JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
`Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, )
` v.
` ) CASE NO.: IPR2016-01198
` ) Patent 9,179,005
` Patent Owner. )
` _______________________ )
` The discovery deposition of JOHN RUTTER (by phone),
`taken in the above-entitled cause, before Alyssa Fontaine,
`official reporter, on the 5th of April, 2017, 1055 W
`Georgia St, Vancouver, BC V6C 2L1
`3 4
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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` 5600 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.
` Suite 200
` Greenwood Village, CO 80111
` (720) 689-5441
` BY: MR. ADAM SEITZ (by phone)
` On behalf of the Petitioner;
` 2040 Main Street, 14th Floor
` Irvine, CA 92614
` (858) 707-4000
` BY: MR. KERRY TAYLOR (by phone)
` On behalf of the Patent Owner.
` David Gileff
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
` I N D E X
`Page 3
` By Mr. Seitz 4
` By Mr. Taylor 33
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 2008: John Rutter's declaration 5
`Exhibit 2003: Report dated July 5th, 2005 9
`Exhibit 2005: Email from Mr. Perreault to John
` Rutter 13
`Exhibit 2006: Email from Mr. Perreault to John
` Rutter 16
`2 3
`4 5
`8 9
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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` APRIL 5, 2017
` *****
`called as a witness, having been first affirmed, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Mr. Rutter, good morning from me. I am
`Adam Seitz, and I represent Apple in this matter. Before
`we get started with some of the questioning, I want to ask
`just a few basic questions about depositions. Have you
`ever been in a deposition before, sir?
` A. No, I haven't.
` Q. Okay. So I'm going to be asking you questions
`and you will be giving me answers. We're going to do our
`best to wait for each other to finish over the phone here,
`but as you just noted you took your affirmation so that
`means that these questions are being recorded and are
`under oath. Is there anything that would prevent you from
`giving truthful testimony today?
` A. Nothing.
` Q. Okay. And the one thing I want to make clear is
`that if you answer my question, I'm going to assume you
`7 8
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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`understood it. Is that agreeable to you, sir?
` A. Yes, that's agreeable. I need to ask for
`assistance where I don't understand, yes.
` Q. Absolutely. And if you don't understand my
`questions, feel free to ask for clarification and I will
`be happy to provide it. Also Kerry, the attorney, also on
`the phone may interrupt at times and object. That is a
`normal part of this procedure. You'll still provide an
`answer after he objects unless he instructs you to not
`answer my question; okay?
` A. Yes, that's okay.
` Q. Okay. Sir, can you tell me how you were
`compensated for the work you did in connection with the
`declaration you submitted in this matter.
` A. This is the work when I was working for Smart421
`as a lead consultant. The work was my regular rate and I
`was employed by that company in the UK.
` Q. Okay. Let me ask you a slightly different
`question a little clearer maybe on my end. Do you have
`Exhibit 2008 in front of you?
` (Exhibit 2008 was marked for identification
` and was retained by plaintiff's counsel)
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I do.
` Q. Exhibit 2008 should be a copy of a declaration
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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`you submitted; is that correct?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. Okay. How were you compensated for that
` A. The declaration itself I was compensated for the
`time to read through the copies of documents and to
`provide back feedback to Digifonica VoIP-PAL and that was
`an hourly charge for a couple of hours work.
` Q. And what was that hourly charge, sir?
` A. I don't have it in front of me, but it's not
`huge. Do I need to find that?
` Q. No, that's okay. Do you know at least what your
`hourly rate is?
` A. It's probably under 100 pounds.
` Q. Okay. And were you provided any shares of stock
`in VoIP-PAL in exchange for this?
` A. No, not at all.
` Q. Okay. Do you own any shares of stock or any
`interest -- any ownership interest in VoIP-PAL?
` A. No, I don't have any.
` Q. Okay. And are you being paid for your time
` A. Yes, on the same basis as the declaration, a few
`hours work.
` Q. Can you tell me who first contacted you about
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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`providing the declaration, the Exhibit 2008 declaration?
` A. Yes, that was Emil from -- who I had at
` Q. Okay. And what did Mr. Emil ask you to do?
` A. He asked if I would confirm why I had -- the
`report that we did at Smart, that I can confirm that that
`is a report that I wrote at that time.
