`P. Antone, CRR
`MYLAN - EXHIBIT 1104.08

`For Man Information
`And-.-rule Advlsing Center
`Olfla :1! Mnixsions
`Ondnnra Study (zxtrpt lair, opmmen-y. phuuau.-y. wclnl workmd
`the psychology depztnerl)
`Inlen-.ntionI.l Students
`743 -1010
`Social Work
`Archlnccrun. Ondmle School cl
`Blnlav Adnihflsniflml. Orlfintz Prop-um Offlzt
`Education. Grad:-I: Studies
`Endlletling. Calla: College of
`Honors College
`Hdel Ind llennrr-nl Mlnngunml. Hilton College of
`Hlin-flies, Finn Am. Ind Corumuniuliou. Colby: of
`Luv Carin
`um Ulsriry
`Nalunl Science: and Mlthmntict. Ccllege of
`Optometry. Cullen 0!
`Opornmy Clinic (Appuhunur Desk)
`Plnnucy. College of
`Social Sdelcq College M
`Social Work. Graduate Schod of
`Teeimology. College of
`Financial Mlltcrn
`Office of Smdmt Accourth;
`Toll-fie: Number
`Lou: and Scielnrirlpu
`Offivx oi Sdnohstilyt and Frunelnl Aid
`Dcpnnmenlot Millury Selene:
`Sudan: Orullnfiom
`(Includes Fnttrnltiel lid Sotwillcs)
`Ctrnpus Activities Coonilnuut
`Student Service
`Vice Paxldenl For Student Alida
`Dun otflltldanb
`Otlke out-xix:-neon nod Aeudcnu: Renard:
`Vekrlm srnlcu
`Vfilar Ixlfuullflrn
` j._
`C 2
`Univemityoffioer an-,open from 8 unto 5pm..
`Monday through Pnday. Several offices remain open
`during evening hours for the convenience of students
`and faculty. The Olfics ofAdmissions. Rnglstxatian
`Ind Academic Records, and Scllolawhips and financial
`Aid.lnd the Student Life Division. Academic Advising
`Cantu’. Ind the library hnve additional hours of
`Campus Tours
`Campus noun begin :1 noon Monday lhxough Friday
`cxaqal for campus holidays and the period: priur to
`Ind duing registration. Tour: leave from the Officc of
`Adrnisious, I29 fieldd W. Orllcn Builzing. A phone
`call (743-7401) prior to the visit is Idvised to unsure
`lhatthe officcstobcvisiletl vnillbc open.
`Svuorn Addnonou
`University of Houston System
`[600 Smith. Suite 34(1)
`Houston, Texas 77(X)2
`7 l3T7$4—74ID
`Porirlfnnmrionooracerning program ntodrer urnpusas.
`address inquiries to:
`UH-Clear Luke
`2700 Ely Area Boulcvud
`Houston. Ten: 77058
`L102-C Red River
`Victoria. Texas 77901
`On: Main Street
`Hmntun. Texas 77002
`TheUniversity of Houston Is the doctoral degree-
`gnnting und largest university of the University of
`Houston System, 1 public system of high: education
`thnt includes three other universities: UH-Clear Lake,
`UH-Downtown, and UH—VicturiI.
`For Arldltionnl Catalog:
`For infcmnatlon about puuhnsing nddiionnl copies of
`the Graduate andProfe.r.rr'anal Studlu ulalog. coulact
`the University Bookstore. University of Pbustnn.
`Houston, TBXIS 77204-3651, 7131743-09E.
`University of
`The Graduate and Profuflonal Smdiu cntnlog
`Icquainls stndmu with the policies and procedural,
`nrles and regulnlona. and rrsrxmsibilicles and rights
`Iflacting them.
`It provides unswen to mostquuclons canon-ning
`ncldcruic Incl administnlive requirement forndmi.9-
`sion, registration. retention. financinl Ild. studui life.
`Ind gnduntion.
