`h I0:e
`< -
`P Antone, ORR
`MYLAN — EXHIBIT 1104.06
`MYLAN - EXHIBIT 1104.06

`C E
`‘;'"iv=*ity of Houston gun-llifl ma pmfusional educa-
`_ non pmgmms cflusmdenu theoppommiiy to acmgvg
`mastery in their chmcn an d’ qzocidizxlion The
`university ‘bnducvs basic ruseuch in each academic
`iflI'd'l.ofspeI:1Il mknnoem |ocal, sum, ma natkmfl
`P"°|'mf=1 Th:u1dveuilyIbopovicbsubuoadspednm1
`of vv-bhc service activitim dc-signed lo meet in busi»
`Mil. socinl. hfillh. legal. govenunenul, andcuhunl
`need: of the city of Houston and’l‘ans
`for Academic Aflairs.
`Univusity of Houston
`Houston, Thus T1204
`OCop3/right 1990
`For Iloro hlonnuflon
`Aududt Advising Cemzr
`149-‘Bil. 749-Bil
`gm, (1Myn|55°m
`lnlannsiaual Smdenu
`749-48 [6
`505.; work
`119-I l|l
`/Udllrcnug Grudlrnz School :11’
`Bushes Adminislndol. Gnduae Prvylms once
`Edutzlion, Grid-1: Sudls
`Engipeaing. Cufllu Cdlcg: J
`Hunwiixis Ind Fina Am. Colkge 0!
`74'?» I421
`Law Center
`lzw L“I'lfy
`Nllunl und Mllhcvmdu. College 0!
`Oplomezry, Collcgo 4:!
`opcmeuyamu uppoamumnao
`Phamucy, Coley d
`Sodnl Scienu-.3. College d
`Tlxhmlng. Cnflege <1
`Flnlndll Minn!
`Oflxuaofstudeu Ammnllng
`[nun Ind Scholarships
`cum .1 scmimmp.
` nil Fhuldnl Aid 149-lm
`can .1Regisvuicn
`ud Aida-nk Mazda
`Deprtnlut cl Mmury sduu:
`Sadat Orguninuons
`(hchdcs Frlknlillel md Snuurliu)
`Clmptl Activities Cmniinu
`Student service
`Vie: Pmaidnl [:1 Sims!!! Allah
`Dena olSlnlnu
`Offia ofPtginntinn
`ma Aadanic lh:-mi:
`Vukrim Service
`Vlslal Inlannztici
`Universityofliccs mqzcnhoms un. I95 pm.
`Monday Ihxvugh Friday. Several ofiiuzs mmain open
`diringcvminghours forIhecanvcnicnced§udcnL1lIi_
`faculty. The Ofices ofA¢i-nissitms, Registration and
`Academic Records, and Schohrships and Fmancinl Aid.

`and the Student Life Division. Acadunlc Advising
`(hirer. and the library have additional hours of
`Campus Iburs
`Cuupu: Imus begin at noon Monday thmugh Friday
`except forcampus holidnyl Ind the period: prior lo and .
`during Iegistnlion. Tom leave from me Oflict o(
`Admissions. 129 @kicl W‘. Gillan Building. A phone
`cailpriorwomevisitisadvlsulwuisuiethaltheofficcs '
`to bx: visited will be open.
`University ol Houston
`syshm Afldresus
`University of Houston System
`lfim Smith, Suite 34(1)
`Houston. Thu: 77032
`For information wmemiflg pxozmm at other mmpusu.
`-ddxcss inquiries to:
`UH-On: Lake
`27CK) Bay Nu Boulcvud
`Houston, mus 77053
`73orz—c Red River
`vflmh Tu“ 77901
`UH — Downtown
`OncMai.n Sues!
`Hmsum, Tau: T7002
`The Unlvusity d'Honsu-m Systcm is I slawusislad ‘
`ixisdlulion compomd of four univuaiuesz the Univcasi
`of Houston. UH-Clur ukc. UH—Dowmawn. and
`For Addtlonal camogu
`Forinfxnrmnion about puxclming additions! copieacf
`theGradualz andPrqf¢.u1’onalSn.ndIe.r catalog. --
`u: univasuy Bookme, Univctsityofl-louslon.
`huiiyitllbu-hydlilulndnhléidfinxlntdllldi .7
`University of
`111: Graduate and Prdnr::'aMISn4d1'(.r analog
`maul-dons. um
`'bll'tiu and '
`studcnls with in: policies Ind puocedures,
`aflectiug them.
`I1 pmvidu answers to most qumtbrs comamgng
`uuinctninisuitive rcqui.-unenu for admis-
`510". flfilmlilon. Itlcnfion. finmcial aid. sundcntlife,
`and mdu-Iim-A
`“"‘ .“"‘ “5“"!“°"‘ 8°‘*"""8 “'1' '"'=“Mi°° Is
`iinblished In Ihis cnlog and in ouhcs-umcigj
`» The Unlycfsity dflouswnresavu the righttochng:
`0: provisions qfuus catalog, including. bntnm llmihd
`151. degree xeqmmnents, oouiscotfaingx, fees, and
`listings in the taicndu us necessitamd by univesity or
`ksulatwe action.
`Iii"-|_0noom-nlty Policy
`- '
`‘ Tifiurlfusny scnksxo pivvideequfledtlcafiaruloppop
`A Nnlly wuhom mgud no ram. coior, religion, Miami
`Ofism. saga. age. handicap. orvcrarunatnms boom.
`' Sllhmenl of Mlssion
`'17?‘ UD1_V='Sity of Hauston is_ 1 major, public, com.
`' Wdimswe nseuch univusity In nclivilies encampau
`-""’FFIdIIIle_. g-adualc. and pvfdsbnal aducuion;
`hm‘: ‘"d‘PPlM=dIucm1i; and pubficsenricepmgmm;
`‘Dale education an.heUniversityofHounnn
`---~ _abb=nl/pmfcssioml model um pmvida gu.
`“ P“ S“--iy of: vnniailu profession ordascapum.

