Journal Title: Journal of the
`Electrochemical Society
`Volume: 135
`Issue: 8
`MonthNear: 1988
`Pages: C358-
`Article Author: Furukawa,
`Article Title: Process and device
`simulation of trench isolation comer
`parasitic device
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`Call #: 541.3705 E38J Print
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`J. Electrochem. Soc.: REVIEWS AND NEWS
`August 1988
`bond strengths. Treating a plastic produces a highly hydrophilic
`surface. Beyond surface modification, the industry is using plasma
`for cleaning, micro roughening, increasing the surface molecular
`weight, initiating grafting reactions, and for depositing thin, highly
`crosslinked polyhydrocarbon coatings. Advantages of gas plasma
`technology for surface treatment are: superior effectiveness over
`most materials; surface oriented; low operator sensitivity; no dis(cid:173)
`posal, permitting, or hazardous materials issues; low operating
`costs; excellent reproducibility; and the capability to tailor specific
`surface chemistries for the application.
`225 Pretreatment of Polymer with Low Pressure Plasma: G.
`Liebel, Technics Plasma, D8011 Kirchheim Bei Munchen,
`Low pressure plasma treatment is a simple, sure and at the
`same time versatile method for cleaning, modifying, and condi(cid:173)
`tioning the surfaces of a very wide range of materials. Microwave
`excitation can be used to very effectively treat plastics without
`causing visible changes at the surface. Owing to the short process(cid:173)
`ing times and the small amount of materials needed for running the
`equipment, the method is economical; the freedom from problems
`with respect to waste disposal and the safety of the workplace play
`a significant role.
`226 Characterization of Surface Modifications during Metalli(cid:173)
`zation of Poly ether imide: M. C. BUTTell,· B. R. Karas, D. F.
`Foust, W. V. Dumas, E. J. Lamby, and J. J. Chera, GE Corporate Re(cid:173)
`search and Development. Schenectady. NY 12301
`The chemical and compositional modifications of a polyetheri.
`mide surface during metallization processes have been monitored
`using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The following
`aspects will be discussed: (i) detection of contaminants on the
`polymer surface and the effectiveness of various cleaning agents;
`(ii) determining the degree of imide hydrolysis; (iii) quantifying
`the coverages of metallization catalysts using Rutherford backscat(cid:173)
`tering spectrometry (RBS) as a calibration method; (iv) measuring
`the changes in catalyst composition (colloidal PdlSn) during sensi(cid:173)
`tization and acceleration steps; and (v) verification of the cause of
`incomplete plating and leakage current between runs.
`227 Ion Bombardment of Polyimide Films: An XPS Study:
`B. J. Bachman and M. J. Vasile,· AT&T Bell Laboratories,
`Murray Hill, NJ 07974
`Surface modification techniques such as wet chemical etching,
`oxidizing flames, and plasma treatments (inert ion sputtering and
`reactive ion etching) have been used to change the surface chem(cid:173)
`istry of polymers and improve adhesion. With an increase in the
`use of polyimides for microelectronic applications, the technique
`of ion sputtering to enhance polymer to metal adhesion is receiving
`increased attention. For this study, the argon ion bombarded sur(cid:173)
`faces of PMDA-ODA and BPDA-PDA polyimide films were char(cid:173)
`acterized with x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) as a func(cid:173)
`tion ofion dose, Graphite and high density polyethylene were also
`examined by XPS for comparison of CIs peak width and binding
`energy assignments. Results indicate that at low ion doses the sur(cid:173)
`faces of the polyimide does not change chemically, however, ad(cid:173)
`sorbed species are eliminated. At higher doses the chemical com(cid:173)
`position is altered and is dramatically reflected in the CIs spectra
`where graphitic-like structures become evident and the prominent
`carbonyl peak is reduced significantly. Both polyimides demon(cid:173)
`strate similar chemical changes after heavy ion bombardment.
`Atomic composition of PMDA-ODA and BPDA-PDA polymers are
`almost identical after heavy ion bombardment.