` Q. Okay. Did you speak with anyone else in
`connection with preparing your declaration?
` A. The legal team gave me a walk through of the
` Q. So Emil and the legal team. Anyone else?
` A. Not in terms of producing this at all, no.
` Q. Who wrote your declaration, Exhibit 2008?
` A. That was a template from legal team, I think.
`When it was provided I changed the job title, otherwise it
`was -- I agree with those things.
` Q. Did you select the specific quotations that were
`included in paragraph 7 or was that done by your legal
` A. That was inserted by the legal team.
` Q. Did you ever any other changes besides changing
`the job title to the declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. And did you do anything to prepare for today's
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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` A. I had a short discussion again with the legal
`team just talking through what the process is and to
`ensure that I don't discuss it with anyone.
` Q. And did you discuss the deposition with anybody
`other than the legal team?
` A. No, not at all.
` Q. Mr. Rutter, I may have pauses between my
`questions to make sure that I am not repetitive and I'm
`looking at the questions I want to ask you so bear with me
`when I have a pause.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Besides Emil, have you spoken with any of the
`prior Digifonica employees in connection with your
`declaration or your deposition?
` A. No, not since the visit when I did it originally.
` Q. The 2005 visit, is that what you mean?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Let's talk about the work that you did in
`2005. You were an employee with a company called
`Smart421; is that correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And around June 2005, Smart421 or you conducted a
`review of Digifonica's system; is that correct?
` A. That is correct.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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` Q. In paragraph 2 of your declaration you describe
`that as a high level technical review. Do you see that?
` A. Paragraph 2, yes. I see that, yes.
` Q. Can you tell me what you mean by "high level
`technical review."
` A. It would be in the process of how the software --
`the approach taken to the design -- it's a high level, not
`a low level, so not diving down into the fuctionality of
` Q. Not looking at the fuctionality of code, is that
`what you said?
` A. Not in detail. So high level, not low level.
` Q. Okay.
` A. The high level components and how they hook up
`together. That was more the focus to the software.
` Q. I want to make sure I understood your last
`statement. The high level components and how they hook up
`rather than the software; is that what you said?
` A. Well, they are components -- yes, more of a broad
`level, not a deep dive.
` MR. SEITZ: And the result of that work you
`prepared a report which should be Exhibit 2003; is that
` (Exhibit 2003 was marked for identification
` and was retained by plaintiff's counsel)
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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` THE WITNESS: That is correct.
` Q. And that was the report that you prepared what
`you're looking at in 2003?
` A. Yes, I have that here, yes.
` Q. And that report is July 5th, 2005; is that
`correct on the date at the bottom left of that first page?
` A. Yes, that would be the correct date.
` Q. In that report, Mr. Rutter, you refer to a
`version 1 and version 2. Can you tell me what version 1
`is and what version 2 is or was.
` MR. TAYLOR: Objection. Foundation.
` THE WITNESS: I continue, yes?
` Q. Yes, please.
` A. The versions there were phases of the software.
`Version one was the core networking component. Version 2
`is when enhancing the system with web applications to
`assist managing.
` Q. And was version one the system that you reviewed?
` A. They had version one and they had embarked on
`version 2 development so some of the that fuctionality was
`in phase two.
` Q. So when you refer to, for example, software or
`code that was reviewed as part of this project, would that
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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`have been code from version one?
` A. I believe it's from both parts. We saw some of
`the web code from version two.
` Q. For the system that you saw in operation which
`we'll get into a little bit more in detail later, do you
`know whether that system would have been version 1 or
`version 2?
` A. I would say it was version 2 in progress, so more
`than just version 1.
` Q. As part of the work that you did in looking at
`Digifonica's system, did you find that it was lacking in
`detailed design documentations?
` A. One of the statements that refers to that -- the
`level of detail, it was an area for improvement. It
`certainly had documentation with some detail.
` Q. Another finding if you want to look at page 17 of
`your report, Exhibit 2003. Actually let me give you time
`to pull that up so I'm not misdirecting you. Page 17 of
`Exhibit 2003 there's a figure, let me know when you see
` A. Is it in 327, the design overview?
` Q. Correct, thank you.
