
`To our parents,
`Abolfazl Parsaei and Burnt Arabaki,
`William H. Sullivan and Kathleen A. Glassmne
`Concurrent Engineering
`Contemporary issues and
`modern design tools
`Edtm! by
`Hamid R. Parsaei
`.4ssr:n'aIe Prqfess-or
`Cenrclrflzr ("mnp1m*r-::1'd:'d £ng:'ne¢>.rI.-:_q
`-ta!" LrJuisn'.I".I'(*
`William G. Sullivan
`Deparrirwnr of ImJ'uxn':‘a1' mm!‘ .S'_1'.m-Jm Iingrfim-ring
`l«’:'rg:’m'a PoI}.'r£*r}:n:':: fnstirum and Siam L'm've'rs:'r_r
`cHAPI~LiI.nIr~i_& HALL
`London » Glasgow - New York - Tokyo - Melbourne - Madras

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`L“’“"‘°“3°fla:m Catalo‘
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`Sim" " ““""“' W“ ‘"="'a*=i=
`]_i5[ 9]’ cgmribmm-5
`Parl One
`Principles of concurrenl engineering
`H}-'<-ml H. Jo. I-Iuririd R.
`I’'." and Wiiiiani G.
`Concurrent engincering's roots in the World War II era
`M. Cari Zionrke and .M'm-y 3. Spam]
`['r11plien1cnt‘ati0n: common failure modes and success facmrs
`Step ml Izrans
`'. Overcoming barriers to the implemcnlaiiun of concurrent
`Gary .4. Maddux and Pl’£i'.'Ia‘ni Ii. Sunder
`Improving interpersonal communications on multifunctional
`.-'H:'u‘mcI I-.2 Fem: and Ray A. Daley
`Scheduling of concurrem manufacturing projecis
`Adudvji B. Badfru
`Part Two
`Models of design processes
`.-Hi Bahrami and (.‘i'imn H. Dugii
`A decision-based approach to concurrenl design
`Fnrrokh Misrree. Warren Smith and Bert Bras
`Concurrent optimization of product design and manufacture
`fvfa.-artraka Yoshinmm
`Computer-based concurrent engineering systems
`Michael J. 0'F:'_vnn and M. Munfr Ahmad

`Cunrm 3 s
`Automating “csign for manufznzturability through oxpcn sys-
`tems approaches
`.»1.R. 1v"cnkaIarhm'crm. Joseph M. A-feflfchttmp and Darfd M.
`Modeling the design process with Pctri nets
`Andrew Kusiak and H.-an-Hno Yong
`Ncuro-computing and concurrent engineering
`C':'hm: H. Dngh‘. Piparpang Poshyononda. and AH Buhrami
`Multiattribute design optimization and concurrent cnginccr-
`Deborah L. Thurston amt Angeia Locosrto
`Concurrent ooll design and cell control system aonfiguration
`F. Frank Chen
`A generalized methodology [or evaluating manufacturability
`Srinntasa R. Shankar and David G. Jnnsson
`Evaluating product tnaohinability for concurrent engineering
`Dana 5. Non, Gwimgming Zhang, Somtndro K. Gupta and
`Raghu R. Karinthf
`Concurrent optimization of design and manufacturing toler-
`Chm: Zkany and Hsn—PEn {Ben} Wang
`Design for human factors
`Fariborz Toyyori
`Part Three
`Designing to cost
`Mahoudra S. Honda!
`E°°"'°m5'-‘- dcsisn in oonmtrrenl engineering
`James S. Nobie
`Part Four
`Application of expert
`Gary P. Maynmm 5}’ ms ocngmoermg dcsngn
`A knowledge-based :1
`pproach to design for manufacture using
`E9’-" M'-''“''?}' “M J. Browne
`Concurrent accumulation of kn
`Rflbetf 5- Douglas, Jr. and David C. Brown
`0“'-l°d£.e: 9. view of concurrent
`lntcgratod knowledge
`Stem H. Kim
`systems for adaptifie, concurrent design

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`l'n1vtrs<|u :1!
`Kuhn. TS. (lam; 1'1“. gm,
`Press, Chicagu.
`L"’"‘“1"“"‘~ 1- 1'9-“I D<-mun. _~.‘:m:‘:.»... 8{:_+. m..:~'i_
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`(‘H.\.PT[-IR R
`A decision-based approach to
`concurrent design
`Far;-akh ."t'f:'.~.'rrc(', Wcu're.'1 Sam}: and Bert Bras
`_\|m]|;fn_;;nn1l1llI¢|‘-|1:_1nL‘\J unm‘ui'rctal design rcqulrcs an lmlnsnc zlpprnuch than
`Integrate: tin: rcprcscnmtion, Imirlatgcmcnl and 11I'¢-ccssiilg ul
`!nt::gr:1l'mn1s pumsiblr: lhrough Ihc ‘su1I1s.1arL1I?.'JI"mn' nI' infnrrII.'m't1n r11anngc—
`men! urthin at design [1rm'<::.>.'. We approach sl:1nd:|rdi?.:Ili(\n from [he
`pcwepcclix-c n1'dccieainIl—hu.~a::d ;lu5ig_:1[I'}Il[)]_ n::n1a:1_\'. that 'lhc priIn;IpuJ rult: uf
`an engineer.
`In Ihc dc~a:_L_:n M an ;u'lI1';|u.'l.
`is 10 Izlkc Llcci.-+1uns'. Ul\'Cl1 Ih;:I
`Llccjeiuns urn: fuuI‘J:Jaliuu:.1I_ we unable L'LII1L‘l1l‘l'L'I1l design processes lhl'£_31.l[.‘_}'|
`\'Lrnuh:1I1cmIs ;1n;1]_v~;i-a.
