United States Patent [19]
`Patent Number:
`Date of Patent:
`Jun. 2, 1998
`Inventor: Jakob Nielsen. Atherton. Calif.
`[73] Assignee: Sun Microsystems, Inc .. Palo Alto.
`[21] Appl. No.: 674,049
`Jul. 1, 1996
`[22] Filed:
`Int. Cl.6
`...................................................... G06F 17130
`[52] U.S. Cl ..................... 395/200.75; 395/604; 395/605;
`[58] Field of Search ..................................... 395/604. 605.
`395/612. 762. 200.66. 200.75. 200.3. 200.33.
`References Cited
`111991 Fujisawa et al. ....................... 3951605
`1/1997 Brech et al. ......................... 3951200.6
`3/1997 Valiant .................................... 395/42 7
`Docwnent entitled "Handbook: Mail. News. and Book(cid:173)
`marks". 1994-1996 Netscape Commu(cid:173)
`nications Corp.. http:/ !home .netscape. corn/eng/mozilla/2. 0/
`handbook!docs/rnnb.htmi#C9 (10 pages).
`Document entitled Uniform Resource Locators (URL):.
`Network Working Group. Request for Comments: 1738.
`Category: Standards Track. T. Berner-Lee. CERN. L. Mas(cid:173)
`inter. Xerox Corporation M. McCahilL University of Min(cid:173)
`nesota. Editors. Dec. 1994. (pp. 1-25).
`Docwnent entitled "Instant HTML Web Pages". by Wayne
`Ause. Macmillan Computer Publishing. 1995. (17 pages).
`Primary Examiner-Lance Leonard Barry
`Attome.>: Agent, or Firm-Erwin J. Basinski
`Apparatus. methods. systems and computer program prod(cid:173)
`ucts are disclosed to provide a hypertext user with a history
`facility for displaying accessed hypernodes. The inv~ntion
`displays the history list to the user based on when the
`hypernode was accessed and based on the placement of the
`hypernode in the hyperlink hierarchy.
`20 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets
`Baber's Global Directory of Computer ...
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`317 ....- Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Busine .. .
`California Bar · Sections
`315 _....,he State Bar of California
`calbar links - other bars
`The State Bar of California- cabar li ...
`315 ----lhe State Bar of California
`Kuesterlaw Technology Law Resource .. .
`319 ....- Kuesterlaw Technology Law Resource .. .
`Legislative Publications
`Official California Legislative lnforma ...
`Search Calrtornia Statutes
`Find California Code
`Ultra Computing for Business Solutions
`Sun's Server Family
`Neira nfs Server
`321 _...- Neira NFS Server
`Sun Microsystems
`Baber's Global Directory of Computer ...
`Yahoo! - Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`Yahoo! -Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`Yahoo!· Business and Economy:Busine .. .
`The State Bar of California
`325 ..--tlttp:/
`California Bar · Sections
`The State Bar of California
`327 ..--
`329 ..--tlttp:/lwww
`Ultra Computing for Business Solutions
`Sun's Server Family
`331 ..--
`Sun Microsystems
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 1

`U.S. Patent
`Jun.2, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 13
`127 6 0
`! 101
`FIG. 1
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 2

`U.S. Patent
`Jun.2, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 13
`WWW Servers
`WWW Browser
`FIG. 2
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 3

`Baber's Global Directory of Computer...
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa...
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa...
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa...
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Busine...
`California Bar- Sections
`339 ~ttp://
`The State Bar of California
`calbar links - other bars
`The State Bar of California- cabar li...
`337 ----ilttp://
`The State Bar of California
`KuesterLaw Technology Law Resource...
`KuesterLaw Technology Law Resource...
`305 -4-egislative Publications
`307 ----Dfficial California Legislative lnforma...
`309 ----search California Statutes
`311 ~ind California Code
`Ultra Computing for Business Solutions
`Sun's Server Family
`Netra nfs Server
`Netra NFS Server
`Sun Microsystems
`FIG. 3a
`~ t""f"
`"""' ~
`r.J'). =-a
`"""' ~
`':...~ ""' ~ ._.
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 4

