
`(12) United States Patent
`US 6,218,266 B1
`(10) Patent N0.:
`Sato et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`*Apr. 17, 2001
`Inventors: Junichi Sat0, Tokyo; Tetsuo G0ch0,
`Kanagawa, both of (JP)
`(73) Assignee: Sony Corporation, Tokyo (JP)
`(*) Notice:
`This patent issued on a continued pros-
`ecution application filed under 37 CFR
`1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year
`term provisions of 35 U.S.C.
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`Davari et al. “A variable—stress shallow trench isolation
`(STI) technology with diffused sidewall doping for submi-
`cron CMOS” IEDM, pp. 92—95, Dec. 1988.*
`B. Davari et al., “A New Planarization Technique, Using a
`Combination of RIE and CMP,” IEEE—IEDM Jul. 1989, pp
`S. Wolf, Silicon Processing for the VLSI Era, vol. 2, Lattice
`Press, Sunset Beach, CA, 1990, pp 237—9, 285—6.*
`G. Smith et al., “Sidewall—Tapered Oxide by Plasma—En-
`hanced CVD,” J. Electrochem. Soc., vol. 132, No. 11, pp
`2721—5, Nov. 1985.*
`K. Machida et al., “SiO2 Planarization Technology with
`Brasing and ECR Plasma .
`. ” J. Vac. Sci. Technol., B vol.
`B—4, No. 4, pp 818—21, Jul/Aug. 1986.*
`(21) Appl. No.: 07/858,632
`Mar. 27, 1992
`* cited by examiner
`Mar. 28, 1991
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`(JP) ................................................. .. 3—089573
`Primary Examiner—Charles Bowers
`Assistant Examiner—Erik J Kielin
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Sonnenschein, Nath &
`Int. Cl.7 ................................................... .. H01L 21/76
`(52) US. Cl.
`........................ .. 438/427; 438/424; 438/631;
`(58) Field of Search ................................... .. 156/643, 645;
`437/228, 235, 438/631, 645, 424, 427
`In a method of fabricating electronic components of the type
`wherein trenches formed in a substrate are filled up with a
`filling material deposited by a deposition process achieving
`etching and deposition concurrently, the improvement which
`comprises portions of the filling material deposited on those
`portion of the substrate other than those corresponding to the
`trenches are leveled up to the same height by an additional
`deposition of the filling material, or alternatively by a
`full-surface etch back process. With this leveling of the
`deposited material, a subsequent polishing operation can be
`performed smoothly with high accuracy. During the polish-
`ing operation, the resistance between a conductive polish-
`stop layer on the substrate and a surface of a polishing
`member contacting the substrate is monitored to determine
`a polish end.
`9 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets
`References Cited
`.................... .. 156/643
`7/1986 Mercier et al.
`4,601,781 *
`................... .. 437/228
`3/1988 Machida et al.
`4,732,761 *
`4/1988 Lasky .............. ..
`4,735,679 *
`4,793,895 * 12/1988 Kaanta et al.
`4,872,947 * 10/1989 Wang et al.
`4,910,155 *
`3/1990 Cote etal.
`5,026,666 *
`6/1991 Hills et al.
`. . . . . . .. 437/8
`5,036,015 *
`7/1991 Sandhu . . . . . .
`5,084,419 *
`1/1992 Sakao
`................................ .. 437/228
`5,089,442 *
`2/1992 Olmer
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`TSMC Exhibit 1034
`TSMC v. IP Bridge


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`Si H4/N20
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`US 6,218,266 B1
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to a method of fabricating
`electronic devices of the type including a smoothing process
`using polishing. This invention is applicable to the produc-
`tion of various electronic materials in which A smoothing
`process is needed. For example, the invention is applicable
`to a process of fabricating semiconductor devices in which
`grooves or trenches formed in the surface of a substrate are
`filled up for planarization, and also to the manufacture of
`varies electronic devices such as magnetic disks in which
`smoothing is required.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`In the production of electronic devices, smoothing must
`be achieved in various cases. For example, when grooves or
`trenches formed in the surface of a substrate are filled up
`with a filling material, the surface must be smoothed. In
`addition, the smoothing processes become necessary when a
`trench isolation, a trench capacitor or a metal wiring portion
`such as a connector plug is formed, and also when grooves
`or spaces are filled up to form a necessary part.
