`Dlaplay periodical.
`llon-circulatiDCJ until:
`AN 20 1995
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1005

`Magazine of the
`IEEE Computer Society
`Circulation: Computer (ISSN 0018-
`9162) is published monthly by the
`IEEE Co mputer Society. IEEE Head(cid:173)
`quarters, 345 East 47th St., New
`York, NY 10017-2394; IEEE Com(cid:173)
`puter Society Publications Office,
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`This magazine is also available in
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`Copyright and reprint permls·
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`Editorial: Unless otherwise stated,
`bylined articles, as well as product
`and service descriptions, reflect the
`author's or firm's opinion. Inclusion
`in Computer does not necessarily
`constitute endorsement by the IEEE
`or the Computer Society. All submis(cid:173)
`sions are subject to editing for style,
`clarity, and space.
`Feature Articles
`SEI Capability Maturity Model's Impact on Contradors
`Hossein Saiedian and Richard Kuzara
`With strong DoD sponsorship, more companies will probably base their
`software process improvement efforts on SEl's Capability Maturity
`Model, but the opposition is loud and clear.
`Maintaining Data-Driven Rules in Databases
`Avigdor Gal and Opher Etzion
`A new model with an invariant-based language effectively handles data(cid:173)
`driven rules in databases and uses the semantic properties of these rules
`to meet high-level language requirements.
`Adaptive Parallelism and Piranha
`Nicholas Carriero, Eric Freeman, David Gelernter, and David Kaminsky
`Most desktop computers are idle much of the time. Piranha allows waste
`cycles to be recaptured by putting them to work running parallel
`Computing Practices
`To Whom am I Speaking?
`Remote Booting in a Hostile World
`Mark Lomas and Bruce Christianson
`Today's networked computer systems are very vulnerable to attack. The
`collision-rich hash function described here permits a secure boot across a
`public network with no security features.
`In Search of Self-Belief: The "BOP" Phenomenon
`Robert L Glass
`In this fanciful tale, software practitioners lose their self-belief to the
`forces working against them. There may be a lesson or two as we learn
`how they regain it.
`The Challenges of Real· Time Al
`David J. Mus liner, James A Hendler, Ashok K. Agrawala , Edmund H.
`Durf ee, Jay K. Strosnider, and C.J. Paul
`This article examines the emerging research area of real-time artificial
`intelligence, surveying new approaches that combine the best of both
`fields and describing some important applications.
`1994 Gordon BelrPriz~ Winners
`Alan !{;iKarp, Mfrh~'e{ Heath, Don Heller, and Horst Simon
`For~· firs! time in the_ Gordon Bell prize competition, performance
`numbers iii fraction~~f a teraflop were reported . Bell was so pleased that
`he doubled the perfO~fnance awards.
`,,. :·.:.. .... ·
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1005

`Large software projects require many specialists, such
`as programmers, database administrators, quality assur(cid:173)
`ance personnel, testers, and technical writers. Implicitly,
`at-home workers need at least dedicated telephone lines
`and two-way fax and e-mail communication with cowork(cid:173)
`ers and clients.
`Additional issues involve dealing with performance
`appraisals, awards, and especially the delicate subject of
`employment termination. Right now, there are more ques(cid:173)
`tions than answers about home-office work.
`Normal programming-office arrangements
`As a management consultant, every year I visit 20 to 30
`companies in the US and abroad. The most frequently
`encountered programming office arrangements have S(cid:173)
`foot partitions separating
`• small one-person cubicles of about 48 square feet,
`• two-person cubicles of about 90 square feet, or
`• three-person cubicles of about 140 square feet.
`I also see open office arrangements of perhaps SO soft(cid:173)
`ware personnel in large rooms, with file cabinets, fax
`machines, and supplies located along the periphery.
`A common problem with these arrangements is a very
`short "mean time to interrupt." My informal observations
`in the US indicate that personnel in shared work spaces
`experience some kind of interruption every 10 minutes (an
`incoming/ outgoing phone call, a social visit, or a noise or
`comment from the surrounding cubicles that interrupts
`concentration) .
`Assume every worker receives a phone call or a visitor
`about once an hour. With five or six workers in close prox(cid:173)
`imity, the cumulative number of interruptions can reach
`significant levels very quickly. It does not have to be that
`way, of course, but it often is.
