`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 128
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 128

`t.elt m.i frease wkich
`to go from hi ri
`good deal on where
`That depends
`won want
`said the Cat
`to get
`LOWli amdl
`in Wonderland
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 129

`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 130

`Internet Resource Guides
`A clearinghouse of subject-oriented resource guides available on the
`Internet. This Web page has links to the Gopher site at the University of
`Michigan Library where the guides are accessible. They are divided
`into sections: Humanities, Social Sciences, Sciences and Multiple
`Subject Coverage. You can also search the full text of the collection. A
`number of HTML versions of some of these guides are also available.
`Having a problem connecting to some of the sites listed? You may
`be trying to access a popular site during its peak traffic hours.
`Don't despair—if at first you don't connect, keep at it.
`The Internet Tools List
`A large catalog describing the various tools that can be used on the
`Internet for information retrieval, computer-mediated communication
`and other services. A number of the tool listings are hyperlinked to FTP
`sites so the software being discussed can be easily downloaded.
`The Web Overview at CERN
`Web documents maintained by the creators of the World Wide Web. A
`broad overview of the Web, organized by subject, listing Web servers
`by country and by type of services offered.
`Internet Tools
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 131
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 131

`Robot Libronons
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 132

`gun gm... M '" am. .1...
`3 ‘
`91-5 "
`.111: WWW Vntual Ubnry
`Thuunfim-Ilnud Jubpct uulogua Suhdgsu clan uupnmlwumggngg . mam",
`CERN WWW Virtual Library
`This library is the granddaddy of all Web hyperlink pages, having its
`humble origins in the days when the Web was text-only.
`The Virtual Library's ”by subject” approach to Web index-
`ing is a helpful way to begin your Web travels.
`service is undeniably useful. Here, you can gain access to a mnmmtwMWMNMWAMM
`While it nrught seem odd that a site in Germany is the
`main link point to a bunch of English dictionaries, this
`number of literary, grammatical and lexigraphical refer-
` ?Us °""“"‘."”"‘.“"""' . ence books. Includes American English, Webster's, Roget's
`Thesaurus, The Oxford Dictionary ofFamiliar Quotations and
`" ’
`an online computer dictionary. Plus many more.
`Figure 5-1: The World-Wide Web Virtual Library.
`Gopher Jewels
`Gopher Jewels is a moderated list service of interesting finds from
`Gopher sites. It covers dozens of categories on everything from agricul-
`ture and forestry to fun to library sciences. The interface is attractive
`and easy to use.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 133
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 133

`Index to Multimetha Sources
`hu ui
`FAQ List
`to at
`typ tex
`Nexor List of Web Robots
`rcouiuw kia ru ut
`Internet Connections List
`ttpf trf
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 134

