Breckenridge Exhibit 1031
`Breckenridge v. Research Corporation Technologies, Inc.

`To our parems.
`-!hn{fcd Parsaei ancl Baral Awhaki.
`ll'r/1111111 11. S111/ira11 ewe/ Ka1hlee11 . l. Gla::i.\tom
`Concurrent Engineering
`Contemporary issues and
`modern design tools
`E.litl'tl 1
`Hamid R. Parsaei
`l5soc1ar.• Pro/t'J.sor
`Cr111rr fN C11111p111cr- 1111h-1/ £1:!11n1-cri11J.1
`tf 11/1\'f,\ll\ '1(
`f.11111.\I ,(/,•
`L .\ I
`William G. Sullivan
`fh'Jltll'Tllh"llf ti/ fllefll\lr/11 111d lr\ll'ITI.\ l:.tll/llll't'rJll!/
`I ' ir;,1i11i11 Polyh'< Ji11,
`/ 11.,1111111· 1111d S1r111 L '11in•r,11)
`l 'i I
`London · Glasgow New York Tokyo · Melbourne · Madras

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`Part Om:
`Princsplc». of concurr::uI cnginecnng
`H|‘cm1 H Ju. Humid R Para-ac: mud H'iJ‘Ham G. Summn
`" E ....
`" c..
`Cnncurn:n1 ::ngim:c:nng's room In lhc World War II cm
`H Car! (fr:-nuke and .\Iary 5. Spam:
`lmpicmcmanon; common failure modes and success !';u:Iur~.
`Sn-plrcrz 1:": am.
`Overcoming barriers to the implcmcnlanun of concurrent
`-1‘ M'd'ddu.\' and lhlham I-.. Srrttdcr
`.J u
`0 v
`Improving interpersonal cummunicatmns can nrulufunctionul
`I-_. Fnuu and Ray .-I. Dah'_|'
`Scheduling. of concurrent nxannliuzlurrng projcci.-a
`elriedcfi B. Budrru
`Part Two
`Mudcl.-. uf design prm:::ssc.-.
`.-Hi Bulrrmm and Cfhun H. Dugli
`A dcrcision-based approach In concurrent dcslgfl
`Fzrrrnkh M:‘sm-c. Warren Smith and Bert Bras
`Cnmzurrcnl opliuuizulion ul product design and manufacture
`.'»lusal’ufi:t: Huslrimura
`Compulcr—ba5cd cuncurrcnl engineering systems
`‘Uiciru;-I J. O'Fl_rnn and M. Munlr .-lhmad
`" .. E ... a
`Pllllliuhed by Cluplmn I Hall. 2% Bound») Rum. Lundun SI-II Ml!‘-
`UBPIII-In 5-‘. Hall. 1-6 Iioumlnry Roi. Lgmmion SEI HHN, UK
`Bdackic Aadcmof 8: Prufnnioml. V-‘strict
`("l:I1d:rLs Rmd. HI.-ahnphrugg-.
`liuogow G64 JNL UK
`Unnrnmu at Hull Inc. :9 Wu: .1§llISlt¢cI. New ‘rm. rmunru. us,‘
`3”” hmn. Thurman Puhimhmg Japan. H1r:k.uu‘ .\L-mom
`a*-“5d3“8- 0". I-3-I1 Hamkavrmcho. Chsyodi-kn. Tokyo I02. Japan
`;:‘;';“_',;‘1';"‘:“‘”'”“i‘F'“""'*; Timur NreLu:n Ausflrulm. ma Doddc Sm:-:3.
`“"" '""““ 4”" ‘‘'“‘''*‘‘“
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`ISENO -H2 -hill) 8
`ApnrI'_from any Mr dealing to; mg
`";d“'P';"“"' "' '“W‘» I! Dcnmua!
`‘ M" an mu‘ u"‘ T“"“""
`Library orfang:-:52, c;m;,,g.mE_
`hon data iwaslahlc

`Colll t!tlf~
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`\uw111.11111g dc,1gI1 tor ma11ufac1ur.ib1luy thrnugh C\J"l<:rl 'Y~­
`tcm' .1 pproachc'
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`I ~11/wrndw/0111. Jn_,,.,.Jr
`\J \lcll1cl11m11 <111</ Darn/ ,\I.
`\ ludclrng 1h1." ,Jc..,rgn rroce" 11nh Pc1n neh
`h11lrn1 J\11,wk 11111/ l/\11-/111u ) t111r1
`'cun .. c:1•mru1rn!_! anti concurrent engineering
`C1ha11 II
`l>c111h /'1rarr•11111 l'o,Jinmorida. am/ l/r 8ohr111111
`J B
`~ l ulti,1unhulc Jc,1gn <lpt1m11a11on and concurrcm rngmccr(cid:173)
`Dd•1•rnl1 L T/111nt••ll 1111tl
`tnql'lu Lt1.-,1sc:in
`I~ C1,n.:um:n1 <.'<!ll lk~1gn Jnd cdl con1n1l 'Y'lcm .:onfiguraliun
`f Frtml.. Chr11
`\ gcncrJllll:<l mcthodolug) for C\alu~lmg rnunufJi:tur.1h1ht)
`'\rum <llil R. Sliu1tkur m1J Dur iii Ct. JtJJL\.\!111
`I \,tlua11ng pr,1cluc1 rn.ichina billl) for ctmcurn.-111 cngmc.:rmg
`\111 _1 <J11dra 1' G11ptr1 <Jll.t
`\ '"' (1ut11111111111q /. /1t.111i1.
