111 ,_ l;lllt'!.'.m s:f.O.U& C:Zft!W!I I:Q\IIIT
`Ill IiilO POR 11iE DoiliW:U C. D~'!.A<"'l!2li
`!!iv!\ ,ru:otor.
`Jlo, 06-3&li !GH!II
`~ &OmWUi: l.W. ,,
`C:'llmi6Jt!Y\PD· ~;t;l.'l-J,otJ.
`~ .~ .... DOll.~
`fiii!OOill )00 ,
`D!!f'on4anb .
`. ·.s
`l?..U.rr;~I!:DA., IJd .. illli:Ar
`W•n4•Y, ~"* to. ·moe
`!Jt2Q ~-"'·
`iloy lOX of '1'~1
`lJii'QRI :._
`JIOHilRM:t;f IIRI'bOGf'l at.. :.DLfZY," qtlgd!Pft
`aru1 • .Jury
`l'it:rl.l:P A, .£0VBD, RQ.
`~O'C!'tar ,Jutd,.a:r.-o.n .a. lj:Q~~oQI!i gi&~
`!'iltft..:S.lUfllrul , .£~ ..
`"""'~OIIfJW'.I., b{l ••
`~llJ!UI-,t!IQ, 1
`MliGili.M." lWl\"Q''t '
`'k;Q. li
`JO'U}I ~W1I1 S:~Q ... ata4
`:IWIRIIB' US , 113~.
`llinq l BIO'ai<I:IJ!gl
`{Sil.lJ cora "Y.&11.e:f, C'a2l.!o-r.:n..i:A,
`t"<>J' I'I6l .. t'U't
`FI\ I! Dit'IUCIC R. COTTREiLJL., XU, !$Q ,1 aild
`KI!U.Y J, 1'<[\ RHA.N', i6S·Q.
`IU hard•1 l'!>o;ton m. Phtoer
`•il n.d-
`, SCHUT:!!, I!SQ,.
`R ON.i\ 1.0
`t b \., UQ .•
`C HR l S T O PH!l R "'· $
`T REV O R J . F'OSTF. R1 ESQ ., an d
`JAKI! M, IIOLD RtaiTtf, ES Q.
`1\o bi n~, Kap lan, H Ulel" ll CIAl;;l,
`( Mhm e p o li9-, M N )
`p ,
`CtHJ !!!Iel to Oef<andarrl,~;
`.. ''."• =.:
`' 1'1.
`He COURT! Good tnotn rng, e c>u li\t·e l,
`(Cau:n.llilll Go d I!THI', Yo ttr Uonor. )•
`T l~ CQUI:U t I " '~d!lr.;;ttDl!id thete Is an evlden l.ary
`l iiBUII we 114ilild to ta fk GI! Oi,l '
`l tlllnk W~ i'IIIQIH !lllll be
`S w.Utlr'lg fo r
`juro r, t a o •
`MR.. SCIH JTZI Yo u. Ho n o r, at~er S DIDII: f u~t<IHH
`d:l!l~us-g l on!l with 1i! r. Rov n ar, th11n: Is a p o tontli!l
`·evld 11t:la"y 1 .. -ue we "'~V be !i l>le to de r~r. n hall to tlo.
`9 wltli. ~ ewJilblt lhlllt t:hey have ·ldentlt.ed f or po1Hilb h1 u 11
`10 w1th Mr. P.u~·. •H r. 'R,ovn·or tells m II' tJ1 a t d ep11nd In g on
`?1 Mr. Dlt!gen ',Ji tliliitlnlany thl~ m o rnl n 111 he ma.y 11a t " ~'!: [t, It
`\'!HI I' lion or wh;ile:S -• It'• '* tllree•rnlnu~a l!!s ue, Qn tl lt U.
`ti o e" co me u p, We el! n clefe It, you wrsh.
`liE CO URT; We C:211l do tbat.
`MR. AND R l!·: Yo ur lf on<:~r, rn ;'!'( l d is~uJin a
`lto usaluto.PhHI m~ tier.
`TUl! C:O UR I Sot~.