`SUSI Search Engine
`SUSI is undoubtedly the best spider in the Web. SUSI stands for
`”Simple Unified Search Interface,” and that's exactly what
`it is. Using fill-in-the-blank boxes, buttons and pull-down
`menus, SUSI lets you search about 40 of the Web's best
`information indexes. Chances are, if you can't find it here,
`you won't find it anywhere.
`“ll-’4V)rI mm
`Elle Edit Qpttom wtglte ole StnnlngPolntI Help
`:3»/1 f
`s..=m..— I
`CUI V3 Catalog at NBOR
`The Qflflfigung u 5 fatty caunpnhnuavo Iomuuomaud tug:-q-udny gobnl nan. olwhch
`wt kup g_]g;fl_§_991 Ql u Imndutnbuud cpttul purport gobs] nan Io: thn Web,
`whchu goirngslovty ho ubocomgnuc autofdcu urtunu-numad
`manually, but but gal won-WWW nfomen dno Cityscape’: 1nm bout: to
`be thy ‘tho ullnnu lmomtl n{cnnct' soon. but I! also annual to Pu not lo cut DAQQD u I
`database when unybody an IM URL:; nfvn to you lncd Nun
`sync: for the uhnl u1uclu(vh:h my nn longer um)
`The WebCrawler
`The WebCrawler serves three functions: (1) it builds
`indexes for documents it finds on the Web, (2) it acts as a
`Net-wide agent, searching for documents of particular
`interest to the user, and (3) it's a testbed for experimenting
`with Web search strategies.
`Robot generated WWW [ndices
`Thou ndncu o1'WWW-baud nlountu an gonuund by mbau and Ltmafon V
`buunnmoldu - lollndtoomuhnfomdion Surchmn l
`Jmmmu:conpnh¢nnnmdoxmLhnUKThoflm_|_Qg|ngdrohuucub;o¢ltln lfthuy
`d°n‘lh0lP.|MBEE.LlBl.§mrh.Ihnt!.uud.osIh-Xirhfixnztnnnétl Th-Ly.mI°b°Wl'II4!
` .":
`3 The WebCrawler
`The WebCrawler icon
`Wiretap Online Library
`The Wiretap Online Library is an impressive collection of electronic
`texts. Everything’s here—the classics, government reports and docu-
`ments, humor, FAQ collections. Since the Online Library only exists as
`a Gopher site, you don't have the benefits of hypertext browsing and
`multimedia, but when you see what's available here, you'll probably be
`too overwhelmed to care.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 135
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 135

`W.bsnc 19 ips
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 136

`Q01 HP _...._._._._._._._._._._._
`Don't forget, you can use the Windows Notepad to cut and paste
`URLs you find while in Mosaic or while using other Internet
`services. That way, by saving them electronically and not writing
`them down, you remove the risk of copying them incorrectly.
`0 Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Often different Web
`search engines use different methods for organizing their
`indexes. Some are generated automatically, so they can include
`just about every Web page in existence. This is great, but you
`may spend a ridiculous amount of time sorting through a lot of
`useless information. On the other hand, some Web searching
`indexes are very specialized and won't ever have anything
`about the subject you're searching for. Diversify! Try to use a
`combination of techniques.
`0 Don't be lazy and just rely on webbed information. Sometimes
`it helps to use other Net resources. There's a lot of information
`out there on Gopher, WAIS, Archie and other searchable sys-
`tems. If you're stuck in your Web searches, break out HGopher
`and start looking elsewhere.
`0 Don't be afraid to ask. Sometimes, other people are the best
`Internet search engines. Many people have been places you
`haven't; someone may have already surfed that elusive corner
`of the Net that has what you're looking for.
`0 USENET is also a great resource. Read newsgroups like
`comp.infosystems.www and other groups that serve people
`with similar interests. A quick question on a newsgroup can
`reach thousands of people in minutes. Sometimes, you'll receive
`an answer within hours.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 137
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 137

`I Don't forget the phone book (and other more conventional
`methods). Often, the information you're looking for doesn't
`require a global data search as much as it does a call to your
`local library, TV station or government agency. The resources of
`the Net and the Web shouldn't end up being a crutch.
`0 Keep an open mind. Just because a source at first might not
`seem like it's going to be useful, learn to trust your instincts and
`break off the beaten path every once in a whi1e—you might be
`For additional words of wisdom gleaned from 23 professional
`data searchers, check out Reva Basch’s Secrets of the Super Searchers
`(Eight Bit Books, 1993).
`Cool Sites to Visit
`Now that we've seen what the Web has to offer in the way of resource
`centers and online libraries, it's time to expand our horizons and look
`at some of the more culturally oriented offerings. From art and pop
`culture to games and virtual reality, the sites in this section give you a
`bird's eye View of some of the Web's cooler watering holes.
`Art & Literature
`One of the most exciting areas of the World Wide Web and hypermedia
`browsers like Mosaic is the possibilities they offer for making, exchang-
`ing and viewing art and literature over the Internet. A whole new type
`of art, called telematic art, has emerged in cyberspace. In telematic art,
`the Net and the Web themselves, and the forms of interactive commu-
`nication they allow, become part of the art. You can learn more about
`telematic art, online art happenings, interactive literature and other
`138 M5§AIc QUICK Toua
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 138
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 138