` General Inlormnlion
`How lo Rad this Catalog
`Academic Calendar
` -—:—j
`Board of Regan: and Adtnhfntntive Oficen
`Universky Ptdile
`Graduate and Pnfassiom! Dcyee Pm
`Aflliution for Admission md Rcgistnlion
`Thition and Fees
`Scholushipa nnd Fmancinl Aid
` -
`~ Oollegct and School!
`" u-.l:ndRcsunrantMzna -‘
`V IIm:IniI|cs|ndFiMAm
`: .
`' Itunl Sciences and Mathematics


`. ThepoIkyqpliesIoallcofle§cswi£hinlheurivu'-
`|“P°fl51b|[|*Y Vflhe Tlcliltylndstudenntodlscannge
`.,¢£'J:~'J.."’.?.; £'.i.“..."'“°‘,.,;;.,..."““‘.;',‘;.;':,‘ ‘°.“""‘°“"
`shouldfanililrine themselves wilhi!l¢n\10§|°Lky
`Fenian!--nsunsuuqulu-{mun _
`Academic Nonasly
`f‘°‘d?""“° H°"“*Y R31IC)'0fmc Univuxiy of!-lounan
`T}: .§CI::n:fiHotnesty Policyoontuhs full dctails
`cerium for
`nnd nctingon cases involving
`Inbrielfum, lnfncflonsofflaepollcy indudemy _
`Instmcuxcfthc class lnvo)ved;fa1|l!yin; maxi; ma
`Mtdiual wtthdmwul
`obuinedfmmtheotficerikcgistntionnnd Academic
`Rwoxds. }08 Ezekiel\V. Cullen Building.
`The tcnn "wilhdnwal" nppliu to [he dropping nfzll
`ooums for which studcm: an ngkoaxud an the Univu'-
`sityofflotsinn. Wuhdxiwd uuybeinitinludbyl
`studem aflu oonsuhatiou with th: dqnmnemal graduate
`lnbanlory aquipmen!andhavetheirUnive:sity of -
`Housumxeouudde-rinevu-yxupecx. Sludexls who
`and Academic Rwrmds. xosaauaw. Q1lluIBuild-
`sanemr;and(heoouncsundy-adeswill Ippearonthe
`fortI=e.m.=.I==.'t.9s*==-°.f1h= ==rI»=fi.°.r;..l.I!_=.!*_¢.'=.‘.-1‘!-0%
`xuinnnned only whcaall flnandal oblipjomhavebean
`IOIIflo— all
`Cl00l-leahhcancc '
`scholastic henna
`wlrning, pmbalion. orsuspemion.
`dnrflaquimofmeinmucnzwkhunupondsng yids
`A -4.(X)
`D —_-LCD
`D——— .67
`C --7.00"
`C--1.67 _
`B —3.00
`‘ _Akm.g|:gn¢es«D+md:owu.einc|udeainun _
`fin-:: whmmmdmmmm
`Gradcsot‘S.U,LmdWnienoussiguedgmdcpoim "
`(unsItisf'act:Iy),otI(ilr¢mp|an).In1hemIabg.thesc .
`Agndnm:sIudcmw1'KzIeca'Vcsng:=d=cvfC+ orlawcr,-;
`°PP°r|unitylonnclt|2wcusax:uxid1coppomm§1y go.
`Plfimleviaha-nuundwitt|u:=inlhcdden:e.11Ie _