`Rt111l111 R J...11m11/11
`(. oncum:nl op11m1LUlll1n of .Jc,1gn .incl manufactu n ng tolcr(cid:173)
`C/11111 Llw1111 uml 11,11-Pin 1 lk 111 lhmfi
`16. D.:s1gn for hurnJn fac111r'
`r,1riht1r· T 11n·ari
`J>arl Three
`COST CO'\SIDLR.\ T IO'l;S I'\ CO'\ CL RR !!. '\T
`I:. '\Gl'\ EERl'\ G
`17 D..:,1g.n111g tu co~l
`\ folrrnrlru S l11111c/c1/
`b:,)n,1m1c dc,,1gn rn conrnm:nl e11g111l."Cnng
`J ti/lit'\ s ,. t1hl.·
`Part l·our
`E'\G J'\ EERl'\;G
`'\ pplrc;r11on of c~pcn sysu:m, LO engineering dc,ign
`<mn· I'. \/up1ilru11
`·\\\ kdgc-b.1,cd .1pproach lo Jc,1gn fur ma nufacture u~rng
`f.11111 \fu/101 t111d .I Bro\\"•'
`( nn1:um:n1 actumulJUon uf knowledge: . 1 'IC\\ llf concu m:nl
`R11hcrt L 0111111/11,, .Jr. <1J1J D11nd C Bru1rn
`lmcgr.11cd l.. nu1\ ledge 'Y~lcm~ for ,rda pliH\ i:oncurrcnt uc~ig.n
`Srl'rrn H ""11

`\ J ,,f tln1.111 pr.•ft'.\-'<"
`f...~hn. I\ I l'lio1 ·11,. • .'irr11a11r,• nf ,'i, h 111(/lr /fr11./MltJ1:l,
`l...1n><10.1n, J tl'l\"111 .. sl.1•1 S1:.J,, ·..., ll!~t 71>. SI.
`l. uclm;111 , J , ,.,,.- , 11,...,.;li,•11,A Rn,·.ircl1 {lliartrrq
`l/lil 1 '!) .i
`S.:rhJ0~1~ 1. n 'l'I~ ·1 II.I.Ir 1~111 1111 •. ,,,,,,.,.,.,,, .. ,,.,, • 1:j s,:;,..,, Lr;.
`Ill() '·
`\1mun. II~\. 11%91 I Ir~,\', '-"""
`·I· •h.• Jlr11/1,1,J/. ,\II r Pre,, l",.I;~ ~!I
`~ub. 'IP. lldl, AC :mil ti·•"irJ. DC ilYiM ,Jout1tuf,,1F..-. 11 . .,,.,., , "
`1, . .,,.,,"twnJ o) .JS I//. llH~:1. 117 JO.
`I" 1 l'JS--it k ul!• 1t1c1 ·":.1 (
`\uh, '
`1m"11t,--, l11reorJteil ,\lu11ufii,-1:,,.L'IJ, Ill, •
`I' 11~41-11 Tilt' /'r1'L.Jf'l•'J o/ /J,-,,.,,,, -, l .h•n.I lfnl\er,11y l'iro., :.C.
`f)n:;. ,\ 1 l'lt<.l1 H.·11in•a11,,,, J.ihn \\'ii~) ,\. Son. ' rn Yi·r~
`Ymh1k""" II Jn.J W.;rmJn, J;..\ 1cJ,1 11%"1 /'•· , rJirtg' •if t~ lflP
`UO.,;..,~ c;,,,V,·rt11c-f" J9.~5 1 /iH.. c•I ' ''nh· I l11ll.1nJ.. 1\m'-l::1'c.1.1rn
`C l l.\ PI 1:R 8
`·~---- - - . ------- --~~ -=-~---'----=-
`A decision-based approach to
`concurrent design
` \11.\trn•. ll 'urn·11 511111/i 0111/ Bl·rt Br'"
`M!'Jcm. o•mr111cr-r;i-o:J c1ln,11rrcn1 d."-t_l!n rc:'fuirc, a lwlt,ttL' appr<•a.:h 1ha1
`.tc;:r.itc' 1hc n:prc•••ntatu•n.£.:mo:nl :1nJ pr••Ci:'-'1110: l•f mf1•ri11.i1t••n
`ltH•fGlll1lll h J'"'"lik lhr<'U)!h lhC "•;t;tn<l;trJt1ali1>n' of tnl1•nn~t1o1n m;tn.i;:.:·
`c:i;nt ,.·,thin 1 d1..,.1gn prn'"~'""' · We :ippw;och ,1.mJarJ1.-.iti••ll tr.•111 th,·
`p:t'l"''I'" »l Jc.:b11•11-ha .... ·J 1DRD1. c.1mc:I~ th.11 th.: pnnc1p.1l r .. i.. of
`r. ~n~in ... xr. 111 the Jc,1gn "f !JO :art1Jal·t. ''tut.a .. ~ Ji:c1 ... h1n· ·
`(11\C-O th .. Lt
`J_"'"";J.,.:1)ff'- fife fl'U1'dJIH..lO.J. \I.._. CO~bk: t..:.~lr\t."UfTC'f\I Jt.:.. ... li.!.0 J'l(()\.t;....._x~ hr• 'Ui!h lhi:
`muha11c1111s anal~"'- ,ynthc'i' ;_inJ r,,:,.,Juth'O ''' mul11pk Jc.:i-11•n,.
`In lhi- ch:ip11.-r \\C mlrnducc 1hc funJ;1mcn1.1l ,,f DHD .mJ
`1.1rx-:-1hi.: ~ JccN•·ll·P;t\CJ Jc,tgn mc1hnJ,1lng~ called the: dc<.:1,a•n -upp<>• l
`prol>lem lcchni,1i.c tD~t' l '\r-:,111.:..illy. we •t;m hy pr1•1·1dmg ,cm.: l:>.1d.(cid:173)
`pounJ :ind tw ,l,1ltnc the .l\a>m> needed ll.• ..:h.1radc:n1c: "decml"n_,' "'
`,Ja:i.•i<•n 'UPl"·•rl J>rnhl~m' 1DSP,1 lntro1lu..:'d O\:\l t~ lite: f1>m1JI '}tllJ\ ;.ind
`I hi\ i,:encn..; rroi.1.:nl cn,urc' the ~1ppli.:-.1h11tly ,,f th.:
`~manltl' ••I D\J •,
`.. ir~ ini: Jllmam~ .. r .1prh.:;t11l'ln t-y PT<'\ iJini: unifiirrn :mJ
`D\PT 11m"
`•Uo•:ur.:11 1n.1pp1ng' h.:t'A.!<.'n the d.:,11rn..:r> '•""' of th.: •ll•rfJ .111.t th.:
` .~nlJ' n,-.:J.:J '" fa,· ,,,Jutt<•n. I t11.<ll) . "" prc,<."1t1 ··••m.:
`t>iamrk' lr••m 111.tnn.: J.:,11:'.n "' c\rh.:.111: <1ur .1ppr11;1d1.
