Apple Inc. vs., Inc.
`Reporter's Transcript of Telephonic Hearing
`June 07, 2017
`Voip-Pal Ex. 2052


`·5· · · · · · · · · · · · ·APPLE INC.
`·6· · · · · · · · · · · · ·Petitioner
`·7· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·v.
`·8· · · · · · · · · · · VOIP-PAL.COM, Inc.,
`·9· · · · · · · · · · · · Patent Owner
`11· · · · · · · · · · Case No. IPR2016-01198
`· · · · · · · · · · · ·U.S. Patent 9,179,005
`13· · · · · · · · · · Case No. IPR2016-01201
`· · · · · · · · · · · ·U.S. Patent 8,542,815
`17· · · · · · · · · · WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 2017
`18· · · · · · · · · · ·8:00 A.M. - 8:21 A.M.
`22· ·Reported by:
`· · ·Annette Moore
`23· ·CSR No. 2648
`24· ·Job No. 10033665
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`·2· ·Patent Trial and Appeal Board:
`·3· · · · · · · · · JUDGE COX
`·4· · · · · · · · · JUDGE SCALA
`·5· · · · · · · · · JUDGE SHAGNON
`· · ·For the Petitioner:
`· · · · · · · · · · ERISE IP
`· · · · · · · · · · BY:· ADAM P. SEITZ, ESQ.
`·9· · · · · · · · · · · ·PAUL R. HART, ESQ.
`10· · · · · · · · · 6201 College Boulevard, Suite 300
`11· · · · · · · · · Overland Park, Kansas 66211
`12· · · · · · · · · (913) 777-5600
`14· ·For the Patent Owner:
`15· · · · · · · · · KNOBBE, MARTENS, OLSON & BEAR, LLP
`16· · · · · · · · · BY:· KERRY S. TAYLOR, ESQ.
`17· · · · · · · · · 2040 Main Street, 14th Floor
`18· · · · · · · · · Irvine, California 92614
`19· · · · · · · · · (949) 760-0404
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`·1· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· ·Hello, good morning.· This is
`·2· ·Judge Cox.· I'm joined on the call with Justice Scala and
`·3· ·Shagnon.· Who do we have on the call for the petitioner?
`·4· · · · · · · · MR. SEITZ:· Adam Seitz.· Also with me is Paul
`·5· ·Hart.
`·6· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· All right.· Thank you.· Who do we
`·7· ·have on the call for the patent owner?
`·8· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Kerry Taylor.
`·9· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· It sounds like we have a court
`10· ·reporter, is that correct?
`11· · · · · · · · THE COURT REPORTER:· Yes.
`12· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Who arranged for the court
`13· ·reporter?
`14· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· The patent owner arranged for
`15· ·that.
`16· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Once we're done with this call,
`17· ·please file the transcript, once it's available, as an
`18· ·exhibit.
`19· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Sure.
`20· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· All right.· This is a conference
`21· ·call in connection with two proceedings, IPR2016-01198 and
`22· ·IPR2016-01201.
`23· · · ·(The court reporter lost connection on the call.)
`24· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Thank you.· Mr. Seitz, I want to
`25· ·hear from you.· Before you start, I wanted to ask:· Have
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`·1· ·you taken the position that the Board, this panel would be
`·2· ·prohibited from allowing a sur-reply?
`·3· · · · · · · · MR. SEITZ:· No, Your Honor, we have not taken
`·4· ·that position.· Our position is just that the Board
`·5· ·certainly has the power to grant the sur-reply.· When you
`·6· ·look at the cases that are out there, the decisions that
`·7· ·are out there, nobody needs sur-replies.· We believe that
`·8· ·there's something very clear that's apparent there, and
`·9· ·that is that a sur-reply is not a matter of right even
`10· ·when a patent owner raises an antedating prior art issue.
`11· · · · · · · · If you look at the cases cited by the
`12· ·parties, we believe that supports that, your Honor.· For
`13· ·example, Belden, which Mr. Taylor was just discussing,
`14· ·clearly does not support the idea to an automatic
`15· ·sur-reply.· They also cited the Cox case.· That was
`16· ·unopposed because there was a new declaration, new
`17· ·evidence that was submitted in the reply.