`'MR. A N [)R iil MJ'. Degall will bo tllll' Oaf ndan t~; 1
`la·sl' wii.Jles.s. :sa we will bo m o vhHI ·f<lr 01,1r 1\u le !l O ni o t.lo n
`the.rea her. l wa5 talkln !lt 't o ·O::OIIHI'•III <~llou~ llow we w1111t to
`proeee~ these last w o (l e.y ,
`W;o Ullnl< we m g h t b e a blE! to gel our rebu·ttal·
`(a!;q. in today, we a rEu, •t :!1\lf'!L It d11pe.ods o n how lo ng t h e
`cra ss goes. w e h ave t h cha-rga c o nflll"ll n cu. W;o~ fii Q d
`an o thu sst of jury l. ru;tru~;t'Jo nli t h f:l m orn~l*'ll• W e havr.
`about, .substanUve, ab.out foul' o r l'!iiC l:o:UHI!Il ol"l ·th ose: JuF:t
`llllitrgc i o :'l lh l'l> :IO " ' eouple, thl'e.e o r 1our o f th 1n thu
`3 we d o n 't think they s ft oufd b ~ thera1 t'hey don ' t tl>lnll they
`~hauld .bo ~here, t typq of thin g,
`T HE' C QUIHI YOu It! Vi!! II tfHl jury ltl !t ruGtiOI'I:!I1
`theru docH;n 't need to be
`11 lnsttuC! tl on on 11 particular
`tb<;Jro '1:: :. dh:pu tci tJ n o b v i OUllnl!-a~ , 11!1 Y·our Ho n o r mav; ti~J n n::,
`,,. tJ1 .ICs R. .
`nt.E COURf1 1 91!~ it';; tl>·~ ca•e lhar tha
`partie,. """ g<>ing to beilelif ff'om !lonli• gu idance l'r'o m thQ
`13 ""rlnu.a gtou pa tiutt weigh In on mod I J~:~ rv ln110 r !'! C:ti tJ I'I.C !!!!
`some poln • l t il nil mor;t of b11m """"' P o t.
`M R. A N DR!'• No t yet. Th11t's co rrect.
`We d id n't llnoll'l r you want~~:~ d to ry i.o have \llri~
`b;ug ~;o n fq ·r o c;il on th.;.j ury in•tructiond 111 e th. 1
`ani!~r;oo n 1 eve n tr we do not 'l'lnlsl\ today nd. w.a Qi!n ll<>rry
`ts oQ tDn~o,ow morr~lr1 g. Or U vou W<Jn
`o do It om a r,uw
`rn amillll •
`U I! COURT! We !!:ho u lll d'o •t 't o .:illy. Be'c u s.e wha ·
`woUld l11<2 to do $to hi! 'lie the ln.s.tructl ons ~ollat d <lndl
`In s h 11pe so til at tllel'fl s na del y with regaftf t'O gwttlqg
`t11em to Lito Jl.Try.
`1 of _117 sheets
`Page 1159 to 1162 of 1434
`Hit . AN Df\1!• U wv tiHve. a u r int wJtne•J an he
`03/i0/2008 0.9:22:41 PM
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1067 Page 1

`.. ---.,
`·t • ~
`l, ... \
`• .
`•' •
`Heoerteln - d~
`del1titled a mobile prodbc:tio11 «<de p!!ej(aglng englne.
`So wourd you dis gree wl h I) • Vallac!J'!i opinion
`ce!Jilr~lng a pac:gge 4ngln:e a$ well, ·tha ?
`·lh' · Qnce again, he d dn't p~vide me nough e~ldence to
`g' ee .wfttt"11Tm. 5o I ani going to hav to d~g ree with lllm.
`G Q, Claim ills dependent upon Cl;~lm 2.. Would th-at -
`1.· ··~t.~0\.11~ be. your !Jasl'-' ot dlsa.g:reeiMg with D • w.a'llach on
`, •
`.. :·:.~ ·-·, :'> • ~ thlrt,Ofte?
`9 JA.
`·'.~· \-:~:
`.Onc;e ~!lllln, b~caiJ<Sl! lt"s dap ndan on a etalm that's
`:.~-· "t •I_
`•.'10 : : af~a4v Yalld, jt wou.ld ·be \l'i:!lld as well,
`.. :./ .<;:~.:.
`:.·....! ·-: -.i
`I ,'

`:1~ .. , .Q. ;· Pf.-. Heberle n, wt 100 we can wrap thi.r; UlJ op thl
`,~· .
`,. 2 .. , rs''!JG of the c;lalnli, .islt you opl nl~n U'lat the d:llrms, th
`:13·· '·:~~.~~~d cl~i~s oft~ '1,4 anti the '780 and •azl !!{'a wird
`.. 14 :, rf·';a prior art?
