cql – A Flat File Database Query Language
`Glenn Fowler
`AT&T Labs Research
`cql is a UNIX(cid:210) system tool that applies C style query expressions to flat file databases. In some respects it is yet
`another addition to the toolbox of programmable file filters: grep [Hume88], sh [Bour78][BK89], awk [AKW88],
`and perl [Wall]. However, by restricting its problem domain, cql takes advantage of optimizations not available to
`these more general purpose tools.
`This paper describes the cql data description and query language, query optimizations, and provides comparisons
`with other tools.
`1 Introduction
`Flat file databases are common in UNIX system environments. They consist of newline terminated records with a
`single character that delimits fields within each record. Well known examples are /etc/passwd and /etc/group, and
`more recently the sablime [CF88] MR databases and cia [Chen89] abstraction databases.
`There are two basic flat file database operations:
`update – delete, add or modify records
`query – scan for records based on field selection function
`For the most part UNIX system tools make a clear distinction between these operations. Update is usually done by
`special purpose tools to avoid problems that arise from concurrency. Some of these tools are admittedly low-tech:
`vipw write locks the /etc/passwd file and runs the vi editor on it; any other user running vipw concurrently will be
`locked out. On the other hand query tools usually assume that the input files are readonly or that they at least will
`not change during query access. cql falls into this category: it is strictly for queries and supports no update
`operations. Despite this restriction cql adequately fills the gap between awk and full featured database management
`In the simplest case a flat file database query is a pattern match that is applied to one or more fields in each record.
`The output is normally a list of all matched records. grep, sh, awk, and perl are well suited for such queries on
`small databases. These commands scan the database from the top, one record at a time, and apply the match
`expression to each record. Unfortunately, as the number of records and queries increases, the repeated linear scans
`required by these tools soon become an intolerable bottleneck. The bottleneck can be diminished by examining the
`queries to limit the number of records that must be scanned, but this requires some modifications, either to the
`database or to the scanning tools.
`Some applications, such as sablime, ease the bottleneck by partitioning the database into several flat files based on
`one or more of the record fields. This speeds up queries that key on the partitioned fields, but hinders queries that
`must span the partition. Besides complicating the application query implementation, partitioning also imposes
`complexity on database updates and backup.
`The perl solution (actually, one of the perl solutions – perl is the UNIX system swiss army knife) is to base the
`queries on dbm [BSD86] hashed files rather than flat files. Linear scans are then avoided by accessing the dbm files
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`as associative arrays. A problem with this is that a dbm file contains the hashed field name and record data for each
`database record, so its file size is always larger than the original flat file. This method also generates a separate dbm
`file for each hashed field, making it unacceptable for use with large databases.
`Other applications, such as cia, preprocess the database by generating B-tree or hash index files [Park91] for quick
`random access. Specialized scanning tools are then used to process the queries. The advantage here is that no
`database changes are required to speed up the queries. In addition, hash index files only store pointers into the
`database, so their size is usually smaller than the original database. The speedup, though, is not without cost. Some
`of the tools may be so specialized as to work for only a small class of possible queries; new query classes may
`require new tools.
`Along with sufficient access speed, another challenge is to provide reasonable syntax and semantics for query
`expressions. For maximal transparency and portability the database fields should be accessed by name rather than
`number or position. Otherwise queries would become outdated as the database changes.
`cql addresses these issues by providing a fast, interpreted symbolic interface at the user level, with automatic record
`hash indexing and query optimization at the implementation level. Query expressions are modeled on C, including a
`struct construct for defining database record schemas.
`2 Background
`As opposed to the UNIX system database tools like unity [Felt82], cql traces its roots to the C language and the grep
`and awk tools. As such cql is limited to readonly database access.
`An example will clarify the differences between the various tools. The example database is /etc/passwd with the
`record schema:
`where : is the field delimiter, uid and gid are numeric fields, and the remaining fields are strings. The example
`query selects all records with uid less than 10 and no passwd.
