nzylacetamides Synthesis Spectroscopic
`and Anticonvulsant Properties
`the Faculty of
`the Department
`of Chemistry
`University of Houston-University Park
`In Partial Fulfillment
`the Requirements
`the Degree
`of Science
`Le GaD
`December 1987

`and Anticonvulsant Properties
`Synthesist Spectroscopic
`Dr Harold
`Dr Doudias
`Dr Thomas
`Dean Coil
`of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

`thank Dr
`Kohn whose
`enthusiasm and
`knowledge were
`on my side when
`also want
`present members of
`am indebted
`friendship and assistance
`would like to acknowledge
`those who
`to the completion of
`this work
`to thank
`Dr Gary
`laboratory at
`the University of
`Houston Dr
`John Chinn
`the University
`of Texas at Austin and
`and Dr
`the Eli
`Research Center
`Indiana for
`their kind cooperation
`Finally would
`like to thank Dr Kurt
`Loening Director of
`Nomenclature Chemical Abstracts
`Services Columbus Ohio for his
`help in naming
`the synthesized compounds

`2-Substituted-2-acetamidobenzylacetamides Synthesis Spectroscopic
`and Anticonvulsant Properties
`An Abstract of
`the Faculty of
`the Department of Chemistry
`University of Houston-University Park
`In Partial Fulfillment
`the Requirements
`the Degree
`of Science
`Le Gall
`December 1987

`amino acid
`the potent anti
`u-acetamido-fj-be nzylphe nylacetamide
`have been
`on the replacement of
`and a-methyl groups
`in 68a and 68b by five-membered nng
`hetereoaromatic moieties benzo-fused
`heteroaromatic groups
`simple polar substituents
`The synthetic
`studies revealed
`the use of
`procedures using
`boron trifluoride etherate
`an electron-nch
`amino acid derivatives
`i.e pyrrole
`indole Z2 and
`benzoiuran Zn within
`the molecule
`Second all
`the five-membered
`heteroaro matic
`highly active
`in the MES seizure test
`In particular
`a-acetamido-j-benzyl-2-fu ranacetamide
`9.b exhibited activities
`similar to
`diazepam Third the a-alkoxy derivatives
`and 2-acetamido-tt-benzyI-2-
`ethoxyacetamide exhibited
`activity in
`the MES seizure test

`had significant
`Fifth the composite
`data suggested
`for maximal
`activity in
`the MES test
`of electron-donating
`groups at
`this site

`List of Tables
`List of Schemes
`List of Figures
`the Epileptic Seizure
`Symptomatology and Classification of
`Epileptic Seizures
`Evaluation of Anticonvulsant Agents
`Antiepileptic Drugs
`Clinical Applications
`Mechanism of Drug Action
`Anticonvulsant Amino Acids and Amino 35
`Acid Derivatives
`Synthesis Spectroscopic and Anticonvulsant Proper-
`of 2-Acetamidoben-
`ties of Structural Analogues
`and 2-Acetamido-tI-benzy
`Chapter ii
`Results and Discussion
`Spectral Evaluation
`Infrared Spectra
`Mass Spectral Data
`1H NMR Spectral Data
`13C NMR Spectral Data
`Experimental Section
`Synthesis Spectroscopic and Anticonvulsant Proper-
`ties of Polar Analogues 1QZ of 2-Acetamido-N-ben-
`Results and Discussion
`Spectral Evaluation
`Infrared Spectra

`Mass Spectral Data
`NMR Spectral Data
`13C NMR Spectral Data
`Experimental Section
`General Conclusions

`The International Classification of Epileptic Seizures
`The Revised Classification of Epilpetic Seizures.
`Sequential Test Phases Utilized for the Anticonvulsant
`the Antiepileptic Drug Develop
`Screening Project
`ment Program
`Antiepileptic Drugs Marketed in the United States
`Monocyclic Heteroaromatic
`Benzofused Heteroaromatic
`Examples of Amino Acids with an a-Heterocyclic
`Substitue nt
`Synthesis of Amino Acid Derivatives
`alkylation Technique
`by the Amido-
`Amidoalkylation Reactions
`Substituted Pyrroles
`Involving Furan ZQ and
`Involving Pyrrole 24 and
`Amidoalkylation Reactions
`lndole 22
`Involving Thiophene Zfl
`Involving Other Heterocycles

