`1111~11111~ ~~lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll n 11111111
`(12> United States Patent
`Wood et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,764,777 B2
`Jul. 27,2010
`Inventors: Samuel F. Wood, Los Altos Hills, CA
`(US); Jerry A. Klein, Los Altos, CA
`(US); Margaret Susan Asprey, Los
`Altos, CA (US)
`lclemaze LLC, Los Altos, C'A (US)
`ADC Teleconununications; SS7 New N~1 SS7 Tutorial; 'CJ l'op)'l'iglll
`(73) Assigru.-e:
`( * ) N01icc:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of this
`patent is extended or adjust~-d under 35
`lJ.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 111948,965
`(22) Filed:
`:'llov. 30. 2007
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2008/0075262 AI
`Mar. 27, 2008
`Related U.S. AppUeatlun Data
`Division ofapplication No. 10/426,279, fill:d on Apr.
`30,2003, now Pat. No. 7,324,635, which is a continu·
`ation-in·part of application No. 09/565,565, fik-d on
`May 4, 2000, now Pat. No. 6,574,328.
`Int. CJ.
`/104M 7100
`U.S. CJ .............................. 379/220.01; 379/221.01
`Field of Classification Search ............ 3 79/211.04,
`s~-c application file for complete search history.
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`BroadSoli unveils advan.;ed architecture for the rnpid and cost effcc·
`live delivery of enhanced conununicalions serviws. W .. -bsih:, Aug.
`25. 1999, Press n:lcases, 3 pages.
`U.S. Appl. No. 09/406,322. Schuster cl <~l..lik·d Sep. ::!7, 1999.
`U.S. Appl. No. 09/S 15,798, Schuster 0:1 al., filed Feb. 29. 2000.
`• cited by examiner
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 5
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 7 of 26 PageID 13
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 27, 2010
`Sheet 1 of11
`US 7,764,777 B2
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`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 6
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 8 of 26 PageID 14
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 27,2010
`Sheet 2 of 11
`us 7,764,777 82
`li; a.(5
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`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 7
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 9 of 26 PageID 15
`Subscriber Registration and Login
`User views
`information on
`becoming a
`ubscriber includin
`features and
`User provides personal
`data including login name
`and password and credit
`card information.
`Sam le
`with features
`such as web
`User accesses web
`site UIS {User
`Interaction System)
`FIG. 3A
`User logs in (apply
`standard forgotten
`password procedures).
`;.., = -.
`System displays
`Subscriber's private
`information page.
`User views messages,
`changes configuration,
`modifies mail lists, etc.
`User enters a tentative
`PPN, system checks local
`database for availability
`User selects "Vanity"
`PPN (Ex1ra Cost Option).
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 8
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 10 of 26 PageID 16
`System selects
`System selects PPN
`from local database.
`PPN - Public Phone Number allocated by oneCioud (known to public,
`on business cards, etc., rings oneCtoud).
`LPN - Local Phone Number from local talco (rings ~ser's phone but
`Is only known to oneCioud and local telco).
`UIS - User Interaction System - web site user interfaces with in
`order to control phone features.
`TAC- Tandem Acces Controller- System that directly accesses
`the PSTN.
`FIG. 38
`FIG. 3A
`FIG. 3
`System sends provisioning
`packet to PSTN Controller.
`Controller acknowledges
`provisioning packet.
`User's new PPN and login name
`are acknowledged and User Is
`welcomed as a new Subscriber
`c.. = -.
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 9
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 11 of 26 PageID 17
`Incoming Message Processing for
`PSTN Tandem Access Controller
`Send to
`PPN ~ Public Phone Number allocated by oneCioud
`(known to public, on business cards, etc., rings oneCioud).
`LPN - Local Phone Number from local talco (lings user's
`phone but is only known to oneCioud and local talco).
`UIS ~User Interaction System· web site user interfaces
`with In order to control phone features.
`TAC- Tandem Access Controller- System that directly
`Control Packet accesses the PSTN.
`Assemble Signaling and Control
`Message (from Packets)
`Process VoiP
`control messages.
`Control Message
`Call Control
`lnvand call
`UIS Provisioning Message
`Send acknowledgement
`message to UIS
`Perform invalid
`message analysis
`and security check
`FIG. 4
`~ = -.
`N = .... =
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 10
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 12 of 26 PageID 18
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 27,2010
`Sheet 6 of 11
`US 7,764,777 B2
`Inbound Call (to Subscriber}
`Receive Incoming Call
`Request (SS7) from
`PSTN Tandem Office.