`All ntudents ue responsible for observing the sun-
`dnrdn nnd regulntiona gowzning this Institution :3
`published‘ in Ilriscatalog and in od1eroficu!' publlctthm
`The University nffloustcnresaves the right to change
`the provisions of this catalog. inducing. butnot limited
`to. degree requlrernmtx cauxse offering. fccs. Ind
`listing; in the calendar as necessitated by university
`or legklazive action.
`Equll Opportunity Polloy
`TlieUnivmiry ofHouston provlda equal trunnent
`Ind oppomrity to :1] pa-sous Without regnrd to nae.
`color. religion. national origin. sex. nae. disability.
`velann ruins. or rexunl otienmion except where such
`ifistincclou ls required by Ina. This mmneni reflects
`- coInpll.|ncewith'l'lle:VIIndVIIoflheGVilRl¢tI
`of 1972 uni all other {och-al Ind side rcguhtiom.
`Phyllis Powell
`Anisrznt In the Pm-ideal for Aninmnve Action
`University ofHouston
`Houston. Texas 77204-2162
`other unlveulty Polloloa
`Irifannafion on odxa University of Hountnu policiu.
`including the Academic Honay Policy. Student Life
`Polcles, Drug Free Workplace Policy. Aim Poliq.
`Smoking Policy. and the Sexual l-hrassment Polcy.
`cm befurntdinthesurderullandlaoolzpubfislxedby.
`md available in, the Dean of Slndmts Office.
`stntamont at Illulon
`The University of Houston bu the hdifimtl rnlsdon
`of: mqlorpubllc university. In netivltia include I
`broad range of ncademic programs encompassing
`undergrad:-ta. gnduun and pvfessioml education;
`has‘: and applied retard: Ind pdalic suvlce pogmnn.
`It is the doctoral dmeogrmfing mclrwearch-oriented
`component ofthe Uriversity of Hnuswu Syxtan.
`In B: stateauisted systnnol eflacdou in
`Tans, UH is the state‘: only large. research university
`located in a rmjormctxopolitxn aru. UH recognize: it:
`to serve the educaiml. rueuch
`eduatlonnl programs include both full-lime proyu-rs
`for trnritional students And put-time and evening
`prop-gm: at all level: for employed individuals.
`Ruearchlabuatoriea anrlinsdtuhsworkdireedywim
`area ernpantiom and govennaous on prcjea: which
`net. It: public service programs complement the
`nnlvexslrylr educational rnlnion Ind. It the nine
`' bueofllballunling
`O-ndunnundprofeaiounl education nt-UH encour-
`ofthelrpmfmr-Ions. Recoprizlugmxrnuryprmpectlve
`rnastefs prugnms ueurilmud foutudam waking
`743- l0l0

`aonnrll lnlormatlon
`How to Read this Catalog
`Kc”aTemtc Calendar
`Board of Regents and Adminisuntive Offioers
`Univusity Profile
`Gflduate and Profesxluntl Deyue Proguns
`Amlicazion for Adrnissiou and Rcflmllion
`'I\.1ltion and Foes
`Scholnrshipa nnd Fmancill Aid
`Acadcmic R
`Italians and
` ' Pmynms and Oppomnities
`Conpuu-.r Raourucs
`Facilities and Resources
`Student Savitxs
` Cello n and School:
`Edumtion It UH stresses Independent Imrning and
`pmblem-solving, Students nre not expected to learn
`all orevcn mostofwhudneywillberequlredtolmow
`over the course of Ihcir caruzs. Rather. the university’:
`goal is to pmvlde a sound hue ufknqwlpdgc, skills,
`and prlcticc. Further. it strives to foster auimdu that
`will allow nndmcounge luyaduancstqcmfinncdudr
`educadon !hruughoulI.he.ir1ives and to apply that
`lmuwkdge to improve their lives Ind the quality of
`their sodetyl
`Admission to UH in selective nnd competitive. The
`university has '1 cmnmluncntto provide educational
`opporutnldc: for minority Itudu'm, indudjng rpecial
`schohrship and support programs, and has minority
`faculty, mtf. end student recruitment pronnms.