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 2, 1998
`Sheet 4 of 13
`Baber's Global Directory of Computer ...
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`317 .......- Yahoo! - Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Busine .. .
`California Bar - Sections
`315 _...,he State Bar of California
`calbar links - other bars
`The State Bar of California - cabar li...
`315 _...,he State Bar of California
`Kuesterlaw Technology Law Resource .. .
`319 .......- Kuesterlaw Technology Law Resource .. .
`Legislative Publications
`Official California Legislative lnforma ...
`Search California Statutes
`Find California Code
`Ultra Computing for Business Solutions
`Sun's Server Family
`Netra nfs Server
`321 .......- Netra NFS Server
`Sun Microsystems
`FIG. 3b
`Baber's Global Directory of Computer ...
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Compa .. .
`Yahoo!- Business and Economy:Busine .. .
`The State Bar of California
`325 ----
`California Bar - Sections
`The State Bar of California
`327 ----
`Ultra Computing for Business Solutions
`Sun's Server Family
`331 ----
`Sun Microsystems
`FIG. 3c
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 5

`00 .
`~ =
`~ =
`Baberls Global Directory of Computer ...
`335 ----The State Bar of California
`KuesterLaw Technology Law Resource ...
`Official California Legislative lnforma ...
`Sun Microsystems
`FIG. 3d
`Baberls Global Directory of Computer ...
`The State Bar of California •
`KuesterLaw Technology Law Resource .. )
`Official California Legislative Inform a ... •
`341 ----sun Microsystems •
`Ultra Computing for Business Solutions
`Sunls Server Family
`.-- Netra nfs Server
`Netra NFS Server
`FIG. 3e
`\J'1 =(cid:173)~
`~ w
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 6

`tl File Edit
`June 1996 §
`Baber's Global Directory of Computer. ..
`Forward Home
`~The State Bar of California
`'---;=:=:::::!~=~~ ~ The State Bar of California
`Location: ~ KuesterLaw Technology Law Resource ...
`!What's New I I what's Cool I ~Official. California Legislative lnforma ...
`·~un M1crosystems----- 409
`Ultra Computing for Business Solutions
`Sun's Server Family
`Netra nfs Server ~ 411
`.------------; 403
`Netra NFS Server
`Bookmarks Options Directoru Window
`, Vol.10 No.6
`~ lOG's magazine for the Sun community
`I What happened at JavaOne?
`§ (()) licauri §
`FIG. 4
`00 .
`~ = .....
`(t) = .....
`~ -~
`rJJ =-a
`~ -~
`~ w
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 7

`US. Patent
`Jun. 2, 1998
`Sheet 7 of 13
`511 » Link to Next
`Page Title
`519 J,
`Date of
`Last Access
`META Parent URL
`521“ Aggregate Hag
`Directory Flag A” 537
`531w Pointer to META
`Parent URL
`Parent Page Title N 539
`523$ Link to URL
`~ 527
`Directory Flag N 529
`501 w
`\k V 4/
`FIG. 5
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 8

`615 -
`Link to Next
`Link to Next
`Link to Next
`Page Title
`Page Title
`Page Title
`Date of
`Last Access
`Date of
`Last Access
`Date of
`Last Access
`611------ Aggregate Flag
`Aggregate Flag
`Aggregate Flag
`= -
`Link META
`Parent URL
`Link to URL
`Link META
`Parent URL
`637 _____..
`Link META
`Parent URL
`Link to URL
`Link to URL
`' URL
`l " 632
`' URL
`... -
`Directory Flag
`Directory Flag
`Directory Flag
`Parent Page Title
`FIG. 6a
`00 .
`~ = ~
`~ a
`00 =-::E -00
`=" ~ -..
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 9

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 2, 1998
`Sheet 9 of 13
`(History Data Record)
`Pointer to Entity
`r-- 691
`Hyperlink Sorting
`Data Structure
`FIG. 6b
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 10

`U.S. Patent
`Jun.2, 1998
`Sheet 10 of 13
`715 _ Expand Aggregates
`Save Entity in
`New History
`Remember Entity
`Old History List with t---+-
`New History List
`FIG. 7
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 11

`U.S. Patent
`Jun.2, 1998
`Sheet 11 of 13
`. For Every
`Remembered Entity
`For Every Link to Next
`FIG. 8
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 12

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 2, 1998
`Sheet 12 of 13
`905 -,
`For Every
`Remembered Entity
`Get Parent U RL
`Append "/" to
`Store URL with
`Link to Entity
`FIG. 9
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 13

`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 2, 1998
`Sheet 13 of 13
`For Next Hyperlink
`Locate Duplicate
`Hyperlink Group
`Aggregate Hyperlink
`Use Parent URL Page
`Title from Parent URL
`as the Aggregate Page
`Use Truncated Hyperlink
`as Aggregate Page Title
`Advance to Next
`Hyperlink Group
`FIG. 10
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 14