`To accomplish the smoothing, various techniques using
`polishing have been considered. The term “polishing” used
`herein in a comprehensive sense, i.e., to broadly refer to any
`type of polishing process or system which is capable of
`accomplishing the smoothing process. Since the polishing is
`a mechanical means for smoothing an object, it is broadly
`applicable to various objects without substantial restriction
`and capable of exhibiting good smoothing accuracy. The
`polishing is,
`therefore, attractive and promising. One
`example of such smoothing processes using polishing is
`reported in The Nikkei Sangyo published Oct. 2, 1990, in
`which spherical nylon tools of 10 mm in diameter are used
`to polish away fine projections on a magnetic disk substrate
`with smoothing accuracy which is about 2.5 times as high as
`However, when the polishing is employed to smoothing
`various electronic devices, we encounter various problems
`to be solved. A first problem is encountered when the
`polishing is effected after grooves or trenches in a substrate
`are filled up by means of a deposition process (such as the
`bias ECR-CVD, in particular) in which etching and depo-
`sition are achieved concurrently. In this instance, however,
`due to irregularity in height of the portions to be polished,
`the polishing can only be performed with insufficient accu-
`racy. A second problem is the difficulty in determining a
`polish end.
`The first problem will be discussed below in greater
`detail. The bias ECR-CVD or the like process which is
`capable of performing etching and deposition concurrently
`is an attractive technique. This is because such a deposition
`technique will promote micro-miniaturization of trench por-
`tions in conformity with an advance of the micro-
`miniaturization and integration of semiconductor devices,
`and also meet a demand for higher smoothing accuracies. As
`the miniaturizing and integration densities of semiconductor
`integrated circuits increase,
`the conventional selectively
`oxidized film (LOCOS) method used for isolating circuit
`elements has been replaced by the shallow trench method. In
`the shallow trench method,
`is extremely effective if
`grooves or trenches are filled up by the bias ECR-CVD. The
`bias ECR-CVD accomplishes deposition and etching con-
`Page 16 0f 20
`currently and, hence, is able to fill up wide and narrow
`trenches (grooves) with a filling material (an insulating
`material such as SiOz) of a same thickness, thus exhibiting
`a perfect shallow trenching. In addition, by controlling the
`ratio of the etching rate to the deposition rate, it is possible
`to fill up those trenches having a relatively large aspect ratio
`not less than 1.79, for example. With this control of the ratio
`of etching rate and deposition rate, lateral leveling can be
`used. The lateral leveling is a technique to perform deposi-
`tion under the conditions that the etching proceeds in the
`lateral direction (parallel to the surface of a substrate), while
`in the vertical direction, neither etching nor deposition
`proceeds. Thus, etching is achieved selectively in the lateral
`direction. With this lateral leveling, it is possible to remove
`excess materials deposited on portions of the substrate other
`than those corresponding to trenches, thereby providing a
`margin or space necessary for a resist film registration or
`The bias ECR-CVD method or the like deposition method
`described above is, however, still not fully satisfactory
`because of the drawbacks discussed below.
`Since etching and deposition are achieved concurrently,
`the etching rate necessarily becomes small as a whole.
`Consequently, the throughput and productivity are relatively
`low. In addition, if the lateral leveling process is performed
`to provide a margin for resist registration, the throughput is
`reduced additional due to a small etching rate in the lateral
`With the foregoing drawbacks in view, an attempt has
`been made to remove an excess filling material (SiOz, for
`example) by polishing, but various problems have encoun-
`tered in adopting the polishing process, as described below.
`The deposition using the bias ECR-CVD method depends
`on the substrate. Accordingly, if the conventional bias ECR-
`CVD method is applied to fill up grooves (trenches) 21—23
`in a surface of a substrate 1, as shown in FIG. 2B, a portion
`31 of the filling material (SiOz) deposited on a wide land A
`is different in height from a portion 32 of the filling material
`deposited on a narrow land B. With this difference in height,
`these portions 31, 32 are subjected to polishing at different
`points of time. In addition, if the polishing has an angle
`the irregularity in deposition height
`affects the precision of polishing operation. Furthermore, in
`the bias ECR plasma CVD, in particular, due to a divergent
`magnetic field used in this process, the thickness of a filling
`material (SiOz, for example) becomes greater in a central
`portion of the substrate than in a peripheral portion of the
`substrate. The thickness irregularity thus produced will
`deteriorate the quality of the subsequent polishing operation.
