
`Facebook, Inc., Petitioner
`Windy City Innovations, LLC, Patent Owner
`Before Karl D. Easthom, David C. McKone, and J. John
`Lee, Administrative Patent Judges
`Case Nos. IPR2016-01067, -01141, -01155, -01156,
`-01157, -01158, -01159
`Peter Lambrianakos, Lead Counsel
`Vincent J. Rubino, III, Lead Counsel
`Enrique W. Iturralde, Backup Counsel
`Shahar Harel, Backup Counsel


`Instituted Grounds in IPR2016-01067 (356 Patent)
`Ground 1 – Claims 1–37
`• § 103(a) Galacticomm References
`Ground 2 – Claims 1–37
`• § 103(a) Galacticomm References and Choquier
`Ground 3 – Claims 6, 7, 17, 26, and 36
`§ 103(a) Galacticomm References and Sociable Web
` •
`Ground 4 – Claims 6, 7, 17, 26, and 36
`§ 103(a) Galacticomm References, Choquier, and Sociable Web
` •
`-01067, Paper No. 10 at pp. 32-33


`Instituted Grounds in IPR2016-01141 (245 Patent)
`Ground 1 – Claims 1–40
`§ 103(a) Major BBS and Higley
` •
`-01141, Paper No. 8 at pp. 32


`Instituted Grounds in IPR2016-01155 (657 Patent)
`Ground 1 – Claims 1, 2, 18, 27, 35, 43, 51,65, 79, 93, 100, 108, 114, 126,
`138, 150, 156, 168, 170, 172,176, 178, 180, 182–90,202, 208, 214, 220, 226,
`238, 250, 262, 268, 274, 280, 292, 304, 316, 322, 328, 334, 336, 340, 342,
`344, 346, 348, 350, 352–54, 362, 366, 370, 374, 378, 386, 394, 402, 406,
`410, 414, 422, 430, 438, 442, 450, 452, 454, 456,458, 460, 462, 464–66,476,
`481, 486, 491, 496, 505, 515, 525, 530, 535, 545, 555, 565, 570, 580, 582,
`584, 586, 588, 590,592, 594, 596–98, 606, 607, 615–17, 619, 621, 622, 624–
`26, 628, 630, 632–34, 636, 638, 640–42, 644, 646, and 648–71
`§ 103(a) Brown and Sociable Web
` •
`-01155, Paper No. 12 at pp. 37


`Instituted Grounds in IPR2016-01156* (245 Patent)
`Ground 1 – Claims 1–5, 7, and 9–14
`• § 103(a) Roseman, Rissanen, Vetter, Pike, and Westaway
`Ground 2 – Claims 6, 8, 15, 17, and 18
`• § 103(a) Roseman, Rissanen, Vetter, Pike, Westaway, and Lichty
`*IPR2017-00709 has been joined with this proceeding.
`Joined Claims – Claims 19 and 22–25
`-01156, Paper No. 7 at pp. 30-31
`-00709, Paper No. 11 at p. 11


`Instituted Grounds in IPR2016-01157 (356 Patent)
`Ground 1 – Claims 1–5, 8, 9, 12, 14–16, 19–24, 27, 28, 31, 33–35,
`and 37
`§ 103(a) Roseman, Rissanen, and Vetter
` •
`Ground 2 – Claims 6, 7, 17, 26, and 36
`§ 103(a) Roseman, Rissanen, Vetter, and Pike
` •
`Ground 3 – Claims 18 and 25
`• § 103(a) Roseman, Rissanen, Vetter, and Gosling
`-01157, Paper No. 7 at pp. 27


`Instituted Grounds in IPR2016-01158
`Ground 1 – Claims 1–59 and 64
`• § 103(a) Roseman, Rissanen, Vetter, Pike, and Lichty
`-01158, Paper No. 7 at pp. 37


`Instituted Grounds in IPR2016-01159* (659 Patent)
`Ground 1 – Claims 189, 334, 342, 348, 465, 580, 584, and 592
`• § 103(a) Roseman, Rissanen, Vetter, Pike, and Lichty
`*IPR2017-00659 has been joined with this proceeding.
`Joined Claims – Claims 203, 209, 215, 221, 477, 482, 487 and 492
`-01159, Paper No. 7 at pp. 36


