`. héi
`cliolhrsliips and Financial Aid.
`and the Smdent Life Division, Atndernic Advking '
`Center. and the library have ndditirmal hours of
`Campus Tour:
`Campus tours begin zr noon Monday through Friday
`except for campus holidays and the periods prior to
`and during regisuIiion.Tours leave from the Office of
`Admissions, I29 Eukicl W. Cullen Building. A phone
`can prior (0 the vlsil is advised to ensure that the ofiices
`to be visited will be open.
`Univurllty ol Houston
`System Admonu
`University of I-businn System
`Houston. Tiaras T7032
`7 l V754 77400
`For information concerning pmy-arm at other campuses.
`addrcs inquiries to:
`U}-l—Clear Lake
`2700 Bay Area Baulevanl
`I-lnusIm.Texas 77058
`2302-C Red Rive!
`Victoria. Turns 77901
`One Main Street
`I-lousim. Tots 77002
`TheUniversity of Houston is the doctoral degree-
`granting end largestuniveisity of theuniversity
`Houston System. apublie rystem of higher education
`that includes three other universities:
`UH-ClcnrLake.UH—Downtuwn. and UH—V'ictoriI.
`For Additional catnlogs
`Forinforrnation about purchasing additional copiet of
`The Qmduare and PvofmionaiSaaiieiemlog
`tu es
`bu" “dd
`Iclquuirrg students with the policies and procedures.
`lflecdng them, u
`m MP0“ ma
`It povides ansuveis to most questions cumming
`Ififldunif: and ldnnnmnntive requiremenu for admi.s— ‘
`510". Ieslstljdlion. retention. fmlnclnltld. studeng life,
`and graduation.
`All students the responsible lorobserving the _
`Md-r_<k and -cry!-dons governing mi;
`nvpubiisnediriniucaniogandinotncroaiciai v V‘:
`.._ __ ,
`The University all-ilousion reserva thcright to change
`"‘°P‘°“=*°“5 0”“ catalog. induding. but not limited
`'9-‘fiezrw mqulrunems. eoursecfleriny, fees, and
`lixungs in the calendnr as necessitsned by univaslty or
`legislative lotion.
`‘ ‘WI! Owortunflv Folio!
`The Ilrmtersnry or Houuon provides quai uummum
`without rugudto nus, color,
`""8'°n- moon! °f1Bi11.5€X.§ge.disIbilhy. mm
`Slims. arsrsnual oncntatkm aeeptv/here such diutinc.
`."2%!=r.t!_b.v.h9t . .
`iulornonl of Mlulon
`5 '”'°. P’-many ofEioumn is a major. public. Oompra
`hcnswe research uruvusity. is intivities encornpass
`. :3-wndum snduua. ma pioressioini educudan;
`_ U“fer""1 =Pi>li=d use;-rah: and public service pmynrm.
`4— Rfleasyaalcllulte cducmon n [he Umvam-y uflxousfon
`~ dm _
`.b¢nllpI'ofessianIl model lhzlpmvidcs 5,1,.
`\ -
`“."’“h I broad liberal arts basecamplerriunted by nu
`.'H5=p!h study of: putlculnr pmfeaionordiscipline,
`llmversity ofHouston gr-adunturycl pmfiomi eduq.
`hon pmgnms ofiersmdenu lhi: apporumiry to achieve
`mm! in their-chasm area ofspa:i||1nfiqn_ 11,,
`““*"¢"3‘U Wnducfl basic reseazeh in each academic
`*1-rthofSims! I=3°V=n°=.l°1°u1. sum. ma naiiannl
`pricxltizs.-The university also ppvidu . mm ,.P¢cm,m
`°‘P.“"“° °=""°= |'=liVlfi== defined to meet iii: businest,
`«ml. balm. lcs-I. goveenniemi, nndcultunl needs
`ofthe city on-lauston and ‘nuns,
`Pilblllthed by the University of Htmston Offirgif
`furmadanic Affairs.