`bookmark facility because the bookmark facility requires the
`user to cause the computer to remember (that is. bookmark)
`the hypernode. The history mechanism automatically main(cid:173)
`tains a list of what hypernodes the user has accessed and
`makes this list available to the user.
`WWW browser applications implement the history in
`different ways. The Netscape Navigator maintains a history
`limited to a single session. Thus the history list is initialized
`on every invocation of the application. The Microsoft Inter-
`10 net Explorer. on the other hand. maintains a persistent
`history list that extends across invocations. Often the
`Netscape Navigator application is invoked on a Monday
`morning. and terminated on a Friday afternoon. Thus for
`both applications (and others like them) the history list can
`15 become quite long.
`A long history list that accumulates over an extended
`period of time becomes difficult for a user to access because
`of the shear amount of material provided to the user. Further.
`the history list is preferably used to refer to recently accessed
`20 hypernodes (otherwise the user would utilize the book mark
`facility) thus. the user has difficulty when scanning a long
`intermixed list of recently accessed and aged hypernodes to
`determine which hypernode is the one of interest.
`The invention addresses these problems and simplifies a
`25 hypertext user's interaction with a history mechanism.
`1. Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to the field of hypertext systems.
`Specifically. this invention is a new and useful method.
`apparatus. system and computer program product for main(cid:173)
`taining a history of accessed hyperlinks used to access
`2. Background
`Although the invention applies to general hypertext
`apparatus. World Wide Web (WWW) Browser and WWW
`Server applications are representative of the technology. As
`such. much of this application describes the invention within
`the context of a preferred embodiment utilizing a WWW
`Browser application.
`The WWW is a massive hypertext system that a computer
`user accesses using an information access apparatus such as
`a WWW Browser computer application. The WWW
`Browser application communicates with information pro(cid:173)
`vider apparatus such as WWW Server computer applications
`to obtain information and services in the form of Web Pages.
`These Web Pages (hypernodes) are identified by unique
`hyperlinks that in the WWW context are Universal Resource
`Locators (URL). Many WWW Browser applications pro(cid:173)
`vide a history capability for storing URLs of accessed Web
`Pages. This facility simplifies the user's access to previously 30
`visited Web Pages.
`World Wide Web
`The background of the WWW, WWW Browser 35
`applications, and Uniform Resource Locators (URL) is
`described by reference to the first chapter of Instant HTML
`Web Pages, by Wayne Ause. Ziff-Davis Press. ISBN
`1-56276-363-6. copyright 1995. pages 1-15. hereby incor(cid:173)
`porated by reference as illustrative of the prior art. The URL 40
`specification. also incorporated by reference, is described in
`RFC1738 and can be found on the ·WWW at: "http://
`www.cis.ohio-state.edua!htbin/rfc/rfc173 8.html". Briefly.
`the URL contains a protocol specification and a path speci(cid:173)
`fication. The protocol specification notifies the browser of 45
`what protocol to use when accessing the remote server. The
`path specification is generally a hierarchical path that speci(cid:173)
`fies a data server followed by a hypernode (such as a Web
`Page) that actually provides the information for the browser.
`As mentioned above. the WWW is a massive hypertext 50
`system. Thus the information provided to a user often
`includes references to related information in other hypern(cid:173)
`odes. These references are via hyperlinks. On the WWW
`activating these hyperlinks often results in accessing com(cid:173)
`pletely different Web Pages (supplied from completely dif- 55
`ferent WWW Server applications on other computer
`systems) from the Web Page that contains the hyperlink.
`Thus, a user often follows many hyperlinks to reach a
`desired information or service. One difficulty when travers(cid:173)
`ing these hyper links is that the user often loses track of the 60
`sequence of hyperlinks used to arrive at a particular hyper(cid:173)
`node. Thus. the user has difficulty returning to a hypernode
`of interest. A history facility addresses this problem by
`providing a mechanism to store and recall the specific
`hypernodes that have been previously accessed by the user. 65
`This facility is similar to the "GO" command of the
`Netscape® browser application. It is different from th.e
`The present invention provides an economical. apparatus.
`method. system and computer program product for provid(cid:173)
`ing enhanced facilities to computer users. The invention
`provides a user of a hypertext system with an enhanced
`history presentation that allows the user to more quickly find
`and reference previously viewed hypernodes.
`One aspect of the invention is a computer controlled
`method for presenting to a user information relating to a
`plurality of hyperlinks. The method first creates a plurality
`of truncated hyperlink references by determining a truncated
`hyperlink for each of the plurality of hyperlinks. Next. the
`method matches a first truncated hyperlink reference to a
`second truncated hyperlink. The first and second truncated
`hyperlinks respectively reference a first and second infor(cid:173)
`mation. Next. the method combines the first and second
`truncated hyperlink reference to form a hyperlink aggregate.
`This hyperlink aggregate also having aggregate information.
`Finally, the method presents the aggregate information in
`place of presenting the first and second information.
`In another aspect of the invention. an apparatus is dis(cid:173)
`closed having a central processing unit. a memory and a
`display device and configured to present information relat(cid:173)
`ing to each of a plurality of hyperlinks. The apparatus
`includes a creation mechanism the creates a plurality of
`truncated hyperlink references by determining a truncated
`hyper link for each of the plurality of hyper links. A matching
`mechanism is also included that matches a first truncated
`hyperlink reference with a second truncated hyperlink ref(cid:173)
`erence. Both truncated hyperlink references created by the
`creation mechanism. The first and second truncated hyper(cid:173)
`link references respectively have a fist and second informa(cid:173)
`tion. A combination mechanism combines the first and
`second truncated hyperlink references to form a hyperlink
`aggregate. This hyperlink aggregate having an aggregate
`information. Finally. the apparatus includes a presentation
`mechanism to present the aggregate information instead of
`the first and second information.
`Another aspect of the invention is a system to present
`information relating to each of a plurality of hyper links. This
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 15

