`US 5,850,482
`INVENTORS: Meany, James J.
`Martens, Christopher J.
`Error resilient method and apparatus for
`entropy coding
`17 APR 1996
`15 DEC 1998
`17 JUN 2015
`Page 1 of 437
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`Page 2 of 437
`Page 2 of 437
`Transaction History
`Transaction Description
`04-29-1996 Initial Exam Team nn
`06-06-1996 Notice Mailed--Application Incomplete--Filing Date Assigned
`07-08-1996 Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`07-08-1996 Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) Filed
`08-07-1996 Application Is Now Complete
`08-15-1996 Application Captured on Microfilm
`08-26-1996 Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
`07-05-1997 Case Docketed to Examiner in GAU
`07-21-1997 Non-Final Rejection
`07-24-1997 Mail Non-Final Rejection
`01-26-1998 Response after Non-Final Action
`01-26-1998 Request for Extension of Time - Granted
`02-09-1998 Date Forwarded to Examiner
`03-30-1998 Mail Notice of Allowance
`03-30-1998 Notice of Allowance Data Verification Completed
`03-30-1998 Mail Examiner's Amendment
`03-30-1998 Examiner's Amendment Communication
`04-30-1998 Issue Fee Payment Verified
`11-12-1998 Issue Notification Mailed
`12-15-1998 Recordation of Patent Grant Mailed
`Page 3 of 437
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`United States Patent
`[11] Patent Number:
`Meany et at.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Dec. 15, 1998
`Gregory K. Waflace, The JPEG Still Picture Connpression
`Standard, Comimim'enrion ofrhe ACM. vol. 34. No. 4, Apr.
`1991. [J13.30—45.
`Olivier Rioul and Marlin Vetterli, Wavelets and Signal
`Processing, IEEE SP M’rigaz.r'rze, Oct. 1991, pp. 14-38,
`Albert Cohen, Biorthogonal Wavelets, Wavelei‘.s"—A Turnrirrt
`in Theory rmdAppIi'ennToris. Copyright 1992, pp. 123—152.
`A. S. Lewis and G. Knowles, Image (Tompression Using the
`2-1) Wavelet, Iizfffz‘ Tmrisactinri on bridge Processing, vol.
`1, No. 2, Apr. 1992, pp. 244-250.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Priiiirrry EL‘fl'lIllfl€F—[_£(t H. Boundreau
`Assisirmr I5.\‘aim'nr=r—|-lijan Tad ayo It
`AIi’0i'ncy, Agent. or Fir'm—BeIl Seltzer Intellectual Property
`Group of Alston 8: Bird, LLP
`The error resilient method and apparatus for encoding data
`includes an encoder inctuding a code word generator for
`generating a plurality of code words representative of
`respective portions 01' the data. The code word generator
`encodes data pursuant to split field coding in which each
`code word includes tt prefix field and an associated sutflx
`field. The pretix field includes inthrrnalion representative of
`a predetermined characteristic of the azaiociated sutlix field,
`Such as the predetermined number of characters which form
`the associated sullix Lield.
`In addition,
`the :su|.1\i fields
`include inlbrn1ation representative of at least some oi‘ the
`original data. Consequently, if the prefix field ofa code word
`is decoded correctly, i.e, Without the occurrence of bit error,
`the error resilient method and apparatus can correctly deter-
`mine the length 0!" the associated suflix lield and the range
`01‘ coellicient values to he represented by the associated
`suffix field such that the associated suftix field is resilient to
`errors. In order to increase the probability that
`the prelix
`field will be correctly decoded, the method and apparatus
`protects the prefix and suffix fields of the encoded data to
`greater and lesser degrees, respectively, such that the data
`can he more effieierltly contpresi-ied.
`30 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`Inventors: James J. Meany, Des Peres;
`Christopher J. Martens, Creve Coeur,
`both of Mo.
`[73] Assignee: Mcllnnnell Douglas Corporation, St.
`Louis, Mo.
