`Unlted States Patent [19]
`[11] Patent Number: 7
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jan. 7, 1997
`Inventor: Masaru Muramatsu, Kawasaki, Japan
`[73] Assignee: Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
`[21] Appl. No.: 654,998
`[22] Filed:
`May 29, 1996
`Related US. Application Data
`[63] ggllgjriuanon of Ser‘ No' 246’424’ May 20’ 1994’ aban-
`Forelgn Apphcauon Pnonty Data
`Jun. 8, 1993
`Japan .................................. .. 5-163919
`Int. Cl. ..................................................... ..
`[52] US. Cl. ........................ .. 396/225; 348/362; 348/366;
`[58] Field of Search ................................... .. 354/430, 432;
`348/362, 366
`References Cited
`7/1983 Terasita .
`4,476,383 10/1984 Fukuhara et al. .
`1/1989 Burt ........................................ .. 382/41
`2/1993 Currin et a1. .
`.......... .. 382/54
`. . . .. 364/4131?)
`8/1993 Jllldl'a . . . . . . . . . . .
`9/1993 Takagi et al. .
`5,266,984 11/1993 Mummats“ et a1- -
`5,270,767 12/1993 Hamada et al. ...................... .. 354/430
`6/1994 Taka ' ................................... .. 354/432
`Primary Examiner-Safet Metjaln'c
`Assistant Examiner-D. P. Malloy
`Aphotometric device for use inacamera includes, but is not
`limited to, a segmented brightness measuring unit which
`segments a photographic scene of a camera into multiple
`areas and which outputsconespmding multiple Photometric
`values. A spectral analysis unit performs spectral analysis of
`the spatial frequency of a photographic Subject using the
`corresponding multiple photometric values output by the
`segmented brightness measuring unit. Also, a photometric
`computation unit computes photometric values based on the
`spectral pattern of the photographic subject output by the
`spectral analysis unit. The spectral analysis unit may be
`disposed within the photometric device, or may be located
`elsewhere in a camera’s body.
`20 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`[11113131313111 /
`Ex 1408, p. 1 of 10

`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 7, 1997
`Sheet 1 of 4
`FIG. 2
`Ex 1408, p. 2 of 10

`US. Patent
`Jan. 7, 1997
`Sheet 2 0f 4
`FIG. 3
`:r = = = = =_
`UUUUUUUU B UE=___==_ S _L_ = 3:]: VI M
`_= =:::: CL E A H T
`P N L O S A U H
`8 .l
`/ m
`7 x f
`U N U
`8 m
`M P
`FIG. 4
`Ex 1408, p. 3 of 10

`US. Patent
`Jan. 7, 1997
`Sheet 3 of 4
`FIG. 5
`FIG. 7
`FIG. 8
`o _a 1% 0-0
`Ex 1408, p. 4 of 10

`Ex 1408, p. 5 of 10

`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`08/246,424, ?led May 20, 1994, now abandoned.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to a camera photometric
`device and, more particularly, to a camera photometric
`device which segments a photographic scene into multiple
`areas in which to perform photometry.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`In the past, camera photometric devices included multi
`pattem photometric units which divided or segmented a
`photographic scene into multiple areas in which to perform
`classi?cation of a photographic subject. The multiple areas
`were derived by examining the maximum brightness levels
`and the brightness di?ferences among sections of a photo
`graphic subject. The multiple areas were produced as a result
`of analysis of respective photometric outputs based on the
`aforementioned brightness levels which were selected from
`among several well-known methods, including an exposure
`value computation method which was appropriate for each
`pattern with respect to a photographic scene which corre
`sponds to a respective pattern. The aforementioned outputs
`were then used to instruct camera circuitry to perform proper
`exposure control. For a discussion of exemplary brightness
`detecting photometric systems, refer to U.S. Pat. No. 4,395,
`099 to Terasita and U.S. Pat. No. 4,476,383 to Fukuhara et
`It is important to note that prior photometric systems were
`designed so that in cases in which the maximum brightness
`of the photometric output was high and the differences in
`brightness levels were large, such photometric systems
`performed exposure control with an emphasis on low bright
`ness conditions as if a photographic scene included the sun
`or sun light.
