Filed pn behalf Uf Godo Kaisha P Bridg? 1
`Patent Owner.
`U.S. Patent No. 7,12$.t74
`' Case 1R2016-01247 has been consolidated w11 this pfocefvling,
`GlobaToynddqs U.s. Inc.'s mtluons f?rj?inder in Cases ?112017-0092j and
`?142017-00926 were p'aljte4.
`Page 1 ?f 1()
`Bxhibit 2074
`TSMC v. IP Btidg:


`1, HajMe Ogawa, hereby declare as follows:
`1. 1 tnake thi: decllra?oh in sppport of ?atent Owher Godo K?isha IP
`Bridge 1 (ttIP Bridge''l for Inter fkrfe,: Review of Clnlms 1-12 and 14-18 t)f
`7,126,174 (Exhibit 1001) ('' the '174 Patenf'l.
`2. I was employad by M?tsushita Eledttic Irtdgslriql Co., Ltd. (cunzntly
`,Ltd. (currently
`Panasonic Coporation by a change of name in zoo8lt'<Matsushita''l as an EDA
`(“Matsushita” )asanEDA
`I I I
`Foqware engineer (logic synthesis of 1.59 in October 1995 following a six
`month kaining period bcginning Apttl 1995. During my empl?ymeht with
`Matsusllita, lwas an engineer in the development section regarding LS1 and
`software products for 12 yEars; ljolned the P strategtcal section for
`development of 1wS1 and software produc? in 2007; Ijoixted the IP szction of
`semiconductor company i.n Apzil 2010; and Ijoined the IP section of home
`applivace company itl Jenuary 2012. Beginning Aprit 2014, llqft Matsushita
`and was employed by Nittobo, a. glass Rber company, as a mnnager of IP
`secion. 'rhe?eafter, I began emploment with IP Bridge in March 2015.
`3. I h4ve revi?well th: cover page of the :174 Patqnt (Ex. 1001:) and the
`cover page indicates that the '174 Patent was filed as Applicaupn No.
`10/995,283, on November 24, 2004, and is a divisional of Application No.
`10/454,682, ftled June 5, 2:03, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,967,409, which is a,
`divisional of ApplicaNon No. 09/902,157, flled Jtlly 11, 2001, nbw U.S. Pat.
`No. 6,709,950, which is a divisional of AppEcation No. 08/685,726 ('the '726
`Pag? 2 of 10


`. I I
`l /
`application''), 5.lcd July 24., 1996, which is now U.S. Pat. No. 6,281,562 (itthe
`$562 P?tent), and clnims priority from JP 7-192181, ftled July 27, 1995 tlld JP
`7-330112, f'lled December 19, 1995.
`4. 1 have teviewed the cover page of U.S Patent No. 5,733.812 to Ueda
`eta1. (c‘Ueda” ) (Ex.1014)andnotethatUedaisindicatedtohavebeenfiledas
`(Ex. 1014) and note that Uqda is indicat?,d to have beefl filed as
`et al. ($qUeda.'')
`Application No. 571,131, on Deccmber 12, 1995, and is a continuation-in-part
`of Serial No. 344,341, filed November 14, 1994, abatdoned, and claims priority
`of JP 5.-284820, filed November 15, 1993, and JP 7-278546, filed Oetober 26,
`5. Thetefore, dun'ng the p:ricd famm the f-lling nf the first Japanese
`priority applicalion of the ? 174 Patent, Le.. JP 7-192181, on July 27, 1995,
`thrtmgh the July 24, 1996 filing of U.S. Applicadon No. 08/685,726, which is
`the eartiest hsted U.S. appucation from which t12 .174 Patent claims priotity
`('?the rdevant period''), 1 was employed by Matsushita.
`6. 1 nm fmrniliar w1t11 the customary practice of Matsushita during this
`time p?riod where;i? ?ach ehgineer, during ilis kbuzse of emplnyment gt
`Matsushha, was tmder an obligation to assign a)l inventions made by the
`engineer dllring the term of their employment that (i) related to the buginess or
`h and developmont aztivides of Matsusllita, (ii) were suggested by qr
`arosc out of or in connection with their employment at Matsushita, or (iii)
`resulted fmm the tzse of Matsushita's time, matedals, or facilities. This
`Pag? 3 of 10


