iuate and
`essional Studies
`P. Antone, CRR
`MYLAN - EXHIBIT 1104.05
`MYLAN - EXHIBIT 1104.05

`For More Iulonnntlon
`Arcraitoum, Gndnlta School or
`Business Adminlsultloo. Gndnlte Pvognms Olfica
`Fnglneerlng, Cullen College of
`Eluclflotk Grldtnk Stndla
`Hunt-:tt'tieI ma I-‘ma mu. Collele of
`L.. cm“,
`L", L,-hm,
`Njfilfl sdegcu md Mamentizicu College of
`optumctry. College at
`Opsnrnwy C1.|IlIc(Appu1IiIn:nl Desk)
`Pnnnnxy. Collqp of
`Social Sciences. College at
`Social Work. Orldule School of
`Technology. Culley d
`Academic Advlling Coma
`Audunlc Record:
`Admissions, Ordulle
`M. D. Arttnnn Uhiry, Information
`Carrel! faromiunz Snndenu
`Athletic Deputmml Ttdtel Dflioe
`Campus Activities
`Gmpus Polk:
`Cuusr Pluuilng Ind P1IoemerIlC:n!u
`Child Care Calla’
`Cot-ntnlnce for the Protection ol Human Subjecu,
`0171:: of lesuth Adminixtntiort
`Copy Centtrs
`Pnnnng Dqlumut
`Pith Hall
`Counseling ad Tuting Service
`Den :2!Studatu
`Flnncil Aid
`Griflnlinn Olftcc
`Hntdlcappcd Sllldenl Savbu
`Health Cents
`Housing Office
`1.D. can Proezsting
`lnmnnce, Stutll Hnllh
`lnternulon-ll Srudert Service
`OH-Cnmpuu Housing lnforrmtian
`Pluidenfs DIEM
`Rdfiiou Actlvlriu
`Senior Vic President for Amdault Affin
`SIB: Manuuuelt
`‘Rn Mfirilrismllan lniomutlon
`University Center
`Venzmu savku
`Carflflaliotl of Vetzrln Eruollmenl
`Vocational lnmux Tenlnn
`749-1 III
`749— I253
`759-41 I 1
`749-331 I
`749- 1431
`749- 1713
`149-4 141
`Office Home
`from 8 sm. to 5 pm. Monday
`Offices are
`through Friday at the University of Houston. Several
`offices remain open during evening hours for the con-
`venlenee of students Ind faculty. The officex or
`Adrnlssionr. Registration and Amdemic Records.
`Scholnrships and Financial Aid. the Stuttnt Sm-vice
`Center. Academic Advising Center, and tin library
`have additlontl hours of operation.
`Unlvunity of Houston
`Byelern Addroosen
`University of Houston System
`4600 Gulf Freeway. Suite 500
`Houston. Texas 77023
`713/749» 1201
`For information concerning programs at
`other campuses. address inquiries to:
`University of Houston-—
`Clear lake
`2700 Bay Aru Boulevard
`Houston. Texas 77058
`University of1louston—
`2302-C Red River
`Victoria. Texas 77901
`University of Houston——
`One Main Street
`Houston. Texas 77002
`Campus Tour-
`Campus Iours begin l1fl00fl Monday through Fr-idxy
`except for campus holidays and the periods prior to
`and during registration. Tours leave from the Offiee
`of Admissions. 129 Ezekiel W. Cullen Building. A
`phone cull prior to the visit is advised to tsnrtue Gut
`the offices you with to visit will be open.
`For Additional catalog:
`For information about pllrchnsing ndditionnl copies of
`the Graduate and Profe.Lrlonnl Studies catalog. eat» »
`tact the University Bookstore. University of Houston,
`Houston. Texas 77204-3651, 7131749-1301.
`University of
`research in each academic department Ind operates
`centers Ind instinms for research of special relevance
`to local. state, Ind national priorities. The university
`also provides 1 broad spectrum of public service
`activities designed to meet the business, social,
`henltb. legal, governmental. and cultural needs of
`the city of Houston and Texas.