`18· · · · · · · · There are other cases that were cited in
`19· ·Mr. Taylor's email that walk through whether a sur-reply
`20· ·was granted or not.· When you look at those cases,
`21· ·there's, again, a very clear indication of something that
`22· ·was added in the reply.· If you look at, for example,
`23· ·Cencio, these were cited in Mr. Kerry Taylor's last email,
`24· ·there was a challenge to inventorship that was raised for
`25· ·the first time in their reply brief.· In the HTC case,
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`·1· ·there were three new declarations submitted in the reply
`·2· ·brief.· In the LG case, there was new expert testimony in
`·3· ·the reply brief.· In the Snap-on case, there were twelve
`·4· ·new documents that were cited in the reply brief.
`·5· · · · · · · · So our position is that a sur-reply could
`·6· ·certainly be appropriate in those instances where new
`·7· ·evidence, new testimony, something new is submitted in the
`·8· ·reply.· Here, we simply don't have that.· Mr. Taylor talks
`·9· ·about new arguments, distortions of facts and law.· He
`10· ·still has not identified those.· And he kind of summarily
`11· ·skipped over the fact that there was new evidence that he
`12· ·talked about.
`13· · · · · · · · But let's be clear on what we submitted in
`14· ·our reply.· We submitted exhibits.· Those exhibits
`15· ·included deposition transcripts of patent owner's own
`16· ·declarants.· They had eight declarants in their responsive
`17· ·briefs.· We took depositions and we submitted those
`18· ·deposition transcripts as part of our reply brief.· We
`19· ·also submitted a copy of the complaint from the litigation
`20· ·in this case to show the amount of money that Voip-Pal is
`21· ·asking of that litigation and out of this case.· Then the
`22· ·final exhibit was emails from Mr. Taylor himself between
`23· ·the parties.
`24· · · · · · · · There simply was no new evidence that was
`25· ·submitted.· We didn't have a new expert.· We didn't submit
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`·1· ·new declarations.· There's no new fact witnesses.· This
`·2· ·really comes down to the fact that patent owner wants a
`·3· ·final chance to provide attorney argument, which we just
`·4· ·heard from Mr. Taylor himself.· That is not proper here.
`·5· · · · · · · · So, your Honor, our position is that
`·6· ·sur-replies can be appropriate in certain circumstances,
`·7· ·but they should not be granted as a matter of right.· To
`·8· ·do that would encourage a patent owner in antedating cases
`·9· ·to hide or conceal or be less than clear with their
`10· ·theories in their response, and then provide all of that
`11· ·evidence in a sur-reply, at which point the petitioner
`12· ·would be precluded from challenging or addressing those
`13· ·theories during the discovery period with the expert
`14· ·declarants and without an opportunity to fully test those.
`15· · · · · · · · We don't believe this is a situation, because
`16· ·there's no new evidence that was submitted, that would
`17· ·warrant a sur-reply.
`18· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Thank you.· Mr. Taylor, I want to
`19· ·hear from you one last time before I confer with my
`20· ·colleagues.· What issues specifically are you seeking to
`21· ·respond to?· And is this something that -- this issue,
`22· ·have you not had opportunity, for instance, in the patent
`23· ·owner response to address it?· So two questions.
`24· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Sure.· So there are multiple
`25· ·issues that patent owner wishes to respond to.· One is the
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`·1· ·legal standard for the requirement for testing that
`·2· ·petitioner laid out in the reply.· Patent owner doesn't
`·3· ·believe that that standard is appropriately presented or
`·4· ·is the correct standard.· Also, there are factual
`·5· ·characterizations of the alleged lack of evidence for
`·6· ·confirming and testing the software that was submitted in
`·7· ·Exhibit 2014 to verify that the software worked for its
`·8· ·intended purpose.
