DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
`Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, )
` v.
` ) CASE NO.: IPR2016-01198
` ) Patent 9,179,005
` Patent Owner. )
` _______________________ )
` The discovery deposition of DAVID TERRY, taken in
`the above-entitled cause, before Alyssa Fontaine, official
`reporter, on the 24th of March, 2017, 1055 W Georgia St,
`Vancouver, BC V6C 2L1
`3 4
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
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` 5600 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.
` Suite 200
` Greenwood Village, CO 80111
` (720) 689-5441
` On behalf of the Petitioner;
` 2040 Main Street, 14th Floor
` Irvine, CA 92614
` (858) 707-4000
` BY: MR. KERRY TAYLOR (by phone)
` On behalf of the Patent Owner.
` David Gileff
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
` I N D E X
`Page 3
` By Mr. Hart 4
` By Mr. Taylor 73
` By Mr. Hart 79
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 2003: Technical review of Digifonica 15
` VoIP system
`Exhibit 2017: System architecture diagram 17
`Exhibit 2014: Source code for the RBR server 24
`Exhibit 2015: SVN log messages 30
`Exhibit 2018: Mr. Terry's declaration 36
`Exhibit 225: Email 41
`Exhibit 226: Email 43
`2 3
`4 5
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
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` MARCH 24, 2017
` *****
`called as a witness, having been first affirmed, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Can you please state your name for the record?
` A. David Terry.
` Q. And, Mr. Terry, have you been deposed before?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. I'll go through just a few ground rules to
`kind of get you up to speed. It is my job to ask good
`questions. If you don't understand any part of my
`question, please ask for clarification. And if you answer
`my question, I'm going to assume that you understood it;
`is that fair?
` A. Fair enough.
` Q. Two major rules that are important for the court
`reporter: Number one is we can't talk over each other;
`she can only take one person speaking at a time. Number
`2, audible answers only, instead of -- "yes" or "no"
`instead of head nod or shake.
`7 8
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
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` A. Okay.
` Q. And with that, let's get started.
` A. M'mm-hmm.
` Q. Can you describe your post high school education?
` A. Yes. I did a bachelors degree in computer
`science, University of Victoria, and I have done other
`course work at UBC and BCIT.
` Q. Okay. And the University of Victoria is the only
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you give me a brief work history after
`college, after your degree, up to Digifonica?
` A. Yes. I started off working at a startup and
`moved on from there to Nortel Networks, moved from there
`to Motorola, moved from Motorola to another startup, and
`then to Digifonica.
` Q. Okay. Can we break those down with general times
`and your titles or responsibilities in each of those?
` A. Yeah, software engineer basically throughout.
` Q. Okay.
` A. The longest was at Motorola. I worked for about
`three years at Motorola. I don't know if you want exact
`dates, I don't have them off the top of my head, but the
`longest is Motorola; and Nortel, I think, was two years;
`Bycast Systems was another two years; and my first job at
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
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`another startup was maybe another year there.
` So all in the Lower Mainland area pretty much.
`Yeah, so ...
` Q. In what year did you get your CS degree in
`University of Victoria?
` A. I grad'ed in, like, '92.
` Q. Okay. And am I correct that you started at
`Digifonica March of 2005?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And worked there until November of 2006?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Where did you go after Digifonica?
` A. I went to another startup in VoIP area, again, in
`the Lower Mainland, worked there for another couple of
` Q. And how about after that?
` A. After that, I worked at EPCOR in Edmonton on
`contract; it was a short contract. And after that, I went
`to NAV Canada in Ottawa. I have been there for seven
`years, and I recently moved back to here, so I'm starting
`a new job.
` Q. What is your new job?
` A. It's at a networking company here in town.
` Q. And for the record, that's Vancouver?
` A. Yes.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
` Q. What is the name of the networking company?
`Page 7
` A. Vecima Networks.
` Q. And when did you begin there?
` A. I start on Monday.
` Q. Okay. Congratulations.
` A. Thanks.
` Q. Let's take a step back to your work at
`Digifonica. In March 2005 what were your high level roles
`and responsibilities?
` A. Okay. So I did development work on the
`provisioning server, certificate server, and I did the
`packaging for all servers and I did some work with test
`tools. That's pretty much it. Those are the main things.