`A great interest has been shown toward application of the
`polishing techniques to silicon on insulator (SOI)
`technology, but any satisfactory solution has not been pro-
`vided heretofore due to the difficulty in determining a polish
`With the foregoing drawbacks of the prior art in view, an
`object of the present invention is to provide a method of
`fabricating electronic devices, which is able to eliminate
`negative influences resulting from irregular deposition of
`material on a substrate, thereby insuring a high precision
`polishing of the deposited material.
`Another object of this invention is to provide an electronic
`device fabrication method which is capable of determining
`a polish end reliably with utmost ease.
`In one aspect the present invention provides a method of
`fabricating an electronic device, of the type wherein grooves
`Page 16 of 20


`US 6,218,266 B1
`formed in a substrate are filled up with a filling material
`deposited by a deposition process in which etching and
`deposition are achieved concurrently, wherein the improve-
`ment comprises: leveling up the height of portions of the
`filling material deposited on these portions of the substrate
`other than those corresponding to the grooves; and
`thereafter, polishing away said portions of the filling mate-
`rial to smoothen the substrate.
`The leveling may be achieved by an additional deposition
`of the filling material, or alternatively by a full surface etch
`back process.
`In another aspect this invention provides a method of
`fabricating an electronic device, of the type wherein grooves
`formed in a substrate are filled up with a filling material
`deposited by a deposition process in which etching and
`deposition are achieved concurrently, wherein the improve-
`ment comprises: effecting said deposition process under
`such conditions that
`the difference in thickness of the
`deposited filling material between a central portion and a
`peripheral portion of the substrate is canceled out; and
`thereafter, polishing the substrate to smooth the same.
`In a further aspect the invention provides a method of
`fabricating an electronic device, of the type wherein grooves
`formed in a substrate are filled up with a filling material
`deposited by a deposition process in which etching and
`deposition are achieved concurrently, wherein the improve-
`ment comprises: after said deposition process, effecting an
`additional deposition process under such conditions that the
`ratio of deposition rate to etching rate is greater at a
`peripheral portion than at a central portion of the substrate,
`thereby reshaping the filling material deposited on the
`substrate by the first deposition process; and thereafter,
`polishing the substrate to smooth the same.
`In still another aspect the invention provides a method of
`fabricating an electronic device, of the type including a
`smoothing process achieved by polishing with a polishing
`member, wherein improvement comprises: forming a con-
`ductive polish-stop layer over a substrate; effecting said
`smoothing process; and during said smoothing process,
`monitoring the electric resistance between the substrate and
`a surface of the polishing member contacting the substrate,
`thereby determining a polish end according to changes in
`electric resistance.
`The above and other objects, features and advantages of
`the present invention will become more apparent from the
`following description taken in conjunction with the accom-
`panying drawings.
