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`MYLAN - EXHIBIT 1104.04
`MYLAN - EXHIBIT 1104.04

`E :35.’
`E 32
`5 as
`-4 “'3
`University of
`i University
`‘ Park
`I i
`‘Die Graduate and Profzniona! Sludlcs cutulog
`Icquairttr students with the policiet and procedures.
`rules and regulations. and responsibilities and rights
`Iifecting them.
`it provides nnswu: to most questions concerning
`ttcademic and ndrriinistruive requirernenxs for admis-
`sion, registration. retention. fitunciul aid, smdmt
`life, and graduation.
`All students are responsible for observing the
`standards and regulations governing iitis irstitutiort
`as published in this cutting and in other official
`' ‘_chnnuel
`“The University at Housron—Uniwrsit'y Park resaves
`the right to chutge the provisions of this catalog.
`eluding, but not limited to, degree requirements,
`' ours: offerings, ices. rind listings in the calendar as
`-— sitnred by university or legislative action.
`_§IIIi Opporlunily Poiioy
`‘LI e university seeks to provide eqml ednmtionai
`' ~ - rruniry without reguvd to race. color. religion,
`'onal origin. sex. nae, handicap. or vetenn atatus
`'- cornpiiartce with Title IX and all other federal Ind
`lisbod by the University of Houston-University
`Office of Publication:
`iverxity of Hmston
`tvenity Park
`0 Caliioun Road
`3 ton, Texas 77004
`‘) Copyright 1986
` 1

`Qenunl Inkarmauon
`Academic Calcndar
`" Board of Regents Ind Administrative Officcn
`dune and Pmfcsslonnl Deg grggguns
`. iicalinn far Admission Ind Regislntion
`‘ -uition and Fat:
`and Financial Aid
`.- cndcmic Regulations and Dem: R -
`lremcnts u
`_ ulcr Rcsnungea
`cililies and Rcsourtcs
` >
`hides. Fine Ans. and Communication
`‘II Sciences and Malhcmnlics
`._..........—-.......__._.....~—........:;z.- 245

`Certain graduate courses, as specified u_muIllv
`by an dqm-mug ‘my be graded ass (satisfac-
`nary), U (unsatisfactory). 0r l (inonrnplete). Such
`snag, win not be included tn computing I 9159
`‘point avenge.
`Four-C lul-
`A graduate student who receives a grade ofC+ or
`lower in I2 semester hours of credit attempted I! IN!
`institution for graduate credit. whether or not tn
`repeated courses. is ineligible for any advanced
`degree at this institution and will not_be per-rntued to _
`recnroll for graduate study. The Terrrrlnatlon of
`Enrollment section rpeclfica other r€s“l3“°“3~
`tour... Lqrrguqgo loqulnrnont
`There is no uniform foreign lanz\tll!= l-'fl_I¢liY°m°‘“
`for graduate degree programs. This l¢<i|“"~“‘5'“ l‘
`detemrinod by the appropriate 0011989 1” d=P'‘m¢*“-
`Further infonnation may be obtained from the
`respective colleges and departments.
`Urtntdry illlrlra-mt
`In addition to suspension for academic andlor discr-
`piinary causes, students may be wtthdnwn by the
`university for rnetlical andlor financial reasons.
`I. Accounts receivable withdrawal
`Students who are delinquent in their financial obliga-
`tions to the unlVet8l1Y may be forced to wrtltdraw.
`They will be reinstated only when all financial obli-
`gations have been salzisfletl.
`2. Medical withdrawal
`The director ofthe University Health Center. acting
`with the vice chancellor for Rodent afillts. I118)’
`erlectthe withdrawal of students at my tune Vhctt.
`in mg" opinion, such acrkrn is neuusary for medical
`reasons. Details of the pmcedurea followed
`eircurrratarrces are available from the University
`Health Center. Cl0O Health Center.
`In such cases, the vice chancellor for London!‘
`affairs will notifythe dean of the college in wntmg
`of the actions taken and the effective date. The dean
`of the college will be asked to notify the instructors
`afthe action in erdetthatthey ml)’ '=¥°l*'°°“°“‘“'
`stances into account when awarding F5495-
`A minimum
`in! IVHISO 0‘ 10° (3)
`fa in
`seholaotle Avorngc
`graduate caur;':fatf:rrrpted is required for I §|'l¢“"=
`degree; failure to maintain this avetizfi mi! F“-W‘ "1
`. wmring, probation. or a suspension.
