`Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, )
` v.
` ) CASE NO.: IPR2016-01198
` ) Patent 9,179,005
` Patent Owner. )
` _______________________ )
` The discovery deposition of JOHAN EMIL VIKTOR
`BJORSELL, taken in the above-entitled cause, before Alyssa
`Fontaine, official reporter, on the 24th of March, 2017,
`1055 W Georgia St, Vancouver, BC V6C 2L1
`3 4
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 2
` 5600 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.
` Suite 200
` Greenwood Village, CO 80111
` (720) 689-5441
` On behalf of the Petitioner;
` 2040 Main Street, 14th Floor
` Irvine, CA 92614
` (858) 707-4000
` BY: MR. KERRY TAYLOR (by phone)
` On behalf of the Patent Owner.
` David Gileff
` Adam Seitz (by phone)
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` I N D E X
`Page 3
` By Mr. Hart 4
` By Mr. Taylor 148
` By Mr. Hart 165
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1001: United States Patent 17
`Exhibit 2017: System architecture diagram 33
`Exhibit 2014: Source code for the RBR server 43
`Exhibit 2015: SVN log messages 45
`Exhibit 2012: Declaration of Mr. Bjorsell (005) 51
`Exhibit 2016: Declaration of Mr. Mangione-Smith 149
`Exhibit 2012: Declaration of Mr. Bjorsell (815) 151
`Exhibit 011/1007: Handwritten note by Mr. Bjorsell 173
`2 3
`4 5
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 4
` MARCH 29, 2017
` *****
`called as a witness, having been first affirmed, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning. Can you please state your full
`name for the record.
` A. My full name is Johan Emil Viktor Bjorsell.
` Q. Okay. Have you been disposed before?
` A. No.
` Q. Let me go over some ground rules. My job today
`is to ask good questions. If for any reason you don't
`understand part of my question, please let me know. If
`you answer my question, I'm going to assume that you
`understood it; is that fair?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. The two most important rules today are for
`the court reporter. Number one is we can't talk over each
`other. She can only take down one person at a time. I'll
`do my best to not speak over you but just keep that in
`mind as we are going through. Second, audible answers,
`7 8
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 5
`yeses and nos, no head nods or shakes.
` A. Okay.
` Q. All right. Very good. Let's get rolling here.
`Can you describe your post high school education for me?
` A. Yeah, I'm self taught. So after high school in
`Ireland, I went into the industry. I worked at several
`startups so my education is mostly practical, on the job
`and self taught.
` Q. Okay. Any degrees or certifications since high
` A. No.
` Q. Can you walk me through your work history after
`high school when you joined the industry.
` A. Yes, so -- well, during high school, I had some
`programmer jobs and system administration jobs dealing
`with, sort of, system engineering and servers and such.
`And then when I graduated high school, some of that turned
`into a startup in London. And then I moved back to
`Ireland, worked a few different consultancy jobs, again in
`software development and systems engineering.
` Q. Can I break in here. When did you graduate high
` A. So I think that would have been 2009 [sic].
` Q. Okay. And did you go to London to join the --
` A. Sorry, not 2009. I'm off by a decade. So I
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`would have graduated in 1999, I believe.
` Q. Okay. And did you move to London to begin
`working with the startup you mentioned in 1999?
` A. I think that would have been in -- probably in
`Page 6
`2000 or 2001.
` Q. Okay.
` A. I couldn't remember precisely.
` Q. What was the name of that startup in London?
` A. Caint, C-a-i-n-t.
` Q. What was your title -- sorry, could you spell the
`name of the company one more time?
` A. C-a-i-n-t.
` Q. Caint?
` A. Yes, it's some Irish meaning.
` Q. What was your title at Caint?
` A. I believe it was IT manager, I think.
` Q. What were your responsibilities as an IT manager
`at Caint?
` A. Well, the operational aspects of our servers, so
`server provisioning, patch management, configuration
`management, and also testing, especially in relation to
`some of our client projects such as testing fuctionality
`of the systems our team developed.
` Q. Okay. What kind of systems did your team develop
`at Caint?
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 7
` A. There is a -- one example would be an online
`portal for repatriating for British citizens repatriating
`back to the UK. So sort of helping them set up, get a
`cellphone, temporary accomodation, nanny care, for all of
`that type of stuff to make it easier for them to move
` Q. I see. Any other examples that you can recall?
