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`Curriculum Vitae of Mung Chiang
` Stanford University, Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
` Stanford University, M. S. in Electrical Engineering
` Stanford University, B. S. (Honors) in Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
`B328, Engineering Quad, Olden Street, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
`Phone (609)240-6941 (609) 258-5071 Fax (609) 258-2158
`Director, Keller Center for Innovations in Engineering Education
`Chair, Engineering School Curriculum Committee
`Director, Technology and Society Program
`Chair, Princeton University Entrepreneurship Advisory Committee
`2013- Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
`Professor of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
`Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
`Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University
`Affiliated Faculty of Applied and Computational Mathematics
`2006- Associated Faculty of Computer Science
`Research Areas
`• Optimization of networks, network utility maximization, network function optimization
`• Smart data pricing and network economics
`• Fog networking and Internet of Things
`• Social learning networks and online social networks
`• Founded the Princeton EDGE Lab in 2009
`• H-index of publication citation in Google Scholar: 55
`2014-15 Guggenheim Fellow
`2015 IEEE INFOCOM Best Paper Runner-up
` New Jersey (non-profit) CEO of the Year
` INFORMS Information Systems Design Science Award
`2014 Yelp Open Data Challenge Grand Prize Paper
`2013 NSF Alan T. Waterman Award, with the citation “for fundamental contributions to the
` analysis, design, and optimization of wireless networks.”
`2013 ASEE Frederick E. Terman Award for education innovation
`2013 IEEE SECON Best Paper Award
`2013 Association of American Publishers PROSE Award in Science and Technology
`2012 IEEE Kiyo Tomiyasu Award, with the citation “for demonstrating the practicality of a new
` theoretical foundation for the analysis and design of communication networks.”
`2012 Elected to IEEE Fellow


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`2012 IEEE INFOCOM Best Paper Award
` IEEE Communication Society Distinguished Lecturer
`2009 2 IEEE GLOBECOM Best Paper Awards
`2008 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, White House OSTP
`2008 Selected Participant, National Academy of Engineering Frontiers of Engineering Symposium
`2007 TR35 Young Innovator Award, Technology Review Magazine (35 top innovators in
` biology, information, and material technologies in the world under the age of 35)
`2007 Young Researcher Competition Runner-up, Mathematical Programming Society (one of 3
` researchers in continuous optimization under the age of 35, selected once every 3 years)
`2007 Young Investigator Award, Office of Naval Research
`2007 Princeton Engineering Commendation List of Teaching
`2006 Lead author of ISI Citation Fast Breaking Paper in Computer Science
`2006 Co-author of IEEE GLOBECOM Best Student Paper Award
`2005 Howard B. Wentz Junior Faculty Award, Princeton University
` CAREER Award, National Science Foundation
`1999-03 Hertz Foundation Fellow
`1999-03 Stanford Graduate Fellow
`1999-02 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
` Terman Award for Scholastic Excellence in Engineering, Stanford University
` Tau Beta Pi National Engineering Honors Society
`University Leadership:
`Industry Leadership:
`• Director of Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education, a department in
`Engineering School offering dozens of courses, many student/faculty programs, and ~60
`events each year.
`Inaugural Chairman of Princeton Entrepreneurship Advisory Committee (PEAC), a university
`committee consisting of 19 faculty, student, staff and alumni members, reporting to Provost
`• Within the first year of taking on these two responsibilities:
`o Opened the first Entrepreneurship Hub incubator at Princeton, increasing
`entrepreneurship space from 2,000 sqft to 12,000 sqft.
`o Launched the Alumni Entrepreneurship Fund, the first direct investment
`entrepreneurship funding in Princeton’s history.
`o Completed multi-million dollars of prior pledge, raised another ~$5M new donation
`from alumni, built a deep pipeline of upcoming alumni donation.
`o Doubled the headcount of full time staff at Keller Center.
`o Sharpened branding (, consolidated operations,
`carried out self-study with ~1000 students, faculty, alumni, partnered with NJ/NY
`ecosystem, and released the PEAC Report of “Entrepreneurship the Princeton Way”
`that positions a broadly defined entrepreneurship in Princeton’s liberal arts
`Initiated new programs such as Industry Engagement Evenings, Local Investor Pitch
`Night, Startup Internship Matching, Entrepreneurship 101 course, eWorkshop series,
`Design Thinking program (joint with the Art Museum and School of Architecture).