`[21 J Appl. No.: 633,896
`Apr. 17, 1995
`............ ._ G06K 9/00
`382/232; 382/275
`[52] U.S. Cl.
`3835332. 233.
`Field of Search
`383234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240,
`244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252,
`253, 270, 274, 275, 254, 305, 309, 310,
`311, 224, 190, I66, 172, 306; 375/286,
`298, 254, 264; 37137.7, 43.], 37.08, 37.5;
`380/20. 10; 370/314; 348/476. 5.5; 340325.44
`References Cited
`.. 37lf'37.l
`4,317,182 M1989 Adcisoil et al.
`5.tl99l Lawton et al.
`3,tI9‘J2 Resuikofl et at.
`1211902 Nelson etal.
`211904 Seshndri el al,
`5il994 Shapiro ..
`fifl99-'1 Nadan
`(#1994 5-ihapiro
`llfl995 Baggclt Ct at.
`Edward R. I"-iala and Daniel II. Greene, Data Compression
`with Finite Windows, Canmimiicntforis nfffze/lCM, vol. 32,
`No. 4, Apr. 1989, pp. 49t)—5ti5.
`Timothy C. Bell, John G. Cieary and Ian ll. Writteti, Text
`Cr)2J1pres.w'r;rr, Prentice Hall, Copyright 1990, pp. 29(L295.
`trnranAli Shah, Olu Akiwun1i—A5sanj and Brian .lol.1nson, A
`Chip Set for Lossless Image Compression, 1Eb3E‘JoiirnaI of
`.S‘oh'd—.S‘rrn‘e Cfrctiirs, vol. 26, No. 3, Mar. 1991, pp. 337-344.
`Page 8 of 437
`Page 8 of 437
`Page 2
`Mlaclcn Victor Wickcrhauscr. 1figl:—Reso!z:I£or: .5'nT1'n' Picture
`Compression. Apr. 19, 1992. Plh. 1—33. (No Title of Publi-
`Marc Antonini, Michel Harland, Pierre Malhicu and Ingrid
`Daubeehies, Image Coding Using Wavelet Transform, IEEE
`Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 1, No. 2,/\pr. 1992,
`pp. 205-220.
`Naoto Tanabe and Nariman Farvardin, Subbancl Image Cod-
`ing Using Enlr0py—Coded Quantization over Noisy Chan-
`nels, IEEE J'onrn'm' on Sefecled Areas in Commurricttricins,
`vol. 10, N0. 5, Jun. 1992, pp. 926-943.
`Arnir Said and William A. Pearlman, Reversible image
`compression via multiresolution representation and predic-
`tive coding, SPIE, vol. 2094, 1993, pp. G64—674.
`Jerome M. Shapiro, Emlacdtlcd Image Coding lxlsirlg
`Zcrotrces of Wavelet Cnefficients, Ili'!:'E Trnn.mcrions mt
`Sigmr.’ Prc2ce.s'.w'r:g, vol. 41, N0.
`12, Dec. 1993, pp.
`Michael l_. Hilton, Bjfirn D. Jawerth and Ayztn Scngupla,
`Compressing Still and Moving Images with Wavelets, Mu!-
`rimcdin Systems, vol. 2, No. 3, Apr. 18, 1994, pp. 1—20.
`Keith A. Bimuy and Thomas. R. Fischer, On the Modeling 01'
`DCT and Subband Image Data for Compression, IEEE
`Imnsactiorts on Image Processing, vol. 4, No. 2, Feb. 1995.
`pp. 186493.
`Parthasarathy Sriram and Michael W. Marccllin,
`Coding Using, Wavelet Transforms and Entropy—Con-
`strained 'I'relli9(.‘ndcd Quantization, II:'I:']:? 1"mn_5acrrTrm5 an
`Image Processing, vol. 4, No. 6, Jun. 1995, pp. 725-733.
`Bj-iirn Jawerth and Wim Sweldens, An Overview 0fWawIet
`Based Mulriresoiurion Anm.'y.s'es, pp.