` A. Yeah, there was also a project for a recruitment
`website so it was a recruitment database. A lot to do
`with matching and skills and things like that.
` Q. I see. Any telephony-related projects at Caint?
` A. No, not there.
` Q. Okay. Did you write any functional source code
`for any of the projects at Caint?
` A. Yes, I would have.
` Q. Okay. And what types of functional source code
`did you write there?
` A. There was some -- there would have been -- so
`source code relating to help manage deployments and
`configuration management and there would also have been
`source code written for functions related to the
`recruitment database that I mentioned and also I wrote
`code for the messaging system that we had on the
`repatriation part.
` Q. Okay.
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 8
` A. Yes.
` Q. And when did you leave Caint?
` A. I couldn't think of the date right now but it was
`probably '02 or '03 I moved back to Ireland. I continued
`working with them on a consulting basis for quite some
`time after, and on and off a little bit as well, but I
`moved back to Ireland in '02 or '03.
` Q. And what was your next employment after Caint?
` A. I worked for a manufacturing company in Ireland.
` Q. What was the name of that company?
` A. It was Ship Co. Sorry, it was Ship Company
` Q. And if you recall, when did you start working for
`Ship Co.?
` A. I worked for that company in my high school years
`and then when I moved back, I did more work for them as
` Q. Were you ever full-time at Ship Co.?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And after Caint, when did you begin working for
`Ship Co. Full-time?
` A. Sorry, after Caint, I would have been working as
`a contractor, so it was one of my jobs. I wasn't working
`full-time with them at that time, but it was a steady
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 9
` Q. Okay. And approximately what time period after
`you moved back to Ireland after Caint were you working as
`a contractor for Ship Co.?
` A. Again, the dates are a bit fuzzy, but between '02
`and '04.
` Q. Was your -- what were your responsibilities at
`Ship Co.?
` A. I was their IT manager.
` Q. And what types of things did you do as an
`IT manager at Ship Co.?
` A. I upgraded their network to an IP based network.
`So that was one of the first projects. And then on the
`back of that, we had an old PBX system that was out of
`maintenance, so I set up a voice over IP system to replace
`the aging telephony system there.
` Q. Was any part of the whole PBX system used with
`the VOIP system that you set up?
` A. No, they were separate.
` Q. And did you take down the PBX system while you
`were working on VoIP or were they up in parallel at some
` A. Well, when I developed, set up, and went through
`testing of the new system, I did it completely separate to
`the PBX. And then when it came time to switch over, after
`there was some acceptance testing and so on, we did a
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 10
`clean switch over on weekends.
` Q. Did you develop from scratch the VoIP system at
`Ship Co. Or was there infrastructure provided by a third
` A. There was open source components that I used.
`And there was some hardware PSTN components I also used so
`that voice over repeat calls on that network could access
`the PSTN and then come back again.
` Q. So you set up your own PSTN media gateways at
`Ship Co.?
` A. The media gateway itself was a hardware product
`that I purchased and I installed and set that up.
` Q. I see. Where was the PSTN gateway located in the
`VoIP system you set up at Ship Co.?
` A. It was located on their premises.
` Q. Okay. So you were not doing any IP transport for
`calls that would ultimately get dumped off to the PSTN.
`Any PSTN destined call would go straight to the PSTN on
`premises through the gateway; is that correct?
` A. Well, the call would be initiated from a voice
`over handset and it would traverse the local network as an
`IP call and then it would egress out through the PSTN
` Q. On premises?
` A. Yes.
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` Q. Okay. How long did it take you to develop and
`deploy the VoIP system at Ship Co.?
` A. Probably I was working on it for, like, nine, ten
`Page 11
` Q. Did you have any prior VoIP experience before
`Ship Co.?
` A. Not in a professional capacity but as a -- how
`would you say -- a personal interest. I found it
` Q. Okay. But Ship Co. was your first enterprise
`VoIP system that you ever worked on; is that correct?
` A. That would be fair to say, yes.
` Q. Okay. Of those nine to ten months that you
`worked deploying a VoIP system at Ship Co., how much of
`that time period did it take to get an operational system
`in place, if you recall?
` A. In terms of -- it was a long time ago. It's
`definitely hard to say.
` Q. Sure.
` A. I would have gotten, like, calls between two
`handsets, a very basic setup, probably like a couple of
`weeks or so. But the devil is always in the detail, so
`getting -- you know, getting all the various cases working
`correctly to time.