`In terms of the problems associated with conventional
`photometric devices of the type described above, there are
`cases in which different exposures are required even in
`photographic scenes classi?ed as the same pattern. For
`example, conventional photometric devices were often
`designed to recognize and detect a scene with a high
`maximum brightness and large differences in brightness
`levels (e.g., a case such as that of a person being rear-lit by
`the sun). In such situations, an exposure which emphasized
`low-brightness levels of a photographic subject was set,
`which resulted in a problem in that the portions on which the
`sun was shining were overexposed. Accordingly, the con
`ventional classi?cation methods described above resulted in
`scenes which could not be su?iciently classi?ed and which
`ultimately resulted in poor picture quality.
`It is still a further object of the present invention to
`provide a photometric device for a camera which utilizes a
`spatial frequency value transformation operation to prepare
`exposure control commands.
`It is still another object of the present invention to provide
`a photometric device for a camera which utilizes a Fourier
`transformation operation to prepare exposure control com
`It is yet another object of the present invention to provide
`a photometric device which can be cost-effectively imple
`mented in a camera device.
`These and other objects of the present invention are
`achieved by providing a photometric device for use in a
`camera which includes, but is not limited to, a segmented
`brightness measuring unit which segments a photographic
`scene to be captured by the camera into multiple areas and
`which outputs corresponding multiple photometric values.
`Moreover, the photometric device includes a spectral analy
`sis unit which performs spectral analysis of the spatial
`frequency of a photographic subject using the corresponding
`multiple photometric values output by the segmented bright
`ness measuring unit. Also, the photometric device includes
`a photometric computation unit which computes photomet
`ric values based on the spectral pattern of the photographic
`subject output by the spectral analysis unit.
`The above-mentioned and other objects and advantages of
`the present invention will become apparent and more readily
`appreciated from the following description of the preferred
`embodiment, taken in conjunction with the accompanying
`drawings, of which:
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram which depicts an embodiment
`of a photometric device according to the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a diagram which depicts a divisional con?gu
`ration of the photometric device depicted in FIG. 1.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram which depicts a con?guration
`of a photometric computation device part of the embodiment
`depicted in FIG. 1.
`FIG. 4 is a graph which depicts an example of a two
`dimensional power spectra P.
`FIG. 5 is a diagram which depicts a condition in which a
`subject is classi?ed by spectra.
`FIG. 6 is a line graph which depicts a membership
`function which relates to a direct current component DC.
`FIG. 7 is a line graph which depicts a membership
`function which relates to a low-frequency component LO.
`FIG. 8 is a line graph which depicts a membership
`function which relates to the high-frequency component HI.
`FIG. 9 is a ?ow chart which illustrates the operations of
`the photometric device depicted in FIG. 1.
`Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to
`solve the above-mentioned problems associated with exist
`ing photometric devices.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide a
`photometric device for a camera which can perform a
`classi?cation of a photographic scene having complex pat
`terns and brightness variances with high accuracy and which
`makes possible the selection of a photometric computation
`method that accurately conforms to a photographic subject.
`Reference will now be made to a detailed description of
`a preferred embodiment of the present invention with ref
`erence to the drawing ?gures which were brie?y described
`above. Like parts are referred to with like reference numer
`Referring now to FIG. 1, therein depicted is a block
`diagram of a single-lens re?ex (“SLR”) camera built into
`which is a preferred embodiment of a photometric device
`according to the present invention.
`Ex 1408, p. 6 of 10

`Light L re?ected from a photographic subject which is to
`be photographed is directed to a focusing screen 4 after it
`passes through a picture-taking or objective lens 2. There
`after, light L is re?ected by a quick return mirror 3 to be
`observed as a scene by a photographer via a pentagonal
`prism 5 and conventional eyepiece optical system.
`Additionally, the image of the photographic subject which
`is produced by light L and which is formed on focusing
`screen 4 is directed to a photometric sensor 7 by a photo
`metric image reforming lens 6. Photometric sensor 7 is a
`sensor with multiple segments and is shown in FIG. 2.