`WU Eng
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 139

`rs roject
`unsite un
`tis ht
`esource Gu do
`uJ 11
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 140

`-‘Mu m I-vM ‘yflxluluu-I
`file can Qytlnns Navigate Annotate SInnIngPn|nIs
`OTIS Mono P090
`1 -Ilundcunodalcfiulohrnl
`Sea hf
`Search for Images in All of Gopherspace
`Don't be fooled by the fact that when you access this Gopher site you
`get a blank screen labeled Searchable Gopher Index. Notice that the
`Search box has been activated. All you do is type in key
`words and the Gopher searches for all images matching
`your request.
`nn onlhe receptacle of creativity
` ®ncknhnohwmyhdomnm¢mmBgaamymm
`uuumtu\collAhot¢nomntSlCKlRAPH Coulb‘tm.hnwO|hndo‘7BouputofnwI!hmxVnud
`Worldwide Web Art Navigator
`A collection of brief descriptions of hyperlinked sites to ”get
`you started on your quest for art in the labyrinth of the We .”
`Le Weblouvre
`That's right, the world-famous French art museum is
`online. They are currently hosting three exhibits: a French
`medieval art demonstration, a collection of well-known
`paintings from famous artists and a tour around Paris, the
`Eiffel Tower and the Champs-Elysees.
`All eyes in cyberspace are turned toward the emerging
`world of Net-based commerce. Some people are excited by
`the prospect of doing business over the Internet, others
`loathe the idea, thinking it will turn it into a virtual strip
`mall. The bottom line is that commerce in this realm is
`inevitable and platforms like Mosaic are ideally suited for
`the online marketplace. The sites in this section represent
`some of the first storefronts to hang out their ”Open For
`Business” signs.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 141
`' E9IIn(1V33J
`Figure 5-5: The OTIS Home Page.
`Dali, Salvador”. Dated Works
`0 ‘ppuuonofFncoandFrutlDishonABuch(1938)
`0 Chou ofVonnnr ofDul.fl». which can be used at u Tabla (IVMJ
`0 lfhnkdttazaouphounu!NuuuIu(l938)
`Figure 5-6: Salvador Dali on Le WebLouvre.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 141

`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 142

`stems on
`siors ente
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 143

`Cyberculture is what you get when you cross digital technologies,
`avant-pop culture and fringe science. Inspired by the
`cyberpunk science fiction of writers like William Gibson
`and Bruce Sterling, cyberculture is concerned with the
`near future and how the increasing and widespread
`availability of high technology will affect our lives. It's a
`do-it-yourself mentality applied to futurism.
`Funky. Shake your booty!
`Hazardous. May cause brain damage.
`Kitsch. Oh, how very lovely.
`Noise. Boom, boom, boom, twang!
`Populaire Culture. Putting the pop back in culture.
`The Webmasters at CyberNet believe that the Internet has
`gotten far too boring, that it's lost its pioneering edge.
`They are dedicated to preserving ”the unconventional
`nature of the Internet.” They include a lengthy list of Web
`sites pushing the edges of art, science, culture and taste.
`Cyberpoet’s Guide to Virtual Culture
`Those who are interested in learning more about cyberculture should
`check out Cyberpoet’s Guide to Virtual Culture. This is a popular hang-
`out for cybemauts. Includes essays on various aspects of cyberculture,
`a cyberspace lexicon and dictionary, and a huge hyperlinked database
`of art, pop culture, cyberculture, music, electronic magazines and more.
`Figure 5-8: CyberNet’s hyperlink icons.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, EX. 1005, p. 144
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 144