`Several years ago, I visited a Japanese software factory
`that had an open office arrangement. According to the
`managers and personnel queried, this situation caused no
`apparent reduction in productivity. After a few hours at
`this factory, I noticed an interesting phenomenon: In a
`room with about 80 software personnel, barely a sound
`could be heard.
`Several design and code reviews were taking place in
`separate areas set aside for this purpose, but from a dis(cid:173)
`tance of about 30 feet the voices were not even audible. As
`I was noting this, another visiting American came into the
`complex. We shouted greetings to each other from across
`the room and started talking while still more than SO feet
`It suddenly occurred to me that we were making more
`noise than anything else in the entire building. In the US,
`it's not unusual to carry on rather loud conversations at a
`distance. Although there's no reason why we can't, we sim(cid:173)
`ply have not developed a group-cooperation culture that
`lets us work in close physical proximity without interrupt(cid:173)
`ing one another. Typical US programming offices are
`rather noisy places.
`Programming is an intense mental activity that requires
`some periods of quiet concentration without interruptions.
`That is why, in the US, software office space significantly
`impacts software productivity.
`Hot Topics
`Editor: Ronald D. Williams, University of Virginia, Thornton Hall/Electrical
`Engineering, Charlottesville, VA 22903; phone (804) 924-7960; fax (804) 924-
`8818; Internet, rdw@virginia .edu
`on the Internet
`Ronald J. Vetter
`North Dakota State University
`V ideoconferences are becoming increasingly fre(cid:173)
`quent on the Internet and are generating much
`research interest. I Readily available software tools
`enable real-time audio and video channels as well as shared
`whiteboards that allow groups to collaborate on distrib(cid:173)
`uted group work more quickly and easily than ever (see
`sidebar on available tools) .
`The Internet infrastructure is beginning to support video(cid:173)
`conferencing applications in several ways. First, the emerg(cid:173)
`ing multicast backbone (or MBone) can efficiently send
`traffic from a single source over the network to multiple
`recipients. I At the same time, many workstations attached
`to the Internet are being equipped with video capture and
`sound cards to send and receive video and audio data
`streams. The price/ performance of these hardware devices
`has finally reached a level that makes wide-scale deploy(cid:173)
`ment possible, which is perhaps the most important factor
`in the recent growth of videoconferencing applications.
`The CU-SeeMe videoconferencing tool is also becoming
`very popular. 2 Because CU-SeeMe was designed to run on
`a Macintosh AV, which has built-in audio and video sup(cid:173)
`port, it is an inexpensive way to undertake videoconfer(cid:173)
`encing on the Internet. A CU-SeeMe reflector (that is, a
`Unix host running appropriate control software) is the
`multicasting point for CU-SeeMe participants in a single
`videoconferencing group, whereas MBone users use
`"mrouters" to support their multicast packets.
`One important problem that must be addressed is the
`optimal placement (on the Internet) of mrouters and/ or
`reflectors. That is, certain configurations of mrouters/ reflec(cid:173)
`tors will result in better utilization of network bandwidth
`than other placements. For example, a reflector for a local
`CU-SeeMe conference session should reside "electronically
`close" to the site with the majority of participants. When
`there are hundreds of potential users and many mrouters/
`reflectors, the problem becomes even more acute, and it is
`easy to set up configurations that waste bandwidth because
`traffic flows over inappropriate links.
`Problems experienced in the virtual classroom
`My work with a project to demonstrate an electronic or
`virtual classroom over the Internet using available video(cid:173)
`conferencing tools has revealed several additional prob(cid:173)
`lems. 3 Although the project was successful, existing
`January 1995
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1005

`videoconferencing tools have several limitations. (I real(cid:173)
`ize that these tools may not have been designed for such
`an environment, but my goal is to point out important
`issues in distance-learning video/ audio a pplications.)
`The most troublesome problems, unrelated to confer(cid:173)
`encing tools, were hardware and operating system soft(cid:173)
`ware problems. When teaching a class remotely and
`electronically, it's important that computer hard~are is
`up and running whenever the class meets. Although this
`may seem easy to do, my experience proved that such reli(cid:173)
`ability was hard to achieve. There were several occasions
`during the semester when a particular piece of hardware
`was down or an operating system ha d been upgraded,
`causing the virtual classroom to become inoperative.