`·:r~~ A .... ·.~-.1, ~v qpbiion that they are all valid,
`f11i:l\',; have you hea.rd ofa1 10ometflln~ lied secof!dary
`:t~:~:_,Q: ;..
`fli ot .co:nslct mllo11s of nonoiWiousna ?
`~B A.:;·, ~es; t h~va.
`·, Q_,,. 'What :is you!' undersb!ndlng of seGOndory a:mlllderations
`'20: . •;. of nonbbvioW:J'Ul$,-..
`• sec:ondurv eon:;.fd11!ra.\lans of nonollvlomin.ess -
`~ COURT.1 j.1r. Andre, we ·going to ta lte 0111'
`· ' " ., -·
`"t i
`•• ,
`Heberlein- d red
`A. One aP t;he major ca:nc:em
`in security, one
`ltat large gnpa.-ations. Uust sv~~<nd a lo ot money to prote;:It
`their informat.l:Dn, lp the so•l::l!lled zero-day attack. T11e
`z t-o-day a.ttack Is an llr sc:!k tna~ eltlllllf' wasq't preVious I ~
`:la\awn ani:( ~plaits vulnerability tllat.,ou didn't knqw bout
`6 or at ll!llSt a vulner.Jbility t-hat you can't pit d 111 your
`7 system .
`You bav'e these vuln~hllllies within you.-
`c;o10pute;, and a new attack tiODIU and yo !I ha\m m!ver
`10 51\DD the attack. 5D YQ11 want SQme mechi!nl:im tq s -op tha
`attacl' M ·fbre t get~~ through.
`That is p ttieuJarly 3!'1 lmpowtm B$pect. That
`h~ what 11 lot or these -
`t11e m8jor roc: us ol' ~e pataobl;
`l!re, I oelng. abl'e w ~~P lfie su pieTO>u.s activities tl'l.llt
`y[lu didn't knaw about before, a.nv a
`ek that you irldn 'l
`know abou.t before.
`Al$0~ thliti'e I &'HIJ'ti'lber of be· efltl to their
`18 architecture thllt they deRrlbe In ti'Je patent. on~ ag:~in1
`remsmber, we ta'ilted about two diffmanttypes of Gecu ltv
`20 ~ temt51. Qqq IIi the filtarlns firewall. And: amt ~ tlhe
`21 gatewat. The filtering rlrewal l ean be r~anv fa:;;t.
`2.2 Pilckcts come In, padlats QQ out. tt E!l·a rellrtfVely simple
`s vstern that you can ~m~fmn.ent fairJ.y ta~.
`T!te g-at_eway, which Is the ~:~pproach that these
`tedlnoloolec arc talkln!l! abou~, a mw:;h. .mcne ccunplax =vstliilm.
`1 34~
`Heberlel11 - dtred
`II-IE: ·COU.RTl We aro go'lrtg to go straight ttrro· ... gh
`MR, ANDRE: Your Hono , m~~y the witni!H 1:3~ ·he
`2 . t.t'i-ttil4:39,.
`• , . .3,
`Haberklln • dlre.Y\
`A much rlcllcr ~Y'$t.en'l, So, fol' gxample, n som!?(l"e j
`2· downloading ai01£1JO file, 11 g:lgtJ.bY't fl t or $Drnething Ilk&
`that, it ml{!h ba II h 1.1ge nle lh!11; has to be am~ !y;t<iltl. AU
`that lnfcnma~oo has In go o tM gateway. And the gateway
`tonlitnict:al\15 ll'lform tfon ..
`.If .a padurt is lost wmewhore-llrero~-- the
`dm"nloadable oode. the first time you hav-e .sell!ll 11;, ror
`mpt you have 1:1 do snme- analysis. That naly~l'l!! Is
`e=tlv. W'e are r~oing to do tha il!Imi'!'Sls:, ext!rra~:t the
`!illc=untv profiiD1 we ara going fo ga ahead and "raop it.
`03/10/2008 09;22:41. PM
`netwo:rk, 'ha Q<a.~!l\' hl!S o !IllY, Hey, I didn 't;sQO thal
`6 paak·et. 1 need ~ ·go bac·k and' ask U1c remoill: machln!il fo-r
`that paek;C'
`Flltarfng Hrewall, you don't have to worry
`1 0
`· ooutti!Jat. l11e appUmtloJt o1' g tew V al'm ha!l to
`rucon.stru~t II or U1k I ·l'orrnatrnn. All t11eso pac:~eb come
`In 111nd now It ha~> m taka an the cmta 11nd reClCin b'IJr.:t.tba
`14 data it Is; going to analyz • lhcl'llt, doelil1:h:e analysis.
