December 2012
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report #14
`Assessing the Effectiveness of Antivirus Solutions
`Executive Summary
`In 2012, Imperva, with a group of students from The Technion – Israeli Institute of Technology, conducted a study of more than 80
`malware samples to assess the effectiveness of antivirus software. Based on our review, we believe:
`1. The initial detection rate of a newly created virus is less than 5%. Although vendors try to update their detection
`mechanisms, the initial detection rate of new viruses is nearly zero. We believe that the majority of antivirus products on the
`market can’t keep up with the rate of virus propagation on the Internet.
`2. For certain antivirus vendors, it may take up to four weeks to detect a new virus from the time of the initial scan.
`3. The vendors with the best detection capabilities include those with free antivirus packages, Avast and Emsisoft,
`though they do have a high false positive rate.
`These findings have several ramifications:
`1. Enterprises and consumers spend on antivirus is not proportional to its effectiveness. In 2011, Gartner reported that
`consumers spent $4.5 billion on antivirus, while enterprises spent $2.9 billion, a total of $7.4 billion. This represents more
`than a third of the total of $17.7 billion spent on security software. We believe both consumers and enterprises should look
`into freeware as well as new security models for protection.
`2. Compliance mandates requiring antivirus should ease up on this obligation. One reason why security budgets
`devote too much money to antivirus is compliance. Easing the need for AV could free up money for more effective
`security measures.
`3. Security teams should focus more on identifying aberrant behavior to detect infection. Though we don’t
`recommend removing antivirus altogether, a bigger portion of the security focus should leverage technologies that detect
`abnormal behavior such as unusually fast access speeds or large volume of downloads.
`To be clear, we don’t recommend eliminating antivirus.
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 1

`Table of Contents
`Executive Summary
`Introduction and Motivation
`Locating and Collecting Viruses
`Honey Pots
`Google Search
`Hacker Forums
`Evaluating the Samples Against Antivirus Products
`Analyzing the Results
`General Statistics
`Specific Samples
`Fake Google Chrome Installer
`Multipurpose Trojan with Fake AV
`Limitations, Objections and Methodology
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 2

`Introduction and Motivation
`Over the years and as the result of technological developments, the importance of personal computers in our lives has
`grown significantly. This has resulted in a desire by some to develop malicious applications, whether lone teenagers or
`nation states, and distribute them across the Internet where they attack a range of computer systems. As a result, the
`importance of antivirus software has grown significantly and has resulted in increasing demand for dependable antivirus
`products that can defend against the range of malicious viruses.
`Anti-virus programs are meant to locate computer viruses and protect computers from their actions. Currently, antivirus
`software is considered a reliable and effective defense against viruses and in protecting computers. According to Gartner,
`enterprises and consumers spent $7.4 billion on antivirus in 2011 – a five-fold increase from 2002.1 Antivirus, by contrast, has
`not seen a fivefold increase in effectiveness.
`Every day, viruses and malicious programs are created and distributed across the Internet. In order to guarantee
`effectiveness and maximum protection, antivirus software must be continuously updated. This is no small undertaking
`when taking into consideration the fact that computers connected to the Internet are exposed to viruses from every
`direction and delivered using any range of methods: Infected servers and files, USB drives, and more. Viruses involuntarily
`draft consumers into bot armies while employees can become unknowing compromised insiders helping foreign
`governments or competitors.
`In 1988, ‘Antivir’ was the first antivirus product that came to market and was meant to protect against more than a single
`virus. The age of the Internet had brought about the proliferation of viruses, their method of infection, and means of
`distribution. Subsequently, antivirus companies were forced to combat this threat. They began to release new versions of
`their products at a much faster rate and began to update the signature database of their products via the Internet.
`In today’s market, there is a wide variety of antivirus products, some that are freeware, and others that cost money. Studies
`show that the majority of people prefer and settle for freeware antivirus. Furthermore, the popularity of any given antivirus
`product does not reflect its effectiveness. The below diagram illustrates the popularly of the major antivirus products
`with the largest market share. Though as noted, the percentages in this diagram do not necessarily reflect given products
`According to one study, here are the most popular antivirus products:2
`› Avast - 17.4% worldwide market share
`› Microsoft - 13.2% worldwide market share
`› ESET - 11.1% worldwide market share
`› Symantec - 10.3% worldwide market share
`› AVG - 10.1% worldwide market share
`› Avira - 9.6% worldwide market share
`› Kaspersky - 6.7% worldwide market share
`› McAfee - 4.9% worldwide market share
`› Panda - 2.9% worldwide market share
`› Trend Micro - 2.8% worldwide market share
`› Other - 11.1% worldwide market share
`1 Gartner, Worldwide Spending on Security by Technology Segment, Country and Region, 2010-2016 and 2002
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 3

