`Windy City Innovations, LLC, Patent Owner
` 1
`Microsoft Press
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`Copyright © 1997 by Microsoft Corporation
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in~Publication Data
`Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary. -- 3rd ed.
`ISBN 1-5723l—446—X
`1. Computers--Dictionaries.
`I. Microsoft Press.
`2. Microcomputers~—Dictionaries.
`QA76.15.M54 1997
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`Acquisitions Editor: Kim Fryer
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`Technical Editors: Dail Magee Jr.. Gary Nelson. Jean Ross. Jim Fuchs, John Conrow, Kurt Meyer,
`Robert Lyon, Roslyn Lutsch
` 2
`on 21 C1) recorder and reztd on 21 Cl)-ROM drive.
`See also Cl) recordct‘. (Il)—ROM.
`t't’C()t‘Ll:tl)lc‘ (ind Lfl‘;l.\".ll)lL‘.
`CD-ROM drive \(_TD-rom' driv‘, C‘D—R—O-.\vl’\
`.=\ disk storage device that Ltses compact disc tech-
`nology. See also Cl)~ROi\l. compact disc.
`CD-ROM Extended Architecture \(I‘l.)-tom‘ el<s—
`22. A device used
`CD recorder \C-1)’ i'a—l<6i“clai‘\
`to write (Il)—ROMs. Becztuse zi disc can he written
`terfdad iir"l<.3—tel<‘cliur. CD-R~O—M‘\
`/1. See CD-
`only once on these mztchines, they are used most
`commonly to create CD—RO.?\/ls for data ztrchives or
`to produce CD-ROM mztsters that can he dupli~
`czued for mziss distriliution. See the lllUSll‘2l[l(')t“t.
`A/xo caller! CD~R mztcliine, CI’)—R(f)t\l humer. See
`(I/so CD-ROM.
`CI) recorller.
`CD-R machine \C‘lf)-R’ um-shen‘\
`I). See Cl)
`CD-ROM \C‘[)-mm‘. C‘l)-R-O-:\l’\
`/1. 1. Acronym
`for compact disc reztcl-only n1et1i<>i‘y, A forin of
`storage ch:tt‘;tcteri7.ed by high C:lp{t(‘ll’}’ (roughly
`(>30 l'tl(:§!,i—,ll3}’lL,‘S) and the use of l2tH't’t' optics rather
`than niztgnetic l11L’2lI‘l>2 for rezttling d;tt:t.
`<‘,lf)~l'<C,);\il drit (‘>8 we +;tt'ictl\‘ rt,-;ttl»only. they ;trt~ simi~
`hit to ¢'.‘l‘)rl{ <,lt'l\'L“i tn rite once. l‘(;,‘;t(l
`tll;tll‘_.’)‘ opticttl
`\\’()R,\'l de\’ice.x‘. .tnd t)[')liL‘;ll re:t(l-\\'rite Cll'l\'c‘;*§. Set-t
`(I/so tIl)—l. Cl)—R. \\3’()l{;\il. 2. .-\n llKll\'l(lU1ll('()lllpLlL‘l
`tll.‘~'L' designed for use with :1 computer and CiI[')'.ll)lt,’
`til‘ ~;toi'it‘ig.>, up to (Fit) l‘t1L'}.i(llt\'lL'S ol’ Ll:-ill). See [I/X0
`‘xttlllllitijl. kll‘\\.t tltht
`(Ll)-R(')l\1 burner ’\(I l.)-tom hut‘ not. L.
`I]. See Cl) recorder.
`l.)~l<~ L)—i\l "\
`CD-ROM File System \C‘D-tom‘ til’ sfstam, CD-
`R—O—i\-'l‘\ H. See CDFS (definition l).
`jtY)k‘l>(>l<s. C‘I')-R-
`CD-ROM jukebox \C‘D-tom‘
`II. A Cl_)—ROE\-1 player that can contain up to
`200 CD-l{O:\ils and is connected to :1 CD—RO.\l drive
`in :1 person;tl computer or \vorl<st:ttion. A user can
`request data from :my of the CD—ROi\-ls in the juke-
`box, and the clevice will locate and plzty the disk
`that C()t1[2llnS the. data.
`\\'/’ltile only one CD-ROM
`can be plnyecl at :1 time. if multiple CD-ROM juke-
`hoxes are each connected to sepurztte C1)-ROM
`clrives that are d2tis_v-cliztined together to the com-
`puter, more than one Ci')~RO.\-pl can he used at :1
`time. Sect:/soCD—ROM, Cl”)—l<OM drive, dztisy chztin.