`The gateway we are
`lklng "'bo t lile:re !'las to do
`16 a \vl:tole bunch of Q.Xtr-a wo riC. th a he ·ff lterlnq (I ~~ewal.l
`17 do sn't.
`To arldf\ess ttl; 't, yqu need. to lGok at;
`19 optlml~t!o tE!chnlr:IU!i!.!i· mt is what thesa patontll are
`ta lking a bou t. Rltm mbGI' before, \1'01! would ~.e thiG ·rt;eW
`Page 1343 to 1346 of 1434
`()u:ry an'ters •CXJ urboont a 3~3:1.)·
`mE C'OIIRT:· ladl.e:o and g:entl m n1 pleas
`·7. _ y'Out.!loat.$ ru1od Vle will c;c:mtffiuq.
`:. 8
`MR, AN'DIU!l Th1u1lt you1 1fou.- Hono1'.
`· 9 BY HR. AND-R t
`1?:· Q .
`·ll"r• Heberlein, befot'il w brok~, asked you .if you
`, ... ,,; .. _.
`.:, '·; ;:•: ·' , , .11 • hJ,~\Ie eva_r hOOrd ot someth ,ealled !M!COnd:a ry C:r:J~IdeiiBHons
`·1 ~ :.-
` .t • · .-...
`; • I
`• ,. ··: ·•;.. ·12
`o1' 1\onotrvlqu~n~s?
`.. ..
`·\· . ..:
`·, .• :·: ,:
`!,13. : Ao~';;·; Ye;s,JI 'hav •
`' 1 -14 '~-Q. ' wi-u,t Ill y.ou r u.ndersttmdlng oHhose 1
`In a broild m~,n
`15 •' (
`It':. measures o r " uccass tJ
`t the
`1 S pa.te,nte.d!ogy has Jnad. S·llcee-;;s ill de-temtinli!d ln.
`.. ,.
`17 · iiumbe~ ·or~ways. one., dou It addre-ss a lono~f!llt n eel, ts
`- 16
`lt_~riancl lly
`d:essful Is Ih;:op d by competitm-s?
`1ho~e re some ·wc~mple$,
`1 20 Q.
`Let mo· ns.k you a ques'~ion Lll tnat. On yom·
`oplnlo~, ll:as lh~· pi!bmt:ed tnventlon~ 0 Fln}is:n' 31 pa Cfits we
`' 2'1
`' 2:2.
`~'? .\iilldniJ a bout he.-e t,oc.lilf, hav~ they iii t a loog-~1 but
`· ~3 'unro$o1vo.d · n d 111. 'tile mark~tpl eel'
`~. Ye5, lt h~JS. f'lay l mtplaln7
`2S Q.
`~lsaso do $0,
`: 47 o~ 1p sheets
`', 1'
`• ' :-
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1067 Page 2

`Hebsrletn - dlmd
`2 .
`• '
`' ·
`f j'l
`• ~: .
`\I •
`~ 1
`I! I
`' J ',
`.' •J
`~~ I~: f •
`Heberlein • dlrect
`I, r
`. ...
`• ~.':'"':
`,,, I
`: ;, •
`!. •.
`I •
`; l
`Heb~rlefn -direct.
`page iJII.d tfler,pfay"' mad SDMR:ANC this syste-m. n would tnwe
`some text and a pl~~ra, And every time yn11 VW'ellt, You go
`·the exact·s:am
`.sturr back.
`t w~JS afwaVJi dlspli'lyed exacl:ly
`Over tlnle, there 1'1115 been t:hi!IINOIIltlo:n· to wnat
`tQ now called Web 2.0 a:r W'Qb Appli®tlon. so U you look n
`'the ne\Y!i:paper or <Se.e rt.oties, ~cy will, tha:t will milt
`ab-out We.b 2.0 or web Appflcatlons, wh'!ch -cmam a. m~ICJh mote
`9 dynamic anvlronrrn=nt o-11 your 5'/Slt~ so Wh n I go out to
`sl 111 If yo;u go to Googla maiJs, for ~an:liJ)Ie~ you•wi,III,>!I_JI
`down sometlllng. Now I can actually d'rag around that. m.ap
`JUte 1 was using n Ute appll~atlun.