`228 Radiation-Enhanced Adhesion of Metal Films on Poly(cid:173)
`mers: J. E. E. Baglin, IBM Almaden Research Center, San
`Jose, CA 95120-6099
`The use of ion beam techniques to enhance adhesion of metal
`films at interfaces with polymer substrates is discussed. In particu(cid:173)
`lar, success achieved with copper vapor-deposited directly on pre(cid:173)
`sputtered Teflon is cited, together with an outline of the intrinsic
`processes which could be responsible for adhesion enhancement
`in t~is case. Some possibilities for other metal-polymer systems are
`229 Effect ofthe Plasma Pretreatment or the Ion-Plating on the
`. Adhesivity of the Metallized Plastics: K. Nakamae,* S.
`Tamgawa, and T. Matsumoto, Dept. of Industrial Chemistry Fac(cid:173)
`ulty of Engine~ring, Kobe University, Rokko, Nada, Kobe, J~pan
`Recently, It was found that adhesion for metallized plastics
`prepared by vacuum deposition, etc., is improved. We have investi(cid:173)
`gated the availability of the pretreatment of polymer substrates or
`th~ ion-plating techn~que for metallized deposition on adhesion. In
`this study, the adheSiveness of the metal(Co) thin film was depos(cid:173)
`ited .onto ~he engineering ~lastic~ was pretreated by the plasma
`was mvestIgated from the vlewpomt of interfacial chemistry. Con(cid:173)
`sequently, the adhesivity of metallized plastics was greatly de(cid:173)
`pendent upon the density of the active group on the polymer
`230 Thin Film Adhesion-A Review of the Mechanical Meth-
`ods fo~ Adhesion Assessment.: P. A. Steinmann" (Present
`addrt;s~: Le':Vls Research Center, National Aeronautics and Space
`AdJ?mlstratlOn, Cleveland, OH 44135) and H. E. Hintermann
`SWISS Center ~or Electronics and Microtechnology, Inc., CH-2007
`Neuchatel, SWitzerland
`. Mechani~al meth.ods of o.btaining quantitative data for adhe(cid:173)
`sion are reVlewed Wlth specIal emphasis on the scratch testing
`technique. In this particular test, .the critical load (normal force ap·
`plied on a moving stylus resp.onslble for debondmg of the film) IS a
`characteristic value of adheslOn. Several methods of determmmg
`the critical load and its interpretation as It relates to adheSIOn. as
`well as the concepts and theory of the test. are dIscussed. A few ex·
`amples of scratch tests performed on metallized plastics are given
`to demonstrate the potential of this technique.
`231 Adhesion and Deformation Behavior of Thin Metal Films
`on Polyimide: F. Faupel, Y. H Jeng.' S. T. Chell, and P. S.
`Ho, IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights. NY
`A stretch-deformation method has been developed to measure
`the adhesion energy of metal/polymer structure. This method is
`based on measuring the difference in the stress t'S. strain beh:l\'iors
`between metal/polymer and polymer structures. When combine·d
`with in situ microscopic observations. it can be used to investigate
`the deformation behavior of multilayered thin film structUrt's. TIlI$
`method has been applied to study a number of metaL'polymer
`structures. including Cu and CulCr. Results are discussNl.
`232 Proposed Methods for Identification and Normallution of
`Strain Dynamic Effects in Adherence Testing of l\letal(cid:173)
`Iized Plastics: R. P. Riegert, Quad Group. Santa Barbara. CA 93101
`Adhesion testing of metallized plastics is more complex than
`with rigid substrates, as indicated by the l'xtwml' sensitivIty of
`rate-of-load application. The low elastic modulus and plastil'.t1ow
`induced stress distribution anomalies produCl' strain.dYllilnlll' l'f.
`fects in the surface, which are furtlll'r compJicatl'd by Uw 3msolro·
`pic of strain and surface anomalies intrinsic to $on1l' plashcs. '1ll'se
`manifest uncertainty as to the validity of any sillJ.!le adhen·nn·!t-sl
`method, especially in sheet plastics. Cross·corrt·lation betwl>('n
`multiple tests utilizing various forms of forcl' apl>ltci.tion may Iden·
`tify the dynamics involved. Eleven diffen'nt t('sts (·mpluYIllJ.! HVl'
`diverse adherence test methods. z·axis tl·llsion. h·ar. bl'nc! spall.