`University (fl-loustua
`Houston. ‘lam 77204
`O Copyrig,htl992
`‘MYLAN - EXHIBIT 1104.07
`743»$ I0
`‘I ).Gu'llcg‘a
`‘ Aida-octane. GrIduI!e$cMold
`Buidncss Imrninlurnf-on. Orson: Pmgmxs Office
`Educ-firm. Gnduue Srudia
`Enzirwzring. Qlllen Collegeof
`Hnullnd Pt:n.I\IrI1ItManI[,emeIl. Kilian Colqe cl
`liuzrunltia. Fm: Ans. Ind Cmnmnlearim. College of
`Lxw Czruer
`lml Llbm-y
`V~ Nlmnl science: mdMImcrmIl:. Collzgn uf
`optwrnury. College of
`OptomuryGinic (hpvolmrrtutt Duk)
`Phernlcy. Collegeof
`Soclnl Sciatica. College of
`Sodnl Wbd. Grldulc Scinul (f
`'l'h:hnolo¢y. Collegeof
`Hlllndll Mmlts
`Office ofSndqiqkecmnting
`‘ naming
`Lam Ind Sdwl-nhip:
`‘orrladsdmimhips ‘
`ud finmdal Aid
` ——_.::——
`-nu Audunie Rxudi___,‘_?w__._____.._742H0I0
`Deplnmzui .1Mu
`Sruduit Ovurrlntlau
`(‘-ncluds Frnzerniriei ltd Saurills)
`Clllpll Auiv-iuu Coordinator
`Student Sq-vim
`ViwPn:H¢rIfurSlndzn Aflnln
`, ——-.
`Oflieezf Rcxlfifibn
`Veterans Sn-vleu
`Visitor Inlormntlnn
`MYLAN - EXHIBIT 1104.07

`” '
`gonna! Information
`How to Rzad this Catalog
`Academic Calendar
`2 1
`iaoaxa ofRzgu1u and Adrrinisfnuve Ofiimr:
`University From:
`Onuluale and pmrmiml Degrue Programs
`Applicnliml for Admission and Rcgistmlim
`Tlxitiun and Peg:
`Scholmshi_p;I and F'Inmcial Aid
`uladons and
`Said Pmgmns and Qzartunitics
`Cnmpuzer Rcsomucs
`- Facililics ma Rnourucs
`’ Student Scrvias
`: ‘ 65
`¢>: I 19

`"The!-'s (ordiswenafim) inproyes" isshown with-
`°"l_l xra_de on tfa: student’: pen‘narIet'lul=t:oI1‘l rumor
`l‘i5B"aded. Haweva, agradrrategradlnggysumrogjs
`(““5f3C'°1’Yl- U (“ISI!isfactpry)i <1’ I (incomplete) may
`beelectedbyadepurtmcnt. Suchgrada inthetheaisor
`dissertation causes me not considered in mrrrpnrlng n
`Mimi‘: rtndciwint-verage. Afinalgradeoffi orbetter
`isrcquiredonthecompleted thesis ordissermicrr A
`3FM"-s and Dlohlrutlon or
`Thule or Uluonauon
`Thecrlginalandtwocopru‘ ofrbe
`°m‘-‘° ‘*1 bflldlflfi Iscrly as possible. but no laterrhan
`the deadline specified in the Iarbruic calendar. Oradu--
`oecdures or
`ztxestudenta ahouldchectr tflilllllhédull ofthecollege
`W" "mm “mm”
`Smderttswhofailtonreettlescdmdlitesmay be
`'°'i‘-'i7Bd *0 Itfilc Ippltcamre for graduation for n
`Thecoflezeorficawturermoopyoturccerrinwrur mu m
`The art
`ofsutxnruron of'l‘hesslDissemtion fra-in (showing
`submrssronofthe theslsorcrrssertaticar tort-recotteg;
`.,......r...".',‘;‘....M. o.‘°rli.’r‘.’.‘.‘.¥‘:?;‘.'.‘;';‘.‘§f.";"°.".‘
`office) to the student‘: department. chair. The drain then
`popy5oestourasrudent'amqj.;r¢tgp.nm,n._ -n,,br,,d_
`reports the theaisordissertatlon grade to th.c'Ofiic¢ of
`Registration and Academic Records
`_ SIX semestcrhoura may the-
`dfssujtlllotu Tlrecotlegewitl said Imwdmcug
`trfnatron olsuhrnission ofTbcslsIDiertatlon fram to
`5'5~ (TM-'> "WY WY according to departmart orcollege.)