`'I SHIP DfoSICi' ( \!:>L '>Tl OIL!-
`'CJ\11 ' ' I \ "£1JRI
`or I. BP
`length hct\\ccn r-:rr-:nJ1c:ul.1r' 11
`>r HI \ \I $htl' J<.",1i;n b<:al'1 ir md<:r'
`or DR \VT 'h1r Jc,11.:n Jr aft 10 ni.:tcr,
`"' 1)1 P 11 1 ,lup <.k-.1gn J.:pth 111 llh:tcr~
`hll1d. . ..:odtic1cnt 1-hip'•
`or ( B
`01\fllilC.:d ',>tumc

`, 1 tlt•t'/,\WIHlil\t'tl <lf'f'Tllarlr
`pn.•nu llr Cl><!lhCIC/ll
`,,11111·, llUlll
`\\alerpl.11w .:1,ellirn:111
`1, h1r , hu llJ
`\\, t:CJ
`""" -· -
`l · II
`l1ln1111ud111al u::nh:r ,,( h11uy;111;:r m h'l":u
`J11ng.11 u1.lin;iJ ,·enicr ..ii llvtJtr11n rn mmh Lv
`' IJntfard h1:1g.h1 b.:1 ... u:n Ji:~L, m rn<l~I"\
`m.1\rrnum -u,1;11n~d ' 11"1.'if m ""''''
`cntlur.iocc ' 11\:0:J 111 1..noh
`nr l \\
`1~ 1'
`Other p.1ram~11.:rs
`.:1•mb1nilt111n of J1c,~I enl.!1111: tfor \"-CR! ur c:u lak::
`\ t... I prupul,111 11 pl;m1 -
`1.:11mbm"t 11>n 1•f d1c,d cngmc anJ !!J' l111b111L' 1for \'l;CT.
`rroru1'mn pl.1111
`comh1na11on ,,f L!.t, 1urhmc .1nJ c.i ' lurl>mc 11<•; \l:CR 1
`\ K1
`\cr11cal 1Ji-1unt-,; hc1wcen th~ c.:nicr 111 grJ\il}'lmJ lhc
`vc r.c mcl.1ccn1C·r
`.:.:onum1e return nn Hl\t">lmcm
`11.~ OLR rR,\ \IL Of RLI LRL 'CL
`II" 11ur con1cn11nn 1hu1101ni.:rc.1-e bolh 1J1r: .:tlicieuc\· .uul .:11 ..... 11_1°'.
`;he procc.o;, or dci.i1:n .I f'IJr.1J1pm r ... ""'It'" 1' •4~..Jt.i \\c
`·uch" r.1racllgrn ,;om lhc: pcr,p.:cll\~ M JL'C"l1•n-b.i,.:d Jl!•IJ,!11 I he !tll
`"h1c:h cnco mp:l\sc, \hlcm, 1h111l.111g JnJ cmhod11:> lhc 1JL':I' tlf ''
`cn~1nccnng dc,1gn fo; the hie t \Ck I\ hJ,cJ o n lhc founJ,111 \ 'll"l'rr.iit
`'lhc rrint1p.1l r•'lc 1>f .in c11g1~cer. m lhc Jc,IJ?ll 1>1 .111 .1fllfJd. • ~
`•k-..1,1om We dcmon,1r.uc- .;,1111:urrcJ1t:\ fl\ 1hc '1mullnnc11U' "'1~,
`n1Uh1plc Jec"ron~ and through 1hc inh:gr.1111111 Joi.I h11h'11" m.
`Jc\lgn :mul) " ' .ind 'i nlhc'" D1 dm1cc. 1\c foe~ ''" 1hc (.Ill!
`rr"J•'Ct 1n111.111cn. Thi, L\ no1 lu 'ol) 1ha1 1hc inol.> 11e d.:1clop Jlldai·
`lrmir.J 10 Jpphi;.i11t1n, "ll hm 1h.:: c.1rl) '>lJf!n. Our mn1na11on 11'' '"'
`earl\ ''·•ge, r.' lh.11 11 olfcr- 1hi: 1.m:.1lc-.I p.11cnt1JI ''' J!Tccl 1hc-Jc1!~~
`:ioJ lhc '1ncc th1, ph,,_,., JrJmu11call1 'h·•f>C' "hJI " 11' 1" )11
`·h ,1 .JClllfO ['rocc'> prul!r.:'"'C\ :111J UCChl:'ll' .1<,;~Jllllt1l.1le lhc f!l'.Ji
`rn.ike ch.tng, ..... " re<luc"J -\1 lhc 'atnc tune. 1hi: kno1dcJgc i(litul ti
`i•I Je\lgn ll1cr.:a'C, Th" inc.:re.l"
`in knm1 k'\lgc '' .:har;1r:1cn'.d'
`tf,lfl•lt•nn,11in11 l.'lf"nft lnfnrm,111C1n lnlO 'hurJ' lnform.11100 0~ .,.,J, 1~
`I I I ·m.""
`I h h
`c cun,11c .mcJ yu.tlll,Jll\c mlt1rm.1llC111l 1J ' '
`l hln "c r ., .

`c er o
`,''' '
`~_,. ,
`Our Jf<llllt' 11) r1·1t·rc11rl'
`,fo.,~ni·r" 1uJgmcn1 rnd np.:ncncc 11hcr.:a> h.1rJ mform:i11nn tend, ll1 b.:
`!) ,...:J ''" ,.:1cnl1IK pn nl1pfi..., anJ ''' he mML 4u.tn111:i111e rn nalurc. Gl\cn
`ihi> n;11un: of J,·,1.:11 111f,1rm.11111n. 11 hJI J • <•ncurr..:m Ji:\lgn :ippro.1c11
`fJ,1111.11 .. ., '"' w 1..m•w m" r.: Jhoul lhc dc>l!'n c.1rl~ on. 1h.11 1·. rn..:rc.1s.: 111
`~u.1hlal1\"C 1.11111 ,,f h;inJ I<' "111 ml,1nna11nn 1 h" rda11•.c 11n pr1111:mcn1 111
`1~ c\p..:..:h:J Ill 1i:~1J 11 <"lj UI\ :1kn1 11r O.:ller J~''!!"'