`Published by the University of Houston Office of
`Publicatioru and the Officeof the Senior Vice
`University of Houston
`Houston. Thus T7204-
`7l3rI49-101 I
`0 Copyright 1988
`The Graduate and Professional Sndlu catalog
`acqnaints students with the policies and procedures.
`rules and regulations. and responsibilities and rights
`affecting them.
`It provides answers In most quutions cnnct:'n-
`ing acldemic and administrative requirements for
`admission, registration. retention, financial aid, stu-
`dent life, and graduation.
`All srudenu are responsible for observing the
`standards and regulntions governing this institution
`as published in thin rzulog and in other officiul
`"The Unlveisily of Houston reserves the right to
`‘change the provisions of this catalog, including, but
`_not limited to. degree requirements. course offerings,
`Fees. and listings in the calendar as necessitated by
`iversit-y or legislative action.
`’ ualopportuntty Policy
`_ university seek: to provide equal educational
`‘portunity without regard to nce. color. religion.
`tionnl origin, sex. age. handicap, or veteran status
`-homplinnce with Title IX and all other federal and
`ensivc research university Its activities encom-
`undergraduure, graduate. and professional
`lion; husk: Ind applied research; and public
`U: prognrnt. Undergnduaue education at the
`-I‘: nity or Houston reflects . liberlvprofcssionnl
`that provides students with a‘ broad liberal arts
`rnplemented by an in-depth study on par-
`Pmihssion or discipline. UH gndunlc ad
`I1 education prognrna offer students the
`nity to achieve mastery in their dtosen Iron
`_ liution. The uniyersity conducts basic

`'. -1
`" '

`I01 ,
`143 -
`action! Information
`How to Read this Catalog
`Academic Cnlbndnr
`Band of Rugcnls and Administrative 0fl'1c:-rs
`Univcrslg Profile '

`Grnduanc-and Pmfcssional Deg; Pmggns
`r NEfiflE£9EEEEEEEEL._____.________;_______£l
`Tuition and Fccs
`' 27
`Scholarshgps' and Financial Aid
`Academic Regxgdom and Dog Er-Eimnent:
`Sggcinl Prognis and o‘mmm'm'ea
`~ Coflmcr Resources
`Facilitics and Resources
`. 59
`_A smdcntserviccs
`" collagen and School!
`' -An:hhecIun-.-
`-'Bysinus Administration
`' énccring
`1 ate! and Resuu:-ant Man cment
`Ilmanilics and I-‘me Ans

`Foul-¢ lulu
`Arcount: receivable wl'lIIdI‘dW0l
`A graduate student who receives 1 grade of C + or
`Students who are delinquent in their financial oblixi‘
`lower in 12 semester hours of credit attempted at this
`tiona to the university may be forced to withdnvn .
`instittttion for graduate credit, whether or not in
`They will bereinstnted only when Ill financial obli-
`repeated courses, is ineligible for my edvanced
`gntions have been satisfied.
`degree It this institution and will not be permitted
`Medical withdrawal
`to reenroll for graduate study. The Tbrmlnatlon of
`Enrollment section shove specifies other regulations.
`"the director or the University Henlth Center. -cfins
`Foreign Language flutzltlremonl
`win. at. vice president for student attain. my effect
`the withdrawal of students at any time when, tn their
`There is no uniform foreign language requirement for --
`graduate degree prognma. This requirement ll deter-
`opinion. such action is net-‘.BSBll'Y fl"-ll’ '“°‘?"‘l M‘ _
`sou. Details ofthe procedure: followed tnlthese ctr-
`rnlned by the appropriate-college or department. Fur-
`cumslances are available from the University Hclllh
`ther information msy be obtnined from the respective
`' Center, Cl00 Health Camel’-
`colleges and deputlnents.
`ln such cases. the vice PI°3ld°"‘ f°"
`Academic Honesty
`afinlr! will notify the dean or the college tn wnrmt of
`The University can best function and accomplish its
`the acdotn taken and I118 effective date. The dean of
`objectives in an atmosphere of high ethical standards.