`Elle Elill Qpttout
`N‘U»‘MH .4‘ mm
`flnvtnotc Annotate Stnntng Palm Help
`:lIuuw cfioownemuglulotzdoluuuuliuduthtll
`Electronic Cafe
`The Electronic Cafe (or ”ecafe” to its regulars) is a place to explore
`music, art, literature and virtual community. It's a place
`for people to meet, learn, share ideas and come together in
`r ways that only the Net can make possible.
`9 Whuurv|¢uI|Ilh0lLC|fIpm\da‘7
`The Eectronic Cafe
`Luv. tpddad 21/5194 Md Chnmon
`hovtadgcuamdouwnhnflhonnofpooplnwoddvido lnapuufonufulhonauduubnwnn
`youloeul eonaiumsy all!» John! can-any ollhc lntaml
`roumnouofaflobdnowoancunnu alutlmtyvhncouhwypooplo nnuulhcfu.-nhuuollbo
`«nun u tonal nun; llwillpnvidc local coxunyclvnnbon. tfiuniuulntotttu,
`tlamoucpubhlhng. ppm duty: :16 uumhncnvtnchcpuu nu you
`llwilboupluofixpoophlognhagaplacn ofcdaumouudcnmvny. Apluovhuoovuyannn
`oqudptauhagnhakwlinlhnnmdaulboopooddifil Ttuizflunllbothsndnon.
`rvotvngvnttunnpdaonohu uunntoalonlnntngpluonthn fiobnl co&xy
`0 Whonthalclinodufl
`Fringeware is a company and Net-based community
`dedicated to creating an alternative marketplace for goods
`and services offered by Net citizens. They publish a
`catalog of hard-to-find software, hardware and
`cybercultural curios, and two magazines: Fringeware
`Review and Llnshaved Truths. They also maintain an
`Internet-wide mailing list and discussion groups on
`cyberculture and alternative economics.
`Figure 5-9: You can get anything you want at the
`Electronic Cafe.
`NCSA Virtual Reality lab
`The NCSA Virtual Reality Laboratory is a research facility exploring
`new methods of visualizing and interfacing with scientific data and
`simulations. The lab is located in the Beckman Institute for Advanced
`Science and Technology on the University of Illinois campus. The goal
`of the lab is to study and use improved methods of viewing and inter-
`acting with information. The VR Lab's Web site contains papers related
`to their research and project reports, with graphics and link anchors to
`FTP sites, and USENET Newsgroups devoted to virtual reality and
`other advanced imaging technologies.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 145
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 145

`name rage
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 146

`Ekctror Newssonds
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 147

`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 148

`Mother Jones
`The Web site for Mother ]ones, the radical expose magazine, has back
`issues and material related to the magazine and its mission.
`PC Magazine Home Page
`The home page for the mother of all IBM pubs—PC
`Magazine. Here, you'll find links to all sorts of neat stuff,
`like PC Magazine articles, home pages for PC Mag writers,
`back issues, and even a link to the PC Mag Labs, so you
`can get the latest low-down on your favorite hardware.
`Super useful and free of charge!
`PCWeek Best News Sources 8. Online Mags
`The PCWeek page is a news junkie’s paradise. Nowhere
`else on the Net can you browse the San Francisco Examiner
`and Chronicle, USENET FAQs, the NASDAQ Financial
`Executive, PowerPC News and others, all from the same
`site. Don't be fooled though—even PCWeek wants to have
`some fun every once in a while! You can link to Adam
`Curry’s The Vibe music server, InterText online fiction and
`other recreational sites.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 149
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 149