`iht 4uJhl) ,, , 111fo rma1 11111
`lb.ii :m· <••mplch:d 111 le" trmc a nd al ii.><> l.'t'-l than 1h,1-r: Jc-.11rncJ u>mg ;i
`!• ..J111onal '..:qucn11al fl'"""'"'
`LnnrpJ1cd 11• trJJi111•nul .:11~1nc,•rrn1; Jc•l),:11 111 \\h1d1 >)11 t!11:'" vi !h.:
`rr .JULI pla) ' the .:..:ntr.11 r,111!. lhc ,t .. mrn,.1111 rc.J !UfC Ill lVOLIJffCOI Cll~lllC<!f·
`1n~ 1• th<' ') nlhl!,1' nf th• proc.;-_.., 111 h1ch mclud•:' <k,1,;n m:mul.u;l urc .1nJ
`'"Pf"'r1 J~pt.-.:t>J \\ llh 1hc ,ynlh1!'1' ''' lhi: pr1,.;c''· 11 '' nrc;.:1cJ 1h.11 the
`i)nlh<-..1, 111 1hc prc1Juc1 1111.l filllm1 n.nur:ill) CatJml) ,,,me J'pc.:h uf lhi:
`J,:,rgn ,1rc h) 111"1.:C:'>ll) flUr,ur:J -CljLIClltlOlll) hir C\,1mpk the• prd1m1n;1ry
`k ·~n c1cn1 11111 !,!l!ncrall) i"ll,111 1hc ..:<.•n,·cplU.11 J~1g.11 c1·c111 \\'har .1.;
`OltJll 'J'Cl'fllC;!il) by th.: ')nthc'" 11( lh.: rru~"\:." JllJ Cl" ICUrrt:IJI J L ... 1!_!0 j,
`I ""'" b.: ' 1mullanc•'u'I) r.:,o h cJ ~11.: '1mui1Jnll1u,I)
`1:1Jt 1h,· J.:'"'"'"
`rc"1hcd lnJccJ. 1\ hal ".: ,ed. '' ;1 holi-tll 111lcgr.i1cd m<•Jd Iha• 11i:IJ, a
`.•1u1111n h• .ill nf th.: rd.:\ .in1 Je"""'"' '11nul1:111c"u'I)
`linen 1h1s argumcm 311<1 3< C\fdcnccd b1 1hc hr><t nl dc,1gn rc'.::;irch
`1n1t1Jl11~ t>crng '"'rlJ\\ 1J.:. J.:,1,;n ,.:1.:11.:.:
`j, JO c111.:ri;111\!
`J1-..1phnc .mJ th.: .m11uJc< ll'\l Jrd Jc~1gn .1r.:: d1Jngrng Thi: lunJ.1mcn1Jl
`r..,.,1111i- f,1r 1111, c;111 he a l lnhut.::J I•.>'"'' -rngul.u •·1.:ni- .1 n..:'' cmph.1'1' 1111
`~}lt•:n1> th.inbmg .rnJ lhc pcn .c~l\c pr::. ... ncc ul compulcr> I lu11..:\CC. 1nJc(cid:173)
`j11.-nJc111 vi tht' appr11.1chc' ,,r mcthc'J~ u,~J 10 c-1ahh,h goal' 111d
`m1>J~J '''lent<' de•1g11cr' 1r.: .inJ 11111
`.:1111unu~ ll' h< 1111<11\c:d m l\1•1
`rr.mar) ',11:111111~. nallld) pr11,-.: .. ,111g >} 01"•''' JnJ dcct,11111, ~··
`~h.11 thJr.ic1cnu, ,, Ji:.:"hlll"
`The char.i.:1cn,1r.:' 1.1f cJi:.:h1u11< .i re ~ .. ,cm.:J '" 1hc d1arac1.:rr,11c' 111
`1b·~n L'i rc:.11-lrk cng111.-.:nng >~>lcm' Tti.;,e ... h.irJ•·i.:rbllc• ffiJ\ 11 hc
`'urr. m.m1.:J h} lhc full1>w111g Jc,cnpll\c ...:111:nce'.
`• Dc:.1>1•.111, m11•h1: 1nfom 1Jl111n th.11 .:1,mi:' (wm J11Tcn:111 "'ur.:c~ 11nd
`• DcrM111i- .ire go,emcJ h} muluplc 111.:.hur.:1 ,1f mi:rll ,111J pcrf11m1.111,·e:
`.\II die 1nl11rm.11111n rc4uircJ ln m.1~.: ,1 1.Ji:o,1t1n 11i..1y n,,, h..• .l\ait.1hlc.
`• ' •'Ole 11[ the 1nfurma11,1n u,.::J 111 J Jc.:"1011 ma~ he hJrJ .1nd
`sorr, 1nfom1Jt11m m11} he "'ii. JnJ
`• 1 he pn1hk m for 11 h1ch ,1 ,).:.;1,ll'll
`Jdin,'\l JOll '' f'Cll
`hcini; m.11.k '' in1 .1r1.1lily " ''"i.:h
`\'irtuJU1 m'nc nl' th.: Jccl\wns ire char.1clcrr1cJ h}
`.1 ,, um4uc
`<;•luuon Th, JL.:1'1l•n soluuun~ .1ri! le" lh.rn opmn:il .111d
`.1n- ·~ilkJ
`IJll\licinl! \OIUlll>n'
`f l<'m
`.I J.:ChlOO-bJ!>i:O Jc,n!n
`r.•p 11Ct\iccn .111
`l(k.1 .inJ reJ ~l 1
`pi.:r,pc.:111.:. Jc.:1~t1..'n' hclfl hnJgc the
`I he} -en..: ·"' JnJ unit' llf

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`l‘h.Iac I u! Ilic DSPI
`I‘».:v.:i'J UII
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`.1-iionh map Illa;
`_1‘_.,,.:,; “,1, in .;; dui.'i;-ii:-n.-. Llnfl priiuuc .i III-m.iin-irid-:pi:ni.Ii:iiI
`“—_m;¢...,ii-L Iii:
`III»: r::pri.'si.'ntiIIinIi .ind priaucsmiig UII.[l'|llh.|ll1 ii.-|ci.iiiI d|.“1lgl'I
`l,\I~.Ia:11I;I: nl dCL'l.\lIDI|"I In thc D517]
`hsuin I
`rim ‘,|-.P|,._-_.;..m gt] Ihu [JSPT n:~.ii1|s iii III:
`;di:ri:iIic.iIin:: --I Lii5\.'l‘-I-‘1'l\
`_1n*uII.'|.IlCll mI.'I lhu ':_\\iIL‘!Il I.Iiid aiibsji s!i:m:x lh..iI iii.I_\ bi: I'IZII.!\.|[llI
`~ ·~
`;:. ,
`.l ,;
`,,, E
`l‘_\pc III iIi;ci.~iniI~ iii Ilii; DSPI
`.\,\ium 1
`in Ihc [')Sl"£ urc ...iIi:i_.:i-rI7i:d as .\L']L'\.‘I|l'l‘|
`.-mgirnmisc. at .1 cnml‘iiIi'.iIin-n in 1116-»;
`.\'cIci.Iimi and L'(||'1'|P|'I.T|lT|iaI.‘ .ir<: rcfcrrizd In as r-rinniri ilci:i-ium .\lI uih.-r
`\LI'm_‘h .ir¢ n_-pn_-xi.-iiii-d 115 .i mirihin:iImn nf Ilmsc urn: I-Icmiticd -L1
`-.1 duI_L3|\I['I5
`rhc _-it.'IuI.'Ih1lI dc.-cniuri.
