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`cement a centerpiece
`ccn-taur \'\ciir.lnr\
`ti (Mk.
`i, ('i‘nmurtlx.
`(ik Krrrruwrnl (Hr)
`: niiy oi .i nice oi ere-unites lrihled to he hrrli mini and lid” horse :llid (it
`live iii lhc mxiuniuinh ul lhcxsuly
`cen-tau-rea \scti- 1an
`\rr[NL. geniisnrririe. rr Ml,]ir.i
`oi a large genus (Curiluun'u) oi composite- herbs his kii.iriuee-di lltk’lud»
`trig several cultivate-d ior their showy tie-lids oi inhilldr ilorets
`Can-tau-rus \-‘\ rt [L igcn Curtmurll] : a southern kuihlcllrlllttll
`heiween (lit:
`truthern Crosv and Hydru
`censiau-ry \‘scii-.lur~é\ rt. pI -ries [ME ertrrirruru, ir MF rrtrrrurrrr-e. ir
`ML rrniuun'u.
`ir L lenluurt'um.
`ir Gk huliluurtlun.
`ir Kl'itlullttt\]
`(No i
`y oi a genus ((‘t-rrmurrimii oi low hcths oi the llclllhlll
`lamil)‘: exp
`an Old World herb ic umbellarutnt lilrmcrl) used as A
`ionic 2.
`.n hcrb iSuhutiu rrrrrrrrlrrrrdoithe (rhlt‘l’ll L i timely R'ldk'd
`In eeniaury
`Icahn-yo \wn~‘ias(.lvu\ n. pl was (so. ht . hundredth. ir
`(’it’llll) hirne
`it L eerirum) (Hill)
`set- bullylutii).
`pun), querml uii. trrere at money table
`Sp] Hull»
`1cen~tn~vo \ 'tn»i.)vu,
`rr. pl was [Pg ir
`i-nrzerro, eicrrdn, meirmlai MUNI v tdhle
`ccn.te.nnr.i.nn \,scn-l.‘l»ntr»t-:n\ ri lea
`[84H : one that is int) )L'lii\
`old or older — centenarian ml]
`cen-te.iin.ry \\:ll~'le>n ré
`'kenel: ncree.
`i’\fl 8m \cne
`re\ rr,
`-ries [LL centenarrum, ir L ecnrerrarrrri oi a hundred.
`('ttllwli one
`hundred each. ir mmmr hundred — more at in suaiolilixht: r».
`IFN'VIAL 7 centenary ad]
`cen.ten.n .nl \sen-‘te-ne-an ri [L tertrum A E sk'titilul (as in lirerrrrrulti
`l|876tz a mom :iniihcrvir) or us eetehratroii
`centennial ml]
`cenrten-niml-ly \-a-lé\ udv
`'cen-ter \‘sen or. ‘se-iiar\ rt [ME centre,
`ir MF. ir
`rt'iilr‘llm, it hit
`Lennon sharp point. center oi a circle, ir Aenrerrr to prick riroh riltrii to
`OHS hurting pointed] i Me)
`the point around which ii clrck‘ or
`sphere is described, broadly: a point
`that is rrlrilcd to rr geonietrttul
`ligur: In such a way that for any point on the figure ll‘L‘R‘ is zinmher
`poini on the irgurc such ihai ti straight line julnlng the two points is
`bisected by the original point 7 mllcd alm Ce'rllcrrtfwmmt‘lrv b: (lit:
`center at the circle inscribed in ri regular polygon 2 a: a point. areri.