`• Also serving as Chair of Engineering School Curriculum Committee, and as Director of the
`Technology and Society Program (joint with Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs).
`• Named New Jersey Non-Profit CEO of the Year 2014.


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`• Founding Co-Chair of Fog Networking Consortium, a new academia-industry consortium
`with leading companies such as Cisco and Microsoft.
`• Co-founder of several VC-funded startup companies in networking and in big data.
`• Founding CEO of DataMi, now headquartered near Boston, the leading technology provider
`of “open toll-free” solutions for mobile operators in US, India and Africa.
`Keynote Speech and Plenary Talk
`National Chiao Tung University Global Ventures Summit, 2014
`University of Miami Jury Lecture, 2013
`ACM Sigmetrics NetEcon Workshop, 2013
`New Jersey Technology Council Annual Commercialization Conference, 2012, Delaware
`IEEE GLOBECOM Plenary Panel 2010, Miami, FL
`Southern California Conference on Network Economics and Game Theory, Los Angeles,
`International Symposium of Modeling and Optimization (MOPTA) 2010, Lehigh, PA
`K. U. Leuven 15th Simon Stevin Lecture on Optimization and Engineering 2010, Leuven,
`IEEE INFOCOM Plenary Panel 2010, San Diego, CA
`MIT Laboratory of Information and Decision Systems Annual Student Conference 2010,
`Cambridge, MA
`IEEE International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization of Wireless Networks
`(WiOpt) 2009, Seoul, Korea
`IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing (SAM) Workshop 2008, Darmstadt,
`IEEE Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks (RAWNET) Workshop 2007, Cyprus
`Services to Professional Societies
`Program/Committee Chairmanship
`Founding Steering Committee Chair, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and
`Engineering, 2013—14
`General Co-Chair, Smart Data-Pricing (SDP) Industry Forum, 2012, 2015.
`TPC Co-Chair, IEEE INFOCOM SDP Workshop, 2013, 2014.
`General Co-Chair, IEEE 9th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization of
`Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), June 2011.
`Program Co-Chair, IEEE Workshop on Online Social Networks, June 2011.
`Program Co-Chair, 38th Conference on Information Science and Systems, March 2004, 2016.
`Founding General Co-Chair, First ACM MobiHoc Student Workshop on Wireless
`Networking, May 2009. Steering Committee, ACM MobiHoc Student Workshop on Wireless
`Networking, 2010 – now.
`Founding Organizer, CISS Invited Track on Network Optimization, 2006 – now.
`Co-Editor, National IT R&D Report on Complex Engineered Networks, 2013.
`Editor at Large, IEEE Transactions on Networking, 2014—Now.
`Associate Editor, Operations Research, 2012—14.
`Lead Guest Editor, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications Special Issue on
`“Nonlinear Optimization of Communication Systems”, August 2006.
`Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and IEEE/ACM Transactions on
`Networking Joint Special Issue on “Networking and Information Theory”, June 2006.
`Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2006-2008.


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`Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Communication, 2008-2010.
`Associate Editor, Springer Journal of Optimization and Engineering, 2008 -- .
`Book Series Co-editor, Springer Series on Optimization and Control of Communication
`Systems, 2007 – Now.
`Technical Program Committee
`Technical Program Committee Member, ACM Sigcomm 2015, IEEE INFOCOM 2006-2010,
`ACM MobiHoc 2007, IEEE ICNP 2009, IEEE ISIT 2009, IEEE WiOpt 2006-2007, IEEE
`ICC 2004-2005, IEEE GLOBECOM 2004-2006, IEEE WICON 2008, IEEE PCCCC 2006,
`IEEE CollaborateComm 2005, International Conference on Duality, Complementarity, and
`Global Optimization 2007.
`Conference Organization
`Panel Chair, First ACM Workshop on Medical Grade Wireless Networking, May 2009.
`Student Paper Award Co-Chair, Sarnoff Symposium, 2006.
` Co-Chair, DIMACS Princeton-Rutugers Seminar Series on Computational Information
` Theory and Coding, 2004. Chair, Cisco Speaker Series on New Paradigms of Networking
` Research, Princeton University, 2003-2004.