`TheUniversity of Hounon provides educaionnl
`programs of high qunlity for parHimc and working
`smdenu, and schedules courses throughout the day
`and evening to necormnodnm stu¢ntx' needs for
`flexible class sdmdules, The campus makes no
`dndnction In requlruncnts or quality of instruction
`between the degree pmgims oficted through dly or
`evening classes. Proyuns ofinstrucdm are Ivnilable
`u speck] teaching
`for residents living far
`' UH is Houston‘: largest public outreach university.
`lu god is to provide an an—go'mg remqrch base to meet
`the needs ofHaustnn‘_I business, gxwernmont. Incl
`énltunl connnunities. Resurch family serve as role
`models md slur: with Ivutlents infarrmdon, Ideas.
`and problems rclzvlnt to the fields of Icndemlc study.
`takes plue largely within Hisdplinary
`depumneaus. Applied. problem-oriented research.
`usually lnvolvlng rgvénl disciplines. is conducted in
`A variety of UK‘:
`imtlfntrx. The University
`actively seeks ex!emn1_ support for its rnsemh pro-
`grams fmrn goverrmmt and private soun:e.x
`The ednadnngl mission o(U'Fl is also designed
`to meet the business. science Ind health. lcgll.
`its regular nmdcmic unit: Ind its extensive continuing
`education progrimn. UI-I offer: the opportunity for
`resident: of Houston to nulnuin or improve skills
`and knowlodge Itanhey need to enhance theircareers
`gnd livr-Vs. _
`Published by the:
`Ofica ofPublications
`University of Houston
`Housinn. TX 71204-21
`’ ‘
`Ind the
`Ofice of the Senior Vice Pruident
`for Acaduric Affnils
`University of Houston
`Houston. Tens 77Z)4-2162

`the form of tests. papers. orrepona during the l4
`involved; falsifying records and results of scademlc
`calendar days prior to the examination period of each
`work; or falsely presenting someone else's work as
`aerneater. or five calendar days prior to the exarrlina~
`one‘: own. This policy shall wver these liars and
`tion period of each summer session
`others as detailed in the Academic Honesty Policy.
`There will be no final examination! during the
`The penalties for confirmed breaches of this
`reading period.
`policy shall be commensurate with the nature of the
`offense and with the record of the student regarding
`classroom Ind Laboratory Examination
`any previous infractions. They will range from a
`For purposes of security. and to ensure that asaia~
`lowered yade or failure on an examination or
`tanca is available. it is expected that someone
`assiprrneut or failure in the course. to probation
`familiar with the examination being administered.
`either tbe instructor or a designate. will be present
`or temporary or permanent suspension Burn the
`university, or a combination of these.
`lu the room during the examination period. It is
`The allegation of infraction shall normally start
`recognized that such an expectation is not always
`with the faculty member in whose class the alleged
`appropriate. for example. when an honor code is in
`infraction occurred and proceed to a hearing with the
`effect. when the class ls a graduate seminar. or when
`the forrunt of the examination makes it unnecessary.
`department chair. Where disagreement with respect
`to guilt. nature ofthe tramgres-ion. or penalty
`Final Grade Imports
`proposed occurs. either party will have the right to
`The Office of Registration and Academic Records
`hearings at the college level and the right oi‘ a
`malls finalgradesasroonastheyarccompiled after
`procedural review by the office of the senior vice
`the close of the semester or surru-rrer sessions. The
`president for academic afiairr. ‘nae accused student
`also has the basic rights of proper written notifica-
`report reflects the grade assigned by the lusnudor
`tion nfthe nccusation and the time and place of any
`on the final grade sheet. Any subsequent change is
`not included. Grades are sent to the students‘ mailing
`hearinga coneemiug the case; fair hearing: with
`address listed on university records. Only one report
`opportunity to meet the accuser; and the opportunity
`is mailed. Additional copies are not available.
`to present evidence and witnesses in the defense
`The accused Ituderlt may seek the advice of couruel.