`tie student‘: deparm-rt:ntcl'au'r.
`student. amaxtrrrum ofsix hours may be appliai rowgd
`“l°"°fl|fl|'l'|iI of There: or Dlaurutlorta
`the master's degree. Credit allowed want the degree
`Amfcrofilmireteerrrsas lsrequired in addition ntte
`bl|'ldillEfce.'I1tis kewillprovidelormicrofilrnlngthe
`department ofthe student’: major. Upon oompletigngf
`couplerertesis ordissertation urdpublishingan absa-act" '
`rattartrspresentedrotheeollege.Aneatnacopyatrh¢ ~
`Ordim-r-1y. the micmlilmoftltedissertniar willrrot
`b<=mr=yrlshted- "desired. copyright tcgimllion tnly
`b°"_"i!-““l‘dl§P¢°Vld=-ibyflteagraetrterrtform. lfa.
`°'w=}=<=°pynal:t=<t. it mumrsobemraontmeat ‘me
`oopyngtrtfee asszo.
`meettlteaccmazmd theopportunity topresentevidence
`arrdwitnmtes inthe defense. Theaccusedstudetu may
`seek the advice of counsel.
`The accused studentmay bejudged and assigned
`penalty by the department chair, ora hearing committee
`ofdre college. dependingon thelevel at wlrichthee-ase
`is appealed. Finally; the senior vice presldenlcfthe uni—
`versity mayatzminethecase andorderarevlcw. The
`the various notifitflions. appointments ofhearing, and
`tinriagoftltmeeverrtsshall beoarriedout. anrl indicates
`by whom they shall be conducted.
`The policy applies to all colleges within the unit!!!-
`colleges [1 is the responsibility ofthe administrative
`otficcrs involved (dqannment chair. dean. senior vice
`praident kt academic ifialrs) to ensure that the policy
`is implemented fairly and in a timely rnamer. his the
`resportsibfllty ofthe faculty and students to discourage
`academic dishonmy by exercising appropriate precau-
`tions in sitttatiorts where infractions may occur and by
`properlyxeporting innanoes ofsuch inn-actions
`All members of. and pmiciparrts in, the academic
`lifeofthe university are to begovemed by this policy
`and should familiarize themselves
`its content.
`Approval of‘I’ho¢ls or Dlaurtatlon Proposal
`Sntdetttsrnusrecelve apptovaloftbcirthesisordisserts
`tion proposal from their thesisor dmenadon committee,
`advice oftho appropriate depuonent chair.
`in some departments, stxrdcnta may notbegin re-
`seumhpriortoadmisslontocanlidzy withotrttbe
`ofstndy a significant contributiorr to knowledge. and dc
`ability to conduct independeutresearch.
`Every thesis. disses-tariomorotherrcsearch project
`involving rt: use ofhuman subject: nttst be app-oved
`by the Committee for the Proleaion ofHuman Subjem
`before re:-arch is started Stucbrm should consult their
`faculty advixas for
`For additional infur-
`rnatiutoran application forrn. cmtacttheoflicenl‘
`Sponsored Pxognrns. 3l6 Eulthl W. Omar Building,
`'ltu="frit'al'drat‘toftl':‘e’thcsis*ardisser1atiorr mustl-re
`completed and submitted to the advisory committee as
`earlyasstlprrlatedbythocoamtittee. butnolnlertlnnthe
`I dudlinesrpecifled inthe acadaniccalendae
`The section below on Binding and Distribution of
`Thesis orDiset1ation specific deadlines for submission
`Application tor Candidacy
`degreeirtaccotdancewiththeprocoduxea apptovedby
`the individual college orde'panmant_
`lrt general, master‘: students should file applications
`for admission to candidacy with the college oflice as
`soon as the Following ltavebeen complete.-it 1 least I2
`semester-hours ofgraduate work at this
`'tbparunent's qualifying exarnination. ifrequired; and all
`special ruguirernents tftheoollege and the depanmont of
`tlrestudsertflsmajor. Alterthecollegeofficehas verified
`qmrpletion ofthne requirements, the student will
`be sent: formal noticeof admission to candidacy for
`the degree;
`Doctoral students should fileforcandidacy aftr:
`completing the depamnartx mrr-rpreltensive qualifying
`orproposal examination. Doctoral candidates must file
`fiareandidaq at least one semester prior to graduation
`(e.g.. in the suurnetfcr fall graduauz).