`:s‘_vn1I1C_~n.~e and rc~:oluliun nfInLI|Iip1c u.1a:t:I'\'mIIh.
`In thrs s:}1:mIcI. we tl1|['\3dlII.‘L’ 1h:.'
`[)ill'(Jt|i3‘.l11§- of DB[') and
`dcscrzlmc :1 dcci«.+ioI1—|1;:.<cd dc.-.n_:n rncI!1m!ning._\'
`I::i|}Cd Lhc da.-ci:«io|1 mpporl
`pruhlcm technique [D5]-‘T1. Spcuific:1l1_\', we .\1:IrL by nrmlding .~au:11c hack-
`gmund and 113- stating the ;mnn1s nccdcd In cl1nI':1cIcr'm:
`‘¢|cc1.~:inn_'~‘ as
`dud-:1-an nuppurl pml1lcrnsIDS[‘.~:|. lllirmlllccd nut is [he I'urm:JI ~e_\'11l;1x and
`~'-.-suzsntnm or [).‘iPs. This grcilcrln; pmlocul cnsurcs lhu upp|iL‘ah|l:'ly of the
`DSPT acre»-..~; varying dor'nau'n.- of zupplicaltiml by prmniing uniform and
`slrm.‘|lIl‘t?d muppiligs between the designers" \-icu.- ml‘ Ihc wnrld and [he
`Imflluuiur syntax neudcd to fztcilitulc solution. Finally. we r:Ic.~'cm some
`L-..t.umplcsfrun1 111:1:-ir1:: da-_s.1g1: ln :.-xp[in:;uu.- uur :s.ppm:u:h_
`EH SHIP I)f£SIGN (,‘»\5[‘ STl_.I'Dl[iS N(_)MIiN(,‘l_:\'|‘l.?RE-
`length hL'tw::cn pcrpcmlicu|;1r.<. in rnctcrs
`nr LBP
`or BEA M .~.hip design beam in nmlcrx
`“T “R-'\|"|' ship dc-:.ig_n Llratft
`in rmm.-rs
`(Jr DEPTH Eihlfl design depth in tnetc-rs
`3 _.._
`ur CB
`Elafi-lk unci]'u.~.n.-nu Islmip‘-;
`Displaced \.l._Im.m.
`L :1 B x T

`0!‘ Cl’
`01' CW
`A tler't',1 gm,,.,}m.;,
`pri.-tntatic etictticgcnl
`[ship's hull}
`: _ D“l7'l3°|‘-’d rultm;
`tvaterpla nc coetlicient
`Mldfihlp mm W11
`{shit-‘s hum
`= !‘’:*'?:P_*1=Lrg
`miiiflipina Mm °f h”"’“"°’ '“ ‘WIS form-
`:0"l-‘:ja:ll:ti1l:i:nal center of flotation in mctmlmwy.
`“j”"_1*"d ll?!-Ltllllbetwecn decks in meters
`maximum :itl5la.lI1r:t:l speed in lmm
`in k_n0{_q
`Other parameters:
`|.0mb1l'IdIIt)n o_l' dtesel engine [for \«’l((‘R| or gas turbimtgs
`VKJ ' Pmnulston plant
`combination of diesel en
`gitte and gas turbine (for Vflfljltu
`VKJ -~ propulsion plant
`‘\°(°"‘b'"‘“'°“ °_l gas turbine and gas turbine llor VK(Tllnr
`Kl ' P1'°Pt.Ilston plant
`Vertical distance bet ween the center oi‘ gravity and tttetne
`Verse me-tacenter
`°C0I1Dmit: return on investment
`H ‘
`“:F:"" Wlgfgtion that to lt’tcl‘I2£1SC‘ both the clfieiency' and cfl'ectitcnrss‘t
`mg“ a c°“‘"1"P0l'HI'}' paradigm for design is needed. WFW
`-“-‘ch *1 paradigm r
`mm H“ Pefslkictivc of decision-baseti design. The
`which a-ago
`ml’35595 Systems tlttnlring and embodies the ideas of cuttrcttrttfi
`,thc":::'l‘m'1_S for the life cycle ts based on the foundational prctttntttllfil
`fan en ‘
`deem” ,
`in the design of an tiflllt1t.l.|.‘l to
`mnjuplrf d‘"“°‘“‘”**= f-‘0nt:urrency by the simultaneous solutiotttt
`anal gisom and lhrflflgh the integration and holistic trt&l|'fl¢l““_
`pwlminifith and..sy_mh°-''l3- 3}’ I-‘Twice. wt: focus on the early SIHF‘
`liuliwd to applljml .-nus 13 '10! to say that the tools we develop and ct‘IT|3.l°.""
`onrlyxmyg is ma! “*1:filfélfl:12 early stages. _0ur motivation to tnserhatttt
`'5“ 1“-°d“°°d-‘At the some time. the knowledge about tlt¢°bl°“
`in knowledge is characterized ill‘
`will "'lf0fl1'tation into hand‘ information. By 80“ 35””
`qualitative information that stems lr-3"“
`Our _lruim.» of rtflitrertn»
`designer's judgment and experience whereas hard information tends to be
`mgctl on scientilic principles and to he tttorc quantttatttvt: In nature. Ciivcrt
`mi»; nature of design itilorntattiort. what
`it concurrent design approach
`mcllittttes is ‘to know‘ more about the desigtt early on. that is. ittcrcusc in
`q.1;;lit;t|i\«'c ratio of hard to soft information. This reinlivc irnprovemettl
`the quality olinlorntution is expected to lead to equivalent or better tlesigns
`that are uotttplcted in less urnc and :31 lC.‘iS cost than those designed using 8
`trttditionul .-tcq uentiztl process.
