Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 3
` 5 MICROSOFT MOBILE OY, AND )IPR 2016-01228 and
` 6 MICROSOFT MOBILE INC., )IPR 2016-01229
` 7 Petitioners, )
` 8 v. )
` 9 EVOLVED WIRELESS, LLC, )Patent 7,881,236
` 10 Patent Owner. )
` 11 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
` 14
` 15 April 20, 2017
` 9:33 a.m.
` 16
` 17
` 18 Fish & Richardson
` 19 1425 K Street, Northwest
` 20 Washington, D.C. 20005
` 21
` 22
` 23 Reported by: Lori J. Goodin, RPR, CLR, CRR,
` 24 Realtime Systems Administrator
` 25
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 1


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 2
` 3 For the Patent Owner Evolved Wireless, LLC:
` 6 399 Park Avenue, Suite 3600
` 7 New York, New York 10022
` 8 212-980-7400
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12 For the Petitioners Apple and Microsoft:
` 16 11th Floor
` 17 1425 K Street, Northwest
` 18 Washington, D.C. 20005
` 19 202-626-7762
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 2
`Exhibit 2012-002


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 2
` 3 Co-counsel for the Petitioners Apple and
` 4 Microsoft:
` 8 1717 Main Street, Suite 5000
` 9 Dallas, Texas 75201
` 10 214-760-6139
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
` 16
` 17
` 18
` 19
` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 3
`Exhibit 2012-003


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 2
` 5 By Mr. Finn 5
` 6 By Mr. Mukerji 101
` 7
` 9 Wells
` 10 Exhibits Page
` 11 Exhibit 1 U.S. Patent 7,881,236 6
` 12 Exhibit 2 Declaration of
` 13 Dr. Jonathan Wells 25
` 14 Exhibit 3 3GPP Specification
` 15 36.321, Version 8.1 30
` 16 Exhibit 4 Delaney reference 41
` 17 Exhibit 5 Ko reference 45
` 18 Exhibit 6 Kitazoe reference 52
` 19 Exhibit 7 Patent Owner's Preliminary
` 20 Response in IPR2016-01228 58
` 21 Exhibit 8 Niu reference 77
` 22 Exhibit 9 Declaration by Dr. Wells 77
` 23 (Original Exhibits included with the
` 24 original transcript.)
` 25 * * *
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 4
`Exhibit 2012-004


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 2 April 20, 2016
` 3
` 5 having been previously sworn, testified as
` 6 follows:
` 8 BY MR. FINN:
` 9 Q. And we are beginning the second
` 10 deposition of the day, Dr. Wells, and let me make
` 11 sure that you and counsel and I are all on the
` 12 same wavelength.
` 13 We are talking about IPR 2016-01228
` 14 and 01229. Is that what you understand?
` 15 A. This is relevant to the '236 patent?
` 16 Q. Correct.
` 17 A. Then, yes. I am not aware of the
` 18 IPR numbers, but yes, I understand the matter.
` 19 Q. Understood.
` 20 MR. MUKERJI: And again, because it
` 21 is a separate transcript, I will just note
` 22 our appearances for the record.
` 23 Indranil Mukerji, David Holt, and
` 24 Baile Xie from Fish & Richardson, for Apple
` 25 and Microsoft, and of course the witness here
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 5
`Exhibit 2012-005


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 today.
` 2 MR. FINN: Again, Miles Finn from
` 3 Miles Kaplan LLP representing Evolved
` 4 Wireless.
` 5 THE WITNESS: Do I need to re-swear
` 6 or no?
` 7 BY MR. FINN:
` 8 Q. Dr. Wells, you were sworn in earlier
` 9 today, and do you understand that the swearing in
` 10 pertains to the present deposition?
` 11 A. I understand.
` 12 Q. Okay. And we also went through some
` 13 kind of ground rules at the beginning. Are you
` 14 okay with us not repeating those ground rules?
` 15 A. That is fine.
` 16 Q. Okay. Thank you. So, if I need to
` 17 talk about those ground rules, I'm going to have
` 18 to refer to the previous deposition. That's
` 19 okay?
` 20 A. That is fine.
` 21 Q. Okay. Thank you.
` 22 A. Okay.
` 23 Q. So, let's begin with handing you
` 24 what will be Wells Exhibit 1 in this deposition.
` 25 (Wells Exhibit Number 1
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 6
`Exhibit 2012-006