`Tutorial: IEEE GLOBECOM 2004, INFOCOM 2005, ISIT 2006.
`Invited Session Co-Chair, IEEE Control and Decision Conference 2004, IEEE Computer
`Communications Workshop 2005, International Conference on Complementarity, Duality,
`and Global Optimization 2005, 2007, ACM Sigmetrics Hot Topic Session 2005, INFORMS
`Annual Meeting 2005, 2006, Conf. Inform. Science and Systems 2006, 2008, IEEE
`Communication Theory Workshop 2007, IEEE International Conference on Acoustic,
`Speech, and Signal Processing 2007, International Conference on Continuous Optimization
`Other Services
`• Member, IEEE Fellow Communications Society Committee, 2015—Now.
`• Member, IEEE Tomiyasu Award Committee, 2013—Now.
`• Chair, Award Subcommittee of IEEE Multimedia Communication Technical Committee, 2010-
`• Proposal reviewer, NSF CISE CCF and CNS Division, 2005-2013.
`• Proposal reviewer, ARO, ONR, AFOSR and AAAS, 2007-2013.
`• Proposal reviewer, Canadian National Science and Engineering Research Council 2006.
`• Proposal reviewer, Hong Kong Government Grant Council 2006-2012.
`• Proposal reviewer, NYU Abu Dhabi Institute, 2010.
`Services to Princeton University
`Princeton University
`• Director, Keller Center for Innovations in Engineering Education, 2014 – now.
`• Chair, Princeton Entrepreneurship Advisory Committee (PEAC), 2014—now.
`• Chair, University Committee on Classroom Design, 2013.
`• Executive Committee, Certificate in Applications of Computing, 2011 – 2013.
`• Executive Committee, Certificate in Information Technology and Policy, 2011 – 2013.
`• Graduate School Curriculum Subcommittee, 2010 – 2012.
`• Graduate School Awards Subcommittee, 2013 – now.
`• Graduate School Student Life and Discipline Subcommittee 2009 – 2010.
`• University Committee on Discipline 2006-2008.


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`School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
` Project X Proposal Review Committee 2009.
`• Executive Committee of Strategic Planning on Information Technology 2003-2004.
`Electrical Engineering Department
` •
` •
` Director of Graduate Studies, 2009 – 2014.
`• Executive Committee, 2012 – now.
`Information Science and Systems group coordinator 2006-2007, 2008-2009.
`ISS Seminar coordinator, 2003-2004, 2008.
`• EE IT Hiring Committee, 2008-2009.
`• Department academic advisor to 18 first year ISS graduate students 2003-2012.
`• Department academic advisor to 6 undergraduate students in Class of 2007 and 8
`undergraduate in Class of 2015.
`• Freshman advisor to 12 freshman students 2008 and to 8 freshman students 2009.
`Teaching Summary
`• MOOC: 2012—now. Over 250,000 students enrolled in Networks: Friends, Money, and
`• ELE381/COS381: Networks: Friends, Money, and Bytes. Fall 2011. In this new inter-
`disciplinary course created in 2011, we cut across the fundamentals of social, economic, and
`technological networks and teach them in a Just-in-Time way. The course is leading to an
`undergraduate textbook 20 Questions About Networked Life to be published by Cambridge
`University Press. Course materials have already started being adopted by other universities,
`such as Cornell University, George Washington University, University of Miami, Chinese
`University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong University Science and Technology.
`• Fall 2012 – now: “Flipped” the first engineering classroom at Princeton.
`• ELE539A: Optimization of Communication Systems: Methodologies and Applications. Spring
`2004-2011 (new course created in 2004). Lecture notes have been adopted in courses at other
`institutions including MIT, Cornell, Georgia Tech, Purdue, University of Washington,
`University of Toronto, Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong University of
`Science and Technology.
`• ELE382: Distributed Algorithms and Optimization Methods for Engineering Applications.
`Fall 2004-2009 (new version created in 2004).
`• ELE519: Information Science and Systems Seminar 2003-2004, 2008.
`• ELE514: Extramural Research Internship 2009-2012.
`• ELE597/598: Master’s Project 2009-2012.
`• Average teaching evaluation score: 4.5/5.0.
