US Inventor sets patents on fire as part of PTAB protest at USPTO - | P...
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`US Inventor sets patents on fire as part of PTAB
`protest at USPTO
`By Steve Brachmann & Gene Quinn
`August 11, 2017
`Print Art
`“We did about as good as we could have hoped for,” Landreneau said. “We did it all and didn’t get arrested.”
`On Friday, August 11th, inventor rights group US Inventor held an event at the
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office where the group honored excellence in high
`quality patent examination. US Inventor also staged a peaceful protest to raise
`issues surrounding high rates of patent invalidation resulting from decisions
`made by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB). Despite going on with the
`protest after the USPTO denied a use permit application for the event, a
`source from the event reports that all planned aspects of the protest,
`including the burning of patents in clear view of the USPTO, occurred without
`anyone going to jail.
`Randy Landreneau, a member of US Inventor’s managing board, said in a
`phone interview that the day’s events seemed to be very successful from the
`viewpoint of those protesting. “We did about as good as we could have hoped
`for,” Landreneau said. “We did it all and didn’t get arrested.”
`According to Landreneau, patent owners and others taking part in the protest
`began to arrive to the USPTO facilities in Alexandria, VA, around 7:30 AM Friday
`morning and began the day handing out flyers to anyone passing by. A picture
`we received this morning from Josh Malone, Fellow at US Inventor, shows
`current USPTO Acting Director Joseph Matal speaking with Paul Morinville of
`US Inventor along with Roman Chistyakov and Bassam Abraham of Zond, a
`company that saw a total of 371 patent claims invalidated by the PTAB after being faced with 125 petitions for inter partes review (IPR)
`proceedings. “We were happy that we were out there protesting and trying to bring these PTAB issues to light,” Landreneau said.
`U.S. Inventor Director Paul Morinville (hat) speaks with Acting USPTO
`Director Joe Matal (pink tie), Friday, August 11, 2017.
`“Today’s peaceful demonstration underscores the PTO’s erroneous denial of US Inventor’s permit application,” explained patent attorney
`Matthew Dowd, who represented US Inventor in an appeal of the denial of the use permit. “The PTO did not explain its decision and did not
`provide any guidance on what it believed would be a reasonable time, place, and manner restriction on US Inventor’s ability to express its
`views on the patent system.   Nonetheless, US Inventor took a stand and lawfully exercised its First Amendment rights in a public forum.  Today
`establishes an important precedent for those who wish to express their views about the patent system.”
`At a little after 11 AM, US Inventor commenced a ceremony in which the group handed out awards to patent examiners to recognize excellence
`in patent examination at the USPTO. One examiner was there to accept an award. According to Landreneau, the low attendance could be due
`to examiners being out of town or some examiners feeling pressure from supervisors regarding their attendance at the event.
`After the examiner ceremony concluded, inventors went to the front steps of the USPTO and lit their patents on fire. According to Landreneau,
`a total of six patents were burnt in this manner. Multiple major news outlets filmed the event including BBC, FOX and C-SPAN. “Hopefully, this
`will really get the message out,” Landreneau said.
`No arrests were made despite the denial of the permit, and the police and others on the scene allowed the protest to go on as previously
`scheduled. “The Alexandria Police Department, the Alexandria Fire Department, and the Federal Protective Service must be thanked for
`facilitating a successful event,” Dowd explained.
`Voip-Pal Ex. 2086
`IPR2016-01198 and IPR2016-01201


`US Inventor sets patents on fire as part of PTAB protest at USPTO - | P...
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`Matal showing up to the protest and speaking with Morinville and some of the other protesters was a very smart move. Rather than further
`antagonize the situation and relationship with inventors the USPTO seemed today to go out of their way to acknowledge the protest and allow
`it to continue, although just yesterday at least some at the USPTO were trying to stop the protest without much, if any, explanation. Acting
`Director Matal taking time to personally make an appearance should strike those rightfully concerned about the PTAB as a meaningful gesture
`and will hopefully demonstrate a turning of a page. Time will tell.
`Patents burn at US Inventor PTAB protest at the USPTO, Friday, August 11, 2017. New media (left) cover the event. Photo
`taken by patent attorney Matt Dowd (@TheRealMattDowd on Twitter).
`UPDATE 1: Friday, August 11, 2017 at 3:57pm ET.
`UPDATE 2: Friday, August 11, 2017 at 4:48pm ET to add photo courtesy of patent attorney Matt Dowd.