`Locating and Collecting Viruses
`The purpose of this work was to evaluate AV software’s ability to detect previously non-cataloged malware samples. Hence,
`we could not rely on any of the existing malware databases. We therefore resorted to other means of virus hunting over the
`Web. We have employed various methods for collecting malware samples as described below. We executed the samples in a
`controlled environment to make sure that they display behavior indicative of malware. Using the methods described below,
`we were able to collect 82 samples.
`Honey Pots
`We have a number of Web honey pots deployed over the Web. Through these servers, we were able to detect access by
`hackers to Web repositories where they deposit the malware they have acquired. We then visited these repositories and
`were able to obtain the deposited files.
`Google Search
`We searched Google for specific patterns that yield references to small malware repositories. We then accessed these
`repositories to obtain samples. We used distinguishable file names we have seen through our honey pot (see above) to
`successfully find and collect more samples. Names like 1.exe or add-credit-facebook1.exe yielded good results.
`Hacker Forums
`We looked through hacker forums for references to copies of malware. Focus was Russian language forums such as the
`one below:
`The screenshot displays one of the websites that we found effective. In the menu on its left-hand side, users can obtain the
`following malicious software:
`› Program for hacking ICQ
`› Program for hacking e-mail
`› Program for hacking Skype
`› Program for hacking accounts on Odnoklassniki and vkontakte (Russian Social Networks)
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 4

`Evaluating the Samples Against Antivirus Products
`Now that we had 82 malware samples, we needed an infrastructure that would allow us to evaluate them with as many AV
`products as possible, repeatedly over time.
`VirusTotal ( is a website that provides a free online service that analyzes files and URLs enabling the
`identification of viruses, worms, trojans, and other kinds of malicious content detected by antivirus engines and website
`scanners. At the time of our work, each sample was tested by 40 different products. A detailed report is produced for each
`analysis indicating, for each AV product, whether the sample was identified as malware, and if so, which malware was
`detected. The following figures show sample screenshots of a manual evaluation process (in which a user uploads the
`malware sample through a browser and reviews results in HTML form).
`VirusTotal File Upload Page
`Last Scan Results
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 5

`Current Scan Results
`Additional Details
`On top of the manual submission interface, VirusTotal also provides an API (
`public-api/) that can be used for automating the submission and result analysis process. The API is HTTP based and uses
`simple POST requests and JSON replies. We used a set of homegrown Python scripts to schedule an automated scan of all
`the samples in our data set on a weekly basis. Results were stored in a relational database for further analysis. We ran the
`experiment for six weeks and collected a total of 13,000 entries in our database, where each entry represents the result of a
`specific scan of a specific sample file by a specific product.
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 6

`Analyzing the Results
`General Statistics
`In our analysis, we looked at two types of measurements: static and dynamic. The static measurements look at AV coverage
`regardless of the timeline. The dynamic measurements look at the evolution of AV coverage over time.
`The first measurement we took is coverage by most popular AV products (see above). For this static measurement, we
`picked up both commercial and free AV products and looked only at those samples that, by the end of the testing period,
`were identified by at least 50% of evaluated products (we used this criteria to reduce noise and potential dispute claims).
`The results are displayed in Table 1 where blue area matches the portion of the sample that was detected.
`Table 1: Viruses Identified vs. Not Detected, by Antivirus Vendor
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 7

`Tables 1-2 show the rate of detection by the 6 least effective antivirus products in our study relative to the group of files in
`which more than 50% of antivirus products that were tested identified the viruses (during the final scan). Notice that some
`of the products in this group are commercial products for which customers actually pay license fees.
`Table 2: Least Effective Products
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 8