`Gmdidacy application forms for graduate students are
`available in thecollege otfices Notall colleges ordepart-
`ments have a formal emdidacy procedure. Students
`should consult the dart of their college dvottt regulations
`for a particular program.
`continuous Registration and credit
`for Thnls or Dissertation
`Students who are worldng on theses or dissertations
`(including students who are registered in absentia) are
`considered to be full-time students and are expected to
`comply with the enrollment requirements as set forth in
`the section entitled Course Load. Advirx or assistance
`thesis otdissertnlion should not be expected unless the
`student is officially enrolled.
`Students are required to be continuously emailed
`(i.c.. each fall and spring sernestr.-x). lnchrding the semes-
`ter lnwhich the tires‘: ordisaenation ls xubmincd to and
`accepted by the university. Failure to enroll in thesis tr
`dissmaion courses may delay graduation and may result
`in the loaoffinancial assistanceandotherprivileges. A
`rturhttnotcnrolled forasemesterortermrrtaynotro
`celve payment for teaching. research. or other university
`services during that semester or term. The student should
`consult the dean ofthe college for lndivirhral college
`requirements regarding summer registration for thesis
`ordlsertation txedilhoun.
`Students who _are'lbuss residents and are registered
`forthesis ordissatatinncrcdit only as the linaleredlt
`hourreqrzirernentfortltedegree in pmpess are charged
`the appropriate hourly me. (No tninimunt tt.tit'roi1'rat'e"' "'
`exists) Allotha required fees shall bepaid. Students
`should mnsultthedun oftmircollqe foreligibflity
`Students may reguter: in abmttia for thesis ordisser
`tationcouxxea ifarrangernents are made through the
`registration period. Registaationforallothetstudents
`rrnntbecornpleted in theptescribedntannerduring the
`lndlcatlag that merrratcrial is. orlsbued upon, 1 men;
`ordrstenatron submitted in partial fulfilltnart onhg-_
`$_'1"i"':L"° ‘°'“'9 dflisfiled degreeat the University
`Tmnl Elnrrtinndon
`H“? °"‘“'i“‘“°'§ “Sim: tirring the
`dmrgrratedintheclasadxedrrle. Anyarazptjorrsrorri,
`collegeurdanrnrncednoluertlmnirelastdayroctmp ,
`Inreco "
`final comprehensive Etrnmlnatlon
`"“°"‘° ‘°P¢m!;I=m. theptogmn t'ortharnaster's
`d°9°"'"lYtI0t rrtcludoathesla butrnzyrequireaflnal
`comprehensive exarnimziou. Graduatestudents are
`the term in which lie final corrtprehcrtsivegrunimrim
`Imkeu. uaduanemrderasinnomlrmisprognmurg
`considered to be full-time student: and are expected to
`comply withtheenrollrnentreqolremenu nlnetfixtfi
`alx>veemitlcdCourseLoad furoradnare
`3tl!goalod Form lor hunt. or Dissertation
`Ltlgenenl rule.the fmnatandstyleofprcsemafion
`ahouldeonforrntothe mosucceptabtestandarrlrd
`‘°'°"“fiwd wholnrlywriring in thediscipline. Per
`suds. refmnoc shoulsibe madam alstylo
`3PPI°Vedbylhecollegeordepamuem_ .
`r, to
`i£'.1u=.;"’£'o°r%c. M

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