` Q. Okay. Once you had the hardware for the PSTN
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 12
`gateway, if you recall, how long did it take you to place
`an IP handset to PSTN telephone call?
` A. It took a while because the PSTN hardware was
`pretty mediocre. It didn't work and it took a lot of --
`yeah, it took a lot of encouragement to get it to behave
`the way I wanted it to. So it took a while, yeah.
` Q. In your experience, had there not been problems
`with the PSTN gateway hardware you received, would that
`have been a fairly easy process to get IP to PSTN
`telephone calls up and running on that system?
` A. If it works the way I would expect it to work out
`of the box, then probably would have been easier. Mind
`you, because of the challenges, it forced me to do a lot
`of debugging and a lot of exploring like the, you know,
`the SIP standards and the H.323 standards and how all that
`sort of stuff works in painful detail. Something I'd
`never have gone into in that sort of depth.
` So, you know, it sucked at the time that it
`didn't work, but it led me down a rabbit hole and I
`learned a lot about all that stuff, so ...
` Q. I see. Had you been -- now that you know or have
`familiarity with SIP standards, H.323 standards from that
`process, do you think it would have been a much easier and
`quicker process to get that system up and running today
`using the same hardware you had at your disposal?
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 13
` A. No, that hardware would probably be pretty
`obsolete by now. And also, you know, when I -- the way I
`set it up back then, I probably would do it differently
`now in that particular case. Yeah.
` Q. Let me ask you this a different way: I asked a
`question that I did not intend to ask. Putting yourself
`back in the 2002, 2003 time frame, when you were working
`on this VoIP project at Ship Co., had you gone into that
`project with the knowledge you ultimately gained of SIP
`and H.323 and all the other VoIP-related standards, would
`that have been an easier and faster process to get it up
`and running?
` A. Yeah, with all hindsight learned and -- it would
`be easier, yes.
` Q. So would you say that the project generally for
`somebody who had already had experience in VoIP with those
`protocols and with PSTN gateways, would you say that
`project overall would have been simple or, you know,
`something that would not require significant
`experimentation to get working?
` A. Probably not because the -- I mean the landscape
`and the open source components that I was using at the
`time were all quite young, the SIP standard was very young
`at the time as well, so it -- it was still in its infancy
`to a certain extent. So it was an exciting time. There
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`was very little known about all that stuff. It would have
`been easier but it wouldn't have been trivial, I would
`Page 14
` Q. Okay. Where did you go after Ship Co.?
` A. So while I had the contract with Ship Co., I also
`had a contract with T-Systems which was a Swiss company, I
`believe. And it was part of Daimler Chrysler, an enormous
` Q. And about what year did you start at T-Systems?
` A. I don't know if this is relevant, but it was a
`subcontract, but the ultimate contractor was T-Systems.
`And when did I start with them? I think it was late --
`probably in fall of -- again, I can't be 100 percent but
`approximately fall of 2002.
` Q. So your work where T-Systems was the ultimate
`customer overlapped your VoIP work at Ship Co.?
` A. Yeah, it was two separate contracts that I had in
` Q. Okay. Were you working for a contract company or
`did you have these contracts independently directly with
`Ship Co. and --
` A. They're independent. Directly.
` Q. What was your -- what were your responsibilities
`on the T-Systems project?
` A. I was a software developer.
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 15
` Q. What kind of software did you develop?
` A. It was a credit card -- sorry, credit rating
`scoring system for the Swiss market.
` Q. And how long did you work on the credit rating
`scoring system for T-Systems?
` A. I think I worked with T-Systems -- with them for
`about 12 months, give or take. Maybe two months either
` Q. Did you work on anything else for T-Systems other
`than the credit rating scoring system?
` A. No, that was the main focus of it, yes.
` Q. How large a software development team was working
`on that credit rating scoring system?
` A. Direct teammate members in my specific group was
`four, but in the T-Systems organization, there was a large
`group with them testing and business analysts and all
`sorts of different roles.
` Q. Was it just four of you on your team that
`actually coded the credit rating scoring system?
` A. The part that we were responsible for, yes.
` Q. So this credit rating scoring system was part of
`a larger system; is that correct?
` A. Well, T-Systems was an enormous corporation and
`they had different systems, so, you know, in an
`enterprise, there's a composition of many, many different
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 16
`systems and we were responsible for the credit card
`scoring system. And it was also like a credit card
`application, like, processing thing, but the core or the
`interesting part of it was the scoring part.