`·9· · · · · · · · There's also argument by patent owner
`10· ·regarding the software not practicing all elements of the
`11· ·claim that goes into petitioner proposing improper claim
`12· ·construction that's inconsistent with the patent itself
`13· ·and the testimony on this issue.
`14· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· This claim construction that
`15· ·you're talking about, that appears in the reply for the
`16· ·first time?· Do I understand that correctly?
`17· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· It's an implicit argument
`18· ·because the petitioner is making an argument that a
`19· ·particular rallying method is not practiced and they are
`20· ·likening that to the claim language as not being -- as
`21· ·therefore not being met.· There's no express construction
`22· ·going on.· There's a necessary aspect of construing that
`23· ·element very narrowly in order to meet the petitioner's
`24· ·argument.
`25· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Okay.· Mr. Seitz, any last words
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`·1· ·before I confer with my colleague?
`·2· · · · · · · · MR. SEITZ:· Yes, your Honor, very briefly.
`·3· ·Nothing that I just heard seems to warrant a sur-reply.
`·4· ·Those are all arguments that patent owner is certainly
`·5· ·welcome to raise during the final hearing on this issue.
`·6· · · · · · · · No new claim construction was provided.· Any
`·7· ·claim construction issue that he's talking about,
`·8· ·everything that he's talking about, should have been
`·9· ·raised in their response.
`10· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Okay.· Thank you.· I understand
`11· ·both sides.· Please remain on the call.· I'm going to
`12· ·confer with my colleagues.· Please stay on.· Thank you.
`13· · · · · · · · · (The proceedings went off the record.)
`14· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Hello, this is Judge Cox again.
`15· ·Do I still have -- Mr. Seitz, are you still on the call?
`16· · · · · · · · MR. SEITZ:· Yes, your Honor.
`17· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· And, Mr. Taylor, are you still on
`18· ·the call?
`19· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Yes, your Honor.
`20· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· I believe as we were going off,
`21· ·do I understand that the court reporter, that you missed
`22· ·part of the beginning of the call?
`23· · · · · · · · THE COURT REPORTER:· Yes, I was disconnected
`24· ·and lost the whole first speaking of Mr. Taylor.
`25· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Okay.· Well, so, just for
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`·1· ·posterity, Mr. Taylor, why don't you just summarize what
`·2· ·you had requested at the beginning of the call so we have
`·3· ·a record of it.
`·4· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Sure.· So patent owner is
`·5· ·requesting a five page sur-reply to reply to various
`·6· ·arguments in petitioner's reply on fact and law that
`·7· ·patent owner could not have foreseen with patent owner's
`·8· ·response.
`·9· · · · · · · · Patent owner does not believe this is an
`10· ·unusual request.· The Board has often authorized patent
`11· ·owners, who are antedating a reference, to file a
`12· ·sur-reply, as indicated in the initial email that patent
`13· ·owner sent to the Board on May 29th.· Patent owner
`14· ·disagrees with petitioner's characterization of Federal
`15· ·Circuit's holding in Belden v. Bortech, that the Federal
`16· ·Circuit did provide broad discretion to the Board to
`17· ·permit sur-replies.
`18· · · · · · · · And even if the petitioner's higher
`19· ·requirement for evidence to be submitted with the reply of
`20· ·a threshold were to be the case, petitioner did submit new
`21· ·evidence in these proceedings.· Even under petitioner's
`22· ·position, it would be appropriate to file a sur-reply in
`23· ·these proceedings.
`24· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Okay.· Thank you.· Mr. Seitz, I
`25· ·don't want to hear again from you.· I just want to make
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`·1· ·sure that -- was that -- in your view, that was all
`·2· ·accurate?
`·3· · · · · · · · MR. SEITZ:· Yes, your Honor, I have no
`·4· ·problems with what Mr. Taylor just said.· I heard his
`·5· ·argument.
`·6· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Thank you.· I have one question
`·7· ·and I don't know if I saw this in your email.· Do you
`·8· ·agree that when it comes to the antedating issue that the
`·9· ·patent owner has the burden of production in this case?