`MQYbe yo11 wn~ h.ava a. st.oell. tickgr on 'fnur
`1'4 syst~m that constantly yoe:s otit fltld update's the stock
`15 qu otes. On yoll w b p gQ, you eoo$t<lntly hav tl)i!! updZibtd
`" Qtun g~tJng on ThereJ.s entlr11 games •th111t are web--l:m5e4
`17 gomes.
`As you move' to thl.s-new te<ihnolo_gy, thi W\l!J
`19 2.0, tha sylrtam Is mum mo re d)'11amlc. The me:chllnlsms to
`20 ptovlc:le that <!lthe11e downlo<jd!ilble
`codes, ~o pr.lllln!! down this downloadable code. It is tl'l'i&
`Increasing tl'en dtiJ;~~t' tha mar:klet h :o io addri!$$,
`Dl d you· find any evidence qr· copying of th hwenllolfl
`~ Q.
`2.4 or the P1nJ,an pa. e!lUln 'the marketpl~c · 7
`25 A. Yes, tl,l<;~t's another wcample or, .llg.n (J~ RI::Qndary
`· 1aoo
`·m Its, l bell ve they may have
`48 of 117 sheets
`· .. ~~ _. addlti~l'IRI patents.
`T(t~ next tim a th.a sam!!! downloadable come -b';'1 I
`donJt to go through 1111 the add!tlnnal work to
`4 decomp-ose.and analyze thai: program b ~u.s-e I have 111re11c:ly
`q: . :.. done lind we \\ave kept that tnfonnl.ltlon to u-:e ~t. a
`a·· sec«lnd time.
`' 1
`We .ltJave go this oiJtlmlzatlon tha·t ~m.vs, I hav'll!
`··.':!,·, ·, ·'· 7 8 · . ~~p't tnl5 i!'ifonnaffon around, 1 dcm't neer:l' 'to do it a se ond
`'f.'~ ~ y.
`,) ~ -
`_tlr!l.~ .
`,1; ~;:~kt. JQ· 1·.1;_: '::'.
`- ~owe .talkeqab~~t. quS~:ktytbJI z:ero~d~ .!lttack,
`·;.·.·· ·/ ... t:: 1>-
`•• f'.
`··';. ·, . . ·1 . '·;th n the opllm.l::catioq for Qj(tra¢fqg tl'le.secu rity profil
`~t .',l•} •'. I
`t, ,•
`:·~ •. ~ ''"_;·' ft2 = •, and -ki:eplng that se-curity pro le1 so that:, subS' quen.tly·, I
`·· q ,. · don~t .have to cbfurth r<~na'lysls,
`. i -~. I
`. 1\: '! .
`'-;";.: -, '•Atltfrdil$pel!:tf~espe i
`ly mporta11 roralot
`; ·
`14 :,· '.
`;:_ ... 1 I
`. .',;_._ ~··". JS·: o ~~ aod•vlrur.>es, tlte seif• prop!'lg-a log c.ode.. In UHl
`?·_ ,-::.--~: .•. ~ 6
`: ~~~ritv fle·~~ we talk about a securrlt.y code· belnst h~Hd illld
`. .'_.' · , -~;. 1~ ~1.7~!'~'11 on the ou-bJde·and $Oft anc:J chewy on tlte lr1$ide.
`! , • · .. , ~~
`,, .I,' '.'
`~· -. ·, ' 18 · ·'Wh'a tha mean 1$ ha a stta wUI protect tile perlm tar,
`:,;.·> -,;'; ~9' .It 11~1J1·p11~ a-)ot of protec:tlofl.t t wllllnvw;bn nt money,
`~-.: ~:.: .;·,:; ~!}'·. :ihtii'wm·put i:be fil'ew1111 to stop the at;tack from comlng
`'<; ''.' .•. ,2:1: ,.: .. ~. .