`Blndfng lndfllsirlbutlon cl
`dlsenatum sltaxldbesublniflndtofltexpptopriam
`dar. Gndznemxdeaudlottldcheckwlmtbsdundun
`college fortpecificpnncdtuaonequireauazggon.
`Fwuind to xefile applications lorgndnation Eon
`neretaanecl by theM. D. Andersouulx-er; undone
`bl'd1_“8_5=ls S25pav¢opy&:rthcaennd$30pq-copy
`forduserlanonn Thecollcgewillsmdncopyofthe
`Publication _
`_AnypItblisl1ud article oobook should includeuuolb
`, PlPfiS.ortq>ortsdtringthcl4nlen‘<hrdnynprlarn
`leading period.
`’ °‘I!IrOollI and Lnboutnrv lxnmlnutlon
`sheet. Any wboequeu dnngelsnolinclnded. Ondea
`unrfenxty xemtdl.Onlyonotepot1lsmIiletL Adtizjgml
`GmdIuflonInd¢raduatIonA|IpKe'utlon '
`_ 1'?estr4:uenotnw:rded-nomatunyuponao.-nplg.
`PlV“°!3l dIsawIvvnd' must
`-_emeaer_must beearolledfar that semesta This mguh,
`campus Polloko for Graduate Auteur-ts ‘
`tmfimmm-Wnwmmfimw f-'1
`Inc: ofsuch dutbs
`clustoorn lnstruction.
`Idviting. leading papers and exminadons, supervision.
`xucnch. orotlterndnniristntive Ieipomibllifieut The
`'11" Bnduu uimat encompnses the teaching fellow,
`Ieaohlng nsisilnt. Ind zeseanzh ns:ist:.nL
`Smdmtx may regislerin absentix lb: the1isotd'Is!r~
`OfflaeofRegi:tntionnndAcndemlc Records ulna!
`two weeks before the tegislntion period. Regkmdtm
`' scribed manner during the announced tegtstradon
`period. The thuis or distention course is considered
`pm of a student‘: current course load.
`"Thesis (or dissertation) in pmgxcsa" isshown with-
`xegktnlion petloduntilthe nemenet or term in which it
`isgmded. However. ngnduategndingsystmofs
`(satisfacbry), U (unsatisfacIz;ry). orl (‘mcot-nplete) rmy
`heeled:-dbyadepmmeun Suchgrnrlesinlhethesisor
`dlssemzionoouusesarencxconsideredincarnputirtgn —
`stuademhgr-Idepoinllvuage. Afinalgn\doofBor
`beuerisrequixedon theoormletedthesisordissemlion.
`Thecollegeofficewill sendaeopyofthe0ertifict-
`don of Submimbn of'l‘ltesis/Dissertation form (showing
`submlssianofthethnisordisscnntlontothecxyllcge '
`afllce) lathe student‘: depnrtmemcluil: 11I:chairlhen
`college.) Although more thxn this numbe: may be
`qxpllailawltdlhcmnslerk dtyee. Credit allowed
`Flnalcomprohanslvo Enmlnnllon
`degn-e may not include I thesis but may require I final
`oonyrehensive ataminflim Graduate students are ex-
`pectndtoenmllcadt senlesccruntilcotnpltaloncftha
`degtéeptogantntdwamoffledcgxnc. Durlnglhe
`turn in whlch the find compnheusive auminntlon is
`taken. griduan: student innonthcsis prognms ue
`consldelcd to be full-time students and ansexpected tn
`rtqulrements as set bnh-in
`mesualonaboveentltledcoume lmdftxondnte
`Suggosted Forlu lér flush or Dhaorlttlool
`hciehdficuxischollrly wrhinginthedlscipline. For
`glide, Iefenmw should bemakloastyle mutual

`Appllcfllon for Cundlficy
`Gnduue students mustbe Ippmved fotcaucidaey fora ‘
`the individual college or dapamueut.
`In general, master’: students should flleippllcations
`for admission ID candidacy with the college dfiee as
`soon as the following have been completed: atlas! I2
`semester hours of graduate work at this
`depnmvzet-.t‘s qualifying amwtlnnlnn. ifxequixed; and Ill
`specill naquiuemems ofdze college mdlhcdepumnent of
`the student's mujo: Alter thceollege affine has verified
`compldion of these mquiements, the student wm be
`sent n formal notice ofadmission to candidacy for the
`Docbnl suudeuts should file forcatdidacy nfter
`completing the department‘: comprehefsive quallying
`or pmposal
` cmdidates must file
`for cundidncy atlas one semester prior to gnduufnn
`(e.g., inlhemmmerfcrfallgadtlltes)
`Cmdidacy applimtlan forms for graduate students
`ueavailableintheeullegeofliees. Notalloollegeurr
`depu-tmeutshnveufcmnnlcmdidacy promdum. Stu-
`dents should consult the dean of their college Iboul
`Iegulndons for a particular pmg:-Am.
`Confllnuoua lleglnnllon and Grad!
`Io! Thesis or Dinertallon
`(lncludingsludentswboleregiseted in ahsentia)ue
`thesectimIeIttitledCcnI:!:LoId. AdvlceorIsshunt::_
`Suldeotaarerequired Iobeoonlinuously enmled
`tonnd aocepledbytheunlvenity. Fuilureluenmllin
`rrtaynoueeelvcpuywtentforteachiaggesuxclt, orother
`university nervioesduringthatsemestetor lam. The
`'fo_nhals ordlsexmtioncteditonlyastheflnlcxedi
`J i

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