`CD-ROM/XA \C‘l)—r<')tn‘X-A",
`for CD~ROM Fxtended Architectttre. An
`extended CI)-R(,,)l\'l form:tt developed by Philips,
`Sony. and :\«lici‘osol't. Cl)-RO;\"l/XA is con.s'istent with
`the IS() 9(i()O (High Sierrzt) stztnclzird. with l‘ui‘tl‘ier
`.s'pecific;ttion ofAI)PCM (1lCl:lpli\’(3 dil'l"ei'enti:tl pulse
`code I11(‘)LlLll:lIlOl1) ztudio,
`imztges. and interlezwecl
`dzitzt. Seed/.s’o;tcl:iptlve difl'ei'enti;il pulse code mod-
`ulation. CI“.)—ROi\~l. High Siemt specification.
`CD-RW \C‘D-R-\V'\
`22. See compact
`CDS \C‘ D-S'\
`)1. See Circuit l.):tt:1 Sewices.
`CDV \C‘D~\«"\ n. 1. Acronym for compressed dig-
`ital video. The coinmes.-sion of video iiiiztges for
`higli-speed ti';tnsi1iissit’>n. 2. Acronym for compact
`disc video. A 5-inch videodisc. Seer//so videodisc.
`CD Video \C—D‘ \‘id'E—t3\
`/1. Sc’c'Cl)\? (definition 2).
`cell \sel\ ll. 1. The intemection of zt row and :1 col-
`l‘-Iztch row and column in ;t
`umn in :1 spre;tdsl‘1eet.
`so each cell
`can he
`uniqticly idemil'ictl~——loi‘ t:_\;tmplt~. cell B17. at the
`intersettion ol‘ column B and rcm‘ 17. Eztcli cell is
`di.spl;n‘cd as ‘.1 i‘et‘t;tngttl;u' space that can hold text,
`\':llUL‘i or at
`(‘See the lllU.H‘ll‘2lllOll. 2. An
`:t<ltli'ess:tl>le tnztined or ntttnlieretl) .x’tor:tge unit for
`tho: cx.:i2iple_ i.~ .1
`ii‘ttut1'ii;tttt »t:. A l’>t2“i;ujt
`age unit that can hold 1 hit oi‘ into:m;ttion-th:tt is.
`it can he either on or oil.
` 3
`wiv i"\_Sheetl
`Cell B4
`ccllanin1:1tion<;>r cel animation \scl’
`m;Tshan\ H. A pr<>«:css peflkmncrcl by .~;<>l’t\\’:1rc that
`emulzltcs t1'21cliti<,>nul cell zmimzuion,
`\\‘l1iL‘ll uses
`(“Cell.<‘." or "ccl.s"' for
`n‘:1nsp2u’<:nt celluloid sheets:
`.s'l1<;>rt) to ovcrl;1y active elements in an zmixnznlion
`fr;unc onto :1 stznic h:u:l<gr<_)un<l. Co111putcrccll 2mi-
`mzuion is quite clficicm l>cc:1u.~;<:
`i1n:I;.go.s‘ can be
`quicl<ly 1'cpr(xlucc(.l
`zmcl m;mipul:uc(|. Sun:
`cellular £lllt()II1Zltil
`\.~;cl‘y<7)—lar <”)«t<>xn’:>—Io\ H.
`lllc()I‘L‘ll(‘;ll nmclcl.~»' ml" p;u';n|lcl
`C()ll1pUlt,’.1'$. They enable the i11\'csli;;;\Ii<>11 ul‘ p;11';ll—
`lcl cmnpulcrs \\’l[ll()Ul the nu-cnl In ;lctu:1lly build
`'l‘h«:- ccllulzu‘ :mtum:uun is c<m1p<>.w(l ml‘
`nc1\\‘<)rl\' ml‘ multiple cvlls. cuch rcprcscnllng -.1
`p1‘c)c<:s.~4u1‘ in the p;u‘;1llcl computer. The cells nmsl
`he identical. and tlwy must‘ lmvc :1 finite ;1m<)unt of
`liucll cull outputs :1 value
`calcnxlmecl from the input vzxlucs it :u:ci\'c‘::s fr(m1 its
`ncigllhoring culls. zmcl all cells output lllcir v;1luc.~s
`Cellular Digital Packet Data \scl‘ _\'a—lar
`pzlk" at clffm. cl;u‘.7\
`/1. A \\’ircl'c.~»'s Slz1n<.l:ll’(l p1'0\»'i(l~
`ing I\\'<:)-\\’;l_\'. 19.2-Klupr;
`[):lCl{Cl (lulu ll‘;Ul.\'l‘l‘llS.S'l()l1
`nvcr c.\'l.s'll1‘lg CL.‘llLll’.H'
`lclcpl1nm' cl1:mncls.