`FIGS. 1A through ID are cross-sectional views showing
`sequential steps of fabricating an electronic device accord-
`ing to a first embodiment of this invention;
`FIGS. 2A and 2B are cross-sectional views showing an
`advantage of the present invention over the prior art;
`FIGS. 3A through 3D are cross-sectional views showing
`sequential steps of fabricating an electronic device accord-
`ing to a second embodiment of this invention;
`FIGS. 4A and 4B are cross-sectional views showing a
`central portion and a peripheral portion, respectively, of a
`wafer processed in accordance with a third embodiment of
`this invention;
`FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view in the direction perpen-
`dicular to the sectional plane of FIGS. 4A and 4B;
`FIG. 6 is a graph showing the principle of operation of the
`third embodiment in conjunction with the relation between
`the deposition rate and the SiH4/NZO ratio;
`Page 17 0f 20
`FIGS. 7A and 7B are cross-sectional views similar to
`FIGS. 4A and 4B, but showing the condition after lateral
`leveling process is performed;
`FIG. 8 is a cross-sectional view showing the thickness
`uniformity of the wafer obtained after the lateral leveling
`FIGS. 9A and 9B are cross-sectional views showing a
`central portion and a peripheral portion, respectively, of an
`electronic device as they are subjected to a first processing
`step of a semiconductor fabrication method according to a
`fourth embodiment of this invention;
`FIGS. 10A and 10B, 11A and 11B, and 12A and 12B are
`cross-sectional views similar to FIGS. 9A and 9B, but
`showing second,
`third and fourth succeeding processing
`steps of the fourth embodiment;
`FIG. 13 is a cross-sectional view showing a first step in a
`fifth embodiment of this invention;
`FIG. 14 is a cross-sectional view similar to FIG. 13, but
`showing a second step of the fifth embodiment;
`FIG. 15 is a fragmentary cross-sectional view, with parts
`shown in circuit diagram, of a third step of the fifth embodi-
`ment; and
`FIG. 16 is a graph illustrative of the principle of operation
`of the fifth embodiment.
`The invention will be described in greater detail with
`reference to certain preferred embodiments shown in the
`accompanying drawings.
`FIGS. 1A through 1D show a first embodiment of the
`invention which is applied in a shallow trench
`isolation used for isolating component elements of a semi-
`conductor integrated circuit.
`In this embodiment, a silicon semiconductor substrate 1
`shown in FIG. 1A is used. The substrate 1 has grooves or
`trenches 21—23 formed in its surface. The trenches 21—23 are
`filled up with a filling material 3 by a deposition process in
`which etching and deposition are achieved concurrently. In
`this instance, portions 31a, 31b, 32, 33 (FIG. 1B) of the
`filling material 3 which are deposited on portions of the
`surface of the substrate 1 other than those corresponding to
`the trenches 21—23 are leveled up until they have substan-
`tially a same height, as shown in FIG. 1C, generally indi-
`cated by reference characters 31a', 31b', 32', 33', respec-
`tively. Subsequently, a smoothing process depending on the
`polishing operation is effected to obtain a planar structure
`shown in FIG. 1D.
`The leveling process in this embodiment is achieved by an
`additional deposition of filling material 3 (SiOz,
`in this
`embodiment). As described later in greater detail, the filling
`material SiO2 3 is deposited additionally during which time
`a lowest deposited portion 32 is etched into a substantially
`flat shape by the lateral leveling etching. Thus, the structure
`shown in FIG. 1C is obtained.
`Stated more specifically, a laminated structure composed
`of a polish-stop layer 41 of Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) and an
`etch-stop layer 42 of SiO2 for stopping etching action on the
`Si3N4 polish-stop layer 41 is formed over the surface of a
`silicon substrate 1. Then, a trench pattern for isolating
`elements is prepared by photolithography and silicon trench
`etching, so that shallow grooves or trenches 21—23 are
`formed in the silicon substrate 1, as shown in FIG. 1A. The
`thickness of the Si3N4 polish-stop layer 41 is 500 A, for
`example, and the thickness of the SiO2 etch-stop layer 42 is
`Page 17 of 20


`US 6,218,266 B1
`100 A, for example. The aspect ratio of the narrow trenches
`22, 23 is greater than 1.79. The invention is suitably appli-
`cable to the trenches of this nature.
`Then, the trenches 21—23 are filled up by the bias ECR-
`CVD. In practice, inside walls of the trenches 21—23 are
`oxidized prior to the bias ECR-CVD process. Conditions for
`the bias ECR-CVD are as follows.
`Etching gas: SiH4/N20=20/35 SCCM
`Gas pressure: 7><10'4 Torr (0.093 Pa)
`Microwave: 1000 W
`RF bias: 500 W
`With this bias ECR-CVD process, the trenches 21—23 are
`filled up with a filling material 3, as shown in FIG. 1B. A
`portion 32 of the filling material deposited on a narrow land
`extending between the narrow trenches 22 and 23 is smaller
`in height than portions 31a, 31b, 32, 33 of the filling material
`3 deposited on wide lands. The height of the portion 22 of
`the filling material which is deposited on the wide land
`extending between the narrow trench 22 and the wide trench
`21 is the substantially the same as, or slightly smaller than,
`the height of the adjacent portions 31a, 31b of the deposited
`filling material.