`l—39. (No Title Of
`Publication), (No Date Of Publication).
`Wim Sweldens, The Lifting .5‘clt.eme.' A New Pftilosoplzy in
`B.ior£h()gnmn' Wavelet Cr)rl.S'{!'L£Cfir)J’I.S'. (No Place Dr Date 01'
`Publication & No Page #).
`Ahmad Zandi, James D. Allen, Edward L. Schwartz and
`Martin Bnliek, Q'RI:7'W.' C'(mipre5:s'i0n wilit Reversible
`Embedded Wavelets. (No Place Dr Date) & (No Page is‘).
`Page 9 of 437
`Page 9 of 437
`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 15, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 6
`OR1.“ NA‘
`D TA "
`L ?>_\.3
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 15, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 6
`___________ __J
`L _
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`87 1%
`2 I
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 15, 1998
`Sheet 3 of 6
`HO. 4.
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`Dec. 15, 1993
`Sheet 4 of 6
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 15, 1993
`Sheet 5 of 6
` Memum 18
`FIG. 6.
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 15, 1993
`Sheet 6 of 6
`FIG. 7.
`Page 15 of437
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`The present invention relates generally to methods and
`apparatus for compressing and decompres.-sing data by
`entropy encoding and decoding and, more particularly,
`error resilient methods and apparatus for entropy encoding
`and decoding. The present invention further relates to the
`application of said error resilient entropy coding methods
`and apparatus to image compression.
`In order to transmit data over channels with limited
`throughput rates or to store data in limited memory space. it
`is frequently necessary to compress the data so as to repre-
`sent the data with fewer bits. Upon receiving or retrieving
`the compressed data,
`the data may be decornpressed to
`recover the original data or an approximation thereof.
`Compression and decompression techniques are com-
`monly applied to imagery data in order to reduce otherwise
`massive transmission and storage requirements. By way of
`example, a single monochrome image is typically formed by
`an array of -pixels, such as a 512x512 array of pixels. In
`the intensity level of each pixel
`is generally
`assigned 2| nurnetic value between 0 and 255 which is
`digitally represented by an 8 hit pattern. Therefore,
`digital representation of such a monochrome image requires
`approximately 2 million hits of data. As a further example,
`a typical digital color video fooznat is the Common Inter-
`mediate Format (CIF) having a resolution of 3t':(]x2»S8. This
`color video format includes three color components which
`are each represented as an array of pixels which are dis-
`played at a rate of 30 frames per second. The three color
`components are an intensity component at full resolution
`(3(:U><288) and two ehrominance components at half reso-
`lution (18(l><l44) each. Thus, the total throughput require-
`ment for CIF is about 37 million hits per second. Thus, the
`transmission ofnncompressed digital imagery requires rela-
`tively high throughput rates or, alternatively, relatively long
`transmission times. Likewise, the storage of digital imagery
`requires relatively large memory or storage devices.
`In order to reduce the storage and transmission require-
`ments for image processing applications, a variety of image
`compression techniques have been developed. Substantial
`compression of imagery is possible due to the statistical
`redundancy typically found in image data. Such redundancy
`takes several
`fcrrns, namely, spatial redundancy due to
`correlation between spatially proximate pixels,
`redundancy due to correlation between successive frames in
`an image sequence, and spectral redundancy between the
`color planes or bands of rnultispectral images.
`Image compression techniques attempt
`to reduce the
`volume of data by removing these redundancies. Image
`compression techniques fall
`into two broad categories:
`“losslcss” and “lossy". Witt) lossless image compression, a
`reconstructed image is guaranteed to be identical
`to the
`original image. Unfortunately, lossless approaches can pro-
`vide only a very limited amount of compression (typically
`less than 3:l). In contrast, lossy techniques achieve higher
`compression ratios by allowing some of the visual informa-
`tion to be removed,
`thereby resulting in a difference or
`distortion between the original image and the reconstructed
`image. To minimize the perceived or subjective distortion of
`the reconstntcted image, the removal of information should
`ideally take into account the characteristics of the human
`visual system (IIVS). Since subjective distortion is dillicult
`to characterize quantitatively, however, numerical measures
`of distortion are commonly used with the most popular
`measure being RMS error, i.e., the square root of the mean
`squared pixei intensity dillerences between the original and
`reconstructed images. In general, higher compression ratios
`can be achieved by tolerating higher distortion. Finally, if the
`distortion from a lossy compression process is not visually
`apparent under normal viewing conditions, the compression
`is termed a "visually lossalcss” image compression.