`Jaime G. Carbonell, Ph.D.
`Jaime G. Carbonell, Ph.D.
`19 T5 - 1979 Yale University
`PhD 19._9 — Computer Science
`llPhil 197? - Computer Science
`MS 19715 - Computer Science
`University Professor, School ofComputer Science: Carnegie Mellon University
`Director: Language Technologies Institute: Carnegie Mellon Unit'ersitje
`:‘sllen Ferrell Professor of Computer Science: Carnegie Mellon University
`.r'sdjunct Faculty, Dept of Computational Biology-1. L" Pittsburgh Medical School.
`Co-Fcunder: Board chairman: Carnegie Speech Corporation
`Co—Fcunder: Board chairman: Wisdom Technologies Corporation
`Director: Center forl-lachine Translation: Carnegie Mellon UfllTErEll‘}'
`Professor of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
`Associate Pro fesscr of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon Unis‘ersitj.‘
`Co-Fcunder, Director: Scientific adt'isor: Carnegie Group Inc.
`.r'sssistant Professor ofComp uter Science: Carnegie Mellon Unit'ersitj:
`Research Fellow.‘ in Computer Science, Yale L'nit'ersitj-f
`Teaching .r'sssistant in Computer Science, Yale Unit'ersitj.‘
`Research Assistant, Center for Space Research: MIT
`Research Programmer: Artificial Intelligence: BEE": Cambridge: M.—‘i
`19?1 - 1975 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`SE 19—5 - P 3sics
`SE 19—5 - l-Iathenlatics
`Academic and Professional Positions Held
`2013 - Present
`1995 - Present
`1995 - Present
`EICIUIS - Present
`2001 — Present
`1995 - 2993
`1935 - 1995
`193.— - 1995
`1933 - 193.—
`1933 - 199d
`1979 - 1933
`1975 - 1975
`1975 - 19—.—
`197-1 — 1975
`1971 — 1975
`Ex. 2006
`EX. 2006


`Jaime G. Carbonell, Ph.D.
`Jaime G. Carbonell, Ph.D.
`Prufessicnal Drganizaticns and Activities
`Member: ACE-I [elected Chair cf SIGART 1933-35}, Eli-CL: :‘iHiAI [.Ll‘ii-U Fellcw WES-present: :‘iAAI executive
`cumminee HE'S-SQ]: CDgflitiTE Science Society: Sigma Xi, :"ih-ITA.
`lCcmmittee IiZC'lfl-IDH}: NIH Human
`Gut‘ernment and ether Ccmmit‘tees: ESP lCISE Scientific Adi'iecij'
`ISencnle Scientific Adriecrj' Ccmmittee: al-za "'-.‘.'atec-n Ccmmittee' (WES-1992}. DFKI Cfatic-nal German :31 Lab]
`Scientific Ski-decry Enard {1933-20031 Kati-anal Institute cf Standards and Tecbnclugj: {TEST LED]: Scientific
`Adria-cry I.Snzurznmittee {lemme-12.: DOE Daluidge Iaficnal Labcratcriee Scientific :l'Ld-Tififlrj' ICcnlrznittee (1935—
`193 S}, GMD'IPSI Lnf'crnlaticn Science: {Germany} Scientific Aerie-Dr}; bcard {IQSU-IUDI‘J: Citigrcup Technclcgj.‘
`Adria-er; ccmmittee {19331995}.
`Buck Series cu—Editcr: Lecture: fibre: in Artificin.’ fn!e.’fr'gcnca Hui-En :‘imerican edit-er: Springer [1 SSE—SUBS].
`Editurial Beards: l-Iachine Learning qurnal (ISM-IDES, editer-in-cnief WES-1993}, Machine Iranalatiun Juurnal
`{ISSUE}: :"utificial Intelligence Jc-urnal [ISM-MUS].
`Ex. 2006
`EX. 2006


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Database”
`Ex. 1001 at Claim 49


`Claim Construction – “Database”
`Board’s Construction:
`Patent Owner’s Proposed Construction:
`IPR2016-01158, Paper No. 7 at pp. 9-10
`IPR2016-01158, Paper No. 26 at p. 8


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Database”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at p. 22


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Database”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at p. 22-23


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Database”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at p. 23-24


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Database”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01157, Paper No. 22 at p. 21 & Ex. 2005 at ¶ 40


`-01156, -01157, -01158, 01159 IPRs: Lavian Testimony
`IPR2016-01159, Paper No. 38 at 3


`Claim Construction – “Token”
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at p. 12
`summarizing Paper No. 10 at pp. 7-9


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Tokens”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01157, Paper No. 22 at p. 21 at p. 17-18


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Tokens”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01157, Paper No. 22 at p. 21 at p. 17-18


`Roseman’s Key
`Roseman’s Key
`In Exhibit 2013: on page 13: lines 11 through 23, Dr. Layian testified that in
`the Roseman system a key does not necessarily need to be associated with an
`imitation. This testimony is releyant because in Facehooks original petition= it
`stated that keys (without any limitation) disclose the token ofthe ‘65? Patent.
`Petition at 11.
`n. Dissertations Releyant to any Association between Keys and
`Inn'tations 'Ln Rnseman
`ease oisaej '.-.'i:'::
`IPR2016-01159, Paper No. 38 at 1
`|PR2016-01159, Paper No. 38 at 1