`Grade point: are assigned as follows: fowfor
`each semeslerhour ofA, three for B. two for C.
`onel'orD.andzoro lorflmusornunmgrldesflfly
`be assigned at the discretion of the inmoctor with
`can-upogdtng grade polnta as follows:
`office as soon as the following have been completed:
`rulcast tzserncsterhoursofgrnduatewodrrtthis
`institution; the department‘: qualifying examination,
`if required; and all special requirements of the col-
`lege and the department of the surdetfs major. Afier
`tlte edlege office has verified completion of these
`requirements. the student will be sent a formal norirx
`of admission to candidacy for the deyee.
`Doctoral students should tile for candidacy at the
`time the cor-rrprehenrive qualifying. or proposal
`examination. of the departmerl ha been completed.
`Doctoral candidates must file for candidacy I least
`one semester prior to graduation (e.g., in the sum-
`mer for [all graduates).
`Candidacy application for-n_ra for yaduate aru-
`deuts are available in the college offices. Not all
`college: or depamrmru have aformal candidacy
`procedure. Students should consult the dean of their
`college about regulations for I particular program.
`continuous Registration and
`credit for Thnula or Dleurtttlon
`Students who are working on theses or dissertation:
`(incltding students who are registered in abunria)
`_ are considered to be full-time Itudents and are ex-
`pected to comply with the enrollment requirements -
`as set forth in the section entitled Course Load.
`Advice or assistance from I member of the faculty in
`the preparation of the thesis or tliuortatloo should
`not be expected urrlcsr the student is ofiicially
`students are required to be continuously enrolled
`(i.e., each fall and rpring semester). includhtg the
`semester in which the thesis or disaertatim is sub-
`rrrittedtoandacceptedbytheuniverrity. I-‘ailureto
`=nmlli-I thesilordistcmfivnoourumxyddfy
`graduation and may result in the loss of llnmctal
`. assistance and other prrvrleges. A student not en-
`ment for teaching. research. or otlnr univerclty ser-
`vices during that semester term. The nodes: should
`consult the dean oftlre college for individual college
`V requirements for summer registrafion fur thesis or
`dissertation credit hours.
`Students who are Texas resident: and are regis-
`tered for-thesis or dissertation credit only as the final
`credit hour requirement for the degree in progress
`may be eligible for a reduced tuitiorr rate. All other
`-required fees shall be paid. Students lrauld consult
`the dean of their college for eligibility aiteria.
`Students may register In alrnrrllrr fa thesis or.
`dissertation catnsu if arr-angeanenu are made
`through the Office orrtegimzirrrr and Academic
`- ds at least two weeks before the registration
`- - 'od. Registration for all otha students must be
`leted to the prescribed rnamrerduring the an-
`-- need registration perlod.'l1retbesiIordiaserta-
`H coursolsoonxldetedpartofastudenficnnurt
`'- eload.
`"'l'hcsiI (or dinertfllon) in progress" is shown
`without a grade on the rtuder-rt‘: permanent record
`card for each registration period until the semester or
`term in which it is graded. However, a grldulne
`gliding system of S (satisfactory), U (uaaatisfae
`Iory). or I (heomplete) may be ehzcted by a depart-
`ment. Such nude: in the thesis or dissertation
`yadepoint avenge. AlinalgndcofB— orbettcria
`required in the completed thuls or diasautiotr. A
`grade of C+ indium: that the thesis or dissertation
`is not acceptable.
`The college offioe will send I copy of the Certifi-
`cation of Submission of Tht'..tialDiascrtatiot: form
`(showing submission ofdre thesis or tiaaettation to
`the college office) to the student‘: dqrmrrrent chair.
`Thedtalrthenreportathethesir orditsertariorr grade
`to the Office of Regiatration and Academic Records.
`Six semesterlrotuxmaybeeamedtortheruas-
`It-.r's thesia. (This may vary according to department
`or college.) Although more than this number may be
`requiredoftheetudent. amaxlmumofsix hours
`may be applied toward the master‘: degree. Credit
`student’; major.
`oral Indlor written.
`covering the research study will be held upon com-
`pletion of the thesis or dissertation.
`Final cotrurohonalvo lrrornlnltlon
`in some departments, the progrnn for the rmslor’:
`degree may not include a theaia trutr-nay require I
`final comprehensive examination. Graduate student:
`are expoctai to enroll each semester until completion
`of the degree program and award oftbe degree.