`• NSF Combined Research and Curriculum Development Award 2004-2006.
`• School of Engineering Teaching Commendation List 2007.
`Research Advisees
`Post-doctoral Advisees (20)
`• Dr. Jang-Won Lee (2004 – 2005, Now tenured Associate Professor in School of EE, Yonsei
`University, Korea) Joint with Calderbank.


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`• Dr. Daniel Palomar (2004-2006, Now tenured Associate Professor in Department of ECE,
`Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, IEEE Fellow) Joint with Verdu.
`• Dr. Jianwei Huang (2005 – 2007, Now tenured Associate Professor in Department of
`Information Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong).
`• Dr. Dahai Xu (2005 – 2007, Senior Member of Technical Staff, AT&T Labs Research, Now
`• Dr. Yung Yi (2006 – 2008, Now Associate Professor in Department of EE, Korean Advanced
`Institute of Science and Technology, Korea).
`• Dr. Rui Zhang-Shen (2006-2007, Now with Google, NY) Joint with Rexford.
`• Dr. Shao Liu (2007 – 2008, Now with Google, CA).
`• Dr. Hazer Inaltekin (2007 – 2009, Now tenure-track Assistant Professor in Department of
`Electrical Engineering, Antalya University, Turkey) Joint with Poor.
`• Dr. Hongseok Kim (2009 – 2010, Now tenure-track Assistant Professor in Department of
`Electrical Engineering, Sagong University, Korea)
`• Dr. Haris Kremo (2010 – 2011, Now with Toyota Information Technology Research Center).
`• Dr. Sangtae Ha (2009 – 2013, Now tenure-track Assistant Professor in Computer Science,
`University of Colorado).
`• Dr. Christopher Leberknight (2010 – 2012, Now Associate Professor in Computer Science,
`Montclair State University), Joint with Poor.
`• Dr. Amitabha Ghosh (2010 – 2012, Now with Apple core OS group, CA).
`• Dr. Soumya Sen (2011 – 2013, Now tenure-track Assistant Professor in School of Business,
`University of Minnesota).
`• Dr. Ehsan Aryafar (2011 – 2013, Now Intel Labs).
`• Dr. Bharath Balasubramanian (2012 – 2014, Now with AT&T Labs Research).
`• Dr. Zhenming Liu (2012 – 2014, Now with Two Sigma hedge fund), Joint with Poor and
`• Dr. Aveek Dutta (2013—now)
`• Dr. Swapna Buccaputnam (2014 – now), Joint with Poor
`• Dr. Yan Shvartzshnaider (2015 – now)
`• Ying Li (2003 – 2008, Now Research Scientist at Samsung wireless standardization group,
`TX) Joint with Calderbank.
`• Chee Wei Tan (2004 – 2008, Now Associate Professor in Computer Science, National
`University of Singapore).
`Jiayue He (2004-2008, Now with McKinsey Consulting, NY) Joint with Rexford.
`Jiaping Liu (2004 – 2009, Now with Chadbourne and Parke, NY) Joint with Poor.
`• Prashanth Hande (2004-2009, Now with Qualcomm, NJ) Joint with Calderbank.
`• Tian Lan (2005 – 2010, Now tenure-track Assistant Professor at George Washington
`University, D.C.)
`• Wenjie Jiang (2006 – 2012, Now with Google) Joint with Rexford.
`Ioannis Kamitsos (2007 – 2012, Now with Bloomberg)
`• Felix Wong (2010 – now)
`Jiasi Chen (2011 – now)
`• Carlee Joe-Wong (2011 – now)
`• Chris Brinton (2012 – now)
`• Michael Wang (2012 – now)
`• Shirley Wang (2013 – now)
`• Yixin Sun (2015 – now) Joint with Mittal.