`(Because the virtual classroom used workstations in a gen(cid:173)
`eral-purpose laboratory, it was used by other faculty, staff,
`and students and was reserved only for a given time slot.)
`Audio tools. One problem with audio transmission in
`a virtual classroom environment is the number and avail(cid:173)
`ability of microphones. Since all audio tools allow only a
`single microphone per workstation, persons wishing to
`speak at a site with only one machine must move to the
`microphone and ask the coordinator to allow them to speak.
`Although the audio quality was generally acceptable,
`there was often a large amount of disturbing feedback
`when the microphones at multiple sites were left "open"
`during a discussion. Using a push-to-talk mechanism
`helped reduce the feedback, but it limited interaction
`among on-site participants because it proved cumbersome
`for the coordinator to continually invoke the push-to-talk
`button for others. Another difficulty is coordinating when
`someone should start talking: Participants often begin
`talking too soon and thus truncate their messages.
`Whiteboard tools. The performance of some white(cid:173)
`board tools proved to be inadequate. It sometimes took sev(cid:173)
`eral minutes to broadcast a simple graphic image to multiple
`Collage is a shared whiteboard tool developed by the
`ing tool providing multiple party conferences with a
`National Center for Supercomputing Applications for X
`choice of transport protocols over the Internet. It was
`Window environments. It allows multiple participants to
`developed by Henning Schulzrinne of AT&T Bell
`share a common whiteboard on their desktops.
`CU-SeeMe from Cornell University is a software plat(cid:173)
`NV (Net Video) is a videoconferencing tool that lets
`form that supports video and audio conferencing over
`users transmit and receive slow-frame-rate video across
`the Internet. Originally designed for use with a Macintosh
`the Internet. Video streams can be sent point-to-point or
`AV computer, CU-SeeMe is intended to provide useful
`to several destinations simultaneously using IP multicast.
`conferencing at minimal cost. Receiving requires only a
`Receivers need no special hardware, just an X display. The
`Mac with a screen capable of displaying 4-bit gray scale
`frame rate varies with the amount of motion and the
`and a connection to the Internet. Sending requires a
`bandwidth available. Frame rates of 3-5 frames per sec(cid:173)
`camera and either a Mac AV or a SuperMac VideoSpigot
`ond are common for the default bandwidth of 128 Kbits
`board, Quicktime, and SpigotVDIG extensions added to
`per second. NV was developed by Ron Frederick of Xerox
`the system folder. Two configurations are possible: a one(cid:173)
`Palo Alto Research Center.
`SD (Session Director) is the session director tool that
`to-one or, by use of a reflector, a many-to-many configu(cid:173)
`ration. PCs running Windows are also now supported.
`announces and launches conferences on the MBone. SD
`A CU-SeeMe Reflector is a Unix platform running the
`provides a dynamically updated list of available sessions
`reflector program that allows multiparty conferencing with
`(for example, VAT audio conferences, NV or IVS videocon(cid:173)
`CU-SeeMe. The CU-SeeMe Reflector was constructed out of
`ferences, and whiteboard conferences) and an easy way
`necessity, since there was !'O support in the Macintosh
`to join any available session or to create and advertise
`TCP/IP facilities for multicast. You need to use a CU-SeeMe
`new sessions. The tool was written by Van Jacobson of
`reflector to have a multiparty conference using CU-SeeMe
`Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (LLL).
`software on the Internet. Without reflectors, only point-to(cid:173)
`VAT (Visual Audio Tool) is a software tool that supports
`point connections are possible. A reflector program can be
`multiple audio channels between conference participants
`used to inject CU-SeeMe audio and video into the MBone.
`over the Internet. It was developed by Van Jacobson and
`IVS (INRIA Videoconferencing System) is a software
`Steve McCanne at LLL.
`WB (Whiteboard) is a collaborative software tool that
`tool that supports audio and video conferences over the
`Internet. It includes a software codec with an integrated
`supports a shared desktop whiteboard among a group of
`distributed users on the Internet. It was developed by Van
`dynamic-admission-control mechanism and a protocol to
`manage the participants in a videoconference. IVS is
`Jacobson and Steve McCanne of LLL
`based on the COTT H.261 video compression standard.