`Format Message: Incoming Call
`Request (including called PPN,
`caller ID, channel#, etc.)
`Look up Calling and Called
`Parties in Database.
`~-~~ Refuse call.
`Look up Subscriber specified J?.Brameters
`in database. Determine if additional
`information Is required from caller.
`IVA Subsystem
`obtains information
`">-_Y_e_s __ ~(e.g. collect password
`from caller, etc.).
`Determine outbound calling number: Look
`up Subscriber Conditional Call Forward
`information (e.g. time-of-day, day-of-week,
`caller ID, caller password, etc.).
`Send Call Request (SS7)
`to PSTN Tandem.
`Connect this outbound call
`to ori inal inbound call.
`FIG. 5
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 11
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 13 of 26 PageID 19
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 27, 2010
`Sheet 7 of 11
`us 7,764,777 82
`Outbound Call (from Subscriber)
`via web
`Subscriber enters or clicks on
`Outbound Called Number at UIS
`and indicates which Subscriber
`number call is to be placed from
`{e.g. cell or home number)
`Send messages to
`UIS- Subscnber
`Phone Not
`TAC places call to
`outbound number and
`connects the two.
`FIG. 6
`via phone
`User goes
`off "hooka
`on phone
`CO processes
`dialing and
`look up
`PSTN places call
`in conventional
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 12
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 14 of 26 PageID 20
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 27,2010
`Sheet 8 of 11
`US 7,764,777 B2
`en~ a.w
`0 z
`' ~
`co ..-
`(/)~ a.w
`0 z
`" i$
`0 ,...
`CJ -u.
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 13
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 15 of 26 PageID 21
`'FAX & Modem/
`"' Calls
`(}-1 40 I
`;.., = -.
`~/ ___ ~/
`ISP Dial-up
`· •• CO Trunks
`"* .
`FIG. 8
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 14
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 16 of 26 PageID 22
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 27,2010
`Sheet 10 of 11
`us 7,764,777 82
`FIG. 9
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 15
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 17 of 26 PageID 23
`U.S. Patent
`Jul. 27, 2010
`Sheet 11 of 11
`US 7,764,777 B2
`FIG. 10
`Bright House Networks - Ex. 1006, Page 16
`Case 3:15-cv-00742-TJC-MCR Document 1-1 Filed 06/19/15 Page 18 of 26 PageID 24
`us 7,764,777 82
`lbis application is a division of U.S. application Scr. No.
`I 0/426,279, filed Apr. 30, 2003, entitled "Branch Calling and
`Caller ID Based Call Routing Telephone Features," which is
`a continuation-in-part of U.S. application Ser. No. 09/565,
`565, filed May 4, 2000, entitled "Telephone Call Control
`System for the Public Switched Telephone Network." now
`U.S. Pat. No. 6,574,328, both incorporated herein by refer(cid:173)
`'Ibis invention relates to telephonl.! sl.!rvices and. in particu(cid:173)
`lar, to a systl.!lll for allllWing a subscriber to selectli:atun .. -s of
`the subscriber's telephone service and to various novel fca·
`tures that can be sci~'Ct~-d.
`(dialing options). The 2nd party (called party) also has
`options available such as call lorwarding. but tlii.'Se 1\:atures
`typically ~-quire access from the f1tst or second party's device
`and are extremely awkward to program. The user interaction
`is not only awkward, it is limited and requires intcr.1ction with
`the telt.'Phone company to provision them. In other words,
`past systems lor provisioning, meaning addition, modifica(cid:173)
`tion, or control of telephone features, required a subscriber to
`make the ft.!uture selection through the telephone business
`10 office. Central office workers would then implement the pro(cid:173)
`visioning under request of the business office.
`Call Forwarding is one popular provision. Thl.!re is signi·
`ficationtransmission degradation for Call Forwarding to take
`place. TI111 calling piU'Iy pays for a call to the edge d~o--vice, and
`15 the edge subscriber. the called party, pays for the c;tll to the
`forwarding number. Fur enhanced inbound call control to
`occur, a dir~-ct 3rd-party call control means is ~~~~-ded.
`A variety of services have arisen tn uddrcss the problems
`mentiom.-d above. Many nf these systems ullow the called
`party to make changes to his/her call Ji.1rwarding anributcs
`which do not allow direct 3rd-party call control. 'lb~-se ser(cid:173)
`vices provide good user interaction, some via the internet. but
`they rely upon the toll network through the use of "800"
`numbers. lbis requires the subscriber to pay by the minute
`H and does not allow thesubscribertotakeadv-dntageofnumber
`portability in order to obtain 3rd-party call control. There are
`other toll network mechanisms for remote call li1rwarding.
