Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`of 15 PagelD
`PLEASE TAKE NOTICE of the attached
`amended subpoena directed to The tJniversity
`of Houston
`Karen Bromberg
`Gurpreet Walia M.D
`Maria Granovsky Ph.D
`800 Third Avenue
`New York NY 10022
`212 707-1329
`800 Third Avenue
`New York NY 10022
`212 203-7625
`Dated October 24 2014
`Shaw No 3362
`Keller No 4489
`OByrne No 4446
`300 Delaware Avenue Suite 1120
`Wilmington DE 19801
`302 298-0700
`Attorneys for Accord Healthcare Inc and
`Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`of 15 PagelD

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`of 15 PagelD
`A0 88A Rev 02/14 Subpoena to Testify at
`in Civil Action
`for the
`District of Delaware
`UC1 ic UC..Y opOrY$CiSeftL
`rciw Tec5 sic -kc fL uvpiw.rl
`Accord Healthcare Inc et al
`Civil Action No
`13-1 206LPS/Consolidated
`The University of Houston
`Name ofperson to whom this subpoena is directed
`IJ Testimony YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear at the time date and place set forth below to testif at
`deposition to be taken in this civil action If you are an organization you must designate one or more officers directors
`or managing agents or designate other persons who consent
`to testif on your behalf about
`the following matters or
`those set forth in an attachment
`Strawn LLP
`Place Winston
`1111 Louisiana Street 25th Floor
`Houston TX77002
`Date and Time
`1000 am
`The deposition will be recorded by this method
`Stenographer or videotape
`Production You or your representatives must also bring with you to the deposition the following documents
`electronically stored information or objects and must permit inspection copying testing or sampling of the
`material Documents identified in Exhibit
`Rule 45c relating to the place of compliance
`The following provisions of Fed Civ
`45 are attached
`Rule 45d relating to your protection as
`subpoena and Rule 45e and
`relating to your duty to
`person subject to
`respond to this subpoena and the potential consequences of not doing so
`Signature of Clerk or Deputy Clerk
`/s/JohnW Shaw
`Attorneys signature
`The name address e-mail address and telephone number of the attorney representing name ofparty
`who issues or requests this subpoena are
`See end list
`Shaw Esquire No 3362
`SHAW KELLER LLP 300 Delaware Aienue Suite 1120
`Notice to the person who issues or requests this subpoena
`If this subpoena commands the production of documents electronically stored information or tangible things before
`is served on the person to
`notice and
`copy of the subpoena must be served on each party in this case before it
`Civ 45a4
`whom it
`is directed Fed

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`of 15 PagelD
`AD 88A Rev 02/14 Subpoena to Testi at Deposition
`in Civil Action Page
`Civil Action No 131206LPS/Consoidated
`This section should not be filed with the court unless required by Fed
`received this subpoena for name of individual and title
`on date
`served the subpoena by delivering
`copy to the named individual
`as follows
`returned the subpoena unexecuted because
`on date
`Unless the subpoena was issued on behalf of the United States or one of its officers or agents
`have also
`tendered to the witness the fees for one days attendance and the mileage allowed by law in the amount of
`My fees are
`for travel and
`for services for
`total of
`declare under penalty of perjury that this information is true
`Servers signature
`information regarding attempted service etc
`Printed name and title
`Servers address