`(See URL for
`the availability of these and other Internet videoconferencing
`• - (Muttkast Backbone) is a virtual network on
`•top• of the Internet that provides a multicasting facility
`tools. Another URL that provides a good m'iewof deskfopvideo
`to the lntsnft. Mione~ of networt routers or
`COfiferendng tools is:
`'"'mrouters• that1Ut'POft muftkllst. The principal Mione
`appllcatioA tools are SD, NY, VAT, and wt (see below).
`SeeMe inf'ormattion, inonymou1ft9t0 ~ . . and
`..._ (NetworkVokf Tertnlnat) Is an audlo"Conferenc·
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1005

`Table 1. Results of a "trace route" from a North Dakota State University machine to a
`corresponding Moorhead State University machine.
`Internet host/gateway
`and associated IP number
`Round-trip count in
`milliseconds for three
` (134. 129.107 .1)
`spokane 1-gw. nwnet. net ( 192. 14 7. 162.26)
` (
` ( 94)
` (192.1 47.179.2)
` (
` (
` (
` (140.222. 130.1)
` (
` ( 13)
` (131.103.1 .19)
` (131.1 03.9.2)
` (192.207 .245.2)
`MSUS-gw.MR.Net (
`StCloud-GW1 .MSUS.EDU (
`Moorhead-GW1 .MSUS.EDU (
` (
` (1 34.29.97 .4)
` (
`participants. This is unac(cid:173)
`ceptable in a real-time
`environment. It appeared
`the problem was
`mainly one of scalability,
`since adding additional
`participants worsened the
`problem. For example,
`when using the Collage
`whiteboard tool with more
`than two or three remote
`participants, the respon(cid:173)
`siveness of the Collage tool
`diminished to the point
`where it became difficult
`to use. The drawing tools
`and simple text displays
`worked satisfactorily.
`Video tools. At times
`during a classroom presen(cid:173)
`tation, the video streams
`overwhelmed the network
`and caused all lab work(cid:173)
`stations to "lock up." Video
`sources should be able to
`streams (this is called scal(cid:173)
`able rate control) during
`periods of network con-
`gestion, because other-
`wise it would be easy to
`flood the network with packets and adversely affect other
`users in a shared environment such as a campus. Such an
`approach doesn't make one very popular with the local
`network administrators!
`Also, it is often impossible to tell if remote sites are "alive"
`and receiving video during a classroom presentation. None
`of the video tools I used provided feedback indicating that
`the images were actually being displayed on the appropri(cid:173)
`ate workstations. We found ourselves often asking, "Are
`you still there? Are you receiving the video OK?" and so on.
`We recommend that tools designed for videoconferencing
`applications be equipped with mechanisms to inform the
`sending site that a receiving site is active and able to dis(cid:173)
`play the video (and audio for that matter) .
`important way of carrying out collaborative group work.
`One of the first uses of the national information super(cid:173)
`highway will likely be in the area of remote-distance edu(cid:173)
`cation through virtual classrooms. Therefore, it is
`important that conferencing tools be designed to handle
`this application's unique requirements. As conferencing
`systems like MBone and CU-SeeMe develop, we must be
`ready to explore their possible uses so that their limita(cid:173)
`tions can be promptly recognized and corrected.
`Ronald J. Vetter is an assistant professor of computer science.
`He can be contacted at the Computer Science Department,
`IACC Building, Room 258, North Dakota State University,
`Fargo, ND 58105-5164; e-mail, rvetter@plains. nodak. edu.
`References _______________ _
`1. M. Macedonia and D. Brotzman, ''MBone Provides Audio and Video
`Across the Internet," Computer, Vol. 27, No. 4, Apr. 1994, pp. 30-36.
`2. "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on CU-SeeMe Conferenc(cid:173)
`ing," anonymous ftp,, file / pub/ video/ CU(cid:173)
`SeeMe.FAQ. 7-6.txt, July 6, 1994.
`3. R. Vetter, "Virtual Classroom Easier Than You Think!" Com(cid:173)
`puter, Vol. 27, No. 6, June 1994, p. 104.