` Q. I see. So other people were working on other
`aspects of this overall credit card system and you were
`responsible -- your team was responsible for the credit
`rating portion?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Where did you go after your contract with
` A. So in 2004, I wrapped up all those contracts
`mostly and I emigrated to Vancouver, Canada, in March
` Q. What was your first job in Vancouver?
` A. It was with the Digifonica team and I started
`with them in June or July 2004, I think.
` Q. What was your first title at Digifonica in 2004?
` A. It was IP Centrex developer.
` Q. What was your responsibilities as an IP Centrex
`developer at Digifonica?
` A. So research and development of a voice over
`IP system which, like, included testing as well.
` Q. Okay. And what specific aspects were you
`researching as an IP Centrex developer?
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`Page 17
` A. Early when I started there was research into how
`to, like, architect the system, the various components
`like B2BUA and how to do routing.
` Q. What about testing? What kind of testing were
`you doing as an IP Centrex developer?
` A. Well, I was one of the earlier employees, so it
`was a very small team, so when I developed or when we
`developed a feature, we had to test it ourselves. We
`didn't have a test team at that point that early on when I
`came there.
` Q. Okay. How large was the team at Digifonica when
`you joined in June or July of 2004?
` A. There was five people, I think, when I joined.
` Q. Do you remember who those people were?
` A. Yeah, they're -- conveniently enough it's the
`five people on the 815 patent.
` MR. HART: I'll go ahead and introduce this as an
`exhibit. We'll talk about it a little bit later in
`detail. I'm handing the witness what is marked
`Exhibit 1001. And that's from the 815 patent proceeding.
` (Exhibit No. 1001 was marked for
` identification and is attached hereto)
` Q. Mr. Bjorsell, do you see the five named inventors
`on the cover of Exhibit 1001?
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` A. I do.
` Q. And are those the five original employees of
`Digifonica who were there when you joined in June or July
`Page 18
`of 2004?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. First --
` A. And they're team members so I -- some of them
`might have been founders, but they're part of the team,
`they're the people I worked with and they're the people
`that --
` Q. I see. The first name is Clay Perreault? Am I
`pronouncing that correctly?
` A. As far as I know, yes.
` Q. What was Mr. Perreault's role at Digifonica back
`when you joined?
` A. He was CEO and I think he also had title of CTO.
` Q. Did Mr. Perreault do any software development or
` A. He had done coding, but on this -- on what we
`built, no, he didn't do any coding directly.
` Q. All right. Next name is Steve Nicholson. What
`was Mr. Nicholson's role on the team?
` A. I'm not sure what his title was. He was kind of
`Clay's right-hand man. He was quite technical in his
`background, but he also worked with, like, sort of human
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`resources aspect, getting people hired, that sort of
`thing, yeah.
` Q. Okay. Fair to say Mr. Nicholson did not code any
`Page 19
`of the Digifonica system?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. Rod Thomson. Do you recall what his role
`was on the team?
` A. Yeah, Rod was effectively -- I reported to Rod.
`So I don't know what his official title would have been,
`but, I mean, I sort of saw him as the development manager.
` Q. Okay. Did Rod Thomson do any software
`development or coding at Digifonica?
` A. He did -- yeah, he did write some code and things
`like that, to lesser extents than myself and Fuad, for
`example, but he was hands on in some of those aspects.
` Q. Okay. Your name is next and then Fuad Arafa. Am
`I pronouncing that correctly?
` A. Yes.
` Q. You mentioned that you and Fuad did more software
`development than Mr. Thomson. What was Fuad's kind of
`overall role on the team?
` A. He was a software developer.
` Q. Okay. Would you say you or Mr. Arafa did more
`coding of the Digifonica system?
` A. In the early months, I would say it was 50/50 and
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 20
`we worked very closely together and collaborated a lot
`and, yeah, I would say we wrote about the same amount of
`code. Yeah, so that's early on that's -- it was about
` Q. Okay. And at what point did that change?
` A. In 2005, I took more of a -- like a system
`architecture role and I think I sort of got the -- I'm not
`sure when but I had the title of team lead as well. So I
`was less directly -- like, writing code directly myself,
`but I worked closely and did code review and all of that
`stuff with Fuad.