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 marked for identification.)
` 2 BY MR. FINN:
` 3 Q. And, sir, I'm sure you recognize
` 4 Wells Exhibit 1.
` 5 A. Yes, I do.
` 6 Q. Okay. And that is the '236 patent
` 7 that we referred to earlier; is that right?
` 8 A. Yes, it is.
` 9 Q. Okay. Now, I'm going to start off
` 10 by talking about, or asking you to talk, sir,
` 11 about what problem the inventors claimed to have
` 12 solved in this patent. Okay.
` 13 And before I ask any specific
` 14 questions about that, do you have a concept for
` 15 the problem the inventors claimed that they
` 16 solved in this patent?
` 17 A. Yes, I do, generally.
` 18 Q. Okay. So, would you state what you
` 19 think generally?
` 20 A. Well, the -- I would refer you to
` 21 the specification of the '236 patent which lays
` 22 out what the problems are.
` 23 But, I could summarize it generally
` 24 by saying that the inventors suggest that at the
` 25 time the LTE specification could erroneously send
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 7
`Exhibit 2012-007


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 what is known as a message 3 signal, depending on
` 2 one of several uplink grants.
` 3 Meaning that there is -- meaning
` 4 that this message 3 could be erroneously sent.
` 5 Q. Okay. Now, let's unpack that. You
` 6 talked about one of several, several uplink
` 7 grants.
` 8 What -- were you referring to types
` 9 of uplink grants or a sequence of uplink grants?
` 10 A. I was using the term very generally.
` 11 The patent specification talks about two
` 12 different types of uplink grants. One of them is
` 13 known as a random access response, and the other
` 14 one is a contention resolution message. Both of
` 15 those contain what is called uplink grants.
` 16 Q. And what does an uplink grant,
` 17 grant?
` 18 A. I'm sorry, can you say the question
` 19 again, please?
` 20 Q. Sure. What does an uplink grant,
` 21 grant?
` 22 A. The uplink grant is a, a message
` 23 from a base station that gives resources to a
` 24 handset, or a user device, so that it can
` 25 transmit on the uplink. It can transmit to the
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 8
`Exhibit 2012-008


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 base station.
` 2 Q. And what does resources mean?
` 3 A. Speaking generally, resources in the
` 4 context of an uplink grant would mean the time or
` 5 the frequency resources, the period of time or
` 6 the frequency spectrum that would be allocated
` 7 for that handset or that user device to talk to
` 8 the base station.
` 9 Q. And, not just speaking generally,
` 10 but speaking about the LTE standard as it existed
` 11 at the time of the '236 invention, is that the
` 12 same meaning for what an uplink grant, grants?
` 13 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 14 scope.
` 15 BY MR. FINN:
` 16 Q. I'm sorry, that was a confusing
` 17 question. Let's strike that. Let's say this
` 18 again.
` 19 The answer that you just gave about
` 20 what an uplink grant, grants; is that true of the
` 21 LTE standard, as the standard existed at the time
` 22 of this patent invention?
` 23 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 24 scope.
` 25 THE WITNESS: I didn't study the
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 9
`Exhibit 2012-009


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 full LTE specifications as part of this. I
` 2 only looked at the parts relevant to this
` 3 patent.
` 4 But, generally speaking, yes, that
` 5 is what the LTE uplink grants allocate. They
` 6 allocate the time and frequency resources
` 7 that a user device can transmit with.
` 8 BY MR. FINN:
` 9 Q. Okay. And I just want to
` 10 recapitulate to make sure that I've got the right
` 11 vocabulary to use as we are talking back and
` 12 forth.
` 13 You said the one type of uplink
` 14 grant is a random access response; is that true?
` 15 A. I didn't quite say that. I said
` 16 that the random access response message, as
` 17 explained in the '236 patent, contains an uplink
` 18 grant.
` 19 Q. Okay. And, the contention
` 20 resolution message also contains an uplink grant;
` 21 is that right?
` 22 A. Correct.
` 23 Q. Okay. And, the contention
` 24 resolution message and the random access response
` 25 are different things; is that true?
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 10
`Exhibit 2012-010