`H_)'III.‘ CDPI) (C D—l’—1.)’). Soc’ u/so p:1cl<cI. \\'i1'v.-lcss.
`censorship ‘xscn '53:‘-sl1ip‘\ n. The action of pre-
`\'<:min_g m;Itc1'i:\l that :1 p;u'ty cmwsiclcrs ()l)ic'cli<’)n—
`circulmng within
`ax)mmunic:uion over which that party llns some:
`p<>\\-'51‘. The lntcrnct as ll
`\\'l1<>lc is not CL‘l18()l'L,‘(l.
`but SUITIC pzms nf it c<nm' under \‘:u'yin_<.I, cleguces
`ol'c0n1r(>l. A nc~\\'s .\‘c‘1‘\*cI‘. for :*.\".unplc. when is set
`In £.‘.\'('lLlLlL‘ any ur all ml” the 2111. ncxvsgroups, sucll
`:15 ;xll..x¢:x.‘ or all.music.\\’l1ile:—po\\'c1’, which are
`unm(>clcr'.ucLl 11ml lg-ml lu luvc<>nlr<)\x:1'si;1l. A mud»
`list nmy he c<>n.s'iLl-
`l1L.‘\\‘5'§.{I'()lIp or m;1ilin3.:
`mural in he "<‘cn.~<>rc'Ll" lsuc;1u.<c lhc m<><lcx';1l.01' will
`Coll rminmlirm.
` 4
`usuttlly delete highly COl1[t‘()\’Cl'Si21l ztnd obscene
`content or content that is on 21 different topic from
`that followed by the newsgroup. Online services
`have identil‘i:tl)le owners, who often tztke some
`encompztsses both the processor and the com-
`puter’s memory or. even more broadly, the main
`computer console (as opposed to peripheral
`/lC‘I'()I1_)~'HI: CPU (’C‘l’-U’). See also
`Centronics parallel interface \sen—tron‘il<s p:”tr‘a-
`11. A de fztcto stztndztrd for pttrztllel
`data exchange pztths between computers and
`peripherztls, originally developed by the printer
`manuf:1cturer Centronics, Inc. The Centronics par-
`interface provides eight parallel dzttzt
`plus 2l(l(llti0n2tl lines for control and status infor-
`mation. See also pztrztllel intet‘f2tce.
`CERN \s'arn, C‘E—R-\"\ n. Acronym for Conseil
`Européen pour la Recherche Nucle’ztire (the Euro-
`pean Lzthorzttory for Pztrticle Physics). CIZRN,
`physics reseztrclt center located in Geneva, Swit-
`zerlztnd, is where the origin:tl development of the
`World Wicle We!) took place by Tim Berners~Lee
`in 198‘) as 21 method to lztcilitztte communiczttion
`among members of the scientific? community. See
`also NCSA (definition '1).
`CERN server \sarn’ sar‘var. C‘FZ-R—N'\ n. One of
`the lirst Hypertext TI‘1tfiSl.(3i‘ l’rot.ocol (l‘l'I'l‘P) serv-
`ers, developed ztt CERN by Tim Berners-Lee. The
`CERN server is still
`in wide use and is free of
`charge. .S‘eec/lso CERN, HTTP sewer (definition 1).
`CERT \sart_ Cli-R—'l”'\
`11. Acronym for Computer
`Emergency Response Teztm. An (.)I'§_’,21nl7.2lll()n thztt
`provides Lt
`round—tlte—clocl< security consultzttion
`SC‘.t‘\’lC<3 for Internet users and provides ztdvisories
`whenever new virus programs ztnd other com-
`puter security [l11'e‘L‘l[S are discovered.
`certification \sar‘t;>—fa-l<{t'sl1an\
`II. 1. The act of
`ztwztrcling :1 document to demonstrate :1 computer
`professionals competence in :1 pztrticulztr
`Some lt£1t‘(l\\’2tI‘C and soltw;tre suppliers, such as
`,\’Iicrosoft and Novell, offer cet‘til'iczttion in the use
`of their products; other ()t'g;tUll/.;-lllutth’, such as the
`Instittttc- for Certificzttiort of Computer Profession-
`;tls (ICCP) and the (Iomputintz 'l'eclut<>lo_t;y lndus—
`try‘ Associzttion (LIoittp'I"l.:\).
