(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0089627 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`May 15, 2003
`Chelles et al.
`US 20030089627A1
`(52) Us. 01. ............................................................ .. 206/219
`(76) Inventors: Gustavo Senna Chelles, Sao Paulo
`(BR); Miriam Romy Hayashi, Sao
`Paulo (BR)
`Correspondence Address:
`Ho?'man, Wasson & Gitler, PC.
`Suite 522
`2361 J e?'erson Davis Highway
`Arlington, VA 22202 (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Jul. 31, 2002
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Nov. 9, 2001 (BR) ................................... .. P10105971-8
`Publication Classi?cation
`(51) Int. Cl.7 ................................................... .. B65D 25/08
`The present invention relates to a multi-component packing
`that alloWs for the separation of tWo or more substances that
`come in liquid, poWer or small grains form, held inside
`independent chambers. As a result, the mixing of the com
`ponents can be made by the user at the moment of applica
`tion, enabling the preservation of the components chemical
`properties, Which should not be mixed until the moment of
`application. The invention prevents the contact of the sub
`stances With the user and the environment, making their
`transportation easier, reducing the number of pieces and
`steps in the mixing operation. It makes only necessary ?rstly
`the rupture of the seals that separate the multiple indepen
`dent chambers that hold the components, secondly the shake
`movement for homogenizing the mixing for its application,
`and ?nally the removal of the mixing for application.
`Top view of Lid
`AA section

`Patent Application Publication May 15, 2003 Sheet 1 of 5
`US 2003/0089627 A1
`Figure 1
`AA section
`Top view of Lid
`Figure 2
`System Wlih VlI‘gl? seat
`System with broken seai,
`by rotatory movement

`Patent Application Publication May 15, 2003 Sheet 2 0f 5
`US 2003/0089627 A1
`Figure 3

`Patent Application Publication May 15, 2003 Sheet 3 0f 5
`US 2003/0089627 A1
`Figure 5
`Figure 6
`System with dual injection
`Figure 7
`System with single injection
`Figure 8
`Figure 9
`System with dual injection
`Top View
`System with single injection
`Top View

`Patent Application Publication May 15, 2003 Sheet 4 0f 5
`US 2003/0089627 A1
`Figure 11