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 A. They are.
` 2 Q. Okay. And when I say they are, they
` 3 are different things within the context of the
` 4 LTE standard at the time of this patent's
` 5 invention; is that right?
` 6 A. Yes.
` 7 Q. Okay. Now, I would like to direct
` 8 you to Exhibit 1, the '236 patent, Column 12.
` 9 Are you there?
` 10 A. Yes, I am.
` 11 Q. And I would like to direct you
` 12 specifically to, in Column 12, the sentence
` 13 beginning -- about Row 16, do you see the
` 14 sentence that begins, "As described"?
` 15 A. I do, yes.
` 16 Q. Okay. So, I'm just going to read
` 17 that.
` 18 "As described above in the current
` 19 the LTE system standard for the" --
` 20 A. I apologize. I am sorry. I am not
` 21 with you.
` 22 Q. Okay. So, and I misread, because I
` 23 think this might be a typo in the patent. I'm
` 24 looking at Column 16 --
` 25 A. Column 16.
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 11
`Exhibit 2012-011


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 Q. Sorry, Row 16. Column 12.
` 2 A. I'm with you.
` 3 Q. Okay. And you see the sentence,
` 4 ending in "message 3"?
` 5 A. Yes, I see that.
` 6 Q. And the sentence after that reads as
` 7 follows, "As described above, in the current the
` 8 LTE system standard for the HARQ process, it is
` 9 defined 'the transmission of the data stored in
` 10 the message 3 buffer is triggered by the
` 11 perception of any UL grant signal.'"
` 12 Did I read that right?
` 13 A. Yes, you did.
` 14 Q. Okay. And --
` 15 MR. MUKERJI: Well, give me one
` 16 second.
` 17 MR. FINN: Sure.
` 18 MR. MUKERJI: I think you may have
` 19 skipped inadvertently part of the sentence.
` 20 MR. FINN: So, I apologize if I did.
` 21 BY MR. FINN:
` 22 Q. I'm just going to read that again.
` 23 "As described above, in the current the LTE
` 24 system standard for the HARQ process, it is
` 25 defined that 'the transmission of the data stored
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 12
`Exhibit 2012-012


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 in the message 3 buffer is triggered by the
` 2 perception of any UL grant signal.'" Okay?
` 3 MR. FINN: You think I've got it
` 4 now? Okay, thanks.
` 5 BY MR. FINN:
` 6 Q. Now, the phrase, any UL grant, that
` 7 I just read, is that referring to the fact that
` 8 there are two types of UL grant as we've
` 9 discussed?
` 10 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 11 scope.
` 12 THE WITNESS: Well, this, that
` 13 sentence is, I believe, with reference to
` 14 Figure 7. So, it is talking about the two
` 15 types of uplink grant we have previously
` 16 discussed.
` 17 BY MR. FINN:
` 18 Q. Do you have any reason to disagree
` 19 with the statement, that this statement's
` 20 characterization of the current, the LTE system?
` 21 MR. MUKERJI: Objection, form and
` 22 scope.
` 23 THE WITNESS: I'm sorry, I don't
` 24 understand the question.
` 25 BY MR. FINN:
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 13
`Exhibit 2012-013


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 Q. Okay. So, this sentence has got a
` 2 hypothesis or a beginning that purports to be
` 3 discussing the current LTE standard. Is that
` 4 right?
` 5 A. The current LTE system standard,
` 6 yes.
` 7 Q. Okay. And, that it, the current
` 8 standard refers to the transmission of a
` 9 message 3 buffer being triggered by any type of
` 10 UL grant; is that right?
` 11 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 12 scope.
` 13 THE WITNESS: That is what it says
` 14 in this sentence.
` 15 BY MR. FINN:
` 16 Q. Okay. And do you have any reason to
` 17 disagree with that?
` 18 MR. MUKERJI: Same objections.
` 19 THE WITNESS: I have no reason to
` 20 disagree with it, but I don't know whether it
` 21 is true or not.
` 22 BY MR. FINN:
` 23 Q. Fair enough. Okay. Now let's look
` 24 down a little bit further in this paragraph,
` 25 about Line 22.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 14
`Exhibit 2012-014