`In.-W.-nu r-J.-w~, r...u..- ,.,..,.
`tn‘. M..~ ....
`Elle Edit Qptlons ovlgotc Annotate
`Starling Points
`V. Er: FT ijrj F
`/ _
`PowerPC News
`The latest news on the PowerPC, along with some of the
`most up-to-date and interesting information about the
`Internet and personal computing and technology in general.
`You can get it mailed directly to your email account, or you
`can wait a couple of days and read it here as a Web text.
`USA Today Headline News, Sports, etc...
`You can telnet from Mosaic (if you have a telnet program)
`and read the day's issue of USA Today. You have to obtain
`an account before you're able to access the paper, but the
`account is free.
`Login as: visitor
`Webster's Weekly
`Webster's Weekly is a weekly features magazine published
`exclusively on the Web. It has columns on music and
`movies; politics and psychology; mad rantings and
`humor. Published every Wednesday.
`rflw A
`Figure 5-13: A sneak peek at Webster's Weekly.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 150
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 150

`It:--.1 Ululy ull l|n- |||IHlI.|l|||
`N‘/‘uml M.n].i_’IIn-‘
`Elle Edit Qptlon
`flwlgate Annotate
`Starting Point:
`_z. ,__
`Wired is one of the most exciting new magazines to appear in years. It
`combines a progressive design with hard—hitting
`journalism from the cutting edge of digital culture and
`technology. Since its beginning, Wired has been interested
`in maintaining a vital presence in cyberspace. Although
`that involvement has so far been limited to the tools that
`are already available (with forums on AOL, the WELL and
`USENET), Wired is currently working on pushing the
`envelope of Net-based publishing. They have big plans for
`a new @Wired service that is currently under construction.
`Find out about their upcoming plans and read Wired back
`issues and special Net ”Extras" at the Wired WWW site.
`3W is a bi-monthly British magazine devoted to the
`Internet and the World Wide Web. Their Web site contains
`excerpts from the print magazine and information about
`past and upcoming issues.
`Figure 5-14: Wired Magazine's Rest Stop on the
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 151
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 151

`Fun & Games
`Whether it's sports, board or role—playing games, or comedy that
`you're looking for, the Web has something to offer. The Net has even
`spawned its own brand of humor as exemplified by the Internet coffee
`machine and, would you believe, an Internet hot tub?
`Advanced Dungeons & Dragons & Other Role-Playing Games
`Links to game-related newsgroups, FTP sites, MUDs
`(role-playing games played on the Net) and other gaming
`Web sites. Also includes a small fantasy art gallery.
`.‘ é
`D0 CD01‘ F1111 .
`Esta 3 Revision 9.
`BU’s Interactive WWW Games
`The first interactive multiplayer games page on the Web.
`Play against a computer in a game of tic-tac-toe or pegs,
`try to solve the 9-puzzle-—the sliding tiles garne—or risk
`your virtual life playing Hunt The Wumpus in real time
`against other denizens of the Net. Things are a bit primi-
`tive at this point, but it's a harbinger of things to come.
`Doctor Fun
`Doctor Fun is a single-panel cartoon by David Farley
`distributed every weekday over the Internet. Doctor Fun
`has been in production since September 1993. The car-
`toons are rendered in vivid colors and uploaded to the
`Net as 24-bit IPEG images. Farley’s work has appeared in
`Spy, Punch and Campus Life, and he has done work for
`King Features and Recycled Paper Products.
`Figure 5'15‘ Muke 3/0"’ day with “ C“"°0"f’0"1
`Dodo’ F“"'
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 152
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 152