`£.‘omp.trcd to traditional engittecring design in which :;_vrtthesis of the
`product plays the central role. the dominant fcttturc in concurrent engineer-
`mg is the synthesis. of the process which includes design. tnunnfucture und
`support aspects]. With the syntliesi.-t of the process.
`is expected that the
`rynthcsis of the prod ucl will lbllotv n:.t1urttl|_v. Ccrtuinlv some uspccls ol' the
`design are by necessity pursued sequentially. For cltumplc. the preliminttry
`design event will generally follow the conceptual design event. What we
`t1tc:tn specifit.‘:tll}' by the synthesis of the process and concurrent design is
`that the dctrisiuns that can be .\ll't'll..|llilI"l|..'I.‘J|..|5i}' resolved arc‘ sirnultatncously
`resolved. lttdced. what we seek is it holistic integrated model that yields :1
`:iOlullOti to all of the relevant decisions sltnultttncously.
`Given this argument anti as evidenced by the host of dcrtiglt rcscttrch
`inititttivcs being undertaken worldwide. dcstgn scicttcc is on emerging
`discipline and the attitudes tomtrd design are cltatttging. The luttdatnctttul
`reasons for this can be attrihuted to two .\;i[lgl..ll:ll‘ events: at new emphasis on
`_tystcms thinking. and the pervasive presence of computers. However. inde-
`pendent of the approaches or ntctltod.-; used to plan. establish gottlti and
`model systems;
`tlesigtters are and will continue to be involved in two
`Primary activities. namely. processing symbols and making decisions. So.
`wltut characterizes a decision?
`The characteristics of decisions are governed by the chttrttcteristic.-t of
`design at real-life cnginccrittg systents. These cltuructcristic.-t may. in part, be
`summarized by the following descriptive sentences:
`I Decisions involve information that comes frotn different sources and
`I Decisions are governed by multiple measures of merit and performance;
`0 lllil the information required to make :1 decision may not he i1\r'itll‘:tblI..'I
`| home of the information used in making .1 decision may be hard and
`some mlorrntttion may be soft; and
`'|hc problem for which at decision is being made is irtvatriabty loosely
`defined and open.
`Virtually‘ none of the decisions are chttrttcterizcd by .1 singular. unique
`5°‘!-“‘0I1. The decision solutions tire less
`than optimal and are called
`5‘”'_5“'~'lT|E solutions.
`“Om a decision-buscd design perspective. decisions help bridge the
`ship between an Idea and reality. They serve as markers and units of
` l

`.4 ri£’t'f.\‘t'£Ji1-l‘)£I5t’d ripprgm-h
`‘Ilia d(‘t‘iStt:!l support prrilvietrt twititiuttc
`communication to identilv the
`through implementation in termiinafirtfisthlggd“[Th:yd::;Ig:.'tmm'Ml
`dependent and dontztin-independent features. Focusin
`‘° 3 defififiplion of the design processes written in gum” drum“
`for teams from the various disci
`3' c°mm°"""1tIIz
`3 language useful in it: "RN!
`' Pi'"°9
`07 designing Our form I
`ti-r ‘
`t'KamaL ct uf.. I937: Mis:iree:*tuiii.|oi198(‘i?fl'the mm designing ‘Hunk
`D39-ignillfl is at process of ‘
`"aids ‘ind 1'9‘!Uircmcnts loin::1cr[riiinu£i:I"in‘ii-3nl:t‘!ritIiitl'1[cii:,‘¢E :hh:
`U I F L
`In this definition, we u
`' "
`so the term product in its most gene:-31:31.1
`believe that perhaps t
`he most significant design products math‘
`Processes themselves.
`gar ;':fl:m¢:|la'l;:.)fl of decision-based design can take diiientnt Ittttn-iii
`being devciii 0:?
`"’.° ‘*"""""" '5UVP°ri Problem technique tD3.1’tii=
`suppon for E‘
`"“d_'"1Plf-'7'!“-‘n_ied. at the University of Houston. to innit
`three pfinci
`rum“ Judflmiml
`In dcstgttirtg systems. Tltc DSPT 00$ Ii
`“ appmacza !.c°"_1p°n‘_’“'js‘ 3 ‘R5187! philosophy rooted in systentstltittht
`maps,‘ and mor Idenut}-mg and formulating decision support---pmbin
`3 5"PP0rhng software. DSIDES. The DSPT comprises-I
`' namely‘ a mel“*d35iBl'| phase and a computer-based design |1lIfl
`32:11:-idE§ign is 3‘ m°ml°"‘3i Process of designing systems that itittfttflfi
`- '°“mi" "'3 5’$‘SiI=m for function. partitioning the design
`it set of doc‘ '
`will be mad:'‘“''‘ and Planning the sequence in which these denim:
`or metnedemgfl
`to represent dynamic partitioning and plannnifl
`Place on meta is derived from the work of Klir [Klit Iiii
`meta can have three meanings:
`unplcrttcntcd in Phase II. in Pltaratr ll ldcsign]. tnajor decisitnns are modcleld
`_,_.- f)SP,~. and solutions to these [)SP-s are sought. Phase I of the IJSP1 Is
`l1EI5t.'t.l on the primary axioms of DB0. These axioms map the particttlar
`dcsien tasks to cltaractertstic decisions and provide :1 domain-independent
`[1-;uT;LI“'ufk for the rcprcscnttltioit and processing of domain relevurtt design
`ititurnration Iliamal. I990]-
`Existence of decisions in the DSPT
`.-tvtiom I
`The application of the DS PT results in the identification of decisions
`associated with the system (and st.tbs_\=stcms that rtiag.-' be relevant).