`Out first dynamic measurement compares each AV product’s detection capability at the beginning of the test (first run,
`colored in blue) with its detection rate at the end of the test (last run, colored in red). It indicates how well AV products
`process new inputs in general. The diagram below includes only those products for which an improvement was shown.
`The diagram shows that AV products, indeed, are highly dependent on their input, and most products, in fact, have a solid
`process of turning their input into detection signatures.
`Table 3: Virus Detection between First and Last Run, by Antivirus Vendor
`Now we get to the very interesting question of how long does it take for an AV product to incorporate detection for a
`previously undetected sample. The following chart shows the average time, by the vendor listed, to detect those samples
`that were not recognized as malware in the first run. For each vendor, we took the average for files not detected by that
`vendor alone. We chose to show the progress rate only for the most prominent product out there. We chose the AV with
`biggest market share (AVAST) and then 4 commercial products from the largest Security / AV vendors. The data in this
`chart gives us an idea about the size of the “window of opportunity” for an attacker to take advantage of a freshly compiled
`malware. Do notice that none of the malware samples we used were identified by ANY of the products as an entirely new
`type of malware – rather, they were all recompilations of existing malware families. As one can see, the typical window of
`opportunity for the listed AV products is as long as four weeks!
`Table 4: Number of Weeks Required to Identify Infected File not identified in First Run
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 9

`When we checked the dynamics of the least detected samples, we came up with even worse results. We checked how many
`weeks are required for samples to reach a rate greater than 50% detection that were detected less than 25% of the time
`during their initial scan. By analyzing our results database, we discovered that 12 files had a detection rate of less than 25%
`when they were first scanned, yet not a single one of them came close to being detected 50% of the time in following scans.
`Another phenomenon that we discovered after analyzing the results, which were obtained across the period of a few weeks
`and after scanning was finished, was that not only did detection change, but the association made by antivirus products
`changed. This means that we encountered a situation in which, over the period of three weeks, antivirus products classified
`a file as “Unclassified Malware,” and only in the fourth week did it finally classify it as a specific type of malware (Trojan
`Horse). We additionally encountered cases in which the antivirus completely changed the classification that it made of a
`specific file. For example, one week the antivirus product ByteHero identified a file as Trojan Malware, and another as Virus.
`Win32. Consequently, we can conclude that antivirus products occasionally are not consistent in the results they provide.
`In our analysis, we have tried to come up with an effective combination of AV products that would yield the best protection
`against our data set. We have considered, for the sake of this experiment, only those files that were detected by more
`than 25% of AV products. None of the individual AV products were able to provide coverage for this set of samples. To our
`surprise, the set of antivirus products that has the best detection rates included two freeware antivirus products, Avast and
`Emsisoft. Another interesting point is that, while the most well-known AV products provided the best standalone coverage,
`their coverage could not be effectively enhanced using another single product.
`Specific Samples
`Fake Google Chrome Installer
`One of the samples in our data set was a fake Google Chrome installer name “Google setup.exe.” When executed, it
`attempts to access a command and control center and takes over important functionality, closing down many programs
`and, in particular, preventing the user from opening the “Task Manager” tool (which is an attempt to hide the presence of a
`rogue process in the system). Below, we can see a screenshot of some of the (very apparent) visual effects observed when
`executing this malware. The file was first reported to and analyzed on February 9, 2012. Yet, by the end of our
`study, only 20 out of 42 products were able to detect it. By November 17, 2012, only 23 of 42 products were able to detect it.
`Only a portion of those products that do detect it actually identify it correctly as being a disabler/dropper.
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 10

`Multipurpose Trojan with Fake AV
`“” is one of the samples we chose to track individually, that we picked up from a large
`Phishing campaign. We decided to put some emphasis on it because we knew it was quickly spreading through the web
`and thus must have captured the attention of AV product developers. The file contains a general purpose Trojan (of the
`Kulouz family), capable of communicating with a larger highly redundant network of C&Cs. The Trojan receives execution
`modules and configuration files from its C&C and has been known to grab passwords, send out spam, attack other servers,
`and display Fake AV to the user. We tracked the detection rate for this sample on a daily basis for two weeks. As can be seen
`from the chart below, the initial detection rate of the sample is around 30% of AV products. The sample is quickly picked
`up by AV vendors through the first week and detection rate settles to just below 80% after that. A few other recompilations
`of the same malware that were distributed in the same campaign did not reach more than 40% detection during the time
`frame of the study, evading even some of the most popular AV products. Detection rate for those variations also eventually
`settled near 80%.
`Table 5: Kulouz Sample Rate of Detection Over Time
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 11