`c>ttet' more general
`certiliczttion. 2. The act of :m’-arding A document to
`clentonstmte that :1 h:u‘d\\';tre or softwttre product
`meets some specificzttion. such as heing zthle to
`!{‘llZlltt wtltct‘
`prtztluct, 5. The l.\SU‘.lI‘.CL‘ oi" :1 notice tltztt
`zt user or
`shztre of responsibility for \\-'h:tt re;tches their users‘
`computer screens. In some countries. censorsltip
`of certain political or culturztl Wei) sites is :1 mzttter
`of national policy.
`censorware \sen’s;>t'-wftr‘\
`imposes restrictions on wlittt Internet sites, news-
`groups, or files may he ztccessed by the user.
`center \sen'tar\ ul). To align chztrztcters around :1
`located in the middle of :1
`line, page, or
`other defined area;
`in effect,
`to plztce text an
`equal distztnce from eetch tnztrgin or border. See
`also align (clefinition 1).
`])I‘ef/l.\‘ 1. One hundred.
`centi- \sen’ti—,
`2. One hundredth, as in cezIll/Mela/=one hun-
`dredth of at meter.
`centralized processing \sen‘tra-lizd pros’es-éng\
`II. The location <1)!“ computer processing facilities
`and operations" in 3 single (centt'ztli'/.ecl) place.
`Compare Llt‘C<;‘t‘t[t":lllZC(l processing, distributed
`central office \sen‘tral of’is\
`In cotn1nunic:t—
`tions. the switching center \\*l]t't"L,’ interconnections
`between customers’ communicutions
`lines are
`central processing unit \sen‘tral pros 'cs—éng 307)‘-
`12. The computzttionztl ztncl control unit ol’ 2!
`computer. The central processing unit
`device that
`interprets and executes instructions.
`Mztinfrzunes and early minicomputers contained
`circuit boards full of integrztted circuits that ltT1])lC~
`mented the central processing unit. Single-*—chip
`centrztl processing units, cztlled micr(2proces5ozs,
`made possible personztl computers ztnd wot'l<st:t—
`tixzttnples t')fsit1gle—cl1ip centrztl processing,
`units are the .\Iotorol:t
`(38020. and (>b’llfl(7
`chips and the lntei t§t)8t), 8()t€(’i, 8t")28o, 8():i8(3, and
`i-t«5‘('> t‘l1tt>3~t. The t‘L‘Hlt'1tl pt‘ot;‘e;~;sii‘tg Ut‘tll—~—(H‘ micro-
`in the L‘;t,\'c‘ oi" 2t
`the '.tl)illt)' to fetch, decode. Ltnd execute instruc»
`tions and to transfer lnl-t.)t'lt‘l:tIl()H to and from other
`resottrces over the cotnptttefs m:tin tlzttzt-tt';tnsl'et'
`the Ems
`tlt'l'it‘t§t;<:t‘;. iltv tt‘t1i1‘.tl trim: »~stt_;.,-
`is the chip tl‘.;tt
`llttt<‘ttt)n‘s zts the "hr-Jan" ol
`in some ittst;tm‘c-s.
`the term
`site is
`trusted for the purpose of security and
` 5
`computer authentication. Often cei'tit'it-ation is
`used with Web sites.
`.cf \dot‘C—F’\
`II. On the intranet,
`the major 5_',eo-
`graphic domain specifying that an address
`located in the Central African Republic.
`.Cg \dot‘C-G’\
`II. On the Internet. the major geo-
`graphic domain specifying that an address is
`located in the Congo.
`ll. Acronym for Color/Graphics
`CGA \C‘G-A’\
`Adapter. A video adapter board introduced by
`IBM in 1981. The CGA is capable of several char-
`acter and graphics modes,
`including, cltaracter
`modes of —’t() or 80 ltori'/..ontal characters (columns)
`lines with 16 colors, and grapltics
`by 23 \‘ertical
`modes of ()7i() l1()t'i’/.(>ni.'tl pixels by 200 verticztl pix-
`els with 2 colors, or 520 hori:/.ontal pixels by 200
`vertical pixels with 41 colors. See also graphics
`adapter, video adapter.