`Selected Physical and Spectral Data for Alkyl 2-Aceta-
`mido-2-alkoxyacetate WQ
`Selected Physical and Spectral Data for a-Substitu-
`ted Alkyl 2-Acetamidoacetates
`Selected Physical and Spectral Data for a-Substitu-
`Physical and Spectral Data for aSubstitu-
`ted 2-Acetamidobenzylacetamides
`Selected Physical and Spectral Data
`for 2-Acetamido-
`Invol- 73
`of Several Amidoalkylation
`Thiophene Z1 lndole
`ving Furan ZQa Pyrrole
`and Benzo
`ZZ Benzofuran
`ginning with Either
`or 86b
`Selected Infrared Spectral Data for Alkyl 2-Acetamido-2- 75
`alkoxyacetates EQ
`Selected Infrared Spectral
`Data for Alkyl 2-Substituted
`Selected Infrared Spectral Data for 2-Substituted-2-ace-
`Selected Infrared
`Spectral Data for 2-Substituted-2-ace-
`NMR Spectral Properties
`alkoxyacetates EQ.
`for Alkyl 2-Acetamido-2-
`Spectral Properties for Alkyl 2-Substituted-2-

`1H NMR Spectral Properties for 2-Substituted-2-aceta-
`midoacetic Acids 82
`NMR Spectral Properties for 2-Substituted-2-aceta-
`13C NMR Spectral Properties for Alkyl 2-Acetamido-
`2-alkoxyacetates aQ
`13C NMR Spectral Properties for Alkyl 2-Acetamido-
`13C NMR Spectral Properties for Alkyl 2-Substituted-
`Acids 82
`13C NMR Spectral Properties for 2-Substituted-2-aceta-
`of 2-Substituted-2-acetamt-
`do-t-benzylacetamides 89 Containing
`Monocyclic He
`terocyclic Moiety
`Heterocyclic Moiety
`of 2-Substituted-2-acetami-
`benzylacetamides 8k
`of 2-Alkyl-2-acetamido-
`Activity of Some Proven Anticonvul-
`Selected Physical and Spectral Properties for
`the P0-
`of 2-Acetamido--be azylpropio nam ide
`lar Analogues

`Selected Physical and Spectral Data for Oxazole De-
`rivatives ill
`and 11.4.
`Selected Infrared Spectral Data for
`the Polar Analo-
`07a-e of 2-Acetamido-N-benzylpropionamide
`Selected Physical and Spectral Data for Oxazole De-
`rivatives iii
`and 114.
`NMR Spectral Properties for
`of 2-Acetamido-tj-benzytpropionamide fi
`1H NMR Spectral Properties for the Oxazole Deriva-
`fliand 114.
`the Polar Analogues
`13C NMR Spectral Properties for
`of 2-Acetamido-j-be nzylpropionamide
`the Polar Analo-
`l3 NMR Spectral Properties
`tives 111 and 114
`for Oxazole Deriva-
`2-Acetamido-j-benzyIpropionamide Ba
`the Polar Analogues

`Synthesis of 2-Substituted-2-acetamido--benzyl-
`a.b.f.h by Method
`of a-Acetamido-2-benzo
`Synthesis of 2-Substituted-2-acetamido-li-benzylaceta-
`mides 69 a.b.i-h by Method
`Acid Catalysed Trirnerization of
`lndole Zn
`Selected Mass Spectral Patterns Observed for AIkyl-2-
`Selected Mass Spectral Cleavage Patterns Observed
`for 2-Substituted-2-acetamidobenzylacetamides
`Selected Mass Spectral Cleavage Patterns Observed
`for Alkyl
`Selected Mass Spectral Patterns Observed for 2-
`ic Acids
`the Polar Analogues
`Preparation of
`of 2-
`of 5-Ethoxy-2-methyloxazole-4-carboxylic
`Acid -Benzylamide 111
`of 5-Amino-2-rnethyloxazole-4-carboxylic
`Proposed Mechanism for
`the Conversion
`jQZ to the Oxazole Derivative
`of Corn-