`Daringtheterrnirr wlrlchtheflnal ootnprrltenslve
`examination is taken, graduate student: in nontlresir
`prograrns are considered to be full-tlrao students and
`areexpecredtoeorrrply wittrureenrulrrrentrequtre
`Iuggootod Form tor flroola or Dissertation
`tion should conform to the most aetzptable I.flIflII‘t‘l.8
`of scientific and scholarly writing in the dinciplite.
`For instance: in which this general rule is In inade-
`quae guide. reference should be made to a style
`manual approved by the college or department.
`Before preparing the thesis or dissertation the nu-
`dent should obtain a copy ofthe guldefierthe prepa-
`tom the nwmprivo collate offlee.
`. L
`Thacle. Dluortntlon. Extra, and Graduation ‘
`aptmrvat of Thule or uruurtnuon mono-l
`Students must receive approval of their thesis or til
`aertation proposal from their thesis or dissertation I
`oootruitiee, which is appointed by cl:
`of I115
`college upon the advice ufthe apptupflllfi dfillm‘
`merit chair.
`in some dqranrrrents, student: may not_bes1n
`research prirx to admission to candidacy Vltihotfl '
`approval of an adviser: The thesis or dl3S€t1ID0ll
`must present evidence of I mastery of 1116 ll‘?
`3 significant cortulbtrtiort to knowledge. andjhe
`dam: m,d:m,,,,,,cr._
`D+ .—1.33
`B—— ——2.67
`‘W [Sven mtsih 4,-,.e‘.m4O,,_ or 0.5,, [agegch .
`D -1.00
`C+ —-2.33
`A— -3.67
`Oct involving an ‘M of mm“ subjca, mm 1,
`D- —— .67
`C —-2.00
`3 + J 3.33
`-0.0 _ wpwadbymtcommmge fmmpmmcumot
`C— —l.6‘7
`The ynde ofl (incomplete) must bechanzed bx
`Human Subjuas before research is
`fulflllrnertt of course requirements within l2 months
`Ihould consult their faculty advisers
`oflhe (‘Ian awarded or it will b0 Cltlfisfid lmomlu‘
`For additional irtfurrnation or an applttilflofl {Om
`contact the Otlice of Sponsored Programs. 315
`r:anytoanFortoIU(in5'UBI3d°d°°"T9“l- I“
`the case of I student amlled in the F'd““l"E
`ltiel W. Olllen Iiuildinz. 749-3412..
`semester, . grad. or t_ which has not been eh-near’
`'l'ht:finIIdl'Ifi_ofthethesis ordtssert:tronruu_
`be completed and aubmltted to the IdvII0|’Y-
`‘ Y'-
`by the daleofgnduadoiwill have theoffet.-t'ol‘Im F‘
`teeaseartyunipulatedbv “'=°°W"‘“°‘- W‘ "
`later than the deadlines specified in the academic,
`Although gndesol'DaodFare rncludedptnlhe
`gnde pain! average, no credit rs given
`toward the graduate deyee.
`The section on Binding and D'Lstribut10Il of
`The cumulative grade point IWfl£° 39‘ ‘M
`als or Dissertation specifies deadlines for I - --
`°‘ “’°"PP‘°"°" "““‘ °' "“’°"""°“ ‘° "" " _
`Four-C Rub "°"'=°° "W" *1.‘ °”’.' ’“""""‘ ""°""
`Wm‘ " UH"'U_“i"‘“"’ P",'k' "“°l"dm5
`courses for which gr-d=wr°'M_‘f;‘“°:i$‘;:d¢ ’
`Apptterruo-r Io! carurtoacr
`U" L '''d
`Graduate student: must be approved tor candid _
`proved by the individual college of d9P'm""‘
`In general. master‘! audents should filo app
`tions for admission to carrdidacyyiilh the-oottel
`n uu-Imvantty I-ant
`Academic Iogul-tlorra and nagno lloquitnrrnnh E

`clnaaroom and Laboratory Examination
`Students‘ records are released only for use by facuky
`For purposes of security, and to ensure that assis-
`and professional staff members for attthotiud cam-
`tance is available, it is expected that someone famil-
`pus-related purposes. The release ofrecotdr for cl‘!-
`iar with the examination being administered. either
`carnpus use occurs only with the andents' knowl-
`the instructor or a designate. will be present in the
`edge and consent or where required by law or when
`room during the examination period. it is recognized
`that suit an expectation is not always appropriate,
`Public infor-niation on a record which may be
`for example. when an honor code is in effect. for
`released upon request includes name, address, tele-
`graduate seminars. or when the format of the exami-
`phone listing, date and plate of birth, classification.