` Q. Okay. I got provisioning server --
` A. Yeah, provisioning server, certificate server,
`test tools.
` Q. Okay.
` A. And packaging.
` Q. What is the provisioning server in the Digifonica
` A. That is where a customer first powers on their
`phone and it goes to that server to get its profile.
` Q. The phone touches base with the provisioning
`server to get which profile?
` A. To get all -- its configuration.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` Q. All right. And was there a live provisioning
`server when you started in March 2005?
` A. No, because I developed it.
` Q. Okay. And what was the time frame of that
` A. Six months.
` Q. Okay. So approximately August of 2005 you went
`live with a provisioning server that you developed?
` A. I don't want to say exactly six months because I
`don't recall exactly when we went live with it.
` Q. Okay.
` A. So yeah, it was a ballpark.
` Q. I see. Before that provisioning server went
`live, how would an IP phone get its configurations in the
`Digifonica system?
` A. It would have to manually provision it.
` Q. Okay.
` A. M'mm-hmm.
` Q. And does that mean that in the March 2005 time
`frame the Digifonica system was not a full warranted
`system that was -- well, let me ask it in a different way.
` Did you have paying customers in the Digifonica
`system in March 2005?
` A. I don't know the answer to that.
` Q. Okay. Certificate server, what was the
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
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`certificate server?
` A. So if a customer had a soft phone, just a phone
`only on the computer, then in order for it to get -- in
`order for it to hit the provisioning server, it has to
`present a certificate. So it would go to the certificate
`server, that would generate a cert, then the software
`could go into the provisioning server and say, Here's my
`cert; what is my configuration?
` Q. Did the IP phones have their own certificate?
` A. Built in. Built into the firmware.
` Q. So they did not need to use the certificate
`server; is that correct?
` A. M'mm-hmm.
` Q. Yeses and nos.
` A. Yes.
` Q. It's a little awkward. It's not normal
` A. I'm used to just --
` Q. Okay. And was there a live certificate server in
`the Digifonica system when you started in March 2005?
` A. No.
` Q. And did you also develop the certificate server?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Approximately when did the certificate server go
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
` A. Probably a year or so after I started, ballpark.
` Q. All right. Was packaging server another server
`Page 10
`you worked on?
` A. I worked on the packages.
` Q. Packages?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what were the packages in the Digifonica
` A. So basically a package is a combination of all
`the executables, libraries, manuals, release notes,
`everything packaged up so that when you -- when I install
`that on the server, you just install the package.
` Q. So that includes the source code that is
`responsible for the fuctionality of the system?
` A. Not the source code.
` Q. Okay. I'm sorry.
` A. Just the executables and binaries.
` Q. Okay. And where does the source code factor in?
` A. Source code is stored in the source code control
` Q. Okay. Which executables are included in the
` A. Whichever it needs for that server.
` Q. Okay. So each server in the Digifonica system
`has its own package?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
` A. M'mm-hmm.
` Q. And that package includes all executables that
`Page 11
`are to be run on that server?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Were there packages that were used as part
`of the Digifonica system when you started in March 2005?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you recall which packages for which servers?
` A. Don't recall.
` Q. Okay. Do you recall which packages for which
`servers you developed in your time at Digifonica?
` A. I cannot give you a list of them all because it's
`a long time ago. I don't recollect all the packages.
`There was a lot.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Were there any kind of important, at a high level
`packages or servers that you recall working on?
` A. Well, RBR package for one, yeah. We had a
`package -- well, I mean, I'm kind of speculating again.
`I'm pretty sure there was a package for SER, the SIP
`router, so yeah. But like I say, I don't recollect all
`the exact packages.
` Q. Okay. Explain to me what would be in the RBR
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
` A. The RBR server, executables.
` Q. And I'm not a computer scientist, so am I right
`that the source code is compiled in order to create the
`Page 12
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So the source code defines the
`fuctionality, source code is compiled to create
`executables, those executables go into a package and that
`package is loaded onto the RBR server; is that all
` A. That is correct.
` Q. Okay. What was the state of the RBR software
`when you started in March 2005?
` A. I'm going to say that it was under development.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Not finalized but under development.