`obligation is customarily memorialized ill doeuments entitled, 4fBasic Rules for
`lntellectual Property Matters''.
`7. Moreover, in addition to the Basic Rules for Intellectual Property
`Matters, prior to filimg an application for any invention, ozdinrm'ly a Japrese
`apptication, each person to be ilaljlH as ah inventor in the first filed application
`was required to sign a doctzment assigning the invention to Matsushita.
`8. 1 understand that Matsushita ha$ not been abl: to locate copies or
`Uomplete cQpies of Eocllment: for either the :174 Patent or Ueda. Rqgrdl?s?, I
`can state that based upon my review of t.he following docmnents and tlle
`mzstomary practice at Matsughita duhng the relevut time period, each of the
`inventors of the :174 Patent and each of the inventors of Ueda was under an
`obligation to assign and/or assigned the inventions of each of the :174 Patent
`ahd Ucda to Matsushita.
`9. rfhe cover pages of the $174 Patent (Ex. 1001) and the '562 patent (Ex.
`2061) each list the invcntors as follows:
`Mizuki Segawa
`Isa? Miyatlaga
`Toshiki Yabu
`Takashi Nakabayashi
`Takashi Uehara
`Page 4 of 10


`Kyoji Yamashita
`Taksski Ukeda
`Masatoshi Arai
`Takayuki Yamada
`Michikazu Matsumotp
`10. The covbr ppges of the :174 Pateht (Ex. 1001) and the :562 patenf
`(Ex. 2061) ea?? list the Japanese,priority apylications as follows:
`7P 7-192181, filed Jlzly 27, 1995
`JP 7n330112,, ftled Decvmber 19, 1995
`11. The first azld last pages of C!P 119-172063 (Exs. 2062, 2063) show that
`JP 149-172067 claimA priority to the 147-330112 priority applica:on that is listed
`on the cover pages of the :174 P?tent (Ex. 1001) atld the .562 P?t?nt (Ex. 2061);
`lists Matsushita Electric lrtdustrial Co., Ltd. ias the Applicant; and each of tkhe
`gfollowlng ilvent?zs:
`Toshiki Yabu
`Tsk,, n, & hi U?hara
`Mizukt Segiwa
`Takwshi NRknllay?shi
`Kyoji Yamashita
`Pag: 5 of 10


`Tnknaki 'Ukeda
`Masatoslzi Arai
`Takayuki Yamad?
`Michikazu Matsumoto
`12. The first atld lastpages of JP H9-97838 (Ex?. 2064, 2065) thows that
`IP 119-97878 dnimK priority tb th: H7-192181 priority appli?ation that is listed
`on the cover pages of the G174 Patent (.Ex. 1001) and the :562 Patent (Yx. 2061),
`a'ad liyts MytspsljitA Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. ?s the Applicant and each of
`the followirlg inv?nt?rs:
`Mizuki Segawa
`Isdo Miyanaga
`Toshiki Yabu
`Tnkashi Nakabayashi
`rlukssl? u?hgra
`13. The cover pago of Ueda (Ex. 1014) lists each of the inventors as
`Tetsuya Ueda
`Takashi Uehara
`Kousatnl Yano
`Sutoshi Ucda
`Page 6 of 10


`1 I
`' :
`14. The covcrpage of Ueda (Ex. 10,14) lists the Japundse pribrity
`applicatiens as follows:
`JP 5-284820, filed November 15, 1993
`JP 7-278546, Vlled October 26, 1995.
`15. The coverpage of IP 117-183518 (Exs. 1030, 1031) shows that JP
`117-181518 ctaims priority tl) the 155-284820 priority applicatiom tlmt ii Ested
`on tbe cover page of Ueda (Ex. 1014), and lists Matsushita Electric Industrial
`Co., Ltd, as the Applicant and each of the: following inventors:
`Co. ,Ltd.astheApplicantandeachofthefollowinginventors:
`Tetsuya Ueda
`Tgknshi Uehal'a
`K?sn klz (Kousakuq Yano
`1#. Tlw first pqge of JP 119-120964 (Exs. 2066, 2067) shows that JP H9-
`120964 clnims priority to tb.e 117-278546 priority ypplkation that is listed on the
`cover page of Ueda (Ex. 1014), and lists Matsushita Electric Industlial Co., Ltd.
`as the Applicam and eadll 4f the following ijwentors:
`Tetsuya Ueda
`Satoshi Ueda
`tors in each of the publtslrd priority
`17. 'ixe address of each of the inven
`applications indkated in paragpphs 12-16 is listed as:
`c/o Matusbita Electric hdustrial Co., Ltd.
`1OQ6, Oazaxadomw Kadom?-slli, Usnkn
`Page 7 of 10