`Antoni-3 Type of decisions in the DSPT
`Ml decisions identified in the DSPT are categorized as Selection,
`Compromise. or 11 combination of these.
`Selection and compromise are rel'erI'ed to as primary decisions. All other
`dccii-“tons which are represented as at combination of these are idcntilieti its
`dented decisions. The selection decision.
`in the context of the DSPI. is
`dciincd as follows.
`The selection dccitiion
`The selection decision is the process of making a choice between is
`number of possibilities taking into account a number of measures of
`merit or attributes.
`The emphasis in selection is on the acceptance of certain ulternzitivcs
`through the rejection of others. The goal of selection in design is to rr.-duce
`the alternatives to a realistic and manageable number based on ditTcrr.-111
`measures of merit. These measures. called attributes. represent the functional
`requirements and may not all be tllcquztl importance. Some of the attributes
`may be quantified using hard information and others may be quantified
`using soft information. Similarly, the compromise decision. in the context or
`the DSPT. is defined as follows.
`DI:tinition—2 The compromise decision
`The compromise decision requires that the 'right‘ values (or combina-
`tioni oidesign variables be found to describe the best satisticing system
`“W811 with respect to constraints nnd rnuitiplc goals.
`_ The emphasis in compromise IS on modification and change tc.g.. dimen-
`“"“i*l Wnthesisl by making appropriate tradeol’fs based on criteria relevant
`I" "1" f°‘*“ib*l51.\' and performance of the systen1.
`The second axiom is explained using set notation. The set of all primary
`in thc. DSPT is given by. Decfsiort==-:S.C:" where S denotes
`Selection and C denotes (Tomprnmise. All derived decisions result from
`"Pe|‘fl1iuns on this set. some derived decisions are illustrated in Fig. 8.1. The
`“““Pli=d selection-compromise decision [Fig. 3.19)
`is represented by the
`3 at,‘,,m_,_
`. X is a prercqttisite ofrnfllflxi
`T|1~‘-.1-I X indicates that X changes and is a general nalflf-'°””
`ab.‘ E" __,
`' mm X “aha” l5"P¢|'i¢3T 30) X in the sense that it isntotihgi
`mghw “B1031 type or viewed from an ertlargcd WWW

`A :t'¢'('t'.siiJi1-ha_um’ upprnm-J‘:
`CGUIJFSCI 5election."comprom.,c;e
`‘ig. 8.!
`COUDIGU Selection,-"salesman
`E"”mPh3=" Or derived c1:.*::i>:iun.-;.
`3 land (' arc cmttainud in the set DI'{"J_§]l\l|
`action .-ac action dc::i-mntFi
`R Ibt'-
`E g.
`I:- rL}'|t':.sLt!tc
`[he 0 ml
`CS5‘? 55?‘: 258.5}. A |'ItLl‘dI'L‘hlt:‘£!l decision ihg‘ gm ,'5 33pm-L.m1h_._
`d_m~ -
`Jl \I_-here SS 15 as dclmcti above. The cliicttcv mi" usinstuouplcd
`A mm"'a;‘~"5l°,dA“ fKafandtk:1r. at a!.. l')9|: Karurtdtkatr and Mislrcc. I991!
`I Mom--I and Axiont 2 links the decisions to 1)SP~.
`C°'°“‘*'>' *0 Axiom I and Axiom 1
`_ ..
`Axigm _3
`The descriptnrmdm md"'P°!1Llr.'-n-2:: of DSP descriptors and keywurds
`independent WEE“: ‘5“3S'“-'0rds used to model D5 Ps need to he diminu-
`rt mdcpcndcnce of the means In re-sulvc USP.»
`supportlnced to Scd m "’5“""’ D595 [to actually ['Jr0\"ldt'.‘ decision
`P9l'Idct'tI with respect to prm:csscfi If-F
`- maintenance) and disciplines I-.-.g.. m0€h3“i"-
`'§t’.J]Llli.Cil1 lccftntqutzs tu_'.g._ ltncur
`.-hittm--1 {Tm} SI2t:t’t'I $L‘1i-{Evident as 1’tt;1n_\'
`i'm§Tf|flIl11iI1g. nunlmcar upttntizzttimt and expert systcntsl
`:1r:: atpplicttbli:
`“‘ Pfvblcms
`[mm different dtttnuins. Hot;-uu.‘r.
`this cnnditiuit supple-
`tntntfi stxinm--3 by stating th:Il dt?L‘i:a'it.!tl support nmdcls using domain-
`it donutit:-intlcpcitdcitt
`To tuuilimtc the dcqign at cngiitccring 5}-'hl<3IIt.*-. our upprnztclt is to make
`itttiliahic tools tctnulogotts
`tn the pazlcltc of it painter!
`it hum:1n
`‘j¢‘5|8DI'—f can use in 1-an-inns cvcnts oi the design ttrncitnc. Tht: decision
`ttrnhlem tcchniqtte palette wits Iirst puhiishcd in tMistrcu ct
`_l_'””J- 5l'|'l1i.' rciinernt.-nl and expansion of the concept occurred and tin:
`“\"”‘”_“ Palette is fully ticsacribcd in IBra.-.'- and Mistrcc.
`l99|I. The pttlctts:
`::U—:Il1§_thrt:e difibrenl classcs oi" cntitics.