`the college will be Isked to notify “W l"‘“'.“‘-“°“ ‘’I
`All students are expedted Ind encouraged to contrib-
`the Izlion in order rlmthev my fake the WNW’
`stances into account when svmdmz Ind“-
`ute to such an atmosphere in every wny possible,
`especially by observing all accepted principles of aca-
`Scltolaetic Average -
`demic honesty. However. cues of academic ditheri-
`esty will lnevitably arise, md these must be handled
`A minimum grade point average of3.00 (B) l°l' I“
`with actions mat will ensure the integrity of this insti-
`graduate courses ltlctllpl6d_.l-5 |'='3l““3€l 73" 3 E“d“‘l5
`tution.- The Academic Honesty Policy of the Univer-
`degree; fnlltrre to maintain this average may result in n I
`mm _
`sity of Houston is designed to hindle those cases in
`Glrna.rle§ints°a‘ier:sssi“gsttpef1 Is follows: four for
`fairness to all concerned: the accused flutlenL, the
`escb serrtesterhotxroftk. 51168 l'0YB~ W'° fixer °“°'
`faculty. nod the university as I whole.
`forD, Ind-zero for F. Pluror tninlll 935°’ '“‘Yl’°.
`The Academic Hotxcxty Policy contains full
`details concerning the definition of Icldelnlc dishon-
`assigned at the discretion Ofthe instructor with cw '
`mgmtdtns grade point: nsfollows:
`esty; procedures for reporting and ncting on casts
`involving breaches of this policy; and the punixbmtgtt
`to be assessed for infr-Ietions. Copies of this policy
`o —l.00_.
`c+ -2.33
`are svnilnble in the offices ofthc department chairs,
`o—_ .51‘
`c —2.ou
`the den: of colleges, the den of students, and the
`F —-0.00
`B —~3.00
`c- — l.67
`Ienior vice president. A copy will be made svnilabk
`The grade of I (incomplete) rnust_be‘chnnged by
`to any faculty member or stydern involved in I case of
`fulfillment of course requirements within 12 months ,
`academic dishonesty.
`of the date Iwarded or it will be converted automntr
`ln brief form, infractions of the policy include
`ally to an F or U (in S-U graded courses).-ln the cm
`my conduct dist A reasonable person in the who or
`of I student tn-trolled in the gndlllllfls 9°m¢"°"~ ‘
`Iimilsr circumstances would iwognize as dishonest
`or Improper in In scatttnlc settlng such as: obtaining
`graduation will have the effect of In.F 01' U-
`lest questions or answtn toqucstlons Ind responses
`Aldlough grades of D and P Ire included Ill the
`lo assigned work in anyvfnshion other than that
`“wand pad: point avenge. the university give: my
`designated as proper by the instructor tithe clnss
`credit Ex tlicsegr-Ide’s'I0wI_l‘d the 914"!” d=8‘¢¢- "
`involved; falsifying recordund results of academic
`'l'l1e‘curoulatlve>grIde point-IV¢“B° ""1 ‘M »
`- ,
`work; or falsely presenting someme else‘: work as
`C Rule (see below) are based upon nll of the Ilufltflf
`We’! own. 'lhis policy sllnll cover these ituns Ind
`work taken at the University of l-louslton. lndudlfli .
`' others as detailed In the Academic Honesty Policy
`repeated courses for v/hich grade pom! Vflllfl fl‘
`_ Tbepalnltiesforoonl'lrrriedbreoclIé:ofthispol-
`nslgned. Grades ofS. u. l. and w are not nstsneli.
`Icy shall be mrnmennunle with the nature of the
`t values.
`offense and with the record ofthe student regarding
`3“ Ceprgnliit yedustecourses. Is specified annunlly .