`Photometric sensor 7 produces photometric output signals
`which describe or otherwise model the brightness distribu
`tion of the image of the photographic subject. The signals
`produced by photometric sensor 7 are sent to a photometric
`computation unit 8.
`Photometric computation unit 8 is con?gured to include,
`but should not be limited to, a microcomputer or a micro
`processor. Photometric computation unit 8 computes expo
`sure control values based on the photometric output signals
`produced by photometric sensor 7.
`Referring now to FIG. 2, therein depicted is a diagram
`which illustrates a photographic scene of a segmented
`photometric device according to the principles of the present
`invention. As shown in FIG. 2, segmented photometric
`sensor 7, in effect, segments the photographic scene into
`eight sections in both the horizontal and vertical directions
`and outputs a total of sixty-four individual signals indicative
`of scene brightness data. That is, the segments forming
`photometric sensor 7 are arranged rectangularly (e.g., a
`square), but the invention should not be so limited. In fact,
`other arrangements and quantities of segments may be
`possible. For purposes of explanation, the respective pho
`tometric outputs are individually considered as the value
`B[x, y] where B represents BRIGHTNESS and the coordi~
`nate pair [x,y] indicates a particular segment of the photo
`metric sensor 7.
`Segmented photometric device 7 is arranged so that a
`sample is 8 points (e. g., segments)><8 points (e.g., segments).
`Thus, a high-frequency component in which the spatial _
`frequency is 4 or more cycles per 8 points, shades image
`reforming lens 6 and performs division using an optical
`low-pass ?lter in order to accurately detect low-frequency
`Referring now to FIG. 3, therein depicted is a block
`diagram which illustrates the con?guration of photometric
`computation unit 8 for the preferred embodiment according
`to the present invention.
`The photometric computation device 8 is con?gured to
`include a spectral analysis unit 81 which implements a
`discrete two-dimensional Fourier transform operation. The
`discrete two-dimensional Fourier transform operation is a
`common and well-known technique which by way of the
`present invention can now be applied to determining bright
`ness distribution of a photographic subject from a photo
`metric sensor. In the context of the present invention,
`however, the two-dimensional Fourier transform is used to
`obtain a power spectrum of the spatial frequencies of a
`photographic subject. A multi-pattem photometric unit 82
`performs multi-pattem photometry using the power spec
`trum of the spatial frequency of the photographic subject and
`also outputs an exposure control value.
`A Fourier coe?icient “a” of the cos component of the
`two-dimensional spectrum of the photometric output B[x, y]
`and a Fourier coe?icient “b” of the sin component are
`described as follows:
`a[n, m] = 1/64 - E, El (B[x, y] - cos(21trrx/8) ‘ cos(21rmy/8)
`Where: n and m are numbers from 0 to 4;
`expresses a sum from xzO to 7;
`expresses a sum from y=0 to 7.
`b[n, m] = 1/64 - 2, 24 (Blx, y] - sin(21mx/8) - sin(21tmy/8))
`expresses a sum from x=0 to 7;
`expresses a sum from y=0 to 7.
`If the number of segments in the horizontal and vertical
`directions is a power of 2, the photometric sensor 7 can use
`a so-called fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm, so it can
`execute the computations in equations [1] and [2] at a high
`speed using conventional techniques.
`The two-dimensional power spectrum P is as follows:
`Referring now to FIG. 4, therein depicted is a graph which
`illustrates an example of the two-dimensional power spectra
`P output by spectral analysis unit 81 (FIG. 3). A total of 25
`power spectra from P[O, O] to P[4,4] are indicated.
`The multi-pattem photometric unit 82 is divided into three
`frequency ranges: the direct current component DC of P[O,
`0] in FIG. 4, 8 low-frequency ranges which are indicated by
`A and 16 high-frequency ranges which are indicated by B.