`Students are rt-sponsiblc for reporting their correct
`'llie accused student may he judgal and assigned
`mailing address to the Offioeof Regimntion and
`Academic Records or any Enrollment Services
`penalty by the department chair, or a hearing commit-
`tee of the oollege. depending on the level at which
`the case is appealed. Finally. the senior vice presi-
`Student Records
`dent of the university may examine the case and
`cnnngo cl Alt-on
`orda I review. The Academic Honnty Policy sets
`forth the manner in whitzh the various notifications.
`All students must file changes of address andlor
`name with the Office of Registration and Academic
`appointments of hearing. and tlrniug of these events
`shall be carried out. and indicate by whom they
`Records. 108 Ezekiel W. Orllerl Building.
`shall he conducted.
`Students who fail to report a new address will
`not be exnrsed from penalties on the grounds tlm
`The policy applies to all college: within the
`communications mailed from the University of
`uulvra-sity, with some procedural exceptions in the
`Houston were not received in time.
`sional colleges. It is the responsibility of the
`rdrulnistratlve olficers involved (department chair.
`change of Home
`dean. senior vice president for academic affairs) to
`The university records students’ names based upon _
`ensure that the policy is implemented fairly and in a
`timely manner. it is the responsrhiliry of the faculty
`and sttldents to discourage academic dishonesty by
`examining ippropnate precautions in situations
`where infractions may occur and by properly
`reporting instances of such infractions.
`All members of. and participants in. the academic
`life of the university are to he govuned by this
`policy and should familiarize themselves with its
`Final Exarrslrration
`Final atarninationr are given during the time and
`date designated in the class schedule. Any excep-
`tions to this policy must be approved in writing by
`the dean of the college and announced no later than
`the last day to drop a course
`In retoytititm ofthe student‘: need no prepare
`for final exarnlaations. it is cont-.r-ary to campus
`policy to assign previoualy unscheduled work in
` logululbvn utl
`P|'¢f=_l§Dce. participation :
`‘°”‘"“=* and Irons. weigh: and height (of names).
`dr;¢::,fmgndnzg’ dc-Ema“)
`me mm
`......, .*’§_‘u..°‘.'.§....“°'....*‘°“‘§.‘.‘2‘..':.“2‘:’.“.““““°‘* «er
`unis public iuformatio
`° “° “°‘.""11
`n to be released must notify the
`3'16 ofReslsuamm and AcademicRecords 108
`'elW.Cn1lenB ildin,d -
`Ill wrilim-
`'?h.lI['Ll:1m‘° Hal‘ MY.

`iverslty {H usto
`obscrvancea orfmdzau
`conflict with university class meetings. asaigurnenu
`or ataminrtiorls. Students whose religious beliefs
`prohibit class attendance or the
`SP“-15° assignments on deslgnact:dndPal:aso:.‘.:,
`request an excused IUSGDR.
`lfmemdgntmfififi meinsmm“ “mm elm”
`which eontlict with religious 1.0;, ¢., ,, “I 5“
`°‘1°“d“ 43)’ Ofeach semester (fight; eyalertdu day
`[0, {umma (“max the mldem will b‘ “cunt
`Elgihle religions are those whose place: of worship
`are exempt from pi-opgfiy glxnioa
`Dem,“ macaw“ “dcwm am: we
`law as available in the orrm or the satior vice
`pruident for academi mg‘
`9, d
`and the A.D. Bruce lz:li.gtoi.“'cu:a.eilnn‘:gs:cdas'
`general petition form, available in the Offioe of
`’_ Registration and Academic Records. students should
`request excused absences due to religious holy days
`‘:‘::l'_'| itlhle Ilgnaturc ofeach oftheir professors. and I
`e form at the Office ofllcgiacration and
`' cademic Records.
`Graduation and Graduation Appnogugn
`'PPn°'_d°“ 7°‘ Bndllltion should not be
`fused with the application for candidacy.
