BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1007 Page 1
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1007 Page 1

`Macro virus threat continues
`macroTrojanhorseshave TECH
`By Jason Pomin
`FOUR MONTUS APTBR the Con(cid:173)
`Cg>t macro virus first cau~ chaos
`with Microsoft Word users, three
`additional macro viruses and two
`surfaced, forcing vendors
`to scrnmbl~ to .otTe:r cus-
`tomers some kind of pro-
`Macro viruse and Trojan horses
`are wrinen using the scripting tool
`contained in popuhu personal pro(cid:173)
`ductivity applicatioru such as
`Malicious macros are frightening
`because they are hidden inside
`ordinarr data files. are as cross·
`platform as legitimate macros, are
`very easy to writ<, and can be
`passed along via tANs and tht
`"They have the potential to be
`a much biggt.r threat than con(cid:173)
`ventional viruses~ because pt:oph:::
`Known macro viruse5
`OCollapt!lll!e'lio<dW\M~Ua! tem
`pl.fle 111tl~tlhan~ ~lei ltlnf!'CUew<y new Word
`do<um<ntsawd wllh the filt/S6tt! A> mmm.tnd.
`O(olon lilldomly d!anges tht mlor wnlrKJ!Iot
`tm and other 1<rl!fft ob)«ts In Vio<d dorutnern t
`ONtldearadds two lints to tht tlld of a pmwcf
`Word docrmtnt, demilldl1g lilt end of fi!IKh
`lltldear ttiOOJ In tile P<iolic.
`o DMV documents earn SL1<}t olll! propagation
`exchange data files all the time,"
`Karen Black. vice president of
`Symantec Corp.'s desktop group.
`•With the I nterntt, the
`problem becomes much
`Word macro viruses
`hav~ turned up since
`August (see chart); two
`DMV and Nuclear -
`spread worldwide over the lnterneL
`The macro Trojan horses -tech(cid:173)
`nically not viruses because tllty do
`not replicate -
`are particularly
`worrisom~. Ont, called Formate,
`re(ormats a user's hard drive; the
`other, called Weideroffnen, deletes
`the user's AUTOEXEC.BAT file from
`the Windows root directory.
`But users have protection.
`• McAfee Associates Into. rd.-.~Sed
`two weeks ago VirusScan 1.5 for
`Windm>'S 95, which automatically
`detect$ the Concept. Colo1s, Nu-
`clear, and DMV macro virus(cid:173)
`es. The Gompany released a
`version for Wtndows l .x and
`DOS with similar protection
`at the same time. McAfee
`VirusScan costs $65.
`• Symantec's Peter Norton
`Group releases monthly up·
`dates for its suite of Norton
`AntiVirus products that, to
`date, protect against all the
`malicious macros but not
`the Weideroffnen
`Info World Street Prices
`17-inch color monitors
`Dot pikh
`All!*~ Sen 17 ~ $929
`$~ I68S ~ HI A'
`CTX· l761<iMf
`~ IMoVkioo1 DX17f
`Hanao FbSGrll2-17
`~1,HO SI,ZM
`Nold.l Muklc]r.~ph WX
`HI A'
`"-~C·1791B 11mm
`S.msung Syrt<Master
`Soar I>Wiiul17sll
`$700 ms
`VoewSork 17GS
`publkttionstnd f'f9IOI\II ne~Pria inbJNtionWH<olifoc12dbttwf.en Hav.MMid OK. I.
`I.AI dispt.JJI•re 1\M.KI'Hr\nonin~~MPRI compliltii;'HCh his • m.uimlmt
`1Modol ... l-ln~priclng·.....,.·
`macro Trojan horse. Norton An(cid:173)
`tiVirus costs $79.
`• S&S Software International Inc.
`last month released an update of
`its llr. Solomon~ Anti- \'arus Tnnl(cid:173)
`kit that automatically detects the
`known macro viruses and macro
`l'roj:Ul horses. D r. ~olomon'-:. 'Tool
`kitcosts $125.
`S&S Software, located in Burling(cid:173)
`ton, Mass., is at (617) 273-7400.
`Symantec,located in Cupertino,
`C3lif .. can be reached at (800)
`McAfee,in Santa Clara,Calif..can
`be reached at (408) 983-3832.
`Phoenix to market AT&T Business Network
`By De/loralr DeVoe
`AT&T'S RECENTLY launched 8usi(cid:173)
`nc:t.:t Network on-line service may
`gain a considerable inc:reast in ex(cid:173)
`posure as a result or an agreement
`with Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
`BIOS developer Phoenix will
`offer its existing OEM customers
`the Business NetwOrk. which could
`then be bundled on PC systems.
`Fmancial terms were not disclosed.
`"With this agreement, AT&T is
`making a strong initial step by get(cid:173)
`ting exposure and gaining a tri3l~
`said Allen Weiner, an analyst at
`Dataquest Inc., in San Jose, Cati(
`The key issue will be whethercus·
`tom(rs reuse the service, Wein(r
`added. Users may be anracted by
`tht services, but if the quality and
`business information are less than
`optimal, they won't return. he said.
`It will be a hard sell for AT&T, be(cid:173)
`cause the service is provided on
`AT&T's proprietary Interchange
`OnlineNen.'Orkinstead oftheo~
`World \'l'ide Web, analysts said.
`AT&T, however, thinks the net(cid:173)
`wack's business focus will attract
`users, especially those in the small
`office/home office market.
`"The big oo-line services today
`are not strictly targeted at buliness;
`said Rob lippincott, \•ice pr<Sident
`Q( ATetr,s New Media $efvi't'$ unic.
`"The Business Network will be sold
`to individuals who have a need (or
`business information and don't
`have the infonnation resources
`large companies typically have."
`Launched Oct. 30, the Business
`Network has more than 2,50ol busi(cid:173)
`ness information sources as well as
`business directory and advice ser(cid:173)
`vices, AT&T said. Officials would
`not give its number of subscribers.
`AT&T. in Cambridge, M,.s., can
`be reached at {800) 660· 2299.
`~.__. ;...,
`in prizes!
`+SwlSo/1 ~-t-·tn• //)O'IIOCOOteS •
`A Sun Mlctosystems contest.
`C«porate Sponsors:
`' \ \. t' •
`OI991Soo-to.IIW..-lot.Soo-.,S..""S••S•U•loAicltUoo_.IM .. - • , . . . ._ ~-~tot.
`... IAiiol~..t·- !l)--&er- 1;'31fl'."'--'*-""'~"'"'·""'""',.._,
`BLUE COAT SYSTEMS - Exhibit 1007 Page 2

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