`pam Left
`the Three-dimensional
`Drawing of
`and Diaze
`of Phenyttoin Right
`Amino Acids and Amino Acid Derivatives
`Excitatory Neurotransmission
`acting with
`Amino Acids and Amino Acid
`acting with the GABAergic System GABA Prodrugs
`Amino Acids and Amino Acid Derivatives
`acting with the GABAergic System Compounds
`Umiting GABA Uptake
`Amino Acids
`and Amino Acid Derivatives
`acting with the GABAergic System GABA Re
`ceptors Agonists

`major neurological disorder It affects at
`least 0.5
`percent of
`the world
`population1 .2 and its symptoms generally appear
`early in life.1
`the origin of
`the disease is unknown it
`is termed
`idiopathic Correspondingly when the epilepsy
`is of
`known origin the
`disease is
`referred to as
`symptomatic.3 In the latter situation prenatal
`and postnatal
`trauma brain tumor and vascular disorders are the major
`etiologies associated with
`the disease.13
`The occurrenôe of seizures
`the manisfestation of epilepsy
`Seizures may
`of different
`and may have sensory motor and autonomic components
`Historically epilepsy
`to as
`disease the Sacred Disease the falling sickness
`or St Johns
`was mentioned
`2080 B.C and
`Hippocrates Ca 400 B.C wrote the first monograph on the affliction and
`anticipated its brain origin.34
`Despite the early recognition
`this disease significant activity
`of epilepsies
`in earnest
`in the mid-nineteenth century.135
`1870 H.J
`epilepsy as an occasional
`and abnormally intense
`disorderly discharge
`of nervous tissue of which
`seizures are the
`This statement
`is still
`today Our knowledge
`the brain malfunction
`has not permitted
`more detailed definition

`Accordingly seizures elicited
`by punctual
`such as alcohol and
`drug intoxication
`or withdrawal are not considered to be
`form of
`the Epileptic Seizures
`the neurophysiology of
`the central
`the biochemical
`associated with
`now fairly well established68
`to epileptic
`activity have
`not been determined
`It was early recognized that epilepsy
`may affect only
`part of
`the brain at
`the onset
`Subsequently the
`of epileptic
`Levine9 demonstrated
`in 1975 Ebersole
`foci were
`that Enhanced Physiological Response EPR of
`to an epileptogenic
`of penicillin
`lead to Paroxysmal Depolarization Shifts PDS The PDSs are charac
`and repetitive
`terized by abnormally
`large prolonged
`excitatory post
`are believed
`during the seizure0
`The origins of EPRs are
`the key step in the epileptogeriesis
`These observations
`led to
`six stage model
`the gen
`eration of epileptic seizures
`the initiation of
`the EPR
`the gen
`eration of PDSs
`the recruitment of normal
`the inter
`vention of control mechanisms that
`the spread of
`the epileptic
`or promote selective
`routes of
`the establishment

`of satellite and independent
`the brain stem and of
`the spinal motor neuron pools.10
`and the
`recruitment of
`The EPR has
`sometimes been related
`to local deteriora
`by extraneuronal
`loss of neural mass
`of one
`third of
`and Chaslin independently
`same area7
`Gliosis has
`related to seizures
`in three ways
`this process may be
`decrease in neural matter.7
`Second ab
`proliferation of
`cells may mechanically
`Third glial
`cells are known
`to participate
`in the regulation
`potassium ion
`the metabolism of

`butyric acid
`substances may
`De Moor and Westrum noticed
`epileptic centers
`H2N ii
`factors which may be
`the generation
`associated with
`the blood-brain
`in epileptic
`foci were
`such as
`the majority of
`consider metabolic
`to be the primary cause of
`the disease.3i0
`Most sub
`in the
`as well as
`associated metabolic
`been claimed
`to participate
`of potassium ion81045
`the neuronal
`sodium-potassium pump1 in the
`first step of