`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 153

`tern tHo
`Internet Hot Tub
`If you think the Internet coffee and Coke machines are
`silly, how about the Internet Hot Tub! That's right, some-
`one in Ann Arbor, Michigan, has his outdoor hot tub
`connected to a Sun Workstation. By sending email to the
`tub, you can find out how it's doing.
`The Nando X Baseball Server
`The Nando X Baseball Server contains baseball news,
`commentary, box scores, history, graphics and even
`Snapshots From the UMBC Computer Department
`Probably in any other context, pictures like this would
`bore you to death. However, having the ability to snoop in
`on someone's office hundreds or even thousands of miles
`away does have its appeal. Here are up-to-the-minute
`snapshots of what's going on in the computer department
`at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. The pictures are
`relatively small and in GIF format, so even if you have a
`low-powered PC and a SLIP connection, you can still
`snoop. Take a peek.
`923413? l]’3,22,53 est
`subi: Hoflub status from hoflubahamiudo
`Paul's hot tub is nice and warm at about 101
`degrees Fahrenheit. it is cold outside at about
`51 d
`rees Fahrenheit. The ozone generator
`is wo ing. The cover is closed. The access
`door is open. The backup battery is OK at
`10.6 volts (this will still work down to 6 volts).
`Welcome to the Baseball Server
`Figure 5-16: Take me out to the virtual ballgame.
`USENET Rec.Humor Page
`This page contains excerpts from the rec.humor USENET Newsgroups,
`it also top ten lists, tasteless jokes, song spoofs, goofy headlines and
`links to other humor-related sites.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, EX. 1005, p. 154
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 154

`io kd
`iihCur gBorks
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 155

`of Web
`bffI eu/esti
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 156

`n..- Inlv-rm-I
`:;.-. Mn .....
`_P_,, °' " ‘ °'' s""""' P"'“"
`K A f‘ " ‘V
`‘’‘‘‘’‘I 1"
`Canadian Radio
`An experimental database containing sound and text files from The
`Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Popular programs such as Quirks
`and Quarks, Basic Black and Sunday Morning can be
`heard online. Obviously these sound files are huge and
`you probably need to have a direct Internet connection to
`make downloading them cost effective. Ordering informa-
`tion is available to buy the programs on cassette tape.
`Figure 5-18: Get hip to the Cool Stufl in the Internet
`Cool Stuff in the Internet
`Here's where you'll find some of the hippest links to video
`and multimedia on the Web. If you have a hardwired Net
`connection and are running X Windows, or if you have
`access to an X Windows system, check out the Video
`Browser at MIT for a glimpse of video on demand.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 157
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 157

`Music, Film & Television
`Music and moving pictures have so far not made it big in cyberspace.
`Powerful direct-connected machines do OK with audio and video, but
`for SLIP / PPP connections, at today's modem speeds, music and film
`can only be hinted at. The sites in this section are either pathbreaking
`attempts at showing what the Web can do in this area, or they're
`repositories of information on more traditional forms of music, film
`and television.
`Cardiff's Movie Database Browser
`A huge database of movie information, presented in an easy-to-search
`format. You can look up films by title, actor or even by quotes. Can't
`figure out what to rent at the video store tonight? Stop in here first and
`have a look around. Remember a famous line but can't put your finger
`on who said it and in what film? Search by the quotation. A film buff’s
`dream come true.
`Internet Underground Music Archive
`IUMA sports great graphics and award-winning page
`design (Best of the Net '94) and provides an innovative
`service to the Net music community. The Archive gives
`needed exposure to little-known bands, providing bios,
`commentary and reviews, and audio excerpts. Legal issues
`around music and music on the Internet are also covered.
`You need an MPEG audio player installed on your PC to be able to
`listen to the musical selections.
`Music Archive
`Figure 5-19: The Internet Underground Music Archive.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, EX. 1005 , p. 158
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 158