`A common approach to image compression, called
`transform-based compression or transform coding, involves
`three primary steps, namely, a transforni step, a quantization
`step, and an encoding step. See, for example, an article
`entitled “iligh-Resolution Still Picture Compression” by M.
`V. Wiclrerhauser dated Apr. 19, i992 which is available on
`the Internet as "hLlp:.v’/wuarchive.wustl.etltlfdocrtechreportsf
`wustledujm athfpapersfdsp.ps.Z". As described in US. Pat.
`No. 5,014,134 to Wayne M. Lawton, et at. and US. Pat. No.
`4,817,182 to Adelson, et ‘.11., an invertible transforrn decom-
`poses the original image data into a weighted sum of simple
`building blocks, called basis functions. such as sinusoids or
`wavelet functions. Accordingly, a number of image trans-
`forms have been developed, including the Fourier transform,
`the discrete cosine transform and the wavelet transform. If
`the basis functions have sufficient oorrcsporidence to the
`correlation structure of the imagery to be compressed, must
`of the energy (or infomiation) in the image will be concen-
`trated into relatively few of the transform coelficients with
`correspondingly large coelficient values. Consequently.
`most of the remaining transform coefficients will have small
`or zero eoeflicicnt values.
`The wavelet
`transform decorrelates the image data at
`multiple resolutions by use of basis functions which are
`dilations and translations ol'a single prototype function. The
`prototype basis function is a bandpass filter called a
`"wavelet"’, so named because the filter is both oscillatory and
`spatially localized. The translations and dilutions of the
`prototype wavelet yield a set of basis functions which
`produce a signal or image decomposition localized in posi-
`tion and resolution, respectively.
`As known to those skilled in the art, the wavelet transform
`can be effieicntly computed using a fast discrete algorithm,
`called the Fast Wavelet Transform
`which recursively
`applies the wavelet filter and a companion lowpass tiller
`called a “scaling" litter. For a single iteration of the FWT
`applied to a one-dimensional signal, the wavelet and scaling
`filters are convolved against
`the signal,
`followed by a
`decirnation by two. This process splits the signal into a low
`resolution approximation signal (extracted by the scaling
`filter) and a high resolution detail signal (extracted by the
`wavelet filter). By recursively applying the wavelet filter and
`the scaling lilter to the low resolution approximation signal
`generated by the prior iteration of the PVVT, a multiresolu-
`tion decomposition ofthe original signal is produced which
`consists ofthe detail signals at various resolutions and a linal
`low resolution approximation signal.
`The wavelet transform can be easily extended to two-
`imagery by separately filtering the rows and
`columns and by iteratively processing the lowpass approxi-
`mation image.
`lhis wavelet
`transform is equivalent
`decomposing the image in terms of basis functions which
`are 2-1) tensor products of the l—l) wavelet and scaling
`filters. See, for example, in US. Pat. Nos. 5,tll.4,l34 and
`4,817,182, the contents of which are expressly incorporated
`by reference herein. See also Oliver Rioul, et al., "Wavelets
`and Signal Processing”, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,
`Page 16 of 437
`Page 16 of 437
`pp. i4—38 (October 1991); Bjorn Jawerth, et al., “An Over-
`view of Wavelet-Based Multi-Resolution Analyses", SIAM
`Review, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 377-412 (1994); and Michael L.
`Hilton, et al., "Compressing Still and Moving Images with
`Wavelets", Multimedia Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3 (1994) for
`further descriptions of the wavelet transform.