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 And I'm going to read that, or try
` 2 to do a better job reading this time.
` 3 "Due to the erroneous contention
` 4 resolution procedure, the above described BSR may
` 5 not be normally transmitted and the UE may come
` 6 to deadlock."
` 7 Do you see that?
` 8 A. I do.
` 9 Q. Okay. Now, is this coming to
` 10 deadlock one of the problems that the inventors
` 11 purported to solve?
` 12 A. This is how they have described one
` 13 of the consequences of this problem, yes.
` 14 Q. Okay. And let's just put some
` 15 language, or tie some language together in that
` 16 sentence.
` 17
` 18 When this sentence refers to BSR, do
` 19 you understand that to mean buffer status report?
` 20 A. Correct.
` 21 Q. And do you understand buffer status
` 22 report to be an example of a message 3?
` 23 A. I wouldn't --
` 24 MR. MUKERJI: Outside the scope.
` 25 You may answer.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 15
`Exhibit 2012-015


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 THE WITNESS: I wouldn't phrase it
` 2 quite like that. I think a buffer status
` 3 report is part of the message 3.
` 4 BY MR. FINN:
` 5 Q. Okay. And jumping ahead, the patent
` 6 claims also refer to new data. Do you remember
` 7 that?
` 8 A. I do.
` 9 Q. Okay. And, would a buffer status
` 10 report be new data?
` 11 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 12 scope.
` 13 THE WITNESS: It could be within new
` 14 data.
` 15 BY MR. FINN:
` 16 Q. And when you say could be, you are
` 17 referring to within the current LTE standard as
` 18 it existed at the time of this patent's
` 19 invention?
` 20 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 21 scope.
` 22 THE WITNESS: Again, I didn't study
` 23 the full LTE specifications as part of this.
` 24 I only studied the sections relative to this
` 25 patent.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 16
`Exhibit 2012-016


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 But, new data is a very broad term.
` 2 It could encompass many things, so it could
` 3 encompass a buffer status report.
` 4 BY MR. FINN:
` 5 Q. Okay. Now, let's look, sir, I'm
` 6 going to direct your attention to Column 13.
` 7 And, are you there?
` 8 A. Yes, I am.
` 9 Q. Okay. And this is going to be the,
` 10 in the column the second full paragraph,
` 11 approximately the Line 14. Do you see that?
` 12 A. I do, yes.
` 13 Q. Begins with, "In addition."
` 14 A. Yes.
` 15 Q. Okay. Now, this talks about -- I
` 16 won't read this again, but it talks about
` 17 message 3 may be lost. Do you see that?
` 18 A. I see that, yes.
` 19 Q. Okay. And, this paragraph describes
` 20 that "Message 3 may be lost if the CR timer is
` 21 erroneously started."
` 22 Do you see that?
` 23 A. Yes, I do.
` 24 Q. Okay. Now, do you have any reason
` 25 to -- strike that.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 17
`Exhibit 2012-017


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 Is this an example of a problem that
` 2 the inventors purported to solve with their
` 3 invention?
` 4 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 5 scope.
` 6 THE WITNESS: This is what the
` 7 inventors described as the problem they were
` 8 trying to solve, or one of the problems they
` 9 were trying to solve.
` 10 BY MR. FINN:
` 11 Q. Okay. Now, we've talked about the
` 12 deadlock problem when we discuss Column 12, and
` 13 we talked about the message 3 data may be lost
` 14 problem in Column 13, right?
` 15 A. We mentioned them, and they are the
` 16 terms that the inventors use. Perhaps deadlock
` 17 is a bit of a, an exaggerated statement.
` 18 But they are the problems that the
` 19 inventors, how the inventors explained the
` 20 problems.
` 21 Q. Okay. And, why, sir, do you say
` 22 that deadlock is an exaggeration?
` 23 A. Because the inventors are
` 24 essentially referring to the same thing.
` 25 In one instance they call it
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 18
`Exhibit 2012-018