`10· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Yes.
`11· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· ·You do.· Okay.· We heard from
`12· ·both sides.· At this point I don't think we have enough --
`13· ·there's enough time in this proceeding to hear from the
`14· ·patent owner.· Five pages does not seem unreasonable.
`15· · · · · · · · Mr. Seitz, I understand your objection and
`16· ·right now we are not going to authorize a sur-sur-reply.
`17· ·If we decide that we need one, we will potentially contact
`18· ·you and authorize one.· But right now we are going to
`19· ·authorize a sur-reply from the patent owner limited to
`20· ·five pages.
`21· · · · · · · · Mr. Taylor, how much time do you need to file
`22· ·that sur-reply?
`23· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Patent owner would like to file
`24· ·that on due date five, if that's possible.
`25· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· I was thinking, since it's
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`·1· ·limited to five pages, we'd like to have it in the record
`·2· ·before that.
`·3· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Okay.
`·4· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· The hearings in these cases are
`·5· ·scheduled for -- potentially scheduled for July 20th.· Do
`·6· ·I have that correct?
`·7· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· That's correct, your Honor.
`·8· · · · · · · · MR. SEITZ:· Correct.
`·9· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Could you have it filed in a week
`10· ·from today?
`11· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Yes, yes, your Honor.
`12· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Today is June 7th.· That would be
`13· ·by June 14th,· a five-page sur-reply.· We will authorize
`14· ·that.· I will send out the order indicating that the
`15· ·authorization has been provided.
`16· · · · · · · · Anything else from the parties?· Mr. Seitz?
`17· · · · · · · · MR. SEITZ:· No, your Honor.
`18· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Mr. Taylor?
`19· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Nothing further, your Honor.
`20· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· Again, please file the transcript
`21· ·of this call when it becomes available.
`22· · · · · · · · MR. TAYLOR:· Yes, your Honor.
`23· · · · · · · · THE COURT:· With that, if there's nothing
`24· ·else, the panel has nothing further, so this call is
`25· ·adjourned.
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`·1· · · · ·MR. SEITZ:· Thank you.
`·2· · · · ·MR. TAYLOR:· Thank you, your Honor.
`·3· ·(The proceeding were concluded at 8:21 a.m.)
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`·2· · · · · · · · · · · · ) SS
`·8· · · · · · · I, ANNETTE MOORE, Certified Shorthand Reporter,
`10· · · · · · · That I was present at the time of the
`11· ·proceedings in the case as entitled on the title page
`12· ·thereof; that I took down in shorthand all of the
`13· ·testimony given and proceedings had; and I further certify
`14· ·that the foregoing and annexed pages comprise a full, true
`15· ·and correct transcript of my said shorthand notes.
`16· · · · · · ·DATED: June 12, 2017, at San Diego, California.
`18· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·____________________________
`19· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·ANNETTE MOORE, C.S.R. 2648
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`Transcript of Telephonic Hearing
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`Transcript of Telephonic Hearing
`Apple Inc. vs., Inc.