`system includes a creation mechanism the creates a plurality
`of truncated hyperlink references by determining a truncated
`hyper link for each of the plurality of hyperlinks. A matching
`mechanism is also included that matches a first truncated
`hyperlink reference with a second truncated hyperlink ref(cid:173)
`erence. Both truncated hyperlink references created by the
`creation mechanism. The first and second truncated hyper(cid:173)
`link references respectively have a fist and second informa(cid:173)
`tion. A combination mechanism combines the first and
`second truncated hyperlink references to form a hyperlink
`aggregate. This hyperlink aggregate having an aggreg~te
`information. Finally. the apparatus includes a presentation
`mechanism to present the aggregate information on a display
`device instead of presenting the first and second informa(cid:173)
`Yet a final aspect of the invention is a computer program
`product on a computer usable medium for causing a com(cid:173)
`puter to present information relating to each of a plurality of
`hyperlinks on a display device. When executed on a
`computer. the computer readable code causes a computer to
`effect a creation mechanism. a matching mechanism. a 20
`combination mechanism and a presentation mechanism hav(cid:173)
`ing the same functions as the system described above.
`The foregoing and many other objects and advantages of
`the present invention will no doubt become obvious to those
`of ordinary skill in the art after having read the following 25
`detailed description of the preferred embodiments that are
`illustrated in the various drawing figures.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a portion of a computer system. includ(cid:173)
`ing a CPU and a conventional memory in which the present
`invention may be embodied;
`FlG. 2 illustrates concepts of the World Wide Web hyper(cid:173)
`text system;
`FIGS. 3a-e illustrate a selection of different methods that
`can be used to present a hypernode history list in accordance
`with a preferred embodiment;
`FIG. 4 illustrates use of the invention in accordance with
`a preferred embodiment;
`FlG. 5 illustrates the history data structure used in accor(cid:173)
`dance with a preferred embodiment;
`FIG. 6a illustrates the organization history data records
`that comprise an aggregate data structure in accordance with
`a preferred embodiment;
`FIG. 6b illustrates a data structure used to create aggre(cid:173)
`gate history data records in accordance with a preferred
`FlG. 7 illustrates the overall process for aggregating
`entries in a hyperlink history list in accordance with a
`preferred embodiment;
`FIG. 8 illustrates the process for disassembling an exist(cid:173)
`ing aggregate data structure prior to rebuilding aggregates
`incorporating new references in accordance with a preferred
`FlG. 9 illustrates the process used to extract truncated
`hyperlinks from existing data history records in accordance
`with a preferred embodiment; and
`FIG. 10 illustrates the process used to create a new
`aggregate data history record in accordance with a preferred
`Notations and Nomenclature
`The following "notations and nomenclature" are provided 65
`to assist in the understanding of the present invention and the
`preferred embodiments thereof.
`Data Record-An embodiment of a data structure in a
`computer memory or storage where the storage is organized
`according to the data structure. This application uses refer(cid:173)
`ence numerals in the specification to refer to specific data
`records or to data organized according to a particular data
`structure as indicated by the context of the discussion.
`Data Structure-A specification of the organization and
`use of data in a data record. A data structure embodied in
`memory is a data record. A data structure shows the inter(cid:173)
`JO relationships of a collection of data.
`Graphical User Interface (GUI)-A user interface that
`allows a user to interact with a computer display by pointing
`at selectable control areas on the display and activating a
`command or computer operation associated with the select-
`IS able control area. Gills are well known in the art.
`Pointing device-A device that is responsive to a com(cid:173)
`puter user's input that moves an indicator on a computer
`display screen. Such an indicator has an active point such
`that if the pointing device is activated (for example. by a
`button push for a mouse device) a command associated with
`the selectable control area covered by the active point is
`invoked. Pointing devices are generally used with graphical
`user interfaces.
`Selectable control area-An area on a computer display
`that is sensitive to activation of a pointing device. On
`activation of the pointing device over the selectable control
`area. a command or computer operation associated with the
`selectable control area is invoked. Most computer systems
`that provide a Graphical User Interface (Gill) also provide
`other methods for invoking these commands or computer
`operations such as keyboard function keys or command
`Text String-Ordered computer data in a computer that
`35 represents text. One common representation of a text string
`is a sequence of eight bit bytes each containing an ASCII
`representation of a character. Such a sequence is often
`terminated by a byte whose value is zero or by having a
`leading value indicate the length of the string. One skilled in
`40 the art will understand that there exist many methods for
`storing text strings beyond the ones mentioned here.
`Web Page-A subset of Internet resources. As used in this
`application. a Web Page is identical to the resource described
`in the lfiTP protocol. That is: A network data object or
`45 service that can be identified by a Universal Resource
`Locator (URL). A web page is a specific instance of a
`URL--See Web Page. Also see RFC1738.
`Window-An area. usually rectangular. on a computer
`so display screen controlled by an application.
`Procedure-A self-consistent sequence of steps leading to
`a desired result These steps are those requiring physical
`manipulation of physical quantities. Usually these quantities
`take the form of electrical or magnetic signals capable of
`ss being stored, transferred, combined. compared. and other(cid:173)
`wise manipulated. These signals are referred to as bits.
`values, elements. symbols, characters. terms, numbers, or
`the like. It will be understood by those skilled in the art that
`all of these and similar terms are associated with the
`60 appropriate physical quantities and are merely convenient
`labels applied to these quantities.
`The manipulations performed by a computer in executing
`opcodes are often referred to in terms. such as adding or
`comparing. that are commonly associated with mental
`operations performed by a human operator. In the present
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1008 Page 16