`With the three-mentioned ranges, photometric computation
`unit 8 computes the low-frequency component LO which is
`the total value of the power spectra of low-frequency range
`A, and the high-frequency component HI which is the total
`value of the high-frequency range B. Photometric compu
`tation unit 8 computes the direct current component DC, the
`low-frequency component L0 and the high-frequency com
`ponent H1 according to the following equations:
`DC=P[0, 0]
`2, z, P[n, m] - DC
`P[n, m]—DC +tm [5]
`expresses a sum from n=0 to 2; and
`expresses a sum from m=0 to 2.
`HI = 2, EB P[n, m] — LO — DC
`Ex 1408, p. 7 of 10

`expresses a sum from n=0 to 2; and
`patterns shown in FIG. 5 using the direct current component
`DC, the low-frequency component L0 and the high-fre
`quency component HI. Moreover, BP[n] is computed as
`expresses a sum from m=0 to 2.
`Referring now to FIG. 5, therein depicted is a diagram
`which illustrates classi?cation of a photometric subject.
`Classi?cation is performed using the above-mentioned
`direct current component DC, low-frequency component L0
`and high-frequency component HI.
`In FIG. 5, the photographic subject is classi?ed into a total
`of twelve (12) patterns, with three (3) patterns from the size
`of the direct current component DC, two (2) patterns from
`the size of the low~frequency component L0, and two (2)
`patterns from the size of the high-frequency component HI.
`Referring now to FIGS. 6-8, therein depicted are line
`graphs which illustrate the membership function for obtain
`ing a degree K[n] of conformity between the photographic
`subject and a spectral pattern depicted in FIG. 5. The degree
`of conformity is determined with reference to the direct
`current component DC, the low-frequency component L0
`and the high-frequency component HI.
`FIG. 6 shows membership function DCSL(DC) such that
`the direct current component DC of a photographic subject
`expresses a small degree of confomiity. Membership func
`tion DCMD(DC) expresses a medium degree of conformity
`and membership function DCBG(DC) expresses a large
`degree of conformity.
`FIG. 7 shows membership function LOSL(LO) such that
`the low-frequency component LO of the subject expresses a
`small degree of conformity and membership function LOB
`G(LO) expresses a large degree of conformity.
`FIG. 8 shows membership function HISL(HI) such that
`the high-frequency component HI of the subject expresses a
`small degree of conformity and membership function I-HB~
`G(HI) expresses a large degree of conformity.
`By using the membership functions discussed above, the
`degree K[n] to which there is conformance between the
`photographic subject and the twelve (12) spectral patterns in
`FIG. 5 is obtained as follows:
`Where: Min(n1, n2, . . . , n”) are coe?icients which return the
`minimum value from among n1, n2, .
`, nN.
`K[4]=Mir1(DCSL(DC), roaodo), HISL(HI))
`K[6]=Min(DCBG(DC), LOBG(L0), HISL(HI))
`K[7]=Min(DCSL(DC), LOSL(LO), unseen»
`K[8]=Min(DCMD(DC), LOSL(LO), r-rnaoan»
`K[9]=Min(DCBG(DC), LOSL(LO), meson»
`K[10]=Min(DCSL(DC), LOBG(LO), nnsoom)
`K[ll]=Min(DCMD(DC), LOBG(LO), l-IIBG(HI))
`The operation expression indicated by equation [I9]
`(listed below) is prepared for each of the twelve (12) spectral
`Where: It is a number from 1 to 12.
`In equation [19], W and C are weighting coe?icients.
`Preferably, weighting coe?icients are chosen from those
`which have been studied and optimized through analysis of
`subject patterns extracted in advance.
`An exposure control value B0 is obtained based on
`equation [20] (listed below) by taking a weighted mean of
`BP[n] using the degree of conformance K[n]:
`B0 = 2.. (K[n] - Bonn/r9 K[n]
`expresses a sum from n=0 to 12; and
`expresses a sum from n=0 to 12.
`Referring now to FIG. 9, therein depicted is a ?ow chart
`which outlines the operation of the photometric device of the
`present embodiment. Moreover, the ?owchart shows the
`operational ?ow from when photometric value B is obtained
`to when the exposure control value B0 is obtained. It is to
`be understood that the operational ?ow depicted in FIG. 9 is
`to be carried out by photometric computation unit 8 using
`well-known software and computer programming concepts
`and constructs.