`14th 11:13
`2014 7:7
`20th 11:5
`29th 9:13
`7th 11:12
`accurate 10:2
`Adam 3:4
`added 4:22
`address 6:23
`attorney 6:3
`authorization 11:15
`authorize 10:16,18,
` 19 11:13
`claim 7:11,14,20 8:6,
` 7
`clear 4:8,21 5:13 6:9
`colleague 8:1
`authorized 9:10
`colleagues 6:20 8:12
`automatic 4:14
`complaint 5:19
`conceal 6:9
`confer 6:19 8:1,12
`beginning 8:22 9:2
`conference 3:20
`Belden 4:13 9:15
`confirming 7:6
`Board 4:1,4 9:10,13,
` 16
`Bortech 9:15
`briefly 8:2
`briefs 5:17
`broad 9:16
`burden 10:9
`connection 3:21,23
`construction 7:12,14,
` 21 8:6,7
`construing 7:22
`contact 10:17
`copy 5:19
`correct 3:10 7:4 11:6,
` 7,8
`disconnected 8:23
`discovery 6:13
`discretion 9:16
`discussing 4:13
`distortions 5:9
`documents 5:4
`due 10:24
`element 7:23
`elements 7:10
`email 4:19,23 9:12
` 10:7
`emails 5:22
`encourage 6:8
`evidence 4:17 5:7,11,
` 24 6:11,16 7:5 9:19,
` 21
`addressing 6:12
`adjourned 11:25
`agree 10:8
`alleged 7:5
`allowing 4:2
`amount 5:20
`antedating 4:10 6:8
` 9:11 10:8
`apparent 4:8
`appears 7:15
`appropriately 7:3
`argument 6:3 7:9,17,
` 18,24 10:5
`arguments 5:9 8:4
` 9:6
`call 3:2,3,7,16,21,23
` 8:11,15,18,22 9:2
` 11:21,24
`case 4:15,25 5:2,3,
` 20,21 9:20 10:9
`cases 4:6,11,18,20
` 6:8 11:4
`Cencio 4:23
`challenge 4:24
`challenging 6:12
`chance 6:3
`characterization 9:14
`characterizations 7:5
`Circuit 9:16
`arranged 3:12,14
`Circuit's 9:15
`art 4:10
`aspect 7:22
`circumstances 6:6
`cited 4:11,15,18,23
` 5:4
`correctly 7:16
`exhibit 3:18 5:22 7:7
`court 3:1,6,9,11,12,
` 16,20,23,24 6:18
` 7:14,25 8:10,14,17,
` 20,21,23,25 9:24
` 10:6,11,25 11:4,9,12,
` 18,20,23
`Cox 3:2 4:15 8:14
`date 10:24
`decide 10:17
`decisions 4:6
`declarants 5:16 6:14
`declaration 4:16
`declarations 5:1 6:1
`deposition 5:15,18
`depositions 5:17
`disagrees 9:14
`exhibits 5:14
`expert 5:2,25 6:13
`express 7:21
`fact 5:11 6:1,2 9:6
`facts 5:9
`factual 7:4
`Federal 9:14,15
`file 3:17 9:11,22
` 10:21,23 11:20
`filed 11:9
`final 5:22 6:3 8:5
`five-page 11:13
`foreseen 9:7
`fully 6:14
`·Index: 14th–fully


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`Apple Inc. vs., Inc.
`IPR2016-01198 3:21
`method 7:19
`point 6:11 10:12
`good 3:1
`grant 4:5
`granted 4:20 6:7
`Hart 3:5
`hear 3:25 6:19 9:25
` 10:13
`IPR2016-01201 3:22
`missed 8:21
`issue 4:10 6:21 7:13
` 8:5,7 10:8
`issues 6:20,25
`joined 3:2
`Judge 3:2 8:14
`July 11:5
`money 5:20
`morning 3:1
`multiple 6:24
`narrowly 7:23
`position 4:1,4 5:5 6:5
` 9:22
`posterity 9:1
`potentially 10:17
` 11:5
`power 4:5
`practiced 7:19
`practicing 7:10
`precluded 6:12
`presented 7:3
`prior 4:10
`problems 10:4
`proceeding 10:13
`proceedings 3:21
` 8:13 9:21,23
`production 10:9
`heard 6:4 8:3 10:4,11
`June 11:12,13
`hearing 8:5
`hearings 11:4
`hide 6:9
`higher 9:18
`holding 9:15
`Justice 3:2