`CGI \C‘(3—I'\
`21. 1. Acronyin for Common Gateway
`Interface. The specification that defines communi-
`cations between information servers
`(such as
`HTTP servers) and resources on the server's host
`computer, such as databases and other programs.
`For example, when :t ttser submits at form tltrough
`a \\'/eb bro\\»'ser, the H'l'l'P server executes a pro-
`gram (often called a C61 script) and passes the
`users input information to that program via CGI.
`The program then returns
`information to the
`server‘ via (?(3l. Ilse of (I61 can make :1 Web pa§.r,e
`much more dynamic and add interacti\'it3' for the
`user. See also (151 script,
`ls-l’l'l‘P S(.‘l’\’(.‘I‘ (defini-
`tion 1). 2. See (Iompttter Graphics Interface.
`cgi-bin \C‘G-I’ bin\
`21. Short for Common Gate-
`way Interf2tce~bin:tries. A file directory that holds
`external applications to be executed by li'I'I'l’
`servers via CGI. See also CGI (definition 1).
`for Common
`II. Short
`CGI script \()‘(“»—I' sl<ript\
`Gatexxay Ititteriace script. An external application
`is executed by an HTTI-’ ser\'er machine in
`response to a reqttest l>_\‘ a client, such as '.t
`i>t’t>\\ sift
`the (:(}l
`when the ttscr clicks on some element
`in a \\7eb
`p;t_<_{e, such as a linlt or an iinage. Clornmunicatitin
`between the (Z01 script and the sen er is carried‘
`out \'l:t the ((11 specification. (I01 scripts can be
`;3t'<>;;t'.t:tt2tttt:;1 i.tt‘s_;,’t%.t;;1c‘s. zmltttl
`ing C. C++. and \'isual Basic. lluwe\'er. the most
`is a small but robust language and it
`because it
`common on UNIX, which is the platform on which
`the maiority of Web sites run. CG] scripts don't
`necessarily need to be scripts:
`they can also be
`batch programs or compiled programs. CGI scripts
`are used to provide interztctivity in a We!) page.
`including such features as providing a form that
`users can fill out. image maps that contain links to
`other Web pages or resottrces. and links that users
`can click on to send e—mail to a specified address.
`Acti\=eX controls and _Iztva applets can provide
`much the same ftinctionality as CG1
`tl1i'c>ttglt different means. See also (j(.‘zl
`tion '1). (fgl-l)lI‘l. intage map, Perl. (Ion1[1m‘eActi\'eX
`controls‘ _l:t\'a applet.
`CGM \CG~M’\ 2/. See(Iomputer (_}raphics Metafile.
`.ch \dot‘(",—H'\
`/2. On the Internet, the major geo-
`graphic domain spec'ifyiitg that an address is
`located in S\vit'/.erl:tnd.
`chad \cltad\ /I. The paper reinoved when a hole is
`punched in a card, in a tape, or at the perforated
`edge of continuous-form p:lpCl'-tl‘1L’ computer
`eqttivalent of a doughnut hole.
`chaining \cli:’t'nC-ng\
`II. In computers. the linking
`of two or more entities so that they are dependent
`upon one another for operation. In programming,
`two or more pt'<,>gt';ti‘tis are said to be cltained ifthe
`first pt‘ogi':titt causes the second [)t’()§J,l’111i‘t to begin
`in addition, program statements are
`said to be chained if each statement, except for the
`relies on the pre\=ious statement
`for input.
`\\3’ith batch files. two or more batch files are said
`to be chained if the completion of the first batch
`file causes the second batch file to l)egin execut-
`ing. \\"ith data storage. the term clmirlecl applies to
`two or more individtt:tl units of storage that are
`:1 single file on :1
`linlted togetlter. For example,
`dislt ntay actttally be stored on several different
`sectors of the di.~.:l<. each of which points to the
`next sector cont:tinin;; a piece of that file. These
`sL‘t‘tnt‘.~i are said to be cltitined ‘t(tfJ,L‘[llL‘l’. or. more
`literallt‘. to be a chain of clusters.
`chain printer \ch:'tn' prin‘tar\ H. see line printer.
`chztlkwzlre \cltitl\"\\'ftt‘,
`11. See vapor-
`(lhallenge H;tndshal<e Autltentication Proto-
`col \clt;tl'anj
`commonly used language for (I(}i scripts is Perl.
`II. An atttltcntication scltetrte used by
` 6