`Kaleidospace is devoted to the promotion, distribution and placement
`of independent artists, musicians, performers, CD-ROM authors,
`writers, animators and filmmakers. Artists provide samples of their
`work, which Kaleidospace integrates into a multimedia document.
`Artists pay flat rentals to showcase their work; Internet users may
`order from the artists online, as well as by phone, fax, email and snail
`mail. Kaleidospace provides placement for artists wishing
`to showcase their work to agents, directors, gallery owners,
`publishers, record labels and other industry professionals.
`Kaleidospace also offers Gopher and FTP services at
` and, respectively.
`Deus Ex Machina: Mystery Science Theater 3000
`A meta—home page linking all of the Web-accessible
`documents about the popular TV show "Mystery Science
`Theater 3000.” Animations, MST3K newsletters, pictures,
`sounds, show schedules, etc., are all available through
`this ”gateway.” You'll be astonished by how many sites
`around the Internet have MST3K-related material.
`Figure 5-20: A picturefrom th popular TV show
`”Mystery Science Theater 3000. ”
`Adam Curry’s The Vibe
`Former MTV V] Adam Curry has had his share of problems in
`cyberspace. He is currently being sued by MTV for using the Internet
`site name He's now changed his address to the one below
`where he maintains a number of services, one called The Vibe, which
`has music reviews, commentary, musician interviews, concert informa-
`tion, chart action and back issues of Curry’s electronic gossip sheet The
`Cyber-Sleaze Report. Adam Curry’s Recording Studio offers musical
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, EX. 1005, p. 159
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 159

`selections that can be downloaded. There are also links to Web pages
`devoted to different rock artists.
`Pop Culture
`Today's pop culture is drenched in technology, so it's not surprising to
`find cutting-edge expressions of youth culture on the Web. If you're
`looking to find out what today's young people are thinking and feel-
`ing, and what they're doing to express themselves, check out these two
`sites. The Web's Edge will connect you to many other interesting
`: .............................................................. ..
`Adam Curry's the vibe logo
`Alternative X
`Alternative X is an electronic publishing company focused on the '90s
`altemative/countercultural scene. Founded by ”avant-pop" novelist,
`musician and essayist Mark Amerika, Alternative X's purpose is to
`"feature publications created by people who are actively engaged in
`the world of alternative art, writing, music, philosophy, electronic
`media and anything / everything else that might interest the emerging
`generation of creative thinkers and doers."
`Underworld Industries’ "Web’s Edge"
`Underworld Industries’ "Cultural Playground" is the home of Under-
`world Industries—a group dedicated to linking underground music,
`art and the Internet.
`160 @NC QUICK Toun
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, EX. 1005 , p. 160
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 160

`Telecommunications Policy & Information law
`Telecommunications and information law are exciting legal arenas
`these days. There are major commercial forces amassing on the edges
`of cyberspace (the cable/ interactive TV industries, the phone compa-
`nies, the multimedia vendors) and border skirmishes are already
`breaking out. While on another front, all the old rules about intellectual
`property, information theft and copyrights are being called into ques-
`tion in our digital age. If you want to watch the fur fly, or if you want
`to get involved in trying to steer the course of these emerging laws and
`policy, the sites in this section are key points of access.
`Information Law Alert
`Information Law Alert is the authoritative online source for news on
`legal disputes involving intellectual property, wireless commimications
`and telecommunications.
`Electronic Frontier Foundation
`The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) was founded in July 1990 to
`ensure that the principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution and the
`Bill of Rights are protected as new communications technologies
`emerge. EFF has been at work since then, through education, legal
`council and public debate, helping to shape the nation's communica-
`tions policies and infrastructure. Their ultimate goal is nothing less
`than the creation of an electronic democracy. The EFF Gopher site
`contains many of their papers, articles, newsletters, action alerts and
`organizational materials. Other publications related to computer
`culture and legal issues are also stored here, as is the EFF’s Guide to the
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005 , p. 161
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1005, p. 161

`FCC Gopher
`This is the FCC’s archive of articles, releases and documents related to
`The Legal Domain Network
`This Web site is a repository for legal information on the Internet. Here
`you can gain access to all the law-related USENET discussion groups
`such as law, alt.dear.whitehouse, alt.freedom.of.information.act,
`alt.po1itics, (the Electronic Frontier Foundation),
`property (intellectual property rights) and
`Pepper and Corazzini, L.LP
`Pepper and Corazzini, L.L.P., is a law firm specializing in communica-
`tions law. Its practice covers radio, television, cable, satellite, MMDS,
`radio common carrier and ce

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