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 deadlock. In another one they call it a message
` 2 being lost.
` 3 The terms that they've used suggest
` 4 different consequences.
` 5 Q. Referring to the statement that we
` 6 discussed in Column 13, do you agree that that
` 7 was a problem with the LTE standard as it existed
` 8 at the time of this patent's invention?
` 9 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 10 scope.
` 11 THE WITNESS: The inventors
` 12 certainly described it as a problem. I have
` 13 no reason to disbelieve them. I don't know
` 14 how well known it was as a problem at the
` 15 time.
` 16 BY MR. FINN:
` 17 Q. And so, my question I think was a
` 18 little bit different.
` 19 Do you recognize, now having read
` 20 this patent, that that was a problem at the time
` 21 of this patent's invention?
` 22 MR. MUKERJI: Same objections.
` 23 THE WITNESS: So, I didn't analyze
` 24 the LTE system looking for problems that
` 25 there are.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 19
`Exhibit 2012-019


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 But, having read this patent and
` 2 seeing how the inventors describe it, I
` 3 understand the problem they explained, and I
` 4 see that there was possibly a gap in the LTE
` 5 standards.
` 6 BY MR. FINN:
` 7 Q. Now, let me just ask a question
` 8 about the very last part of your answer right
` 9 there.
` 10 You discussed a gap in the LTE
` 11 standards, the standards being plural.
` 12 Do you remember that?
` 13 A. (Nodding).
` 14 Q. You are nodding. I apologize. You
` 15 are nodding your head. You just need to say yes.
` 16 A. Yes.
` 17 Q. Now, by standards, I would like to
` 18 understand what you mean.
` 19 Do you mean that the standard
` 20 changed over time so that at one time there was
` 21 one standard, and a second time there was a
` 22 second standard?
` 23 A. No.
` 24 Q. Okay. So, what did you mean by
` 25 standards?
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 20
`Exhibit 2012-020


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 A. I mean that the LTE system is
` 2 described by multiple documents called
` 3 specifications, technical specifications.
` 4 There are many of these, many tens,
` 5 perhaps hundreds of these documents that together
` 6 form the definition of what an LTE is.
` 7 So, when I talk about the LTE
` 8 standards, I'm talking about generally about this
` 9 multitude of documents.
` 10 Q. These multitude of "technical
` 11 specifications" documents. Is that right?
` 12 A. Yes.
` 13 Q. Okay. Now, speaking generally
` 14 when -- strike that.
` 15 In the LTE system on a given date,
` 16 for example, January 1, 1998 --
` 17 or January 1, 2008, there was a set of technical
` 18 standards that existed at the time; is that
` 19 right?
` 20 A. Correct.
` 21 Q. And they would have defined the LTE
` 22 standard, system standard as of that date. Is
` 23 that right?
` 24 A. They were the published documents
` 25 that described the standard as of that date.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 21
`Exhibit 2012-021


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 Q. Okay. So, what else, in addition to
` 2 the published documents, would define, or
` 3 describe the LTE standard as of that date?
` 4 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 5 scope.
` 6 THE WITNESS: So, these technical
` 7 specifications are living documents. They
` 8 evolve over time. There are hundreds,
` 9 perhaps thousands, of people that are
` 10 contributing to these specifications, and
` 11 they are regularly updated.
` 12 There are, the way in which they are
` 13 updated is there are groups that meet. They
` 14 discuss proposals. They come to conclusions.
` 15 They write what is called change
` 16 reports. These change reports are then
` 17 authorized by higher level groups. And then
` 18 they make their way into the specifications.
` 19 So, although at a particular point
` 20 in time there is a set of specifications,
` 21 there are almost certainly modifications to
` 22 those, upgrades to those, adding new features
` 23 to those, that are in the works, may have
` 24 already been approved.
` 25 They just haven't been officially
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 22
`Exhibit 2012-022