`in mi:
`i.‘a-nicxt u!" the DS["1
`driiricd .|.\ Inlh-in s
`H11; ?.|!.'|CClIL|[1 dcciaiiin
`.1 chiwicc hcIm.':.'ii
`lhc si.'iL‘i.'I1uIi dci.'is-ion I:-
`lhi: pl'c|I.‘c~.> ul
`.r1'pi‘i-nihilllltts Iaking II‘IIi-
`.2 Immhcr ul
`l'Tl.LT.I.\ll|'L"- ail"
`izir .I|l|’lhUlc'\.
`.ii.'i:i:r-I.incc «if cs:I'1.un .:IIcrn.iIi\..-~
`in mi:
`in .-.i:lci:1iivii
`Hi: L'm|."|"|'iIk|.‘-
`:Ia:..-ugii ihi; fI.‘_|\.'Clli‘ll ul ntlicn Tlic gm! of ~.i:I\:.1i-in in dew-::n as 1~.- rcdmc
`.i|Ii.'rii.aIi\c.-. In .1
`rs:.IiisIip .iIid nI.m;.igc:Ihi.:
`flL.‘IIli"I.'i' !'|;i:n:d --Ii JI|TcrcIIl
`I":-niiro u! men! Thu-u: f“L'.I'IIII'L‘H_ i.';i|lI:.l iiltiiiimi:-., rcpicvatiil I|1I'II.'ii¢1ii,
`'-‘~I'I|-'rmi:iiI; and n1:i_\ not all be nl L'qLld| InIpi'»rI.inu:. he-ms: nu" III: iI'lIl”|hlllI.‘-I
`“'4! ht‘ qu.iiiIifii:d ll5ln_I,'.
`lklid ii1I‘i\rni.I:iuiI .inI.!
`r-I|ii:i':~ m.i3- hL'
`min; "-4.1?! Inlnrmulinn Siniilurli. Ilic cumpmmi-I: dI:i:i~Ii’-n. In Ihi: i.dIiIi:\I U‘
`"I: DEPT. is dctincd :I-I Iollnw-.,
`The coniprnniisc I.IL'L'l.\|1"'ll
`Uctinilinn I
`Inc comprnmisc IJI:I..'I.\IcIn ri:i|i:irc.s lh‘.l1 the ‘right’ \‘;IIHL'~i iur uiiiihin.i-
`lI"fll Hf design i.iri;ihIi:.s be I‘-1iini.l In l.|L"5i.'nhL' the best -.:iIi.~I'ii.'II1g s_I .~Ii.-m
`«Sci-ign mili ri.:spv;:I;I in Ccllhlrililils and ruuliiplc iiimls.
`Flii: uiiipitims in LIU|'lIpI'nI11l\|.‘ is un mudiI'ic'.iIioi1 and change Ii:.g. dirni:n-
`|‘n‘Il..iI \_\liII|I.‘\nI";I I-i_i m..I..m_; ;:]1pnI"I|’|‘_1l|_‘ lr'.|dcnIT_I- hmcd uri -.'nIi:ri.i ri:Ici.iuI
`1'' "D" ‘°‘1""'"l”!- and pcrI'urm.incc -if Ihc \}'\lL‘In
`W’-' "~"-"-‘N1 «HI:-I'll
`in i:1.pI:.IIni:d Ilslfig act Imliili-In Tho: KI II!‘ All pI'III'i.iI)
`In lhl.‘ DSPT ii
`‘:11’;-I1 h},
`'i'a‘|'I::I'u.‘ 5 lI|.'IN.‘lC‘
`.iiId (' J;-I-irate; ('i'imprnnmc All dI.‘1’l\L‘d dccisium ri:~uII
`"“‘““""“ UH lhls \I.‘l. Sums: derived decisions art iI|iI.sIr:IIi:d Ill
`I-‘Ig. H I The:
`:u:|c'1.'1iI.1I1-CC‘!!'l|‘|r\\mIs.L‘ dL‘L'I:luln ihg :~'.I.iI
`l.\ rcprcwntcd by. use
`cc-IniIIuiiic.iIiun In IJUIIIII}
`Ihc [Tf(1|:r|_'§_\[1n
`”"““é'h '"'P’6-‘1‘|1t'IIl-Illufl
`In lL'Tl'!|Il1‘:lL9n :1nd“IhJ\dcT$:i [mm
`dcpcndcnl and dnnigiiii-Im.!:.-I-ii:ndcnI Icziium,
`i,wu“n U I batik:
`In .1 I.fL'!iL'I'||'![iII|l'1 nf Ihi; di.-sign pr._.._-¢,;,¢\ ‘mum -m g p‘ “damn”
`for Iizams Irom lhi:
`\':il‘IIII.I on
`3‘ wmm" um
`.1 language “W1-mm at .
`“f JWEUIHH. Our l’:'iri1i:iI dL'l1lIiI]1)
`f I.
`IKIIITIIII. 1'! IIL. F‘?-‘V’; Mlslrcc i'I u!..Lll‘J.‘:;I:l H.