`Once the image data has been transformed, the compres-
`sion algorithm then proceeds to quantize and encode the
`transform coefficients which are generated by the wavelet
`transform. The quantization step discards some of the image
`content by approximating the coeflicicnt values. As known
`to those skilled in the art, a quantization is a mapping from
`many (or a continuum) of input values to a smaller, finite
`number of output levels. The quantization step divides the
`range of input values by a set of thresholds 5,1,, i=0, .
`. ,
`N—l} and maps an input value falling within the interval (t,,
`t,-,_,] to the output value represented by the discrete symbol
`or variable i.
`(Iorrcsponrlingly, dcquantization ("used to
`recover approximate eoellicicnt values during
`decompression) maps the discrete variable i
`to El recon-
`structed value r,- which lies in the same interval, l.t-.’.,(l,-,l,-+1].
`For minimum mean squared error. the reconstructed value
`should correspond to the mean of those coefficient values
`falling within the interval, but, in practice, a reconstruction
`value at the center of the interval is often used. Further,
`scalar quantization maps a single scalar value to a single
`discrete variable, whereas vector quantization jointly maps
`a plurality (or vector) of M values to each discrete variable.
`While the quantized cocflicicnl values have reduced
`precision, they also can be represented with fewer bits, thus
`allowing higher compression at the expense ofdistortion in
`the reconstructed image. This image distortion is referred to
`as quantization error and accounts for all of the distortion
`inherent in lossy compression schemes. Thus, the quantiza-
`tion step is omitted for lossless compression approaches.
`As known to those skilled in the art, a variety of factors
`contribute to the choice of the actual quantizaitiorl intervals,
`such as the desired compression ratio, the statistical distri-
`bution of the coefficient values, the manner in which the
`quantized coefficient values will be encoded, and the dis-
`tortion metric used to measure image degradation. When the
`quantized coefficients will be entmpy—coded, mean squared
`error can be (approximately) minimized by using uniform
`quantization intervals. See R. C. Wood, "On Optimum
`Quantization", IEEE Transactions on lnl.'on'nation Theory,
`Vhl. 15, pp. 248432 (1969).
`In the absence of entropy
`coding, the mean squared error is minimized by choosing
`nonuniform quantization intervals in accordance with the
`l.loyd—Max algorithm as described in S.
`I’. Lloyd, “Least
`Squares Quantization in PCM”, Bell Lab. Memo. [luly
`reprinted in IEEE Transactions on Information
`Theory, Vol. 3, pp. 129-37 (1982), and also in J. Max,
`"Quantizing for Minimum Distortion”, IRE Transactions on
`Information Theory, Vol. 6, pp. 7—12 (1960).
`Due to the decorrelating properties of the wavelet
`transform, the distribution of transform eocfiicicnt values is
`typically sharply peaked at zero. This type of coefficient
`distribution results in a preponderance of eoctiicieots falling
`into the quanti‘/.ation interval at the origin, i.e., the quanti-
`zation interval centered on the value of zero. Due to the
`preponderance of coelficients near zero, more efiicient com-
`pression performance can be achieved by treating the quan-
`tization interval at the origin separately.
`In particular, the
`overall coding efficiency may be increased by using a larger
`quantization interval around the origin, often called a “dead
`zone”. In one preferred embodiment, the dead zone interval
`is twice as large as the adjacent intervals. The dead mm: is
`centered about the origin with a reconstruction value exactly
`equal to zero to prevent artifacts resulting from the use of
`nonzero reconstruction values for
`the many coefficients
`close to zero. The magnitude of the positive and negative
`bounds of the dead zone is often temied the “clipping
`threshold" because all coellicierlus whose magnitudes fall
`below this threshold are “clipped" to 'r'.01'(). In addition, those
`coetfficients whose magnitudes exceed the clipping threshold
`are termed "signi.tieant” coeflicierits, while those eoefilcients
`whose values lie below the threshoid are termed “insignili—
`cant" coellicients.