`person. or thing that is most important or prioial in relation to rll‘
`indicated acirviiy, interest. or condition <a railroad ~> <the 7 oi lhc
`ii ; a source irom which something origriirites (rt proptu
`ganda ~> e: a group oi nerve cells llJVing a common iuricirrin (res
`spiratory ~> d: a region oi concentrated pnpulnrron {an urban ~> c
`z A incility providing .i plan: (or A pailluulai aciiiriy or serirre in do):
`can: ~> 3 n: the middle purl (as at the iurehead or .i stage)
`It ofrcrt
`cup il): a grouping of Pullllcfll figures holding niudcrdle \ch\ esp
`between (hose oi conservatives and liberals
`in :
`the irews oi such
`the adherciiis oi such ii’ews
`4 a: ri triaycroccupy-
`ing a middle poslnon on a teriin: ris
`tit :
`the football player in the
`middle oi a line who pa. es ihe bnll between his legs to a hack to start it
`down (2t: the usu tallest player an a baskcibdll team who usu play»
`near ihe basket b: comer FIELD 5 at either or (M) tapered rrrris
`which support work in ’J lathe or grinding machine and about or with
`which the work revolves b: a COnILAl rec
`s in (he end oi work iris r|
`sham tor reeervrng such a Ccnler 7 een-ienless \.ias\ all]
`Icenter vb cen-tered; cen-ter-ing \‘s:n-i(a-lrii), ‘se.nar.rn\ vr Halo)
`1 :
`to place or hr at or nmund a center or central are-a or position <7
`the picture on the wall)
`2 ;
`to give a Cenlrul locus or basis <~i her
`hopes on her son) (the plcll was ~ed on espronage> J: to adrust it
`lenses) so that the axes corncrde
`4 a: m pass- (a hall or puck) from
`either side iowzird the middlc oi the playing llri:rl h: to hruid or pass
`(a ltmibulll backward between uiie's lcgs in u brick ll) \(LII’l LI down ~
`to have a specified ctnier: FOCLS
`usage the intransiirve verb carrier is mosi cnmmtmly used with the
`prcposnlmis rri. on. at. and ilmwid. AI appears in he luvnmd rr-r mdihe~
`maticnl contexts.
`the others are (ound in ll hrond range oi coritetis
`Currier around. a standard idiorn. has often becn ohrected to rir illogi-
`cat. The logic on which the obrecirons are bascd IS rrreieunt. mic:
`centerarourrd is an idiom Jilll rdiorns lure [llui owrr logic i‘iutrtrrrrr I»
`currently more common in cdlied prose. rind rcvnlw around Jud Slmlr
`liar verbs are available it you wrini in Mold renter urnuiid
`tender-board \‘Vcn-i:r»bnrd. 'se-nar» » hnrri\ rr ilhmt :
`.i rclruclzihlc
`keel used esp in sailboats
`cen-tered Vscn-iard. ‘se-iiard\ dd} (ca 1893)
`1 haung .i Luillcr
`often used in combination (a dark-cerium! coneflower)
`z : having a
`center oi eurvaiure e oiten used in Combination (ii i critercdrirch)
`: emotionally slablc and secure 7 cen-tered-ness \~nas\ ti
`center field ri ([857)
`l: the pnsiiroir oi the player tor deiendriig (air
`ter held
`2 :
`the part of the baseball ouiireld between right mid leit
`held 7 center fielder rt
`cen-teniuld \'sen-tars.iold. '\e»nnrr\ n ilqsz)
`ri ioldoui ihai is the
`Lenicr spread oi a magazine
`2 ~ a piclur: ins oi a nude! on :r cciilcr»
`told. also
`‘.| m deI ieaturcd in such a picture
`ceneter-Iine \»
`in\ rt (le7
`ti real or iniugindr) line that is uqul~
`disianl irorn the surlace or sides oi something
`center at curvature (ca
`llic Ccnter oi the circle whose center
`lies on the concave side oi a curse on the nnmrdl to :i gtten point oi the
`curie ilnd whose radius is cquzil lo the rddius oicuridture '.\l that point
`center of gravity ile‘Jl
`I: cum or \u“ z: the point .it wlitrh
`the tniirc weight oi a trod.» mm he considered as cotueriiruted so thdt
`ri \uppnrlcd 4t lhlV point the body would reniruri tn euruhhttum in oil)
`nosriron 3: rrerR la
`center of mass ilh‘wi :
`the point
`in .i had) ttr slut-m rri hrrrlres .il
`which (hi: whole mass may he eorrsrdercri d~ toruenrrrrrerl
`.rt 9. to
`ccnetebpiene \-,p5s\ "1|th 1
`tin ohreei oeerrrmtrg .r on
`non esp: sri ridnrnmciil
`in the :eliit't ot rr
`z .