`invention no such capability of a human operator is neces(cid:173)
`sary in any of the operations described herein. The opera(cid:173)
`tions are machine operations. Useful machines for perform(cid:173)
`ing the operations of the invention include programmed
`general purpose digital computers or similar devices. In all
`cases the method of computation is distinguished from the
`method of operation in operating a computer. The present
`invention relates to method steps for operating a computer in
`processing electrical or other (for example. mechanical.
`chemical) physical signals to generate other desired physical
`The invention also relates to apparatus for performing
`these operations. This apparatus may be specially con(cid:173)
`structed for the required purposes or it may comprise a
`general purpose computer as selectively activated or recon(cid:173)
`figured by a computer program stored in the memory of a
`computer. The procedures presented herein are not inher(cid:173)
`ently related to a particular computer or other apparatus. In
`particular. various general purpose machines may be used
`with programs written in accordance with the teachings
`herein. or it may prove more convenient to construct more
`specialized apparatus to perform the required method steps.
`The required structure for a variety of these machines will
`appear from the following description. Also. the invention
`may be embodied in a computer readable storage medium
`encoded with a program that causes a computer to perform
`the programmed logic.
`A preferred embodiment of the invention provides a
`hypertext user with a reduced history list that maintains the
`detail references to hypernodes accessed within a preference
`interval. but also aggregates older hypernodes to reduce the
`amount of information immediately displayed to the user.
`Operating Environment
`FIG. 1 illustrates a computer system referenced by a
`general reference character 101. configured to support the
`invention. The system 101 includes a processor 103 having
`an InputlOutput ("110") section 105. a central processing
`unit ("CPU") 107 and a memory section 109. The 1/0
`section 105 is connected to a keyboard 111. a disk storage
`unit 113. a network interface 115 to provide access to a
`network 117. a display unit 119. a pointing device 121. and
`a CD-ROM drive unit 123. The CD-ROM unit 123 can read
`a CD-ROM medium 125 that typically contains a plurality
`of programs and data 127. The CD-ROM 123 drive unit.
`using the CD-ROM medium 125. and the disk storage unit
`113 comprising a filestorage mechanism. One skilled in the
`art will understand that the filestorage mechanism may
`comprise read only memory. RAM or other storage tech(cid:173)
`nology that allows a computer to access data. Such a
`computer system is capable of executing programmed logic
`that embodies the invention.
`FIG. 2 illustrates how a WWW based hypertext system
`operates. A plurality of WWW servers 201 are accessed by
`a WWW browser 203. Both the WWW servers 201 and the
`WWW browser 203 are connected to a network of networks
`205 commonly called the Internet 205. The WWW browser
`203 is connected to the Internet 205 as indicated by an arrow
`207. Similarly the WWW servers 201 are connected to the
`Internet 205 as indicated by a plurality of arrows 209. In
`operation. a user of the WWW browser receives hypernode
`information from a WWW server. This information gener(cid:173)
`ally includes hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are user selectable
`objects that invoke the presentation of information from a