`- Detffu are ant awarded automatically upon
`mlgleuon of all scholastic requirements. To be
`° ' “I must
`th mi
`- ~- an appllutlo r
`ltmtiolr and Aczagugrizdezutgz 'i7oih°m°.T,°,°.3f
`Wlcnhons should be filed either the semester
`or in which the stud
`utixns are available il1mtl‘l:(.):‘li: §‘s'r‘3Z'.t"...‘.
`Deuunufnrfifin me.
`anon are lured in the!-cIdell7:‘1‘I:
`‘=3 for Efldlildon who have been pml...’,1,
`. ed mu“ raw.’ for sndmdon u no
`campus use ocouraooly withtha xntlenta' lmow
`and consult, or when records are required by law
`. suldflll who expect: to graduate in . gt...
`must be enrolled for that semester ‘nan
`or subpoenaed.
`'”’“°‘ ‘° ""“°*"3 who have not’mb-
`Public information on a record which may he _‘
`I" mfiflnmuzdumnmon hygrc
`released upon request include: name, addres.
`g. date and place of birth. classi-
`llytttguqnv 55¢,
`’ °
`"' "55 5‘-‘"089 07 ‘M
`- 33%" ‘;['“‘"Y are mailed about
`“- WW5. anrdeutr may
`ism‘-°u°". '1” 3"d"."‘°“ 'PP“°}‘d°|| form that
`' R y- '" ~’"°'‘ "’ "‘°“ ‘“.P‘°“"* In the Office of
`exist:-anon and Academic Records.
`-~~v-- «M or ---»--«-u.. -.......
`S.""‘°'"*."'“*' We -wrov-I omen am or
`mm m“f,£,°:'d::n°;f;:“‘“°“
`rucl:I;t|I1me.depmmralu. student; may .01 basin
`or diueruti
`F“““P"‘°'“°VIdenee_ofA mastery ofthe uta::tre
`:In::,l'::‘ °f“":dY- ‘ ’}9"fi°"“ °°'mi,"‘"5°|‘ W
`"" ‘b""’ ‘° °°“d“°* Independent
`pea must be
`5""? "'°~“5- dlmflauou. or other rmear-ch
`Pmjw i”V°M“5 1” '"° °n“’“'"“‘ “V
`:lPl3T°V=d by the Committee for thePt'oteclinnof
`"mm Snhlecrs before resurch ls stnrlai. smdam
`l?}“.l§'a°§§"“".‘““' mil-‘HY ldvllora for infca-mation.
`cum“ dmoaoal rnfonnatron or an application form.
`Euklel W C$lCnc|cgtrlldlsP°“°mdrl'M3P;,Z§2‘ms' 316
`be'l‘he final draft or thettheru or dissertation mm
`E" “ °“1V " 3“P“1i“=d by the wntrnittee.
`;.,...°°mP,.,,1°”d "“’ "“""£"""' '° *7“ -liviwry
`calmenmmdw; ‘mum swdfied l" W’
`Avattutron tor candidacy
`Graduate students must be approved for culdj
`for adepee In accordance with the pmcedmhdlfl
`‘PP“"’°d '7! the individual college or department.
`1'' Zfinefll. Inuln”: studenta should file
`Ippllcanonr for admission to candidacy with the,
`college office as soon as the following have been
`corgpletad: at least 12 semester hours of y-adugtg
`°'l- Ifmqulrad: and all special requl...
`::..;.*:.‘:“ W-w= an
`student a mayor. Am thoeollexa 0150: has verified
`‘:;‘P‘§°°° °fthese rrquuegneuu. the mam will be
`he d: onnale notice of admrnlou tn candidacy for
`Doctosnral students h uld filef
`8 0
`or candidacy [flu
`f::'::°“"3 "fl‘=P*“,'°°P"' lwqualify-
`graduation (e.g.. tn the sulphur: for fall graduggs
`C’"‘"°'°"v'§P“°"-‘.°" °m‘-" fir 51'-d-me
`Ookhldmnue are a male tn the college offioar. Not all ‘
`L;°e°;“;-°i:u:eru9 ’.m‘l:hC<:|ItI.lll the dean oftheir
`°°'|“m-ova Renlstratlo u .1 er
`gov Thesis or Illuuorlatlgrt n . .