`According to the conventional technology, a smoothing
`process is then started, with the trenches 21—23 filled up with
`the filling material 3 such as shown in FIG. 1B. However, in
`the embodiment of this invention, the bias ECR-CVD still
`continues so that an additional deposit of filling material
`(SiOz) 3 is formed. With this additional depositing, a lowest
`one 33 of the deposited SiO2 portions 31a, 31b, 33 to be
`removed is leveled up until it has the same height as the
`other SiO2 portions 31a, 31b, on the wide lands. Astructure
`thus obtained is shown in FIG. 1C. As is apparent from FIG.
`1C, all the deposited SiO2 portions 31a', 31b', and 33' have
`the same height.
`Thereafter, an excessive SiO2 is removed by polishing,
`whereby a smoothed structure such as shown in FIG. 1D is
`obtained. The polishing process used here may be of the
`type or of the type using the nylon balls
`described above. For the polishing process, the structure
`preferably has patterns of the same width which are formed
`by using a stencil structure as described in Japanese Patent
`Application No. 3-24041 filed by to the present assignee.
`Subsequently, the Si3N4 polish-stop layer 41 is etched off
`as required. In this instance, due to the presence of the SiO2
`etch-stop layer 42, the base silicon substrate 1 is not affected
`at all by the etching process. With this etching, the SiO2
`slightly projects from the trenches 21—23, so that the dielec-
`tric breakdown strength of the structure is improved.
`As described above, the trenches 21—23 are filled up by
`the bias ECR-CVD which accomplishes etching and depo-
`sition concurrently, and then an excessive filling material
`(SiOz) deposited on portions of the substrate 1 other than
`those corresponding to the trenches 21—23 is smoothed by
`polishing. According to the first embodiment of this
`invention, before the polishing is effected,
`the excessive
`SiO2 is leveled up to the same height. Accordingly, as
`against the prior art such as shown in FIG. 2B, the deposited
`SiO2 portions in the first embodiment are uniform in height,
`as shown in FIG. 2A. With this uniform height, the polishing
`accuracy is not affected by the pattern of deposited material,
`and the throughput can, therefore, be improved.
`A second embodiment of this invention will be described
`below with reference to FIGS. 3A through 3D.
`Likewise the first embodiment described above, a lami-
`nated structure composed of a polish-stop layer 41 of Si3N4
`and an etch-stop layer 42 of SiO2 is formed over the surface
`Page 18 0f 20
`of a silicon substrate 1. Then, a trench pattern for isolating
`elements is formed in the silicon substrate 1 by photolithog-
`raphy and silicon trench etching,
`thus forming shallow
`grooves or trenches 21—23 in the silicon substrate 1, as
`shown in FIG. 3A. The thickness of the Si3N4 polish-stop
`layer 41 is 1000 A (100 nm),
`for example. The SiO2
`etch-stop layer 42 has the same thickness as that in first
`embodiment described above.
`Then, the trenches 21—23 are filled up by the bias ECR-
`CVD. The bias ECR-CVD process is performed under the
`following conditions.
`Gas: SiH4/N20=7.5/35 SCCM
`Gas pressure: 7><10'4 Torr (0.093 Pa)
`Microwave: 1000 W
`RF bias: 500 W
`With this bias ECR-CVD process, the trenches 21—23 are
`filled up with a filling material 3, as shown in FIG. 3B.
`Subsequently, a full-surface etch back process is per-
`formed such that a deposited SiO2 portion 32 which is
`smaller in height than a wider deposited SiO2 portion 31 is
`completely removed. Conditions for the etch back process
`are as follows.
`Etching gas: CHF3/02=75/8 SCCM
`Gas pressure: 0.05 Torr (6.65 Pa)
`Applied electric power: 0.23 W/cm2
`With this etch back process, a structure shown in FIG. 3C
`is obtained. An SiO2 portion on the wide land formed after
`the etch back process is designated by 31'. It is preferable
`the thickness of the Si3N4 polish-stop layer 41 is
`variable with the amount of etch back.
`Thereafter, polishing is eff

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