`For exumple, MCI oilers a service where the customer can
`remotely change the lbrwarding target number lor "800"
`numbers. Contacting the ultimate end-user belore tl.!rminat·
`ing the first incoming c-dll is similar to the manner in which
`''800" credit calls and collect calls are processed, but these arc
`not done ut the local subscriber lt!vel.
`In addition to these toll services, there arc edge devices that
`perform some of the same services. Edge devices such as
`phones and PBXs that include voice mail, inter-active voice
`response, call forwarding. speed calling, etc., haw been used
`to provide additional cull control. Th1.>se devices allow the
`phone user direct control over incoming and outgoing calls.
`The disadvantage of edge devices is that they add cost.
`degrade vuicl.! and tmnsmission quality. can be dillicult to
`progr.1m, arc not easily progr.muned remotely, can re4uire the
`user to puy lor two lines. provide lower 4uality of service, and
`cannot provide the same h ..... ·el of functionality as a system that
`controls tbe l>sTN dirl.!ctly. 'lbl.!re arc Voice Over Internet
`Protocol (\lbiP) products emerging. that providl.! better user
`interlaces and control but they do 1wt take udvuntagl.! and
`voice quality of the PSTN.
`A system for allowing a subscriber to remotely control
`features is described herein along with various telephone
`leatures that may be programmed into the system. A sub(cid:173)
`scriber may be any custom~-r using the telephone Sl.!rvice, in
`contrast to employees of the PSTN who may usc special
`communication networks within the J>STN. Two lo'UCh fea(cid:173)
`tures are caller ID (CID) ba~>d call routing and brdnch call·
`ing. The system allows the subscriber to set up a feature where
`the CID sig~wl is detect1.-d within the !•STN and automatic<~lly
`associated with stored information relating to the caller. The
`stored information may have been previously enten.>d into a
`memory within the PSTN by the subscriber via the world
`6S wide web. '!be CID signal may be also used to route the call
`to one of more forwarding numbers or to take any other
`action, such as blocking the call. This feature also allows the
`P~-ople have used various means lor limiting interruptions
`due to the telephone. In the past, ~'Ople u~>d switchboards
`and secretaries to screen incoming, or inbound, calls. Voice
`mail systems took over some of this mle both in the home and
`in the Cllntral office. 'lbday, there arc web-based companies
`managing 3rd-party call control, via the toll-switch network,
`which allow users to enter call control information through a
`web portal. 1berc arc also edge devices in each of the public
`telephone company's central offices which provide local con(cid:173)
`trol, but olli:r an extremely limited number of features lUld do
`not provide true 3rd-party call control.
`The web-based toll systems provide good user interaction
`but they are not economical and cannot take advantage of
`local number portability because they do not provide local
`control and connectivity.
`The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) consists 40
`of a plurdlity of edge switches conn~'Cted to telephones on one
`side and to a network of tandem switches on the other. The
`tandem switch network allows conni.'Ctivity betWI.'Cn all ofthe
`edge switches, and a signalling system is used by the PSTN to
`allow calling and to tr.msmit both calling and called party 4~
`Until now, optional features were provided by the local
`service tdl.!phone com puny (tel co) through the edgl.! switch at
`the centml otlice (CO). It was not possible to provide optional
`features through any other means. Control of these features ~o
`was done through the first party (calling party) or the second
`party (called party), or worse yet, manually by culling the
`business office.
`In the past, numerous d~.o--vices have been built that allow the
`connection of two lin~-s together at an edge switch. These 55
`devices can be used to add features to a telephone network by
`receiving a call on one line and then dialing out on another
`line. TI1e problem with th~-se devices is that, bL'Cuuse they arc
`connectt.-d through an ~-dge switch, lrdllsmission losses and
`impairments occur, dL-grading thl.! overall conn1.-ction.ln addi- 60
`lion, sigru1lling limitations prevent lull control, by the sub(cid:173)
`scriber or the system, over the call.
`A prcl\:rred embodiment ofthl.! inventive systf.!m described
`herein connects at the tandem, thereby elintinating these
`In the edge devices ~-siding in the PSTN central ollices, the
`I st party (the calling party) has numerous features available
`Bright House