`I't;1rI‘1c|}.'. putcntial suppurt pmb—
`]hw‘_~'::'l11Tt'ltjs._b:iau entities ‘and _tr;ii1sn1ts.~‘inn t3I“II!lICS. Fin: icuns reprcscittlng
`WI-‘Pr drc shown in Fig. 5.2. A mou.‘1t:| or 1'tt:t\=t'nrk of it
`;'\rnccss 13
`"W95 '7)
`-:0nm:i.-ting entities in :1
`systematic fashion. An ctttcnsivt:
`Thy d(!('r'$i'nn \'ti_r=pm'r _rIrmi‘rt':’.'H'l n:n'1itiqrt:"
`in T.'I|11c .‘<.l an: the |i:c_v\\nrd.- and dust.‘-ripIur.w i-vi-itictnietl
`with the .'iClL'(.'»i.II.3I'| aml
`::.m'n|1m|nisc D.‘5I’:4.
`'Il1:: kL'_\'\\l‘rI‘dh (in:
`[hm ¢|;p_;_»-.;'[_\- rhmttltlt
`ir1I'nrm:ttim1. and itirstlliit
`thu rt.'l:II|itl1't'.I‘tt|'1'u
`hwm_.n “ml
`In this I}Sl’s Iisluti
`Ill T'.i|'t1¢ H21.
`the kt-_\'t.-tursi
`‘mt.-u|1‘is u hc;tdit1[1 ttndcr which the h.'lt.‘I\'gI't‘l1fI(1 or krtmtit :|1I't.\nn:tItu|1 is
`l«_mup¢d_ Kc_v\mrd.-s cInhm1_\'
`in titcm.-aches thu duntnirt
`intlcpcttdtsitt ‘pm-
`L-L«,|u;;;|Lg|1n\t'Icdgt“‘ fur I)Si’s. I)c<CrIptu.irs an-. ubtccts nI'guItizx:d Ulldcf lllu
`ku:_vwurd.~e withirt
`thc USP i:.trrt:u|:ttinn.
`ztixn help
`the prnhicnt
`irnm itx tJi.\Ci[3iiltt.' npcctltt‘‘.‘it.'l'i'pI'i.t1l'l
`to it
`plinc iitdcpcndmt rcprc:;unta|tt:.m. Fur c.\i..tn1ptc.
`it tmttcriul lt:.~iI1_L’
`the .v.‘tct"tii\rt
`l).‘iPt hztscti nn "~t1'(.'Tt_t_!lI'|. cnlnr .ll"|d cost. the rnutcriul choice:
`:in: iixlctt :15 ‘:t1tcrI1:1ti\-“cs” and the 5:.'ict:Itm1 criteria KIN" ‘.ttIrihutcx".
`]fll$ n:prc.w‘cnt
`'dec|;1ra|ti\-c knrwt.'icdgc‘['tR1i:I1.
`Table IL! DSI’ |:c_\'m\rd-s '.tnu.|
`R tint.
`Dam rig-Inn
`L".'mdi-.i.'r't:: .|Jtt'rrr.tltw."-
`Rt.'I.'1l1\-I.‘ Iinpnrt::uL‘c
`.\|tt‘rrt;itIn'5 \\.[.1. uttrihutus
`Unjct of prctbrcttcu
`St.-.lL'nt \:Irru["|Jc:t
`Dctntttnn v:Iriuh|ct-
`."}_\-.\ta:m t:0n\ir'.ti:1ls
`5-_\ iif.-t'.m §_‘f.3uI3
`Vfiliilltilt‘ I};-v1'.'ttmn 'rtlt1.L'Eltlil—j_.

`A ¢.I'r*t't'.\‘—h:t.».1-wt’ uppmm-ti;
`Thai’ d£'rt'st'nn .s-ttppnrr prrrMrrrr tc-t'!tttt},rrtr
`DSPT palette entities
`Potential sun-non
`Base entities
`f.}fOb|8F|'| BITIMBS
`Infctrrn I
`'1' 0"
`lnformatton ~
`lnlttnttatton -
`Energy 1»
`matte: _
`tnfotmattan «
`energv ‘
`ma [lat
`taxamplc using the
`Wlclle in the design In! at frigutt: is giwtt III tM15Irt:v:.c1-‘IL
`A dmttgncr working within the DSPT Itats tltc Itccdttttt to use suhmudcte
`U-r fiubncmmks "I 3 ‘3"’*5E'1 r-mew.-ss created and stored rw mttcrs [Pm*"‘F‘
`'7-We '"}‘d_‘='5.| itndfor to create origimtl models of the intcntjcd plant of :tctwI'-
`ldeSc“p[“""' m“d‘313}- The icons can e-:t.-ailv atccntntuotlzztc tiilfcrcnt trsttlttiuttt
`and cultures nd should not ht: tctmsidcrc-Ed Iirnttcd to [he examples fIl't‘h'«Cl'l1¢'v5
`herein. Further is-
`an_,.dismmed in
`::s:;ct.t:t[;;10;tt:h denlgntntl ntodcis nt’ dtstgn Prm 9!:
`In Phattvx ll nT'Il1c DSPT
`he focus is on strttcturing and so|t=ing the D5P’_
`lhfll corrcspo
`“.6 l° the dflcisiuns tdcnttticd in Pltasu ]. Th: orguniz.-tttun U4
`min mt H l io
`11 wtth keywords and ttescripmrs results in .1 ttent:r:tI kttow!cd_E=
`"?F'.T¢5¢n.Iation sclwme with an
`associated sense ml’ data uhstructtott. Uiiflf
`‘be k¢YW0¥ds and d
`"15°TiP10r:i from Table 8.1. the selection DSP is W"9'a“‘i
`as follows.
