Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 1
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - )
` APPLE, INC. and )
` Petitioners, ) Case No.
` v. ) IPR2016-01203
` Patent Owner. )
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - )
` Friday, July 14, 2017
` Telephone Conference before Judge Jeffrey
`S. Smith, Judge Patrick M. Boucher, and Judge Karl
`D. Easthorn in the above-entitled matter, commencing
`at 1:30 p.m., the proceedings taken down by
`stenotype by ANN L. BLAZEJEWSKI, RMR, CRR, and
`transcribed under her direction.
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Patent Owner's Exhibit 2015
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 2
` On behalf of the Petitioner:
` Morrison & Foerster, LLP
` 707 Wilshire Boulevard
` Los Angeles, CA 90017-3543
` (213) 892-5482
`2 3
` On behalf of the Patent Holder:
` Davidson Berquist Jackson & Gowdey, LLP
` 8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
` McLean, VA 22102
` (571) 765-7700
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Patent Owner's Exhibit 2015
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 3
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE SMITH: Good afternoon, this is
`Judge Smith of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
`With me on the line are Judges Easthorn and Boucher.
`We are here for a conference call in IPR2016-01203,
`Apple versus FastVDO.
` Would counsel for Petitioner please state
`your appearance.
` MR. MALLOY: Hello, this is Ryan Malloy
`from Morrison & Foerster.
` JUDGE SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Malloy. Is
`there anyone else on the line for Petitioner?
` MR. MALLOY: I will be the only one
`speaking. I believe I will be joined by a partner
`at Morrison & Foerster, Mehran Arjomand, who is not
`counsel of record.
` JUDGE SMITH: Thank you. Would counsel
`for Patent Owner please state your appearance.
` MR. HELGE: Good afternoon, Your Honor.
`This is Wayne Helge for Patent Owner FastVDO.
` JUDGE SMITH: Thank you, Mr. Helge. Is
`there anyone else on the line for Patent Owner?
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
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` MR. HELGE: No, Your Honor, I will be the
`only one speaking. The only other person that we
`have on the line, Your Honor, is a court reporter
`that we have coordinated for this call.
` JUDGE SMITH: Oh, good. And you'll
`submit a transcript of this call?
` MR. HELGE: Yes, Your Honor. I believe
`the standard turnaround is around 2 weeks, Your
`Honor, so I think, you know, around July 28th we'll
`have a copy of that. Certainly in advance of the
`oral hearing.
` JUDGE SMITH: Okay, thank you. Okay. So
`Patent Owner requested this call to discuss what it
`contends are new issues in evidence raised in
`Petitioner's reply. The parties have conferred, and
`Petitioner intends to oppose Patent Owner's request.
` Patent Owner, you've requested this call.
`Please proceed with your position on the issue.
` MR. HELGE: Thank you, Your Honor. Thank
`Your Honors for taking some time to talk about this.
`As we've noted in our request, our email request
`seeking this call, we believe that the Petitioner's
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 5
`reply raises new theories of obviousness, really one
`specific new theory of obviousness, and the
`sentences that we wanted to bring the Board's
`attention to occur on page 11 and page 12 of the
`reply, and these really, these sentences bookend, I
`believe, what I would call the new theory of
` On page 11, the sentence reads
`specifically: Furthermore, Kato, K-a-t-o, indicates
`that storage of data in the hard drive is an
`alternative to transmitting the data. And then
`concluding that point on the top of page 12,
`Petitioner concludes that paragraph by stating:
`Thus, the hard drive replacing the transmitter would
`contain data encoded with unequal error protection,
`satisfying the storage claims.
` Your Honors, we believe this is a new
`theory of obviousness. We do not disagree that
`Petitioners cited to column 33, lines 2-7, as they
`stated in their position in the email. There's a
`few places, page 20 of the petition, page 32, pages
`47-48, and they also refer to paragraph 80 of Dr.
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 6
`Lippman's declaration; Lippman, L-i-p-p-m-a-n.