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`of 15 PagelD
`AO 88A Rev 02/14 Subpoena to Testify at
`in Civil Action Page
`Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 45
`Effective 12/1/13
`Place of Compliance
`For Trial Hearing or Deposition
`subpoena may command
`trial hearing or deposition only as follows
`person to attend
`within 100 miles of where the person resides is employed or
`regularly transacts business
`in person or
`within the state where the person resides is employed or regularly
`transacts business
`in person if the person
`party or partys officer or
`trial and would not incur substantial
`is commanded to attend
`subpoena may command
`For Other Discovery
`production of documents electronically stored information or
`place within 100 miles of where the person resides is
`tangible things at
`employed or regularly transacts business
`in person and
`inspection of premises at the premises to be inspected
`Person Subject
`to Subpoena Enforcement
`Avoiding Undue Burden or Expense Sanctions
`party or attorney
`subpoena must take reasonable
`responsible for issuing and serving
`to avoid imposing undue burden or expense on
`person subject to the
`subpoena The court for the district where compliance is required must
`this duty and impose an appropriate sanctionwhich may include
`lost earnings and reasonable attorneys feeson party or attorney who
`fails to comply
`Command to Produce Materials or Permit Inspection
`person commanded to produce
`Appearance Not Required
`documents electronically stored information or tangible things or to
`permit the inspection of premises need not appear
`in person at the place of
`production or inspection unless also commanded to appear
`hearing or trial
`person commanded to produce
`documents or tangible
`inspection may serve on the party or attorney designated
`things or to permit
`written objection to inspecting copying testing or
`in the subpoena
`sampling any or all of the materials or to inspecting the premisesor to
`producing electronically stored information in the form or forms requested
`The objection must be served before the earlier of the time specified for
`compliance or 14 days after the subpoena is served If an objection is made
`the following rules apply
`At any time on notice to the commanded person the serving party
`may move the court for the district where compliance is required for an
`order compelling production or inspection
`ii These acts may be required only as directed in the order and the
`order must protect
`person who is neither
`party nor partys officer
`significant expense resulting from compliance
`Quashing or Modifying Subpoena
`When Required On timely motion the court for the district where
`compliance is required must quash or modify
`subpoena that
`time to comply
`fails to allow reasonable
`person to comply beyond the geographical
`specified in Rule 45c
`requires disclosure of privileged or other protected matter
`exception or waiver applies or
`iv subjects
`person to undue burden
`When Permitted To protect
`person subject to or affected by
`subpoena the court for the district where compliance is required may on
`motion quash or modify the subpoena if it requires
`if no
`The court for the district where compliance is requiredand also after
`motion is transferred the issuing courtmay hold in contempt
`who having been served fails without adequate excuse to obey the
`subpoena or an order related to it
`For access
`to subpoena materials see Fed
`Civ P.45a Committee Note 2013
`research development
`trade secret or other confidential
`or commercial
`ii disclosing an unretained experts opinion or information that does
`not describe specific occurrences
`in dispute and results from the experts
`study that was not requested by party
`Speq5ing Conditions as an Alternative
`described in Rule 45d3B the court may instead of quashing or
`modifying subpoena order appearance or production under specified
`conditions if the serving party
`substantial need for the testimony or material that cannot be
`otherwise met without undue hardship and
`ensures that
`the subpoenaed
`person will be reasonably compensated
`In the circumstances
`Duties in Responding to Subpoena
`Producing Documents or Electronically Stored Information These
`apply to producing documents or electronically stored
`subpoena to produce
`person responding to
`must produce them as they are kept
`in the ordinary course of business or
`must organize and label them to correspond to the categories
`in the demand
`Formfor Producing Electronically Stored Information Not Specfled
`subpoena does not specify
`form for producing electronically stored
`information the person responding must produce
`form or forms in
`which it
`reasonably usable form or forms
`is ordinarily maintained or in
`Electronically Stored Informat ion Produced In Only One Form The
`person responding need not produce the same electronically stored
`information in more than one form
`Inaccessible Electronically Stored Information The person
`responding need not provide discovery of electronically stored information
`from sources that
`the person identifies as not reasonably accessible
`of undue burden or cost On motion to compel discovery or for
`order the person responding must show that
`the information is not
`because of undue burden or cost
`reasonably accessible
`If that showing is
`made the court may nonetheless
`order discovery from such sources if the
`requesting party shows good cause considering the limitations of Rule
`26b2C The court may specify cOnditions
`for the discovery
`Claiming Privilege or Protection
`Information Withheld
`person withholding subpoenaed
`claim that
`is privileged or subject
`to protection as trial-preparation
`material must
`expressly make the claim and
`describe the nature of the withheld documents communications or
`tangible things in manner that without
`revealing information itself
`privileged or protected will enable the parties
`to assess the claim
`Information Produced If information produced
`in response to
`claim of privilege or of protection as
`is subject
`trial-preparation material the person making the claim may notify any party
`that received the information of the claim and the basis for it After being
`party must promptly return sequester or destroy the specified
`information and any copies it has must not use or disclose the information
`the claim is resolved must take reasonable steps to retrieve the
`information if the party disclosed it before being notified and may promptly
`for the district where
`the information under seal
`to the court
`determination of the claim The person who
`compliance is required for
`the information must preserve the information until
`the claim is