`In step s1, photometry is performed and B[x, y] is
`In step s2, Fourier coefficient a of the cos component of
`the two-dimensional spectrum of the photometric output
`B[x, y] is computed, and in step s3, Fourier coe?icient b of
`the sin component is computed.
`In step s4, the power spectrum P[n, m] is computed from
`Fourier coef?cient a and Fourier coe?icient b.
`In step $5, the direct current component DC is obtained
`from the power spectrum P[n, m]. In step s6, the low
`frequency component L0 is obtained.
`In step s7, the high-frequency component HI is obtained.
`Steps s8 through s19 obtain the degrees K[n] of conform
`ance between a photographic image and the twelve (12)
`spectral patterns using the direct current component DC, the
`low-frequency component LO, the high-frequency compo
`nent HI, and membership functions DCSU DCMD, DCBG,
`LOSL, LOBG, HISL and HIBG as such were described
`In step s20, BP[n] is calculated using the direct current
`component DC, the low-frequency component LO, the high
`frequency component HI, and coe?icients W and C as such
`were described above.
`In step s21, the weighted mean of BP[n] is taken using the
`degree of conformance K[n] to obtain the exposure control
`value BO, thereby completing the operational ?ow.
`In the present embodiment, only the power spectra were
`used in the spectral pattern classi?cation, but it is also
`possible to classify using the respective frequency phases.
`Where respective frequency phases are used, the photo-"
`graphic subject can be even more accurately classi?ed.
`The phases 9 at the respective frequencies are as follows:
`6i", ml=tan" (bln. ml/aln. ml)
`Ex 1408, p. 8 of 10

`For example, @[1, 1] expresses the phase of the wave of
`the ?rst cycle in the vertical and the horizontal directions,
`and if @[L 1] is 0 degrees, it will be observed that the center
`section is dark and in a rear‘lit condition. If @[L l] is 180
`degrees, it will be observed that the center section is bright
`and in a front-lit condition.
`The description above indicates that if classi?cation is
`performed using G)[l, 1], it is possible to classify the subject
`into front-lit and rear-lit conditions. In this way, spectral
`classi?cation is not limited to the methods described above.
`To the contrary, if classi?cation is done using the power
`spectrum and the phase, it is possible to determine the
`exposure of the subject more accurately.
`Moreover, the spectral analysis device should be under
`stood as limited to use of the Fourier transform. To the
`contrary, other spectral analysis methods may also be used.
`For example, a subject can be classi?ed using spatial fre
`quency operations, or even a discrete cosine transform
`(DCT) which only uses a cosine function. Moreover, a
`discrete sine transform, which only uses a sine function, or
`a Walsh transform, which uses a Walsh function which is a
`binary function of +1 and —l, may be used. In a Walsh
`transform, in particular, since only the two values of +1 or
`—1 are used, it is possible to perform spectral analysis
`computations at a high speed even with a small-scale device.
`The optimum spectral analysis unit can be operated from
`among the above-mentioned methods, but should not be so
`limited. As new and different methods are developed and
`miniaturized such methods may also be used. All that is
`necessary is that a particular method be able to provide
`required performance levels and be capable of implemen
`tation in a camera’s photometric device.
`Although a preferred embodiment of the present invention
`has been shown and described, it will be readily appreciated
`by those of ordinary skill in the art that many changes and
`modi?cations may be made to the embodiment without
`departing from the spirit or scope of the present invention
`which is de?ned in the appended claims and in equivalents
`What is claimed is:
`1. A photometric device for use in a camera, the photo
`metric device comprising:
`segmented brightness measuring means for segmenting a
`photographic scene of the camera into multiple areas
`and for outputting corresponding multiple photometric
`spectral analysis means for performing spectral analysis
`of the spatial frequency of a photographic subject using
`the corresponding multiple photometric values output
`by said segmented brightness measuring means; and
`photometric computation means for performing photo
`metric computations based on the spectral pattern of the
`photographic subject output by said spectral analysis
`means to produce exposure control values.