`Example solutions may not be optimal for each tool, but they are a fair representation of what can be derived from
`the manuals and documentation. The author has a few years experience with grep and sh, some exposure to awk,
`but had to resort to a netnews request for perl.
`2.1 grep
`grep ’ˆ[ˆ:]*::[0-9]:’ /etc/passwd
`grep associates records with lines and has no implicit field support, so the select expression must explicitly list all
`fields. As it turns out the expression uid<10 can be matched by a regular expression; more complicated
`expressions would require extra tool plumbing, possibly using the cut and expr commands. grep differs from the
`other tools in that a single regular expression pattern describes both the schema and query. This works fine at the
`implementation level but is cumbersome as a general purpose user interface.
`2.2 awk
`awk ’
`BEGIN { FS = ":" }
`{ if ($3 < 10 && $2 == "") print }
`Lines are the default awk record and FS specifies the field separator character. Numeric expressions are as in C and
`string comparison may also use the == and != operators. Unfortunately the fields are named by number (starting at
`1). If the database format changes then all references to $number must be changed accordingly. An advantage over
`grep is that fields are accessed as separate entities rather than being a part of the matching pattern.
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`2.3 shell
`while read name passwd uid gid info home shell junk
`if (( $uid < 10 )) && [[ $passwd == "" ]]
`then IFS=$ifs
`print "$name:$passwd:$uid:$gid:$info:$home:$shell"
`done < /etc/passwd
`The shell (ksh[BK89]) version uses the field splitting effects of IFS and read to blast the input records. A nice
`side effect is that read also names the fields. If the database changes then only the field name arguments to read
`must change. Notice, however, that the shell has different syntax for numeric and string comparisons. Also, older
`shells [Bour78] have no built-in expressions and would require a separate program like expr to do the record
`2.4 perl
`perl -e ’
`open (PASSWD, "< /etc/passwd") || die "cannot open /etc/passwd: $!";
`while (<PASSWD>) {
`($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $info, $home, $shell) = split(":");
`if ($uid < 10 && $passwd eq "") {
`print "$name:$passwd:$uid:$info:$home:$shell";
`The perl example [Chri92] is similar to shell, except that shell combines the record read and field split operations
`into a single read operation. As with shell string equality requires special syntax and $ must prefix expression
`2.5 cql
`cql -d "
`passwd {
`uid, gid;
`home, shell;
`} p
`asswd.delimiter = ’:’;
`" -e "uid < 10 && passwd == ’’" /etc/passwd
`cql queries are split into two parts. The declaration section (–d) describes the record schema and the expression
`section (–e) provides the matching query. Using cql for this query is overkill, but it provides a basis for the more
`complex examples that follow.
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`2.6 Performance
`Figure 1 shows the timing in user+sys seconds for the above examples, ordered from best to worst. The times were
`averaged over 5 runs on a lightly loaded 20 mip workstation with 2 cpus on an input file consisting of 19,847 records
`(1,525,549 bytes) in a local file system. cat is included as a lower bound.
`Figure 1. Example timings
`Although the compiled awkcc example runs more than twice as fast as the awk script it suffers by having a fixed
`select expression. Any change in the expression would force recompilation of the awk script to make a new
`executable. The timings also show that performance for the example query seems to be inversely proportional to
`tool functionality.
`3 Optimization
`Queries that check fields for equality are candidates for optimization. For example, most /etc/passwd queries are
`lookups for a particular name, uid or gid. As mentioned before, perl supports an associative array interface to
`dbm hash files, but converting to use this would require more than four times the file space of /etc/passwd itself and
`the query syntax would need to change to use the array notation. cql offers an alternative that only changes the
`schema declaration:
`passwd {
`register char* name;
`register int
`uid, gid;
`home, shell;
`As with C the register keyword is a hint that marks variables that may be frequently accessed. For cql register
`marks fields that may be frequently checked for equality. cql generates a hash index file for each register field
`during the first database query. Subsequent queries use the index files to prune the scan to only those records with
`the same hash value as the register fields in the query expression. The index files are connected to a particular
`database; if the database file changes then the index files are regenerated by doing a full database scan. Because of
`index file generation the first query on schemas with register fields is always slower than subsequent queries.