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`of 15 PagelD
`The Le Gall Thesis means
`Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the
`Department of Chemistry University of Houston-University Park In Partial Fulfillment of the
`Requirements for the Degree Master of Science by Philippe Le Gall dated December 1987 on 2-
`Synthesis Spectroscopic and Anticonvulsant
`The Vimpat Lacosamide Tablets Litigation refers to UCB Inc et al
`Accord Healthcare Inc et al C.A No 13-1206 LPS
`The Vimpat Lacosamide Tablets Litigation Plaintiffs refers to Harris FRC
`Corporation Research Corporation Technologies Inc UCB Inc UCB Pharma GmbH
`substituted by UCB Biopharma SPRL and UCB Biopharma SPRL
`The U.S Patent Application No 08/8 18688 refers to U.S Patent Application
`No 08/818688 U.S Patent No 5773475 which issued from U.S ApplicationNo 08/818688
`and U.S Patent No RE38551 which reissued from U.S Patent No 5773475 and any
`invention covered by the aforementioned patent application and patents
`Harold Kohn refers to the inventor
`listed on the face of U.S Patent Application
`No 08/8 18688 U.S Patent No 5773475 and U.S Patent No RE38551
`Topics for the Deposition
`The general practice for indexing cataloging and shelving theses of students of
`the University of Houston between 1987 and 1996
`The customary research aids available in the library between 1987 and 1996
`through which member of the public could locate theses of students of the University of

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`of 15 PagelD
`The date when the Le Gall Thesis was first placed in any library or other
`collection of literature maintained by the University of Houston or any other library or literature
`The manner in which the Le Gall Thesis was indexed cataloged shelved and/or
`recorded as part of any library or literature collection including electronic or paper indexing and
`the dates when the indexing cataloging shelving and/or
`recording occurred
`The manner in which the Le Gall Thesis could be identified by
`search including
`search directed to anti-convulsants or chemical compound names including 2-acetamido-N-
`benzylacetamides and the date when such
`search was first possible
`Whether the Le Gall Thesis could be identified or accessed by
`search conducted
`via the internet or through any publically available literature search service and the date when
`such identification or access was possible
`The date when the Le Gall Thesis was first available to any member of the public
`through customary research aids available in the library or otherwise
`The manner in which any records were kept between January
`1987 and June
`30 2010 regarding who accessed and/or borrowed any thesis of
`student of the University of
`Houston including but not limited to the Le Gall Thesis including whether any record was kept
`of the identity and affiliation if known of any person or entity who accessed or borrowed
`thesis and the date that
`thesis was accessed or borrowed
`Any record of the Le Gall Thesis being accessed or borrowed between January
`1987 and June 30 2010 including if available the identity and affiliation of any person or
`entity who accessed or borrowed the Le Gall Thesis and the date that the Le Gall Thesis was
`accessed or borrowed
`Any agreement between the University of Houston and the Vimpat Lacosamide
`Tablets Litigation Plaintiffs relating to U.S Patent Application No 08/818688
`including the
`agreement between the University of Houston and Research Corporation Technologies

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`of 15 PagelD
`referred to in the Assignment of Patent Application in the file history of U.S Patent No
`RE38551 attached herewith as Appendix
`Harold Kohns obligation to assign his rights title and interest
`in U.S Application
`No 08/8 18688 and the invention covered by the application to the University of Houston
`Communications between the University of Houston or its counsel and the
`Vimpat Lacosamide Tablets Litigation Plaintiffs or their counsel regarding the Vimpat
`Lacosamide Tablets Litigation