`once a111 attaCk h:a5 gotte n Into the sy$tem, It
`·23· ~ .<llil\ spread j:nv;rty e-asny •. o ne: ag
`· T;. ;:: !;
`·n, It you have a
`!,;{ ;~ ;··< .~M :·lie~~~V . tm!'-k..r ~nd, once again, ttn~ WQl'm g ts 1n
`·: :_....:~~,.,if! ,} :llit\~IJy, onE;e It gats·ln1 tt· CB-n .spread tbroughoot your
`• :
`'{.: •. ··~~ .. _'! .. ~
`•• •
`, -,.. : , _
`~rga111~tlo11 ~olatfvelv quidc.{y,
`·, ..,.::
`.• .. ~-
`. : .. .'. • · '2.. . , :
`. 5o tile classical slgn.!Uu~a:;e.d deb!t:tior'l
`o! ~ I o
`sy'stemia ~:la!>)SicalslgiUl~11re-b ed virus d t !:tlon
`' 3
`,· .4\ ·C~l\\t $tDp tho e WOMJ15,
`ft·l!O a oasslcal sy~em that tne.y ean•t build 1:1
`gnab.!]'e un tu thov :!XlO !;he iltt<l c:k. on .::e the atta k 9et:s
`-i.nsiel your.networllr, It iran routa yot~r netwoTk and you arc
`nd Df =r~;v!l-wad iip.
`. '
`Th.a tecltnology hey aro talldng about hera
`' add $Ses an tho5e f~res an~ addres:.e the zerQ·da)'
`. . ,10
`. ,
`'IH, 't!ltaCkj'l workload that you ar:e go ""to have to
`·; \:· · --;;~·
`: :,- :":~·. :1.2 • ~ddr~~ on v;our 11 rv r,
`}: .: ·'.;:, ·:: 't~j.,.
`. .
`onee- gain, yo:u l!lro: ·going to p:ut tbl,s g:ateway
`'· .,.
`" :-,." ':·,., -14
`t!) re • .It 1~ gotng In tri~pt ~til. this trn.ffic betwee.n
`.. ,·'
`:·. 1_~ .. yo_~r:otgani·Z1l~on nd ·tile outside world. So you wan It to
`16 b'e f!li5t or else Usl;l.fs are goin to ~rnpl.;~oin.
`!.tis al.~o espeda lly m1Jortant :In the ca5e or
`''· ,
`;-... ·
`. JS
`-$~1t.ta1Jt9rn.a.tiict Wotn!S th
`re new, be~:<~ uSe you W
`II to .stop
`.:1~ tf\em be·rnre Utey g t ln. You wantto stop them fl ~trat
`) ,. 20
`gaw'Way t'llll very fim?st Hme ynu ve.r ee11 them.
`Has tJ\~t evolutfon of ttl
`'21 ·.' CL
`lnternE!I:bad any et'fe ton
`~ thfs lol'lg• felt need In · hl~ spa.c:e?
`2:3 -
`'las. U ou I ook back wh an. the web first <:ame out.,
`24 mo~ p · gel~ were .I:J:Il! statJe HTML page, So I would · elan my
`browse~"· I would go offta a site • .It woUld pull down a
`03/-10/2008 09:22)41 PM
`Page 1347 to 1350 of 1434
`1-ieb rlaln • di:rect
`con~lder<rtJons. Did SOIJleona .els-e like ~ur stutr;
`eS~Ja-ti:ally a competitor? Ye$, tfle~~e ts a numb r of
`3 example-.
`4 Q, Wou d you p1 ase !JIVe one Qrthem.
`certainly, the We.bWasher approach cop os thl:!>, ap d
`they talk aMut [t, t pedfical iV W11flt:lng to address the ma
`c:apabllrtlas, Ttle.y talk about the Flnjan killer. wo ~nt
`to ddre5s, b.ave ~~·~ capabUity ju-,st ll'ko Flnjan d'oes.
`Did you m ly upon nv doo;~rnents to make your
`dehlmdnatlon hat he WebWi!sher OJpled Uie pat5~nl:er.l
`. 11
`technology or FlryJan'.s?
`There sever
`<Jiready b an p
`Ye s, 1 dlo.
`Dfd you took tthiS:l:lll:ep-by"'Step gu.fde as well?
`•Q ,
`21 A.
`Yes, 1: dld,
`· malls ancll'h!!-5~ guides
`l:lo~tSed an your revle'w arthes-.e
`22 Q.
`s .fld White Pap ern, dfd you' make ..... Is tllntt h 11w yo11 mada the
`d-etrumlnation Web'W "! e t:O?ied Flnjan's patented
`·mere were seve rill (J'oeume.nts,tllat they preii-Qnted1 genern~ad
`a Wh1te Paper-Internally tho thev would use to aescrtbe
`HJnl systems.
`Did' yt;~l:llook at- can we see PTIC·10' ..
`Dld you look at thT:5 White here?