`Other ions
`i.e C1 Ca NH4 may also be involved
`abnormal membrane
`the metabolic
`the substances
`the concen
`the transport
`ions across
`the membrane
`the neuron as well as structural
`in the
`neuron mem
`brane can
`be responsible
`the EPR generation
`the mechanism
`normal neurons
`sive documentation
`does exist
`in support
`of various
`the enhancement
`the excitatory
`acid GABA Z.8 7-20
`the membrane
`the normal neuron
`and anomalies
`the epileptic
`xx Symptomatology
`and Classification
`of Epileptic Seizures
`part of
`the brain affected by the epileptic discharges


`clinical manisfestation
`the disease
`some cases careful monitoring
`the patient
`can permit
`the physi
`to follow the
`the abnormal
`brain electrical
`symptoms serve
`the currently
`The first widely accepted classification
`the epileptic
`by the
`to correlate
`EEG data
`to the
`substrate the etiology and
`the age
`the patient
`system difterentiated
`from the
`appeared in 1981
`new classification
`better methods
`EEG videotaping
`The major
`new system were
`the exclusive
`seizures and
`seizures depending
`on whether
`the seizure
`the vanous
`is beyond
`the scope
`review of
`forms of
`the disease follows

`International Classification of Epileptic Seizures.1
`seizures seizures beginning
`seizures with elementary symptomatology generally
`impairment of consciousness
`With motor symptoms includes Jacksonian seizures
`With special sensory or somatosensory symptoms
`With automatic symptoms
`Partial seizures with complex -symptomatology
`with impairment of consciousness temporal
`motor seizures
`With impairment of consciousness
`With cognitive
`With affective symptomatology
`With psychosensory symptomatology
`With psychomotor sympto matology automatisms
`Compound forms
`seizures secondarily generalized
`lobe or psycho-
`Generalized seizures bilaterally symmetrical and without
`Absence petit mal
`Bilateral massive epileptic myoclonus
`Infantile spasms
`Tonic features
`seizures grand ma
`Atonic seizures
`Akinetic seizures
`seizures or predominately
`epileptic seizures due to incomplete data

`The Revised Classification of Epileptic Seizures.1
`seizures consciousness
`Simple partial
`With motor signs
`Focal motor without march
`Focal motor with march Jacksonian
`Phonatory vocalization or arrest of speech
`or special-sensory
`hallucinations e.g tingling light
`flashes buzzing
`symptQms or signs
`With automatic
`With psychic symptoms disturbance of higher cortical
`Dysnesmic e.g deja vu
`Cognitive e.g forced thinking
`Affective e.g fear anger
`Illusions e.g macropsia
`hallucinations e.g music scenes
`Complex partial seizures generally with
`impairment of conscious-
`sometimes begin with simple symptomatology
`ness may
`followed by impairment of consciousness
`Simple partial onset
`features A-D and
`With automatisms
`With impairment of consciousness
`With impairment of
`With automatisms
`at onset
`seizures GTC with partial or focal onset
`evolving to GTC
`Simple partial seizures
`Complex partial seizures Ii
`to GTC
`Simple partial seizures evolving
`to complex
`evolving to GTC
`tonic-clonic GTC

`Generalized seizures bilaterally symmetrical
`Absence petit mal
`Bilateral massive
`epileptic myoclonus
`and without
`Infantile spasms
`Clonic features
`seizures grand mat
`Atonic seizures
`seizures or predominately
`epileptic seizures due to incomplete data

`Simple partial
`seizures affect
`any part of
`the body depend-
`on the origin
`the discharge
`the motor strip
`The clini
`cal observations
`are characterized
`the activa
`ted muscles
`one muscle
`of muscles are
`the seizure resulting
`untary movements
`or posture
`electrical disorder
`to adjacent
`produce sequential
`referred to
`These muscular disorders find
`their origin
`in the
`part of
`the cortex
`for motor activity
`the part
`for automatic
`in manisfestations
`such as
`cortex area
`somatosensory and
`lead to
`seizure manifestations within
`this general
`seizures Table
`seizures are not
`associated with consciousness
`symptoms with
`of consciousness
`This often
`in automatisms
`i.e verbal ambulatory
`confusion.1 23
`Generalized seizures which

