Python Documentation by Version
`Python Documentation by Version
`Some previous versions ofthe documentation remain available online. Use the list below to select a version to view.
`For unreleased (in development) documentation, see In Development Versions !ltin-development-versionsl.
`• python 3.4.2 !htto:Udocs.oython.ore/release/3.4.20, documentation released on 4 October 2014.
`• python 3.4.1 !htto:Udocs.python.ore/release/3.4.10, documentation released on 18 May 2014.
`• python 3.4.0 !http:ljdocs.python.ore/release/3.4.00, documentation released on 16 March 2014.
`• python 3.3.6 !http:ljdocs.python.orgfrelease/3.3.50, documentation released on 11 October 2014.
`• python 3.3.5 !, documentation released on 9 March 2014.
`• python 3.3.4 !http:{/, documentation released on 9 February 2014.
`• python 3.3.3 !http:(/, documentation released on 17 November 2013.
`• python 3.3.2 !http:{/, documentation released on 15 May 2013.
`• python 3.3.1 !, documentation released on 7 April2013.
`• python 3.3.0 !, documentation released on 29 September 2012.
`• python 3.2.6 !, documentation released on 11 October 2014.
`• Pvthon 3.2.5 !http:{/, documentation released on 15 May 2013.
`• python 3.2.4 !, documentation released on 7 April2013.
`• python 3.2.3 !, documentation released on 10 April2012.
`• python 3.2.2 !http:{/, documentation released on 4 September 2011.
`• python 3.2.1 !, documentation released on 10 July 2011.
`• python 3.2 !, documentation released on 20 February 2011.
`• python 3.1.5 !http:(/, documentation released on 9 April2012.
`• python 3.1.4 !http·lfdocs{3.140, documentation released on 11 June 2011.
`• python 3.1.3 !http:{/, documentation released on 27 November 2010.
`• python 3.1.2!http:{/, documentation released on 21 March 2010.
`• python 3.1.1 !http:{/, documentation released on 17 August 2009.
`• python 3.1 !, documentation released on 27 June 2009.
`• python 3.0.1 !, documentation released on 13 February 2009.
`• python 3.0 !, documentation released on 3 December 2008.
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1051 Page 1