`I.-rm deny“! u a P“
`5: h .i P[I)1.i..-n iii .unurtiii;_: 'lI’IrIlrl1'1_I[[I_iI1 Ih.iI I.'ho'II'3|:3N'u‘1‘:T.‘_
`"CL "' ‘"1
`r""‘""'°'""'”" '3'" '“ Pmdufl H110 l&IIu\i'Eci‘iL‘a'.iImuI: IN-i3..~
`ll‘! U‘ll\ Ufinnllinn, wc
`um‘ lhc Icriii pruduci in it». must gtlillfiitw: I
`hclicvc Ih.ii pcrhzip-.
`lit‘ Jim-I sigiiiliainl dcuzn product, ,1,-H5,
`Fri‘-Ltsscs ihcmscl I-c.-.
`[HI-' Dl:('[Sl().‘« SL'I"PURT PR0fll..l7M TF.CIIi\'|Ol}!
`Tl": Impicnicnlalzon of dr:ci5II'.In-hiascd design can mks‘ dIlTc-n.1iI [um 1:
`:1.‘ m_" “W"'°flt'h lhc dc-ci.=aiun support prumctn Icchniqisc IDSFTII
`su:‘I8‘:c\;1:l0]|:!:aJ and implcniczitcd. III the L'nu-crsity of liousziin Iupem.
`'hmr:pn_n‘: _‘;“j’3" J““E'|'Th:nI in daaigiiiiig 'i_\.\lC111.\
`111»: DSPT amni-
`an “ppm” '1: rl.0I'l1pul1r:lll.*i.'u Llexjgl-‘| ph|k)snrIh}‘ nm|‘I,'d in $)3lum|1ImA::
`mspfl u G
`In Idi:nlIfI.‘1ng und Iurmul;iIiri_i_: di-.:i~unn -iuppnn |II‘r=‘i¢
`the supporliiig. .mftu-.m:. DSIDF-S. Thu DSPT I.‘UfTI[ll\fl'5
`P iincs. I‘.l‘.1fl'll21}.
`;i mtln-dcsagn ph;,_..c Md .1 c,,mmm.,_iu,u, 49,3,-,,.,«_,_
`M°“"d“5_'II|1 in ii nu.-Ialz.-scl pr.“-,A,,
`dc.~'Igniii_I_: xy-slcins lh.'iI Iiidv.”-‘I
`Punitioi-iing the rev
`~“°"| T-Ir funclmn. pariiiiuiiing Ih: aJC5lg!l[\lI¢!915--'
`3‘ ‘Ci UT I1i:i::'isIuiie.-.
`“"1 Plmiiiiig Ihi: i-cquciiu: III Much Ilia:-finzuv-'
`'-"U5 bi: made.
`mug: mm"d°"'gn “‘ "¢PIt$cnI dynuinii; psiniliuning and pl-Infill: ‘
`Hr: states. I: we mm: H" ""131 La‘ dcrii-ed frum Ih:.' in-it of xiii IKIII. 5*"
`El mun um haw Ilircc meanings;
`".-W? - mam
`0 cfidflflr -
`X ucwn ‘mm X; ‘hm’
`X is It prcruquiaile Isl mew 35
`rnun !\ fl1d1L1ilC.\ Ih.iI X changes and i‘ J gcm_.m| mm;-IJI:
`lie: and
`“nu” “ding
`“'b"“"° ‘5“lN-'l‘i0r 10! X in Ihc sun»: lh-.21 II I\l|1~'lWfl"'{"’

`'55“ "-‘£1011 1_\ pm or \ icvicd frum an i:nI.irg-:\‘i p¢fi}1"‘
`«I “I1: third niciming This nu|mn, I-if mghcr I133 «Ilsa 3'99
`Iur in-.impIi:.
`in icrim W ""'
`-domain. Ch.‘
`I m'w“d‘*"ElIl. Ihi: dc!-.ulcd prmluul ark-i:iI‘Ic dn-‘1’’I’‘’' “‘
`Nm’°d' R3“?!-‘I’. What
`is designed la Ihi: pftlfi?“ wt’

`"•'tl\lrm-h111t•cl 1lflf'rt>t1d1
`" Coup;.,d >Cloc11on, comorom1,,,
`I c srncm~J. {~~~ r
`(bl Coupleo S-0!•'1:1100 ~ch·cuon
`Vi~. 8.1 lumph.~.' "r dc"'"J d<~,'''"''
`ICJ H1era•ch1n•
`Ctpc:rJtor SC IS. c1· \\here s .ind (_ arc cuntct1nc.J Ill lhc "' [;
`"•rnih1rl) .1 ••tuplcc.l -.ckcllun 'de<:trnn Jccri.1o n (h i;. ~-1 b1 '' repr.; .. :n .. ,!
`th1: 11pcr.J10r SSIS, Sl. ·\ h1er.1rch11:al dcchiun t 1-r!!- s h:I '' rcpr,-,.c~d
`CSS IC. SS!!\. Sjl 11 here SS" '" defined Jb•"c TI1c .:llicJn ,,,- u,in, c
`[).)p, "J1'1.:us'.\Cd m (K.1r.mJ1k.n •'I 11/. llJ91 Kuran<l1k • .ir a11J \fi,l!Y. I
`•\ corul l.1n tll h10111 I Jlld ·"mm 2 lrnk, the 1kc""'"' ro D'IP•
`c-.,r,•· lo \\a•m I and \ \rnm ~
`D~•llln 'uppon pr1•hkm, Jn: u11ltJ'cd 1,, pr"' rdc Jc""'"" ,uppt>rt f;,:
`the dcm1on, 1de111ihcd 11111h111 he D~P r1
`''· Jccr''''a:. 1pnni11r~ and tkrl\cJl arc r.:"111.:J u'rn~ •mill
`! h.11
`'""'lruch ~"''1111 J> tk~"h•n '"PP•' n pro hlcnh. I nr 1m1.ult:. lhc ,;~rf(ll
`•clc,;11on-.:11mpr11m1'~ [)SP ,, u....:J Ill prP11dc J1.-c1,w11 ' UPP"'1 lfll 1~
`dcc1,1011,hu"n in F111 ' · '" \\"rth111 1h ... DSPT 1hc ntllun· vi "''""'"'" •urr
`pr<1hlcm, "qu.1.htred. through 1hc foll1,\11ng t'' '' J""m' 11-..1111.11. 1"'101
`,\uom .1 Dnni;n n 1nJcpcnd.:n~c 1>f DSP di:,cnpt11r' .111J ~c)"onh
`1 he '"!'"rtpt.-ir.. Jnd lC\l\nrJ .. U'CO I•' m<1Jcl o~p, nci:d ro N
`•ndcpcnLlcn1 " llh rc,p.!.:r to pr11:.\.-..~c, leg.. dc'lf.11. m.r nuf.rctun: mJll(cid:173)
`tcn.tnt~I .inJ J1-.:11>line' lc.g., m.x:h:1nic'. cniµn.:cnng managcm,nll
`"r11m J Dorn.110 tndcpcndcn,.: 111 ihc mi:.m, I•' r.~111\c n~>P' .