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 written into the documents at that point.
` 2 BY MR. FINN:
` 3 Q. Okay. So, let's think about the set
` 4 of technical specifications and appending
` 5 documents that exist on a certain date, for
` 6 example, January 1, 2008.
` 7 A. Okay.
` 8 Q. And then let's think about the
` 9 approved documents, published technical
` 10 specifications a year later, January 1, 2009. Is
` 11 it your position that those two sets of documents
` 12 are the same standard?
` 13 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 14 scope.
` 15 THE WITNESS: They are the same
` 16 standards. They are just issued at different
` 17 periods of time and have different revision
` 18 numbers.
` 19 BY MR. FINN:
` 20 Q. Okay. Now let's think about these
` 21 two standards, 1, January 1, 2008, and
` 22 January 1, 2009. And let's think of a user
` 23 equipment and base station built according to
` 24 those standards.
` 25 Do you have that in your mind?
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`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 23
`Exhibit 2012-023


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 A. I do.
` 2 Q. Okay. Are those two sets of user
` 3 equipment base stations, are they going to be the
` 4 same or different?
` 5 MR. MUKERJI: Objection to form and
` 6 outside the scope.
` 7 THE WITNESS: In this hypothetical
` 8 that you've given me, they could be the same.
` 9 They could be different. You can still
` 10 comply to older versions of the specification.
` 11 So, even if you have a piece of
` 12 equipment that is built on the newer date, it
` 13 can still comply with the older
` 14 specification.
` 15 Additionally, things that are in the
` 16 specifications can be mandatory or options.
` 17 And you don't have to comply with the
` 18 options, obviously.
` 19 And so, it depends entirely on the
` 20 equipment and the nature of what they are
` 21 trying to perform.
` 22 BY MR. FINN:
` 23 Q. Okay. So, I understood you just
` 24 answered that a later built piece of equipment
` 25 could still comply with the original -- the
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 24
`Exhibit 2012-024


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 earlier standards; is that right?
` 2 A. Yes. A later, yes.
` 3 Q. Would that also be true for earlier
` 4 standard, -- an earlier piece of equipment --
` 5 Let me strike that question and
` 6 begin it again.
` 7 Would a piece of user equipment
` 8 built to embody the earlier standard necessarily
` 9 comply with the later standard?
` 10 A. That depends what was written into
` 11 the later standard.
` 12 Q. Okay. So, now we are going to hand
` 13 you Exhibit 2 to this deposition.
` 14 (Wells Exhibit Number 2
` 15 marked for identification.)
` 16 BY MR. FINN:
` 17 Q. And sir, do you recognize Exhibit 2,
` 18 I think?
` 19 A. Yes, I do.
` 20 Q. And this is your declaration in
` 21 1228 IPR; is that right?
` 22 A. I am not aware of the IPR numbers.
` 23 It is my declaration for the '236 patent. If
` 24 that is that IPR, then yes.
` 25 Q. Fair enough, sir. That is good.
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 25
`Exhibit 2012-025


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D., M.B.A. - 4/20/2017
`Apple Inc., et al. vs. Evolved Wireless, LLC
` 1 So, I would like you to turn, please, to Page 43,
` 2 and look at Paragraph 94.
` 3 And just as a meta matter, just to
` 4 give you an outline of what is coming up, we have
` 5 been going close to an hour now. I would like to
` 6 ask you a couple of questions about Paragraph 94,
` 7 and then if it is okay with you, we'll take a
` 8 break, and then we'll go to other paragraphs. Is
` 9 that okay?
` 10 A. Certainly.
` 11 Q. Okay. Now, Paragraph 94, you are
` 12 referring to a document, 3GPPTS36.321. Do you
` 13 see that?
` 14 A. Yes, I do.
` 15 Q. And, can we call that the 321
` 16 document?
` 17 A. Certainly.
` 18 Q. Okay. So, sir, what is the 321
` 19 document?
` 20 A. So, it is a technical specification
` 21 issued by the group 3GPP. I talk about it, for
` 22 example, in Paragraph 76. And it is a technical
` 23 specification about what is called the MAC, the
` 24 medium access control, in an LTE system.
` 25 Q. Okay. Now, the 321 document that
`Depo International, Inc.
`(763) 591-0535 or (800) 591-9722 |
`Page 26
`Exhibit 2012-026


`Jonathan Wells, Ph.D.,

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