`UPDATE 3: Friday, August 11, 2017 at 5:13pm ET to add quotes from patent attorney Matt Dowd.
`Tags: award, Bassam Abraham, BBC, burn patent, C-SPAN, deny permit, examination, examiner, FOX, high quality, invalid, Joe Matal, Josh
`Malone, patent, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Paul Morinville, permit, protest, PTAB, Randy Landreneau, Roman Chistyakov, US Inventor, use
`permit, USPTO, Zond
`Posted In: IP News, IPWatchdog Articles, Articles, Patent Eligibility, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, Patents, USPTO, Validity
`There are currently 55 Comments comments.
`Judge Rich's Ghost August 11, 2017 4:23 pm
`Here is a better picture of the patent burning:
`Tesia Thomas August 11, 2017 4:42 pm
`Couldn’t make it due to lack of PTO but I’m happy it all went well.
`Ron Nesson August 11, 2017 5:20 pm
`Sometimes you have to light a fire to get the public’s attention. It is most unfortunate that inventors have to go to this length to draw attention to the
`current plight that America is facing in getting their intellectual property legitimized. The rest of the world must be laughing at the stupidity of the current
`predicament the US Congress has put our country in. There is too much at stake to not step up and expose this dangerous and deleterious situation we are
`Confused Pharmacist August 11, 2017 6:38 pm


`US Inventor sets patents on fire as part of PTAB protest at USPTO - | P...
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`I’m afraid this is going to fall on deaf ears. With the whole Google diversity memo thing going on, and if the pictures above are representative of those that
`protested, those in power won’t care too much for mostly white male inventors. Just sayin…
`Tesia Thomas August 11, 2017 6:40 pm
`That’s the problem with this whole diversity crap.
`Confused Pharmacist August 11, 2017 6:47 pm
`Yeah it’s not going to make Google very happy, especially seeing that one guy with the cowboy hat! That’s precise the image that people in Google actively
`Tesia Thomas August 11, 2017 7:04 pm
`@Confused Pharmacist,
`I hate that I wasn’t there. Maybe I should make a video burning my pending PCT application or a prototype of my invention.
`“I’m with US Inventors. F*** your diversity BS and LISTEN to them. Google is EVIL!!”
`If people think it’d make a difference then I 100% will do it. It’s the weekend now. I’m off.
`Actually, I’m only 3 hours drive from Detroit USPTO.
`This is also the same problem with DoD and other government agencies stealing inventions from white males for the past 50 years.
`No one cares. It’s all about women and minorities getting set asides.
`I’m hoping that I can change that.
`Everyone struggles and we need to see people as individuals not as part of a group based on race or sex.
`Why should people care that I’m a minority female inventor when I have the problems of a white male inventor, and vice versa? Why do people care who
`speaks about the problems?
`angry dude August 11, 2017 8:17 pm
`google was started by the jewish immigrant from russia and another jewish dude living here in US and they got their first investment (blank check) from
`another jewish guy…
`I do not see much diversity here…
`PS I am a “slavic” russian from ukraine and I feel like a third rate sh1t in this country despite all my phds and patent
`Ternary August 11, 2017 8:28 pm
`AD@8: You sound like some older and abhorrent times in a place I don’t want to be in. These remarks have no place in a decent forum.
`angry dude August 11, 2017 8:44 pm
`I am not racist or anti-semitic
`but I never had nearly the same opportunities as those pos google founders had and they are no smarter than I am. period.
`PS “diversity” BS is racist in its nature


`US Inventor sets patents on fire as part of PTAB protest at USPTO - | P...