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1067 Page 3

`Hebet$aln- dlred
`. ·' •
`' •I
`';P••' I
`' , . •';'.,
`•. "
`- I •
`yes. sn·.- o,..eo ~aJu, based on tb
`docllmltnts, t
`2 · . ~rta ply appears that w bWast)er WiJli rving (O duplicate
`I did 110 raak at any
`2 A.
`c ura CO~t'Hntllng product 'in
`~ .3
`Fi~Jan's.t ehnology.
`o~erattol'i rng.arding ha$Q p;~rtl'cula patents.
`oill· you see any eiVIde11 c:e Of com m en::lal ;s:pr;cess of the
`4; g.
`4 Q,
`And you haven''tj. n t!tcl; looked al! \'lebWasllar ln
`· o , patl)nted tel:lll!:!oiagy?
`G detai11 have youi"
`~ At. Yes. tl'mk! ii!l a number oH.hem. filljan J malting
`8 A.
`I flave no looked at. Wab\Va$her In· deta I ul; the.code
`7 miiEtollli of dotiar11 selling their ptocluct • Obv o~ly,
`. have looked attbe ·w111~ P pei"S.
`8 a. You don't !mow hoW WebWashlllr ,pai'Uctlf. rly operates, da.
`th8ro 'i5·Some ltU~ss lfher·e.
`9 .-
`In addltlon, Mlc:ro5'Qrt licensed tl1olr patents.
`_ 5I) ~llcrosoi't Is Ita l'arge,.t.soft.Ware to po.ratlon
`1 0 A.
`t dC! 11ot Imow the speclftcs at' 1\CJw the ~de ope rab!:s,
`ln ~ wortd. nis got~ I don't !<:now about m lllons of
`11 Uta't Is ~arred,
`•; ~
`:' :-.,{,~~: ,:1.2_ ~d,!1 e.l?P. r~ . bu ~ rge number o d · elopers. Sa ln5h"lad of
`12 Q. And you 1\&ve 110 done :a li.mJI:atlan• D'y· flmitntiGn
`:rrr~:::\, ~3:-·'ius- d . )lelaping I on the r own., they V(e:nt off to Fhljan and
`an:a·lyJ~ , wfl, re you I!:OIJipared Web 'Ia he~ to 'f1njan.'s patent?
`'..-"'V/1 I
`·.:.~t :_~·· .. , .1;~ :'s!,ll!ij.l:et's if~t 'IJ~
`That Is ool'cect. ~did 'nat do 11 llmq:atiGn tn !lhow
`ti1EI r ~bnolog'{.
`14 A.
`· .-• :;~\:;, :it{ .'~(~.we ~~caiii~!J the!!e "secondal'1f considerations," lllrlill
`1'5 ~t: Wt!.bW.asiJer Infringed sJ}.eA:Jilc~tiiY on spec:ifie dalm •
`~ :: · .,.·.:;
`':' -ttr.
`. ;,;.·<; ::\, ·~.G :· · ~~i'km!t on.s ttJ11t ~Oil just: dlscu"ed tad~y. Do they
`1 16 ct.
`so 'vou don't even know lfWobWiliiiJer does what F'lnjan'
`~ •
`17 patent5ay~1
`.· '.
`·: .~·7' : pl'tber'sUpport you r OJ:IIOion l;iba.t the. <~sscrted cltlln'l$ are
`.('-:. ::~;~· ·1~ .. ~vifld'ill'ld .. no 'qJ~viou ?
`18 A.
`Ba~d an. the d'ocumefltatJon th<It I !lave sean, t
`'< .. 'w ,.
`c:e.rtalnly ~p~ s to be the &.l!me. 'EII.ft I hava 110t. clone a
`·~9(. N.~;, t"!'tl&~.t~.O'y' do;
`', .i~ ,.:··, ~o~ Q, : ' Jult·o a ·fln lque'stlon! Doyou tlndth:atthel"'nJ:rtn
`20 det tle:d source CDJ:!e, allalysls with a clalm-bv-clalm
`....... ,.,

`.... 2f. · ~Cl:inology am:t pa antsamvaUd?
`ana lysols. 11\IJHs c:arrea •
`. ·.~{· · '. ~~·- A~-,.- Ih!.!Ue._:that .. tll patents.arevalld.
`WO'Uid like to •llhOW you li)cl\lblt 1,056. Tbi!lls. 0!\~ of
`2:2 Q ,
`23 Q.