`different hypernode than the current hypernode. Most 65
`browser applications maintain a history of the hypernodes
`accessed by the user.
`FIG. 3a illustrates the relationship of hypernode titles and
`hyper links as shown by a prior art history display. A listing
`300 of the history information includes a plurality of Web
`Page titles 301 along with a plurality of matching URLs 303.
`5 A plurality of Web Page titles 305. 307. 309 and 311 are used
`to illustrate a number of characteristics of the Web Page
`titles 301 and the URLs 303. The Web Pages indicated by
`305. 309 and 311 are all specified using URLs fully speci(cid:173)
`fying the hypernode as indicated (for 311) by the "calaw .
`html" text at the end of the URL. This text specifies a unique
`Web Page file that is accessed by the URL. Now compare the
`URL associated with the Web Page title indicated by 307.
`This URL terminates in a "f' character. Thus. the WWW
`server application on receipt of this URL provides a default
`Web Page.
`FIG. 3b illustrates how the history data of FIG. 3a would
`be presented to a user of a prior art WWW browser appli(cid:173)
`cation. A display 313 of the historical data consists of the
`Web Page titles of the accessed URLs. Some of the impedi(cid:173)
`ments to the user in understanding this display 313 are
`20 illustrated by examining a plurality of entries labeled as 315.
`These titles both indicate that they are the Web Pages for the
`State Bar of California. However. these titles reference
`different URLs (www. cabar. org/index. htrn vs. www.
`calbar. org). However the same file may be accessed by both
`25 these URLs even though the URL' s are different. depending
`on the defaults and aliases used by the WW server.
`Additionally. a plurality of Yahoo page titles 317 are
`indicated that look the same from the titles presented.
`Referring back to FIG. 3a. these Web Pages have different
`30 URLs. Also a plurality of KuesterLaw references 319 do not
`differentiate between the references.
`FIG. 3c illustrates the reduction in size of the history
`display by using the invention. Here the URL' s having the
`same parent directory are collapsed into a plurality of
`aggregates labeled as 325. 327. 329. and 331. The title of
`these aggregates is simply the common URL between the
`aggregated URLs.
`FIG. 3d illustrates a further reduction of the size of the
`history display if each Web Page contained a MEr A parent
`specification addressing the top level Web Page. A displayed
`4D Parent Web Page title for the "State Bar of California" 335
`is presented. This title 335 is extracted from a parent Web
`Page. Both the Web Page addressed by a URL 337 and the
`Web Page addressed by a URL 339 contain MEfA parent
`specifications addressing the same parent Web Page. Thus.
`45 only the one California Bar title 335 is presented. This same
`approach is used with the other Web Page hierarchies.
`FIG. 3e illustrates another reduction of the size of the
`history display that continues to provide the user with access
`to the underlying Web Pages. In this illustration. the dis-
`so played Web Page titles associated with aggregates have
`indicators (the triangles) that inform the user that the history
`reference is an aggregate. By selecting the indicator. the user
`can expose the underlying structure of the aggregate. Thus.
`a title of an aggregate 341 can expose a plurality of other
`55 Web Pages 343 that make up the aggregate 341.
`FIG. 4 illustrates a display from an example WWW
`browser 401 using the invention. Here the user h

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