`January 1995
`Physically Close, Electronically Distant
`We found that even though two sites are physically
`close, they can be electronically distant. That is, two com(cid:173)
`municating sites may be many hops away on the Internet,
`so that the bandwidth between them is limited by the
`slowest link connecting them. For example, during our
`virtual classroom experiments, two sites-one at North
`Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota, and the
`other at Moorhead State University in Moorhead,
`Minnesota-were only five miles apart physically, but
`thousands of miles apart on the Internet (see Table 1) .
`Thus, it is very important to know how many hops sepa(cid:173)
`rate distributed sites when using conferencing tools over
`electronic networks, as this will adversely affect the qual(cid:173)
`ity collaboration.
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1005

`Advertiser/Product Index
`ACM CHI 95 ......................................................... 27
`RS# PG#
`CACI Products Company ........................................... . . .. 1
`The City University of Hong Kong ............... . . ... .. ... .. . .. ........ 38
`Computer Communications and Networks Conference 95 ... .... ...... ... 107
`Data Engineering Conference 95 ........... .... .. ..... .. ... . ........ 96-97
`The George Washington University ..... .................... ... ...... ... 57
`ICCD 95 ........ .' ................ . . . .. .... . . .. ...................... . 67
`IEEE Computer Society Membership ............. ... ....... . .... ... .48A-D
`IEEEinfocom95 ............................ ...... . . . .. . .......... 14-15
`IEEE Infocom 96 ....................... . ...... . ... ............... ..... 7
`Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory ............................... 38
`Network and Distributed System Security Symposium 95 ................. 87
`CACI Products Company
`Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium 95 .. ...... .. . ........ . ... 99
`Gimpel Software
`Parallel Processing Symposium 95 .. .......... . .. ............ ....... Cover II
`ParaSoft Corporation .... ... . ...... .............. ...... .. . ..... . ..... . 26
`PDCS 95 ... ....................... ... . .. . .. . ......... . . . ..... .. Cover III
`The Petaflops Frontier Workshop ........... . ....... ............. . ... .. 100
`Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications ............ Cover N Media Synergy
`Queensland University of Technology ............ ......... ... .......... lll
`Software Reliability Engineering Symposium 95 ........................ 105
`Tools with Artificial Intelligence Conference 95 ..................... . . ... 39
`Visualization 95 ............. . ........ .. ... ........ . .. ... ... .... 102-103
`Mitsubishi Electronics America
`VRAIS 95 ..................... .. ......... ......... . ... . . . ....... .. .. 75
`Multiwave Innovation
`Classified Advertising ...... ..... .... . . ................. .......... 108-ll6
`Southern California and Mountain States: Richard C. Faust, 24050
`Madison Street. Suite 101, Torrance, California 90505; Tel: (310) 373-9604; Fax:
`(310) 373-8760.
`Northern California and Pacific NW: Jack Vance, 4030 Moorpark Avenue,
`Suite ll6, San Jose, California 95ll7; Tel: ( 408) 741-0354; Fax: (408) 985-0181.
`East Coast: Gail A. Frank, Nancy Inserra, Art Frank, 82 Bethany Road, Suite 4,
`Hazlet, New Jersey07730; Tel: (908) 264-llOO; Fax: (908) 264-4340.
`Southwest: Frank E. Johnson, 3601 Smith-Barry Road, Suite 103, Arlington,
`Texas 76013; Tel: (817) 275-2651; Metro Voice/ Fax: (817) 265-38ll.
`New England: Martin J. Tubridy, 3 Glenwood Road, Weston, Connecticut
`06883; Tel: (203) 222-7004; Fax: (203) 227-5790.
`Midwest: Harold L. Leddy, 345 Auburn Avenue, Winnetka, Illinois 60093-3603;
`Tel: (708) 446-8764; Fax: (708) 446-7985.
`For production information, conference, and classified advertising, contact
`Marian B. Tibayan, Computer, 10662 Los Vaqueros Circle, Los Alamitos, California
`90720-1264; e-mail:; Tel: (714) 821-8380; Fax: (714)
`ParaSoft Corp.
`Reasoning Systems
`Sun Microsystems Computer Co.
`Swan Instruments
`Toshiba America
`Thompson Consumer Electrons
`Facebook Inc.'s Exhibit 1005

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