` Q. Okay. Do you know if the RBR software in March
`2005 was sufficiently operational to place calls within
`the Digifonica system?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. What types of calls could you place when
`you started in March 2005?
` A. Calls between Digifonica IP phones and between
`Digifonica IP phone and the PSTN.
` Q. Okay. And what additional fuctionality was added
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
`between March 2005 when you started and June 2005, which,
`as you understand, is an important day in this particular
`Page 13
` A. I don't know what was added.
` Q. Okay. And you were not responsible for writing
`the RBR code that would have added functionalities;
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. You mentioned test tools as part of your
`roles and responsibilities. What were test tools?
` A. For example, SIPp which is a SIP simulator so you
`could simulate a phone, basically doing SIP messaging.
` Q. On a computer?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What other test tools did you work with?
` A. RTP traffic generator.
` Q. Is that to simulate voice packets in a VoIP
`telephone call?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What other test tools?
` A. That's all I can remember off the top of my head.
`Those are the main ones that I recall.
` Q. And did you personally develop those test tools
`at Digifonica?
` A. No.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
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` Q. Did they exist when you started in March 2005?
` A. They were open source tools.
` Q. I see. Did you -- what did you do with those
`open source test tools?
` A. Just basic simple kind of configuration and, I
`guess, installation and just basically documenting how to
`use them, set them up so people on the QA team could use
` Q. Okay. You were not personally on the QA team,
`though, were you?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you in your time at Digifonica use those test
`tools to test the Digifonica system?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And in what respects did you use those to
`test the Digifonica system?
` A. Just to simulate a call, generate traffic, see
`how the system handled it.
` Q. Okay. Looking for what, in particular?
` A. Just trying to verify the operation of the
` Q. Okay. Do you recall when you first used those
`test tools to simulate operation within the Digifonica
` A. Fairly soon after starting.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` Q. But you couldn't put a specific date on it?
` A. No.
` Q. Could you say for certain that you simulated
`calls within the Digifonica system using those test tools
`prior to June 2005?
` A. Probably, yeah. I probably used them prior to
`June 2005. I probably used them very soon after starting.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Yeah. I can't recall the exact date.
` Q. Okay. Now, I believe you testified that you were
`not responsible for coding the specific functionalities
`within the RBR software; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Were you responsible for defining any
`functionalities in the RBR software?
` A. No.
` MR. HART: I'm going to hand you what has been
`marked Exhibit 2003 in this proceeding.
` (Exhibit No. 2003 was marked for identification
` and is attached hereto.)
` Q. Please take a minute to look at it. My question
`initially is just, do you recognize this document?
` A. No, I do not recognize it.
` Q. Okay. Please turn to page 17 of 35 in Exhibit
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
`Page 16
` MR. TAYLOR: So I'm -- at this point I'm going to
`object to questions relating to this. As long as it's
`okay with you, Paul, all questions on this are outside the
`scope of his direct.
` MR. HART: Well, I'm going to use a figure in
`this document as a jumping off point, so your objection is
`part of the record, but I'm going to continue my
` MR. TAYLOR: Sure. It's just -- if you continue
`on this, I may make further objections. Do you want me to
`do that question by question or can we have that objection
`outstanding for all questions relating to this exhibit?
` MR. HART: Let's go question by question. I'm
`not going to spend much time on this document.
` MR. TAYLOR: Okay.
` Q. Mr. Terry, do you see the blocked diagram on page
`17 of Exhibit 2003?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you know if this figure accurately represents
`the Digifonica system as it existed in June 2005?
` A. I do not know that for certain.
` Q. Based on your recollection of the Digifonica
`system as it existed in June 2005, is there anything you
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
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`would change to the figure on page 17 of Exhibit 2003?
` A. No.
` MR. HART: Okay. I'm going to hand you what has
`been labeled Exhibit 2017 in this proceeding.
` (Exhibit No. 2017 was marked for identification
` and is attached hereto.)
` Q. Please take a look at that. And same question,
`do you recognize this document?
` A. I do recognize this.
` Q. And what is this document?
` A. System architecture diagram.
` Q. When have you -- or when did you first see this
`document, do you recall?
