`reseive in131=Jt from a res13estive ~=Jser anel to an e~=Jt13l=Jt devise to wesent semm~=Jnisatiens, easl=l
`said ~=Jser l=laving a ~=Jser identity, tl=le sentFSIIer sem131=Jter eeing I3F8grammed to carry e~=Jt tl=le
`ste13s of:
`sentFSIIing real time semm~=Jnisatien eet\veen tl=le 13artisi13ater sem131=Jters, and
`storing easl=l said ~=Jser identity and a Fes13estive a~=Jtl=lerizatien to semFfl~=Jnisate Rl=Jman
`semm~=Jnisatien se~=Jnd fer ~=Jse in tl=le sentrelling.
`903. (currently amended)
`A human communication system for controlling
`real tiFfle communications-evef via an Internet network, the system including~
`a 13I1=Jrality of 13artisi13ater SOFR13~=Jters sennested witl=l a sentreller G8Ff113l=Jter, at
`least one of said 13artisi13ater GOFRI31=Jters eeing sen nested to tl=le sentreller GOFRI31=Jter tl=lre~=Jgl=l tl=le
`Internet net\verk; and
`a sentFSIIer GOFRI31=Jter sentFSIIed ey a 13regram to sarr; e~=Jt tl=le ste13s of:
`storing a ~=Jser identity and a set of 13rivileges serres13ending to tl=le ~=Jser identity;
`a plurality of computers connected. responsive to each of the plurality of
`computers sending a user identity associated with a login name and a password. to a computer
`system programmed to allow a first of the user identities and a second of the user identities to
`form a group to send and receive communications in real time and via the Internet network.
`wherein those of the plurality of computers in the group are programmed to receive
`communications. wherein at least some of the communications include a pointer that produces
`a pointer-triggered message on demand. at least some of the communications include data
`representing human communication sound. and at least some of the communications include
`data representing at least one of text or ascii. reseiving a login name and 13asswerd
`serres13ending to tl=le ~=Jser identity fFSFfl a first 13artisi13ator som131=Jter of tl=le 13I1=Jrality of
`13artisi13ator GOFfli31=Jters;
`determining wl=letl=ler tl=le set of 13rivileges sorres13ending to tl=le ~=Jser identity
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4001

`incl~:~des a privilege te GGFflFfll:lnicate a ty13e ef Fftessage in real tiFfle ever the Internet network,
`the type incl~:~ding at least ene ef a videe, a gra13hic, gra13hical Ffll:lltiFfledia, era 13einter triggered
`if the set ef 13rivileges incl1:1des a wivilege te GGFflFfll:lnicate the ty13e ef Fftessage
`in real time ever the Internet netv;erk, alle•.ving the first participator ceFflJ3l:lter te ceFflFfll:lnicate
`the ty13e ef Fflessage te a nether ef the J3l1:1rality ef 13artici13ater cemJ31:1ters; and
`if the set ef privileges dees net incl~:~de a 13rivilege te ceFflm~:~nicate the ty13e ef
`message in real tiFfle ever the Internet netwerk, net allewing the first 13artici13ater ceFflJ3l:lter te
`ceFflml:lnicate the type ef Fflessage a nether ef the 1311:1rality ef 13artici13ater ceFflputers.
`904. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 909 Q.W, further incll:lding
`hl:IFflan ceFflFfll:lnicatien sel:lnd as said type ef Fftessage wherein the type includes a pointer and.
`a video and a graphic.
`905. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 909 Q.W, wherein said steps
`fl:lrther include the ste13 ef sending a denial Fflessage te the first 13artici13ater ceFflJ3uter ef said
`13articipater cemp~;~ters if the set ef privileges dees net include a 13rivilege te GGFflFflunicate the
`ty13e ef message in real tiFfle ever the Internet network wherein the type includes audio and a
`video and a graphic.
`906. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 909 Q.W, wherein the type ef
`Fftessage is gra13hical Ffll:lltiFfledia wherein the type includes a pointer and audio and a video and
`a graphic.
`907. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 909 903, ·.vherein the type ef
`Fftessage is videe wherein the computer system is further programmed to allow the first
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4002