`site that
` -sr in r unlit-r ninth»
`.eritrrrl rmrtotiunee or litit‘
`\’\liliien. F t.rhle ‘.:v\lulllik‘r \rl\a\li urine \J\llli)r‘
`\l\ ici-
`\du\oui uhtehiri
`mung \oigo mm \m\ but
`\ill\ihc \|l\lllfll
`\Itt\ \lsmn \di, k
`it. ‘\ m- Uliidi
`lu l‘lotitiliemllittt
`\)\ )tl
`(my mix|iirc used tor a similar
`Higrcdlcni oi lnttriul .inri ronereie, alto:
`b : rune-rim 2 z a hllidlng elemeni or agency as
`a :
`subdancc to make Uhycch udhere in each other
`I): some-thing \cr‘vlilg
`m rrtrrte lirmly «Justice is (he 7 that hold\ a political cimimunily In»
`“(her 7R M Hutehrno 3 ; r-euewtu A: a plastic composition
`mile esn oi rrrie or silica ior tilting denial cuVille\
`s :
`the line:
`ifarrierl groundmats or glass oi a porphyry
`:cerfltlfl vi (144;)
`l: to unite or make irrrn by or as it by eernent
`ro overlay with concrete ~ w:
`in heeanre cemented
`ced-ncll-(n-tinn \.\z-.tnene'iae\han\ rl ( l 59“ l i a procefis til hurmiind~
`m .r solid writ. r powder unri healing the whole so ihrii the solid is
`Jung“! by chcmlcdl cnmhlnnltnn with ll'ie powder
`1 z
`the .iu iir
`rrness oi cementing:
`the \[zlie oi herng cemented
`teimcnbile \hi-‘m:n~.lii\ rt [‘remvrii] iltliixt : a hard hriillc rrnn cor»
`hide fetC ihai ixuun in Hard, cast Iron. and ironv drboii .xllUM
`tious \,\c .mcn~'ll4h:\\ All] (ta I81)“ : baking (he Pronu-
`rre. of cement
`“.men-lum \sr-‘nien-tam rr [NL, ir L memenrurn] (1342); a \pm‘lul‘
`red eiternril hon» layer entering the dentin oi the part at a tooth rior-
`mull) uritun the gum 7 see room rlluurairon
`t, Li criemeterrum, ir Gk koiméiérlon s eeping chamber. burial place.
`:Em-e-(ery \‘s:~ni=-.|Cr~é\ rr, pl -ler~ies EME rrrnrtery, tr MF errnrrt-re
`ii Amman {0 DUI
`lit slecp. akin l0 Cik kclxlhal to lie, Ski
`isle he [its]
`tlstt. a hurral ground
`cen- -cle \'sc»m-kal\ n [LL L'L'muulum the room where Christ and lllS
`Ji‘IIF’lC‘ had lh: Lasl Supper.
`lr L. top story. prob lr calla dinner]
`thtNl: 1| retreal house, EXP: one for Roman Catholic women directed
`it» mun oi the Society oi Our Lady or the Cenaeie
`ene oil] comb jorm [Gk Aamoi new. recent 7 more at RLCENT] :
`rii riarnes olgeniogre pcrind <Eoeerre>
`[en-white \'\c-n:»,bll, asp Brri
`rt [LL coenubim.
`ir cuenobrum
`mondsltry, lr LGlt komablon. ulnm lr Gk kum- coerl- + bio: life 77
`more at omit] ica
`isooi : a member of a religious group living (0-
`“mar in ii monastic community 7 cen-o-bit-ic \.se-iia-'bi-trk,
`rarm-species \‘sesnae,spé~(.lshéz,
`.mseax ri
`ilazzl :
`LI group at related biological laxonumlc units capable by red-
`inn oi closely related genotypes oi essentially free gene interchange
`czno-kflvh \'s:~n3-.iai.
`.lil'\ n [F cénomphe. lr
`I, cenomphium. lr Gk
`Ir keno; :mply i
`Iuphos tomb] (1603) : n mmb or a
`monunieni erecred in honor oi a person or group oi persons whose
`rcmatiix are elm“ here
`cbirdie \sr.'no-te\ n [Mchp, fr Yucmec u'orrm] 11341) : a deep Slnk~
`hole in limestone With a pool at the bottom that is lound esp in Yuca-
`Ce-no.zo~ic \.sé-n2-‘zé-ik. .se-\ adj [Gk karrroi + E staic] (law 1 0!.
`relating to. or being an era oi geological history that extends item the
`beginning 0’ ill: Ternary period in the present time and ii marked hy a!