`petit ma seizures
`are characterized
`frequent 5- 100
`per day
`usually less
`20 seconds
`staring occa
`eyes movements
`arm jerks
`and modification
`are manisfestations
`this type
`EEG is
`three per second
`and wave
`the characteristics
`epileptic myoclonus
`spasms Wests
`are manisfested
`of major muscle groups
`The latter
`type occur
`age of
`to phenylketonuria
`The EEG
`high vtage
`these seizure types
`and are manisfested
`spasms affect
`ing one or both
`sides of
`the body and
`with con-
`are characterized
`up to one minute of
`limbs musculatures
`associated with
`autonomic activ
`The EEG shows
`grand ma are

`form of
`and adults
`Grand mal
`the most
`of epilepsy
`the most disrupting
`from one
`or more
`of months
`between the
`Evaluation of Anticonvulsant Agents
`Many procedures
`been designed
`for the
`into four
`the employment
`to induce the
`seizures in
`use of electncally
`in animals
`the em
`of nervous
`in i1rQ expenments.7
`been utilized
`to generate
`The most widely
`used chemical
`sants are
`tylenetetrazol Metrazol 12
`bicuculline it
`these subtances
`are subcutan
`test animals after the
`administration of
`to be
`for anticonvulsant
`threshold test2729
`the evaluation
`is widely

`R1 Ph R2Ph1 R3
`R1-Ph R2EtR3Me

`be effective
`the treatment
`of petit
`are em
`seizures provided
`threshold doses of pentylenetetrazol
`ployed to produce clonic seizures
`The use
`seizures was introduced
`the mid-i 800s
`of Fritsch Hitzig and
`seizures in
`and Merntt3
`Dilantin j.
`This medicinal
`the most extensively
`drug today for
`treatment of grand mal epilepsy
`and his
`standardized the
`now named
`the Maximal Electroshock
`Seizure MES test.272931
`that will
`be useful
`the treatment
`of partial
`and generalized
`or 0.3
`to mice and
`by means
`described.24272931 32
`for partial
`an experimental
`where subthreshold
`convulsant stimuli
`This method
`requires the implantation
`of electrodes
`in the brain
`area where
`to be generated
`strains have

`the anticonvulsant
`of new substances
`the DBA/2
`Brown Agouti
`house mouse
`in which
`by audiogenic
`door bell33
`strain of
`in which
`be similar to
`petit mal
`baboon Papio papio
`in which
`responses to
`are similar
`to that
`in human.243536
`this last strain
`the seizure
`by flicker
`ing light
`test systems
`have been developed for
`of drug
`the experimental
`the first case
`or by
`are used
`to deliver
`these tests
`determined by
`their ability
`to limit
`the currently
`dently provides
`definitive method
`of anti

`as many
`in order
`to increase
`the chance
`new antiepileptic
`to these
`toxicty of
`new drugs must also
`be evalu
`the Horizontal
`these the most
`screen HS tests which evaluate
`in mice
`the first
`to maintain
`equilibrium on
`rpm knurled
`rod for more
`one minute
`is determined
`In the horizon
`the drug 29a
`the animal
`placed on
`top of
`square 13
`cm wire
`screen mounted
`of animal
`rotated 1800
`of Neurological
`ileptic Drug Development
`and Stroke NINCDS
`Program ADD established
`the Antiep
`fixed Se
`is given in Table 317
`iv Antiepileptic
`The first
`two drugs widely
`used for
`the treatment
`potassium bromide
`iA1 introduced
`in 1857
`in 1912

`Test Phases
`the Antiepileptic
`to determine the level of activity
`to inactive 300 mg/kg mice i.p
`100 mg/kg
`Maximal electro-shock MES test
`seizure spread
`Rotarod ataxia testneurotoxicity
`to determine the level of activ
`the ED50 TD50 and
`protective index TD50/ED50
`ity at
`mice i.p
`electro-shock MES testseizure spread
`Rotarod ataxia testneurotoxicity
`Toxicity profile to assess general behaviour and selected
`toxic doses mice i.p
`lethal dose LD50
`Median hypnotic dose HD50
`to measure
`route of a

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