`computer to communicate a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`908. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 880 9@, wherein the type ef
`message is graphic wherein the computer system is further programmed to allow the first
`computer to communicate a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`909. (currently amended)
`A system of controlling real time real time
`communications eveF via an Internet network, the system including:
`a computer system programmed to:
`plurality ef participator cemputers cennected ·.vith a centreller cemputer, at least
`ene ef said participator cemputers eeing cennected te the centreller cernputer threugh the
`Internet netwerk; and
`a centreller cernputer centrelled ey a pregrarn te carry aut the steps ef:
`staring a user identity and a set ef privileges cerrespending te the user identity;
`receiving a legin name and passwerd cerrespending te the user identity frem a
`first participator cemputer ef the plurality ef participator cemputers;
`determining ·.vhether the set ef privileges cerrespending te the user identity
`includes a privilege te communicate a type ef message in real time ever the Internet netwerk,
`the type including a human cemmunicatien seund;
`if the set ef privileges includes a privilege te communicate the type ef message
`in real time ever the Internet neP.verk, allewing the first participator cemputer te communicate
`the type ef message te a nether ef the plurality ef participator cernputers; and
`connect a plurality of computers including a first computer in response to each of
`the plurality of computers sending information indicative of a respective login name and
`respective a password. which together correspond to a user identity.
`store a set of privileges corresponding to each user identity.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4003

`determine whether the set of privileges corresponding to each user identity
`includes a privilege to communicate at least one type of message in real time via the Internet
`network. the type including a video. graphic. a member-associated image. or graphical
`multimedia. and if the set of privileges includes the privilege. communicate the at least one type
`of message.
`the computer system being further programmed to allow the first computer to
`communicate data representing the at least one type of message to another of the plurality of
`computers. and
`if the set of privileges does not include a the privilege to communicate the at
`least one type of message. disallow in real time over the Internet network, not allowing the first
`partisipator computer from communicating the at least one to semmunisate the type of
`message to another of the plurality of partisipator computers.
`910. (currently amended)
`A method of controlling real time sommunisations
`communication over an Internet network, the method including the steps of:
`storing, with a sontroller somputer, a user identity and a set of privileges
`sorresponding to the user identity;
`connecting a computer system with a plurality of partisipator computers~ witR-a
`sentreller somputer, at least one sf the partisipator semputers being sonnested with the
`controller computer through the Internet;
`receiving sending information indicative of a respective login name and
`password corresponding to tRe a first user identity from a first partisipator of the plurality of
`computer§.;. sf the plurality of participator somputers;
`determining whether the set of privileges corresponding to the user identity
`includes a privilege to sommunicate a type of message in real time over the Internet net'.'Jork,
`the type including at least one of a video, a graphic, graphical multimedia, or a pointer triggered
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4004

`if the set of privileges inci~::~Eies a privilege to comm~::~nicate the type of message
`in real time over the Internet netvvork, allowing the first partisipator oomp~::~ter to oomm~::~nicate
`the type of message to another of the pl~::~rality of participator oompldters; anEI
`if the set of privileges Eloes not inci~::~Eie a privilege to comm~::~nicate the type of
`message in real time over the Internet network, not allowing the first participator comp~::~ter to
`comm~::~nioate the type of message another of the pl~::~rality of participator comp~::~ters
`receiving information indicative of a login name and a password corresponding to
`a second user identity from a second of the plurality of computers;
`allowing the first user identity and the second user identity to form a group; and
`sending and receiving communications in real time and via the Internet network
`between those of the plurality of computers in the group. wherein at least some of the
`communications include a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand. at
`least some of the communications include data representing sound indicative of a human
`communication sound. and at least some of the communications include data representing at
`least one of text or ascii.
`911. (currently amended)
`The methoEI system of claim 881 Q.:t.Q, f~::~rther
`inclldding a hldman comm~::~nication so~::~nd as said type of message wherein the computer
`system is further programmed to allow the first computer to communicate a pointer that
`produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`912. (currently amended)
`The method system of claim 882 Q.:t.Q, f~::~rther
`inclldding the step of sending a denial message to the first participator oomp~::~ter of said
`participator oomp~::~ters if the set of privileges does not incl~::~de a privilege to oomm~::~nioate the
`type of message in real time over the Internet network wherein the computer system is further
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4005