` MR. TAYLOR: Again, I'm going to object. This is
`outside the scope of direct.
` Q. You can answer.
` A. Okay. When I started, there was a presentation
`done on the overall architecture, and this diagram is very
`similar to what was presented on white boards.
` Q. I see. So you have seen -- which diagram are you
`referencing specifically --
` A. Well, in general, I'm going to say that the
`diagrams that were done during that presentation were
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
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`similar to this.
` Q. I see. So you don't know for sure if you have
`seen Exhibit 2017 --
` A. Not exactly this diagram, but yeah.
` Q. Can you turn to page 3 of 4 in Exhibit 2017. Do
`you know if this figure accurately represents a Digifonica
`system as it existed in June 2005?
` A. I think so.
` Q. Okay. Is there anything you would change in this
`figure to more accurately depict the system -- Digifonica
`system as it existed in June 2005?
` A. No.
` Q. If I want to ask you high level kind of roles and
`responsibilities of the components in the Digifonica
`system, is this Exhibit 2017 figure a good figure to use
`as a reference?
` MR. TAYLOR: Objection. Outside the scope of
` Q. Let me ask it a different way. Does the figure
`on page 3 of Exhibit 2017 depict the main components of
`the Digifonica system as it existed in June 2005?
` A. Yes, I think it does.
` Q. Okay. There's a box in this figure labeled
`"B2BUA." Do you see that?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
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` A. Yes.
` Q. What is the B2BUA?
` A. It's short for "Back To Back User Agent."
` Q. What responsibilities did that have in the
`Digifonica system?
` A. Getting a little bit outside of my knowledge area
`with that.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. Do you have any high level understanding of what
`the B2B -- the Back To Back User Agent did in the
`Digifonica system?
` MR. TAYLOR: Objection. Outside the scope of
` THE WITNESS: I don't have enough expertise to
`sort of summarize it well enough. So I don't know if I
`want to really get into that.
` Q. That's fine. Okay.
` A. Yeah.
` Q. I take it you did not write any code for the Back
`To Back User Agent.
` A. No.
` Q. Do you know how many Back To Back User Agents
`existed in June 2005 in the Digifonica system?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` A. One per supernode.
` Q. And am I correct that there were two supernodes
`Page 20
`as of June 2005?
` A. Yes.
` Q. One in Vancouver; one in London?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you know if the Back To Back User Agents had
`packages of executables and documentation like the RBR
`server did?
` MR. TAYLOR: Objection. Outside the scope of
` THE WITNESS: In general, each server had a
`package installed on it, right. So for each server they
`would have a package in general.
` Q. Do you know if there were regular version changes
`of the Back To Back User Agent packages in the June 2005
`time frame?
` A. I don't know that.
` Q. Okay. And you wouldn't know what version was
`running on the Back To Back User Agent in June 2005?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Okay. There's another block in this figure,
`RADius. What is that component?
` A. RADius server.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` Q. And just another tip, Kerry, your attorney, may
`object after my questions. Just give him a quick pause
`before you start answering my question to jump in there if
`he needs to.
` What was the RADius server in the Digifonica
` A. Again, it's going a little bit outside of my
`scope, so I don't know if I can really summarize it very
`very well.
` Q. Okay. Even at a high level?
` A. It's -- basically it's an accounting protocol.
`So at a very high level description, it's handling
`accounting. That's the RADius protocol is an accounting
`protocol. And the authorization for it, there's different
`components to it, but, again, it's outside of my scope.
` Q. So you did not write code for the RADius server?
` A. No.
` Q. You don't know what version of the RADius code
`may have been running in June of 2005?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Okay. Moving on to the next component, there's a
`box labeled "DB" in this figure in Exhibit 2017. Do you
`see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you know what DB was in the Digifonica system?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` MR. TAYLOR: Objection. Outside the scope.
` THE WITNESS: It's the main Digifonica database
`Page 22
`of user profiles.
` Q. So the DB components stored user profiles for all
`Digifonica users; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What else did the DB database store?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Did you personally write any software for the
`Digifonica database?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you know how many Digifonica databases existed
`in the system as of June 2005?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. And do you know what version software was running
`on any database as of June 2005?
` A. No, I don't know.