` Right underneath that is a paragraph that states?
` This area of system documentation that is
` currently lacking and would be helpful in
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
` documenting specific system features and
`Page 12
` interactions."
`Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is it correct that the system documentation
`knowledge on how that system was set up was held by key
` A. Yes, that is in the document. There's a large
`amount in individuals, yeah.
` MR. TAYLOR: Objection. Form.
` Q. Okay. Mr. Rutter, you described that as a not
`ideal situation; is that correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Then describe to me why that was not ideal.
` A. From a company perspective it was not ideal that
`knowledge is only held by individuals. The ideal is to
`have everything documented and everyone works towards an
` Q. If it not documented does it make it more likely
`that information could be lost or confused over time?
` A. I would say the code is actually where the
`answers are. It makes it easier to understand the code
`because there's more documentation for it so you wouldn't
`lose the information, it's just harder to ascertain.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
` Q. Let me flip back to your declaration, sir,
`Exhibit 2008. From that declaration, specifically
`paragraph 3, it appears that Mr. Perreault provided you
`with two different emails containing two different sets of
`Page 13
`documentation; is that correct?
` A. Yes, that's correct.
` MR. SEITZ: Okay. The first set of information
`appears to be Exhibit 2005, so if you could pull
`Exhibit 2005, that would be great.
` (Exhibit 2005 was marked for identification
` and was retained by plaintiff's counsel)
` THE WITNESS: I have that now.
` Q. Okay. And this is the email from Mr. Perreault
`to you with the first batch of information provided about
` A. That certainly looks like it, yes.
` Q. And is it correct that no source code or software
`was provided with this batch of information?
` A. Well, I'm just looking through. I can't recall
`which is which.
` Q. Take your time.
` A. That email that refers to the documentation as
`PDF mostly, not source code.
` Q. In Exhibit 2005?
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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` A. Yes, correct.
` Q. Is it true that that first set of information in
`Exhibit 2005 was directed more towards an external or
`sales focus rather than telling you how the features
`worked within a code base?
` A. I don't recall right now but I assume they were
`often technical rather than marketing. They would have
`been a bit of both.
` Q. Okay. Let's take a look at page 12 of
`Exhibit 2003, the Smart421 report.
` A. I have page 12.
` Q. Section 4.3.1; do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The first paragraph describes that Digifonica
`provided a large set of documents for the initial stage of
`the review process. And then the next paragraph states:
` These documents did appear to be biassed more
` towards an external or sales focus describing
` features and benefits of the Digifonica software
` and hardware platform rather than indicating how
` those features exist within the code base."
`Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. Does that accurately describe the content of the
`first set of documents?
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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` A. On the basis that's what I reported because I
`cannot remember the document content now.
` Q. Okay. And if we continue into the second
`paragraph, we're still talking about the first set of
`documents provided by Mr. Perreault. You stated:
` It was not easy to ascertain which features were
` already implemented in the live service as
` opposed to those that were able to be added in a
` future release."
`Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I see that statement.
` Q. And was that a correct statement about the
`documents provided in the first set by Mr. Perreault?
` A. If it's in the document, I would have to say it's
`correct, yes, as my review document.
` Q. And that goes on -- that paragraph goes on
` Being a high level document, technical issues
` were not covered in depth."
`Is that also an accurate statement about the first set of
`documents provided by Mr. Perreault?
` A. I'm not sure which statement you refer to if it's
`in there, then, it has to be correct. Which paragraph is
` Q. It is the third full paragraph under 4.3.1 the
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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`second sentence starting "being high level."
` A. Yeah, I see that now. That would be a correct
`statement based on what we provided at that stage.
` MR. SEITZ: Okay. In Exhibit 2006 is an email
`from Mr. Perreault to you with the second batch of
`documents. Do you have that exhibit in front of you?
` (Exhibit 2006 was marked for identification
` and was retained by plaintiff's counsel)
` THE WITNESS: Yes, I have that.
` Q. And this is the second set of documentation
`provided by Digifonica to Smart421?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Am I correct that this documentation only
`included samples of code and not a full body of the code?
` A. Yes, definitely. That's a very small set.
` Q. And do you know, sir, what version of code this
`was that you were provided?
` A. I can't say now. I don't recall which part
`that -- so ...