`uderedlc befull-tlrnesnldmtsaudateexpecmd
`fllldfllis who are registered in absentia)
`to comply with the enrollment reqnrrun¢n'is ., N
`1flC|OfIl Iflfl

`b‘” “m ‘°‘i“i|'e communicating (both mm
`'’°''‘"“E "4 hem: e) wm, mum,
`in spoken English, graduate applicants must dernon- .
`’“'°‘°P‘°'i=i=°=7insi>oimt=.r nsnrnn
`requirement may be satisfiedgby one am:
`following criteria!
`1. Completion afba qlau
`at .1
`"""'“""°" '7' ‘"-|’W1ia- Canada. New nalaiid. sum.
`Africa, or the United Kingdom at which Drxlfih L,
`the ntedirrni afimgy-.,_-,,~o,‘_
`‘- 2. Aminin'tomaeoreof220
`English (Tsm. no on the s,;i..,°p,§§c°;,,,fsc,"°k"“
`Enihih Assessment icu (SPEAK) Test or 17 (out
`°‘ 751°! “N Fmisn service Institute Essri on;
`The TSE is administued at TOEFL. tat
`Ind the SPEAK Test adrnlnlarration an be
`Wm‘ 3'9 Qtficc of Counseling and Testiyng “used
`A: ll Lt not always posstblafor an 4.
`PP Can! to
`.:";:"’".:“.''.:fi.‘7*"~ '" Wm «e um.
`attended to allow dsniaiumnrlan
`fixing; ":1 abelllafldldppohmlallus a gmdunfl
`0-fpmfid‘"‘7 "Pa" 47"‘1V¢Il. Such authorization
`flqdimlfll Ilia wr-mart consent and xuppgn of9,,
`0!! 6 college qftlie .rludznl'.r may." and ,5, _,,,,,o,
`s academic adviser and app]-39¢] by M, dun
`vice presidentfor acadnltic afai,-1. um,-1 pmofaf
`Proficiency Ltpresenred, the ma“. M, M, be
`rqsrlgned In an irurnacrtonal m(,_
`Although I Dnc-[em-egg; .990; ‘mam -
`dfoftlhlzpoinlmomora graduate 8:8l.!Mllllllpt?“lbV.y
`-' was WW
`bad on depmmmm needs.
`an will be
`G“‘“"° "“"°|'! my hold assirtamsh‘
`:: mm‘ ‘"99 VH3 lllytllsuit ofa man: £l:pn:e,
`mm‘ fiV9Y°"3m pursttitofadoctorate, uid
`ulna-luy aha‘ entering a graduate prognm with .
`N°'m'nY. no individual may
`M51‘ Y9"!-Anyesceptianto
`W‘ P0116)’ must receive the approval of the an; of
`“==_=<>l1eseandrhe.ezi.xviea presidentforlcadunic
`caofltleraa at uni“
`The following policies are applicable in all
`flu ai dwmmwu ‘M °°“°5°-‘ my prescribe
`conditions of 0fl1Ployu15n[_
`- SIM-<=ory pmsius as defined b the
`or department must be math toward {he
`2. Tl|¢t1t‘l!|lrntJ|1'|O0lIIIelOldpel'sflneslt:I'l:l2
`“'3 "‘ ‘
`°|"Fl1|8:emester. ‘nie uilrtlmum
`Wifflhfvdslnandttiemaxirnumis l6set'nesta-
`course led for snmrnerenrollrnentiaone credit ham»
`foreach week t‘ suinmm»
`Low fa Gndu°‘m Smdflmlppolntrrr.)ent. (See Course
`Efilntle-an and
`i, ck ,i,.,.,,d-
`Any published arti l
`indiafins that the is or is i..."'J,'“°" ' mu
`thesis or dissertation mbminéd in PmiE1 upon. I I
`of the requirerrientt for the de '
`Ummm of How“.