` Q. Do you know if there was an active Digifonica
`database running in the system in June 2005?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And how do you know that?
` A. Because that's what the provisioning server hit.
` Q. I believe you testified that you developed the
`provisioning server; correct?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` A. Yes.
` Q. And you were not sure when the provisioning
`server came online; is that correct?
` A. I don't know the exact date.
` Q. Do you know for sure that the provisioning
`server -- I believe I asked you this before -- do you know
`for sure that the provisioning server was online as of
`June 6th, 2005?
` A. It probably was.
` Q. But you don't know for sure?
` A. I don't know for certain.
` Q. If the provisioning server was not online as of
`June 6th, 2005, do you know that there was an active
`Digifonica database in the system as of June 6th, 2005?
` A. Yeah, there was.
` Q. And how do you know that?
` A. Because you could make calls at that time.
` Q. And how does that tell you that there was an
`active Digifonica database?
` A. Because you would have to have users in that
`database to make calls.
` Q. Who could make calls in the -- as of June 6th,
` A. Who?
` Q. Yes.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` A. Users.
` Q. What users did Digifonica have as of June 6th,
` A. I don't know how many but they did have users.
` Q. Did they have paying users as of June 6th, 2005?
` A. I don't know if they were paying or whether they
`weren't paying. I'm not sure.
` Q. Okay. And you don't -- do you know the identity
`of any users as of June 6th, 2005?
` A. No.
` Q. Was there anything other than user profiles
`stored on the Digifonica database as of June 6th, 2005?
` A. Don't know.
` Q. Do you know whether there is any documentation
`that would corroborate the information that may have been
`contained on the database as of June 2005?
` A. Yes, I don't know.
` MR. HART: I'm going to hand you what has been
`marked in this proceeding Exhibit 2014.
` (Exhibit No. 2014 was marked for identification
` and is attached hereto.)
` Q. Do you recognize this document?
` A. No. It's the source code for the RBR server, but
`I didn't write it so I can't say that I really recognize
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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` Q. And you know it's the source code for the RBR
`server how?
` A. Because it says right at the top, "Rating Billing
` Q. Do you have any familiarity with the RBR code?
` MR. TAYLOR: Objection. Outside the scope of
` THE WITNESS: Yeah, no, I'm not familiar with the
` Q. Okay. Am I correct that you did not review
`Exhibit 2014 incident to preparing your declaration that
`was submitted in this proceeding?
` A. I did look at this code prior.
` Q. But you were not familiar with that code when it
`was live in June 2005?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. What did you look at this code to do
`incident to preparing your declaration?
` A. Just a general kind of review.
` Q. So any knowledge you may have gleaned from
`reviewing Exhibit 2014 was knowledge new to you incident
`to preparing your declaration, not a refresher of
`knowledge that you had in 2005; correct?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
`Page 26
` A. Yes.
` Q. Yes?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you have any personal knowledge that the
`source code in Exhibit 2014 accurately reflects the RBR
`code as it existed on June 6th, 2005?
` A. Yeah, I don't know.
` Q. And you did not do anything to confirm that it
`does, line for line, represent the RBR software as it
`existed in June 2005?
` A. No.
` Q. Is it possible that the software source code in
`Exhibit 2014 is different from the RBR code that existed
`in June -- on June 6th, 2005?
` A. Is it possible?
` MR. TAYLOR: Objection. Foundation. Calls for
`expert opinion.
` Q. Sorry, your answer was ...?
` A. It's possible.
` Q. You just don't know?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Okay. On page 1, the header states
`"call_E164.class.E1HP." Do you see that?
` A. What line number you at?
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1012 Page 26


`DAVID TERRY 3/24/2017
`Page 27
` Q. It's in the header before the line numbers.
` A. There's a comment section right after the PHP
`opening brackets. Is that what you're looking at now?
` Q. Sorry, can I see the version you have. Above
`line 1, call_E164. Do you see that?
` A. You talking about the name of the file?
` Q. The name of the file.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Do you know who wrote this file?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who was that?
` A. Fuad Arafa.
` Q. Who is Fuad Arafa?
` A. He's the developer that worked on the RBR server.
` Q. When did he work for Digifonica?
` A. I don't know exact dates. He was there when I

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