`programmed to allow the first computer to communicate a pointer that produces a pointer(cid:173)
`triggered message on demand.
`913. (currently amended)
`The methee system of claim 883 s.:t.Q, wherein the
`ty13e of message is gra13hical multimeeia wherein the computer system is further programmed
`to allow the first computer to communicate a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message
`on demand.
`914. (currently amended)
`The methee system of claim 886 s.:t.Q, ·.-.. herein the
`ty13e of message is vises wherein the computer system is further programmed to allow the first
`computer to communicate a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`915. (currently amended)
`The methee system of claim 887 Q4.Q, 'Nherein the
`ty13e of message is gra13hic wherein the computer system is further programmed to allow the
`first computer to communicate a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`916. (currently amended)
`A method of controlling real time real time
`communications eveF via an Internet network, the method including the ste13s of:
`storing, with a controller cem13uter, a user ieentity ana a set of privileges
`corresponding to tAe E. user identity;
`connecting a plurality of 13articif)ater computers with a centreller cem13uter, at
`least eRe of saie f)artici13ater cemf)uters being cennectee witl=l the controller cemf)uter through
`via the Internet network;
`receiving information indicative of a login name and E. password corresponding
`respectively to the user identity from a first J3artici13ater computer of the plurality of f)articif)ater
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4006

`determining whether the set of privileges corres13enaing to the ~::~ser is entity
`includes a privilege to communicate a at least one type of message in real tiFRe ever the
`lntemet network, the ty13e incl~::~aing that includes a video. graphic. a member-associated image.
`or graphical multimedia a h~::~FRan coFRFR~::~nication so~::~na;
`if the set of privileges includes a the privilege to communicate the at least one
`type of message in real tiFRe over the lntemet netv:erk, allowing the first of the plurality of
`13artici13ator computer to communicate. in real time via the internet network. the type of
`message to an other a nether of the plurality of j3articij3ater computers; and
`if the set of privileges does not include a the privilege to communicate the at
`least one type of message in real tiFRe over the lntemet netwerk, not allowing disallowing the
`first j3articij3ator computer to coFRFR~::~nicate from communicating the at least one type of
`message to the other another of the plurality of 13artici13ater computers.
`917. (currently amended)
`A method of receiving a systeFR to centro!
`communication evef via an Internet network, the method systeFR including:
`a j3l~::~rality ef j3articij3ator ceFR131::1ters connectea with a controller coFR131::1ter,
`wherein at least one of saia j3articij3ator COFR131::1ters is connectea with saia centroller coFR131::1ter
`thro~::~gh the lntemet netwerk, each saia j3articij3ater coFR131::1ter cennectea to an in131::1t aevice te
`receive in131::1t freFR a ~::~ser ana to an e~::~t131::1t aevice to 13resent coFRFR~::~nicatiens, each saia ~::~ser
`having a ~::~ser iaentity, the centroller coFR131::1ter wegraFRFRea te control real tiFRe lntemet
`ceFRFR~::~nication between said ~::~sers by ~::~sing a central aatabase staring each saia ~::~ser iaentity,
`the ~::~ser identity having a res13ective a~::~thoriz:ation for comFR~::~nicating h~::~FRan ceFRFR~::~nicatien
`so~::~na in same ef said coFRFR~::~nications
`sending. from a first computer. information indicative of a login name and a
`password corresponding to a user identity:
`responsive to the sending. connecting the first computer to a computer system:
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4007

`forming a communication link between the first computer and a second computer
`for communicating a communication. the communication including data representing at least
`one of a member-associated image. video. graphic. sound. or multimedia;
`communicating a pointer. from the first computer to the computer system to
`obtain the communication at the first computer. the communication being sent in real time and
`via the Internet network; and
`receiving the communication from the first computer at the second computer in
`real time over the communication link.
`918. (currently amended)
`A system to sontrol to distribute a communication
`GVeF via an Internet network, the system including:
`a plurality of partisipator somputers son nested 'Nith a sontroller somputer
`through the Internet netv.•ork, eash said partisipator somputer sonnested to an input devise to
`reseive input from a user and to an output devise to present sommunisations, eash said user
`having a user identity, the sontroller somputer programmed to sontrol real time Internet
`sommunisation between said users by using a sontrol database storing eash said user identity,
`the user identity having a respestive authorization for sommunisating human sommunisation
`sound in some of said sommunisations
`a first computer connected to a computer system. the first computer being
`connected responsive to its sending information indicative of a login name and a password
`corresponding to a user identity;
`a communication link between the first computer and a second computer; and
`respective software stored in the first and second computers. the software stored
`in the first computer being programmed to communicate a pointer. from the first computer to
`the computer system. for receiving the communication at the first computer. the communication
`being sent in real time and via the Internet network. and the software stored in the second
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4008