`The hash index file algorithm is due to David Korn and has been implemented as a library (hix) by the author. A hix
`file stores only hash codes and database file offsets, and its size ranges from 10% to 50% of the original database.
`The /etc/passwd example above has one record with the name bozo. The timings for the query name=="bozo"
`are listed in Figure 2.
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`no register fields
`first register query
`subsequent register queries
`Figure 2. Register query timings
`The hix file generation slowed the first query by over 2 times but the subsequent queries were about 10 times faster.
`Even with hix file generation cql is still slightly faster than awk and perl. For the example /etc/passwd file size of
`1,525,644 bytes the 3 hix files were a total of 788,952 bytes, or approximately 50% of the original database size.
`4 Sub-schemas
`Fields often contain data that can be viewed as another database record. cql supports this by allowing schema fields
`within schemas. The sub-schema fields are then accessed using the familiar C ‘.’ notation. Our local /etc/passwd
`file formats the info field as:
`info {
`char* name, address, office, home;
`} i
`nfo.delimiter = ",";
`where the info sub-schema delimiter is ‘,’. An important difference with C declaration syntax is that the cql
`char* is a basic type. This means that all of the fields in this example have type char*, whereas in C only the
`first field would be char*.
`Adding a second schema declaration introduces an ambiguity as to which schema applies to the main database file.
`By default the main schema is first schema from the top.
`schema=schema-name; can be used to override the
`default. The complete declaration now becomes:
`passwd {
`register char* name;
`register int
`uid, gid;
`home, shell;
`} i
`nfo {
`char* name, address, office, home;
`} p
`asswd.delimiter = ":";
`info.delimiter = ",";
`schema = passwd;
`and the following queries are possible:
`"Bozo T. Clown"
`info.address=="* MH *"
`where the second query illustrates ksh pattern matching on the address field.
`Fields that refer to sub-schema data in different files are also possible. In this case the sub-schema field data is
`actually a key that corresponds to a field (usually the first) in the sub-schema data file. cia uses this format for its
`reference and symbol schemas. Sub-schema pointers are also used in shadow password implementations that split
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`the /etc/passwd file into /etc/passwd that contains public information (no encrypted passwords) and /etc/shadow
`that contains privileged information (the encrypted passwords). An example /etc/passwd record might look like:
`bozo:*shadow*:123:123:Bozo T. Clown, Big Top, 123-456::
`with a corresponding /etc/shadow record:
`bozo:abcdef.FEDCBA:Aug 11, 1993
`In this case the name field doubles as the shadow key and the main schema passwd field is ignored. The cql
`declaration for these shadow passwords is:
`passwd {
`register int
`uid, gid;
`home, shell;
`} i
`} s
`nfo {
`char* name, address, office, home;
`hadow {
`} d
`elimiter = ":";
`info.delimiter = ",";
`schema = passwd;
`passwd.input = "/etc/passwd";
`shadow.input = "/etc/shadow";
`C pointer notation is used to declare the shadow sub-schema reference and the predefined date_t type (described
`below) is used for the shadow password expiration field. The sub-schema reference also requires an input file that
`can be assigned by a schema="pathname"; statement. A shadow equivalent of the original example query is:
`uid<10 && name.passwd==""
`Notice that ‘.’ is also used to dereference sub-schema pointers (as opposed to ‘–>’ in C). Additionally, register
`is inferred for all sub-schema pointers. This allows cql to optimize queries by transforming equality expressions on
`sub-schema fields into hash index offset expressions. The extern keyword denotes the sub-schema key field in the
`sub-schema declaration; it may be omitted if the key field is the first sub-schema field.
`Sub-schema data can also be specified in the declaration section:
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`info {
`} m
`} i
`ap {
`nfo.type.input = { /* each "string" is a record */
`";_ERROR_", "g;global", "t;typedef",
`"e;extern", "s;static", "l;libsym"
`expanding database
`type.value=="extern" is more descriptive than type=="e".