`nation makes it unnecessary.
`major. participation in ofllcially reeogrlzed gaivideg
`Final or-ado Reports
`-. and sports. weight and height (of athletes), dates of
`attendance. dezred!) received. the most recent pro-
`The Ofiice of Registration and Academic Records
`vloua educational institution attended, at other sim-
`malls final grades as soon as they are compiled alter
`the close of the semester or summer sessions. 'l‘he
`ilar information. Students who do not wish this pub-
`lic information to be released are responsible for
`report reflects the grade assigned by the instructor on
`- notifying the Offioe of Registration and Academic
`the final grade sheet. Any subsequent change in not
`Records. l08 Ezekiel W. Cullm Buflding, thuing the
`included. Grades are sent to the srudenw mailing
`firs: week of classes. Such a requost to withhold
`address unless it Is requested that they be sent to the
`. public information remains in effect until revoked in
`permanent address listed on university records. Only
`one report is mulled. Additional copies are not avail-
`. Academic Honesty
`Gndtaation Application
`‘lite university can best function and accoaqallslt its
`objectives in an atnrosphere of high ethical stan-
`The application for graduation should not be con-
`}_dard.s. All students are expeued and encouraged to
`fitscd with the application for candidacy.
`'_eoorn‘bure losuchan axmocphereln every wxypqg.
`Degrees are not awarded automatiully upon
`sible, eqaecially by observing all accepted principles
`completion of all scholastic requirements. To be coo-.
`,.of academic honesty. However, cases of academic
`sidercd a candidate for t degree, the student must
`dishonesty will inevitably arise, and these must be
`submit an application for graduation to the Gradua-
`handled with actions that will ensure the integrity of
`tion Office, I08 Buklel W. Cullen Building.
`this institution. The Academic Honesty Policy of the
`Applications should be filed either the semester
`University of Houston-University Park is designed
`priortoor in which_the student plain to graduate.
`luhandie lhosecaset in fairness mall concq-nod:
`Applications are available in the Graduation Office
`the accused student, the faculty. and the university
`as of the that class day. Deadline: for filing the
`as I whole.
`applimtiorr for graduation are listed in the acadqnic
`The Academic Honesty Policy contains hill
`calendar. Candidates for graduation. previously dis-
`- « alls concerning the dellnitioo of academic dis-
`approved, must reapply for gndunllon at no addi-
`tional charge.
`ty; procedures for reporting and actitg on cases
`olvlng breach of this policy; and the punishment
`Diplomas usually are mailed about two month:
`after grathration. However, mldents may indicate on
`9 be assessed for inl'r-actions. Copies ofthia policy
`available in the offlces of the department chairs,
`the graduation application that their diplomas be -
`in the Graduation Othce for pickup.
`« deans of colleges, the dean of students. and the'
`v- vice clrancellorand provost. Acopy will be
`Student IGGOICO.
`available to any faculty or snrdart involved in
`! use o._l I_c_Itf!e_xt_Iic,_tiishonesty.
`brief form. infractions oru;¢',..iic,,' maul. ‘
`All students must flle changes oiaddreas artdlor
`name with the Ofllcc of Rcdstratiou and Academic ’
`lar cucurrntanccs would reeagniu u dishonest
`Records, I08 Ezekiel W. Cullen Building. Change 0
`major should be filed with the ofiice ofthe dean oi’
`the college in which the major is listed.
`Students who fail loreport a new address will m.’
`be excused from penalties on the grounds that com!
`rnunieatlona mailed from the University Park c -
`were not received in time.
`cling. .1 mm.
`University records of a name he based upon appli-I
`cations for adnfsrion. Subsequent name changes
`should be promptly reported to the Office of Regis-'
`nation and Academic Records. 108 Ezekiel W. Cul
`in Building.
`WOIR‘. 0! falsely presenting someone else‘s
`Is one‘: own. This policy shall covertheae
`. 0 cy.
`Plpid others as ktailed in the Academic Ibo-
`icy shall be conunensurato with the nature oftbo
`offense and with tie record of the student regarding
`any previous infractions. They,will range from a
`lowered grade or failure on an ertarnlnadoo or
`assignment or failure in the course. to probation or
`temporary or pmnaoent suspension from the univer-
`sky. or a combination of these.