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`of 15 PagelD
`to be produced
`The term document
`is defined to be synonymous in meaning and equal
`in scope
`to the usage of the term documents or electronically stored information in Fed
`The Le Gall Thesis means
`Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the
`Department of Chemistry University of Houston-University Park In Partial Fulfillment of the
`Requirements for the Degree Master of Science by Philippe Le Gall dated December 1987 on 2-
`Synthesis Spectroscopic and Anticonvulsant
`The Vimpat Lacosamide Tablets Litigation refers to UCB Inc et al
`Accord Healthcare Inc et al C.A No 13-1206 LPS
`The Vimpat Lacosamide Tablets Litigation Plaintiffs refers to Harris FRC
`Corporation Research Corporation Technologies Inc UCB Inc UCB Pharma GmbH
`substituted by UCB Biopharma SPRL and UCB Biopharma SPRL
`The U.S Patent Application No 08/818688 refers to U.S Patent Application
`No 08/818688 U.S Patent No 5773475 which issued from U.S ApplicationNo 08/818688
`and U.S Patent No RE38551 which reissued from U.S Patent No 5773475 and any
`invention covered by the aforementioned patent application and patents
`Harold Kohn refers to the inventor
`listed on the face of U.S Patent Application
`No 08/818688 U.S Patent No 5773475 and U.S Patent No RE38551
`Documents Requested
`Documents sufficient to show the date on which the Le Gall Thesis was added to
`the library or any literature collection maintained by the University of Houston

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`Page 10 of 15 PagelD
`Documents sufficient to establish the date on which the Le Gall thesis was
`available to members of the public through customary research aids available in the library or
`Documents sufficient to show the manner in which the Le Gall Thesis was
`indexed cataloged and/or shelved as part of any library or literature collection maintained by the
`University of Houston and the dates on which such indexing cataloging and/or shelving was
`Documents sufficient to show the means by which the Le Gall thesis could be
`accessed by member of the public through electronic means including through any public or
`commercial literature search services
`Documents sufficient to show the general practice for indexing cataloging and
`shelving theses of students of the University of Houston between 1987 and 1996
`Documents sufficient to show the customary research aids available in the library
`between 1987 and 1996 through which member of the public could locate theses of students of
`the University of Houston
`Any record of the Le Gall Thesis being accessed or borrowed between January
`1987 and June 30 2010 including documents sufficient to show the identity and affiliation of
`any person or entity who accessed or borrowed the Le Gall Thesis and the date that the Le Gall
`Thesis was accessed or borrowed
`Any agreement between the University of Houston and the Vimpat Lacosamide
`Tablets Plaintiffs relating to U.S Patent Application No 08/818688
`including the agreement
`between the University of Houston and Research Corporation Technologies
`the Assignment of Patent Application in the file history of U.S Patent No RE38551 attached
`Inc referred to in
`herewith as Appendix
`Documents sufficient to show Harold Kohns obligation to assign his rights title
`and interest
`in U.S Application No 08/8 18688 and the invention covered by the application to
`the University of Houston

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`Page 11 of 15 PagelD
`Communications between the University of Houston or its counsel and the
`Vimpat Lacosamide Tablets Litigation Plaintiffs or their counsel regarding the Vimpat
`Lacosamide Tablets Litigation

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`Page 12 of 15 PagelD
`List of Parties Who Join in Subpoena
`Accord Healthcare Inc Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd Amneal
`Pharmaceuticals LLC Amneal Pharmaceuticals of New York LLC Apotex Inc Apotex
`Corp Aurobindo Pharma Ltd Aurobindo Pharma USA Inc Breckenridge Pharmaceutical
`Inc Vennoot Pharmaceuticals LLC Hetero USA Inc Hetero Labs Limited Mylan
`Pharmaceuticals Inc Mylan Inc Sandoz Inc Sun Pharma Global FZE Sun Pharmaceutical
`Industries Ltd Watson Laboratories Inc
`Florida n/k/a Actavis Laboratories FL Inc
`Watson Pharma Inc n/k/a Actavis Pharma Inc Actavis Inc

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`Page 13 of 15 PagelD

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`r11999 123
`Document 154 Filed 10
`1iwzTIcw iieafl XICO 3OHflIC r4I
`the U.S patent AppliCat.0t1
`or desi9tt4 an U.S.Z
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`Thin a5igJt giLall al.low RCT to file th
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`o.aim the benefit of
`Ccrnvsfltlon of 1883 ae tnended

`Case 113-cv-01206-LPS
`Document 154 Filed 10/24/14
`Page 15 of 15 PagelD
`hereby authoizea ád reqUeta the Counasoner of
`that uay be gré
`the United atn
`Jmezi Ed iait.o RCT
`patents and TradeturkB
`all U.S. patents described in pagaph
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