`“am dame attire
`Campus Ponelec tor Graduate Assistant:
`Graduate assistants
`mu am who no
`V°"{°“n,’“°° ‘{f_3"¢h dlltics as classroom instruction,
`'°“d‘",“° 'd'“‘"Ev Mdmz P396: and examinations.
`’f'PFf“5‘°“- 3953155. or otlnr Idlnhkujflyg mm”,
`ribihtier. The term graduate assistant encompasses
`I.h;*teaching fellow. teacling usismm ‘Dd E“
`T‘“‘’'’"8f¢’’°"'-! (snduare rtude ts
`‘ui pg-kn‘;-y
`responsibility for teaching a course tl'Ioi- .:'.d;.) mug
`have completed a rrinimum of 18 sen-tut.-.r hours oi’
`graduate «edit in their teaching field. must be In
`good standing, and must be making satisfactory
`progress toward the degree. Teaching fellows may
`- be listed as the instructor ofreco;-d_
`T‘“d'i“5 "-"-"'-"“"'~' (lllduale students who do
`not have primary rcspon mu f
`for credit and who peIf0l:‘l1 urzefh
`3 5‘
`f‘°l°T)’ Fmgress toward the
`'* in W W-- -M
`forth in the section entitled Course Load. Advice
`or assistance from a member of the faculty ‘in the
`preparation of the thesis or dissertation should not be
`expected unless the strident is officially enrolled
`Students are required to be continuously enrolled
`(i.e._ each fall and spring semester). including the
`semester in which the thesis or dissertation is
`submitted to and accepted by the university. Failure
`to enroll in thesis or dissertation courses may delay
`gnduation and may result in the loss of financial
`assinance and other privileges A studuit not
`enrolled for a semester or term may not receive
`payment for teaching. raearch. or other university
`services tinting that semester or term. The student
`should consult the dean of the college for individual ‘
`college requirements regarding summer registration
`for thesis or dissertation credit hours.
`Students who areTutu residents and are registered
`for thesis or dissertation credit only as the final
`credit hour requirement for the degree in progress
`are charged the appropriate hourly rate (No miriirnitrri
`titltion rate exists.) All other required fees shall be
`paid. Students should consult the dean of their
`college for eligibility criteria.
`Students may register in absentla for thesis or
`dissertation courses if arrangeinenta are made
`through the department of their major at least two
`weeks before the registration period. Registration
`for all other students must be completed in the
`prescribed rnanner during the announced registration
`period. The tlnsis or dissertation course is consi-
`dered part of a student’: current course load.
`'l‘heais (or dissertation) in progrus" is shown
`without a grade on the strident’: perinanerrt record
`for each registration period until the sernutcr or tents
`in which it is graded However. a graduate grading
`system of S_(sat'stactory). U (unsatisfactory). or I
`(incomplete) may be elected by a department. Such
`grader in the thesis or dissertation courses are not
`considered in computing a student's grade point
`average. A Final pride ofB orbetter is required on
`the cotrrplcwd thesis or dissertation. A grade of C
`indicates that the thesis or dissertation is not
`Thecollege 'tfinewillsendacopyo(theCertifi—
`cation of Submission of 'l‘l'iesls/Dissertation form
`Six semester hours may be earned for the master’:
`thesis. (This may vary according to department or
`college.) Although more than this number may be
`required of the student, a inaxintrnri of six hours
`may be applied toward the master‘: degree. Credit.
`allowed toward the degree for the doctoral dissona-
`tion wlll be dennnined by the department ofthe
`student‘3 major. Upon completion of the thesis or.
`dissertation. the dqiartment will hold an examination
`or defeme. oral andlor written. covering the area of
`the research snidy.