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`Ternary August 11, 2017 9:04 pm
`Confused Pharmacist August 12, 2017 5:02 am John Fetter August 12, 2017 5:43 am Benny August 12, 2017 5:51 am Jane August 12, 2017 6:11 am John Fetter August 12, 2017 7:12 am Tesia Thomas August 12, 2017 8:47 am Ben August 12, 2017 10:26 am Ben August 12, 2017 7:17 pm Benny August 13, 2017 10:24 am Tesia Thomas August 13, 2017 11:48 am
`John Fetter August 12, 2017 10:08 am Randy Landreneau August 12, 2017 10:13 am
`Evanstreth August 12, 2017 2:17 am
`Ben August 11, 2017 10:33 pm
`angry dude August 13, 2017 10:23 am
`Tesia Thomas August 12, 2017 9:25 am angry dude August 13, 2017 10:14 am
`angry dude August 12, 2017 9:04 am
`angry dude August 11, 2017 9:15 pm
`Paul Morinville August 12, 2017 2:51 pm Tesia Thomas August 13, 2017 11:42 am Poesito August 14, 2017 1:44 am staff August 14, 2017 12:40 pm
`Tesia Thomas August 12, 2017 1:31 pm Paul Morinville August 13, 2017 11:29 am angry dude August 13, 2017 1:38 pm angry dude August 13, 2017 6:18 pm
`Rick Derris August 12, 2017 12:34 pm Benny August 13, 2017 9:52 am Benny August 13, 2017 10:48 am Tesia Thomas August 13, 2017 11:08 am Benny August 13, 2017 11:16 am Tesia Thomas August 13, 2017 11:23 am
`John Fetter August 12, 2017 10:29 am c.a. August 12, 2017 12:00 pm Invention Rights August 12, 2017 8:19 pm Mr. Patent Agent August 12, 2017 8:45 pm Confused Pharmacist August 12, 2017 11:40 pm angry dude August 13, 2017 9:38 am angry dude August 13, 2017 10:36 am John Fetter August 13, 2017 12:54 pm angry dude August 13, 2017 1:13 pm
`Gene Quinn August 12, 2017 9:57 am
`Gene Quinn August 12, 2017 12:22 pm
`The preamble of racist and anti-semitic remarks is always that they are not intended to be so. But they mostly are. What the hell does being jewish have to
`Yeah the article says there were news outlets there. However I did a search on Google News and the only articles about this event came from IP Watchdog. The Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) is the equivalent to unleashing a fully equipped army to extinguish a lone victim who has been tied up with ropes
`I have respect for people who clean toilets. I have no respect for the media. If you can’t do, you teach. If you can’t teach, you work for the media. If you can’t This event definitely had an impact. Here’s a very good set of pictures taken by Julie Pixler:
`@11 Ternary – I fail to see how AD pointing out the lack of diversity in the founding of Google is “anti-Semitic”. More to your point, however, I fail to see why
`“I’m afraid this is going to fall on deaf ears.”
`Can we all stop inferring malice in punctuation?Evanstreth@14
`BBC’s video picked up by all of the major news aggregators:,Props to everyone involved in that guerilla demonstration. Since the impact of such actions will be proportional to the number involved, does anyone have ‘a total of six patents were burnt’
`@Evanstreth,Benny @38. “P.S they were burning photocopies, not patents. A real protest would be to reassign their patents to Google.”Benny@45Benny@45
`>>> than that “famous” google page rank patentQ. To what do you attribute the ignorance and apathy of the general public regarding intellectual property issues?AD,@angry dude,Tesia,@Benny,
`Excellent pictures. Bring them to the attention of Donald Trump. Difficult but not impossible. Will help him to drain the swamp.Time is of the essence to have Administration bring trillions o dollars back to U S throughRoman Chistyakov holds a sign stating that he lost 371 claims to the PTAB. It is because the PTAB construed “without arcing” to mean “some arcing”. So Actually, all they had to do was hold up anti-Trump signs around that little fire pit and CNN would have been right there front and center. The problem is the To be fair (even though the media sucks these days), all hands were probably on deck for the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” protest with all the alt-right Confused Pharmacist@36Benny@41Benny @ 45. You are right about short claims – up to a point. US Patent 3,156,523 to Glen T Seaborg probably had the shortest claim in all of patenting Benny @45
`Angry,Hope those in authority WILL NOW seriously take immediate take positive action in the right direction for inventors to be issued with their patents without “Angry dude” @ 8 omitted capitalization throughout his post – jewish, russia, slavic, ukraine. “Ternary” @ 11 complained but also omitted vital @Ben & @Confused,Obviously many in the IP community are aware of this protest. But they are also already aware of patentee frustration with PTAB. Matal was already aware Thanks Paul.“they try to hide it well of course which is easy with embedded software”@Benny,
`Ben @26-
`do with Google being successful? Do you truly believe that to be a rational allegation?
`Seems it pretty much went completely under the radar.made of rules.
`work for the media, you clean toilets. I have respect for honest people.
`that’s even being discussed when talking about patents and not “marketing patents”. AD appears to confuse that nuanced point.