`my previous Infractions. They will range from a low-
`by the depumtettt, my be graded as_S ts-fill-clorv
`cl node or fn.llute' on In examination or sarignrrtenl
`U (uraatlsfactory). 01' l G'l°°mPl°‘°)- l“ lb‘ °"‘l°5'
`thesecoursestnereferred to ssS-_U gr-sdedcotmer
`nt suspension front the university, or Icem-
`Such grades will not be included m oompttnnx I
`Ition of rbese.
`grade point nvauget
`__ The allegation of infraction shall normally start
`infraction ooctrntid and proceed to I belting with the
`department dtalr Where disagreement with respect
`D guilt, nature of the rnnsgrmsion. or penalty pro- '
`posed occurs, either party will hnvc the right to hear-
`ings It the college level snd'lbe right oft procedunl
`leviuu by the office ofthe senior vice president for
`‘acadelnic Iffairx. The accused student also lus the ‘
`bnslc right: of proper writtat notific-ntion of the Iccu-
`sntion and the time and place of any heuings con-
`cerning the case; fair hearings with opportunity to
`meet the accuser, and the opportunity to present evi-
`dence and witnt-_wcs in the defense. The Iccused stu-
`dent may seek the advice of counsel.
`-The accused mtdenf may be judged snd assigned
`penilty by the depsrtment chit, or a_ baring commit-
`tee of the college. depending on the level at which the
`else is appealed. Finally the senior vice ptmident of
`the unlverIit'y may examine the case nnd orders
`review. The Academic Honesty Policy set: forth the
`manna in which the various fl0lirl2Ili0l‘lS. appoint-
`ment: oflteatlng. and timing ofthesr-. event: shall be
`carried out. Ind lndicntes by whom they shall be con-
`The policy applies to all college: within the uni-
`vetsir); with some procedural exceptions in the pro-
`fessional colleges. It in the responsibility of the
`Idmlnistredve ofiicers iityolved (department chair.‘
`dean. senior vice president for academic affairs) to
`ensure that the policy is Implemented fairly and In‘:
`timely manna: It is the responsibility of the faculty
`and students to discourage Icadetnlo dishonesty by '
`exercising appropriate precautions ln_I'l!\llll0IB where
`lnfnctlons may occur and by properly reporting’
`instances of such infractions.
`All members of. Ind participants in. the academic
`life of the university are to be governed by this pnllql
`and should familiarize themselves with in content.
`Apprenl of Tlneln or.nIuertnilon Proposal
`Students must receive nppmvll oftlteir thesis or dis-
`sertation proposal from their thesis or diuertafitm
`committee. which is Ippoiltnd by the dean oftbe col-
`lege rpm the advlce of the appropriate depirtment
`In some departments. students may not begin
`research prior to Idmiulon to candidacy without the
`approval ofnn adviser. The thesis ordinertetion must
`txcaentevidenceofa masteryofthellttnture In In
`Ire: of study. a significant eontribtttiott to knowl-
`edge. 1l'nd't.‘ne ability to conduct lndependml
`Every main. dissertntion. or other tucnrch pro-
`ject Involving the use ofhuman subjects must be
`approved la/_lhe Committee for the Protection of
`Human Subjecu before research is rtsrted. Students
`should consult thdr fncuky sdvixa: for information.
`For additional information or In npplicntion fo_t-rn,
`contact the Office of Sponsored Programs.
`3l6 Ezekiel W. Cullen Building, 749-3412.
`Ieaeunla Regulation’: and o..'... noeulromwlt
`Aeedotnlo lleguletlom and Begreolequlninenh
`- -
`will be rmiled I refund the following semester Stu-
`dents enrolled in the summer session whodmp
`course: by the fourth elm day will bettlalled i
`refund the following semester See Tuition and Feu
`Students who are dropped by the instructor or who
`drop a course may. if extraordinary circumsunces
`' be reinstated by sewring written permission -
`from the Instructor and meeting with the departmen-
`tal graduate Idviser, if -tppmpt-late The t>~=m_b°d
`forms may be obtained from the Office of Registra-
`tlon and Academic Records..l08 Ezeklelw. Cullen
`Vmhdnwol ‘
`'l'he term -withdrawal" -pplies to the drawing of -ll '
`courses for which students are registered at the Uni-
`varsity of Houston. Wtrhdnwnl may be initiated by I
`student after cortsultatlon with the depxttnental grad-
`uate advlser.