`Patent Application Publication May 15, 2003 Sheet 5 0f 5
`US 2003/0089627 A1

`US 2003/0089627 A1
`May 15, 2003
`[0001] The present invention refers to the ?eld of packings
`for substances, in the form of liquid, powder or small grains.
`[0002] According to the TB-77 RULES (conditioning and
`packing: Brazilian Technology (1972), from BraZilian Asso
`ciation of Technical Rules), packings are recipients, cover
`ings, boxes, Which must protect, hold and preserve materials
`and equipment.
`[0003] Packings have a signi?cant importance. Almost
`any products are packed, in their ?nal con?guration or
`during the intermediate phases of production and transpor
`[0004] The ?rst packings Were created more than ten
`thousand years ago, and Were used as simple recipients for
`drinking and storage. The ?rst material used in large scale to
`the packing production Was glass, during the ?rst century
`BC, by the Syrians.
`[0005] In the beginning of the nineteenth century, the ?rst
`steel and tin cans began to be produced, spreading over
`during the Second World War. Because of the increasing
`price of these materials, in 1959, the aluminum cans began
`to be used to hold beer.
`[0006] Since the Second World War, there have been
`numerous innovations in packing production, like the use of
`paper, cardboard and plastic, poWered by the need of easy
`[0007] Today, the packings folloW the global trends, pre
`senting special characteristics and neW materials. Product
`and packing are becoming connected, in a Way that it is
`impossible to consider one Without the other.
`[0008] In that Way, its possible to adequate the packing to
`suitable dimensioning for manipulation, moving, transpor
`tation, among others.
`[0009] Some packings require a unique system, since they
`are supposed to hold products Whose properties can be lost
`if its components are mixed together for a long period. For
`this reason, such components must be packed in separate
`chambers, mixed by the user only at the moment of appli
`[0010] The solutions for the transportation of this kind of
`components are normally based on multiple boxes or ?asks,
`or multiple chamber syringes. These solutions usually lead
`to the need of voluminous and mechanically complex pack
`ings, involving mixing operations made up of multiple steps,
`such as:
`[0011] 1) The user opens the ?ask seal of the ?rst sub
`[0012] 2) The user removes one of the components from
`its packing or ?ask, using a syringe.
`[0013] 3) The user removes the seal from the second
`[0014] 4) The user injects the ?rst component inside the
`packing of the second.
`[0015] 5) The user shakes the mixing, in order to homog
`eniZe it or/and cause the catalysis of the active principles.
`[0016] 6) The user removes the mixing, in order to inocu
`late or use it.
`[0017] For the best description of the present invention,
`the folloWing draWings are presented:
`[0018] FIG. 1 presents the multi-component packing
`through the AA section, With the translation seal-breaking
`[0019] FIG. 2 shoWs the multi-component packing
`through the AA section With the rotatory seal-breaking
`[0020] FIG. 3 presents examples of independent chambers
`created among the breakable seals;
`[0021] FIG. 4 shoWs a rigid structure that can be con
`nected to the lid of the packing, alloWing the separate sealing
`of some of the components;
`[0022] FIG. 5 shoWs another structure con?guration that
`can be connected to the neck of the packing;
`[0023] FIG. 6 presents an AA section of the dual injection
`system for producing the packing lid;
`[0024] FIG. 7 presents an AA section of the single injec
`tion system for producing the packing lid;
`[0025] FIG. 8 presents a top vieW of the dual injection
`[0026] FIG. 9 presents a top vieW of the single injection
`[0027] FIG. 10 presents the front vieW of the packing lid;
`[0028] FIG. 11 shoWs the bottom vieW of the packing lid;
`[0029] FIG. 12 shoWs the multi-component packing func
`tional diagram, using the translation seal-rupture system.
`[0030] The present invention relates to a multi-component
`packing similar to a ?ask, for stand alone use, or for use With
`separate injection devices, like syringes, Which alloWs the
`physical separation and transportation of tWo or more sub
`stances, in the form of liquid, poWder or small grains, kept
`inside independent chambers. Through this con?guration,
`the mixing of the components is done by the user at the
`moment of product application, in a Way to preserve the
`chemical properties of the substances, Which can only be
`mixed at the time of application. Moreover, contact With the
`user and the environment is minimiZed, transportation is
`optimiZed and the number of operations involved in mixing
`are reduced to the rupture of the seals that separate the
`multiple component chambers, the shake movement and the
`removal of the mixed solution for application.
`[0031] The multi-component packing is a result of the
`combination of all or some of the folloWing items or devices:
`[0032] A ?ask (1), of any siZe and shape.