` Your Honors, what we don't see in any of
`these portions that the Petitioners have pointed to
`is this idea that Kato discloses an express
`suggestion to store data rather than to transmit it.
`Figure 6a, in particular, shows us a transmitter,
`according to Kato, and this figure shows an output
`terminal 605. Figure 6b is then the receiver, and
`what we interpret Petitioner's position here to be
`is that Kato is expressly suggesting that instead of
`transmitting to the receiver, figure 6b, the
`transmitter simply outputs to a storage. So instead
`of output terminal 605, there would be, as they say
`here, a hard drive.
` Again, we don't see that theory anywhere
`in the petition. We believe it's a new theory of
`obviousness directed to what they call the storage
`claims. I believe that's claims 5, 16, 28, and then
`there are two means-plus-function claims as well in
`this case that deal with storage.
` But, again, Your Honors, we believe this
`is a new theory, a new reliance on something they
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 7
`now contend is expressly suggested by Kato, and we
`do not see that discussion of such an express
`suggestion in their earlier filings.
` One last point, Your Honor, on this issue
`here is we do have a substantive response to this,
`but because of the Board's rules here, 37 CFR
`42.23(b) and the Office Patent Trial Practice Guide
`page 48767, we wanted to bring this to the Board's
`attention what we contend are new theories and to
`seek a permission to file a motion to strike this
`new theory, or other relief as the Board deems
` JUDGE SMITH: Okay, thank you. Counsel
`for Petitioner, what is your position?
` MR. MALLOY: Good afternoon. I would
`like to start with page 47 of the petition, and
`there is a paragraph on page 47 that begins: Claims
`5, 10, 16, 25, and 28, and those are the claims at
`issue. This paragraph here that starts on page 47
`follows our detailed claim charts for Kato, and the
`context here is that we're stepping through the
`claims one by one and addressing specific issues of
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 8
`obviousness that are relevant to those particular
` In this paragraph at the bottom of page
`47 we have a sentence that says: It would have been
`apparent to one of skill in the art that the first
`and second compressed data portions in Kato would be
`stored or transmitted in different channels (storage
`areas or data links) in view of the unequal error
`protections applied to the different portions.
` Now, at the end of that paragraph,
`there's a sentence that says: In addition -- and
`this is on page 48. We say, quote: Kato discloses
`that the first and second portions can be in
`separate data store regions and that data store
`regions can be in a transmission or storage wheel.
`And then we cite the portion of Kato, 33:1-7, that
`is at issue here.
` We think from at least this paragraph
`that it's clear that we're contending that Kato
`discloses that storage is an alternative to
`transmission. That's what the word "or" in those
`sentences mean. I don't see how it can be
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 9
`interpreted otherwise. And when we asked Patent
`Owner for their position on why this disclosure was
`insufficient, they provided no response to us during
`a meet and confer.
` JUDGE SMITH: Your position on this,
`Petitioner, is that it's not a new argument, it was
`initially filed in the petition?
` MR. MALLOY: Absolutely. So that's one
`place. And I would note that one of the sentences
`that I've just read to you cites to Lippman
`paragraphs 78-80. If I could refer you to paragraph
`80 of Dr. Lippman's declaration -- let me know if
`you would like me to wait for you to get there.
`It's also in Patent Owner's email to the Board. But
`paragraph 80 of Dr. Lippman's declaration --
` JUDGE SMITH: What exhibit number is
` MR. MALLOY: Excuse me.
` MR. HELGE: 1002, Your Honor. This is
`Wayne Helge again.
` JUDGE SMITH: 1002?
` MR. HELGE: Yes, Your Honor.
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 10
` MR. MALLOY: 1002, and paragraph 80 is on
`page 32. This is Dr. Lippman supporting the
`statements in the petition that I just read to you.