`data on how many active independent inventors might remain in the U.S. who could potentially be recruited to participate in future actions? It’s natural to
`You are the second inventor to tell me “I could have sold my invention/startup for , but I held out for a bigger payoff”Not so. On the planet I inhabit, the big guys are at each others throats, and will buy patents to use as weapons. I can pick up a patent from an independent
`small inventors that were killed by the AIA…..using tax reform as the vehiclenow the semiconductor and razor manufactures can use Roman’s superior non-arcing process to make more durable and uniform thin films, instead of the protesters stuck to the actual issue at hand, and received no meaningful publicity.neo-nazis and antifa counterprotesters. If anyone has seen the news, that didn’t end up going very well. Even if there were anti-Trump signs there, it would history: Claim1. Element 95. He made not a penny out of that patent. I think no one did. Improvements are likely to necessitate long claims. Most patents
`“Jewish” is spelt with a capital J. The sort of people who get that one wrong rarely fail to capitalize “Christian”.dragging on for years. Doesn’t the US President have the capacity to correct this for all inventors?capitalization. We digress. Stick to the subject. Rejoice. The offending ex-google, (oops Google), plant has been uprooted. I am trying to respectfully add to of patentee frustration with PTAB. Because CSPAN, Fox, and BBC apparently decided this event wasn’t worth posting (much less broadcasting), this protest
`Hah! It looked like there were less than two dozen attendees. And I can’t find any mainstream reporting. Superman’s ears wouldn’t be able to detect this
`The were burning original ribbon and seal copies they received from USPTO upon patent issue – I have one collecting dust in my closet- but unfortunately Maybe the patent has 14 line claims to get around some art that you’d infringe if you didn’t use the things in the 14 lines.
`Realize this is all indicative of English-ism.“…that is a marketing issue and has literally ZERO to do with the USPTO/PTAB/SCOTUS…heck, even the US govt.”
`boy, aren’t we sensitive
`thanks for advice from the lawyer which you are
`It’s true…for us the patent system is now a sport of thieves. Patents are far too hard, slow and expensive to get, keep and enforce. In no small part that
`I see the future of my PCT app under AIA. And, it looks like invalidation especially with what I’m already going through.Nope. they were the real patents. And assignment to Google has already happened by the PTAB. Even those not killed in the PTAB cannot be enforced “On the planet I inhabit, the big guys are at each others throats”yeah, and that component supplier corp lost about 2/3 of their stock value (~200m) in just one day (and got class action lawsuit from upset shareholders)
`I wish somebody would challenge that patent. It should be invalidated under “Alice.” Ranking academic articles according to citations (de facto “links) was A. I don’t know and I don’t care.Yeah. Now they only buy IoT. It’s really the only patent of value in the secondary market and still plausibly valid against PTAB.Well others believe the most value in patents nowadays is in cross-licensing IoT.
`“Unite the Right” protest and inventors burning their US patents are not totally unrelated events…I filed provisional back in 2001 – a completely different era in US patent historytry 3-step independent claim with mine
`Who owns the media?While “patent burning” still gets no mainstream results in a news search, “bbc patent burning” finds the BBC page for that video.The burden of proof is on you. If you applied for a patent when it should have been obvious that proving infringement was well nigh impossible…well I don’t know of any cross-licensing in the 100% mechanical arts (maybe just ignorant) so whoever is selling the patents will be taking whatever they can get
`wonder if there’s a critical mass out there or just the last of the proverbial Mohicans.
`The first guy is now divorced and living in a rented apartment.inventor for less than 100K and use to do 1M or more in damage to my corporate competitor, or, better still, use it to cross license a patent held by them.
`and patent extensions to spread revenue across the country and financially assistingprior art methods they used before his invention.have been subsumed by the mindless violence that happened today in are for improvements. Improvements can build on easier public acceptance. Easier to market. There are two sides to consider.
`the discussion.will effectively reach no new audiences.
`You say: “less than two dozen attendees.”
`I see your point, but I disagree. If you’ve noticed over the summer there have been some very large conservative organizations taking up the PTAB fight.
`So your sorry little patent that did not pan out is a disappointment, despite you being a Ph.D? And a clever one, no less! Join the crowd, dude. Suck it up
`event.@12 AD – I’m sure your patent is as awesome and great as you say it is…so what? The operative phrase in your sentence is “my patent”. So the USPTO has
`explains why the small entity share of patents and applications has collapsed to only about 1/10th of their historical shares.
