`Survival Tumor-Bearing Mice
`Influence of Cobalamin
`on the Survival of Mice
`Bearing Ascites Tumor
`APOTEX 1007-0001
`APOTEX 1 007 - 0002
`Table 1. Ellbci ofistvbalailiin ilcrivallwtzs
`Cm mg xurviya‘ if “ma bearing awim
`Tm agent
`Dvzzsage. mgjlag bmly weightfday
`1.8 2 3.9
`8.0: 5.0
`13.6 :3; "Li
`3 1:3 $2.8
`11'): 3.2
`19.3 .~.2:4.3.
`;' I133}
`£13 :*:0.5
`13.? LS
`3S.0:*: l l
`£33.} 3}
`33.3’: 9.?
`32.?:: lLl.(>‘-‘
`9,4: 2.4
`9.1 x Lri
`8.9-: 3.3
`29.1 2 133*
`(1.1 I)
`3&3: 10.3“
`15.0: 2.3
`28.4: 13.7“
`SIT) sf samsival ti mes {days} fer re —~— ll). Significance of the ciiffarencre
`Hfaluvzs. an: means
`btztwxzen mntrol and axperimcntal values: “p «~:: 0,05; ‘*5: c: 0.01: Up a::; MIDI. Values in
`parentlwsss are ratias of mcfilan survival ‘time 91" test group to metdian survival time c>fwn~
`{ml gmup. A value ml‘ l.'?:3 or gr:-azser for a mat agrmt was mnsidcmd to demauslrate signifi-
`cant :i*S'li\*i'ij»’.
`’"l'herapeutic index is expressed as the mile LD5g;fED5m. where LD5{§ is the dust: lethal to
`30% OH pm.1ulaIi:}n and E1391; is ma: fiiftst’: then gives 23 ¥?ll‘%'l.» cell kill.
`remarkably nanmxic when adrztlinisterrzd lI11I'E1pEl’i1UI1C—
`ally. Thur: LDg,.;, for mclhylcobalamin was 3,800 mgjkg,
`boil},-* weziglu. which was 15 times the effecslive (1038. The
`LDsr.~ Fur S’~d::c:xyadcnos}-*lc<:>balamin was higher than
`that For methylcobalzmin. Ilowevcr. when a dose of 2,000
`mgfkg body weight was injecttzd inlcs tlaese mice. Ilkty
`startecl m 103$ waigllt. Thus, the value: cvl‘ 2.000 mgllcg
`body weight was used anti the therapeutic index Far 5'»
`s:ico:»:yadenosyl<:ubalamin was ‘.130. Altkmug.£1 very large
`clizvses 23$" cxabalamins injected inirapwitotieallga were non»
`laecamcs lxsthal when a maul": sm:.:lI~:?r (1056: was
`injecmd intravenausly into thus mouse tail vein. This; may
`be thr: effkict ml‘ the large mlumr: of Fluid cntfiring {he
`mouse blcsodgtream during 21 rralaiively shun perincl of
`izwjccticzn time.
`Vitamin 13;; and folate are involvxtd in the 1)l'DCs3SS of
`mac-carbomunit metabulism and methylcobalamin is a
`sourca 0l‘x)ne—c:arbon functional groups [.26. 37]. Althuugh
`the mechanism cal‘ the antitumor activity is not lcnown, it
`is quite evident that the rolefi of vitamin 3.; in carcino-«
`genefiis may be associated with its functions in normal
`nwetalmlistxi, paxfiiczzlazhs in tlwe:-: 0nc:»carb:3:1~11niI metabo-
`lism and in the positive and zzegatiwa mntrel of DNA syn-
`thesis by mtmnal and maligxxam Cells. [,?.(3. 2?}. Vitamin B33
`is expectad :0 current i.‘l€‘§:C1i¥‘€
`IZ>NA»th3gmim2 §?§a‘t}1l’ll:‘SlS
`in vitamin Bgg-defective nmrrow I28]. herzaxuse thymidy»
`late synthasfi rrzquircs NKN‘ll-math}?lenetetrahjwdrcefolata
`as mesthyl dtimilf. Fm the same reasen. in patients with
`folate and vitamin B;;_ cleficienty. thrz acisfiition of these
`vitamins 10 ['E1£i2'I'UW and ly:11pl1::myte culturss enhanced
`the incorpuralisn 0l'~*H~cle0x3=uridine Emu DNA I30}.
`l 06
`Tsaoflvf yashita
`C‘ol>alamin and Ascites Tamar
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`APOTEX 1 007 - 0003
`APOTEX 1007 - 0003
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`APOTEX 1 007 - 0005
`APOTEX 1007 - 0005