`the user
`5 Language Description
`The declaration language has already been introduced in the previous examples. Schemas are declared using the C
`struct style:
`field-name [ , field-name ... ] ;
`Schema, type and field names must match the regular expression [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*. The C reserved
`words break, case, continue, default, else, for, if, return, switch, while, are
`also reserved in cql, as are the following predefined types:
`A variable length string.
`A date represented internally as seconds since the epoch. The data representation can be in any of
`the ‘‘standard’’ forms.
`date_t fields can be used
`in date comparisons such as
`A double floating point constant.
`elapsed_t Scaled elapsed time showing the two most significant time components. Examples are:
`1.03s one and three one hundreth seconds
`2m20s two minutes and 20 seconds
`3w11d three weeks and 11 days
`Equivalent to double.
`Equivalent to long.
`A long integer constant.
`The return type of user defined actions.
`A type-specifier may be schema name. schema-name* declares a sub-schema field whose data is in a separate file
`type-specifier field-name[size]
`whereas schema-name declares a sub-schema whose data is the field data itself.
`declares an array field whose values are separated by a sub-field delimiter.
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`date_t date
`int errors
`int line
`int offset
`The schema name cql is also reserved. The fields in this schema are predefined by cql and provide access to run-
`time information. The fields are:
`elapsed_t clock The elapsed time since the start of this cql in hundredths of a second.
`The time this cql started.
`The non-fatal error count.
`char* getenv(char* name) Returns the value of the environment variable name. For example,
`cql.getenv("PATH") is the value of the PATH environment variable.
`The current declaration or expression input line.
`The current record offset in the main schema input file starting at 0.
`char* path(char* name, int length) Returns value of the file pathname name truncated to length. The
`truncation attempts to preserve the significant parts of the pathname.
`The current record number in the main schema input file starting at 1.
`The number of records selected by the select expression.
`The size in bytes of the current input record.
`The current time.
`Schema attributes are also assigned in the declaration section.
`schema = schema-name;
`int record
`int select
`int size
`date_t time
`sets the main schema name. If omitted the main schema defaults to the first declared schema (from the top).
`Schema delimiters are defined by:
`qualified-schema-name.delimiter = "delimiter";
`The default main schema delimiter is : and the default sub-schema delimiter is ;. Schema input is defined by:
`qualified-schema-name.delimiter = "path";
`where path is the pathname of the schema data file, or by:
`qualified-schema-name.input = {
`where record-i are the schema records. Input data may be shared by:
`a.input = b.input = ...
`The default main schema input is the standard input; indirect sub-schema inputs must always be defined.
`The expression language is basically C with the exception that char* operands are allowed for the
`==,!=,<,<=,>=,> operators. The expression may be labeled by:
`label: expression;
`or equivalently by:
`void label() { expression };
`the former being more convenient for command line expressions. The value of a labelled expression is either the
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`value of a return statement evaluated in the expression or the value of the last statement evaluated in the expression.
`The default expression label is select. The select expression is applied to each record to determine the matching
`records. The default select is 1, i.e., all records match. The action expression is then applied to each record
`matched by select. The default action lists the matching records on the standard output. The begin expression, if
`specified, is evaluated before the database is scanned and the end expression, if specified, is evaluated after all
`records have been scanned.
`It is important to note that cql is not a complete C interpreter. Just enough is borrowed from C to get the query job
`done. The implementation is based on a C expression library that was originally written for the tw [FKV89]
`replacement for the find command. This library constitutes a large portion of the work; in fact the cql prototype was
`written in one day (although the addition of hash indexing and query optimization took considerably longer).
`6 Reports
`A query language is incomplete without some form of reporting. cql provides the printf function to output field
`values. printf is most often used in action expressions to output portions of selected fields. For example,
`select: uid < 10 && name.expire < "in 2 days";
`action: printf("%s will expire on %s\n", name, name.expire);
`Format specifications are type checked and string to integer conversions are supported. For example,
`name.expire printed as %d lists the seconds since the epoch, but printed as %s lists the date in the standard date
`Headers and footers are done by using printf in the begin and end expressions. Fancier operations like
`pagination, text filling and font highlights are left to tools designed specifically for that job.