`because there are no contingent fee attorneys and no investors. The actual assignment is moot.only because they took advice from their highly reputable (no kidding here) outside lawfirm NOT to settle (even for 50-100K) with that crazy angry little
`well-known in the art before Page filed the application. All he did was take something well-known in the art and programmed a general purpose computer So, yes, everything you said as far as strategy but IoT not simple stuff.
`Those are just different manifestations of a cancer disease eating this society inside out
`Do you really think you’re going to see this story on Google News or in your FB feed?maybe you didn’t think it through. And maybe, just a tiny maybe, you received a little misplaced encouragement on the way.because there’s not really any force behind the purchase.
`could not drive to DC on Friday to burn it
`There might be a lesson there somewhere (Tesia, please note). I know, fortune favours the brave, I’m neither brave nor rich, but I’m not angry either.IOT ? High tech? Not really. It’s the simple stuff that is the most valuable. By the time I’ve reached the 14th line of a patent claim I already know the design
`in re-establishing the people that made this Country great.
`Including some backed by the powerful Koch brothers.
`In other languages like German, we’d capitalize all nouns.Dude, you totally misunderstand how big tech works nowadays
`i couldn’t care less about capitalizing christianity either – grew up under marxism-leninism which i hated – we didn’t have any churches around but every
`“suck it up” indeed
`One attorney told me, “Sell the patent. You’re never going to get out of court if you don’t.”Let me tell you a typical SV story, dude (can’t tell the whole story because I signed NDA but at least something)
`For generations, the legal profession (like many other professions) has done all it can to exclude the “lay public” from their workings, using archaic @Benny,
`I understood quite well that it takes substantial effort and expense to reverse-engineer infringing products and prove infringement – but figured out it was and no, you do not live on this planet
`So it was quietly reported. I stand corrected. I still think the efforts could be counterproductive in the long run.
`already granted you a patent, it hasn’t been invalidated yet by the PTAB, and you’ve made no allegations that Google is infringing on it. So what’s your
`bastard which is me
`to perform the same function.
`I suppose Matal explained to Dr. Chistyakov how APJ’s need jobs too.While the ugly consequences of the Charlottesville’s protests were immediate and graphic, the results of burning patents (as striking as they are – why
`Worse- If it reaches ears on capital hill (outside those typically interested in IP), it’ll likely be used as evidence that no one cares. “Some inventors held a
`Assigning patents to google ???
`That is what happens when a permit is unconstitutionally denied and law abiding citizens decide not to risk going to jail. The government wins. The fact
`around, but a 4 line claim scares me.
`In Korean, nothing is capitalized.Whenever someone publicly discloses something new and truly useful (not necessarily a new consumer product but a substantial technological advance or
`school had a f$%%^&# lenin’s room
`For our position and the changes we advocate (the rest of the truth) to restore the patent system, or to join our effort, please visit us at
`When I already sued a component supplier of some big household name corp I wrote to their biggest rival (they were embroiled in multiple court cases back
`language, Latin jargon, and theatrical courtroom setups. Now you want everyone to sit up and listen? Few care, because few understand. Don’t expect to Well, I’m not married and already rent an apartment.
`Same thing with numerous inventors being interviewed for hours by major news networks and those interviews never airing. Media tries to stay on the worth it in the long run if this becomes standard way of doing something
`problem? If you’re salty because your awesome and totally great patent hasn’t miracled you piles of money, then that is a marketing issue and has literally
`Too bad I did not short their sh1tty stock – i just did not expect such dramatic and immediate results of my little blackmailing
`anyone would burn 10s or 100s thousands of dollars of their own property ?) will be seen 10-20 years from now
`protest… Hardly anyone came, and the media didn’t report it… So you’re safe to vote yes on my new Innovation Destruction Act!”
`How about suing google in class action or something, in multiple jurisdictions across the country ?
`that there were several dozen inventors who defied the USPTO and burned patents anyway, and the local police did nothing, and the Acting Director
`btw my patent is much more fundamental and less readable to math deficient folks like you (and scotus justices) than that “famous” google page rank
`Yeah. It’s that groundbreaking.