`ation, shear, and peel. are discuSSI'd.
`233 Surface, Interface, and Adhesion Properties of l\letalilu-d
`Plastics: p.g. Cao. Central Laboratory. Pl·kinJ.! Electron
`Tube Factory, Peking. China
`The paper explains the properties of nwtalli7.l>(\ pl.1Slics film
`adhesion. We used surface analysis EDXlSEM, AES/SEM. ESCA.
`and SIMS during studies. Experinwlltal results show that for 111elal
`evaporation film, the adsorption ml'chanism is duminant. but
`sometimes mechanical and diffusion nwchanisms will also be im·
`portant; for ion plated film. the diffusion is dominant. but Slllnt'·
`times the other two will also be important. TIlt' conclusion is that
`metal film adhesion is mainly determined by substrate surface and
`interface properties, which is dependent on surface pretn-atml·nt.
`Isolation and Trench Technology
`234 ~lanarized Deep-Trench Proce.'>!; for Bipolar Device Isola(cid:173)
`tions: Y.-C. S. Yu. C. HachcTI,· E. Pallon. E. ulIIe. S. Dot·
`tarar, and T. Yamaguchi. Tektronix. Inc .• Beaverton. OR 9i077
`. A planarized deyice isolation prOCess has been developed by
`~sm.g a deel?-trench IsolatIOn technology combined with a local ox.
`~datlOn of sIhcon (LOCOS) process. Deep-trench etch and polysil.
`Icon etch-back processes have been optimized in terms of gas ratio.
`pressure, and power density. As a result of a deep-trench isolation.
`the.col~e~tor-substrate capacitance was minimized at 9.0 fF. While
`mamtammg a transistor-to· transistor isolation volt.age of 25V. A
`cutoff. frequency of 15.5 GHz and a 4·bit NO converter \vith a
`samphng rate of 1.5 GS/s were demonstrated.
`235 CMOS Device Isolation Using Silicon Selective Epitaxial
`Growth: C. H. Tmg,* A. StiveTs. and J. D. Borland. Intel
`Corp., Co~n'ponent Research. Santa Clara. CA 95052.8125
`~e ~Ihcon. selective epitaxial growth (SEG) process has been
`studIed mtenslvely for device isolation applications. We have
`found ~hat t~e SEG surface planarity depends not only on the pat·
`tern onen~tJon but also on the deposition conditions. In general.
`c0l!lproml~e has to be made between facet formation and SEG mao
`tenal quaht~. A planarization process afl~r SEG growth will be
`needed to g.lve a truly planar surface. CMOS devices fabricated in
`S.EG matenal a:e compared with standard LOCOS.isolated de.
`VIces. GO<?d deVIce characteristics have been obtained with SEG
`a~d any d~fference with the LOCOS control will be explained. Rei·
`at~ve ments ~etween SEG and other devic~ isolation techniques
`Will also be dIscussed.
`236 Proce~s. and Device Simulation of Trench Isolation Corner
`Parasitic Devic~: T. Furukawa and J. A. Mancielman, IBM
`enera! Technology Dlv .• Essex Junction. VT 05452
`2-D p~ocess and 3-D device modeling were used for studying
`~ht ~ldect~cal characteris~ics of n-channel oxide filled trench iso·
`eVI.c~s. Th~ modehng focused on the influence that the cor.
`a e
`~er 'par~lt~c l~evlce had on the transfer characteristic of the total
`. 0 e mg showed that the short channel effects of the para.
`Slt~ t~evlce WI ere less severe than for the main part of the device.
`e resu ts were confirmed experimentally.
`237 ~ ~rystallograPhlc Defects on Trench-Isolated Bipolar Ie
`ing' S Ma ers !maged with Nondestructive Thermal Wave Imag(cid:173)
`W L SmU~~~ Advanced MICro Devices. San Antonio. TX 78245;
`d D. WIllenborg, Therma-Wave. Inc., Fremont. CA
`Page 2 of 2

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