`Selected records may be sorted by specifying the sort order:
`sort = { field, ... };
`7 Alternate Database Formats
`Three alternate database formats are supported. The formats are orthogonal and may appear in any combination.
`The first, virtual database files, Figure 3, allows multiple schemas to be defined in a single file. This format is
`similar to UNIX system archive file format but is designed for quick access to the individual schemas. In the past
`cia generated two database files with the fixed names reference.db and symbol.db. This made it difficult to copy
`and backup abstraction databases. By using a virtual database cia now combines the two files into a single file with
`an application specific name, e.g., ksh.db for the ksh abstraction database. A virtual database file acts like a
`directory in the cql interface. For example, the symbol schema data in the ksh.db virtual file is named
`ksh.db/symbol. A virtual database file is also used to store the index files for each input database. The index
`file is named by inverting the case of the corresponding database file name suffix. For example, the indices for
`ksh.db would be ksh.DB.
`Figure 3. Virtual database format
`The second format, partitioned database files, Figure 4, allows a single database schema to span more than one file.
`The implementation is complicated by the fact that separate index files may be associated with each partition.
`Partitions are named as a single file pathname by separating the partition component pathnames with ‘:’, as in
`Figure 4. Partition database format
`Finally, a union database file, Figure 4, allows schema records to be intermixed in a single file. The first union
`record field is used to identify the schema for each record. This format is convenient for applications that generate
`streams of different record types.
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`Figure 5. Union database format
`8 Future Work
`It should be possible to access binary and fixed length fields with no delimiters. These are not supported yet.
`A transitive closure operation would also be useful.
`9 Conclusion
`cql is an attractive scripting tool for database queries. Because it is an interpreted query language it supports rapid
`prototyping; because it is fast it allows prototypes to become production code. Its interpreted nature also makes it
`easy for database users (as opposed to database providers) to write and test new queries.
`10 Acknowledgements
`Thanks go to my colleagues in the Software Engineering Research Department: Phong Vo for the excellent sfio
`implementation that pepped up cql I/O; David Korn for the hash index file algorithm; Robin Chen for translating
`database lingo and concepts into terms a shell and C hack could understand.
`[AKW88] A. V. Aho, B. W. Kernighan, P. J. Weinberger, The Awk Programming Language, Addison-Wesley,
`[BK89] Morris Bolsky and David G. Korn, The KornShell Command and Programming Language, Prentice Hall,
`[Bour78] S. R. Bourne, The UNIX Shell, AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, Vol. 57 No. 6 Part 2, pp.
`1971-1990, July-August 1978.
`[BSD86] The UNIX Programmer’s Reference Manual: 4.3 Berkeley Software Distribution, UC Berkeley, California,
`[CF88] Steve Cichinski and Glenn S. Fowler, Product Administration through Sable and Nmake, AT&T Bell
`Laboratories Technical Journal, Vol. 67 No. 4, pp. 59-70, July-August 1988.
`[Chen89] Yih-Farn Chen, The C Program Database and Its Applications, Proc. of Summer 1989 USENIX Conf.
`[Chri92] Tom Christiansen, private correspondence.
`[Felt82] S. Felts, The Unity DBMS, AT&T Bell Laboratories Technical Memorandum, TM82-59312-1, 1992.
`[FKV89] Glenn S. Fowler, David G. Korn and Kiem-Phong Vo, An Efficient File Hierarchy Walker, Proc. of
`Summer 1989 USENIX Conf.
`[Hume88] Andrew Hume, Grep Wars, EUUG Conference Proceedings, London, England, Spring 1988.
`[Park91] Off The shelf: B-tree data-file managers, Tim Parker, UNIX Review, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 55-58, March 1991.
`[Wall] Larry Wall, The Nutshell perl Book.
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1030 Page 10

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