`'j I
`1$. It wa& the ordinary and usqz practice of Matsushite to liyt thc
`Applicant as Matsushita and Matsushita's addtess for each invcntor when each
`inventor had assigned the ilwention to Matsushita. Thus, the fact that
`Matsushita is tisted as the ApplicMt on the face of each publish:d Japanes:
`application, and Matsusilita's address is listed as each inventor's address
`ldicates to me fhat the listed invehtors had qAgigned the ilwchtion and the
`qppli?atitt to Matdushita prior lo tlm filing of the Japancdc pliority applications.
`19. The cover pages of the $ 174 Patent (Ex. 1001) and the 1562 Patent tist
`Matsushita as the assignee, aad I hgve Teviewed chaia of ?tle ?nd assignment
`docllments (Exs. 2070, 2071) tllat I undezstand have been downloaded from th:
`assignment records of the U.S. Patent atzd Tiademark Office for these patents.
`These document; show that each of the i'nventots ?amed on dze cover pages of
`the *174 Patent and the :562 Patent formally %signed their rights for tile U.s. on
`July 22. 1996. prior to the indicated filing of Applica?on No. 08/685,726 on
`July 24, 1996.
`20. 'I.'he cover page of Ueda (Ex. 1014) lists Matsushita as the assignee,
`and I have reviewed cha?t of title and assignment doctlments' t'Bxs. 2068, 2069)
`that I understand h?ve bceh downl?aded 'from the assignmeflt rzdords of the
`U.S, Patent and Trademark Osice for Ueda (Ex. 1014). These doctlments show
`that each af the inventors named on the cover pagr of Ueda formally assigned
`Page 8 (Jf 10


`I I
`Sheit tights fo4 tile U.S. ?n Dcccmber 6, 1995, pdoT to the indica?e,d filing of the
`571.131 applicaNon on Deccmber 12, 1995.
`21. Additionally, I have also teviewed chain of ?tle and assignment
`documents (Exs. 2072, 2073) that I understand have been downloaded from the
`assignmentTecords of thr U.S. Patent arld Trademark Oft-ice for Serial No.
`340,341 listed on the cover pag? of Urada of which Ueda is a continuation-its
`part application. Thtsc d?cuments s?ow that tlm inventorj of Seial No.
`340,341 formally assigned tileir rights for the U.S. on November 10, 1994, prior
`to the ldicated filiag pf thc parynt Serial No. 3404341 application ga November
`14, 1994,
`22. The published .1P priority applic:ations, the cover pages of the ' 174
`Patent, the .562 Patent aad Uedaa and the assigtmeht recotds fot the U.S.
`applicaions confirm my understandlg of the usual and ordino pracEce of
`Matsushita that the inventors of fhe f 174 Patent and Ueda were under an
`tlbliggtion to asFign and/or assigned their rights to inventions prior to the filtng
`of the Japanese priority applicaEons, Moreover, the published JP priority
`applications, the cover pages of the :174 Patent, the :562 Patent and Ueda, and
`the vs#ignment recbrds for the U.S. applica?olis show that th? '174 Pytent and
`Ueda were cornmonly owned at the time of the hwention of thc :174 Patent.
`Page 9 of 10


`I herehy declm tlwt all statements zztade herein of my own knowledge
`are true and that all ayatements m?de on information tad belief are believed to
`be true; and further th?t these statements were made with the uowledge tht
`willf!)l falje ssatemeats and the like So made ?re plmlshable by f'me or
`imprisonment, or both under Secti?m 1001 of Tioe 18 of lhe United States Cndc.
`? 7-0 l 7
`5 g
`_∠ 二 二_
`Hajime Oguwx
`:; I
`Pag? 1? pf 10

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