is a continuation of U.S. application Ser.
`No. 11/948,965, filed Nov. 30,2007, entitled "Branch Calling
`and Caller ID Basc..-d Call Routing Telephone Featwes,"
`which is a divisional ofU.S. application Ser. No. 10/426,279.
`lilc..-d Apr. 30, 2003. l.'lltitled "Bmnch Calling and Caller ID
`Based Call Routing Telephone Features:• now U.S. l>at. No.
`7,324,635, which is a continuation-in·partofU.S. application
`Ser. No. 09/565,565, lilcd May 4, 2000, entitled "Telephone
`Call Control System for the Public Switched Telephone Net·
`work," now U.S. P.o~t. No. 6,574.328, The subject mauer in the
`above-identified co-pending and commonly owned applica·
`tioru; is incorporated herein by reference.
`P1.'0ple have usc..>d various means for limiting interruptions 3u
`due to the telephone. In the past. pc..•ople uSl..-d switchboards
`and secretaries to screen incoming, or inbound, calls. Vilice
`nmil systems took over so