`2. The photometric device according to claim 1, wherein
`said spectral analysis means performs spectral analysis by
`using a Fourier transformation operation.
`3. The photometric device according to claim 1, wherein
`said segmented brightness measuring means includes a
`plurality of segments corresponding to sections of the pho
`tographic scene of the camera.
`4. The photometric device according to claim 3, wherein
`said plurality of segments is a power of 2.
`5. A photometric device for use in a camera, the photo—
`metric device comprising:
`a segmented brightness measuring unit segmenting a
`photographic scene of the camera into multiple areas
`and outputting corresponding multiple photometric val
`a spectral analysis unit performing spectral analysis of the
`spatial frequency of a photographic subject using the
`corresponding multiple photometric values output by
`said segmented brightness measuring unit; and
`a photometric computation unit computing exposure con
`trol values based on the spectral pattern of the photo
`graphic subject output by said spectral analysis unit.
`6. The photometric device according to claim 5, wherein
`said spectral analysis unit performs spectral analysis using a
`Fourier transformation operation.
`7. The photometric device according to claim 5, wherein
`said segmented brightness measuring unit includes a plural
`ity of segments corresponding to sections of the photo
`graphic scene of the camera.
`8. The photometric device according to claim 7, wherein
`said plurality of segments is a power of 2.
`9. The photometric device according to claim 8, wherein
`said plurality of segments comprises 64 segments arranged
`10. A photometric device for use in a camera, the photo
`metric device comprising:
`a segmented brightness measuring unit segmenting a
`photographic scene of the camera into multiple areas
`and outputting corresponding multiple photometric val
`ues; and
`a photometric computation unit computing exposure con
`trol values based on a spatial frequency distribution of
`said corresponding multiple photometric values.
`11. The photometric device according to claim 10, further
`a spectral analysis unit performing spectral analysis of the
`spatial frequency of a photographic subject using the
`corresponding multiple photometric values output by
`said segmented brightness measuring unit to produce
`spectral output values, said photometric computation
`unit computing said exposure control values based on
`said spectral output values.
`12. The photometric device according to claim 11,
`wherein said spectral analysis unit performs spectral analy
`sis using a Fourier transformation operation.
`13. The photometric device according to claim 11,
`wherein said spectral analysis unit performs spectral analy
`sis using a discrete cosine transform (DCT) operation.
`14. The photometric device according to claim 11,
`wherein said segmented brightness measuring unit includes
`a plurality of segments corresponding to sections of the
`photographic scene of the camera.
`15. The photometric device according to claim 14,
`wherein said plurality of segments is a power of 2.
`16. A photometric device for use in a camera, the photo
`metric device comprising:
`a segmented brightness measuring unit to segment a
`photographic scene of the camera into multiple areas,
`and in response, outputting corresponding multiple
`photometric values;
`a spectral analysis unit to perform a spectral analysis of
`the corresponding photometric values to obtain a power
`spectrum of the spatial frequencies of a subject; and
`a multi-pattem photometric unit to detemiine a direct
`current component, a low-frequency component, and a
`high frequency current component of the power spec
`trum, to obtain degrees of conformance between the
`photographic scene and a plurality of spectral patterns
`using the direct current, low-frequency and high-fre
`Ex 1408, p. 9 of 10

`quency components and a plurality of membership
`functions, and to obtain an exposure control value by
`taking a weighted mean using the degrees of conform
`17. The photometric device according to claim 16,
`wherein the spectral analysis unit performs the spectral
`analysis by using a Fourier transform operation.
`18. The photometric device according to claim 16,
`wherein the spectral analysis unit performs the spectral
`analysis by using a discrete cosine transform operation.
`19. The photometric device according to claim 16,
`wherein the spectral analysis unit performs the spectral
`analysis by using a discrete sine transform operation.
`20. The photometric device according to claim 16,
`wherein the spectral analysis unit performs the spectral
`analysis by using a Walsh transform operation.
`Ex 1408, p. 10 of 10

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