`A srct ttl‘ t:attdidaI.c .’1llcI'I1tilt\'i':~.
`The prtrtctpul ultrthttlcx tItt1t|t'rtt.'tItt: sclclcttttn.
`The rt:|::litt: intpnrlatttct: t1I':Jllrthttlt-5.
`The :t1tt:rt'tttti\'c.-, wtlh respect In their &lI[1'Ihll'|It.'~i.
`in urdcr tut" prcthrcttcc httscd un Iltc wtttptttcd
`The '.IJtcrtt:tti\'c.~'.
`mcrtt futtctinn vulttcs.
`\\('trl.l.\t tin lttlim-t-st:
`gtmtm-|_t-,t]1c contprtttttittsz USP pi
`»\n a1tcrn:ttt\'c ll) ht: imprm-ct] thrttttgh ntnt!ific:ttimt_
`:\$5t1mpIt'um uaul Lu mmicl tht: dumitln nf 1f'tllZFtL'?i1.
`The s_\'st-tcnt p:tr;tntt:tcr~'. tlixcd \';1ri;1b|C%I.
`The constraints: and goals for tlu: ticatgtt.
`Tht‘ indcpcttdcnt s}t'slt:nt
`phtsicttl ztttrthttlcrsl
`Tht: 1JtJ\«'t:}li.t!l1 vatritthlcs t.:1illt.‘*-i
`I_:0;J|‘.« atrc ;tchtt:'.'cd I.
`The :i_\~'$lCll'l ctmslrtttttts that must bu stttislit-ti for the wltttitttt tn he
`\';tt't.'al.'-In vnlttcs [lhc_\' tlt:.\'t:riht- the :t:'tif;tcl's
`tl|tc_\ Indiutttc thc cxlcnt In wfuch the
`Tht: s_vstct11 goals that rmtfit E1CI'IlC\.'L'.lt'r the t’.‘X'[t.'T1l HPCt'm¢l'
`target valtn:
`The lower and upper hottntk on Iht: ~a_t-.~att'r'rt vztriultlcs tutti hmsndfi on
`the {it?l'i;ilit\fI \-‘3l't:lb|t.'5.
`ttf the
`tttt:;t.~‘-Ltrt: of tht: dfltttltott
`is ;t
`The dt'\-'l3Ilt.'In functttm that
`-‘.\‘stIcm peril‘-rnt:tncc from that tntnltctl by the -‘cl ttf goals and IhL‘t1'
`ilfififlctiilliij prmrit_\_'
`level.-2 (Ir rclattit-‘c vt't.'tgItt§.
`fiinot: the selection D5? L-mt be rcforrntt}2tIt:d as 21 tstwnprutttisc USP. the
`='“mDtumt.~:¢ USP is c<.ttt_~aiticri'd Iltc prtttcipul Inulhumulical IJSPT l'm'mt.tI;t—
`1tttr.tBtt5cur'.tnt*t m'.. I989}. Tht:-' trttttwfttrttmtion of selection In tztttnprnmiw
`""‘k"5 *1 I‘1‘!is"-his to fumtttltttt: and solve cttttplctt sclcctitttt
`.\'«C|Cl..‘IlUll D$f’.-
`"”“1 ':"”I‘lt:ti
`.‘~t'|I.‘L:1it)[1-I.‘I.’I[‘!][')t“m'£]i!i(.’ l)S|’.\ txmith. v: m'., 1987: Kurundtkur.
`W.‘-*3: Rttscarun.
`lndt:ctl. an tttlgtncttltztl ctttttprmttisc D31" is Llficd In
`‘um '**“}'liCf1‘-'t:d decision. Tltt:rL‘I't.1rc._1t:I us cxnntiltc the tttttlcrpinnlttgs For
`rhclmalhcmttlicgtl fttrmttlztliott of the wntprtttttisc D5 P.
`1h<: {Il_1!I'1pi't1n"li!\'I2' DSP fnrntttlttttttn is
`tnultitthjcctivc pm;-.r-amnting
`"'°‘i"' which We Consider tu be ;t hybrid Fnrtnultttion tMistrt:c t't tut. 19‘.§2l.
`'”““'P”V='IT.t‘fi CUl1t.‘I.‘[1lEi from hath tr:tdttit'-nut mattitt-n1:ttica11 pmgruttttning

`Thxn-1':-.‘:.~a:mI mpgmrr pmJ'1|'m:: tn'hm'.pw
`the -_,;:1ion space} and than \\'|'1Iuh lI£I!'|. he a1c|1ic\'c:J his nmdciu.-(I h_\'
`.]¢n.ign «pawl.
`t“nn1I‘ruIni.\c {’JSI".~. arc \\'1‘I!lL'I1.. In guI1r:I'.':]. 1:1 1.l.'Tll'J§-' 01 u ‘i)'5[x_'I}} \'ur1;1hhs.'.
`nu. .,L-;_-[gr of mrmblux. X ['|'I:-I} im.‘iu4.h‘ L.‘l‘I1||1'|Ul‘lJ.\ »::r1uh|c.~. and 'hm'uh:;n1 I]
`if '['R[;|j_ II
`if 1'.-\l.SI-III
`\:nr1”.ahIcs.. Eiyslurut x-.|I'mh|::.~ arc imlcpcndciul of the
`usherdcscriptur-;u:1tl can he chungcd In nltcr Ihc st'.|lcn!'ll1c .*i_\-'5[L'I‘|l.
`I..:ri:1h1L'< that Licline thc pI'1_\s.n;;11 -.Lm‘ihu1u~. 0]
`.111 .'1r:iI':1ci
`I11u~.'I he pne.'m\::.