`Ph.D. Students (15)


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`Short-term Visitors (30)
`• Dr. Kent Chen (Visiting postdoc, HKUST, Hong Kong, 2004-2005)
`• Dr. Maryam Fazel (Visiting postdoc, Caltech, July 2005)
`• Ao Tang (Visiting Ph.D. student, Caltech, July – September 2005)
`• Dr. Mohammad Rezaien (Visiting postdoc, U. Melbourne, Australia, July 2005)
`• Dr. Raphael Cendrillon (Visiting postdoc, U. Queensland, Australia, November 2005)
`• Xin Wang (Visiting Ph.D. student, RPI, March – August 2006)
`• Kai Yang (Visiting Ph.D. student, Columbia U., July – August 2006)
`• Dr. Alexandre Proutiere (Visiting postdoc, ENS, France, August 2006)
`• Bjorn Johansson (Visiting Ph.D. student, KTH, Sweden, January – March 2007)
`• Hamed Mohsenian (Visiting Ph.D. student, UBC, Canada, March – July 2007)
`• Xin Ji (Visiting Ph.D. student, K.U.Leuven, Belgium, March – July 2007)
`• Dr. Mikael Prytz (Visiting researcher, Ericsson Labs, Sweden, March – July 2007)
`• Professor Junshan Zhang (Visiting faculty, Arizona State U., June 2007)
`• Paschalis Tsiaflakis (Visiting Ph.D. student, K.U.Leuven, Belgium, Sept. – Nov. 2007)
`• Dr. Xing Jin (Visiting postdoc from HKUST, Hong Kong, Mar – June 2008)
`• David Gao (Visiting Ph.D. student, Rice University, July – August 2008)
`• Professor Gary Chan (Visiting faculty, HKUST, April – July 2009)
`• Liqun Fu (Visiting Ph.D. student, CUHK, June – November 2009)
`• Liping Qian (Visiting Ph.D. student, CUHK, June – August 2009)
`• Victoria Zhang (Visiting Ph.D. student, HKUST, September – December 2009)
`• Robin Ouyang (Visiting Ph.D. student, HKUST, September – November 2009)
`• Yuan Wu (Visiting Ph.D. student, HKUST, September 2009 – January 2010)
`Jie Xiang (Visiting Ph.D. student, Simula Lab, Norway, January – March 2010)
`• Ranjan Pal (Visiting Ph.D. student, USC, June – August 2010)
`• Kartik Pandit (Visiting Ph.D. student, UC Davis, September – December 2010)
`• Youngbin Im (Visiting Ph.D. student, Seoul National University, July 2010 – June 2011)
`• Steve Zhou (Visiting Ph.D. student, HKUST, November 2012 – April 2013)
`Jaeyoon Chung (Visiting Ph.D. student, KAIST, February 2013 – January 2014)
`• Felix Wong (Visiting Ph.D. student, HKUST, September 2013 – August 2014)
`• Liang Zheng (Visiting Ph.D. student, City U. of Hong Kong, June – August 2014)
`Undergraduate Research Advisees (40)
`• Michael Yang (Spring – Summer 2004)
`Jason Bell (Spring 2004)
`• Daniel Chiou (Spring 2004 – Spring 2005)
`• Ariel Lidow (Fall 2004 – Summer 2005)
`• Aditi Shrivastava (Fall 2004 – Spring 2005)
`• Ethan Leibowitz (Fall 2004 – Spring 2005)
`• Yuen Yiu (Summer 2005)
`• Ma’ayan Bresler (Fall 2005 – Summer 2006)
`John Phillips (Fall 2007 – Spring 2008)
`• Scott Layne (Spring 2008)
`• Kadir Annamalai (Spring 2009)
`• Carlee Joe-Wang (Spring 2010 – Fall 2010)
`• Marlene Morgan (Summer 2010)


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`Josphat Magutt (Fall 2010 – now)
`• Peter Toshev (Fall 2010)
`• Cagri Onuk (Fall 2010)
`Jasika Bawa (Fall 2010 – 2012)
`• Dana Butnariu (Summer 2011 – Fall 2012)
`• Peter Zakin (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012)
`• Robert Coe (Fall 2011)
`• Ming Loong Chng (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012)
`• Susan Zhang (Fall 2011 – Spring 2012)
`Jian Min Sim (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013)
`• Harvest Zhang (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013)
`• Sukriti Chadha (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013)
`• Dolly Xu (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013)
`• Rasmus Rothe (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013)
`• Rohan Charma (Fall 2012 – Spring 2013)
`• Vivian Qu (Fall 2013 – Spring 2014)
`Jamie Smith (Fall 2013 – Spring 2014)
`• Capella Yee (Fall 2013)
`• Rosemary Wang (Fall 2013)
`• Mo Luo (Fall 2013 – Spring 2014)
`• Ankit Buddhiraju (Fall 2013 – now)
`• Pranav Gokhale (Fall 2014 – now)
`• Neeta Patel (Fall 2014 – now)
`Jean Choi (Fall 2014 – now)
`• Katelyn Lesse (Fall 2014 – now)
`• Vaidhyanath Murti (Fall 2014 – now)
`• Rahul Subramanian (Fall 2014 – now)
`Research Grants (60 Grants and Gifts, Total amount of my share: over $11.4M)
`1. National Science Foundation Small Grant for Exploratory Research (SGER) Grant CCF-
`0440443. “Distributed Optimization of Spatial Resources in Wireless Local Area Networks”.