`1 h1· lc.:hruquc U>l!d to '"'''he DSJ', Ile> actu.tlly pr
`1 "
`J. d~c<·•"n
`\Upp\lrtl nc1.'d lo I><: Jom<JJn-mdcpcodcm \\Jlh re,pccl 10 r ' \.\
`. '.
`r,. ""'' Jtt
`d<:~rgn. m.mufo~turc. mJrntcn.1111.cJ Jl1d J1,c1pl1111.·' k.g - m<ThJn ..
`•Oj!rnccnn!! 111J03j!Cf11cnt I
`Tlr<' d1•.-1,in11 .'llf'f'••rt rrobkm 1.:d111i1/ll1'
`\<I rn L1hl.: ' ! .m: !111. Lei "••r.I' .rnJ Jc,<.Tlpll>r.- "'< L'l'tatcJ
`th h1 •Cfc~lr"n .111J :;e1mp r<l0\1'1. f)~p, J he le) ll<•td' art: Ilic 0 \\0rh-'
`, 1,,1[~ J11m;1111 rdc1 :ant rnl• •rrn.11wn .• 1ml 1Jcnltf) the rdJt111n,h1p'
`~<l\\ . :n 1l111t mf,1rma111•n
`In 1hc DSI'' ll'tcd 111 Table li.1, 1h~ ~ •'}"vrJ
`ui•.:i• b J h..-.11h11g under 11h11.:h th~ h.1d1'.r1111 11d ..r ~n\11111 111l"'rtnJl11.'n"
`:roup.:J 11...-~worJ, cmh,1J} 111 1hi.:m'.:I\\'' 111..- Jc,m.11n rna.Jqll!mlcnt ·pro
`e< l.n1>1d~Jg~ fM [)<;p, D..:,•nf>t"r' .Jrc ,ihj<.'.:h <>r£Jnt1a:J unJ cr the
`rthant ~.:111 urd> "1thin the D\i' i,1rmulJt11•n
`.\ :;.1in. they Jh< help
`·r.:i.:1lk Jc-.:riptwn w .1 J""'"
`:r;m•'orm 1hc pr,1hkm i'•'ITI 1h J1,c1('l111.:
`ptm: mJ.:pcnJc nl rcpr.:,rnt.111"n h•r i.:x.1mplc "' 'ck•'i l m;iti.:nal 1u,ing
`the !<:l~w11n DS r1 t,a .. cd 1i11 ,1r..:ni;th. ~·•l"r .ind (•'-t 1lic m;lh:rr;il ch1i11.:.:'
`r.:. h,t::d .l!i. Jih.·rn.•ll't"'. 1.111t1 the- '~h:d1\1n \.rrh.:rt..i .1 ... ".1untiutc,· J)\!,11i..Tl[l·
`mo t(pt•".:n1 'dcdar«lll< lrw" li:di,:c "1R1ch. 19!->:>1
`, Il l
`l)\P l.o'l<llHJ• jnJ d.: . ..;11p1M•
`Gr". ell
`R.t l~
`( rl \.\! U
`I tn•I
`<; .. tt, f~
`C.inJ1J;i1c Jltcrn.1u''"
`\ 1111bu h.»
`RclJll\.: 1mpPrtan..-~
`\ltcm.111'c' " r.I. .tllnhulC'>
`OtJo!r t.•I pr..:for.:ncc
`S\\\ Clll \ JrtJbll!'
`D<\l.tllvn 'an .. bk'>
`s, 'lcm ~t111 ... tr.lllll'>
`s~ ... h.:m 1.u,.,..ih
`D~·\11ll111n fon;11on
`h 'om J ma;. -.c.:m ,.;tf..:• rJ-:111 a' m<1ny 'olut ion tedrn14u~ 1c.,: . hni::Jr
`ptc·l!J";immm11. op11m11.1t1111t .. nJ c\pcrt ')'t.:m•ol .1r' :1 rrlri::1hk
`:,. prohkm, from J 11Tcrcn1 Jmn .u n, Howc\Cr. th1'•tr<'ll
`~m, \u •m ~ hi • IJtrng that Jc1."1,1t111 ,uppnrt mc\Jd, u'rng d11m.rn1-
`n..cpcnJ~nt .:1in,1ru.:1,
`'l'heJ in .J J 11mam-1n1.kpcndcnt
`11 Ltcihta1c 1hc J~,1gn ,,f c11gm•cnng ')'tern,. ,,ur .1ppr<lJch """ mJI..:
`~:: .. ""''' 1analog,1u'
`to the p:akllc J pamtcrl thJl .1 human
`r!.'!tfn.:.r •-10 U'.>C 111 I J nOu> C\CR!' o[ the dc"f!ll llmclmc 1 he J<!Ct<H'O
`ur1111n ;irohlcm tc.:hmqm· pakllc \1,1' hr-1 pullh,hcd Ill 1\ fi,1rcc ,r ,,,_
`l99('i1 Sum, rclincmcn1 and i:\p,m,1110 of th.: ,:.111.:cpl <•ccurr~'ll ,inJ the
`fh, p.1k1tc
`'tlrrtm p;ilct1c "fulh Jc, ,nb..:J rn 11lr;1> J nJ \ l h llc.:.. l\l'J IJ
`=••rJ;nn1 three d1Jfcn:~1 clJ''"' of cn1tt1c-.. n.1m.:ll. po1c n11.JJ '>Upp«n pm~
`kr.r cn1111t,, h.t" cnt1111:' .ind 1r.rn,m1"1<rn cn1111c-
`l11c rcon' rcprc<cntrng
`th"" cn1111c· arc ,Jl.,1111 111 Fig. :; ~ \ nwJd ,,r ncl \\Uri. ,,[ " prnce" "
`l;'C;',t~J hi ~l•nnccttn).: CnllllC' 111
`\11 C~h:O\l\C
`'}'ll!mJllL fa,hl•'O

`I ;4
`I 1 .. ..,,,,.,,.1,,,. .. ,/ cJ{'{'r1•un1
`DSPT palette ent1t1es
`Potential suppon
`problem en1111es
`Base enHllP-<>
`T r;:in~m1!;610
`1~1.11 ion~h ; o
`D P h~~· •
`D Ewn1
`D rd~
`D Duc1~1on
`@ SysJcm
`rn Compr om1~.,
`Cl> Sulr:c:11on
`[D P1chm1nriry
`IT! H~ur•.sllc
`'iJrl 1bk
`© Au>1ha1y
`D 4n.:il~11ca1
`r(•l;111on~h1p 01 ·11~ne1
`8j Cond111ona1
`bJ L•mtt•ng
`oncrg, o lnlom-.;:
`0 Eru·rgv '!