` Q. So sitting here today, you don't know if that was
`version 361, for example?
` A. No, it doesn't say so in the email, so I wouldn't
`know which version.
` Q. Feel free to look at the list of codes for this
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
`next question, Mr. Rutter. My question is did any of
`these code samples include RBR code modules?
` A. Let me have a look through that list, if you hold
`Page 17
` Q. Yes, thank you.
` A. On that list there's no -- it's mostly the Java
`script, the web application in BC. The RBR piece is not
`in the BC component.
` Q. Okay. I'm going to ask you some code names, file
`names and I appreciate this will be difficult because code
`names are never easy to read out as normal English. So
`let me tell you the name of the code module and I'd like
`you to tell me if it's included in Exhibit 2006. The
`first code module is call_E164.class.PHP.
` A. Just looking through. Not in that list, in that
` Q. Next code module is call_routes.class.PHP.
` A. No, that's not included in that list.
` Q. The next module is call_TTL.class.PHP.
` A. No, that's not in the list either.
` Q. Okay. I just have two more. Next code module is
` A. No, I don't see that in this list either.
` Q. The last code module is register.PHP.
` A. Don't see that either.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
` Q. Okay. Mr. Rutter, they're not listed there; is
`it fair to say that you were not provided with those code
`Page 18
` A. I think the only file we received were in that
`list. I think the review document would have a list as
`well. I would have to check.
` Q. You're referring to Exhibit 2003, what might have
`a list of additional documents; is that correct?
` A. It may. I would have to check.
` Q. Feel free to look. It appears to me in
`Exhibit 2003 to start maybe around appendix B which is
`page 30.
` A. Yes, that was the list. I'm not checking just
`now, but I would expect that to be the same list that was
`in the email, the two emails. So it didn't include any
`class dot files that you referred to earlier, so I would
`say that list is the same -- if those documents you
`referred to and they're not in the mail or the report and
`I've not seen them.
` Q. Which would mean that you were not -- Smart421
`was not provided with those code files; is that correct?
` A. Not as the sample files we asked for, no.
` Q. I want to talk a little bit more about Smart421's
`review of the code itself. Is it correct, Mr. Rutter,
`that you only performed a minimal review of sample code
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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` A. Yes, it was minimal looking more at design and
`layout and style, yes.
` Q. And if you look at page 22 of Exhibit 2003. Let
`me know when you're there and I will direct you to the
`correct portion.
` A. Page 22, yes.
` Q. Section 4.3.5 "source code." Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. The first full paragraph there, the second
`sentence in that paragraph reads:
` This was necessarily limited by time and also by
` the view that the approach and style of code
` development was being reviewed rather than the
` actual quality of the source code running within
` the system."
`Do you see that?
`Mr. Rutter, I'm assuming David just joined us. Did you
`hear my question or do you want me to rephrase that?
` A. I didn't hear a question.
` Q. Okay. Let me wait a second here until the
`background noise is gone.
` Okay. Mr. Rutter, I was looking at the second
`sentence in the first full paragraph under section 4.3.5
`and it states:
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
` This was necessarily limited by time and also by
` the view that the approach and style of code
` development was being reviewed rather than the
` actual quality of the source code running within
`Page 20
` the system."
`Do you see that sentence?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. So is that a correct description of what Smart421
`did for the code review?
` A. Yes, I was -- that's what I reported there. We
`were looking at the approach to how they were doing the
` Q. And the style of the software?
` A. And style, yes. Approach, style, and then there
`were different processes.
` Q. Is it correct that you were not looking at the
`code to verify it's fuctionality?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And is it correct you were not looking at the
`code to verify that it included certain features or
` A. That's correct. That wasn't our focus for the
` Q. Is it correct based on your review that you would
`not know whether certain features were or were not
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
`Page 21
`included in the source code as of June 2005?
` A. That's correct. I wouldn't know either way.
` Q. Okay. I want to ask still somewhat about the
`code but also generally about the status of the Digifonica
`system. In June 2005 when you conducted your review, is
`it correct that the Digifonica VoIP system was not yet
` A. I would say any software is complete. It was
`functional and working and they were looking to do more
`work as per the report. It's not 100 percent complete for
`their vision at that time.