`PI: M. Chiang. 2004 – 2005.
`2. National Science Foundation Combined Research and Curriculum Development (CRCD)
`Grant CNS-0417607. “Control and Optimization of Communication Networks”. PI: S. H.
`Low. 2004 – 2006. .
`3. National Science Foundation Information Technology Research (ITR) Grant CNS-0427677.
`“FAST Copper: Dynamic Optimization of Resources in Frequency, Amplitude, Space, and
`Time for Broadband Access Networks”. PI: M. Chiang. 2004 – 2008.
`4. Cisco. “Seminar series in new paradigms of networking research”. 2004.
`5. National Science Foundation CAREER Award CCF-0448012. “From Shannon to TCP:
`Theory, Algorithms, and Applications of Nonlinear Optimization in Communication
`Systems”. PI: M. Chiang. 2005 – 2010.
`6. National Science Foundation Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS) Grant CNS-
`0519880. “Network X-ities: Foundations and Applications”. PI: J. Rexford. 2005 – 2009.
`7. National Science Foundation/DARPA Cyber Trust Grant CNS-0430487. “SecureCore for
`Trustworthy Commodity Computing and Communications”. PI: R. B. Lee. 2005 – 2007.
`8. Qualcomm Flarion Technologies. Stipend and partial tuition support for graduate student.
`2004 – 2008.


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`9. Cisco University Research Program (URP) Grant GH072605. “IP Routing Optimization:
`Scalability and Diagnosability”, PI: J. Rexford. 2005 – 2006. .
`10. DARPA Seedling Grant HR0011-06-1-0008. “D-DOT:Network design by Duality,
`Optimization, and Topology”, PI: A. R. Calderbank. 2005 – 2006.
`11. Princeton University SEAS Junior Faculty Award: Howard B. Wentz Junior Faculty Award.
`2005 – Now.
`12. Air Force Office of Sponsored Research Grant FA9550-06-1-0297. “IONS: Information and
`Optimization of Network Science”. PI: M. Chiang. 2006 – 2008.
`13. DARPA Control Based Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (CBMANET) Program. “MARCONI:
`Mobility Aware Resource Coordination for Optimization of Network Infrastructure”, PI:
`Lockheed Martin. 2006-2007.
`14. National Science Foundation Theoretical Foundation (TF) Grant CCF-0635034. “Towards a
`Theoretical Foundation of Network Architectures”. PI: N. Shroff. 2006-2007.
`15. National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates Supplement. PI:
`Chiang. 2006-2007.
`16. DARPA Seedling Grant W911NF-07-1-0057. “Design for optimizability in networking”. PI:
`M. Chiang. 2007.
`17. Oxford Princeton Collaboration Grant. “Analysis and Design for Complex Networks”. PI: M.
`Chiang. 2007-2008.
`18. Siemens University Research Gift. “Research in Wireless Local Area Networks”. PI: A. R.
`Calderbank. 2007.
`19. Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Program (ONR YIP) Grant N00014-07-1-0864.
`“A Mathematical Theory of Network Architectures”. PI: M. Chiang. 2007-2010.
`20. National Science Foundation Network Technology and Systems (NeTS) Future Internet
`Network Research (FIND) Grant CNS-0720570. “Towards a Theoretical Foundation of
`Network Architectures” PI: R. Srikant. 2007-2010.
`21. The White House and Department of Defense, Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists
`and Engineers (PECASE) N00014-09-1-0449, “Distributed Scheduling in MANET”, PI: M.
`Chiang. 2009-2014.