`Because most of the cocfficicnts produced by the trans-
`form have small magnitudes or are equal
`to zero,
`quantization process typically results in the majority of the
`eocfiicients being deemed insignificant, while only rela-
`tively few of the quantized coeificients have magnitudes
`exceeding the clipping threshold which are deemed signifi-
`cant. Thus, as indicated above, it is ttdvarltageous to treat the
`significant coelficients separately from the insignificant
`In one preferred embodiment, this separate treatment is
`accomplished by separately indicating the positions and the
`quantized values of the significant coefiicients. To achieve
`further compression, the quantized values of the significant
`eocfiicicnts may then be entropy coded using a technique
`known to those skilled in the art, such as Huffman coding or
`arithmetic coding. In addition, the positions of the signifi-
`cant coellicients can be represented using one of a variety of
`conventional approaches, such as tree structures, coelficient
`maps, or run length coding. In one preferred embodiment,
`the positions of the significant ooeificients are represented
`by means of run lengths of consecutively occurring insig-
`nificant coetficicnts. The resulting position representation
`may then be entropy coded to obtain additional compres-
`As known to those skilled in the art, entropy coding
`reduces the number of bits required to represent a data set by
`using variable length coding in a manner which exploits the
`statistical probabilities of various symbols in the data set.
`For example, entropy coding assigns shorter code words to
`those symbols which occur frequently, while longer code
`words are assigned to those symbols which occur
`Frequently. A number of different entropy coding approaches
`have been developed inciuding Huffman coding which rep-
`resents the data symbols using code words that each have a
`length consisting of an integer number ofbits, and arithmetic
`coding which is capable of producing code words whose
`length is a fractional number of bits. Entropy coding is
`completely reversible so that no additional distortion is
`introduced beyond that due to the quantization process.
`The assignment of code words for entropy coding is
`typically governed by means of a codebook which must be
`known to both the encoder and decoder. If the statistics of
`the data sets to be encoded are unstable or unknown, then the
`codebook itself or the statistics from which the codebook
`may be generated must be transmitted along with the
`entropy encoded data. In this event, any such coclehook or
`statistics which must be transmitted to the decoder is
`referred to as "side information”. A significant issue in the
`design of entropy coding schemes is the reduction of side
`information. In many cases, it is beneficial to estimate and
`transmit as side information only an approximation of the
`symbol statistics because the resulting reduction in side
`information may outweigh any loss of coding ellicicncy
`resulting from the approximation of the symbol statistics.
`Once an image is compressed, the compressed image is
`typically trarlsmitted over a communications link or stored
`Page 17 of 437
`Page 17 of 437
`in a medium, such as a magnetic disk. In this context, the
`communications or storage medium is referred to as the
`“channel”. A digital data set, such as a compressed image,
`conveyed through such a channel is subject to corruption of
`some of the hits, thereby creating erroneous hit values. The
`rate at which erroneous hit values occur is termed the bit
`error rate (BER) of the channel. If the BER is sulliciently
`low, the incidence of errors is infrequent and may safely be
`ignored. For higher BERS, however, additional measures
`must be employed to maintain the integrity of the data. One
`approach known as Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) is to
`use communications protocols which provide mechanisms
`for detecting errors and repeatedly transmitting corrupted
`data packets.
`However, for continuous streams of data or for channels
`with high BERS,
`the delays due to retransmission and
`protocol handshaking required by ARQ may be unaccept-
`As known to those skilled in the art, another approach
`uses channel coding (also called forward error coding
`which further encodes the data so that channel errors
`may be detected and, in some instances, corrected with high
`probability. Channel coding can detect and correct some bit
`errors by adding redundancy to the data in a controlled
`fashion. The effectiveness of channel coding is related to the
`amount of redundancy employed. By adding more
`redundancy, channel coding can effectively detect and cor-
`rect a higher level of errors. The downside of channel coding
`is that the redundancy introduced can consume a significant
`percentage of the channel bandwidth (typically in the range
`of 10% to 90% of the channel bandwidth depending on the
`level of error detection and correction required).