`The allegation of infraction ‘shall normally start
`with the faculty member in whose class the alleged
`infraction occurred andproeced to a hearing with the
`departrrrent chair. When: diaapeerrient with respect
`to guilt. narureofthe transgresrion. or pemlty pro-
`posed occurs, eltherpartywillhave therighttn
`hearing: at the college level and tin right ofa proce-
`dural review at the provost level. The accused rm-
`dent also has the basic rights of proper written notifi-
`cationoftheaccusahion andtltetirnnandplaccof
`anyhearings concemingthecase-, tnlrbeuinggwlm
`opportumty to meet the accuser, and the
`to present evidence and witnessa in tin defaase.
`The accused student may seek the advice of counsel.
`The accused student may bejudged and assigned
`penalty by the department chair, or a hearing com-
`mlttee of the college, depending on the level at
`which the care is appealed. Finally. the rxuvost of'
`theunivarsity otayexamiue thecase aodordeiza
`review. Tile Academic Honesty Policy sets forth the
`manner in which the various not‘llica'l.ion.t, appom-
`mentsof hearing, and tinting of these events shall be
`curledaugandurdicatcsbywhomtheyahall be
`‘ conducted.
`.'Ih.e_pollcy applies to all college; within are
`untvaratty, with some procedural exceptions in the
`profmronal colleges. It is the responsibility of the
`adrrrirtistratlvc ollicera involved (dqrrrrnent chair,
`dean, provost) to ensure that the policy is imple-
`tneutcdfaidymdinatirmly manner. lti.atln_
`responsibility of the facility and stuthnts to dawn-
`ap academic dishonesty by aercising appropr-lane
`precautions in situation.t_where infnetiorn may occur
`3 by properly reporting instantza ofsuch infat-
`All tubers of, and participants in, the aca-
`demic fife ofthe nuivu-riy are to begovernedby
`ll1'n policy and should funlllxlu thernaelva with its
`Aoodornte Rojuiuilona and Degree Ioqllnlnolla u
`llndlrrg and Distribution oi
`Thula or Dissertation
`The original and two copies of the approved thesis or
`dissertation should be submitted to the appropriate
`college omce for binding as urly as possible. but no
`later than the deadline specified in the aeackmic
`ulcndar. Graduate students should check with the
`dean of the college for specific procedures.
`Students who fail to meet here deadlines may be
`required to refile applications for g'adua.|.lort for a
`subsequent semester.
`The original and one copy of the thesis or disser-
`tation are retained by the M. D. Anderson Library,
`and one copy goes to the student‘; major depart-
`mera. The binding fee is 515 pereopy for lhesa and
`$30 per copy for dissertations. The college will send
`a copy of the Certification of Submission ofTheslsI
`Dissertation form to the rtudent'r department chair.
`- Illernilmtng oi Doctoral Diaurtatlone
`A microlllmiog (‘cc of S35 is required in addition to _
`the binding fee. This lee will provide for rniu‘ofllm-
`ing the complete dissertation and publication of an
`abstract of 350 words or less.
`A University Micmfilrns Agreement form must
`be completed by the student at the time the disserta-
`don is presented to the college. An extra copy of the
`abstract and abstract title page must be furnished
`with the ayeernenl.
`Ordinarily, the miorolllrn of the dissertation will
`not be copyrighted. if dsired, copyright registration
`may be requested as provided by the agreement
`form. The copyright fee is 520.
`Any published article orlaook should include I note
`Indicating that the material it. or is based upon. a
`thesis or diarertation submitted in partial fulfillrnqtt
`of the requirements for the designated degree at the
`University of Houston—Univt-rsiry Park.
`Final Eaarvlnntion
`final examination: are given during the time and
`date designated in the class schedule. Any excep-
`tions to this policy must be approved in writing by
`tlredegn _of_the college and anuounwd no later than
`the last day to drop a_courae.
`lnrecognltionolthesotdeurs‘ needtoprqmelor
`final examinations. it is contrary to campus policy to
`assign previously unscheduled work in the lunar of
`rats. paptaa. or report: during the licaleadar days
`to the ortarnlnalinn pniod oleach semester, or
`five uleodardayrprltn-totheexantlnatlonpcriodof
`each summer sesion.
`There will be no final crtaruinationa during the
`reading paiod.
`E UK-linlvardty out

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