`Kerry 3:8 4:23
`kind 5:10
`objection 10:15
`opportunity 6:14,22
`order 7:23 11:14
`owner 3:7,14 4:10
` 6:2,8,23,25 7:2,9 8:4
` 9:4,7,9,13 10:9,14,
` 19,23
`owner's 5:15 9:7
`prohibited 4:2
`owners 9:11
`proper 6:4
`Honor 4:3,12 6:5 8:2,
` 16,19 10:3 11:7,11,
` 17,19,22
`HTC 4:25
`lack 7:5
`laid 7:2
`language 7:20
`idea 4:14
`identified 5:10
`implicit 7:17
`improper 7:11
`included 5:15
`inconsistent 7:12
`indicating 11:14
`indication 4:21
`initial 9:12
`instance 6:22
`instances 5:6
`intended 7:8
`inventorship 4:24
`law 5:9 9:6
`legal 7:1
`LG 5:2
`likening 7:20
`limited 10:19 11:1
`litigation 5:19,21
`lost 3:23 8:24
`make 9:25
`making 7:18
`matter 4:9 6:7
`meet 7:23
`met 7:21
`proposing 7:11
`provide 6:3,10 9:16
`pages 10:14,20 11:1
`provided 8:6 11:15
`panel 4:1 11:24
`purpose 7:8
`part 5:18 8:22
`parties 4:12 5:23
` 11:16
`patent 3:7,14 4:10
` 5:15 6:2,8,22,25 7:2,
` 9,12 8:4 9:4,7,9,10,
` 12,13 10:9,14,19,23
`Paul 3:4
`period 6:13
`permit 9:17
`petitioner 3:3 6:11
` 7:2,11,18 9:20
`petitioner's 7:23 9:6,
` 14,18,21
`question 10:6
`questions 6:23
`raise 8:5
`raised 4:24 8:9
`raises 4:10
`rallying 7:19
`record 8:13 9:3 11:1
`reference 9:11
`·Index: good–reference


`Transcript of Telephonic Hearing
`Apple Inc. vs., Inc.
`Transcript of Telephonic Hearing
`Apple Inc. vs., Inc.
`remain 8:11
`stay 8:12
`twelve 5:3
`understand 7:16
` 8:10,21 10:15
`unopposed 4:16
`unreasonable 10:14
`unusual 9:10
`verify 7:7
`view 10:1
`Voip-pal 5:20
`walk 4:19
`wanted 3:25
`warrant 6:17 8:3
`week 11:9
`wishes 6:25
`witnesses 6:1
`words 7:25
`worked 7:7
`reply 4:17,22,25 5:1,
` 3,4,8,14,18 7:2,15
` 9:5,6,19
`reporter 3:10,11,13,
` 23 8:21,23
`request 9:10
`requested 9:2
`requesting 9:5
`requirement 7:1 9:19
`respond 6:21,25
`response 6:10,23 8:9
` 9:8
`responsive 5:16
`Scala 3:2
`scheduled 11:5
`seeking 6:20
`Seitz 3:4,24 4:3 7:25
` 8:2,15,16 9:24 10:3,
` 15 11:8,16,17
`send 11:14
`Shagnon 3:3
`show 5:20
`sides 8:11 10:12
`simply 5:8,24
`situation 6:15
`skipped 5:11
`Snap-on 5:3
`software 7:6,7,10
`sounds 3:9
`speaking 8:24
`specifically 6:20
`standard 7:1,3,4
`start 3:25
`submit 5:25 9:20
`submitted 4:17 5:1,7,
` 13,14,17,19,25 6:16
` 7:6 9:19
`summarily 5:10
`summarize 9:1
`support 4:14
`supports 4:12
`sur-replies 4:7 6:6
` 9:17
`sur-reply 4:2,5,9,15,
` 19 5:5 6:11,17 8:3
` 9:5,12,22 10:19,22
` 11:13
`sur-sur-reply 10:16
`talked 5:12
`talking 7:15 8:7,8
`talks 5:8
`Taylor 3:8,14,19 4:13
` 5:8,22 6:4,18,24 7:17
` 8:17,19,24 9:1,4
` 10:4,10,21,23 11:3,7,
` 11,18,19,22
`Taylor's 4:19,23
`test 6:14
`testimony 5:2,7 7:13
`testing 7:1,6
`theories 6:10,13
`thinking 10:25
`threshold 9:20
`time 4:25 6:19 7:16
` 10:13,21
`today 11:10,12
`transcript 3:17 11:20
`transcripts 5:15,18
`·Index: remain–worked

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