`Roseman’s Key Itself Is Not A “Token”
`e.g., -01159 at Paper No. 1 at 17


`Protocols Are Not “Other Programs”
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at p. 9


`“Other Programs”
`“Other Programs”
`In exhibit 2015, on page 1133, line It} through page 104, line 24,1-lr.
`Sehmandt testifies that calling up a user located at the BBB server= telling the user
`the exaet nerds ten type into a search application can the BEE sen'er qualifies, as an
`“other program.
`using :he :ensefe, eff ef the 33S preflrez,
`fre: yea enfi I
`:e;;efi yea up enfi geu're
`:hen :he: is per: :f :he 33E pregrez.
`Z' I 5232 33:3; eeze etfle:
`p_eg:e:, Like I were 3e::ing up ene:he:
`search —— :1e search eppfi:e:i:n :f :ne 333.
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at p. 9
`|PR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at p. 9
`33333: 3333123 331 3311;
`:he 3y32p :2333 C:
`3::eigh: :efne: :enne::ien,
`:hen yes, i:
`Then :here's n: jifferenee,
`I ——
`I 1ETe :e g: eff :he :eeerfl fer e


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1 “Internet”
`Ex. 1001 at Claim 49


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Internet”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at p. 24


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Internet”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at p. 25


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Internet”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at p. 25


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Internet”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at p. 25


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Internet”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at p. 26


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Internet”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at p. 27 & Ex. 2006 at ¶ 44


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “Internet”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`IPR2016-01157, Paper No. 22 at p. 21 at p. 26-27


`The Internet Connectivity Option Was Not Available
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at pp. 3-4


`Adding Internet Was Not Obvious
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at pp. 4-5


`The Internet Connectivity Option Was Not Available
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at pp. 2-3


`The Internet Connectivity Option Was Not Available
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at p. 5


`The Internet Connectivity Option Was Not Available
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at p. 3


`Reliability of Metcalfe
`IPR2016-01159, Paper No. 38 at 2


`Reliability of Metcalfe
`IPR2016-01159, Paper No. 38 at 2


`-01156, -01157, -01158, 01159 IPRs: Lavian Testimony
`IPR2016-01159, Paper No. 38 at 2


`-01156, -01157, -01158, 01159 IPRs: Lavian Testimony
`IPR2016-01159, Paper No. 38 at 3


`-01156, -01157, -01158, 01159 IPRs: Lavian Testimony
`e.g., -01158 at Paper No. Paper No. 36 at 1


`-01156, -01157, -01158, 01159 IPRs: Lavian Testimony
`e.g., -01158 at Paper No. Paper No. 36 at 2


`-01156, -01157, -01158, 01159 IPRs: Lavian Testimony
`e.g., -01158 at
`Paper No. Paper
`No. 36 at 3; Ex.


`The Sociable Web Paper Is Not Prior Art
`• Petitioner has not met its burden to show that the
`Sociable Web paper is prior art
`• Donath admitted she has no copies that pre-date
`• Donath admitted that the web page was down
`• Donath is a paid consultant for Microsoft, the now-
`terminated petitioner.
`• The Sociable Web paper and Donath’s testimony
`should be given little to no weight.
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at pp. 10-11


`The Sociable Web Paper Is Not Prior Art
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at pp. 1-2


`The Sociable Web Paper Is Not Prior Art
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at pp. 1-2


`The Sociable Web Paper Is Not Prior Art
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at pp. 1-2


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “API”
`Ex. 1001 at Claim 49


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “API”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 30
`Ex. 1001 at Claim 49


`-01067, -01157, 356 Patent, Claim 1: “API”
`Paper No. 26 at p. 34


`Choquier Does Not Disclose Multiplexing on Server
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at pp. 5-6


`Choquier Does Not Disclose Multiplexing on Server
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at pp. 5-6


`Claim Construction – “Censorship”
`Board’s Construction:
`Patent Owner’s Proposed Construction:
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 10 at pp. 9-10
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 26 at pp. 17-18


`Censorship Is Not Disclosed
`IPR2016-01067, Paper No. 52 at p. 6


`-01141, -01156, 245 Patent, Claim 1: “Out-of-band handling”
`Ex. 1001 at Claim 49


`-01141, -01156, 245 Patent, Claim 1: “Out-of-band handling”
`IPR2016-01141, Paper No. 23 at 23-24

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