` Again, he's talking about these storage
`claims and addressing issues of obviousness that are
`specific to them in claims 5, 10, 16, 25, and 28,
`and he says: Kato uses the terms data store region
`to refer to both recording media and transmission
` And then at the end of this paragraph,
`summarizing his opinion about what Kato discloses,
`Dr. Lippman states, quote: Kato discloses to one of
`skill in the art that the first portion's PI are
`stored in a higher error-protected data block or
`transmitted -- so stored or transmitted -- via a
`higher error-protected data link than the second
`portion's RI.
` So my understanding of Patent Owner's
`position is that we didn't disclose originally that
`Kato discloses that storage is an alternative to
`transmission. But I think the word "or" in these
`sentences that I'm reading to you clearly means that
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 11
`storage is an alternative to transmission.
` There are many other places in the
`petition where we make this point as well, but I
`think that those portions that I just read are
`sufficient to resolve this dispute.
` JUDGE SMITH: Counsel for Patent Owner,
`do you have anything to add?
` MR. HELGE: Your Honor, I would simply
`note in here the portions that Mr. Malloy cited to,
`specifically pages 47 and 48 of the petition in
`particular, he read one sentence that began: It
`would have been apparent to one of skill in the art,
`and goes on to make a position about the portions,
`the data portions in Kato being stored or
`transmitted in different channels in view of the
`unequal error protection applied to the different
` What they have not pointed to, in
`particular, in that conclusion sentence is an
`express indication that Kato indicates, as they say
`here in the reply, that storage of data in the hard
`drive is an alternative to transmitting the data, in
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 12
`particular as we look also into the sentence they
`read from that portion of the petition where they
`cited to 33, column 33, lines 1 to 7, where they
`present this position that data store regions can be
`in a transmission or storage medium.
` Once again, what they're not pointing to
`is any theory that Kato is expressly suggesting,
`with respect to figure 6a replacing the output of a
`transmitter with a storage device or, as they say in
`here, a hard drive.
` Now, our issue isn't particularly with
`the storage versus the hard drive. Our issue is
`that they're not suggesting here in their petition
`or in Dr. Lippman's declaration that a modification
`to Kato, that Kato expressly suggests, as they state
`here in the reply, is getting rid of that output
`terminal 605 in the transmitter, having the
`transmitter output simply to a storage device, and
`removing the receivers from figure 6b.
` We maintain that, in our view, that this
`is a new theory of obviousness, a new modification
`to Kato that hasn't been provided in these portions
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`Telephone Conference
`July 14, 2017
`Page 13
`of either the declaration or their petition.
` JUDGE SMITH: Okay, thank you.
` Petitioner, do you have anything to add?
` MR. MALLOY: I would just reiterate that
`the word "or" in the English language implies an
`alternative. I think it expressly discloses what is
`now being challenged, that storage is an alternative
`to transmission in Kato. I don't understand what
`alternative reading Patent Owner is proposing for
`these sentences.
` JUDGE SMITH: Okay, thank you.
` Patent Owner, the Board has decided not
`to authorize filing a Motion to Strike. If you want
`to raise this issue at the hearing, you can. That's
`the Board's decision on this issue.
` MR. HELGE: Thank you, Your Honor.
` JUDGE SMITH: Thank you. Thanks to
`everyone for participating. This call is adjourned.
`Good afternoon.
` (Whereupon, at 1:46 p.m., the conference
`call was concluded.)
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`Patent Owner's Exhibit 2015
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`a Certified
`Shorthand Reporter for the State of Iowa,
`officer before whom the foregoing proceedings were
`taken, do hereby certify that the foregoing
`transcript is a true and correct record of the
`that said proceedings were taken by me
`stenographically to the best of my ability and
`thereafter reduced to typewriting under my
`supervision, and that I am neither counsel for,
`related to nor employed by any of the parties to
`this case, and that
`I have no interest, financial or
`in its outcome.
`Dated this
`day of
`, 2017.
`Patent Owner's Exhibit 2015
`Page 14 of 14
`Patent Owner's Exhibit 2015
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