`the a·nmlls thal you Just n1entian d th.!!t you relied an w·heo
`Thllnlc you very much, Mt. Habe I ln.
`MR. ANDRE: I h IIEI!l 1'10 rurtber quesHonill, Vour
`you we!'e studying \Yhe.tller WebWulter Wll<li c:opied.
`·· c:~·r2-· a ___ · "~·_on~o~r~·----~----------------------------~1-a5_2 ____ -i_2_s ___ ~~--~-b_~_r_ie_v_e_s_a_. __________________________ 1_354 _______ ,
`'· .
`Hebede n• • dRd
`Ttl~ COURT: Mr. tloldr.elth,
`MR. HOU>RIUTHt Thank you, Your Hor.or,
`1\<fr. Hebl!rfall'l, good afternoon.
`capy of
`( .
`• ,~· r 13
`, 21
`l-lebel'lam • ct'OS$.
`il!IJJ Is an e•mail calJcd, Produo1i Meeting Mlnll
`dated June t of 20047
`3 A. Aca>rdln!J to the print there, yc:~~.
`4 Q. And 'be~·.e ara s;omo fJBI'tlclpii!IIU· Do \'011 know WhO any
`8 orthase PQOple are7
`6 A
`No based an hose name.s1 flo,
`7 Q.
`The para!Jraph tha you retied an Is tt1l Paragraph 3
`8 Of ,E,xhlblt 1055. Rtght?
`10· A. Yes. l b -!.eve there was addilian:al e -mail wh[ch
`rufl:ren~ lile wrm "Fil'lijan: killer~"
`,2 Q . And this e-nt U say11, @For WebW GhGJr 5.1 planning, two
`·-·. -
`.. ··
`G od eftemoon.
`· .Q. ·· Now,_VQil ara M ., HebercleJ"'n, not Dr. tfeherleln , Rfght7
`A.. . Tti'~t' 1 correct.
`'lou ]P-5 g:ave an aplnlon tha WebWas bot i
`Fin3.a!l- roght?

`A. Tbati.s mrn~ct. based on t'ho -~ WebvtashC!r bar~
`based on the desc .lltlons in
`~~hnologl~ tnat Firi,ian h
`tlie doc:umonts ·tf!Dt :I h~alted at.
`' a. Wtl;Jt VI)U sa id~~ that we:bWa!Oiu;~r [!: COPililtl r 'Oft\ Flnfan.
`p, ·11ed on mv opinion rrom what :t saw, '(OS.
`1J Q,
`Blityou did not look ot,saw(;e' cadefor flY Se&-t~re
`• 1
`, ;;:}·. ::;.:: ·~18.• :_s~~~!Jtlng'grodud dTd you?
`~- <~.
`19 A.

`'I cHcJ not. Somean ciGe was; dahTg th t.
`•, Q..
`· V'ou didn't rely on 5a.mebody ol®, did you? This
`'IS yout oplnlon7
`~ /..·;.
`T~llf Ill mv opinla.ll, co r.reet.
`' 23 Q..
`Vall ifldn'tlooJ<
`113 snluUons were elah-.a~ted.'' Right?
`14 A.
`t ~ell th-e t~t tbw:e.
`AHd tho text ~ys, •,. We col!ld OPV flnJan'.s
`1 5 Q ,
`ll!aUU'e5. D nat's what i't SBV:IIi'
`17 A.
`J see that.
`1 B Q.
`lhat'c: Wl'tat you re.!i•etl on.i'
`19 A.
`don't l!ll.OW ifl relied peettlcally Oil tbi~ ana. nd'
`2 0
`!iOiely Hfi:S one •
`21 Q. Well, you po.ln~ed this outln you report, Clldn 't you?
`1 b J OY s;a, Bu :r don't km:.;w tf I cited dd t onal
`22 A.
`Attd the< n~t l!llflt<anc:eaf'tat- th;~t says, "This ld 11 wa~
`' :Z4 · A. ·
`2& -.. Q.
`25 dropped beCiiuse the gain Iii ei::UI'rty l.s Quatclon&ble.''
`¥cw did not laok at any Sel!l.ll'e Camputlng product.
`49 of 117 sheets
`Page 1351 to 1354 of 1434
`03/10/2008 09:22:41 PM
`I. -
`l t:lld oo loo~ 21ttih.;:J.r .sal.lrtiO cod
`source code?
`0 .
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1067 Page 4

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