`\:i\_!sI\‘l'I1 cunxlraint mmlcl»; .: Iumi Ilmt :~ pIm.'L-d on Its: Limgn. The at’! u!"
`qxtcnh cunv-tra1nl~_< 11‘m.~a1 bu :..1I:.~»I'1cd lhr the 1'c;:.~.1h1]|t_\ of 1|1c dc.~:gn_ ;\'l'.1th-
`Q‘-|'}1;:|t1:,‘:11}_\-'_ n_\r":»leI\I c.m-utruilltu arc l'um;IIum uf .x'_w.ln.:|11 \;1r':::hl-.‘.x' uni}. TI1-\:_i.
`m rigid and no uniallum urn:
`.nl1m\'cd_ Th;-3 rulaiu Ihs: L|crn'.1m.i p1'.1u::r.| nu
`lhc ea_\s.-mm. INK]. In Uh.‘ u'.:p:Ih1l:1_\' 0|" the ~_\'sl::m.
`'l'hc sci mi" \_\.'\ilC|'I1
`\.'I.1I'I..'il[;1111l.\ 1‘lI:i._\' hr ".1 mix u!" |i1'IL".J| and I1nn|i13L".u'
`|‘uncLmn:~. In cI1g':ncs:rIn;_'
`pmhlums lint: 5}:-lcrn cm1sIr'.hnl>'. am: in\.'LrI.:hl_\ LnuquuJ|t1'c.x. I-Imxcxer. m:s;n—
`amuse requiring cqu'.|I1'I_\.'
`.»_\'~alcm cm}.-a1r.unt~.
`|'r1u_\' nriw.
`I114: rcgiuI1nH'c:mh1|-
`ll} dclincd hg lhc 9_\.'~'l:_'l'I‘l cs.nmr;:|I11.~;
`In mlluzl the I'::u.~;Ib|c xicnign space.
`.-‘\.'v:In1'.w"\'.-.lcn1 goals is uncd in rnmlul the u.~'g11r.':tmn :1 dcxignur huh. Ihr H10
`rc];m'.~4 Ills: gnu]. ('i,. of ths: dc~'1-__-ncr In the Alctuui pcrI':.1rm;:ncc_
`-\,I.\(:, at" {he :i_\'SIC1"I‘l Wllh rcspcci
`to thc g,{n'.[l. Thu i|I:'rI:tl1m1 mrhuhlr is
`Intrnducul as .1
`tnL‘:1!~'LIn: of '.Iu.'hIr.'\cmL‘I':I
`.*&im.‘L‘ wc mmld TILL‘ tin:
`\-'.LluL‘ U!"
`-\,IKI1u cqLr.J.l (J,-. (Q0115-lrulnm}_: lhc duvnmml \;1:'I;1Mt.‘.x It‘: be I‘mn—nr:piIli\'u.
`|h:: .-.}.~.'I::n1 goal hccnnu-.~;:
`.’\,{X]*d,_ -— -.1,‘
`'— [i.2 F: |..
`_—Ir Ll.
`.d.‘ _>.l'!.
`lc.'I.~I um: vi" Ihs: duxaaliun
`-J.‘ _-(ILL-11<.:1{L'-é that LII
`111;’ prnducl l.‘u[].HIT:Ii|'ll Id,
`'-.m:1b1c.~' Eur ".1 p;11"m'u]ar goal will uh\'::_\'~. hu: acrn. H ihc pmhicnl is suivcil
`uw'iI1g'.: wrlcx :m|uliun sL'|'IcInc zua u !'I1;I'|l{.'I' cal‘ L-mam: than Lh1.~ cum|i1|nI1 :2».
`:1utnm,:tn;:J.]]_\ >.ut|~sIi.,u|.
`Hounds are specific [1I‘|llI.\' plalccd vn lhc nnlglliludc of each n!" the «_\:~l::|n
`um! LIL"Ii.iI1.jUT'l \;uiub1a:.~. Iiuclt maria-.h|:: }1;1>.;1.w.-ci;nlc-J with H .1 lower and an
`“PW bu!-Ind
`liuuiuls am.‘ 1mpun.'Int
`for mmiuljng rcul-us mld 5'-rohlcnw
`hcc'.:ux'v: they p:'n\'u'i:: :5 mc:m:< In Imltnic Ihx: ::.\pcrict1L‘L‘-bus::d _iudgr11I.'I11 nf u
`Rh-Wilfilrier in [he Ilmlhenuailzctai I'nrmululmn_
`lfl ll'IL‘ -:0n1prnn1i.~'t: DSI‘ Ihrlnttlmmn lhc aim is In n1in1mm: lhc t.IJ'|‘h:n.'m:c
`hC1WL‘L‘n [hut \|L'hh.‘h is‘. dcsdn-Ll
`:II'IlI thui \\.|1ivh L';:1'I bu ;IL‘hIL‘\'L’I.I. T1115 IN dflflc
`"-‘I-' niimmizing the dc\'tuliu51 functsun. Zn! 41").
`'l'h|_~s function is ulw-.:3..~.
`in lcrrns nf lhr: dcx-Iutiun \iiTi;1h|Ch. MI gmlsa m:1_\' nul ha: cquallly
`||'|1|1nrt'.1nt to u dcsignur and the furrnulzlliunx arc uI'.|ssIt'1cd us .-’\rchin1::dc;II1
`‘" PM-"“PT'l\'t'
`|'!u.~a::d rm lhc mmmcr in whl-.'h irnp0rI:1m.‘c is .-t~'I~'!'gm‘d II‘
`“‘”“'“""S “It: gn'.1].~i. Thu: nluril general I"o1'm of thc dcxiatioll t'unclinn Fur m
`§0i!i.'~ in 111::
`.‘\TC|1iIl1CdCilI1 Fm-n1u|;umn L;
`KM .:J"I.=
`l\N'. LI, + \r‘u’,'ti,'I
`1 Ii
`-"1 “"3-"*'”?-="'ru'-+9’.:;”.-'=r._a;::_r'_'
`afid £0213 pr::g'rumn11:1g I!