`US 2003/0089627 A1
`May 15, 2003
`[0033] A lid (2), that can be attached to the ?ask (1) by
`screw thread, pressure, gluing, fusion, Welding, or any other
`process of union betWeen tWo pieces. The lid (1) can have
`a lowering on its top to make it easy for a needle to penetrate,
`so that the mixing can be removed. To avoid the undesirable
`rupture of the seal, the lid can include a non-violation
`system, not shoWn in the draWings.
`[0034] A structure (3) that is the loWer part of the lid, as
`shoWn in FIG. 2, Which adapts itself to the ?ask’s (1) neck,
`in Which the upper part of the lid, being exposed to a rotatory
`movement applied by the user, produces a translation move
`ment, causing a sharp edge (4) to break the seals. As shoWn
`in FIG. 1, the rupture of the seal can be also produced by the
`pressure of a ?nger on the top of a lid, producing a
`translation movement of the breaking structures against the
`[0035] Single or multiple independent chambers (6),
`sealed by one or more breakable seals (5), Which are placed
`next to the ?nish of a movable structure (7) placed inside the
`lid (2), as shoWn at FIG. 1, or through the creation of a
`sealed space betWeen tWo ?exible and breakable seals (5), as
`presented at FIG. 3, or inserted in a rigid structure (8)
`connected to the lid (2), as shoWn at FIG. 4, or inserted in
`a rigid structure (9) connected to the lid and attached to the
`?ask’s neck (1), as shoWn at FIG. 5.
`[0036] A movable structure (7), With sharp and cutting
`edges or points Which, When being pressed by the user
`?nger, describes a doWnWard movement, breaking simulta
`neously the seals (5), through a system of single or dual
`injection, as presented at FIGS. 6 and 7, respectively,
`making it possible for the components inside the sealed
`chamber to mix together With those inside the main ?ask
`[0037] A rigid structure (8), made of any material, sealed
`on its superior and inferior faces by ?exible and breakable
`seals (5), presenting one or more independent chambers (6)
`and being connected to the lid (2) by screW thread, pressure,
`gluing, fusion, Welding or any other process of union
`betWeen tWo pieces.
`[0038] A rigid structure (9), as shoWn at FIG. 5, made of
`any material, connected to the lid (2) and attached to the
`?ask’s neck (1) by screW thread, pressure, gluing, fusion,
`Welding or any other process of union betWeen tWo pieces,
`and presenting multiple sharp edges (10) that promotes the
`rupture of the ?exible and breakable seals (5), When acti
`vated by the user through the movable structure
`[0039] In the translation seal-rupture system, the user
`pressure on the movable structure (7), Which presents sharp
`and cutting edges or points, causes it to describe a doWnWard
`translation movement, breaking the seals (5) and releasing
`the components of the single or multiple independent cham
`bers (6) to the interior of the main ?ask, promoting their
`[0040] In the rotatory seal-rupture system, the rotation of
`the lid (2) promotes the doWnWard translation movement of
`the internal structure (7), causing the sharp edges (4 or 10)
`to break the seals (5), releasing the components kept inside
`the independent chambers (6) to the main ?ask
`[0041] FIG. 12 shoWs the Whole translation operation—
`the resulting mixing can be removed from the main ?ask
`through the perforation of the loWering placed on the top of
`the lid, using a syringe or simply removing the lid.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A packing for multi-components, comprising multiple
`independent chambers, placed inside and beloW a movable
`structure inserted inside a lid of a ?ask or generated by a
`sealed space betWeen tWo breakable seals or inside a rigid
`structure connected to the lid or inserted in the rigid struc
`ture, Which is connected to the lid and attached to the ?ask’s
`2. The packing for multi-components, according to claim
`1, further comprising single or multiple independent cham
`bers Which are sealed by one or more breakable seals.
`3. The packing for multi-components, according to claim
`2, further comprising a movable structure, Which has sharp
`and cutting edges or points, capable of breaking the one or
`more seals simultaneously by the pressure of a user’s ?nger.
`4. The packing for multi-components, according to claim
`3, Wherein the movable structure is generated by a single or
`dual injection system, responsible for the rupture of the
`breakable seals.
`5. The packing for multi-components, according to claim
`1, Wherein the rigid structure is sealed on a top and a bottom
`face by breakable seals, offering single or multiple indepen
`dent chambers, being connected to the ?ask’s lid.
`6. The packing for multi-components, according to claim
`5, Wherein the rigid structure is connected to the lid by a
`screW thread, pressure, gluing, fusion or Welding.
`7. The packing for multi-components, according to claim
`1, Wherein the rigid structure Which has one or more
`independent chambers and a rigid structure that is connected
`to the ?ask’s lid neck.
`8. The packing for multi-components, according to claim
`6, further comprising at least one sharp edge responsible for
`the rupture of the breakable seals, When the movable struc
`ture is translated from a rotatory or a translation action over
`the lid.
`9. The packing for multi-components, according to the
`claim 1, Wherein the rigid structure is connected to the lid
`and attached to the ?ask’s neck by a screW thread, pressure,
`gluing, fusion, or Welding.
`10. The packing for multi-components, according to claim
`1, further comprising a ?ask’s lid that With a non-violation
`means or a loWering on its top face.

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