`computer being programmed to receive the communication for the first computer at the second
`computer in real time via the communication link. wherein the communication includes data
`representing at least one of a video, graphic. sound. or multimedia.
`919. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 888 WQ, wherein said sound
`is com~rised of a human comm~::~nication so~::~nd wherein the computer system is further
`programmed to allow the first computer to communicate a pointer that produces a pointer(cid:173)
`triggered message on demand.
`920. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 889 4-7G, wherein one of said
`participator compl::lters in said gro~::~p is programmed to carry oi:Jt the step of receiving some of
`said comml::lnications, said receiving incl~::~ding ca~::~sing presentation of some of said
`comm~::~nications by one of said participator compl::lters in said grol::lp wherein the computer
`system is further programmed to allow the first computer to communicate a pointer that
`produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`921. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 890 4-GS, wherein one of said
`participator comp~::~ters in said gro~::~p is programmed to carry OI:Jt the step of receiving some of
`said comm~::~nications, said receiving incl~::~ding sa~::~sing ~resentation of some of said
`comml::lnications by one of said partici~ator compl::lters in said groi:J~ wherein the computer
`system is further programmed to allow the first computer to communicate a pointer that
`produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`922. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 897 9G4, wherein one of said
`participator com~l::lters in said grol::l~ is programmed to carry OI:Jt the step of receiving some of
`said comm~::~nications, said receiving incll::lding ca~::~sing presentation of some of said
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4009

`commllnications by one of saia participator compllters in saia grollp wherein the computer
`system is further programmed to allow the first computer to communicate a pointer that
`produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`923. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 898 84-J, wherein one of saia
`participator compllters is programmes to carry Ollt the step of receiving some of saia
`commllnieations, saia reeeiving inelllaing callsing presentation of some of saia eommllnications
`wherein the computer system is further programmed to allow the first computer to communicate
`a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`924. (currently amended) The system of claim 899 900, wherein the plllrality of
`partieipator eompllters are from more than an allaience of a partielllar Internet service provider
`wherein the computer system is further programmed to allow the first computer to communicate
`a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`925. (currently amended) The system of claim 900 879, fllrther inclllaing the step
`of receiving some of saia eommllnieations, saia receiving inclllaing callsing presentation of
`some of saia commllnieations wherein the computer system is further programmed to allow the
`first computer to communicate a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`926. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 904 flri+, \\'herein one of saia
`partieipator compllters is programmes to earry Ollt the step of receiving some of saia
`commllnieations, saia receiving inelllaing eallsing presentation of some of saia eommllnications
`wherein the computer system is further programmed to allow the first computer to communicate
`a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4010

`927. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 905 S+S, 'Nherein one of said
`participator coR=Jp~o~ters is progFaFAFAed to carry o~o~t the step of receiving some of said
`coR=JR=J~o~nications, said receiving incl~o~ding ca~o~sing presentation of soFAe of said comFAI:Jnications
`wherein the computer system is further programmed to allow the first computer to communicate
`a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`928. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 906 884, f~o~rther incii:Jding the
`step of receiving some of said coFAFAI:Jnications, said receiving incl~o~ding ca~o~sing presentation of
`soR=Je of said coFAFA~o~nications wherein the computer system is further programmed to allow the
`first computer to communicate a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`929. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 ~. wherein one
`of said participator coFAp~o~ters is prograFAFAed to carry o~o~t the step of receiving some of said
`coR=JFA~o~nications, said receiving incii:Jding ca~o~sing presentation of soFAe of said coFAFAI:Jnications
`wherein the type includes a pointer.
`930. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 894, wherein one
`of said participator coFAp~o~ters is prograFAFAed to carry o~o~t the step of receiving some of said
`coR=JR=Jl:lnications, said receiving incl~o~ding ca~:.~sing presentation of soFAe of said coFAFAllnications
`wherein the type includes audio.
`931. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 ~. f~o~rther
`incl~o~ding the step of receiving soR=Je of said coFAFA~o~nications, said receiving incl~o~ding ca~o~sing
`presentation of soFAe of said coFAFAunications wherein the type includes a video.
`932. (currently amended)
`The method systeFA of claim 916 SW, f~o~rther
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4011