`The issue of antivirus effectiveness is something close to us. There’s no doubt that many of us have lost both information
`and wasted time trying to recover after a virus succeeded in infecting our computers. Sadly, an industry exists to produce
`new viruses on a massive scale, making antivirus products mostly unreliable. Attackers understand antivirus products in
`depth, become familiar with their weak points, identify antivirus product’s strong points, and understand their methods for
`handling the high incidence of new virus propagation in the Internet.
`The question also arises regarding how a virus manages to sneak by and cause damage when a leading antivirus product is
`installed on our computer. There are several conclusions:
`1. Antivirus products (as demonstrated by our study and by incidents like Flame) are much better at detecting malware
`that spreads rapidly in massive quantities of identical samples, while variants that are of limited distribution (such as
`government sponsored attacks) usually leave a large window of opportunity.
`2. The window of opportunity mentioned in the preceding bullet point creates a massive blind spot for security teams.
`For example, when attackers breached the state of South Carolina, the attack went unnoticed because the security
`team was not able to monitor and control data access across DoRs internal network and servers, making them the
`cyber equivalent of deaf and blind to the attack. They likely had antivirus technology intended to block the initial
`infection. When their first line of defense was breached, due to antivirus’ limitations, they were left unaware and
`defenseless against the attack.
`3. A new security model is required to cover this blind spot. Investing in the right “ears and eyes” to monitor the access
`of servers, databases, and files, would make the detection of malware attacks an easier task, as many attacks are very
`“noisy.” In many cases, attackers seek access to privileged data on an arbitrary time from an arbitrary process with
`read permissions, while usually the data gets accessed only by the internal backup process, with the backup account
`privileges, on the regular backup times with write permissions. In the case of South Carolina, for example, the attacker
`moved and processed the data many times before sending it out of the network, giving a lot of missed chances to set
`off an alarm.
`Limitations, Objections and Methodology
`VirusTotal did not participate in our study. VirusTotal indicates that its services were not designed as a tool to perform
`antivirus comparative analyses, and that there are many implicit errors in methodology when using VirusTotal to perform
`antivirus comparative analyses. Implicit errors include the following:
`1. VirusTotal AV engines are commandline versions, so depending on the product, they will not behave quite like the
`desktop versions.
`2. VirusTotal desktop-oriented solutions coexist with perimeter-oriented solutions; heuristics in this latter group may be
`more aggressive and paranoid, since impact of false positives is less visible in the perimeter.
`Several objections can be and have been raised regarding this study:
`Objection #1: VirusTotal was used for comparative purposes.
`The essence of the report is not a comparison of antivirus products. Rather, the purpose is to measure the efficacy of a single
`antivirus solution as well as combined antivirus solutions given a random set of malware samples.
`Objection #2: Our random sampling process is flawed.
`Instead of testing a huge pile of samples taken from databases or standard antivirus traps, we looked for samples in a limited
`manner which is not biased in any way towards a specific type of malware. Our selection of malware was not biased but
`was randomly taken from the Web reflecting a potential method for constructing an attack. We believe our approach is an
`effective approach since this reflects how malware writers create malware variants constantly. Our methodology closely
`mimics what most enterprises or consumers encounter especially in an APT scenario.
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`Report #14, December 2012
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 12

`Hacker Intelligence Initiative Overview
`The Imperva Hacker Intelligence Initiative goes inside the cyber-underground and provides analysis of the trending hacking
`techniques and interesting attack campaigns from the past month. A part of Imperva’s Application Defense Center research
`arm, the Hacker Intelligence Initiative (HII), is focused on tracking the latest trends in attacks, Web application security and
`cyber-crime business models with the goal of improving security controls and risk management processes.
`Hacker Intelligence Initiative, Monthly Trend Report
`3400 Bridge Parkway, Suite 200
`Redwood City, CA 94065
`Tel: +1-650-345-9000
`Fax: +1-650-345-9004
`© Copyright 2012, Imperva
`All rights reserved. Imperva and SecureSphere are registered trademarks of Imperva.
`All other brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. #HII-DECEMBER#14-2012-1212rev1
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1036 Page 13

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