`Benet-It Illhiruwnl
`In addition to following the procedure for droplillls 3
`course, students must return all library books and
`lgbot-aux-y equipment and have their University of
`Houston record clear in every respect Sflldcfils _Wl’|°.
`wish to withdraw should go to the Office of Registra-
`lion and Academic Records. [08 Ezeluel W. Cullen
`Bluilding, or write:
`Office of Registrationand Academic Records
`Univernity of Houston
`Hotmon. Ibxn 77204—2l6l
`The recorded date for withdrawal will bc the dllc
`the students‘ letters are received.
`Student": whose enrollment in I course is termi-
`nated on or before be last «fly to drop or withdraw
`without receiving I grade (sec date listed tn the Ica-
`demie calendar sndinlhe class schedule) will not
`grades miyled. When terminations are made after
`this date, the message mud date ofw llgll
`ear grades of W (wi drawal. c
`In Of
`gait. gt; evaluative dam Ivnilsble It the time ordmp).
`' rx.F._(.wlthdxIwIl. failing) willbe ustgned by the _
`‘instructor at the close of the semeatdi _mtl Ill-= Wm‘
`and grades will ippear on lhesludent: permanent
`. Stndatts we responsible ftn- initiating Ictlon ID
`dropor withdraw from clssses on or before the list
`day to drop I course. Students who fail to do so will
`be Ibsertl for the remainder of
`semester. lnsuclt
`instances, gndes of)’ will be given unless mitigating
`cirottmsttnces itrnrnnt yides of l Cm¢<_lml7l€1B)-_
`I V
`_ untnnlty wtuuuuat
`ln addition to suspension for aademic andlor dl.tcl-
`plinu-y unset, students may be withdrawn by the
`university for medical andlor financltl reasons.

`SI-seams s..’... for Thesis or nrsunauon
`As a general rule. the format and style of presentation
`conform to the most acceptable standards of
`screnufic and scholarly writing in the discipline. For
`instances in which this general rule is an inadequate
`guide. reference should be made to a styh manual .
`Ipproved by the college or department.
`Before preparing the thesis or dissertation. the
`student should obtain a copy of the guide forthe prep-
`aration and submission of theses and dissertations
`from the appropriate college office.
`llndlnn and Distribution or Thesis or
`The original and two copies ofthe approved thesis or
`dtssemtlon should be submitted to the appropriate
`college office for binding as early as possible, but no
`later than the dadline specified in the academic cal-
`endar Graduate students shouldcheck with me, dun
`of the couege for specific procedures or requirement;
`concerning additional copies.
`Students who fail to ineetlllme deadline may be
`required to refile rppllcations for graduation for a
`subsequent semester
`Thc Oflslnnl and one copy of the thesisor disser-
`tation ure retained by the M. D. Anderson Library
`and one copy goes to the student’: major department.
`The binding fee is $15 per copy for theses and $30 .
`per copy for dissertations. The wllege will send a
`copy of the Certification of Submission of Thesis!
`Dissertation form to the student‘: department chair.
`Mlerotllmlng of Those: or Dissertation:
`A nutttbftltniag fee-of$3S is required in Iddlrion to
`the binding fee. Tlus fee will provide for microfilm.
`mg the complete thesis or dissertation and publishing
`an abstr-actof350 words or less.
`A University Microfilm: Agreement fcxm rrnrst
`dissertation is presented to the college. An extra copy
`of the abstflct and abstract title page must be fun-
`_ nished with the agreement.
`Ordinarily, the microfilm of the dissertation will
`not be copyrighted. If desired. copyright registration
`" “W 59 ffiqllelted It Ptnvidatl by the agreement form.