`22. Air Force Office of Sponsored Research Complex Network FA9550-09-1-0134, “Scheduling
`in MANET: The Challenges of Nonconvexity, Stochastic Dynamics, and Dimensionality”, PI:
`M. Chiang. 2009-2012.
`23. DARPA University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) N00014-09-1-0951,
`“Stochastic Network Utility Maximization”, PI: M. Chiang. 2009-2010.
`24. Princeton University Grand Challenge Grant, “Green Information Technology”, PI: M.
`Martonosi. 2009-2011.
`25. Qualcomm University Research Grant, “Testbed for Wireless Networked End Users”, PI: M.
`Chiang. 2009-2012.
`26. National Science Foundation Computing Research Infrastructure (CRI) CNS-0855144, “The
`EDGE Lab”, PI: M. Chiang, 2009-2010.
`27. Air Force Office of Sponsored Research Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI)
`FA9550-09-1-0643, “Information Dynamics as Foundation for Network Management”, PI: M.
`Chiang, 2009-2014.
`28. National Science Foundation Cross-Cutting Network Science and Engineering (NetSE) CNS-
`0905086, “Robust Socio-Technological Networks”, PI: M. Chiang. 2009-2013.
`29. Microsoft University Research Gift, “The EDGE Lab”, PI: M. Chiang, 2009-2010.
`30. Google University Research Gift, “Energy-Aware Data Center”, PI: M. Martonosi. 2010-2011.
`31. Air Force Office of Sponsored Research STTR, “Information Geometry”, PI: Intelligent
`Automated Inc., 2011-2012.
`32. National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Supplement,
`PI: M. Chiang, 2010.


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`33. National Science Foundation Networking Technologies and Systems (NeTS), “Architecting
`Manageable Interference for Next Generation Wireless Networks”, PI: A. Sahbarwal, 2010-
`34. Google University Research Gift, “Rethinking Wide Area Traffic Management”, PI: J.
`Rexford, 2010-2011.
`35. Army Research Office Multi-University Research Initiative (MURI), “Measuring,
`Understanding, and Responding to Covert Social Networks”, PI: P. Wolfe, 2010-2015.
`36. Intel, “Princeton EDGE Lab Gift”, PI: M. Chiang, 2011 -- .
`37. HP, “Princeton EDGE Lab Gift”, PI: M. Chiang, 2011 -- .
`38. SES, “Princeton EDGE Lab Gift”, PI: M. Chiang, 2011 – 2013.
`39. National Science Foundation NeTS CNS-1117126, “Internet Access Pricing: From Theory to
`Deployment”, PI: M. Chiang, 2011 – 2014.
`40. DARPA, “BLADE for Optimized Jamming”, PI: Lockheed Martin, 2011-2015.
`41. DARPA, “Mission Aware Cloud”, PI: Telcordia, 2011-2015.
`42. AFOSR STTR Phase II, “Geometry of Socio-Technological Networks”, PI: I.A.I., 2011-2013.
`43. AFOSR DURIP, “Edging up wireless network testbed at Princeton EDGE lab,” PI: Chiang,
`44. NSF Research Experience for Undergrads
`45. NSF and AFOSR Workshop Support for NITRD Workshop on Complex Engineered Networks
`46. Gift from Alcatel-Lucent on SDP
`47. Gift from HP on Data Center
`48. Gift from Intel on Beyond 5G
`49. Gift from Ju Foundation on online education
`50. Princeton IP Acceleration Fund 2012
`51. Princeton 250th Anniversary Teaching Innovation Fund 2012
`52. Siegel Foundation Gift
`53. AFOSR grant on information obfuscation 2013—2014
`54. NSF NeTS grant on multiuser beamforming 2013—2015
`55. NSF Waterman Award 2013—18
`56. NSF-Finland grant on video over cognitive wireless networks 2015—2017
`57. ARO on social learning networks 2014—17
`58. DARPA grant on Cross Stratum Games 2014—15
`59. Princeton IP Acceleration Fund 2015—16
`60. Gift from Qualcomm
`Patents Issued
`1. US 7,610,361 System and Method for Ethernet Network Design, October 27, 2009.
`2. US 7,693,072 Method and Apparatus for Configuring a Network Topology with Alternative
`Communication Paths, April 6, 2010.