`including the step of receiving some of said communications, said receiving including causing
`presentation of some of said communications wherein the type includes a graphic.
`933. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 894, •.vherein one
`of said participator computers is programmed to carry out the step of receiving some of said
`communications, said receiving including causing presentation of some of said communications
`wherein the type includes multimedia.
`934. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 895, wherein one
`of said participator computers is programmed to carry out the step of receiving some of said
`communications, said receiving including causing presentation of some of said communications
`wherein the type includes a pointer and audio.
`935. (currently amended)
`The method of claim 916 .:t-99, wherein said step of
`programming is carried out with said sound comprising a human communication sound wherein
`the type includes a pointer and a video.
`936. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 9G-1-, further
`including the step of receiving some of said communications, said receiving including causing
`presentation of some of said communications wherein the type includes a pointer and a
`937. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 9@, wherein one
`of said participator computers is programmed to carry out the step of receiving some of said
`communications, said receiving including causing presentation of some of said communications
`wherein the type includes audio and a graphic.
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4012

`938. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 QQJ, wherein one
`of said participator computers is programmed to carry out the step of receiving some of said
`communications, said receiving including causing presentation of some of said communications
`wherein the type includes audio and video.
`939. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 a99, wherein said
`sound is comprised of a human communication sound wherein the type includes a video and a
`.940. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 9G9, wherein one
`of said participator computers is programmed to carry out the step of receiving some of said
`communications, said receiving including causing presentation of some of said communications
`wherein the type includes a pointer and audio and a video.
`941. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 94-Q, '.\!herein one
`of said participator computers is programmed to carry out the step of receiving some of said
`communications, said receiving including causing presentation of some of said communications
`wherein the type includes a pointer and audio and a graphic.
`942. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916, further including
`the step of receiving some of said communications, said receiving including causing
`presentation of some of said communications wherein the type includes a pointer and a video
`and a graphic.
`943. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 ~.wherein one
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4013

`of said participator computers is programmed to carry out the step of receiving some of said
`communications, said receiving including causing presentation of some of said communications
`wherein the type includes audio and a video and a graphic.
`944. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 916 94-8, wherein one
`of said participator computers is programmed to carry out the step of receiving some of said
`communications, said receiving including causing presentation of some of said communications
`wherein the type includes a pointer and audio and a video and a graphic.
`945. (currently amended)
`The method of claim 916 470, wherein the step of
`connecting is carried out with the plurality of participator computers from more than an
`audience of a particular Internet service wovider further including allowing the first computer to
`communicate a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`946. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 929 43&, \\'herein the
`plurality of participator computers are from more than an audience of a particular Internet
`service provider further including allowing the first computer to communicate a pointer that
`produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`947. (currently amended)
`The method system of claim 929 iW, wherein the
`step of connecting is carried out with the plurality of participator computers from more than an
`audience of a particular Internet service provider further including allowing the first computer to
`communicate a pointer that produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`948. (currently amended)
`The system method of claim 930 895, wherein the
`plurality of participator computers are from more than an audience of a particular Internet
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4014