`' lfa thesrut copyrighted, it must also be micro-
`I med. The copyright lee Issac... .-
`Any Published article or book should include a note
`llfdicsting that the material is, or ls based upon. a the-
`"! or dissertation submitted tn partial fulfillment of
`Vzrsxty of Houston.
`lnal Examination
`Flnalnataminalionn are given during the time and date
`_ ilflllcd in the class scbethtle. Any exceptions to
`College and announced no later Iran the last day to
`p p a course.
`In recognition of the student‘; need to prep‘: fu-
`final examinations. it is county to campus policy to
`assign previously unscheduled work in the form or
`l¢3_‘3. P9P¢“»
`during the_l4c1lHldardxya
`pnorto tbeexamtrtanon periodofeach semester, or
`five calendar days prior to the examination period of
`each summer session.
`There will be in final examinations during the
`reading period.
`classroom end Laboratory lrtarnlnatlon
`‘Porpurposesofsecurit; andtoensurethalaasistance
`is availablb. itls expected that someone familiar
`with the exmtinatlon being administered. either the
`.l“3‘1"'°‘°l'°"4°55Sf\"¢. will be present in themom
`during the exarnination period. ltis recognized that
`such an expectation is not always Ipfiupriatg, for 2
`exampb, wheapan honor code lsln effect, when the.
`class is a graduate seminar. or when the format of the
`examination makes it unnecessary.
`Flrlnl omte tteparta r
`The Office of Registration dnd Academic Records
`muls final grades as soon as they orecornptled after
`the close of the semester or vurntrter sessions. The
`report reflectsthetnde -sslgnedby thcinstructorod
`thcfinal gradesheet.Anysubsequentchangeisnot
`included. Grades are sent to the students‘ maillng
`address unless it is requested that they be sent to the
`permanent address listed on urrilu-pity r-e.;o.¢_ on),
`one report is mailed. Additional copies are rtot.availa-
`ble, Students are responsible for reporting their‘cor-
`ract address to the Office of Registration and
`Academic Records.
`Graduation and arnduatlon Applleattgn
`Thcapplication for graduation should not be can-
`msed with the application for candidaqt
`Degrees are not awarded atlomatically upon com--
`Plttion of all scholastic requirements. To be consid-
`-ered a candidate for a degree. the student mm gubgnig
`an application for graduation to the Office of Regis-
`trnion and Academic Records. l08 Euklel W.
`Grllen Building.
`Appllpations should be filed eitherthe semester '
`prior to or in which the student plans to grathnte.
`Applications are available in the Offioe of Registra-
`tion and -Academic Records, l08 earner-w. Cullen
`ofthe firs: classday Deadlines for filing
`lllelpplrcahonforgrndualiotl arelistediulheat:—
`dtmic calendar (‘Andid-a_tcs for graduation who have
`been previously disapproved must reapply for 9-34....
`lion at no additional charge.
`sentester must be enrolled for that semester. ‘this reg-
`ulation applies to students who have not submitted a
`thesis ordisaatation by the deadlineofthe previous
`semester or students who are attempting to remove
`lcudonsie Iogulallona and Douro floqulrungnu
`The final draft of the thesis or dissertation must
`be completed and submitted to the advisory commi-
`tee as early as stipulated by the committee, but no
`law than the deadlines specified in the academic cal-
`The section below on Binding and Distfibutiorrof
`Thesis or Dissertation specifies deadlines lbr submis-
`sion of the approved thesis or dissertation to the col-
`lege office.
`Application tor candidacy
`Graduate students must be approved for candidacy for
`I degree in accordance with the procedures approved
`by the individual college or department.
`In general. master‘: students should file applies-
`tions for admission to at-tdidacy with the college
`office as soon as the following have been completed:
`at least 12 semester hours ofgraduate work at this
`institution; the department's qualifying examination,
`if required; and all special requirements of the college
`and the department of the student‘: major. After the
`txrllege office has veril'red completion of these
`requlrements, the student will be sent a formal notice
`of admission to candidacy for the tlcyec.