`rapid evolution oi mammals and bird.» and oi angrosperms and esp
`grasses and by little change in the invertebrates, also: relating to the
`corrmponding system of rock: 7— ice GEOLOGlC YlME iahle 7‘ Cenu»
`mic n
`tense \'~cii(|l~\ vi censed: tens-in: [MEr prob shorl [or enccnitn [0
`incrnhe. lr MF Mcettsrr. lr LL lnrenmre.
`lr. incensum lnccnhe] (14C)
`to perfume e‘p with a ctnser
`cen~ser \'\en(ll-S=r\
`ri (Hal
`: a vessel for burning
`lnCElne. erp : a covered incense burner swung on
`chains in a FtlIZIOUS riiual
`‘cen-sor \‘senlll-wfi rr [L. tr csrisére to give as one's
`opinion, assess. perh akin to Ski iar-rrtrztr he praises]
`: one oi lwo magistraies 0! early Rome
`acting In census takers. asseSsors. and inspectors ni
`"Norah and conduci 2: on: who superwses conduct
`and mum]; as I: an official who examints malen-
`al‘ lat publicanom Ur lilms) for ObJECHOnilble mailer
`b: an nlliclal (n In lime of war) who reads commu-
`fllCallUil\ lax lcltcnl mid dzleicfi malarial conildertd
`‘CflslltrL‘ or harmful
`3 '
`L‘ hypclhcilcal psychic
`Agency that
`reprcsicx unacLepiable nolions belor:
`lhry rmcli consciousncss 7 cen~so<ri~al \sens'soree-
`zl. e'sor-\ ad]
`lcensor H sen-sored; cen-sor-ing \'senii)-sa-nn.
`“Enlllvlllfi ([882): to examine In order to suppress
`or delete unylhing considered obyccilonable
`cen~so-ri-ous \Scm'sér-é-as, -'sor-\ ad] [L censoriux ol 4 censor. it com
`torlilsiol: marked by or giicn l0 censure
`syn sec CRITICAL » cen-
`S0~rl-nus-ly adv 7 cenesmrl-ous-ness fl
`f9n~sor~ship \'sen(tI-sor».thip\
`a :
`ill: institution.
`‘hicm. or p
`lice til :rnsnring b :
`[he HCIIOH‘ or pmclius of cut-
`Vtrs. up : censonnl Ciinlml
`:xrrciied rcprcssivtly
`2 : {he oihce.
`leerr tir term of a Roman censor
`J : cxclusmn from cnnscliiumess
`it) ill: [ML‘hic 'rnsor
`‘Qll'SIlrvale \'wn(il~~h(o-lr9-bal\ ad] ([6157 : dscrvlng or Open (L)
`ten-sure \'\<lll|l-~ll3r\ rt [L L‘enmm. ir eentérc] (14c)
`; J Judgmcnl
`WWW“! Itindcmiiaiinn 2 archaic: ()PlNli)N ll,‘DGMEN‘l 3: the 2c! of
`f‘lzmmg or cmidemnin slcrnl} 4
`an official reprimand
`'tensure ri cen~sur
`, cen-sur-ing \‘~cn(ll-«h1:—lnn\
`1i NJ 1:
`in Find laull “huh and cniislzt: 2n blameviarlhy
`my see i til min 7 cen-sur~er \keniitwhor-nn n
`'son‘IMafl n [L lr (ensue) flé‘d] 1: d LUulH of the Pnpulw
`" um .i properly C\.|lu3ll(m in Carl» Rom:
`2 ' J mu complcie
`mime rrror. ot a nopularron. Spr‘t'i/
`.r periodic gozcriiltictildl criumur-
`n .
`> r‘ rulsrrnn 3; mi Ni THU
`census ,r
`r; (MF. hundred, ir
`l ceriiirtn
`7 more at H| \i)RrD]1l"‘(1\
`. ,r other v unit equal in
`“it or ,r haste unit oi \‘dlu:
`see hlrr
`(ii/iii ti
`llm. pound,
`ihilllmz 'dl
`y'wtr ‘rthlc 2: a earn, token. or note rcprcscniliig one cent 3: the
`fill trl lhl‘ Pcuple'x Republlc OI China
`("l-Ill \‘scn-t’|\ n [I ct‘tilum A E ~ti/ias m qulfllfll)] l
`| R70) chic/ll- Bril
`Mt \tliil tiwtitrur t
` 3

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