` Q. Was it a commercial system at the time?
` A. We were shown how it sold as a white label
`product. We weren't reviewing their business sales.
` Q. I'm not familiar with the phase "white label
`product." Can you tell me what that means.
` A. That means where the same software or application
`may be sold with different branding so it would become
`resolved with a different content looking like the
`company. The white label is the code that doesn't have
`its own branding and you can run the same copy for
`different companies.
` Q. Okay. Thank you.
` Do you know as of June 2005 if there were any
`customers that Digifonica had?
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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` A. I don't know.
` Q. Were you told whether they had any customers at
`that time?
` A. I can't recall. There was certainly discussions
`about the business. I can't recall the details now. I
`was looking on the technical processes.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any understanding of how close
`Digifonica was to going live with their system to the
` A. No, I was under the impression that it was
`operational and live as in it was functional and they
`could sell the service whether they were or not.
` Q. Okay. Can you turn to page 4 of Exhibit 2003,
`the Smart421 report.
` A. Page 4?
` Q. Yes, please.
` A. Yes, I'm there.
` Q. Section 2.2 includes a box. Do you see that box
` A. Yes.
` Q. The box includes a column for version 1 and a
`column for version 2 and then it also includes two rows,
`"average percentage complete" and "average percent
`surety." Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I see that.
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
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` Q. Is it correct to say that the overall system was
`only 56 percent complete at that time for version 1?
` A. That is correct in terms of how my figures are
`produced in the report, yeah.
` Q. And it only had a 63 percent surety; is that
` A. Yes, that's what the average was across all of
`the sections in the report.
` Q. And so this box is averaging all of the
`individual components that you looked at through the rest
`of your report?
` A. Yes, the different aspects. I would have to
`refer later in the document, but, yes, that's one big
`summary, yes.
` Q. And can you describe to me what surety is.
` A. I'm trying to think back how -- it's more the
`confidence that it achieved what was desired.
` Q. So there was only 63 percent confidence level
`that it would achieve what it was designed to do?
` A. I think this is in terms of business process
`for -- development process for delivering ongoing service,
`but yes, that's the figure I've got there.
` Q. Turn to page 22, please, Mr. Rutter.
` A. Yes, 22.
` Q. There's a similar chart in section 4.3.5 for the
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`source code. Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. You indicated here that for the core components
`of the Digifonica system it was only 60 percent complete
`as of your review; is that correct?
` A. I'm not sure because at the time there's a
`version 1 and version 2 so 60 percent for version 1
`functionality and 80 percent version 2. I can't recall
`the distinction too well these days, but it's between
`those two figures.
` Q. Okay. And then for the web applications, the
`code for that was 35 percent complete for version 1 and
`85 percent for version 2; is that correct?
` A. Yes, that would be correct.
` Q. Based on the level of completeness that you found
`from your review, would you say there was still work left
`to be done on Digifonica system?
` A. Yes, there was work to be done. The plan was
` Q. Would you describe the code as still being in the
`beta phase?
` A. From my perspective I would not have called that
`beta, I would say that was live operational. Flip side
`is, Google products [indiscernible] and they're for the
`operational. It's a subjective phrase to me.
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`Fax: 314.644.1334
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`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
` Q. Okay. I understand. Would you describe the code
`Page 25
`as a work in progress?
` A. In terms that it was still being developed and
`enhanced, yes, it was still a work in progress, but there
`is functional stages.
` Q. Just a second please.
` Okay. Can you turn with me to page 5 of
`Exhibit 2003.
` A. Yeah, page 5.
` Q. Section 2.4.4.
` A. Yes, performance testing.
` Q. Correct. Thank you.
` And that first sentence reads:
` Performance metrics for the system have not yet
` been proven."
`Do you see that?
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. Can you describe to me what that means.
` A. It means they have not been able to run a high
`volume low test to measure peak capacity.
` Q. And that was due to an unavailability of a test
`environment; is that correct?
` A. Yes, that's correct. Elsewhere in a document it
`refers to a hammer system which I don't know anything
`about, as I mentioned.
`Phone: 1.800.280.3376
`Fax: 314.644.1334
`Apple EX1011 Page 25


`JOHN RUTTER 4/5/2017
`Page 26

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