`0 lnformJ:::etr •
`~i~. ls.1 T~< 0!>1'1 (Mkllc for mc.cklmy pr<><:e'"'' 1Br.1> anJ ,\limcc. l'i'lll
`C\;Unplc It-Ing the p.ilcllc in the J..-1gn 1tl;, fn;:;it.: j, ~\Cll 111 l"l'tr~. C'I
`,\ 1h.·,1gncr >'urkong With in lhc l>!il" l ha~ lht· rrt-.:tlvm 111 U:<' 5u~rr..,.;.
`'" 'uhnc1\11ir~ , of .1 J c,1gn pro.: .. ~· .:rcJtcJ ;inl.I •h•rcJ h1 111hcr• 1r1c-:fl11'
`th·c ni.•Jchr .iml or tu .:rc:it.: 1• mt>Jcb 1•f th.: 1mi:mkJ p!Jn .,f ~·
`idc"""'''" muJd,). Tht IC•'"' •JI'. l!.I''" .ll'\;<lnlJlll>JJIC tl11krc11I :wloll •
`oml cultur.:. JnJ 'h11ul1.i 11t11 !>.: ~on_,1Jcr~I hm11"J "' rhc "'·•mplo r~""
`hcr,·in Furihcr i»uc· ... " 1"'•JlcJ "llh 11,--.1gn111g mi>Jd· .•f .ic:-11m P''""«:
`.1/ 1'11101
`·lie Jl,<U'"<:•I 11118rJ. ,
`In l'ha,,. 11 1l 1h1: f)\J'l the r..;;us ,, 011 >lru<tunng .mJ "'l"n!! 11.: [i~~
`thai <X>m:,r11nd tu 1hc Jc.:1>1un, 11kn11licd m Pha 'c I I ht' or11Jnl/Jtl00
`.,:< nl'.rJI ~0''~1~
`l~lu::nJti•'n "llh kc) '1ur.I Jnr! d,-,,;npwr, r~...,ult~ 111
`rqir~...:nt.111\lll '<.heme Mth Jll ·' '"'Cl.Jll:l.i ...:n'c of d.JliJ 1thlf:ICll•1n ... J
`.Ind Jc"nf't<'"' frnm fJh)c '>.I. !he \Clct:lltlll l..l:O-P 1 ' IC'!l<'lll
`ihc 'C)'.\1orJ
`.,. .. ,._
`/lit• <k· ·1s11111 '"i·'l'"rt J'r<•l•lt·m t.-tllllli/lll"
`I ' --~:"
`\ ..:1 ,,f <:1nJ1J.ih: :1lt~rn.i1 \ "-'·
`ll!l' .pnncip.rl .111rihu1~-., inllucnrnl!! -.:kl:''""
`T ~c rd.111\i:' m1f".•rlJ11c..: ,.r :i11r1hutl-.
`lh<'11llcrn.11ncs ;11th ,,...,ri:,·1 h' their altnbut'-"
`n~ allcm.ttl\C~ Ill 1>rJcr ol prcl\:rcm:,· l>.l...:tl 11n th.: L\llllplLlcJ
`rncnt funi . ..lh""n \:Jiu-.; ..
`~:llL!.ul~. th.: , •• mp;llml'< DSP '' ,t,1lL'\I in •1\1rJ.;; :1> fullvws.
`.\n ;iltcm;itl\c h' h.: 1mrr•"CJ through m••J1hc11run
`,\.,ump11u1i- u...c<l h• m,1Jcl lhi:' J1•ci.un <'I mtcre>I
`The S~•tcm pctr.imcu:r, 1 li,~.J ".tr1.1hk•I
`lhc '''"'lrmnt• ;onJ 11•"," rnr t h.: J.:,11m
`He tn•krcnJcnt :.y~ll'm ,·Jri.1hks \-a)uc' 1thc) dc,.:nb-: the :irt1(:11.:t"~
`pl J1tnl>u1..-,1.
`T•~ J~11.11111n 1.uiJt>lc; \.tluc' \the) mJ1.:.11c the .:\1.:111 11> \\ hkh th.:
`~ -11• Jrc J.:illc n:J I
`n.~ '"''""> t mu,1 he ,;11"licd ll'f tho: '''1Uth111 "' ti..·
`lh.:~~,1.:m ~11.11, 1h:11 mu'' .1d11.:1c. 11• the C\t.:n1 l'""'hlc. :i 'rc.:1licd
`lllr,ct 1 .1lm.: ..
`fbc "'""' .mJ upp.:r b..1un.J, ''" J h.: -~ 'l<:m 1 :inahl"' ;ind b.uind- ""
`!hr J<;1t.1t1Pn ,,m;it>k.
`lhc Jc1tJtK•n fun~t11•n th:it j, J m.:.1,ur.: 1)( the J.:\••'" 11( the
`~Y>l<m rcrformanc.: Imm 1h,11 11nplrcJ h) the ,.:t l•I i!•'Jh :inJ th.:ir
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