` Q. Okay. Was that the -- this focus on system
`architecture, was that your next transition from IP
`Centrex developer at Digifonica?
` A. Yeah, my title changed at some point. I don't
`recall exactly when but it did.
` Q. Sometime in 2005?
` A. I think it was yeah, in late, like, in the fall
`of 2005 maybe.
` Q. And was your title systems architect at that
` A. I think so.
` Q. And can you -- you kind of gave me a brief run
`down of what you were doing. Can you give me a more
`detailed sense of what your roles and responsibilities
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 21
`were as a systems architect.
` A. So working with the team to understand the -- you
`know, the various needs of a telephony system and turning
`those needs or those ideas into an implementation.
` Q. Were you managing other engineers or developers
`as part of that systems architect role?
` A. Well, yeah, as sort of an architect and team
`lead. So I was managing Fuad, and then there were also
`other developers and operational -- like, assist admins
`that I was managing as well.
` Q. Okay. And at that point when you were managing
`Fuad and were responsible for the architecture, you
`were -- is it fair to say you were no longer writing code?
` A. I was still involved and, yeah, I say I would
`have written little bits, but it was much less at that
` Q. Okay. How long were you in the systems architect
` A. I don't recall when the titles changed. At some
`point, like later on, I did change into, like, I think my
`title changed to director of operations or something. I
`couldn't tell you exactly when without looking it up.
` Q. Okay. And what were your new roles and
`responsibilities as director of operations?
` A. So roles would have been overseeing testing and
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 22
` Q. Anything else?
` A. Also interacting with the development team so it
`was a close relationship with them as well.
` Q. Okay. Did you have any other titles at
` A. I don't think so. There might have been some,
`like, change at some point but it was -- it didn't really
`affect me. I was doing my work.
` Q. Sure.
` A. I wasn't too fussed about titles.
` Q. When did you leave Digifonica?
` A. It was I think 2007. '07 or '08, I think.
` Q. Okay. Why did you leave Digifonica?
` A. I was let go. The company basically ran out of
` Q. Do you know whether Digifonica operated for any
`period of time after you were let go?
` A. Yes, for a while.
` Q. Okay. Approximately how long?
` A. Maybe they lasted six months or something. I'm
`not sure exactly.
` Q. And do you know how many employees were still
`around in that -- through that six-month period after you
`were let go?
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`Page 23
` A. Maybe -- no, I don't know. Yeah, because I was
`gone, so I didn't have a head count or anything.
` Q. Sure. Was it your sense that it was effectively
`a skeleton crew just trying to stay alive in that time
` A. I think it was a bit more than a skeleton crew.
`I mean, it was definitely less.
` Q. Okay. Do you know how many paying customers
`Digifonica had when you left?
` A. I don't think any. I think that was the problem.
` Q. Do you know if it was literally none, or ...?
` A. I think it might have been literally none.
` Q. Okay. That is a problem.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Did Digifonica ever have paying customers?
` A. No, I don't think so, but, again, it wasn't
`really, like -- that was outside of my purview, so ...
` Q. But to your knowledge, there was never a paying
`customer at Digifonica?
` A. No, I don't think so. It depends as well how you
`define a paying customer. I mean, I know when we had --
`when we got credit card billings set up at some point, I
`signed up and, like, paid for my service, so ...
` Q. As an employee of Digifonica?
` A. Yeah. But I did it on my own credit card and
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 24
`stuff, so I pretended to be a customer.
` Q. If Digifonica was actually charging you for that,
`would you have stopped them?
` A. I think I let some charges go through. I don't
`remember exactly.
` Q. Okay. Other than employees like yourself, you're
`not aware of any paying customers for the Digifonica
` A. No, not just like an actual real customer.
` Q. Are you familiar with the entity of
` A. Yes.
` Q. And do you work for VoIP-PAL?
` A. Well, I'm here as part of the deposition and I am
`getting paid for my time from VoIP-PAL.
` Q. How are you being compensated for your assistance
`in this proceeding?
` A. Just on an hourly rate.
` Q. And what is your hourly rate?
` A. It's $120 US per hour.
` Q. And are you aware that there is a related patent
`infringement lawsuit against Apple?
` A. I think that's why we're here, yeah.
` Q. Okay. Just for your background, two separate
`proceedings right now. There's a lawsuit in federal court
`for infringement and then the proceeding we're doing is in
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`Page 25
`the US patent office just in relation to the patents
` A.

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