`• Pvthon 2.7.9 !https' 191. documentation released on 10 December 2014.
`• Pvthon 2.7.8 !http; documentation released on 1 July 2014.
`• python 2.7.7 !http:lldocs.python.orglreleasen.7.D. documentation released on 31 May 2014.
`• python 2.7.6 !http;lldocs.oython.orglreleasen.7.6l. documentation released on 10 November 2013.
`• Python 2.7.5 !http;// documentation released on 15 May 2013.
`• python 2.7.4!http:lldocs.python.orgtrelease/2.7.4l. documentation released on 6April2013.
`• python 2.7.3 !http; documentation released on 9 April 2012.
`• python 2.7.2 !http·(/ 1.21. documentation released on 11 June 2011.
`• python 2.7.1 !http;(, documentation released on 27 November 2010.
`• python 2.7 !http; documentation released on 4 July 2010.
`• python 2.6.9 !http;/!docs.python.orgtreleasea,6.90, documentation released on 29 October 2013.
`• python 2.6.8 !http;/ldocs.python.orgtreleasen.6.81l, documentation released on 10 April2012.
`• python 2.6.7 !http;/Jdocs Dytbon.orgtrelease/2.6 10, documentation released on 3 June 2011.
`• Python 2.6.6 !htto:/, documentation released on 24 August 2010.
`• python 2.6.5 !http;lldocs.python.orglrelease/2.6.50, documentation released on 19 March 2010.
`• python 2.6.4 !http;/§.40, documentation released on 25 October 2009.
`• python 2.6.3 !http;/, documentation released on 2 October 2009.
`• python 2.6.2 !http;, documentation released on 14 April2009.
`• python 2.6.1 !htto:(/docs.pytbon.orgtrelease/2,6.10, documentation released on 4 December 2008.
`• Nhon 2.6 !http:lldocs.pvthon.orgtrelease/2,6/l, documentation released on 1 October 2008.
`• python 2.5.4 !http;/Jdocs·,5 4/l, documentation released on 23 December 2008.
`• python 2.5.3 !http;/Jdocs 30, documentation released on 19 December 2008.
`• python 2.5.2 !http:(/, documentation released on 21 February 2008.
`• python 2.5.1 !http;/!, documentation released on 18 April2007.
`• python 2.5 !http;lldocs.python.orglrelease/2.5/l, documentation released on 19 September 2006.
`• python 2.4.4 !http;/Jdocs.python.orglrelease/2.4.4/l, documentation released on 18 October 2006.
`• Python 2.4.3 !htto:/Jdocs.python.orgtreleasen.4.3/l, documentation released on 29 March 2006.
`• python 2.4.2 !http'f!docs.oytbon.orgfrelease/2,4.2D, documentation released on 28 September 2005.
`• python 2.4.1 !http;, documentation released on 30 March 2005.
`• python 2.4 !http;, documentation released on 30 November 2004.
`• python 2.3.5 !http;,3.5/l, documentation released on 8 February 2005.
`• python 2.3.4 !http;/Jdocs.ovthon.orgtrelease/2.3.4/l, documentation released on 27 May 2004.
`• python 2.3.3 !http;ljdocs.python.orgtrelease/2.3.3/l, documentation released on 19 December 2003.
`• python 2.3.2 !http:lldocs.python.orgtrelease/2.3.2/l, documentation released on 3 October 2003.
`• python 2.3.1 !http;(/docs, documentation released on 23 September 2003.
`• python 2.3 !http;, documentation released on 29 July 2003.
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1051 Page 2

`• Nhon 2,2,3 !http;f!docs,, documentation released on 30 May 2003,
`• Nhon 2,2,2 !http;f!,2.2/). documentation released on 14 October 2002,
`• Nhon 2.2.1 !httc;l/!releasen.2.1/l. documentation released on 10 April2002.
`• Python 2.201 !http;lldocs,python,org!releasen.2Pl0, documentation released on 29 March 2002.
`• Python 2.2 !http;l/,20, documentation released on 21 December 2001.
`• Python 2.1.3 !http:ljdocs.python.orglrelease/2,1.30, documentation released on 8 April2002,
`• Python 2,1.2 !http;f!,1.20, documentation released on 16 January 2002,
`• Python 2,1.1 !,1.10, documentation released on 20 July 2001.
`• Python 2,1 !http;l/, documentation released on 15 April2001.
`• Python 2.0.1 !http;l/, documentation released on 22 June 2001.
`• Python 2.0 !http;l/docs.Qvthon.orgtrelease/2.00, documentation released on 16 October 2000.
`• Python 1.6 !http;f!docs.pvthon.orgtreleasell.60, documentation released on 5 September 2000.
`• Python 1.5,2o2 !httP· ((docs python orgJreJease/1 s 2020, documentation released on 22 March 2000.
`• Python 1.5,2p1 !htto;l/docs,pvthon.orglrelease/U .2pl0, documentation released on 6 July 1999,
`• Python 1.5,2 !htto;f!docs.python,org/release/l.S.20, documentation released on 30 April1999.
`• Python 1.5.1p1 !http;l/!release/l.S.lolO, documentation released on 6 August 1998.
`• Python 1.5.1 !htto;l/, documentation released on 14 April1998.
`• Python 1.5 !htto;lldocs·Pvthon.orglrelease/l.SO, documentation released on 17 February 1998.
`• Python 1.4 !http:l/, documentation released on 25 October 1996.
`In Development Versions
`The latest, and unreleased, documentation for versions of Python still under development:
`• http://docs. I !
`• http://docs. python.or&/31 !http:f!docs.ovthon,org/30
`• http://docs, python,or&/21 !http:f!
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1051 Page 3

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