`they do not buy any fundamental tech patents from independent inventors but rather try to ruin those inventors financially so those pesky little bastards
`improvement) then everybody else wispers “me too” and starts copying without second thought (they try to hide it well of course which is easy with
`But i am especially careful NOT to capitalize words like obama, scotus, congress etc – no respect for those
`then – patent infringement and all the sh1t)
`And then Goolag’s ex-attorney got into the USPTO and we know the rest.get it across with a couple of CNN soundbites or Trump-like twitterings.And, I’m already angry.
`government’s good side. As is such with large corporations.Gene/Steve – you should do an in depth profile on Zond. It is an exasperating case of abuse and injustice. Kudos to them for taking their appeal to the Back in 2006 when it was granted it could still sell it for 500K or something (at least that’s what Ocean Tomo’s guys told me)
`ZERO to do with the USPTO/PTAB/SCOTUS…heck, even the US govt. If you want to be the next Google maybe you should stop ranting on blogs and start
`This is the planet we live on
`Someone has to explain clearly to the general lemming population the dire consequences of US loosing its patent system
`showed up to the protest will most certainly be detected by Superman’s ears… and by many in the innovation community and on Capitol Hill.
`Come on people, diversity. Diversify your writing.
`know next time…
`embedded software)
`I offered them some help (sue rival household name corp) if they helped me out – e.g. took exclusive license to my patent etc.
`I’m beyond help I guess.
`Don’t expect them to bite the hand that feeds them.public.Nowadays it is worth exactly zero, zilch, nada, none
`or, contact us at
`marketing your “totally radical and 110% best forever world number 1” patent…unless it’s not really that marketable because it’s not really that
`f%^& that sh1t
`Perhaps the best way to explain it to congress and scotus critters is to invalidate all pharma and biotech patents (followed by the immediate collapse of
`(said in the snarkiest way possible)
`P.S they were burning photocopies, not patents. A real protest would be to reassign their patents to Google.
`If that “new thing” comes from little guy then they don’t just wisper – they scream – ME TOO… TO HELL WITH HIS PATENT… TROLL…
`Guess what happened next ? I did not get any response from that corp but in just a few short weeks the supplier was dropped from the list (and practically
`thanks to obama, scotus, congress, cafc, pto, ptab etc etc etc
`“Fool me once – shame on you, fool me twice – shame on me” is my new motto
`and I am still married and live in my own house despite my patent litigation history
`those industries) – so there won’t be any new miraculous drugs or treatments in the pipeline so those old pieces of sh1t will have to stick to generic
`Also, we inventors work for a living.
`went bankrupt) and the two huge companies settled their patent disputes and cross-licensed I believe
`and big thanks to google and the rest of sv infringers crowd – from now on i keep everything a trade secret
`imported viagra (or whatever name is used by overseas copycats – conagra, huyagra whatever)
`It DOES NOT need any marketing at all – it’s already there in countless products
`TBH this should’ve been on a weekend. Who cares about whether examiners and USPTO employees are there?
`pretty good, yeah ?
`@7 Tesia – Why would you burn your PCT application? The issue they’re protesting by burning their patents is the PTAB invalidating granted patents on
`The moral – the big guys might be at each other throat but when some pesky little inventor comes into picture they forget about their court battles and
`thank god its not that hard with embedded software – juts compiling the sh1t imposes major expense – unless they want to go criminal copyright violation
`grounds they find objectionable. Burning your application in solidarity is a non-sequitur to this issue. They’re right about media attention though, there are
`gang up on that poor little creature to try to extinguish him from the face of the earth
`route and crack my binary
`All it needs is proper enforcement so it has EVERYTHING to do with US government institutions
`more people involved with the media than the protest present in that tweet. Seeing that the internet explodes in righteous indignation when a Yale
`yeah,it is that bad
`they are more than welcome then
`But that’s not gonna happen – some of those infringers are darlings of Wall Street and Trump administration I guess – too big with too much money in stock
`professor has the audacity to suggest that freedom of speech protects offensive ideas tells me that the collective mouth breathers (who think it’s spelled
`value to fail
`I am very sure that CEO was on the phone with the other CEO immediately upon receiving my letter despite their companies suing and counter-suing each
`“patton”..if they even know about IP) needed for momentum here are probably going to pass in favor of reading about a microagression that Jezebel is
`other for patent infringement and all sorts of unfair business practices
`blowing out of proportion.
`Its called a cartel – just like drug cartels in Mexico or elsewhere, no f#$%^ difference as far as i am concerned -they fight each other all the time but when a
`newcomer shows up they gang up on him until he’s dead

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