`As known to those skilled in the art, one variant of
`channel coding uses an approach called Unequal Error
`Protection (UEP) which separates a data set
`into several
`subsets and provides different levels of error protection for
`each subset by varying the amount of redundancy for each
`subset. The rationale for UEP is that dillerent subsets of a
`data set may vary in importance. The most important data
`may require correction of virtually all bit errors, whereas
`some higher level of bit errors may be acceptable in less
`important data. By providing lower levels of protection to
`the less important subsets of the data, the amount of redun-
`dancy added by the channel coding can be reduced, and
`channel bandwidth may correspondingly be conserved.
`An unfortunate consequence of data compression is the
`increased susceptibility of the compressed data to channel
`errors. For uncompressed image data, the ellects of bit errors
`are localized to the allected pixcl(s) and are manifested as
`“salt and pepper" noise. On the other hand, image compres-
`sion algorithms concentrate the information or energy of an
`image into fewer hits so that the elfects of even a single bit
`error can be fzu--reaching. The susceptibility of the com-
`pressed data to channel errors and the resultanteffects on the
`reconstructed data depend on the manner in which the data
`was compressed and the particular hills) which isfare cor-
`For example, a bit error which causes a transform coef-
`ficient value to be misdccoded introduces a noise artifact in
`the reconstructed image consisting of the corresponding
`basis function scaled according to the magnitude of the error
`on the misdecoded coefficient. Such artifacts may he toler-
`able beeausc the image noise associated with a few per-
`turbed basis functions is often not sufiicient
`to severely
`hamper the recognition of image content. If the coellicient
`magnitudes are encoded differentially, however, the effects
`of such an error may persist for all coeflicients which are
`dependent on the misdecoded eoeffieicnt. In this case, the
`resulting artifact will be an undesirable streak across the
`reconstructed image.
`As previously mentioned, the positions of the significant
`coefficients are commonly represented using tree structures,
`coefiicient maps or run length coding. Such representations
`often represent the position of a given coefficient relative to
`a previously designated coefficieiit position. Thus, a bit error
`which causes the position of a significant coellicient value to
`be misdecoded can also introduce errors in the positions of
`succeeding eocfilcients. In other words, the image content
`associated with the corrupted coefficient positions is mis-
`placed within the reconstructed image, thereby producing an
`elleet called “tearing" characterized by a displacement of a
`portion of the image which is sometimes catastrophic.
`A bit error on entropy-coded data can, due to the variable
`length of the code words, cause a
`loss of code word
`synchronization which may persist for all succeeding data,
`thereby resulting in catastrophic eifecls on a reconstructed
`image. Because bit errors on compressed data can result in
`a variety of catastrophic effects as described above,
`it is
`imperative that some form of error protection be provided
`for compressed data which will be transmitted through a
`noisy channel. However, such error protection increases the
`amount of information which must be transmitted over the
`noisy channel, thereby decreasing the ellicieucy or speed at
`which the compressed data is transmitted as described
`It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide
`an improved error resilient method and apparatus for
`entropy coding of data which can utilize unequal error
`protection techniques of channel coding.
`It is another object of the present invention to provide an
`error resilient method and apparatus which isolates the
`clfccts of a bit error to a single code word and which
`constrains the resulting error on the decoded value such that
`a misdeooded value falls within a constrained or limited
`interval about the correct value.
`It is a further object of the present invention to provide an
`improved method and apparatus for image compression
`which utilizes error resilient entropy coding which, in turn,
`can utilize unequal error protection techniques of channel
`These and other objects are provided, according to the
`present invention, by an error resilient method and apparatus
`for entropy coding of data which includes code word gen-
`erating means for generating a plurality of code words
`representative of respective items in the data set. Each code
`word has two portions which we shall hereafter refer to as
`"iields”, namely, a first or prefix field which is susceptible to
`bit errors, and an associated second or sutfix field which is
`to bit errors