`5 "r'=L‘ 31-:'A 1':.:-:1;u:r:s Thu
`‘Goal pr.-.gran1mm-,_—_‘ “-3; u..,_.,_1_
`— -I-_..'n;/an 19.‘; |g-,_:
`l-L‘ Indzratc lhs: ye.-m;-h for _.-y,
`~ _,.,.
`_ «:1 \-I m[,t-,._-._,h.,=.E
`:rnpIv:mcn!cdL far .1 muzm-r,~,;-,m ,,-
`Ex :,.r:‘.-\.4_u'13‘
`{Inn _g-. 3;.
`'lh1s doc: nm rrzprcscm .1 11%!‘
`m.:I.‘1c:nuIn:ai P]"_\U'-
`“P \1_|..g..
`l1Jn:.a.r ,1'rr.:5_n4r_1.rmngI. mm Find
`-.'t3-_:\='1\o;:11-,_“._m Lid
`on} d.3{.:» UP 1-,..\,,_;._. an _m,__,m
`true ."..‘_E‘f‘JVl'fl!'.1I{;r_r,_ ,1
`.1 rcprcscnurmn ah-..g .fi
`("fiL\-K}-,5‘ zn u.;_;s;-.Jr:ng ah: r;:1nr:::-
`real amid I-.mi.,h_.m_i_
`The corn
`,,__ _
`pfI)!'TIl‘:«€ D51’:-, 3117111 +,- r,, Up _,
`fDm"”"”"'-I 4-" 5.'*"‘T‘3m _Et~;:i~ |":F1'o\1f\if;;.’ 1'-._.t?“ ‘Am ‘N "'“mPi°‘*1‘J=‘fi1\‘3"-
`and {h
`..‘.l1-J dE\|E51:1a yam
`c Ch.\IdIlkJn fannlmn 1,‘ wh_.;._
`the gn-1|
`'.f.':iJm..vn_'_-E -v~-
`"""'flb|Es. This
`In cumrl I
`mhcrc mull“ ]. ohm! P‘
`1.-ariables ms:
`TfJ1~L M5 an nwdflm ““ -‘ “*‘i'_s‘3"n1t"\I'
`.-‘:1n-mun of lh: .-.u-t
`II".Idil1{1naI uonflralncgt
`1-.._~;_-“nag I:I"§n:
`‘H um
`DSP plan“ ‘péti
`U}f7IIl'l'I:!.:iJuI'I li'1’ITlL!];1I1I'-T: H-_!\h';,'u:.f_ the pumpg‘.
`If:-l\'lIUn:'1;3] mmhcmalkplaxis an lhq. huundw .u Inc .~_\\t:.‘m 'x;1fi;gh§c_\
`constraints and bunud:
`.""¥’~““m-n_L cm! t.P Ih: u.-rn;-r..=:_r.:.«¢ USP
`Wmran zorneom,
`'_”‘_”""“”"“ "W-'”‘*‘*.‘
`"*'“= =h= =.\>1-m -
`In the cnmpm.-mg: I Imummn w uhlch °"-'T_\’-h1fi:.‘ =~ .'->n\'L'r1:d mm
`the fcasibhg gm.‘-nuluI""“' U” ""' “F -“_"‘=1=II= ~:or:.'~tru:n:.\ and bar
`aspiration space I
`cflgn ?p;“"" ‘mu ‘ht’ W2
`s;wst-.‘rn §d.";:I:« dam: :'*.:
`bounds mum he ‘::‘_:TF'd3 5.3!.
`11:2 s}s!c.m ..-nnstusn-_»
`which ar.‘h1':.-vcs
`II-1:: Is??? I
`I.‘ m"5h‘*"“E Wiutlun mm is Hm I1-.;~;ihJc pfl'.l:.:
`Pn.-,scIIt3. jskm goals as E” i‘ P«‘1-srblc Thu:
`d Iradcoif bcmccn tha: which is J;-xircd ms nwdciu-.I'.

`iler‘r'.s'1'mt-[nixed ttpprmtrlt
`. W,,, . w,; rcttm Ihflgl.-cl “rm”
`. W; , W, .W_.' .
`where the weights W,
`tltcse Wr:t__Igl12'~' would be chuscnsc
`to achieve each of the goals. ('icnerttll_v.
`sum to unity. However. it may be diflicult to identify truly credible u'eig11-.._
`A systematic approach for dctet'rm'nin_g fCil.‘i{'JIl£]l'llt'.‘ weigltts is to H5: uh:
`schcrrtcs presented in [K uppuruju ct mi. 1985: Bascarar: rt ul'..
`The most guntzral approach tn mnugning priority is a precmptite up;
`where the goals are ruttk ordered. Multiple goals can be assigned |llt.’\at1::
`rank or level. in which case. Archimedcttn styled weights may be used Wl|I|tn
`a level. This assignment of priority is probably easier in an indttmn
`environment or in the earlier stages of design. The measure -of aehrevcrrrettt
`then obtained in terms of the lexicographic tnininmatiun of an ordered sat
`cxicttgrttplticttlly. an attempt is l'|'IiIdEl£'H1Cl'll4‘R
`set uf ;, l)L'r(ll’L‘ other goals are eunstdc

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