`Flrrnl comprehensive Examination
`in some departments. the program for the master's
`degree may not include a thesis but may require a
`final comprehensive examination. Graduate students
`are expected to enroll each semester until completion
`ofthcdcgreeprogtarn mdawardot‘tlredeyee.During
`the term in which the final comprehensive examina-
`tion is taken. graduate students in nonthesis progratns
`are considered to be full-time students and are
`expected to comply with the enrollment require-
`ments as set forth in the section abolte entitled
`Course Load for Graduate Snrdents.
`Suggested Form lor Thesis or Dluertatlon
`At a general rule. the format and style of presenta-
`tion should ccnsform to the roost acceptable standard:
`of scientific and scholarly wilting in the discipline.
`For instances in which this general rule is an
`inadequate guide. reference should be made to a
`style manual approved by the college or department.
`Before preparing the thesis or disertstion, the
`strident should obtain a copy of the guide for the
`preparation and submission of theses and disser-
`tations from the appropriate college office.
`Illtdlng and Dlitriblallon of
`Thesis or Dissertation
`The original and two copies of the approved thesis
`or dissertation should be submitted to the appropriate ‘‘
`college ofiice for binding as early as possible. but
`no later than the deadline specified in the academic
`calendar. Students who fall to meet these deadlines
`may be required to reiile applications for graduation .
`for a subsequent aemestu.
`The original and one copy ofthe thesis or dismay 3
`tion are retained by the M. D. Anderson Library for
`public access, and one copy goes to the student‘:
`major department. The college will send a copy of
`the Certification of Submission of ThesislDisserra-
`tinn form to the student.‘s department chair. Binding rt
`fees for theses and dissertations vary. Graduate
`students should check with the dean of the college
`fill! develop additional policies
`for specific procedures and requiierrients.
`'5" lllnhnont figggqu...
`Mlerolllrrrlng at These: or Dissertations
`'l’l’_°i}['menI of graduate auimnu ' u,
`A naictvfilming fee is required in addition to the
`'“'bIlIIy of the dean: of the cone; ":1 1.
`binding fee. This fee—the cost o
`-“P?” “*5 moornmendations of the department;
`a $5 administrative dtarge—will provide for mi’
`filming the complete thesis or dissertation and
`“mic offer and all related conditions are the
`publishing an abstract of 350 words or lcs.
`H ‘E Um‘? 0_f!l1e depamneat.
`A Unlvus-ity Microt'iln'is Agreement form must,
`. ‘N ha"°usBd'm7,°fHuman has A standard contract
`be completed by the student at the time the thesis 0‘ -'
`, - NI! Conditions of appointment beyond
`.,. - u
`"‘ fl!‘ ‘Ppomnnent of graduate
`dissertation is presented to the college An extra
`in “I5 Contract will be specified by
`of the abstract and abstract title page must be
`"’= P""° d°PImnental oflicer.
`furnished with the agreement
`"'* '0' In-aotmaanr
`Ordinarily, the tnicrnfilm of the dissertation wt
`» J -gm‘ f°‘ ‘ Fldilate anistan
`notbe cnpyriglited If desired. copyrigln rogiatntflfi
`tslup. student:
`° '" "“"°‘3""““¢ deem: or its equivalent.
`may be requested as provided by the agreement to
`for a fee. If a thesis is copyrighted. it must also be
`‘Dd be mp“ '
`' m ‘lildiitlte pmg
`. fnll-time elforts wwzdmflw dggni In
`' Eaaclassroonrinstructonotinotlnr
`_ degree.
`Rueamh .‘"‘i‘''“''‘'-' "9 Blduate students who
`"‘ ¢"8l8°f1 _In research activities under the direction
`‘"5 5“P°""S“7“ 0'' I Prlnclltll investigator.
`5"“ °°"=B= or dew-mnent establishes in own
`guidelines for reiecting and awarding teaching
`I 7 °"°°Pfi°“ “7' "113 9°55)’ must be approved in
`Vance by the d
`I ch
`Ce Preside” forezzland the senior
`--ls aretnclusive, mgnmummfim Du
`f°“°"_i!’l lxgllcles applying to all graduate

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