`3. US 7,738,406 Models for Routing Tree Selection in Peer-to-Peer Communications, June 15,
`4. US 7,768,935 System and Method for Providing Topology and Reliability Constrained by Low
`Cost Routing in a Network, Aug 3, 2010.
`5. US 7,944,856 Method and apparatus for providing redundancy for an access network, May
`17, 2011.
`6. US 8,064360 Wireless home network routing protocol, November 22, 2011.


`Case 3:15-cv-01735-H-RBB Document 155-2 Filed 02/25/16 Page 12 of 32
`7. US 8,068867 Cross-layer power control and scheduling protocol, November 29, 2011.
`8. US 8,239,502 System and method for network design, August 7, 2012.
`9. US 8,306,013 Interactions among mobile devices in a wireless network, November 6, 2012.
`10. US 8,374,091 TCP extension and variants for handling heterogeneous applications, February
`12, 2013.
`11. US 8,406,206 Mobile peer-to-peer content sharing method and system, March 26, 2013.
`12. US 8,527,648 Systems, methods, and computer program products for optimizing content
`distribution in data networks, September 3, 2013.
`13. US 8,661,486, System and method of delivering video content, February 25, 2014.
`1. M. Chiang, Networked Life: 20 Questions and Answers, Cambridge University Press, September
`2. C. Brinton and M. Chiang, Networks Illustrated: 8 Principles without Calculus, EdWiser Scholastic
`Publisher, June 2013.
`3. M. Chiang, S. Sen, S. Ha, C. Joe-Wong, Ed., Smart Data Pricing, Wiley, 2014.
`Journal Papers
`1. T. M. Cover and M. Chiang, “Duality between channel capacity and rate distortion with two-sided
`state information”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1629 - 1638, June
`2. M. Chiang and S. Boyd, “Geometric programming duals of channel capacity and rate distortion”,
`IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 245-258, February 2004.
`3. M. Chiang, “Balancing Transport and Physical Layers in Wireless Multihop Networks: Jointly
`Optimal Congestion Control and Power Control”, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications,
`vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 104-116, January 2005. (ISI Citation Fast Breaking Paper in Computer Science
`4. A. Sutivong, M. Chiang, T. M. Cover, and Y. H. Kim, “Pure information and state estimation for
`state-dependent Gaussian channels”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 51, no. 4, pp.
`1486-1495, April 2005.
`5. M. Chiang, “Geometric programming for communication systems”, Foundations and Trends in
`Communications and Information Theory, vol. 2, no. 1-2, pp. 1-154, August 2005. (One of top 3
`papers by authors under the age of 35 in the field of continuous optimization during 2004 – 2007
`selected by Mathematical Programming Society)


`Case 3:15-cv-01735-H-RBB Document 155-2 Filed 02/25/16 Page 13 of 32
`6. J. W. Lee, M. Chiang, and R. A. Calderbank, “Jointly optimal congestion and contention control in
`wireless ad hoc networks”, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 216-218, March 2006.
`7. J. W. Lee, M. Chiang, and R. A. Calderbank, “Price-based distributed algorithm for optimal rate-
`reliability tradeoff in network utility maximization”, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in
`Communications, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 962-976, May 2006.
`8. F. Meshkati, M. Chiang, H. V. Poor, and S. Schwartz, “A non-cooperative power control game for
`multi-carrier CDMA systems”, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 24, no. 6, pp.
`1115-1129, June 2006.
`9. S. Gezici, M. Chiang, H. V. Poor, and H. Kobayashi, “Optimal and suboptimal finger selection
`algorithms for MMSE RAKE receivers in impulse radio ultra-wideband systems”, EURASIP
`Transactions on Signal Processing, July 2006.
`10. D. Palomar and M. Chiang, “A tutorial on decomposition methods and distributed network
`resource allocation”, IEEE Journal of Selected Aresa in Communications, vol. 24, no. 8, pp. 1439-
`1451, August 2006.
`11. M. Chiang, S. H. Low, A. R. Calderbank, and J. C. Doyle, “Layering as optimization
`decomposition: A mathematical theory of network architectures”, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 95,
`no. 1, pp. 255-312, January 2007. (Top 100 downloaded papers in IEEE Xplore in March – May

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