`servise proviEler further including allowing the first computer to communicate a pointer that
`produces a pointer-triggered message on demand.
`949. (currently amended)
`An Internet network communication system, the
`system including:
`a computer system including at least one sontroller a server computer;
`two or more partisipator a plurality of computers. each of the plurality of
`computers,.eaGR saiEI somputer taking part in the sommunisation systern, eash saiEI partisipator
`somputer connected to an input device and an output device. and, the input Elevise reseiving
`input information from a respeGtive user, the output Elevise presenting messages, eash saiEI
`user having a user iElentity iElentifying the user;
`a communication link ~ between saiG the computer system including at least
`one sontroller a server computer and each saiEI partisipator of the plurality of computer§., each
`of the plurality of computers being connected responsive to its sending information indicative of
`a login name and password. each respective login name and password corresponding to a
`respective user identity. a portion of the sommunisation path passing through or by way of the
`somputer software running on saiEI at least one sontroller somputer regulating
`steps insluEling:
`wherein the server computer is programmed to:
`ElesiEling whether a allow one of the plurality of partisipator computers to Gafl be
`a member in one of a number plurality of communication channels, each said communication
`channel allowing communication between at least some of the plurality of two or more of the
`partisipator computers by way of the communication link. saie at least one sontroller sornputer,
`saie desieing performeEI in assoreanse with previously eefineEI sriteria, saie sriteria inslueing
`exarnining whether a partisular user iElentity is authorizes to assess the sommunisation system;
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4015

`delivering user messages according to the J3reviously defined criteria in real time
`between resei13t and delivery of the messages by said at least one controller somJ3uter so as to
`allow the user to assess the user messages substantially instantaneously; and
`cause graphical multimedia data associated with a first of the log in names to be
`presented at one of the output devices corresponding to a second of the user identities.
`the server computer being further programmed to cause user messages to be
`delivered over or by way of the Internet network. in at least one of the communication channels.
`and in real time between receipt and delivery of the user messages so as to allow access to the
`user messages substantially instantaneously.
`wherein at least some of the user messages are somJ3rised of two or more data
`ty13es from a grou13 including text, audio, individually include at least two of text. a sound. a
`graphic graJ3hiss, an image images, and .€! video or somJ3rised of a URL text that J30ints to at
`least one additional data ty13e other than text.
`950. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 949, wherein at least one of
`said user messages includes a uniform resource locater. whereby the uniform resource locater
`an address that instructs any of the J3artisiJ3ator somJ3uters to locate another media ty13e UJ30n
`astian by one of the users produces a message upon demand.
`951. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 949, wherein at least one of
`said user messages includes the uniform resource locator. whereby the uniform resource
`locator an address that commands any of the J3artisiJ3ator at least one of the plurality of
`computers corresponding to the receipt to locate an additional message and present the
`additional message at a the respective output device.
`952. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 949, •Nherein said deciding
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation, Ex. 1002, p. 4016

`13erfon~es in accorsance with wevioi:Jsly seflnes criteria is carries o1::1t with sais criteria incl~::~sin§!
`exaFRinin§l a 13aSS'Nors in connection with one of sais I:Jser isentities wherein the computer
`system is further programmed to determine whether the receipt is censored. and to cause the
`receipt if the receipt is not censored.
`953. (currently amended)
`A method including: eFR13Ioying corn131:Jter sevices
`to make EJecisions ana EJistribi:Jte COFRFRI:Jnication, the FRethoEJ ineii:JEJing the steps of:
`establishing a communication path between a computer system at least one
`controller eoFRpi:Jter and each of a plurality of 13artiei13ator computers, the coFRrni:Jnieation path
`13assing throi:J§!h or by way of an Internet network, each of sais eoFRp~::~ter taking part in a
`systeFR, each of sais eoFRFRI:Jnieator the plurality of computers respectively connected to an
`input device and to an output device, each of the plurality of computers being connected
`responsive to its sending information indicative of a login name and password. each respective
`login name and password corresponding to a respective user identity. sais in131:Jt seviees
`receiving inp1::1t inforFRation froFR a respective 1::1ser of the system, each of the respective o1:Jt131:Jt
`sevices presenting 1::1ser FRessages, eaeh sais I:Jser having a 1::1ser isentity isentifying the I:Jser;
`wograFRFRing the at least one eontroller coFRpi:Jter to sirect commi:Jnieation of
`~::~ser messa§les froFR one or FA ore of the 13articipator GOFR131::1ters to one or FA ore other of the
`partieipator corn131:Jters;
`decisin§! with the at least one controller com131::1ter Vlhether a partieipator
`eornp1::1ter can be a FRember in one of a n1::1rnber of eomm~::~nieation channels, each sais
`cornmi:Jnieation ehannel allowing eomm~::~nication between two or FA ore of the 13artiei13ator

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