`Doctoral students should file for candidacy after
`completing the department‘: comprehensive qualify-
`ing orproposal examinations Doctoral candidates
`must file for candidacy at least one semester prior to
`graduation (e.g.. tn the surnmer for fall graduates).
`- Candidacy application forms for graduate stu-
`dents are available in the college officcs. Not all col-
`leges or department: have aformal candidacy _
`procedure. Students should consult the dean of their
`college about regulations for a particular program.
`continuous lnglatrptlon and crodt for
`Thule or olsurtatlon
`Students who are working on theses or dissertations
`(including students who one regirtcredbr abreniu)
`are considered to be full—t_irne students and are
`expected to comply with the enrollment requirematt:
`as set forth in the section entitled Course Load.
`Advioe,or assistance from a memberolthe faculty in
`the preparation of the thesis or dissertation should not
`be expected unless the stndentls officially enrolled.
`_ Students are required to be continuously enrolled
`(i.e.,»ear:h fall and spring serruter),jne‘ludin¢
`semester in which the thesis or dissertation is submit-
`ted to and accepted by the university. Failure to enroll
`in thesis ordlssertation courses may delay -graduation
`and may result In the loss of furancial assistance‘ and
`other privileges. A student not enrialled for a semester
`or term may not receive payment for tcachiig,
`research. or otheruniveleity services during that
`semester or term. The student should consult the dean
`of the college for individual college requirements
`regarding summer registration for deals or disserta-
`tion credit harm.
`Acndnsnle luyulnllono and begins naqulrornonts
`Students who rtreTexas residents and are regis-
`tered for thesis or d'tss'crtation credit only as the final
`credit hour requirement for the degree in progress are
`charged the appropriate hourly rate. (No minimum
`tuition rate exists.) All other required fees ahall be
`paid. Students should consult the dean of thelrcol-
`lege-for eligibility criteria.
`Students may register in absattia for thesis or die-
`eertatiotrcoutses if arrangements are made through
`the Office of Reg'utratioa and Academic Records at
`least two weeks before the registrationperiod. Regis-
`tration for all other students must be completed in the
`prescribed rhltrln‘ during the announced registration
`puiod. The thesis or dissertation course lst:ontid-
`cred part of a student’: current course load.
`“Thesis (or dissertation) in progress" is shown
`without I grade on the student's permanent record for .
`each registration period until the semester or term in
`which it is graded. However. a graduate grading sys-
`tet:n'of S (satisfactoryf. U (ursatisfaetory), or I
`(incomplete) may be elected by a de_partrneut. Such
`grades in the thesis or dissertation courses are not
`considered in computing I student’: grade point aver-
`tge. A final grade of B - or better is required on the
`completed thesis or dissertation. A grade of C + indi-
`cates that the thesis nrdissertation is not acceptable.
`The college office will send a copy of the Candi-
`cation of Submission of Thesislbiasertatiou form
`(showing submission of thetlruls or dissertation to
`the college office) to the studetfs department chair.
`. The choir then reports the thesis or dissertation grade -
`as the Office of Registration and Academic Records.
`Six semester hotns may he earned for the master‘:
`thesis. (this may vary according to department or
`oolkge.) Although more lhatrthis number may be
`required of the student. a maximum of six hours may‘
`be applied toward the masts’: degree. Credit allowed
`toward the degree for the doctoral dissertation will be
`determined by the department of the student's major.
`Upon completion of the thesis or dissertation. the
`departmentwill hold an examination or defense, oral J -
`and/or written. covering the area of the research
`Final Gomprohonnlvo Examination
`h some deplmnenis.‘ the program for-the master’:
`. degree may rick include I thesis buL_rpay._r_e_quige p 2
` final comprehensive examination. Graduate Rutkats —
`are expected to enroll each semester until completion
`of the degree program and award of ti’: degree. Dur-
`in: the term in which the final comprehensive enaml-.
` nation is taltat. yaduate students in nonthesis
`program are considered to be full-time students and.
`are expected to comply with the enrollment tequire- 3
`ments as set forth in the section above eutitledco
`bond for Graduate Students.

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